Chapter 1: Meaning, Objective, Values and Health
Chapter 1: Meaning, Objective, Values and Health
Chapter 1: Meaning, Objective, Values and Health
The value of physical education activities are found in the resulting development and adjustment
of the individual. Engaging in any activity stimulates in some degree the 4 types of development,
although different activities emphasize different amounts. Regular exercise and physical activity
are extremely important and beneficial for long-term health and well-being.
⚫ Organic – the development of power and endurance of the heart, lungs, heat-regulating
mechanism, and digestive and eliminating organs.
⚫ Neuromuscular – the development of skills and coordination required in the mastery of
life’s varied activities can be directly attributed to physical education.
⚫ Interpretive – a type of development which strengthens the thinking, interpreting, and
problem-solving processes of the individual.
⚫ Emotional – the development and maturing of impulses and emotions through activities
which gives them expression under natural controls such as officials, rules, traditions, and the
person’s desire to stay in the game and play are inherent in team sports where fear, anger, joy,
and other powerful emotions are experienced.
Health Benefits of Physical Education
● Physical Education helps person prevent acquiring various sickness and diseases.
● Physical Education does not only train the students in sports. It teaches them to
internalize the value of sports and its related benefits.
● Physical Education basically aims to develop physical fitness and to maintain it.
● Improved physical fitness: A good program improves children's muscular strength, flexi
muscular endurance, body composition (fat-to-muscle ratio) and cardiovascular endurance.
● Stronger bones: Regular physical activity increases bone density to create a sturdy skel
● Weight regulation: A good program can help children regulate their weight by burning ca
toning their bodies, and improving their overall body composition.
● Health promotion: Appropriate physical activity prevents the onset of some diseases an
postpones the debilitating effects of the aging process.
● Improved judgment: Quality physical education can influence moral development. Stude
have the opportunity to assume leadership, cooperate with others, and accept responsibility for
own behavior.
● Self-discipline: A good program teachers children to follow rules and established
procedures and to be responsible for the own health-related fitness.
● Skill development: Physical education develops skills which allow enjoyable and
rewarding participation in physical activities. New skills become easier to learn.
● Experience setting goals: Physical education gives children the time and
encouragements they need to set and strive for personal, achievable goals.
● Stress reduction: Physical activity is an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety.