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Lily Arya, MD, Asst. Prof.

Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery

University of Pennsylvania



Urinary incontinence (UI) is defined as involuntary loss of urine that is a social or

hygienic problem (International Continence Society, 1973)

Magnitude of the Problem

Prevalence increasing in an aging population

• Younger women (<40 years): 28% during exercise
• Older women (>40 years): 8 to 41%
• Nursing homes: 40 to 70%
• Annual cost: $16 billion per year
• Leading cause of admission of relatives to nursing homes

Why women are at risk

• Anatomy: female urethra is very short: only 4 cm allowing easy damage to the
urethral sphincteric mechanism (also allows easy access of bacteria to urinary tract,
hence UTI’s are more common in women)
• Pregnancy: pressure of gravid uterus and relaxing effect of hormones on urinary
sphincters increases UI during pregnancy to 33%
• Childbirth: damage to urethral supports and sphincters
• Menopause: loss of estrogen results in weaker collagen; this adversely affects the
urethral supports and urinary sphincters

Risk factors
- Female: male 3:1
- Age >60 years

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Lily Arya, MD, Asst. Prof.
Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
University of Pennsylvania
- Race: Caucasian, Egyptian and South Asian (Indian) women
- Pregnancy and Childbirth
- Menopause
- Smoking: increases risk of stress and urge incontinence
- Caffeine: increases urge incontinence
- Obesity
- Pelvic organ prolapse: such as cystocele is often associated with UI (due to
common causative factors such as loss of urethrovesical support from childbirth
or aging) but it does not cause UI in itself. (So correction of cystocele does not
correct UI!)

Types of Urinary Incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI): UI associated with increased abdominal pressure.
Also called genuine stress urinary incontinence or GSUI. It is of two types:
1. Anatomic: SUI due to loss of support to the urethrovesical junction
Common cause: childbirth

2. Intrinsic sphincter deficiency: SUI due to weakness of the urinary

sphincter. Common causes: aging, prior surgery causing scarring at the
bladder neck, diabetes. Leakage occurs with minimal exertion, large volume
leaks. On urodynamics, abdominal leak point pressure and maximal urethral
closure pressure are low.

Urge Incontinence: UI associated with an uncontrollable desire to void

Cause: detrusor instability

Mixed Incontinence: both stress and urge incontinence is present

Continuous Incontinence: continuous leakage of urine as with a genitourinary fistula

Overflow incontinence: UI associated with overdistension of the bladder. Common

causes: nerve injury after childbirth, epidural anesthesia, neurogenic diabetes, stroke,
post-operative states esp. after pelvic surgery
Presents as failure to urinate followed by dribbling of urine, and bladder is overdistended.

Ask the question!
Tell me about the problems with your bladder
Tell me about the problem you are having holding your water

History taking: Chief Complaint and HPI

• Type of UI: stress, urge, mixed, continuous, or overflow
• Severity of UI: frequency, amount, # pads/day

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Lily Arya, MD, Asst. Prof.
Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
University of Pennsylvania
• Associated symptoms:
-Frequency: r/o UTI that can cause UI or worsen mild UI
-Voiding difficulty: such as hesitancy, or failure to empty completely. If present, it
complicates the evaluation and management of UI. Anti-cholinergic medications or
surgery may be contraindicated in these women.
• Fecal incontinence: associated with UI in 10-25% cases

Medical History

• Delirium, stroke: overflow UI, urge incontinence

• Immobility as with arthritis, muscle weakness: urge incontinence.
• Diabetes: associated with sphincter deficiency, neurogenic involvement in advanced
causes overflow incontinence

Medications: DIURETICS: eliminating this may significantly improve UI

Anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, alpha-blockers, alpha-agonists have been shown to
cause UI

Genitourinary history
• Estrogen loss (hot flushes, vaginal irritation due to atrophy): increase symptoms such
as urgency and frequency
• Bowel habits: Constipation worsens UI

Surgical History
Prior anti-incontinence surgery, prolapse surgery, perhaps hysterectomy: can increase
scarring at the bladder neck and cause intrinsic sphincter deficiency

Social History
• Living conditions: toilet accessibility for elderly people with limited mobility
• Fluid intake: both excessive and low intake has been shown to adversely affect UI
• Smoking, caffeine intake

General Examination
• Mental status: if impaired can cause overflow
• Mobility: if poor can cause urge incontinence
• Edema: mobilization of fluid at night can cause nocturia and urge UI

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Lily Arya, MD, Asst. Prof.
Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
University of Pennsylvania
• Neurologic Exam: Look for lower limb weakness, sensory loss in lower limbs and
abnormal knee and ankle jerks for neurologic causes of UI such as multiple sclerosis,
stroke, neuropathies
• Abdomen: mass, ascites can cause UI by pressure effect

Pelvic and Rectal examination

• Skin condition: uriniferous odor, moist, excoriated skin

• Atrophic changes in vagina indicating estrogen loss
• Pelvic prolapse: often associated with UI (but does not cause UI)
• Pelvic muscle tone: pubococcygeus contraction (Kegel’s exercise): often weak in
patients with UI
• Rectal exam: tone of rectal sphincter, stool mass
• Cough stress test on a full bladder: for objective demonstration of SUI; do only if

Voiding Dairy

Time Intake Output Leak Activity

8 am 5 oz coffee
9 am 3 oz yes on way to bathroom
10am yes coughing

Gives information on intake, output, and factors causing leakage


1. Measure Post void residual volume of urine (PVR): straight cath patient in office
after she voids: This helps to rule out retention which can complicate the diagnosis
and management of UI. It also provides a sterile specimen for U/A and culture.
2. Urinalysis and culture: straight cath or clean catch
3. Urodynamics: evaluation of the function of the bladder and the urethra using

• Cystometry: measure the pressure-volume relationships of the bladder:

detrusor contractions can be visualized for diagnosis of detrusor instability,
differential diagnosis of SUI can be done by measurement of abdominal leak
point pressure. In intrinsic sphincter deficiency, it is less than 60 cm of water
pressure at 200 cc of water filling.

• Urethral pressure profilometry: measures intraurethral pressure along

the length of the urethra. In intrinsic sphincter deficiency, maximum urethral
closure pressure is less than 20 cm of water pressure.

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Lily Arya, MD, Asst. Prof.
Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
University of Pennsylvania

• Uroflowmetry: measures urine volume voided over time: simple, non-

invasive. Rules out voiding dysfunction.
4. Cystoscopy: to evaluate the anatomy of the bladder and urethra, and ureteric

Treatment of SUI
• Pelvic muscle rehabilitation: Kegel’s exercise with or without biofeedback
• Imipramine (combined anti-cholinergic and alpha-agonist): 10-75 mg per
day: for intrinsic sphincter deficiency only. Side effects: confusion in elderly,
constipation, hypertension, and dry mouth
• Surgery: - bladder neck suspension for anatomic SUI
- suburethral sling or collagen injection for intrinsic sphincter deficiency

Treatment of Detrusor Instability

• Bladder training: strategies to control urgency (deep breathing, Kegel’s),
timed voiding
• Pelvic muscle rehabilitation
• Medications:
- Oxybutinin 2.5 mg bid to 5 mg qid, Oxybutinin LA: 5 or 10 mg qd
- Tolterodine 1-2 mg BID, tolterodine LA 2 or 4 mg qd


Detrusor Instability Anatomic SUI Intrinsic Sphincter

Basic pathology Irritable detrusor Loss of support to Weakness of the
muscle the urethrovesical urethral sphincter
junction (UVJ)
Symptom Urge incontinence SUI SUI with minimal
exertion, large
volume leaks
Exam No characteristic Hypermobility of Hypermobility of
finding UVJ UVJ, fixed scarred
urethra if due to
prior surgery
Diagnosis by Detrusor Leak point Leak point pressure
Urodynamics contractions on pressure (> 60) and (< 60) and
cystometry maximum urethral maximum urethral
closure pressure (> closure pressure (<

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Lily Arya, MD, Asst. Prof.
Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
University of Pennsylvania
20) 20)
Treatment Pelvic muscle rehab, Pelvic muscle rehab, Pelvic muscle rehab,
medications (Anti- surgery, no meds! medications
cholinergics), (imipramine),
behavioral surgery

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