Rajasthan Technical University, Kota: Specialization in Mechanical Engineering by
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota: Specialization in Mechanical Engineering by
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota: Specialization in Mechanical Engineering by
Submitted to
Name of the Student(s)
(With Roll No.)
……………………….. …………………
Lecturer & Guide H.O.D.
Deptt. of Mech. Engg. Deptt. of Mech. Engg
JEC, Kukas JEC, Kukas
This is to certify that this project Report entitled
Which is being submitted by Mr. …………………………………………… in partial
fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelors of Technology in
Mechanical Engineering, of Rajasthan Technical University, Kota is a record
student’s own work carried by him under my guidance and supervision.
To the best of my knowledge, the matter presented in this project has not
been submitted for the award of any other diploma or degree certificate.
Under the guidance of:
……………………….. …………………
(Project Guide) H.O.D.
Deptt. of Mech. Engg. Deptt. of Mech. Engg
JEC, Kukas JEC, Kukas
Place: Jaipur
Engineering is not only a theoretical study but it is a implementation of all we
study for creating something new and making things more easy and useful
through practical study. It is an art which can be gained with systematic study,
observation and practice. In the college curriculum we usually get the theoretical
knowledge of industries, and a little bit of implementation knowledge that how it
work’s? But how can we prove our practical knowledge to increase the
productivity or efficiency of the industry?
[(Times New Roman (Bold-20)]
Page No.
Chapter-1 1.1 Introduction ---
1.1.1 (Subsection) ---
1.2 Review of literature ---
1.3 Formulation of the problem
(Arranged alphabetically)
• Palkhivala N.A.: Investment in Humans, Bhavan’s Journal, Vol. 51, No. 1, p 209,
August 15, 2004.
• Robinson C.H., et al.: Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition, 17th Edition, Macmillan
Publishing Company, New York, 1986.
• Simon & Schuster: Maximizing Energy, Published by Pocket Books, ISBN: 0-671-
02955-X, 2000
Type of binding
Each copy of the project report will be hard bound and shall have outer cover to the color and
cover as given below:
Number of copies
Each group will prepare a copy for each member of the group and one extra copy for submitting it
to the department for university examination. The extra copy shall be handed over by the
departmental project coordinator to the library for college record.