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Humanistic Concerns in The Poem Song of Myself by Walt Whitman

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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences

Vol-7, Issue-1; Jan-Feb, 2022

Journal Home Page Available: https://ijels.com/

Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels

Peer-Reviewed Journal

Humanistic Concerns in the poem Song of Myself by Walt

Nisha Rakwal

TGT(English) JNV Ramban Jammu and Kashmir, India

Received: 25 Nov 2021; Received in revised form: 10 Jan 2022; Accepted: 17 Jan 2022; Available online: 23 Jan 2022
©2022 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— This research paper talks about the concept of Humanism that is found in the works of Walt
Whitman. Song of Myself exposes Whitman’s view of the human being. He recognized humanity as
embracing many polarities, consisting of cultural, spiritual as well as biological. He also emphasizes on
the ethos of equality in America. He believed that humanism is the only way of living our lives and all
humans should be treated as equals and children of same God.
Whitman considered life and all of its components special in their own ways and thought of them as perfect
whatever they were and wherever they were. He stresses on the individuality and says that an individual
should live with an open mind; should have willingness to love others; and should remain non-judgmental.
The humanism of Whitman bases itself on their extreme faith in the Almighty. This paper aims at discussing
the humanistic concerns in the poem Song of Myself.
Keywords— humanism, transcendentalism, spirituality, mysticism and Over-soul.

INTRODUCTION sensations, subjective impressions, impulses, irrational

The concept of humanism is profoundly ingrained prejudices, self-will, mere eccentricities, oddities, foibles,
in the works of Whitman. Although to define humanism and fancies” (W.T stance 123).
is not easy yet many theorists and critics have attempted In simpler terms the dictum agrees to the fact that there
to do this. There are diverse connotations of this term. is no distinction between sense and reason. Each
The basic definition of humanism is to take care of the individual has the ability to distinguish between good
human demands, needs , desires and the main concern is and bad, so each person becomes a moral self. Here
to give humans a special place in the universe on account ‘moral’ is not used in the sense of following defined set
of their abilities and faculties. The humanists for of religious beliefs rather it refers to a more universal
centuries have been concerned about the cultivation of concept of morality that strengthens the faith that all
human capabilities and to study the products of human people have an intrinsic worth. Thus the Protagoras
endeavors in art and literature. Many philosophers have philosophy sowed the seeds of humanism which would
tried their level best to explain the very nature of human grow into a huge tree with numerous interpretations and
existence. It could be started from an allusion to the assumptions.
famous Greek philosopher Protagoras whose dictum Another Greek philosopher, Socrates, was also a
“Man is the measure of all things” had created great humanist and interpreted humanism through his
controversy during his time. axiom “know thyself”. He prophesized the philosophy of
W.T Stance interprets the above dictum as follows: “ conjoining man with the eternal through the right
‘Man is the measure of all things’; certainly but man as a knowledge which is virtue. Socrates placed virtue,
rational being, not man as a bundle of particular knowledge and human happiness at the same pedestral

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https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.71.6 23
Nisha Rakwal Humanistic Concerns in the poem Song of Myself by Walt Whitman

and the reason behind this is that right knowledge in true Christianity should free itself from superstitions and
particular ought to lead man to perform right action dogmas of the society.
which ultimately leads to immense happiness. Hence he F.C.S. Schiller, a modern humanist, branded
stressed on self-actualization and self- realization. pragmatism as humanism. He emphasized that the highest
Plato’s ideas of humanism advocate the task of the pragmatic humanism is the service of man. In
establishment of balance between reason, spirit and desire. the contemporary world naturalistic humanism has become
He seeks to create a better self and proclaims that humans popular which is also called as scientific humanism. This
could achieve virtue by acquiring greater capacity for kind of humanism is against the existence of God and
wisdom and rationality. Thus both Plato and Socrates have rejects the illusion of immortality. This philosophy holds
concern for the well-being of humans. Their teachings that there is no supernatural being and man is a wholly
were followed by Aristotle, according to whom reason natural being whose well-being rests on his own efforts,
becomes man’s highest attribute and his glory as well. He not guided by any transcendent support.
emphasized the study of human virtue and asserted that When we consider humanism in India, it is
man must not be viewed as an angel or devil but as a observed that various religions propound the idea of
human being. This could be directly related to what universal humanity like Sikhism, Buddhism, Hinduism,
Whitman said that He did not belong to the goodness only Islam through the Saints and Bauls as their mouthpiece.
but also to the wickedness. Hershell Baker comments on For instance, Raja Ram Mohan Roy pleads for having a
Aristotle remarks and says: “His (Aristotle’s) is the most universal religion to be embraced by the whole mankind.
urbane kind of humanism, one that candidly names as its Mahatma Gandhi dedicated his life for the cause of the
object an attainable good” (Hershell Baker 63). Hershell downtrodden. Also, in the ancient Indian scriptures like
Baker sums up the Greek view of Humanism in the same Bhagvad-Gita it is mentioned that “….I am the life in all
book in these words: “To understand his own morphology beings...” (Bhagavad-Gita 7-9). Here, the emphasis is
as well as that of the universe is man’s highest function given to the mankind and God can be found in the inner
and leads to the state of well-being which is virtue. This is self of man. Therefore, through the above discussions it
the apogee of humanism which for the Greek was an can be asserted that the central concern of humanism is
attitude and habit of mind rather than a philosophical man. Humanism opposes:
system or cult.” (104)
Naturalism and absolutism, accepting
In the ancient Greek literature the strain of human experience as the primary
humanism is prominent and can be seen in work like concern for all. It rejects transcendence
Sophocle’s Oedipus Rex where the protagonist struggles of the real, but it is not skeptic like
against the inevitable cosmic forces but does not lose absolutism which considers that truth is
heart. This shows that Greek humanism had profound unattainable to man. It believes that what
respect for mankind and it could be justified by is real is attainable and knowable for
Sophoclean adage: “Wonders are many and none is more man; thus rejecting skepticism and
wonderful than man.” Similarly, the works of Whitman agnosticism.
propound the fact that man should be placed as the highest
Humanism believes that man is an
because of the greatest virtue possessed by him which is
evolutionary product of nature and a part
reason. The rediscovery of humanistic values in Greek
of it, but his spirit is free. It believes in
works during the 14 C which tried to define humanism is
freedom of man and rejects all kinds of
often referred to as Renaissance humanism. In the classics
determinism and fatalism. Man
of Greek literature man was glorified. During this age man
possesses genuine freedom of creative
tried to make his earthly life a joyful experience instead of
choice and action and, therefore, he is
worrying about death.
the maker of his own destiny. It believes
In Christianity, humanism dwells on the change- in ethics and morality that grounds all
over from scientific questions to the problems of moral life human values in earthly experience and
and religious imagination. Erasmus, the prince of the relationship. The position of man as a
modern humanists, emphasized on the dignity of man moral and spiritual subject gains
through Christ’s atonement and God’s grace. In Praise of significance in humanism. It assumes a
Folly, he criticized the corruption in the Church and quest for a just society which is above all
insisted on the understanding of life. He also argued that communalism, sectarianism and other
ideas of narrowness. Though humanism

IJELS-2022, 7(1), (ISSN: 2456-7620)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.71.6 24
Nisha Rakwal Humanistic Concerns in the poem Song of Myself by Walt Whitman

rejects authority, sacrificial cult of The most striking feature of Whitman’s poetry is
ritualism and theology, it is not anti- his love for the average. His poetry consists of ‘everyday”
religion in character. It is religious life written for the common reader. Whitman’s poetry is
because it does not reject values and mystical in approach but his mysticism is not derived from
morality in man’s life. (Nilesh Arvind the saints who appear to be completely disgusted with the
Tare 109). world of senses. Rather Whitman believed in
The principles discussed above are the basic criteria for transcendental form of mysticism and like Tagore makes
explaining the humanistic concerns in Whitman. man the center of his poetic world. He believes that there
is no God more divine than humans and also stresses on
As far as Walt Whitman is concerned, he is his
the equality of man and woman, black and white etc.
own prophet and the “true son of God”. He has been
Although in his prose and poems he refers to “God”,
influenced by many religions like Quakerism, Christianity,
“identity”, “soul”, “self” and similar terms used by
Hinduism but he was not a follower of any of them. His
mystics, yet his essential efforts is to make the natural
true religion was humanism. He was an intellectual and a
supernatural and not vice-versa. In one of his notes he
highly unorthodox poet.
Walt Whitman was a conscious artist and a
“There is nothing in the universe any
profound original thinker. At the outset of his career he
more divine than man. All gathers to the
was considered a revolutionary poet who believed that
worship of man- How awful, how
poetry has a function to perform, a mission to pursue. His
beautiful a being-How full of Gods is the
view on poetry and poets has been repeatedly explained by
him in a number of passages in his preface and many of his
prose works. He was to write a new kind of poetry for the Walt Whitman seems to incorporate the
new world and this should be new in every way in subject Upanishadic view regarding the knowledge of self and
matter, in form, in spirit, in its message, and in its style and love for mankind. His poems explicit the essential nature
diction. He wanted to break away from the European style of man which is pure being, pure conscious and bliss. His
of writing. His innumerable attacks on Shakespeare and knowledge of self is revealed by the following lines:
‘other feudal’ poets of Europe are well known. Although It is time to explain myself-let us stand
he recognized the importance of ‘past’ yet the dislike for up! Here he calling us to realize
European traditions continued to the end of his life. He did ourselves. One of the nation of many
not want anything from Europe to be repeated in America. nations, the smallest the same and the
Whitman tried his best to create the new taste in largest the same.
his works and succeeded to a large extent in his effort. In A Southerner as soon as a Northerner, a
his treatise A Backward Glance O’er Travel’d Road,he has planter nonchalant and hospitable down
explained his attitude towards poetry which in not a pure by the Oconee I live.
art, but an art with a purpose. He asks his readers not to A Yankee bound my own way ready for
consider Leaves of Grass as a mere literary work rather try trade, my joints the limberest joints on
to comprehend the meaning behind it. Whitman’s theory of earth
poetry shows two voices- the voice of the inspired
And the sternest joints on earth,
Romantic critic for whom poetry is a divine gift for
spiritual development, and the voice of the utilitarian for A Kentuckian walking the vale of the
whom poetry is an instrument of social and political Elkhorn in my deerskin leggings, a
reform. According to Whitman a poet should incorporate Louisianian
the following tenets as defined in his preface of Leaves of Or Georgian,… (16: 5-8)
Grass (1855):
Here Whitman is meditating on the American self
The greatest poet hardly knows as a universal entity and is capable of assuming any guise
pettiness or triviality. If he breathes into without losing its essence. In other words, one must to
anything that was before thought small it realize oneself and merge it into Divine without losing its
dilates with the grandeur and life of the own characteristics. Whitman, in the above lines, treats
universe. He is a seer… he is Americans as containing multitudinous nature of the self.
individual… he is complete in himself. The poet further says that he is not of one nation but
(CRE 713) belongs to all other nations. He is of the east and of the
west; of north and of south; of the city as well as the

IJELS-2022, 7(1), (ISSN: 2456-7620)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.71.6 25
Nisha Rakwal Humanistic Concerns in the poem Song of Myself by Walt Whitman

countryside. It means that he belongs to the whole comes in the way of spirituality that is the enslavement of
universe. Therefore, it can be concluded that the sixteenth man by traditions custom and orthodox conventions. So,
section of Song of Myself exposes Whitman’s view of the the poet calls for a free atmosphere so that man may
human being. He recognized humanity as embracing many realize his self and try to achieve union with the divine.
polarities, consisting of cultural, spiritual as well as While analyzing the views of Humanism as
biological. He also emphasizes on the ethos of equality in comprehended by Whitman we arrive at an understanding
America. that he displayed universal outlook which embraces the
Whitman considered life and all of its whole mankind, transcending all the barriers. Whitman
components special in their own ways and thought of them prophesizes that God – Man axis would be replaced by
as perfect whatever they were and wherever they were. He Man – God axis because of this democratic faith. He
stresses on the individuality and says that an individual believes that humanity should be elevated to the pedestral
should live with an open mind; should have willingness to of divinity. Whitman sees God in Man. He writes:
love others; and should remain non-judgmental. In the faces of men and women I see
In the last lines of the section 23, poet calls for a God, and in my own face in the glass,
revolt against orthodoxy and conservatism and thus argues I find letters from God dropt in the strict,
for the spiritual freedom of the man. Here, he urges the and everyone is signed by God’s
individual to think with an open mind: name.(48: 87)
[…]this is the lexicographer, this the Therefore, the humanism of Whitman bases itself on their
chemist, this made a grammar of the old extreme faith in the Almighty.
Walt Whitman does not differentiate between
These Mariners put the ship through good and evil. He also feels the pain and suffering of
dangerous unknown seas. This is the poor, criminals and slaves alike. He identifies himself
geologist, this works with the scalpel, with all of these and claims that:
and this is a mathematician. Gentleman,
I am not the poet of goodness only. I do
to you the first honors always!
not decline to be the poet of wickedness
Your facts are useful, and they are not also.
my dwelling,
What blurt is this about virtue and about
I but enter by them to an area of my vice? Evil propels me and reform of evil
dwelling. propels me, I stand indifferent.
Less the reminders of properties told my My gait is no fault-finder’s or rejecter’s
words, gait.
And more the reminders they of life I moisten the roots of all that has grown.
untold, and of freedom and extrication. (22: 50)
And make short account of neuters and The lines written above reveal the Whitman’s
geldings, and favour men and women idea of social equality which never secludes any human
fully equipt, being irrespective of colour, creed, social status and deeds.
And beat the gong of revolt, and stop Whitman argues that he is non-judgemental and does not
with fugitives and them that plot and consider himself an authority to judge about the virtues or
conspire”. (23: 51-52) faults in the nature of human being. In the same line of
In the above passage, the poet expresses his thought Whitman says:
happiness over the work done by the scientists and praises Undrape! you are not guilty to me, or
them a lot. But reality and materialism is not the end of stale nor discarded, I see through the
human life, there is lot more to be done and the physical broadcloth and gingham whether or not,
body is only the way to prepare for the realization of God. And am around tenacious, acquisitive,
The poet argues that he would use science to achieve a tireless, and cannot be shaken away.(7:
better and fuller life for the soul. He longs for the eternal, 35)
who lies beyond and there lies the real dwelling of man. Whitman becomes a mere spectator, and
This is the ‘life untold’ which becomes the real concern of comments that he does not find anyone ‘guilty’ or
the poet. The poet further points out the main hurdle that degraded and treats all as equals. The ‘I’ in this section is

IJELS-2022, 7(1), (ISSN: 2456-7620)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.71.6 26
Nisha Rakwal Humanistic Concerns in the poem Song of Myself by Walt Whitman

the transcendent soul or the ‘Over-soul’ who is witness to And mossy scabs of the worm fence,
all that goes on in the world, both good and evil. heap’d stones, elder, mullein and poke-
However, the detachment of the poet is partial because he weed. (5: 33)
does not believe in withdrawal from worldly objects rather In these lines Whitman talks about the result of
identifies him with them. In other words it can be said that the mystical union of soul with the ‘Over-soul’ that leads
Whitman believes that the goodness persists in the to peace, knowledge and wisdom, far greater than any
mankind and eulogize it to the highest level. It is pertinent knowledge or bliss. At this point of time, the poet realizes
to mention here that Whitman refers to wickedness as well that all the creations of God are equally sacred and contain
and does not want to leave it out. the same life-force. Here the poet is seen as a firm believer
Whitman’s humanism is also spiritual in of universal camaraderie because he realizes that all men
approach. His poetry contains new elements though he was are his brothers and all women are either his sisters or
influenced by great writers such as Homer, Shakespeare beloveds, and all of them are part of the one ‘Supreme
and even his contemporaries like Carlyle and Coleridge Soul’. Whitman maintains that all the creations of the
and most significantly by Emerson. These writers universe whether significant or insignificant, holy or
introduced him to ancient and modern mystics beginning unholy, good or bad are equally valuable. This discussion
with Plato and Plotinus. The emphasis on German reveals that Whitman was a humanistic who treated all
Transcendentalism in the works of Coleridge and Carlyle mankind as equal and claimed that the Divine Soul holds
must surely have shaped Whitman’s mind. Because of them together.
these influences his humanism gives the message of hope, Whitman also talks about acquiring true
cheerfulness, joy and courage. Whitman never complains knowledge and wisdom through the course of mystical
of anything in his poetry but occasionally, he seems to journey. Whitman stresses upon man’s communion with
imply that the world of the senses is not the real world at nature for the eventual happiness of all mankind.
all; it is only a poor substitute for the Real, the Ideal, the Whitman says:
Transcendental. He says: “What is a man anyhow? What
Have you reckon’d a thousand acres
am I? What are you”? Whitman’s humanism can be
much? Have you recokon’d the earth
explained by the following line taken from his Preface:
“…. there is anything in the known universe more divine
then men and women”. In these lines Whitman simply Have you practis’d so long to learn to
elevates men and women to the level of divinity. read?
The Song of Myself depicts the concept Have you felt so proud to get at the
of ‘Over-soul’ and its relation to the soul of man. Whitman meaning of poems? Stop this day and
writes: night with me and you shall possess the
origin all poems.
Swiftly arose and spread around me the
peace and knowledge that pass all the You shall possess the good of the earth
argument of the earth, and sun, (there are millions of suns left,)
And I know that the hand of God is the You shall no longer take things at second
promise of my own, or third hand, nor look through the eyes
of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in
And I Know that the spirit of God is the
brother of my own,
You shall not look through my eyes
And that all the men ever born are also
either, nor take things from me,
my brothers, and the women my sisters
and lovers, You shall listen to all sides and filter
them from yourself.” (2: 30)
And that a Kelson of the creation is love,
These lines amply establish Whitman as one who
And limitless are leaves stiff or dropping
urges men to step beyond the knowledge acquired by
in the fields,
senses. As a mystic, he emphasizes the significance of
And brown ants in the little wells intuitive power as an ultimate source of knowledge.
beneath them, Whitman’s Song of Myself offers a perceptive commentary
on innumerable day to day activities of every man,
glimpses of his everyday life which enable the poet to see

IJELS-2022, 7(1), (ISSN: 2456-7620)

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.71.6 27
Nisha Rakwal Humanistic Concerns in the poem Song of Myself by Walt Whitman

and comprehend the meaning of life and see it as a whole. Agonies are one of my changes of
The poet believes that he is not rooted to any particular garments,
place on the earth. He belongs to everybody and to every I do not ask the wounded person how he
place. He is as much as of the sky as of the earth. He feels; I myself become the wounded
embraces all the people on this earth irrespective of person,
gender, age, color or nationality. He stresses on the
My hurts turn livid upon me as I lean on
immortality of the human soul and says that the humans
a cane and observe. (33: 67)
will never die or degrade, although they are unaware of
this fact. They are also immortal like the poet but they do In these lines the Poet identifies himself with the
not realize this truth. In another section of the poem Song suffering and the needy. He himself becomes the sufferer.
of Myself, the poet emphasizes the fact that his self To conclude it can be observed that Whitman
expands till it embraces the whole humanity. The viewed humanity as the divine manifestation of God.
following lines tend to show the immense diversity that the According to him the whole world is considered as a
poet’s self attains: manifestation of God, not divorced, but intimately
And these tend inward to me, and I tend connected with Him. Therefore, it could also be concluded
outward to them, and such as it is to be that everything is contained and related to Him. He shows
of these more or less I am, And of these firm faith in God and believes in the conviction that God is
one and all I weave the song of myself the preserver and creator as well as the giver of pain and
(15:44) death. The humanism of Whitman is not about preaching
like a priest or theorizing about the relationship of man and
Whitman as a poet sequesters himself into all the
God, but simply a practical way to life.
objects around him and absorbs everything into himself.
The resultant is the poem that becomes an offer at the altar
of the divine: REFERENCES
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https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.71.6 28

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