Become Eco Friendly
Become Eco Friendly
Become Eco Friendly
The second step looks at the extent of your carbon imprint that
you may not be able to change – such as living in a house,
having to drive a car or the type of employment you have and
acting with the responsibility to lessen that imprint to the best
of your ability.
5. Drive Less, Walk More: A simple and yet more effective way
to live eco-friendly life is to either take public transportation for
your daily commuting needs or try pooling in with your office
colleagues to save fuel and reduce your carbon footprint. If your
office is couple of miles away from home, you can either start
half an hour early and walk on foot or ride a bicycle. If you’re
and avid traveler, you can follow these green travel tips.
That Land Rover may have a special gauge to tell you if you are
right side up or upside down in the event of a sandstorm, but
chances of encountering a sandstorm in New Jersey, much less
actually doing an activity that would need a vehicle like the
Rover is so minimal that it is a luxury that is unnecessary.
The Eco-friendly Business
Creating an eco-friendly business means you are mindful of the
waste products your business creates, and the way it uses
resources to do business. There are very many options for how
you can do packaging and advertising that have a much lower
impact on the environment. As a business, you stand to make a
stronger impact in how fuel conservation is approached by
working with suppliers that utilize hybrid technologies and
making sure that a part of what you consider when buying or
selling is the cost and impact of the shipping of the product.