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Chapter 1: Meaning, Objective, Values and Health

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■ Physical Education (PE)
■ It is the interdisciplinary study of all areas of science
relating to the transmission of physical knowledge and
skills to an individual or a group, the application of
these skills, and their results. Physical Education is an
important segment of general education which aims to
contribute to the total development of the learner
through participation in selected activities. Thus, it
provides opportunities to acquire lifelong skills that are
essential to his physical, mental, social, and emotional
■ Physical Education is an integral part of young people's
education in senior cycle. As a result of their learning in
physical education, young people can increase their
enjoyment, confidence, and competence in a range of
physical activities. They can learn about health-related
fitness and take responsibility for being physically active
now and in the future. Overall, they can develop positive
attitudes to physical activity and its importance in a
healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
■ Physical education has been defined in many ways. According to the PE1 workbook for tertiary level made by:
■ Eviza, et al. (2007), Lumpkin (2002) defined physical education as process through which an individual obtains
optimal mental, social, and fitness skills through physical activities
■ Revelo (1972) had the concepts of P.E as an education through or by means of physical activities.
■ Dr. Carmen Tabije Andin (1978) define P.E as an integral part of the education program designed to promote the
optimum development of an individual physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially through total body movements
on the performance of properly selected physical activities. Further, she explained that P.E offers unique
opportunities for the development of the individual who can easily find himself fit to live in the new society, as well as
to contribute his maximum capacity in the service of his fellowmen, his country and above all, his God.
■ Major Goal of Physical Education
■ Considering these four aspects;
■ Fitness is the ability
■ To live a healthy
■ Satisfying
■ Useful life
■ This kind of life is what the education philosophers and thinkers’ tern as the “good life”. This is the ultimate goal of
Objectives of Physical Education
The following objectives of Physical Education are
viewed and stated in terms of their contribution to the
outcomes of education.
Physical development – Through carefully selected
physical education activities, an individual who
participates actively will develop and maintain good
health and high level of physical activity.
Social development – Participation in physical activities
give opportunities for the development of desirable
social traits that are needed for adjustment to the social
life in general.
Some worthwhile traits are:
⚫ Friendliness
⚫ Cooperation
⚫ Respect for the right of others
⚫ Good Sportsmanship
⚫ Honesty in the group activity or competition
Emotional development – The informal nature
of physical education offers opportunities for
the development of expression and emotional
traits needed for emotional mastery like:
⚫ Self-confidence
⚫ Self-control
⚫ Self-reliance
⚫ Courage and Determination
Mental development – Through participating
in physical education activities, the individual
develops his mental capacities as he/she
learns the mechanical principles or underlying
movement, as the learner acquire knowledge
and understanding of rules and strategies of
games and sports and the ability to analyze
and give judgments.
Values of Physical Education

The value of physical education activities are found in the resulting development and adjustment
of the individual. Engaging in any activity stimulates in some degree the 4 types of development,
although different activities emphasize different amounts. Regular exercise and physical activity
are extremely important and beneficial for long-term health and well-being.

Four types of development

⚫ Organic – the development of power and endurance of the heart, lungs, heat-regulating
mechanism, and digestive and eliminating organs.
⚫ Neuromuscular – the development of skills and coordination required in the mastery of
life’s varied activities can be directly attributed to physical education.
⚫ Interpretive – a type of development which strengthens the thinking, interpreting, and
problem-solving processes of the individual.
⚫ Emotional – the development and maturing of impulses and emotions through activities
which gives them expression under natural controls such as officials, rules, traditions, and the
person’s desire to stay in the game and play are inherent in team sports where fear, anger, joy,
and other powerful emotions are experienced.
Health Benefits of Physical Education

● Physical Education helps person prevent acquiring various sickness and diseases.

● Physical Education provides information about the person’s physical condition.

● Physical Education does not only train the students in sports. It teaches them to
internalize the value of sports and its related benefits.

● Physical Education basically aims to develop physical fitness and to maintain it.

● Physical Education provides students an avenue to develop aesthetic inclination like

dancing; it teaches students to be graceful in movements which after all, the basic requirement to
illustrate beauty of dance.
● Reduced risk of heart disease: Physical education can counteract major risk factors of
coronary heart disease: obesity, inactivity and high blood pressure.

● Improved physical fitness: A good program improves children's muscular strength, flexi
muscular endurance, body composition (fat-to-muscle ratio) and cardiovascular endurance.

● Stronger bones: Regular physical activity increases bone density to create a sturdy skel

● Weight regulation: A good program can help children regulate their weight by burning ca
toning their bodies, and improving their overall body composition.

● Health promotion: Appropriate physical activity prevents the onset of some diseases an
postpones the debilitating effects of the aging process.

● Improved judgment: Quality physical education can influence moral development. Stude
have the opportunity to assume leadership, cooperate with others, and accept responsibility for
own behavior.
● Self-discipline: A good program teachers children to follow rules and established
procedures and to be responsible for the own health-related fitness.

● Skill development: Physical education develops skills which allow enjoyable and
rewarding participation in physical activities. New skills become easier to learn.

● Experience setting goals: Physical education gives children the time and
encouragements they need to set and strive for personal, achievable goals.

● Improved self-confidence and self-esteem: Physical education instills a strong sense

of self-worth in children. They can become more confident, assertive, emotionally stable,
independent, and self-controlled.

● Stress reduction: Physical activity is an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety.

Source: Physical Education 1 for College by: Doris D. Tulio.

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