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161 Sumit Kumar

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Batch 2019 - 2021

Major Research Project


“Analysis of policies and schemes of insurance for

disaster management”

Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the

Requirements of the degree of PGDM
IMI Business School, Indore

Research Guide Research Scholar

Assistant Professor IMIBS/PGDM/2019/161


Batch 20219 - 2021

Major Research Project


“Analysis of policies and schemes of insurance

for disaster management”

Research Scholars Research Guide



I hereby declare that the Project Work entitled “Analysis of policies
and schemes of insurance for disaster management ” has been
carried out by me under the guidance of SHEETAL GUPTA
Assistant Professor, at IMI Business School, Indore. The research
work is original and has not violated any of plagiarism norms.

I also declare that this Project has not been submitted to any University/
Institute for the award of any Degree/Diploma.

Place: Indore (Research scholar)



This is to certify that the Project Work entitled “Analysis of policies
and schemes of insurance for disaster management has been
AND FINANCE under my guidance and supervision.

This project is being submitted by him/her as the partial fulfillment of

requirements for the award of Post Graduate Diploma in Management
(PGDM) from IMI Business School, Indore.

This work has not been submitted by him/her anywhere else for the award
of any degree or diploma. All sources of information and help have been
duly mentioned and acknowledged.

Research Guide

Assistant Professor,

The most awaited moment of successful completion of endeavor is always a result of persons
involved explicitly or implicitly there in. It is impossible without the help and guidance of the
people around to carry on this research work. I take the opportunity to express my sincere
gratitude to each and every person who gave me the guidance and help for preparing the report.

I take this opportunity to thanks Dr. SANJAY SHARMA , PRINCIPAL , IMI BUSINESS
SCHOOL, Indore. for providing me an opportunity to work for this research.

I am also desirous of placing on record profound indebtedness to SHEETAL GUPTA and all the members of
faculty of IMI BUSINESS SCHOOL, Indore, for the valuable advice, guidance, precious time and support
that they offered.

Last but not the least; I would also like to thanks all the respondents for giving me their precious
time and relevant information.

My strength and inspiration are the blessings of my parents and my friends. I owe all my success
and achievements to them.

(Research Scholar)


S. No. Contents Page No.









Disaster is the tragedy of a natural or human-made hazard (a hazard is a situation which poses a level
of threat to life, health, property, or environment) that negatively affects society or environment.

Disaster can be classified into two categories viz. NATURAL DISASTER and MAN–MADE

A natural disaster is a consequence when a natural hazard (e.g., volcanic eruption or earthquake)
affects humans. Human vulnerability, caused by the lack of appropriate emergency management,
leads to financial, environmental, or human impact.


1. EARTHQUAKE: An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's

crust that creates seismic waves.
2. AVALANCHE:: An avalanche is a rapid flow of snow down a slope, from either natural
triggers or human activity.
3. FLASHFLOOD:: A flash flood is a rapid flooding of geomorphic low-lying areas -
washes, rivers, dry lakes and basins. It may be caused by heavy rain associated with a storm,
hurri cane, or tropical storm or melt water from ice or snow flowing over ice sheets or
4. FLOODS:: A flood is an overflow or accumulation of an expanse of water that submerges
5. LANDSLIDES:: A landslide or landslip is a geological phenomenon which includes a
range of ground movement, such as rock falls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris
flows, which can occur in offshore, coastal and on shore environments.

6. CYCLONES:: A cyclone is an area of closed, circular fluid motion rotating in the same
direction as the Earth
7. DROUGHT:: A drought is an extended period of months or years when a region not esa
deficiency in its water supply. Generally, this occurs when a region receives consistently
below average precipitation
Disasters caused by human action, negligence, error, or involving the failure of a system are called
man-made disasters.

Man-made disasters are in turn categorized as technological or sociological.

Technological disasters are the results of failure of technology, such as engineering failures,
transport disasters.

Sociological disasters have a strong human motive, such as criminal acts, stampedes, riots and war.


1. STAMPADE:: A stampede is an act of mass impulse among herd animals or a crowd of
people in which the herd (or crowd) collectively begins running with no clear directionor
2. Roadaccidents.
3. Railaccidents.
4. Boat accidents.
5. Building and bridgecollapse.
6. Bombexplosions.

Hazard vulnerability in india::

 54% of land vulnerable to earthquakes.

 8% of land vulnerable to cyclones.

 5% of land vulnerable to floods.

 More than 1 million houses damaged annually , plus human, social, and other losses.

 12% land is liable to severe earthquakes [intensity MSK(Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik) IX or
 18% land is liable to MSKVIII.

 25% land is liable to MSKVII.

 Biggest quakes in :: Andamans , Kuchchh , Himachal, Kashmir, North Bihar and the North


 1981-1990 :: 262 cyclones[92 severe] in a 50 km wide strip of the east coast.

 Less severe cyclonic activity on west coast[ 33 cyclones in the sameperiod].

 In 19 severe cyclonic storms , death toll> 10000lives.

 In 21 cyclones in Bay of Bengal 1.25 million lives have beenlost.

 Floods in the Indo-Gangetic- Bramhaputra plains are an annual feature.

 On an average , a few hundred lives are lost.

 Millions are rendered homeless.

 Lakhs of hectares of crops are damaged every year.

Increasing visibility and impacts of disaster::

Natural disasters are increasingly making headline news, due to the impact of modern
communications and connectivity, and the proliferation of TV and news media.

There is hardly any part of the globe, whether Asia, Africa, Oceania or elsewhere which is really free
from natural disaster of one kind or the other. Painful tales of what they mean are told to us either by
the kith and kin of the dead, or by the lucky survivors of the natural disasters they have personally
gone through. To say that these disasters take heavy toll of life and property or derail national
economics, is an understatement. In some cases, they wipe out the future of generations, still unborn.

The past decade has witnessed frequent natural hazards all over the world. At the beginning of the
1990s, the events that hit the headlines were mainly earthquakes and windstorms. Some of the
examples are the winter storms in Europe in 1990, Typhoon Mireille in Japan in 1991, Hurricane
Andrew in Florida in 1992, the earthquakes in California in 1994 and Kobe in 1995; 1998 was the
year of largest number of events and highest damages cost and witnessed floods as most notable
events. Severe floods as the aftermath of storm surges in the wake of tropical cyclones were also
noticed as in the case of Gujarat, in June 1998, and Central America at the end of October. The recent
super cyclone in Orissa (1999), a catastrophe claiming more than 10,000 lives and recently the
earthquake of Gujarat in the new millennium are the most tragic events that have shaken up the world.
The analysis and trends of these natural catastrophes world overindicates:

During last ten years the number of great natural disasters have increased three times and
economic losses due to these disasters have increased ninetimes.
Number of loss events worldwide in 1998 alone (one of the years withlargest number of
catastrophes in the decade) indicate that 50 per cent of the events are earthquakes and
windstorms and these have been higher in the Americas (255) compared to 202 in Asia.
While the occurrence of number of events is highest in the Americas, number of deaths
occurring due to these events have been higher in Asia, i.e. 34,303 as compared to 14,995 in
Economic losses due to earthquakes and windstorms is highest in the Americas while these losses
are highest due to floods inAsia.

These trends (Sigma, 2001) world over indicate that in spite of technological advancements in
prediction techniques and warning systems:

There has been an increase in the occurrence of events as well as costofdamage;

Economic losses are more in developed countries than developingcountries; and
Number of deaths is much more in Asia thanAmerica.

The main reasons for such dramatic increases are:

The concentration of population is constantly growing in a numbe r of large cities, which are often
located in high-riskzones;
Greater susceptibility of modern industrial societies to catastrophes;and
Accelerating deterioration of natural environmentalconditions.
Administrative Structure for Disaster Management in
Shortly, after the carving out of state of Uttaranchal, a new administrative structure for disaster
management has been put in place, The state became the first in the country to have ministry of Disaster
Management. The structure of disaster management system is as follows::
Institutional Arrangements at District Level::
DMMC District Magistrate/

District Disaster
Operation Desk Service Desk Police
Infrastructure Health Desk Civil Hospital PWD
Logistics Desk Agri Desk Corporation RTO
Information and DSO
Communication District Control Room Desk Offices Others

And Officers in Charge

Site Operation centre

Site Manager

Transit Camp Relief Camp Cattle Camps Feeding Centres

Institutional arrangements at state level::
Ministry of Disaster Management

Pr. Secretary of Disaster Management

Commissioner Disaster Management Disaster Management and Mitigation


Pr. Secretary of Disaster Management

Disaster Mitigation and Management Centre::

The disaster mitigation and management centre is the apex centre in the field of disaster mitigation
and management in Uttaranchal. It was established in October 2001. The objectives of DMMC are
 To find and promote solutions to the root causes of disasters in the state of Uttaranchal
 To facilitate the smooth transition from relief to rehabilitation and development. DMMC has a
well structured framework to carry out its activities. It involves three focal layers of
participatory organizations.
1. State level: Ministry/department of disaster management through State emergency Operations
Group under the control of Principal Secretary/ Commissioner, disaster management.
2. District level: District ,Magistrate through District Emergency Operations Group under
the control of District Disaster Manager.

3. Local level: Tehsil/Block/Village through Site Operations Centre under the control of
the Site Manager.
Through these institutions, DMMC strives to::
 Offer an extensive range of training programmes.
 Provide advance information about likely disasters through latest technologies.
 Maintain a network of experienced experts working in the field.
 Provide consultancy services to all levels of government and NGO sand
 Develop a strong regional knowledge base towards disaster policy.
The DMMC has also formulated a strategy to be adopted for five years from its inception.
These include::
 Setting up of State Emergency Operations Group.
 Setting up of District Emergency Operations Group
 Institutional Strengthening and Coordination
 Strengthening of Village Disaster Intervention team.
 Creation and strengthening of RescueTeams.
 Networking of NGOs.
 Capacity building, training and sensitization.
 Creation of RS/GIS Database for village, town, block and the district.
 Updating the strategy for disaster management from the lessons learnt.
 Technical assistance to the Government of Uttaranchal and
 Consultancy.

District Project Officer::

Amongst the various initiatives taken for disaster management is the creation of a post of District
Project Officer. This new post has been created under the Disaster Risk Management Program of
Government of India-United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]. This program aims to
contribute towards the social and economic development goals of the national and state Governments
by enabling them to programme is being implemented in 8 districts of Uttaranchal with the help of the
local governments and PRI institutions in two phases.
The District Project Officer (DPO) will be posted at district head quarters to work in consultation with
the state nodal agency DMMC and under the direct supervision of the District Magistrate
and perform the following duties;
 Facilitate and Coordinate for preparation of multi-hazard Disaster Management plans of the
District, Blocks, GPs and Villages along with government functionaries.
 Help the District administration Block for selection of partners for the Community Based
Disaster preparedness work.
 Helping in development of awareness campaign strategy and awareness generation activities
like street plays, rallies, painting and drawing competitions amongst school children on disaster
 Supporting in the training and capacity building programme of government officials/PRIs/
NGOs/CBOsN outh Clubs/ SHGs Teachers and others concerned on various aspects of
disaster management.
 Facilitate the process Community Based Disaster Preparedness exercises at blocks, GP and
village levels through active involvement of government officials, PRIs, NGOs/CBOs, youth
 Coordinating and facilitating training programmes for disaster management task forces formed
at various levels on Health and First Aid, Search and Rescue Operation,Sanitation,

Shelter Management, Carcasses & Garbage disposal, use of early warning equipments IEM! radio operation
 Establishing linkages with Civil Society Response group at various levels foremergency
response plan development.
 Networking with NGOs/CBOs/NCC/NSS and other agencies working in the field of Disaster
Management for unification of the strategy and process.
 Assisting the Collector and District Magistrate in performing all activities related to disaster
 Regular reporting to the Collector State Nodal Agency and State Project Officer on the
programme activities.
 Helping district administration in organizing mock drill at variouslevels.
 Facilitating establishment of effective communication systems for early tracking and
dissemination of warnings at the district level.
 Facilitating establishment of control rooms at District and block levels for Disaster
Management Information dissemination.

Initiatives for Earthquake Resistant Houses::

In 1999, Garhwal was rocked with an earthquake which was measured 6.8 on the richter scale.It was
second major earthquake in the last 10 years. Around 20000 houses collapsed,85000 houses damaged
and 130 people lost their lives. One of the prime reasons of such a huge devastation was that the
structures could not withstand the tremors because the design and quality of these houses was
substandard. Earthquake resistance was not kept in view while constructing these houses.
Thus, it is felt today that all houses in Uttaranchal should be earthquake resistant. Constructing a new
house is an expensive preposition and more so in the hilly terrains as it is difficult to transport modem
construction equipments and articles in these regions. Moreover, construction activities lead to
environmental degradation which is a potential threat in the region. In this context, it becomes
imperative to repair and retrofit the existing structures so that they can withstand any future
eventuality. It is not only cost effective hut also will help in future from the devastating aftereffects of
earthquakes. The existing structure should be repaired and retrofitted accordingly, while, the new
structures should be constructed as per the earthquake resistant techniques. With the help of modem
day techniques, the old houses can be converted into earthquake resistant houses without demolishing
them even there is no need to remove the roofs. It is not required that houses should be of brick,
cement and iron rods only. It is quite possible to construct houses with the locally available materials.
The only thing which should be kept in mind is that appropriate techniques should be adopted.
Repair and Retrofitting of Existing Houses::
The house owners have little or no awareness about the dangers of a future disaster and the ways the
houses can be made stronger to withstand the impact of a future disaster. It is difficult for people to
invest more than their already stretched resources in their houses to build better. There is little or no
knowledge in the public about the alternate affordable technologies. Nor do the people know that their
vulnerability to future disasters can be reduced through the use of suitable technologies for the
DMMC has taken up this task and is creating awareness in this regard through its machinery. It has
laid down various categories of damage as G-l, G-2, G-3, G-4. and has developed detailed plan to
rectify that.
In order to prove the strength of such houses an experiment was done in Latur in 1998-99. In this
demonstration two houses were constructed on a temporary platform. The first one was a traditional
house of stone, mud and wood while the second was again a traditional house but Retrofit with new
techniques. Now, earthquake like situation was created by hitting the platform with a tractor. It was
shown that Retrofitted house withstand such collisions. The total expenditure in Retro fitting. is just
15% of constructing a new house. This experiment is being given wide publicity through pamphlets and
training program to build up acceptability and confidence of the masses. DMMC has prepared booklets
for local masons in Hindi language.
These booklets are prepared after taking into account the experiences of Lattur in Maharashtra,
Jabalpur in MP and Uttaranchal state's own house construction methods. Also, earthquake related
Indian standards have been taken into account.
One major initiative taken by DMMC is that of Building centers which have played a pivotal role in
promoting safer building technologies and practices. A number of workshops involving middle level
government officers, academicians and engineers took part in the workshops. These workshops were:
 Review of functioning of Building Centers, their role in Earthquake Resistant Construction and
means to revitalize them.
 Review of adequacy of current legislation in implementation of Building codes and means to
improve implementation of codes.
 Review of current curriculum with regard to awareness about Earthquake Vulnerability
of the state population and recommendations to include Earthquake Engineering in Civil
Engineering curriculum.
Mason's Training::
To percolate the awareness and technology at the bottom level DMMC has organized training camps
for the Masons. One such camp was held in the district Rudra prayag from 28th March to 31st March

2004. In this camp, 35 masons from different villages were trained by experts in building earthquake
resistant structures and retrofitting techniques. In the training, a model of different retrofit techniques
was constructed. It consisted of traditional as well as modem design of construction and their
retrofitting. During our visit to Rudraprayag district we visited the place and had a look on this model.
In order to prevent the sliding of lower portion of hills one more model was constructed there. These
masons after getting trained will further act as 'gurus' to their next generations and will ensure the
sustainability of the process. At the district level, a computerized database of trained masons and
construction workers is being created. Till date, 800 masons have been registered in the database.
Integration with Other Schemes::
DMMC is also exploring the possibilities of integrating disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts
with other government schemes.

Under this scheme government provides assistance to weaker and marginalized sections of society to
construct houses. DMMC is trying that all houses to be constructed under the scheme should be
earthquake resistant. Block offices are taking care of this aspect. During our field visit, we came across
one such initiative where a BPL family who lost their house due to sinking of the ground was provided
a house under lAY.

Rina Sahay Yojana::

Under this scheme, Government of Uttaranchal is providing a loan of Rs 30000-40000 with Rs 10000
as subsidy to construct earthquake resistant houses.

Expected Outputs Areas of Agencies/sectors

intervention to be involved and
Resource linkages
Nodal agency for (i)Constitution of Ministries/ Departments
disaster management at National Emergency of Health, Water
the national level with Management Authority Resources, Environment
appropriate systems with appropriate legal, and Forests, Agriculture,
financial and Railways, Atomic
administrative powers. Energy, Defence,
(ii)Roles and Chemicals, Science &
responsibilities of the Technology, Rural
NEMA: Development, Road
-Coordinating multi hazard Transport & Highways
mitigation, etc.
prevention, preparedness
and response programs.
- Policies for disaster risk
reduction and mitigation
-Preparedness at all levels.
-Coordination of response
-Coordination of post disaster
relief and rehabilitation.
-Amendment of existing laws,
procedures, instructions.
Ministries/ Departments of
Health, Water Resources,
Environment and Forests,
Agriculture, Railways, Atomic
Energy, Defence, Chemicals,
Science & Technology, Rural
Development, Road Transport
& Highways Etc.
Setting up State Disaster (i) State Disaster Ministers for
Management Authorities Management Authority to Agriculture, Home,
be headed by the Chief Disaster Management,
Minister. Water Resources,
(ii) The Authority to lay Health, Road&
down policies and Transport, Civil
monitor mitigation, Supplies, Environment &
prevention and Forests, Rural
preparedness as also Development, Urban
oversee response. Development and Public
Health Engineering
Departments as
Disaster Management to be (i) Bill to be drafted. Ministry of Home
listed in List – III – Affairs/
[Concurrent List] of Ministry of Law
(ii) Bill to be brought
Seventh Schedule to the (Legislative Department)
before Parliament
State Disaster Management Model Act to be Ministry of Home
Acts circulated to the States. Affairs
State Governments
National Policy on (i) Mainstreaming Ministry of Home
Disaster Management disaster management into Affairs, Ministry of
planning and development Finance, Planning
process. Commission, Ministry of
Environment & Forests,
(ii) Mandate safe Rural Development,
construction. Urban Development and
other relevant Ministries
to be consulted.
(iii) Coordinated action
by all relevant
Departments as per
States to enunciate (i) Mainstreaming State Governments
Policy on disaster management into
Disaster planning and development
Management . process.

(ii) Mandate safe


(iii) Coordinated action

by all relevant
Departments as per
State Disaster Amendment of existing State Governments
Management Codes relief codes/scarcity
codes/famine codes to
Incorporate mitigation,

preparedness and
planning measures at all
levels from community
to State, constitution of
Emergency Support
Teams /Disaster
Management Teams
/Committees /State
Disaster Management
Authorities, delegation of
administrative and
financial powers to
disaster incident managers
etc, protocol to update the
inventory of
resources and plans.


(i) State of the art (i) IMD/CWC to carry Indian Meteorological

sensors to be setup. out a review of sensors Department/ Central
(ii) Hazard monitoring, available and drawup Water Commission/
tracking andmodelling. plans for strengthening the National Centre for
system. Medium Range
(ii) Models to beupdated Weather Forecasting
to improve prediction
Warning Protocols (i) Warning protocols to Ministry of Home
be userfriendly. Affairs/ State
(ii) Warning tobe Governments /Indian
communicated as quickly as Meteorological
possible to the Department/ Central
States/districts/community. Water Commission/
(iii) Protocols shouldbe National Remote
simple tounderstand. Sensing Agency/
Information and
(iv) Districts to setup
protocols for
communication of early warning Doordarshan/ All India
to the community. Radio.
(v) Panchayats/local
bodies to be used for early
vi) Communication
linkages for early warning.
DisasterManagementAct,2005 ::
The Act lays down institutional, legal, financial and coordination mechanisms at the National, State,
District and Local levels. These institutions are not parallel structures and will work in close
harmony. The new institutional framework is expected to usher in a paradigm shift in DM from
relief-centric approach to a proactive regime that lays greater emphasis on preparedness, prevention
and mitigation.

Institutional Framework under the Act::

National Disaster Management Authority(NDMA)::

The NDMA, as the apex body for disaster management, is headed by the Prime Minister and has the
responsibility for laying down policies, plans and guidelines for DM and coordinating their
enforcement and implementation for ensuring timely and effective response to disasters. The
guidelines will assist the Central Ministries, Departments and States to formulate their respective DM
plans. It will approve the
National Disaster Management Plans and DM plans of the Central Ministries/Departments. It will take
such other measures, as it may consider necessary, for the prevention of disasters, or mitigation, or
preparedness and capacity building, for dealing with a threatening disaster situation or disaster.
Central Ministries/Departments and State Governments will extend necessary cooperation and
assistance to NDMA for carrying out its mandate. It will oversee the provision and application of funds
for mitigation and preparedness measures. NDMA has the power to authorise the Departments or
authorities concerned, to make emergency procurement of provisions or materials for rescue and relief
in a threatening disaster situation or disaster. The general superintendence, direction and control of the
National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) is vested in and will be exercised by the NDMA. The
National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) works within the framework of broad policies and
guidelines laid down by the NDMA.

The NDMA is mandated to deal with all types of disasters; natural or man-made. Whereas, such
other emergencies including those requiring close involvement of the security forces and/or
intelligence agencies such as terrorism (counter-insurgency), law and order situations, serial bomb
blasts, hijacking, air accidents, CBRN weapon systems, mine disasters, port and harbor emergencies,
forest fires, oilfield fires and oil spills will continue to be handled by the extant mechanism i.e.,
National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC).

National Executive Committee(NEC)::

The NEC comprises the Union Home Secretary as Chairperson, and the Secretaries to the Govt. of
India in the Ministries/Departments of Agriculture, Atomic Energy, Defence, Drinking Water Supply,
Environment and Forests, Finance (Expenditure), Health, Power, Rural Development, Science &
Technology, Space, Telecommunications, Urban Development, Water Resources and the Chief of the
Integrated Defence Staff of the Chiefs of Staff Committee as members. Secretaries in the Ministry of
External Affairs, Earth Sciences, Human Resource Development, Mines, Shipping, Road Transport &
Highways, and the Secretary, NDMA will be special invitees to the meetings of the NEC.

The NEC is the executive committee of the NDMA, and is mandated to assist the NDMA in the
discharge of its functions and also ensure compliance of the directions issued by the Central
Government. The NEC is to coordinate the response in the event of any threatening disaster situation
or disaster. The NEC will prepare the National Plan for Disaster Management based on the National
Policy on Disaster Management. The NEC will monitor the implementation of guidelines issued by
NDMA. It will also perform such other functions as may be prescribed by the Central Government in
consultation with the NDMA.
State Disaster Management Authority(SDMA)::
At the State level, the SDMA, headed by the Chief Minister, will lay down policies and plans for DM
in the State. It will, inter alia approve the State Plan in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the
NDMA, coordinate the implementation of the State Plan, recommend provision of funds for
mitigation and preparedness measures and review the developmental plans of the different
Departments of the State to ensure the integration of prevention, preparedness and mitigation

The State Government shall constitute a State Executive Committee (SEC) to assist the SDMA in the
performance of its functions. The SEC will be headed by the Chief Secretary to the State Government
and coordinate and monitor the implementation of the National Policy, the National Plan and the State
Plan. The SEC will also provide information to the NDMA relating to different aspects of DM.
District Disaster Management Authority(DDMA)::
The DDMA will be headed by the District Collector, Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate as
the case may be, with the elected representative of the local authority as the Co- Chairperson. The
DDMA will act as the planning, coordinating and implementing body for DM at the District level and
take all necessary measures for the purposes of DM in accordance with the guidelines laid down by
the NDMA and SDMA. It will, inter alia prepare the District DM plan for the District and monitor the
implementation of the National Policy, the State Policy, the National Plan, the State Plan and the
District Plan. The DDMA will also ensure that the guidelines for prevention, mitigation, preparedness
and response measures laid down by the NDMA and the SDMA are followed by all the Departments
of the State Government at the District level and the local authorities in the District.

Local Authorities::
For the purpose of this Policy, local authorities would include Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI),
Municipalities, District and Cantonment Boards, and Town Planning Authorities which control and
manage civic services. These bodies will ensure capacity building of their officers and employees for
managing disasters, carry out relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in the affected areas
and will prepare DM Plans in consonance with the guidelines of the NDMA, SDMAs and DDMAs.
Specific institutional framework for dealing with disaster management issues in mega cities will be
put in place.

National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM)::

The NIDM, in partnership with other research institutions has capacity development as one of its
major responsibilities, along with training, research, documentation and development of a National
level information base. It will network with other knowledge-based institutions and function within the
broad policies and guidelines laid down by the NDMA. It will organise training of trainers, DM
officialsandotherstakeholders.TheNIDMwillstrivetoemergeasa‘CentreofExcellence’inthe field of
Disaster Management.

National Disaster Response Force(NDRF)::

For the purpose of specialised response to a threatening disaster situation or disasters/ emergencies
both natural and man-made such as those of CBRN origin, the Act has mandated the constitution of a
National Disaster Response Force (NDRF). The general superintendence, direction and control of this
force shall be vested in and exercised by the NDMA and the command and supervision of the Force
shall vest in an officer to be appointed by the Central Government as the Director General of Civil
Defence and National
Financial Arrangements::
National Disaster Response and Mitigation Funds::
A National Disaster Response Fund may be constituted as mandated in the Act. The National Disaster
Response Fund will be applied by the NEC towards meeting expenses for emergency response, relief
and rehabilitation, in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Central Government in
consultation with the NDMA. The proposal for merging the National Calamity Contingency Fund
(NCCF) with the National Disaster Response Fund shall be as recommended by the Finance
Commission from time to time.
Similarly, as mandated by the Act, the National Disaster Mitigation Fund (NDMF) may be created for
projects exclusively for the purpose of mitigation. The NDMF shall be applied by the NDMA and
shall be as recommended by the Finance Commission from time to time.

Nothing is certain in this world except the death but even in this the timing of death is not certain.
There is uncertainty in the world. Every one has a desire to be secure. Every one takes precautionary
measures to prevent the unforeseen and unfortunate events. Even then , accidents do occur.
Therefore to cover such incidents we require insurance . This occurrence has to be random, accidental
and not the deliberate creation of the insured person. Risk which may be measured in money and
which is not against public policy can only be insured.
Insurance is a technique , which provides for collection of small amounts of premium from many
individuals out of which losses suffered by few are reimbursed. In this method, the individual insured
is able to buy protection through the payment of a small cost viz.premium.
Functionally insurance may be defined as a method where by the uncertain risks of individuals are
combined in a group through small individual contributions out of which those who suffer losses are
Legally insurance is a contract between the insurer and the insured where by in consideration of
payment of the premium by insured , the insurer agrees to make good any financial loss the insured
may suffer due to the operation of a peril insured
The policy which is a document issued by the insurer is evidence of the contract. A contract of
insurance does not undertake to prevent the occurrence of the peril insured against. What it provides
is a promise to make good the financial loss caused by the operation of the insured peril.
The person known as the policyholder, a person with insurance coverage.
A company licensed to transact the business of insurance and issue insurance policies .
It's the written contract between an insurance company and its insured. It defines what the company
agrees to cover for what period of time and describes the obligations and responsibilities of the
It's the amount of money a policyholder pays for insurance protection.
It's the notice to the insurance company that under the terms of a policy, a loss may be covered.
Legal principle that specifies an insured should not collect more than the actual cash value of a loss
but should be restored to approximately the same financial position as existed before the loss.
An organization or person paid by the policyholder to look for insurance on their behalf.
Expiration Date::
This is the date on which the policy ends.
Grace Period::
A period (usually 30 or 31 days) following each insurance premium due date, other than the first due
date, during which an overdue premium may be paid. All provisions of the policy remain in force
throughout this period
It's the maximum amount paid by the insurance company under the terms of a policy.
The process of classifying applicants for insurance by identifying characteristics such as age, gender,
health, occupation and hobbies. People with similar characteristics are grouped together and are
charged a premium based on the group's level of risk.


Insurance other than ‘Life Insurance’ falls under the category of General Insurance. General Insurance
comprises of insurance of property against fire, burglary etc
The non-life insurance sector is on an upswing! The non-life insurance industry in India has grown by
over 16 % p.a. over the last 5 years.
There is a vast business potential that lies untapped, as more and more cities enter the development
phase….Mr. Yogesh Lohiya,
Chairman-cum-Managing Director of gic
Anyone who owns an asset can buy insurance to protect it against losses due to fire and theft and so
on.Eachoneofuscaninsureourandourdependents’healthandwellbeingthroughhospitalization and personal
accident policies. To buy a policy the person should be the one who will bear financial losses if they
occur. This is known as insurable interest.


Non-life insurance companies have products that cover property against fire and allied perils, flood,
storm and inundation, earthquake and so on. There are products that cover property against burglary,
theft etc. The non-life companies also offers policies covering machinery against breakdown, there
are policies that cover the hull of ships and so on.
General insurance cover is necessary for every family. It is important to protect one’s property,
whichonemighthaveacquiredfromone’shardearnedincome.Alosslossordamagetoone’s property can
leave one shattered. Losses created by catastrophes such as tsunami, Earthquakes, Cyclones etc. have
left many homeless and penniless. Such losses can be devastating but insurance could help mitigate
them. Property can be covered, so also the people against personal accidents. A health insurance
policy can provide financial relief to a person undergoing medical treatment whether due to a disease
or an injury.
Industries also need to protect themselves by obtaining insurance covers to protect their building ,
Machinery, stocks etc. They need to cover their liabilities as well. Financiers insist on insurance. So
, most industries and businesses that are financed by banks and other institutions do obtain covers. But
are they obtaining the right covers? And are they insuring adequately are questions that need to be
given some thought. Also organizations or industries that are self-financed should ensure that they are
protected by insurance.

Need for insurance in disasters::

In the Indian context where people below the poverty line are high and per capita income is low,
insurance penetration is bound to be low. It is , therefore, essential to make the best use of available
public insurances and affordable commercial insurances, in disaster mitigation.

The loss of property in Gujarat is likely to be close to Rs 10,000crore. Most of this was residential
property and, tragically, uninsured. This means that survivors of the quake are faced with the bleak
prospect of not getting a penny for what most would have regarded a rock solid investment, built
with a lifetime’s savings. The irony is that earthquake insurance is available in the country. Most
industrial establishments are, in fact, insured against earthquakes and fire. But, residential
establishments seldom are. This must change. Just as in the case of motor insurance, where third party
insurance is compulsory, insurance against calamities – earthquake, flood or fire must also be made
compulsory. It already is in most developed countries – where property is separately insured against
different kinds of risk depending on the location and exposure to the risk in question
– and there is no reason why it should not be made so in India as well.

People affected by calamities would not then have to depend on charity, but would instead be able to
face the prospect of their immediate state of homelessness with greater equanimity, secure in the
knowledge that they will receive compensation once they file their insurance claim. It was US
insurance companies that picked up the tab after Hurricane Mitch and the earthquake in Los Angeles,
for instance. True, it left many insurance companies bleeding but that risk is an integral part of the
insurance business. This will have the additional advantage of serving as a check on the quality of
construction, since insurance companies, anxious to limit their liability, will insist on certain
minimum standards being met. For the same reason, they will also be compelled to draw up zoning
maps, demarcating areas as flood/earthquake/ cyclone prone and accordingly tailor policies to the
requirements of each area instead of having the current one-size-fits-all approach.

The insurance industry has at its disposal comprehensive worldwide loss experience which it uses not
only in calculating premiums commensurate with the risk and in classifying hazard areas, known as
rating zones, but also in tracing relationships between event intensity and loss intensity and estimating
loss potentials from realistic disaster scenarios (Gopalakrishanan,2001).

On the other hand, the insurance industry is known to have extensive information in the form of
leaflets, brochures, films and television spots with which it alerts the public to risks and draws
attention to possible effective precautions.

Before, such information campaigns have concentrated on fire, accident and burglary prevention;
efforts today are shifting more and more to the area of natural hazards, where there are many
possibilities for loss prevention, which hitherto have scarcely been tapped.
Some of the important milestones in the general
insurance business in India ::
 1907::TheIndianMercantileInsuranceLtd.Setup,thefirstcompanytotransactallclasses
of general insurance business.
 1957:: General Insurance council , a wing of the Insurance Association of India, frames a code
of conduct for ensuring fair conduct and sound businesspractices.
 1968:: The Insurance Act amended to regulate investments and set minimum solvency
margins and the tariff Advisory Committee setup.
 1972:: The General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act,1972 nationalized the general
insurance business in India with effect from 1stJanuary1973.
 107 insurers amalgamated and grouped into four companies viz. the National insurance
company ltd.,the new india assurance company ltd., the oriental insurance company ltd., and
the united india insurance company ltd. GIC incorporated as acompany.
For better regulation purpose of the insurance sector the government has established following
1. IRA::Insurance Regulatory Authority::
The IRA, under the chairmanship of Rangachary, was set-up in January 1996. The IRA Bill
has to be passed by parliament to make the IRA a statutory body. Comprehensive legislation
aimed at reviewing the insurance Act of 1938 and repealing the life insurance corporation Act
of 1956 have to be passed.
2. IRDA::Insurance Regulatory and
development Authority::
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, constituted under the IRDA Act, 1999,
provide for the establishment of an authority to protect the interest policyholders, to regulate, promote
and ensure orderly growth of the life insurance industry.

Business Requirement:-
A company will not be issued a license unless the IRDA is satisfied with the sound financial
condition, the general character of management, the volume of business, the capital structure, earning
prospects for the insurers and that the interests of the general public will be served if registration is
granted to the insurer.
Foreign insurance companies have been allowed to have a maximum 26% share holding. No life
insurance company can be registered under the Act unless they have a paid up capital of Rs.100crores.
Every life insurer shall deposit with the reserve bank of India one percent of the total gross
premium written in India in any financial year, not exceeding Rs.10 crores

Investment of Assets:-
Every insurer is required to invest, and keep invested, assets equivalent to not
less than the net liabilities as follows:
a. 25 % in government securities,
b. a least 25% of the said sum in government securities or other
approved securities and
c. the balance in any approved investment rated as “very strong” or more by reputed rating
agencies, which include various debt instruments on which dividend on its ordinary shared for
the five years immediately preceding or for at least five out of the six or seven years
immediately preceding have been paid and which have priority in payment over ordinary
shares of the company in windingup.

3. TAC::Tariff Advisory Committee::

The tariff advisory committee established under the Act is empowered to control and regulate the
rates, terms, and etc. that may be offered by insurers in respect of any risk or of any category of risks.
It is provided that in fixing, amending or modifying such rates etc. the committee shall try to ensure as
far as possible that there is no unfair discrimination between risk of essentially the same hazard and
also that consideration is given to past and prospective loss experience. Every insurer is required to
make payment to the TAC of the prescribed annual fees.

Present situation of General Insurance in India::

The Indian insurance sector is rapidly moving towards international standards of free (risk-based)
market pricing and new/innovative product offerings. Big changes have occurred over the last few
years, during which the sector was opened to private participation, along with foreign direct
investment (FDI) capped at 26%.

India is the 5th largest market in Asia by premium, following Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan. The
countryisgeographicallylargeandhastheworld’s2ndlargestpopulation--1.13billionin2007– but it also
has one of the lowest penetration rates for property and casualty insurance in Asia in terms of premium
as a percentage of GDP.

India’s general insurance market witnessed a variety of changes as deregulation continued at a hectic
The total number of general insurers registered with IRDA are increasing day by day, with the
registration of SBI General Insurance Company Limited, a joint venture general insurance company
promoted by State Bank of India and Insurance Australia Group, Australia, as a general insurer in
December 2009. Moreover, L&T General Insurance is readying to launch its operations in the next
three to five months.

The Gross Premium underwritten by public sector non-life insurers for the April-December 2009
7.93 per cent posted by private sector non-life insurers. Overall, the non-life insurancesector grew
9.95 per cent in April-December 2009, compared to the corresponding period last year. According to
IRDA data, out of the US$ 5.46 billion premium underwritten by the industry during the April-
December 2009 period, US$ 3.24 billion came from the four public sector companies as compared to
US$ 2.91 billion during the same period in 2008.

Moreover, in the 2010-11 budget, Finance Minister, Mr Pranab Mukherjee, has decided to roll back
the government’s decision to tax the unrealised gains of non-life insurance companies. “The
appreciation in the value of investments, being in the nature of unrealized gain is not taken into
account for determining profit or loss of non-life insurance business as per the IRDA regulations. It is,
therefore, proposed that the unrealized gains due to appreciation in the value of investments will not
be included in the total income, ”according to the budget documents.

According to data from the IRDA (Summary Reports of Motor Data of Public and Private Sector
Insurers - 2008-09), in 2008-09, nearly 30 million vehicles were registered and a total premium worth
US$ 2.03 billion was collected.


Awareness:: It is the main problem faced by all the insurance company is lack of awareness
thepopulationisinsured.Majorityofthepopulationswhoarelivingintheruralareasandsuburban areas
are not aware of the about risk exposures and about insurance products available in the market.

Affordability::In India majority of the population standard of living is low and majority of
them belong to middle class and lower class and they have very little money left after satisfying basic
needs. Uneconomical premium of insurance policy is also a major constrains.
Accessibility::The policies are complex to understand by a layman the procedures are
difficulttoobtainpoliciesifdoneindividual.therearealotofactivitiesandformalitiesinvolvedin order
to get the insurance policy.

Inappropriate / inadequate distribution strategies::

Majority of the population is not aware of the benefits that the insurance company provides. And they
are also not aware of the various schemes which these companies introduce.


 Huge market largely untapped especially in Rural &Urban regions can be targeted to increase
the number of insurer in the market.
 As high as 70% of population is still not covered by insurance. So the company can conduct
mass campaign and educated the people more about the products and also about the risk
covered and the various benefits which they can avail .The Company can use various medium
to increases the awareness.
 Increase in standard of living, disposable income, literacy, insurance awareness throws open
huge opportunities on insurance.
 High growth in Automobile sector.
 Huge strides in Health Care opening up huge Health Insurance potential.
 In Rural sector large number of Micro finance institutions, Self Help Groups are setup who
can be the major clients of thisindustry.
 The Government initiatives on Massinsurance.
 General Insurance would grow at CAGR 17% next5years.

 It could save livelihoods, therefore it can be more financially sustainable than traditional
humanitarian aid, which focus on savinglives.
 By making disaster risk reduction an integral part of national policies and guaranteeing a
predictable and reliable payout in case of disaster, it will allow for longer term planning in
 By reducing the need for international involvement in emergencies, it can diminish the
negative effect external relief and reconstruction interventions often have in eroding local
markets and exacerbating social inequalities (Pelling,2007).
 Itwillcreateorreinforcetheideathatthestatehasresponsibilitiestoensureitscitizens’ safety and
protection of their livelihoods (Pelling,2007).
 It can increase governmentsself-determination.
 It can guarantee greater dignity for the beneficiaries than aid appeals (Syroka and Wilcox,
 If weather data collected are openly shared, they can be valuable for any DisasterRisk
Reduction programme.
 Current experience is, according to the experts involved in its implementation, transferable to
other countries with available historical and update weather data. The World Bank and WFP
are also exploring the opportunity for Satellite Data to be considered acceptable by the
reinsurance market as this would allow virtually insuring any country in the world against bad
weather, even if weather stations are notavailable.
Challenges LimitationsofDisasterInsurance::
 There is the risk of conflict with existing response capacities, where existing systems can
overlap with new programmes complementing the Insurance (see possible conflict between
DPPC and Contingency Plan inEthiopia3)
 It seems quite clear from actual experience that Disaster Insurance can not be a stand alone
tool and it needs to be part of a broader contingency plan, since it can not cover the risk of mild
droughts or other chronic risks (as otherwise the premium would becometoo costly).
 It is not capable of addressing all types of humanitarian crisis (for instance crisis due to
conflict or poor governance) and therefore, as a social protection tool, it needs to be part of a
broader set of emergency response mechanisms (Barnett et al.,2006).
 It is also important to recognize that insurance can at the most replace losses but it is not
oriented to create improvements in quality of life (Pelling,2007).

National InsuranceCompanyLimited

www.nationalinsuranceindia.comNew India AssuranceCompanyLimited

Oriental InsuranceCompanyLimited

www.orientalinsurance.nic.inUnited India InsuranceCompany Limited

Export CreditGuaranteeCorporation`

www.ecgcindia.comAgriculture Insurance Company ofIndiaLimited

Bajaj Allianz General InsuranceCo.Limited

www.bajajallianz.co.inICICI Lombard General InsuranceCo.Ltd.

www.icicilombard.comIFFCO-Tokio General Insurance Co.Ltd.

www.itgi.co.inReliance General InsuranceCo.Limited www.ril.com

Royal Sundaram Alliance InsuranceCo.Ltd. www.royalsun.com

TATA AIG General InsuranceCo.Limited www.tata-

aig.comCholamandalam General InsuranceCo.Ltd.

www.cholainsurance.comExport CreditGuaranteeCorporation

www.ecgcindia.comHDFC Chubb General Insurance Co.Ltd.

insurance FUTURE
ICICI Prudential General Insurance
AEGON Religare General Insurance
General Insurance CorporationofIndia www.gicindia.com

Market share of different companies



The analysis has started with the literature survey of various news papers, magazine which helped the
various aspects of the insurance industry in India. According to Parasuraman et al (1985)
customer’sperceptionsoftheservicereceivedequate withcustomer’spriorexpectations,andthen a quality
service has been delivered.

A questionnaire was prepared on the basis of objective of the study. It was parted into some categories
as follows
 Personal details of thecustomers
 Experience of naturaldisaster
 Awareness about disasterinsurance
 What they think about disaster insurance is it really effective to recover the damages caused
A sample questionnaire is given into Annexure-I.

Primarydatawascollectedinthesamplesizeofseventyfive due to time constraint. Data was collected through
one to one interaction from different people. The respondents are from govt. officers, businessmen,
shopkeepers etc. Therespondent were mostly from
differentage groupandincomelevel.


Schematics showing Methodological Steps

Observations and Findings::


68% S

FIG:: 1 Source:Questionnaire

Out of 75 sample size it was found that in the field of experience of natural disaster natural disaster
68% respondent has experience of natural disaster. From this we can say that Uttaranchal state is a
disaster prone state.

Those have the experience of natural disaster among of them 64% of the people has the experience of
earthquake ,so it is clear that Uttaranchal state is liable to severalearthquakes.

FIG::2 Source:Questionnaire
FIG::3 Source:Questionnaire

From this figure we can interpret that the people of Dehradun generally get the information related to
disaster, how to make their home and life safer from disaster.

Disaster insurancecoverage


FIG::4 Source:Questionnaire

From this figure we can say only 12% people has disaster insurancecoverage.
FIG::5 Source:Questionnaire

From the previous figure it is clear that 64% of the people are aware about disaster insurance , but the
most important thing is that do they have insurance coverage?

FIG::6 Source:Questionnaire

From this figure we get to know that those who aware about disaster insurance among of them only
42% people has insurance coverage. The penetration of insurance should increase to reduce the
financial damages caused by disaster. Govt. should take some initiative to promote insurance.
FIG:: 7 Source:Questionnaire

Those who has disaster insurance coverage among of them 63% has earthquake coverage, 22%
coverage against land slides, 11% against flash flood and 4% has coverage against fire.

FIG:: 8 Source:Questionnaire

In Dehradun in general insurance there has 4 major players general insurance corporation has 40%
market share; new india assurance has 35% market share; united india insurance has 20% market
share and oriented insurance has 5% market share.
FIG:: 9 Source:Questionnaire

I also try to find out the perception of the people of Dehradun about disaster insurance. What they
think about disaster insurance. Is disaster insurance effective to recover the damages caused by natural
disaster. 61.2% of the respondent those who aware about disaster insurance , think that
‘disasterinsuranceiseffectivetorecoverthedamagescausedbynaturaldisaster.’Andanother amazing thing
is that 91.2% of the respondent think that Govt. of Uttaranchal should take some initiative to improve
the awareness of disasterinsurance.


Uttaranchal, due to its peculiar geographical setting is vulnerable to minor ecological changes. This
makes the state disaster prone in terms of land slides, forest fires, cloud bursts, flash floods, and most
importantly earth quakes. Given the frequency and the unpredictability of the occurrence of these
disasters, an attempt to develop capacity to undertake disaster mitigation strategies is very important.
The ultimate end of all these strategies should be to reduce the vulnerability of the state to disasters.
These programs should include, inter alia, disaster vulnerability assessment for the entire state and
investment that would reduce vulnerability. In short the emphasis of the approach to disasters should
shift from reaction to anticipation. In other words, the thrust should be on pro active pre- disaster
measures rather than post disasterresponse.
If any person has disaster insurance he can reduce financial loss caused by disaster. But the people of
Dehradun not so much aware about disaster insurance. In this situation Govt. of Uttaranchal should
take some initiative to improve the awareness of disasterinsurance.
91.2 % of the respondent think that Govt. of Uttaranchal should take some initiative to improve the
awareness of disaster insurance. 61.2% of the respondent those who aware about disasterinsurance
, think that ‘disaster insurance is effective to recover the damages caused by natural disaster.
Disasters both man made and natural are one of the most challenging problems faced by the state of
Uttaranchal. It is true that we cannot avert or prevent the occurrence of many of the disasters. But by
taking appropriate steps, we can definitely reduce their effects. The focus should be on all areas
including connectivity in form of road, telecommunication and air connectivity. It is here that the role
of a proper mechanism to guide and coordinate a comprehensive disaster preparedness programme
becomes relevant. Some of the initiatives have been taken in the right direction but still there is a long
way togo.

Dear Respondent,

Thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire; this questionnaireis aimed at your awareness and
your perception about insurance for disaster management. Your response will be dealt with strict confidentially
and it will be used only for academic purpose. Again thank you for spending your valuable time to fill


Contact no.::

E-Mail ID::………………………………………………………….
Gender: Male Female Marital Unmarried Married
: status::

Age Group (years Below 30 31-40 41-50 51-60 Above 60

old) ::

Occupation: Student Employee Self-Employed Other, Specify………………..


Educational Under graduate Graduate Post-Graduate

Other, specify…………………….

Income Below 1 1.01-3 lakhbove 5

(annually):: lakh lakh3.01-5 lakhs.



1. Have you ever received information about how to make your family and home safer from natural
disasters? [if no then go to questionno.5].
yes No

2. Howrecently?
Within the last 6 months
Between 2 and 5 years

Between 6 and 12 months

Between 1 and 2 years

5 years ormore

3. Are you aware about disaster insurance? [if no then go to question no.11].
Yes No.
4. Does your family have any disaster insurance coverage? [ if no then go to questionno.9].
Yes No

5. Do you have the insurance coverage any of thefollowing.

Earthquake Landslides

Flashflood Avalanche


6. Name of thecompany.
General insurance corporation of india
New india assurance

Oriented insurance
United india insurance

Other- specify……………………………..

7. Whatisthemainreasonthatyourfamilydoesn’thaveinsurancecoverageagainstdisaster. Not
Too expensive
Not necessary

Never considered it

[Please specify your

level of agreement for
the following
statements(just put a tick
mark). SD-strongly
disagree, D-disagree, U-
undecided ,A-agree, SA-
strongly agree]

8. Disaster insurance is effective to recover the damages caused by natural disaster.


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