Error Analysis of Using Punctuation in Narrative Text
Error Analysis of Using Punctuation in Narrative Text
Error Analysis of Using Punctuation in Narrative Text
Abstract: The objectives of this research are to find out whether the students commit
punctuation errors in their narrative writing or not and to identify the types of errors which
are made by the students in terms of Surface Strategy Taxonomy. This is a descriptive
qualitative research. The instrument used for collecting the data is writing task in narrative
text, consisting of recognition and production task. The data was, then, analyzed based on
procedures used in error analysis of the descriptive approach. The results show that a
number of students committed erroneous data either in recognition or production task on
the use of punctuation marks in terms of omission, addition, substitution, and
Keywords: error analysis, punctuation, surface strategy taxonomy
1. INTRODUCTION (1). The manager said his assistant is quite
Language is an important element in mistaken, and (2). The manager, said the
man‟s daily life. It can be used to express assistant, is quite mistaken. It can be
and understand their minds, ideas, and inferred that both sentences have quite
feelings. It also enables human being to different meanings. From the first sentence,
communicate with each other by stating the meaning is: “It is the assistant who is
ideas, expressing feelings, and exchanging mistaken.” On contrast, the latter means:
information. One of the tools how people “It is the manager who is mistaken.”
communicate with each other is writing. In his thesis, Sudirman (1994) points
Writing is highly important to be mastered out that studies on the students‟ English
by language learners. Through writing— Foreign Language (EFL) should not be
whatever it is, the readers can catch and focused only on major language aspects
follow the writer‟s opinion and messages. (grammar, syntax, phonology, morphology,
The most important thing in conveying semantics) and skills (listening, speaking,
messages accurately is a good organization reading, writing) in general, but also on
in writing. Warriner (1973: iv) suggests that specified areas of each aspect and skill. In
a good organization can be (1) the study of writing, for example, the specified areas can
grammatical correctness in the use of be content, process, purpose, word choice,
inflected forms, (2) the study of the punctuation, or mechanics. Without
conventions of usage and of intensively reaching these specified areas,
appropriateness in word choice, (3) the studies would never gain comprehensive,
study of vocabulary and diction as a means deeper, empirical information on the
to a more powerful style, and (4) the study students‟ EFL writing as a complete unit of
of mechanics, such as punctuation, language skill. In order to gain such
manuscript forms, capitalization, and information, then, efforts for studying the
spelling. specified areas of the EFL writing need to
Punctuation marks have an important be intensively made. By doing so, in turn,
and significant role in writing. Consider, for various problems faced by students in their
example, the respective effects on the writing can be revealed. Error studies on
following sentences of the first omitting English writing have so far been largely
punctuation marks and then inserting them. focused only on general matter such as
ELT- Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol 4, No 1, February 2017
or longer units of expression (such as: the errors were then calculated based on
commas, dashes, quotation marks, single their frequency and percentage.
quotation marks, parentheses, and
brackets). In this research, the uses of 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
punctuation marks are based on PUEYD
The table below indicates the proportion
(Pedoman Umum Ejaan Yang
of the types of errors in the use of
Disempurnakan „General guidelines of
punctuation marks.
Improved Indonesian spelling system‟) and
Warriner (1973: 623). Table 1 Proportion of the types of errors in the
use of punctuation marks
2. METHOD Instrument Types of Frequency Percentage
This research is a descriptive analysis
Recognition Omission 673 68.05%
research which aims at describing various
phenomena in various conditions and Test Addition 178 17.99%
situations according to their present
Substitution 104 10.52%
existence. This method includes attempts of
describing, recording, analyzing, and Misplacement 34 3.44%
interpreting conditions existing and
TOTAL 989 100%
observable at present. In this way, the
writer or researcher gathered the data from Production Omission 144 41.86%
students‟ writing in narrative text. The
Test Addition 99 28.78%
researcher saw the error, then identified and
classified the errors based on Surface Substitution 83 24.13 %
Strategy Taxonomy. A total 62 participants
Misplacement 18 5.23 %
from high school students in Pringsewu
Regency volunteered as the subjects of this TOTAL 344 100 %
To decide the sample of the research,
the researcher uses purposive random
sampling. This technique was taken to It can be seen from table 1 that omission
assure the higher level of writing type holds the most frequent errors in the
competencies so that the data gained use of punctuation marks both in
through writing test, either in recognition or recognition (R) and production (P) tests. Its
production test, did reflect their true ability frequency is 673 out of 989 or 68.05% in R
and problems. The recognition test is given and 144 out of 344 or 41.86% in P. A
in an objective form or closed questions and number of students committed this kind of
production test is given to the students by errors in the use of eleven punctuation
producing writing narrative texts. The marks. On the other hand, the lowest errors
former requires students to supply belong to misplacement type. Its frequency
individual punctuation marks while the is 34 out of 989 or 3.44% in R and 18 out of
latter requires students to write narrative 344 or 5.23% in P. In this case, the
paragraphs with the determined topic. The researcher inferred that most students
data, which were taken from the erroneous committed these kinds of errors due to
students‟ writing, were then analyzed and intralanguage transfer and extraneous
classified as omission, addition, hinders. The former indicates that the
substitution, or misplacement based on students make errors in the target language
Surface Strategy Taxonomy. Furthermore, caused by the rules of the target language
itself. In other words, the students in fact
are lack of knowledge about English
the omission type found in recognition is For this reason, the corrected version from
greater than in production. the erroneous data is Will you speak a little
louder, George?In example 4, the use of
Addition Type colon is not appropriate. The colon is not
This type of errors is characterized by required after the word enclosed in example
the presence of unnecessary punctuation 4. In formal writing, it is not recommended
marks in a particular unit of writing, to use colon after verbs followed by direct
sentences, or a part of sentences. In this objects. The omission of colon, however,
study, the subjects of the research makes the sentences correct.
committed this error as presented as Like the omission type, addition type is
follows. also found in this research. In this study,
1. Will you speak a little louder, addition errors rank the second position
George?. (6/Add/S19/R) both in recognition and production. This
2. The groom and bride, make a tendency is suspected to be due to
gown….(27/Add/S7/P) avoidance by the subjects in producing
3. Will you speak a little louder, more sentences that do not require the
George??? (66/Add/S19/R) specific punctuation marks in the
4. For your convenience we have production task. As a result, they used
enclosed:…(11/Add/S1/R) unnecessary punctuation marks in the
From data above, the unnecessary sentences they produced in their writing.
punctuations come from the use of a full
stop, a comma, a question mark, and a Substitution Type
colon following the underlined words. Data This type of error is characterized by
number 1 indicates that the students added substitution of a punctuation mark for
the unnecessary a full stop after question another punctuation mark required in a
mark. The use of full stop is to terminate particular unit of writing, sentences, or a
affirmative utterances while the use of part of sentences. The following data are
question mark is to terminate interrogative presented as examples of this type of error.
sentences. It is not allowed to use both 1. Will you speak a little louder,
punctuations together in one sentence. George. (1/Sbt/S36/R)
Therefore, the use of full stop after question 2. All of my cousins and my nephew
mark is redundant and the corrected version felt happy, all of them felt so fun.
for data number 1 is Will you speak a little (71/Sbt/S4/P)
louder, George? 3. What a tremendous value?
Likewise, in data number 2 the use of a (23/Sbt/S36/R)
comma after the underlined word bride is
not recommended. A comma should not be From the above-mentioned examples, it
used to separate between subject and is apparent that the substitution errors were
predicate of the sentence. Thus, the represented by the presence of incorrect use
corrected version is The groom and bride of particular punctuations as a substitution
make a gown…. In example 3, the students of correct punctuations, such as the use of a
committed an addition error in the use of full-stop in example 1, the use of a comma
question marks. The use of question mark in example 2, and the use of a question
as indicated in the example above can be mark in the third example. Instead of those
categorized into double marking addition. punctuation marks, a question mark, a full
In formal writing, to end direct question stop, and an exclamation mark should be
only one question mark is absolutely used to replace them. In example one, to
recommended, not double question marks. terminate a question (will you speak a little