The document is a vision document from I.N.D.I.A. TRUST that aims to develop a profile of what Indian society must become to thrive in the modern era. It believes that many current practices are outdated and hinder development. I.N.D.I.A. TRUST will examine barriers to development in Indian society, with a focus on issues facing youth, and consider how to modify society in a humane way so that it can better meet needs across lifetimes in the information age. The organization seeks public input to help with adapting society through rethinking collective commitments.
The document is a vision document from I.N.D.I.A. TRUST that aims to develop a profile of what Indian society must become to thrive in the modern era. It believes that many current practices are outdated and hinder development. I.N.D.I.A. TRUST will examine barriers to development in Indian society, with a focus on issues facing youth, and consider how to modify society in a humane way so that it can better meet needs across lifetimes in the information age. The organization seeks public input to help with adapting society through rethinking collective commitments.
The document is a vision document from I.N.D.I.A. TRUST that aims to develop a profile of what Indian society must become to thrive in the modern era. It believes that many current practices are outdated and hinder development. I.N.D.I.A. TRUST will examine barriers to development in Indian society, with a focus on issues facing youth, and consider how to modify society in a humane way so that it can better meet needs across lifetimes in the information age. The organization seeks public input to help with adapting society through rethinking collective commitments.
The document is a vision document from I.N.D.I.A. TRUST that aims to develop a profile of what Indian society must become to thrive in the modern era. It believes that many current practices are outdated and hinder development. I.N.D.I.A. TRUST will examine barriers to development in Indian society, with a focus on issues facing youth, and consider how to modify society in a humane way so that it can better meet needs across lifetimes in the information age. The organization seeks public input to help with adapting society through rethinking collective commitments.
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Nation is today under criticism.
Many citizens believe that the society should return to the basic and fundamentals.
I.N.D.I.A. TRUST believe that many practices are anachronistic and dehumanizing and we are attempting to show how these conditions by new ways of leaderships that can be initialised.
We have addressed that there is an easy solution to any of our national problems. Or do we believe, that the problems are in the incurable consequence of life in the modern era.
If one takes a cross national perspective one discovers that certain societies are adapting more successfully to the requirement to information age than the others.
Moreover, the societies that appear to be adapting most successfully, are those that have historically placed a very high value on learning, and regard it as the life long process.
What I.N.D.I.A. TRUST is doing in the present project is to develop a profile of what a society must be like, if it is to thrive in modern era.
Our programme will examine the way in which the development are fostered when the transition to modern era is being negotiated most successfully.
I.N.D.I.A. TRUST will examine barriers such development that exist in our own society within special emphasis on factors leading to emotional, behavioural or academic problems to our youth but with additional emphasis on barriers to continuous development.
I.N.D.I.A. TRUST will consider the problem or revitalising and/or modifying our own society in a fashion that will more successfully meet the needs of the society across the life span in human and humane fashion.
I.N.D.I.A. TRUST is requesting you to include your though process in this consideration as an explicit recognition that such adaptations may require rethinking the nature of collective commitment between you and us and the society we comprise.
I.N.D.I.A. TRUST is requesting you to include your thought process in this consideration as an explicit recognition that such adaptations may require rethinking the nature of collective commitment between you and us and the educational society we comprise.
To this let us join hands together to identify those citizens who shall be the torchbearers of the nation.
- Most of us will log five to fifty times, the experience of our fore fathers of few hundred years ago. Many of them received at birth, the pattern for their lives, growing up to be a farmer, weaver, soldier, worker or mother, bearing and burying one baby after another.
Rich or poor, peasants or aristocrats, your life followed the same formula your parents had for ages past.
There were advantages, of course. They knew who they were, what to feed their children. The comfort of sameness and a lack of option.
Our everyday lives reflected the quantum leap in the complexity and pace of contemporary experience. We are caught uncertain, unprepared and unprotected in the face of too much happening too often.
Some of us withdraw from the onslaught, we become workaholic or we find numbing solace in addictions or in hours, spent staring, at the television.
Too many of us agree to lives of social monotony and progressive dimming of our passion for life.
But many, a significant number, are trying to understand and the momentous, opportunity that is ours.
How do we prepare ourselves for such times? How do we prepare ourselves to take responsibilities for the personal as well as the national progress.
We have not been trained for this task and the usual formulas and stop‐gap solutions will not help us. The density and intimacy of the global village, the staggering consequences of our new knowledge and technologies make us directors of a world that, up to now, has mostly directed us.
Today our extremely limited consciousness has powers over life and death.
Extremely limited consciousness has given us governments that are too large for the small problems of an individual and too small in spirit for the large problems of the populace.
What qualities of mind, body and spirit can overcome these limitations.
How do we go about, preparing ourselves to become stewards of the country, filled with enough passion for the possible to partner and network one another, through the greatest social, economic and political transformation ever known?
I.N.D.I.A. TRUST is about discovering and developing these qualities.
It is about our natural ability to gain a passion for the possible through the greater use of our innate potentials.
Only in this way we can rise to the challenge of our times and ferry ourselves across the dangerous waters.
Regardless of under development of how unfulfilled our lives may seem regardless of how meager our self esteem, we are called into greatness by the necessity of our age and we have little choice but to say YES.
You may be thinking that this is an impossible task. We all feel inadequate when it comes to stopping the flood of problems, or to growing beyond our personal limitations. We often feel our own inadequacy to serve the country and wish to do before we die and we relate it to those who also feel that time is running out if we are going to make a difference and make a better nation.
In the new era that lies just ahead, all these individual skills and fresh solutions will be needed to face the perils and harvest the promise of this world. People and ideas are fast becoming interconnected in ways that create a new environment.
The challenge is in figuring out how our local minds can hope to cope with the resulting overload of information. Too many people are already drowning in the glue on watching movies, week end parties etc.
But others, have found ideas, giving them courage to take on projects they never would have dreamed possible.
It is as if a nationwide nervous system is in the works. Each of us is a brain cell in that system, with powers that once belonged to kings.
How do we train ourselves to live in an interconnected society and ever changing nation, a nation in which unexpected is expected and breakdown and reconstruction of everything we ever knew is daily fare? We are attending a vast wake for a way of being that has been ours for thousands of years.
But we are also the ones who will carry on. We have an unparalleled opportunity to cultivate the human capacities that we need to deal with the opening times that follow upon closing times. The good news is that our bodies and minds are coded with an extraordinary array of possibilities and potentials. The bad news is that we learn to use very few of them.
It is as if we are a musical instrument with a million keys, but we exploit only some twenty of them. The stupendous music of our minds go largely unplayed and unknown.
It is as if we are living in the middle of a vast garden filled with wonderful fruits and vegetables, starving because we eat only the bugs we find on the ground.
Existing on so narrow a band has brought frustration and misery, the shadow of hate and the threat of apocalypse. Our ecological catastrophe has been engendered by the gross overuse of the outward world and the terrible underuse of the inner world.
Human beings are not constituted to be content with living as thwarted, inhibited versions of themselves. Throughout history and all over the world, people have felt a yearning to be more, a longing to push the membrane of the possible. They have entered monasteries and mystery schools, pursuing secular as well as esoteric studies. They have practiced yoga, martial arts, sports, dance, art. They have left home and family to adventure beyond the ordinary, embarking on visionary and spiritual quests.
These pursuits come with the territory of being human. It is as if there are catalytic agents cooking in our genes that regularly sputter and pop with evolutionary juices. “it is time to wake up now,” they seem to say.
Today you can start and make the most of the rest of your life. each day brings new thoughts and feelings or interesting variations on old ones. No longer is 90 percent of what you think and feel the same as what you thought and felt yesterday or will think and feel tomorrow.
Many of the so‐caller larger‐than‐life people differ from the rest of us chiefly in this respect: It is not that they are actually longer in mind and soul or more brilliant. Rather, they are profoundly present to the stuff of their lives, to what is happening within themselves as well as around them.
They use and enjoy their senses more, they inhabit with keen awareness their bodies as well as their minds, they explore the world of imagery and imagination, they rehearse memories, engage in projects that reinvent the nation, are serious about life but laugh at themselves and seek to empower others as they would be empowered. Quite simply, they are cooking on more burners. And when at last they lie dying, they can say, “Life has been an eminently satisfactory experience.”
I.N.D.I.A. TRUST is to show people how to wake up, how to inhabit parts of themselves that have been left vacant and unexplored.
Believe that you are more, that you contain an inner self, a true self that can emerge only if you give it attention. You might consider it the foetus of your Higher Self, an evolutionary being ready to be born.
Much of the urgency that you have felt these last years‐moving between stress and distress, the sense of living in an outmoded condition, the exhilaration before what is not yet, the dread of leaving the womb of the old era‐comes from the birth pangs of a social evolution that is upon us.
New life requires new thought. It means laying down new pathways in the senses to take in the news of this remarkable nation. It means extending the field of your psychology so that there is more of you choose a richer, juicier story, even a new myth, by which to comprehend you life and that you be sourced and re‐ sourced.
We will begin to seek these pathways, fields, stories, and sources. I.N.D.I.A. TRUST will be your guide, your friend of the road. Together we will journey into different levels of self, extraordinary depths, each with its own treasures and powers.
Through a decade of research and teaching, we have found that all human beings contain these inner realms, but few have more than a passing acquaintance with what they hold. Most are familiar with only the surface dimensions, leaving their inward reaches unexplored.
Yet it is in the world within that these realms of being have their greatest range, variety, and depth. In them lie dormant potential. In them are the materials for reweaving mind and body. From them you get marching orders for your soul’s deepest purpose. From them you begin again!
What are these familiar yet alien realms?
The most accessible is the sensory, physical realm, the level of the body and the senses. Next is the psychological realm, the level of personal history and emotions. The third is the mythic and symbolic realm, the level of story and of universal patterns. The deepest, the spiritual realm, is the great mystery out of which we all emerge.
Let us begin our journey by making a quick trip to these realms, just to get a sense of the lay of the land. After that, we will take a more extensive voyage of discovery into the hidden reaches and secret byways of each dimension of our being.