LL.B - 3RD Sem
LL.B - 3RD Sem
LL.B - 3RD Sem
1-Define marriage under muslim Law .Explain its essential elements and kinds of muslim
marriages ?
eqfLye fof/k ds vUrxZr fookg dks ifjHkkf’kr dhft, rFkk fookg dh vko”;d “krsZ ,ao fookg ds izdkj dk
o.kZu djs \
2-What is divorce ( Talaq ) ? What is the need of Talaq ? Discuss its Various types ?
fookg &foPNsn rykd D;k gS\ rykd dh vko”;drk D;k gS\ blds fofHkUu izdkjks dks le>kb;s \
3-Define dower under muslim law . How many kinds are ther in muslim law ? Define fully ?
eqfLye fof/k ds vuqlkj esgj dks ifjHkkf’kr dhft, \ eqfLye fof/k ds vUrxZr esgj fdrus izdkj ds gksrs gS \ iw.kZr;k
o.kZu dhft, \
5-Define pre-emption . Can the pre-emption be claimed on the ground of vieinage in India ?
“kqQk dks ifjHkkf’kr dhft,\ D;k Hkkjr es iMksl ds vk/kkj ij “kqQk dk nkok fd;k tk ldrk gS \
7-What are the Various schools of muslim law ? Discuss the main characteristic of schools ?
eqfLye fof/k es fofHkUu izdkj dh fopkj/kkjk;sa dkSu&dkSu lh gSA fopkj/kkvksa d izeq[k fo”ks’krkvks dk o.kZu djsa \
8-Describe the detail the duties of a curator under Indian succession Act regarding muslims ?
Hkkjrh; mRrjkf/kdkj vf/kfu;e ds vUrxZr D;wjsVj ds eqfLye ds lEcU/k es D;k nkf;Ro gksrs gSA foLrkj ls le>kb;s
1.Talaqe – Sunnat and Talaqe - biddat ( rykds lqUur vkSj rykds fcnznr ).
eqfLye oS;fDrd fof/k ds L=ksr ds :i es bTek rFkk D;kl ds egRo dh O;k[;k dhft, \
1-la;Dq r jk"Vª la?k dh LFkkiuk ds dkj.kksa] mnns';ksa vkSj ekSfyd fl)kUrksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu fdft, rFkk blds izeq[k vaxksa ds uke Hkh crkb;sa \
Explain in brief the reasons, objects and main principles for the establishment of United Nations
Organization and also name its principal organs ?
2-la;Dq r jk"Vª la?k dh lnL;rk izkIRk djus] lnL;ksa ds fuyEcu] fu"dklu vkSj izR;kgj.k lEcU/kh izko/kkuksa dk laf{kIr o.kZu dhft, \
Explain in brief the provisions relating to the acquisition of the membership of U.N.o, Suspension, expulsion
and withdrawals of its membership ?
3-la;Dq r jk"Vª la?k dh egklHkk ds laxBu rFkk mlds fofHkUu dk;ksaZ vkSj 'kfDr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft,\
Explain the constitution of General Assembly of U.N.O and its, various function and powers ?
Explain fully the constitution and various jurisdiction of the International court of Justice ?
7-izR;iZ.k ls vki D;k le>rs gS\ izR;iZ.k dh ifjHkk"kk nhft,A izR;iZ.k ds fy, vko';d rRoksa dh foospuk fdft,A bldh vko';d 'krsZ D;k
gS\ vius mRrj dks fu.khZr oknksa dh lgk;rk ls le>kb;sa \
What do you understand by 'Extradition' ? Give the definition of Extradition. What are its essential
conditions. Explain your answer with the help of decided cases ?
8-D;k vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k ;FkkFkZ eas fof/k gS\ blds i= rFkk foi{k eas dkj.k nhft,\
Is International Law a true Law? Give reasons in favour and against of it?
9-jk"Vªh;rk D;k gS\ bldk fu/kkZj.k dSls gksrk gS\ jk"Vªh; dk vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k ds vUrxZr D;k egRo gS \ jk"Vªh;rk dks izkIr djus rFkk [kksus
lekfIr ds rjhdksa dk mYys[k dhft,\
What is Nationality? How is it ascertained ? what is it importance of Nationality under International Law?
Discuss the modes of acquiring and losing Nationality?
10-vUrjkZ"Vªh; fooknksa dk fuiVkjk djus ds fy, 'kkfUriw.kZ rjhdksa dk o.kZu dhft,\
11-ekU;rk ds fofHkUu fl)kUrksa dh O;k[;k fdft,A rF;r% ,oa fof/kr% ekU;rk eas vUrj Li"V dhft,\
Discuss the different theories of recognition. Distinguish between the de facto and de jure recognition?
(i) lfU/k (Treaty) (ii) iSDVk lUV losZUMk (Pacta Sunt Servanda) (iii) vkJ; (Asylum) (iv) rnoLFkk (Rebus Sic
Stanti Bus) (v) ukdkcUnh (Blockade)
Izk”kklfud fof/k dh ifjHkk’kk nhft, A bldh izdzfr ,ao {ks= dk o.kZu dhft, \s
2-Define Administrative Tribunal .Give the reasons for the growth of Tribunals .
Ikz”kklfud vf/kdj.k dks ifjHkkf’kr dhft, A vf/kdj.kksa dh fodkl ds dkj.kks dh foospuk dhft, \
3-Define ‘’ Rule of law ‘’. What is the importance of rule of law in welfare state ?
** fof/k “kklu ** dks ifjHkkf’kr dhft, A dY;k.kdkjh jkT; es fof/k “kklu dk D;k egRo gS\
4-What is ‘’Lokpal’’. What steps have been taken in India in regards of the appointment of
Lokpal ?
Ykksdiky D;k gS\ yksdiky dh fu;qfDr ds lEcU/k es Hkkjr es D;k dne mBk;s x;s gS\
5-Define ‘’Delegated Legislation ‘’. Discuss the necessity and importance of Delegated Legislation
**izR;k;ksftr fo/kku ** dh ifjHkk’kk nhft, A bldh vko”;drk vkSj egRo dh foospuk dhft, \
Izkkdzfrd U;k; D;k gS\ izkdzfrd U;k; ds eq[; fl)kUrks dh O;k[;k dhft, \s
7-What is public Interest litigation ? Explain its origin and nature in the Indian context .
Ykksdfgr okn D;k gS \ Hkkjr ds lUnHkZ es bldh mRifRr vkSj izdzfr dk o.kZu dhft, \
**nksuks i{kks dks lqus tkus ds fl)kUr** ij ,d laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k, \ss
9-‘’No person shall be a judge in his own case ‘’ Discuss this rule ?
dksbZ Hkh O;fDr vius okn es U;k;k/kh”k u gksxk bl fu;e dh foospuk dhft, \
izR;k;ksftr fo/kku ij fd;s tkus okys fofHkUu fu;U=.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, \ss
2- Discuss the law relating to transfer for the benefit of unborn person ?
vtUes O;fDr dks ykHk vUrj.k ls lEcfU/kr fof/k dks foospuk dhft, \
3- Explain the doctrine of ‘’ dispendens’’ and narrate the essential conditions of the
application of doctrine ?
**yfEcr okn ** ds fl)kUr dh foospuk dhft, rFkk bl fl)kUr dks ykxw djus ds fy, vko”;d ‘ “krksZ
dk mYys[k dhft, \
4-Explain the nature and meaning of mortage . what is the mode of effecting it ?
5-Who are the persons entitled to redeem a mortage ? Discuss the mortage,s is right to
sue for mortage money ?
Cak/kd ekspu dk vf/kdkj fdldks gksrk gS \ D;k ca/kddRrkZ ca/kdh dk iSlk olwyus dk vf/kdkj j[krk gSS \
6-Define ‘’Lease’’ what are its essential elements, when can a lease terminated ?
iVVs dh ifjHkk’kk o blds vko”;d rRo crkb, A iVVk dc lekIr gks tkrk gS \s
7-Define ‘’ Transfer of property ‘’ under ‘’Transfer of property act’’ . what are the essentials
of valid transfer ?
lEifRr vUrj.k vf/kfu;e ds lEifRr ds vUrj.k dks ifjHkk’kk dhft, A ,d oS/k vUrj.k dh vko”;d “krsZ crkb,
nzz’;eku Lokeh dkSu gS\ ,d nz’;eku Lokeh dk vUrfjr okLrfod Lokeh ds fo:) dc lajf{kr gS\
9-Define ‘’Gifs ‘’. What are the essentials of a valid gift. When can a gift be suspended or
revoked ? Discuss with the delp of decided cases ?
nku dh ifjHk’kk nhft, A ,d oS/k nku dh vio”;d ‘”krsZ D;k gS\ ,d oS/k nku D;k fujLr ;k
lekIr fd;k tk ldrk gSSs \ fu.khZr oknks dk mYys[k djks \
11 - What is the ‘’ Rule against perpetuity ‘’ and what are exceptions of this rule ?s
2-Who can be enrolled as an advocate ? state the qualifications and procedure for being
enrolled as an advocate under Advocates, act ?
vf/koDrk ds :i es fdldk iathdj.k fd;k tk ldrk gS\ vf/koDrk vf/kfu;e ds vUrxZr ,d vf/koDrk ds
iathdj.k djus dh ;ksX;rk ,ao izfdz;k dks foLrkj ls le>kb, \
3-What are the kinds of writ under constitution of India ? Discuss in brief each of them ?
Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ds vuqlkj ;kfpdk,W dkSu&dkSu lh gS\ lHkh dks la{ksi es le>kb, \
5-What do you mean by contempt of court ? Discuss the essentials of civil contempt of
court ?
U;k;ky; dh voekuuk ls vki D;k le>rs gS\ flfoy voekuuk ds vko”;d rRoks dh foospuk dhft,\
6-What do you mean by Bench Bar relations? Explain the nature and scope of Bench Bar
Cksap &ckj lEcU/k ls vki D;k le>rs gks\ csap &ckj lEcU/k dh izdzfr rFkk {ks= dk o.kZu dhft,\
7-Describe the constitution and powers of the ‘’Welare fund committee’’ of the state Bar
council and Bar council of India ?
jkT; fof/kd ifj’kn o Hkkjrh; fof/kd ifj’kn dh dY;k.kdkjh fuf/k lfefr;ks ds laxBu o ‘”kfDr;ks dks
8-What are the right of an advocate under the Advocate Act. 1961 ? Explain?
9-Who is senior Advocate ? What is the procedure for nomination as a senior Advocate ?
ofj’B vf/koDrk dkSu gS\ ofj’B vf/koDrk ds ukekadu dh D;k izfdz;k gS\
10-What is ‘’ professional misconduct’’? Discuss the power of state Bar council to punish an
advocate for misconduct Bar , Whether an appeal can be filled against the decisions of state
Bar council ? If yes, then explain the procedure?
ozfRrd dnkpkj D;k gS\ jkT; fof/kd ifj’kn ds )kjk ,d vf/koDrk dks dnkpkj ds fy, nf.Mr djus ds fy,
D;k “kfDr;kW izkIr gS\ D;k jkT; fof/kd ifj’kn ds fu.kZ; ds fo:) vihy nk;j dh tk ldrh gS\ ;fn gkW % rks
mldh izfdz;k dks le>kb, \