Eldar Corsairs: WARHAMMER 40,000
Eldar Corsairs: WARHAMMER 40,000
Eldar Corsairs: WARHAMMER 40,000
Lead author, creator Edward Untermann (Dra’Tuisich-Novae)
Additional author Wargamer
Further material and editing DEF Knight
Edward U. wishes to thank Rasmus of 40k Online for creation of the original Eldar Corsairs codex, Wargamer for his dedication to the Corsair
project, the community of Second Sphere for its support of budding gamers, Alestorm for composing awesome pirate metal to write while listening
to, and most of all my dear Caitlin and the rest of my friends and family for all their love and support.
This work is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.
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This version of Codex: Eldar Corsairs is Public Release v1.02, for initial public release on Second Sphere. Contents may differ between versions.
The Path of the Corsair This, then, is the life of the Corsair; loyal only to each other, masters
Life upon an Eldar Craftworld is one of rigidity. From the moment of nought save what they can claim by force, and cursed by a lust for
they are born, Craftworld Eldar are set upon the Paths; ritualised wealth and power that can never be satiated.
ways of life that focus on perfecting a single pursuit to its utmost.
There are Paths for artists, scholars and sculptors. There are Paths Corsair Fleets
for warriors, for psychic mastery and for the manipulation of Inevitably, given the fractious nature and varied heritage of the
Wraithbone. There is a Path for every aspect of Eldar life, and thus Eldar Corsairs, there are a plethora of different fleets that stalk the
there is another path, a path for those who can no longer stand to inky void of the galaxy, each with unique traditions and views.
be bound to a single pursuit or calling: the Path of the Outcast.
These ‘fleets’ vary in size as much as in character; in truth many
The Outcasts are often young Eldar, disillusioned by Craftworld life Corsair bands possess only a single vessel, either because they are
and longing to experience the full gamut of sensation that they are too new of a venture to have acquired a full-fledged flotilla or
otherwise denied. The life they choose is a dangerous one, for as an because the Pirate Prince who commands it is too headstrong or
Outcast they will be subjected to the same temptations that arrogant for many other Eldar to tolerate their company for more
damned the Eldar race as a whole. The Path of the Outcast can take than a brief adventure.
many forms, with Eldar Rangers being one of the most common.
However, some Outcasts choose instead to take up a life of piracy, Haunts and Hideouts
becoming an Eldar Corsair. All Corsairs need a base of operations, whether they possess a single
vessel, a small flotilla, or a mighty armada whose very name makes
The Corsairs are a truly eclectic mix of Eldar. Their numbers include Imperial Navy officers shudder. These bases are always hidden away
souls drawn from Craftworlds, Exodite colonies, 'pure' Corsairs born from inquisitive eyes by some means, for loss of their stockpiles,
aboard ship or one of the myriad pirate havens, and perhaps even repair facilities and other amenities would be disastrous. Some
lost souls of Commoragh, exiled by their kin or by choice. With such Corsairs prefer bases hidden in plain sight, perhaps hidden by
a wide scope of personalities and origins, it is impossible to define holofields on the surface of a barren, uninteresting moon, while
Corsairs universally; some are pure and noble warriors who serve others prefer locations only a madman or fool would bother
closely with their Craftworld kin. Others are ruthless despots, exploring; fortresses held in stasis in the accretion disc of a black
operating out of Commoragh or one of its sister-ports. The majority hole, or at the heart of a dense, treacherous nebula or asteroid
lie somewhere in between, with multiple alliances and feuds, field. Other fleets use the Webway to their advantage, some even
treaties and debts, but owing allegiance to no one but themselves. claiming the convenience and pleasure of an unsettled Maiden
World far from the lesser races of the stars but only an eye-blink
As with any other Eldar Path, most Eldar do not exclusively follow away from shipping lines and vulnerable worlds thanks to its portal
the lifestyle of a Corsair, or even the way of the Outcast as a whole. to the Twilight Realm. Another way the Webway may provide for
Many Craftworlders who become Corsairs will eventually return to Corsairs is when they work in concert with a Craftworld or Exodite
the Craftworld and take up another Path, perhaps as a member of colony, taking advantage of their infrastructure and trade in
the fleet or as an Aspect Warrior. exchange for serving their hosts’ interests and providing protection
Some, however, find themselves unable to ever return to a 'normal' at times of need.
life. Instead, they rise through the ranks of the Corsair fleet, seeking
ever more extreme sensations and performing increasingly reckless In lawless sectors and on the fringes of the galaxy, Corsairs may
feats of bravado. operate more openly. Black Heart Haven is a prime example, an
immense orbital station held by the Ulthan’s Spears band of Eldar
This life will inevitably destroy some who pursue it - they will raiders. Nestled in a region of the Ghoul Stars as violent and
become a part of the Dark City, or disappear beyond the borders of depraved as any other but free of wholesale conflict, the station is a
known space to seek the most unspeakable acts of debauchery. hub of trade, communications, and what passes for diplomacy in
Others still will lose their very souls and be consumed by She Who those parts. Despite the value of rumour, intelligence, and fine
Thirsts in their pursuit of excess. Those who remain are truly black-market pickings Ulthan’s Spears enjoy, most Corsairs consider
formidable warriors. Masters of ship-to-ship combat and self- the idea of playing their hand so openly insane. For the time being,
appointed sovereigns of the stars, these Corsairs ensure that the though, there is no force of any threat to the Corsairs in the region,
fleets continue to operate, and their legends are inevitably what and Pirate Prince Raeuthé makes a point of suppressing any
draws the young, the eager, and the naive to a captain’s banner. aggression or dissent with brutal finality.
Having proven his superiority by blasting the Gitz into nothing but ash The Battle of Gethesmane 151.M41
and gore, Nyrnoth claims possession of all the valuable loot the Hulk Imperial forces in the Gothic sector, under Grand Admiral Ravensburg,
contains, though he bemoans the fact that it will take him years to seek to bring the battle to the marauding Chaos fleets. After a fierce
sort through it. conflict, it appears as though Abaddon’s minions will escape justice
yet again until a massed armada of Eldar Corsair vessels attacks,
Selfish Alliance 490.M37 cutting off their avenue of escape and devastating the battlefleet of
Chaos cultists, on the verge of extermination by vengeful forces of the the Great Enemy. The decisive blow allows the Imperial forces to
Ordo Hereticus, are amazed when Corsairs of the Winterwind claim victory and cleanse the sector, though Abaddon succeeds in
Brotherhood offer their assistance. They give praises to their baleful making off with more than one of the powerful Blackstone Fortresses,
gods as the Corsairs drive off a wave of the Imperial forces, only to and leaves unimaginable devastation and woe in his wake.
despair upon realizing that using the distraction of the battle, other
Eldar had carried off the artefacts and icons they revered. The The Spear of Kings 228.M41
Brotherhood leave the world at once, leaving the scions of the Dark Pirate Prince Raeuthé of the Ulthan’s Spears band seeks to steal the
Gods to their fate. Spear of Kings, giving their band an artefact of immense value for a
namesake. The Spear is part of the coronation ceremonies on
The Challenge 484.M38 Darschepir, and Raeuthé does not bargain on defences of the planet,
Captain Li'tan of the Golden Dawn, self proclaimed Earl of Ilthannas, is nor on the ceremonies including massed regiments of the Imperial
confronted by an Ork Freebooter known as 'Kaptain Snagsnagga'. The Guard and a delegation of Space Marines bearing witness to the
Ork loudly declares himself the greatest pirate in the sector, crowning of a new queen. Driven back repeatedly, the Corsairs return
dismissing the Corsairs as 'Pointy eared little Snotlings'. Outraged, to orbit and the citizens of Darschepir rejoice.
Li'tan raises a small yet potent raiding fleet and the two pirate bands
launch a merciless campaign of raiding against ships, orbital Five days later, Raeuthé has his best weaponsmith carve a spear from
installations and planet-side facilities. the molten slag which remains of the planet’s surface, having
annihilated the beautiful world and its entire population of twelve
After five years of contest, Li'tan concedes victory to the Ork and as a billion rather than cede victory to the defenders.
prize offers “a weapon of unimaginable power”. Snagsnagga's fleet is
never seen again. Imperial Navy officers note the presence of a new, Yriel’s Gambit c940.M41
and rather large warp rift having formed in the region, though dismiss Prince Yriel, Iyanden’s most gifted leader, takes the entirety of the
it as coincidence. Craftworlds’ fleet to intercept and decimate a Chaos armada, before it
could threaten Iyanden itself. In his absence, a small squadron of
As the Tau are in the process of crossing the gap in their skimmers and
jump suits, Sian’aeleh appears in their midst on an outcropping of rock
held aloft by sheer psychic force. With lightning and dark fire, she
casts the invaders down from the sky, her Ghostwarrior cohorts
blasting at any who escape her wrath. The Tau retreat rapidly, leaving
the world as the Ravenheart nips at the heels of their flotilla.
Some, recognizing the peril posed by the Great Enemy, work in the
shadows to strike at Chaos vessels and supply lines whenever the
opportunity arises. Others strike wherever it is most convenient,
stealing from beleaguered Imperial garrisons and Chaos strongholds
Webway and Realspace alike to summon more Corsairs and When the Corsairs returned to the surface, they did so at the control
mercenaries to the cause. The Aetherborn headed for the Eastern of a veritable armada of stolen Necron craft. Ghost Arks laden with
Fringe, hoping to bring one or more Kroot Warspheres to the battle, plundered artefacts raced for low orbit, flanked by Doomsday Arks
yet Malakai found not a Kroot colony, but a world infested with and Annihilation Barges, now operating under Corsair control.
Tyranids. The captain's manic laughter echoed through the bridge, and
a reckless change of plan was underway. Squadrons of Necron flyers broke off the main battle to intercept the
fleeing raiders, but they were countered in turn by Darkstars launched
Flesh on Steel ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd from the fleet's carriers. The instant the last transport was back
The armada of the Lord-Reaver moved swiftly, acting upon the aboard, the Corsairs broke orbit and scattered. The resurrected
machinations of the Lord-Captain Malakai. Through careful Necron warships, still barely out of hibernation, were ill prepared to
manipulation of the vanguard ships and daring actions to kidnap give chase, and those that could found themselves attacked by hungry
Lictor-drones and Genestealers, the Corsairs succeeded in luring the Bio-ships.
Hive Fleet into the Webway and steered it through the under-realm.
Many times the plan came close to failure, and more than once did Aftermath
the Eldar have to hunt down and destroy a bio-ship that strayed down Once clear, the Corsair alliance fragmented. Each Corsair band took
the wrong path, but eventually the bulk of the Hive Fleet was their share and charted a new course, bidding farewell to their rivals
successfully herded into the Tethra system.ddddddddddddddddddddd and seeking fortunes elsewhere. Several fleets turned on one another,
their old rivalries reignited without the Lord-Reaver to hold them at
If the Hive Mind was in any way confused by its passage through the bay. Last of all to leave was the Aetherborn and its escort fleet, its
Webway, it did not show it. The Lictors and other vanguard organisms captain bidding a fond farewell to the Corsairs of the Rising Flame
seeded onto the Tomb World reported biomass ready for harvest, and before vanishing into the Webway.
since they were already in system, the Hiveships cared little that there
was only a relatively small amount to consume. Once more the skies Animosity lingered among the jilted Eldar of Yme-loc; Dra’Tuisich-
of Tethra were filled with invaders, but this time on a scale that Novae had, in his usual fashion, gone to pains to ensure that the
rendered the Ork force utterly insignificant. Now awakened, the Tomb Rangers stationed to watch the world had time enough to escape, but
fought back with all its might. Beams of gauss fire annihilated mycetic the insane recklessness of the Corsair plot, especially introducing
spores by the hundred, whilst entire flocks of Gargoyles and other Tyranids to the webway, ensured that the Reavers of the Rising Flame
flying bio-constructs were fried by tesla batteries and lightning arc would never again be trusted or given shelter by that Craftworld.
emitters. In the first hour tens of thousands of Tyranids were slain, yet
for every one that died two made it through the firestorm. Caught Though the Corsair ships were long gone, Tethra's troubles were far
between two forces, the last of the Orks were consumed by the from over. The Necrons and Tyranids continued to wage their long
Tyranids by dawn of the second day of their invasion, leaving only the war for decades to come, and whilst no Imperial vessel ever dared to
Necrons to contend with.dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd cross into the system again, the planet's Wraithgates remained active;
The Overlord of the Tomb, by now roused from his sleep, began a whether to steal Necron treasures or to capture a particularly
desperate defence of his realm. The Hive Mind registered this threat impressive bio-weapon, Tethra remained a lucrative hunting ground
and reacted as any predator would; with murderous fury. The Great for Eldar pirates for many, many years...
Devourer turned upon the Necron legion, and the resulting battle was
waged without mercy or respite.sdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdddd
As well as detailing general background information on the various Also included are descriptions of any special gear unique to individual
Corsair units and vehicles that may be fielded, this section of the book units (such as the special ranged weapons of the Shadowhands); more
also lists the rules required to field these forces in games of widely-used wargear (for example, the ubiquitous shuriken catapult) is
Warhammer 40,000, including special rules applying to those units. found later in the Armoury section.
When an Eldar Corsair unit with the Loot and Pillage rule destroys a
unit (including a vehicle or independent character model) in close
combat, that unit gains a Loot Counter. If they destroy a Unique
character or any single model worth 100 points or more in this way,
they gain an additional Loot Counter.
If multiple units destroyed a single enemy unit (e.g. two Corsair units
scoring enough wounds to eliminate a squad, at the same initiative
step), both units gain a counter. Independent characters and units
they join may not ‘pool’ Loot Counters; they are available only to the
unit that gained the counter originally.
At any point, the Eldar Corsair player may elect to spend a Loot
Counter to re-roll any single failed die roll – such as to hit, to wound, a
morale check or for an armour save – made by the squad (or a model
in the squad) which possessed the Loot Counter.
This rule represents the heady surge of pride that comes from
accruing plunder, acting like a drug to an Eldar mind unfettered by the
Path and convincing them of their own ability to do more than they
would otherwise be capable of. That is to say, using a Loot Counter to
re-roll an Armour save rarely represents the sheer volume of treasure
the Corsair carries acting as ablative armour!
Piratical Raiders
Eldar Corsairs are eclectic in origin, motivation, and personality, and
their equipment is equal parts what they could scavenge and plunder,
what they have inherited from ancient tradition, and what looked the
most opulent and stylish!
Because of their desire to stand out and the diversity of the where
their gear comes from, no two Eldar Corsair units or Independent
Characters may be identical (in terms of unit size, wargear, and special
options). Vehicles and vehicle squadrons are exempt from this rule.
‘Serpent’ is the first title any Eldar Corsair will wear, regardless of the
band they join or how great a fighter they may have been before. All
must prove that they can endure the pressures of warfare without the
guiding discipline of the Eldar Path, that they can balance the ferocity
and level-headedness needed to fight in the treacherous confines of a
starship, and that their lust for adventure and riches will not endanger
themselves or their comrades.
Probatii 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 4+
Serpent 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+
When they have experienced the hellish, claustrophobic battlefield of taken in by the fleet’s guild of pilots or arms-smiths after displaying
desperate ship-to-ship combat, Serpents who have proven themselves particular talents. Though rare, Eldar who have had a great deal of
capable and reliable are elevated to the ranks of the Dragons. experience in war in their past lives may be appointed the title of
Praefactor immediately after ascending from the ranks of the
Dragon cadres are the beating heart of every Corsair fleet, and make Serpents, to better put their skills and knowledge to use in planning
up the bulk of their fighting forces. In addition to their role in combat, and leading ever-more audacious and profitable raids.
all Dragons have duties to maintain the ships of their fleet or their
hidden base of operations, for without these menial tasks their quests
for glory could not even begin. They also carry the expectations of all
Dragon 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 9 4+
to carry the brunt of the fighting in every boarding action and planet-
side raid, and so they will often carry an assortment of weaponry to
face a variety of targets, from flamers to flush enemies from cover UNIT TYPE: Infantry.
and immolate whole squads in tight corridors, to fusion guns and
tremor hammers which which they batter and sear a path through WARGEAR: Shuriken catapult, shuriken pistol, close combat weapon,
blast doors and heavily-armoured enemies, to chattering shuriken plasma grenades, mesh armour.
cannons that scythe down rank upon rank of defenders and deck-
hands in mere seconds. SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Loot and Pillage.
Among the many skills and weapons a Dragon will master is perhaps ‘It was aboard a war-weary cruiser of the Great Enemy
the most famous Corsair feat of them all – the art of ‘switch-grip’, where I earned my place among the Dragons – we had
wielding a shuriken catapult in one hand and pistol in the other, stalked the ship for days, limping as it did after a skirmish
allowing an Eldar to lay about himself with a withering hail of fire and with clumsy Orks too slow to finish what they had begun.
fight enemies on multiple flanks at once. Particularly useful in the
confines of a boarding action, Dragons will fire their shuriken We struck from our boarding craft, killing dozens in the first
catapults till they run empty and then close to close quarters, wielding seconds and slicking the decks with their gore. All of us were
their pistol in tandem with a razor-sharp blade, whirring chainsword, battle-eager, prying weapons and trinkets from the dead till
or any of an endless variety of other hand weapons. the Probatii’s whip drove us back into the fray.
Induction into a Dragon squad can be a straightforward affair for Half of our number died before they saw the brute that slew
Serpents to undergo, or a bewilderingly complicated and cryptic one. them – a Space Marine smouldering with power infernal,
Different Corsair bands have highly diverse practices; some will laying about himself with shells the size of my fist. I seized a
elevate entire Serpent squads wholesale when they have proved their flame-weapon from fallen Eiseil and unleashed it’s fury upon
mettle, arguing that they will fight best alongside friends and him, firing thrice more before his accursed laughter finally
comrades they are familiar with. Most fleets, however, select stopped, his lungs charred and boiling.
individual aspiring Corsairs from the ranks of the Serpents and induct
them into Dragon squads a manner reminiscent of that used by Space I held my ground till more Corsairs filled the breach, then
Marine chapters. As such, some of these roving Eldar bands include grimly I tendered the Spirit Stones of the slain to my master
Dragon squads which have existed for centuries, passing down their Arthouros. In return, he named me a Dragon, and I have
name, heritage, and relics. wielded that flamer, the dragon’s breath, ever since.
-- Uthén of Ulthwe, Corsair of the Crimson Tears
It is a great honour to be recruited by one of these ancient cadres,
whose legend transcends time. The Reavers of the Rising Flame have
the Kraken’s Grasp, each member inheriting a mantle of kraken hide
hewn from a beast of mighty Fenris in a daring raid. The original band
of Dragons to hold the name fought with blade and lance from the
deck of a Leviathan as it skimmed Fenris’ raging seas.
Not all Serpents will see service in a Dragon squad at all, however;
though their selection process may bear some similarities to those of
the Adeptus Astares, by and large Corsair fleets are not nearly as
bound by tradition or set in their ways, and so some young Eldar will
be snapped up by another squad like the Skyraiders or Mistwings, or
Corsairs who stay among the ranks of the Dragons for many years, an unstoppable onslaught of blades, weapon-blasts, and heroic deeds
accruing skill and bounty, usually meet one of three fates: elevation against which there is little defense.
into the Praefactors or higher levels of power within the ranks, return
to the Craftworlds or other previous lives, or a bloody, violent death Many Cobras become obsessed with a particular element of their
amongst the stars. fighting craft, their psyche caught in the trap which dooms many Eldar
of the Craftworlds. These fixations are not, however, final and un-
Some, however, find a different destiny – they become Cobras, elite renounceable; without the strictures of the Eldar Path, Cobras may
warriors of the Eldar Corsairs. Some are unsuitable for command, too sway wildly between desires and drives over time. It is simply sure
headstrong or wilful to balance aggression with tactics and foresight. that whatever one of these warriors excels at or gains renown for at a
These same flaws make them poor choices to guard or advise their given time is likely to become the focus of all his energy and
Captain or Prince, as they all-too-often put personal glory above their dedication till an even greater thrill emerges.
greater duty.
Others are neither so nearsighted or egotistic, but simply revel too
Cobra 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 4+
much in the glory of the battle to leave the front lines for higher
duties, always clamouring for loot and acclaim like the most eager of
UNIT TYPE: Infantry.
Serpents. Far from being thought of as failed aspirants or flawed,
Cobras are celebrated and their skills in battle greatly valued – largely
WARGEAR: Shuriken catapult, shuriken pistol, close combat weapon,
because any Eldar with half a wit can appreciate their might, striking
plasma grenades, carapace armour.
like a thunderbolt at the heart of the foe and always appearing where
the battle is thickest. When other Corsairs are unable to break
SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Loot and Pillage, Pirate Oath.
through the line, the Cobras are there, turning their lust for war into
Pirate Oath: A Cobra squad has one of the following special Oaths,
selected when assembling an army list – it is not appropriate or
sporting to simply select the most desirable one for facing your
current opponent!
To The Last – Eldar as a whole, especially the raiders who ply the stars,
are famed for the fact that they strike and then fade into nothingness;
that they are impossible to bring to battle unwillingly. Nonetheless,
some become stubbornly dedicated to protecting their own, holding
the battle lines against all resistance. A squad with this Oath gains the
Counter-Attack universal special rule, and is Fearless when contesting
or holding an objective.
All Corsair cadres are a confusing milieu of clashing personas and
different individuals. However, one of the most defined trends across
the disparate bands of pirate Eldar is that the most free-spirited and
wild-hearted of all Corsairs find their home in the Mistwing bands.
These warriors leap through the air in great bounds, darting and
hovering while their jump packs hiss and hum, twisting gravity as
trivially as a lock of hair.
Mistwings rejoice in feeling of air currents against their flesh and the
coldness of mist left from flying through the clouds. Many Mistwings
have delicate wings incorporated into their jump packs to grant them
the finest control of updrafts and even greater manoeuvrability, and
some will go so far as having their neural fibres spliced into these
wings, granting them the closest feeling to soaring like a great bird
possible without resorting to horrific surgery as do the Scourges of the
Dark Eldar – a cult universally despised by the Mistwings. In
appearance, these fighters often wear archaic garb or simple clothing
and jewellery, leaving much of their alabaster skin bare and growing
their hair long to better feel the rush of the winds. Unsurprisingly,
given the simple pleasures they enjoy and their desire for intimacy
with the elements, many Mistwings come from Exodite heritages.
Snares: Mistwings are notorious for going into battle carrying a variety
of traps, grappling hooks and other devices that not only confound
enemies who try to strike their dancing forms, but allow them to steal
choice valuables from enemies and spirit off with them when
resistance proves too fierce. An enemy model in base contact with
one or more models with Snares suffers -1 Attack, to a minimum of 1.
A common point between Eldar factions is some form of jetbike-riding
elite, warriors with preternatural reflexes and incredible skill. Among
the Craftworlders, this is the Singing Spears, charging like knights of
old with their powerful laser lances. The Dark Eldar have the Reavers,
cruel in the extreme, who delight in using their bladed craft
themselves as precise, deadly weapons.
Some of the oldest and most traditional Corsair bands call Skyraiders
by another name: the Wyverns. It is unclear whether this is a
reference to an obscure creature of Eldar myth, to the first jetbike-
riding buccaneers to fight in this grisly manner, or even to some
poisonous winged beast from which they took inspiration. Regardless,
while the names of Serpent, Dragon, and Cobra are still in common
use, a pack of jetbike-riding Corsiars identifying themselves as
Wyverns are sure to hail from a Corsiar fleet that can trace their
lineage back to the very first of their kind.
Skyraider 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 1 9 3+
The Shadowhands are the heavy weapon specialists of the Eldar In the traditional address of some Corsair bands, the Shadowhands
Corsairs. As might be guessed by their grim title and similarly dire are known by another name – the Caymans, for they are patient and
visage, they often have a similar fixation with mortality as the Dark subtle until they strike with devastating force, dragging foes to their
Reaper Aspect Warriors of the Craftworlds. Those Eldar raiders who doom with grim finality.
are drawn to Shadowhand squads frequently see themselves as
ghostly terrors, believing with arrogance typical of their kind that they
Shadowhand 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+
are the hands of Death made manifest, striking swiftly and lethally
before any resistance can be mounted. Others prefer to think that all
souls are simply awaiting death, and have simply not yet encountered UNIT TYPE: Infantry.
one such as themselves who will cease their waiting. Still more
Shadowhands have no such grim ideals, and simply adopt the WARGEAR: Shuriken catapult, shuriken pistol, plasma grenades,
traditionally dark imagery of their brethren to terrify their foes. carapace armour.
True to form for the Eldar, the arrogance of that commonly-held belief SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Loot and Pillage.
that they are an incarnation of doom is regularly justified, for the
Shadowhands carry an arsenal of vicious weapons. These arms allow Hydra Launcher: Though generally disfavoured by the Eldar of the
them to wipe out ships’ crews and sweep from deck to deck and Craftworlds, sophisticated many-barrelled grenade launchers similar
compartment to compartment, overwhelming the thickest bulkhead to Eldar missile launchers have found use in the rapid boarding actions
or defensive line. Unlike the Dark Reaper Aspect warriors, these of the Corsairs.
Range S AP Special
weapons are usually portable enough to be fired on the move,
Hydra launcher (Plasma) 24” 4 4 Assault 1, Blast,
enabling Shadowhands to move fluidly with fast-paced boarding Pinning
actions and fight more effectively in conditions where lines of fire are (Haywire) 24” 4 4 Assault 1
often measured in arms’ lengths.
If a Haywire shot hits a vehicle, roll D6. On a 2-5 the vehicle suffers a
Favourite among the ordinance employed by the Shadowhands are Glancing hit, and of a 6 the vehicles suffers a Penetrating hit.
long, tapering fusion guns, miniature versions of the multi-role Eldar
missile launcher, and lightweight shuriken cannons, but many more Fusion Lance: Much longer-ranged than the fusion guns of the
exist. Graviton cannons, plasma drivers, multi-barrelled versions of corsairs, the tips of these long, ornate weapons glow constantly with
the deathspinners wielded by Warp Spiders, and stranger still white-hot flame. They are less overtly powerful than the Dark Eldar
armaments exist, some plundered from powerful foes, other created heat lances, but they are able to strike down the toughest targets
by mad Corsair weaponsmiths. from even further away.
Range S AP Special
As with all Corsairs, the dress and armour of the Shadowhands varies Fusion Lance 24” 6 1 Assault 1, Melta
radically. However, true to their name these warriors often favour
such ghostly features as faceless masks and shimmering, translucent Whisperblade Cannon: Fitted with suspensors and stabilizing systems,
robes. Perhaps most common of all is a single pale Wraithbone the variant shuriken cannons used the Shadowhands epitomize their
gauntlet, skeletal and clawed, with subtle patterns and images craft, and are favoured by many of their number. With nothing but a
dancing across it – a literal ghost’s hand, which invariably grasps the quiet chatter and hiss of the shuriken cutting through the air, the
trigger of the owner’s weapon. Whisperblade cannon cuts down foes by the dozen.
Range S AP Special
Whisperblade Cannon 18” 6 5 Assault 3
The title of 'Pirate Prince' is a generic term which refers to the most Naturally, much of the use of these titles come from outside Eldar
powerful individuals within the Corsair fleets. Corsair leaders tend to society itself; the Imperium is often ignorant of Eldar politics, and thus
be arrogant and egotistical in the extreme, and as such they choose fails to recognise the difference between a Prince turned Corsair, and
for themselves suitably grandiose titles. Some choose ones such as a Corsair who simply declares himself royalty. The Eldar, in turn, are
'Supreme Admiral', while others style themselves as kings or not interested enough in Imperial matters to bother correcting this
emperors. Certainly, titles of nobility are common; there are countless error.
Corsair commanders holding the (self-appointed) title of Duke, Baron
or some similar mantle. Without exception, Princes are the best-armed and most
ostentatiously attired of all the Corsairs in their band. Such a leader
The widespread use of the term 'Pirate Prince' is likely down to a few might sport a cloak of furs from some rare beast, a crown of glowing
individuals; young, influential and incorrigibly headstrong heirs to crystal, or ride upon a Jetbike plated in solid, gleaming gold. No two
Eldar dynasties who have forsaken their old lives and taken to the are alike, and indeed each will strive to present the most striking and
Corsair ranks. Even experienced and steadfast Eldar, such as the unique display of opulence.
Autarch Yriel of Iyanden, can succumb to the lure of the Corsair life
and thus become a 'true' Pirate Prince. The personality of a Pirate Prince is every bit as unique as his attire.
This is reflected in the fleets they lead, for their word is law and the
extremities of wilfulness and emotion a Corsair is prone to become
even more accentuated in those who sit in the heady position of
leadership. Pirate Princes are intoxicated by the wealth, risk, and glory
of their positions, and by the knowledge that their very name is feared
across the stars. It is dangerous for the adversaries of the Corsairs to
typecast even the best-known raiding band, however; even the most
stubborn Pirate Prince, thought of as set in his ways, is more erratic
and fickle than a human can rationalize or appreciate. Moreover,
though Eldar are very long-lived and it is rare for such a powerful
individual to fall in battle, should a Corsair with a greatly different
persona or modus operandi rise to lead the band, planetary governors
and Imperial Navy commanders who felt secure in their understanding
of the pirates’ tendencies may find themselves caught off-guard by
unexpected magnanimity or wanton cruelty.
Among the most powerful individuals in any band of Eldar raiders,
Captains are second only to the Pirate Prince in authority. Those
Corsair lords who only possess a single vessel will assign each Captain
authority over a division of the crew, but in large pirate fleets each
Captain will hold the coveted position of command over an entire
warship. As they are expected to set a fine example of leadership and
skill, only the most deadly and charismatic (or intimidating) of all the
Eldar Corsairs can ever hope to hold the place of Captain.
While many Captains are gifted psykers, having mastered their powers
during their climb through the ranks of their fleet, it is not uncommon
for a Pirate Prince to ban them from calling upon this psychic might.
That the Corsairs practice such arts at all courts danger, and all too
often has an overambitious Captain led his crew to their doom at the
hands of She Who Thirsts, or torn his ship apart under the influence of
some horror from the Warp. As such, most lords of the Corsairs
demand that their Captains suppress such abilities.
While all Eldar who reach this rank take their responsibilities seriously,
they remain wild and unpredictable. As such, they strive not just to
lead their crews to glory but also to gather as much fame for
themselves as they can. They are always found fighting in the
forefront of a conflict, performing most daring feats of arms and
executing cunning stratagems in hopes of seizing not just the day, but
the immortalization of their name.
Corsair Captain 5 5 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+
Reputation: While the Pirate Princes who lead entire Corsair cadres
must concern themselves with grand strategy before personal glory,
Captains lead from the front, turning the tide of a battle with sword
and shuriken. Here, they build their names, and the type of leader
they will become should they ascend to the post of Prince becomes
clear. Each Corsair Captain has one of the following Reputations:
Glory Hound – Proud and eager to enter the fray, a Captain with this
Reputation has the Furious Charge universal special rule as long as he
has one or more Loot Counters, and confers the ability to any squad
he joins.
Mercurial – Some Captains are quick both to fight and flee, leaving the
enemy frustrated and open to counter-assault. A Captain with this
Reputation has the Hit and Run universal special rule as long as he has
one or more Loot Counters, and confers the ability to any squad he
All Corsair leaders keep councils of close advisors and trusted Banner of Plunder: Particularly proud or ostentatious Corsair lords
lieutenants. They marshal and lead lesser Corsairs in battle, aid in entrust one their Praefactors to carry a mighty battle-standard
forming battle plans and gathering intelligence, and form an honour adorned with trophies of all of his forces’ greatest victories. The sight
guard that will fight loyally at their masters’ side in battle. of this chronicle hoisted high inspires all those Corsairs who set eyes
Terminology, hierarchy, and requirements for promotion are as upon it. Friendly Corsair units may re-roll failed Morale and Pinning
diverse between fleets as are the planets in the sky, but the title of tests within 12” of the Banners Additionally, the unit carrying the
Praefactor is most common one for the lieutenants who make up the Banner starts the game with D3 Loot Counters.
bulk of these councils.
Targeting Array: Sometimes, a hand-picked Corsair will carry a highly
Typically, each Praefactor has authority over a small number of Corsair precise homing beacon, allowing his host ship to deliver a precise
squads. In this capacity, such a lieutenant will relay orders and pulsar lance or torpedo strike to a key part of the enemy vessel and
information given by the fleet’s Prince, settle disputes of honour and complete the success of a boarding action. This item may be used
looting rights, and offer council to younger Corsairs. It is rare for a once per game in the Shooting phase, and is treated as a Heavy
Praefactor to lead a squad in battle directly, however; piratical Eldar weapon with the following profile:
are fiercely independent and loathe interference, so when they are Range S AP Special
led into war it is by the stern, unquestionable authority of a senior Pulsar Lance 24” 10 1 Ordinance 1, 5” Blast,
lieutenant of the Corsair ranks. Rather, the Praefactors fight together
alongside their leader, or on a special quest the Prince has entrusted
Webway Portal: This Webway Portal does not count against the one-
to them.
per-army allowance on this wargear item.
Frequently, these retinues include standard-bearers, scribes to record
SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Loot and Pillage.
tales of battle, gore-soaked medics, and all manner of other eccentric
specialists. Many such squads wear similar armour and heraldry, in
Wild Casting (Malefactors): See below.
contrast to the riot of colours and styles found in the rest of their
band – some retinues of Praefactors even wear a distinct uniform,
which might be anything from simply an ornate version of
commonplace Eldar carapace to ceramite mail and plumed helms.
The highest-ranking and most feared of all Corsair officers are the
Malefactors. These consummate warriors often accompany other
squads in battle, bringing stern but wise leadership, a finely-honed
tactical mind, and all manner of exotic wargear.
Many Malefactors are Psykers, having followed the Path of the Seer in
their lives on the Craftworlds, or risking ultimate damnation to explore
the potential of their minds which was denied to them on
Commorgrath. For this reason, Corsairs frequently give Malefactors a
wide berth; without the strictures of the Eldar Path to guide them and
sophisticated protective witchery of the Warlocks and Farseers, the
power of these psykers is prone to spiralling wildly out of control or
leading these Corsairs to an untimely and much-feared demise, their
souls stolen by She Who Thirsts.
Despite the risks, Malefactors with the gift of arcane power rarely turn
back. Unfettered by the Path (and, others might say, lacking the better
judgement displayed by other Eldar Seers), Corsairs unleash ruin in a
whirlwind of psychic force, laying waste to all in their path in ways a
Warlock could not hope to match.
Malefactor 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 4+
Praefactor 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 4+
However, all failed Psychic tests made while using this special rule Witchblade: See Codex: Eldar.
result in the caster suffering a Perils of the Warp attack.
Eldar starships are almost as much living creatures and places for Once let loose in the Infinity Circuit of a Corsair warship, the spirits’
spiritual commune as they are machines crafted for war. Just like the energy can flow through the wraithbone hull, and aid the living in
mighty Craftworlds, each Corsair vessel has a great crystalline heart, battle by allowing pilots and commanders sense every part of their
home to the departed spirits of its past crews. Each such soul was ship and every motion it makes.
captured in a spirit stone when the Corsair met their death, saving it
from slipping away to the Warp and endless suffering at the hands of Like the Craftworld Eldar, when the need is great Corsairs sometimes
Slaanesh. call these spirits back to fight directly, too, but the animated shells
Because of this peril, which all Eldar fear more than any other, they pilot are distinctly different to the nigh-indestructible
Corsairs will fight with unbelievable ferocity to recover the spirit Wraithguard. Though still deceptively resilient for their limber forms
stones of their comrades; even the most selfish glory-seeker or and implacable in their advance, the Ghoswarriors which fight in the
cowardly Serpent will brave doom to rescue these precious gems from Corsair ranks are much lighter and more agile. They also carry a huge
the breast of a fallen fellow, knowing full-well that his companions plethora of weaponry, delivering salvoes of heavy fire, scorching all in
would do the same. their path with flamers, or striking down foes in eerie silence with
sword and mighty hammer.
Ghostwalker 4 4 4 5 1 4 1 10 3+
Aside from making them highly flexible on the battlefield, this
plethora of conventional weaponry is used because the
UNIT TYPE: Infantry. Wraithcannons used by Craftworld war-animates are distrusted by
Corsairs. With few protections from the Warp and its baleful energies,
WARGEAR: Two shuriken catapults. weapons that tear asunder the border between the realms are
considered a liability, especially when those most exposed to their use
SPECIAL RULES: Fearless, Wraithsight. would be the spirits who form the lifeblood of a Corsair starship and
the twice-vulnerable psykers who lead them in battle.
Stable: Ghostwalkers may fire two weapons in a single Shooting
While all Ghostwalkers and more nimble than their Craftworld cover and attack in perfect coordination with the main Corsair raiding
counterparts, some are specially equipped to exploit this advantage of force, it is utterly terrifying to the defenders that such huge and
their lightweight construction. Known as Assassins, their Wraithbone powerful constructs can move with such stealth and grace.
skeletons are treated with a skin of cameoline which makes even
these towering constructs blend into the shadows and almost
Ghostwalker 4 4 4 5 1 4 1 10 3+
impossible to pick out. Units of these specialist spirit-engines carry
arsenals of close-quarter weaponry; fusion guns to destroy the
toughest armour, flamers to reduce unsuspecting defenders to ashes, UNIT TYPE: Infantry.
and tremor hammers with heads the size of a man’s’ torso, capable of
reducing the mightiest fortification to rubble with a single, mighty WARGEAR: Two wraithblades.
Wraithblade: These elegant blades tremble with the flowing essence
The most common weapon carried by Assassin Ghostwalkers is the of departed Eldar spirits, guiding the blows of the wielder. A
wraithblade, a sword containing the essence of other fallen Eldar. It is wraithblade is a close combat weapon that allows the wielder to re-
common for the spirit of a former Ranger or Exodite wanderer to roll failed rolls to Hit in close combat.
inhabit such a blade, not only guiding the blows and parries of its
carrier, but also showing them the best footholds and undiscovered SPECIAL RULES: Infiltrate, Fearless, Stealth, Wraithsight.
pathways, allowing them to move unseen and unheard through the
roughest terrain as they advance upon a target. When they break Stable: Assassin Ghostwalkers may fire two weapons in a single
Shooting phase.
Many Corsair fleets maintain close ties to the Exodite colonies; far- Raider-Knights
flung on the fringes of the galaxy, usually secluded from major Not content with life within the Exodite colonies, Raider-Knight
shipping lanes or other activity of the lesser races, those Exodites who warbands are formed from the sons and daughters of ruling houses,
agree to harbour marauding Corsair fleets can offer a secure base of heirs to tribal thrones and otherwise well-endowed guns for hire. Not
operations, in exchange for protection. Though only a fool would for them is the life of a common warrior; these proud men and
mistake the Exodites for primitives, they lack the spacefaring abilities women would never dream of becoming a mere Serpent Corsair.
of their kin, who frequently intercept roving Explorators or wayward Instead, they take to their mounts and chase off after the Corsairs via
Orks, fiercely protecting the Maiden Worlds from all would-be the Webway, snaking through the labyrinthine underrealm in search
aggressors. of fame and glory. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
In return for this service, those Exodites who grow weary of planet- In battle, the Exodites favour fighting from the backs of their reptilian
bound existence and take to the Webway will often act as the eyes mounts. Cloaked in cameleoline and often barding their mounts in the
and ears of a Corsair fleet, scouting out targets worthy of a planetary same, the first sign of their attack is often the whining crack of a
assault. Skilled at living off the land, the Exodite intruders can go power lance reaching full charge. Once the battle is over the knights
unnoticed for months or even years until the Corsairs arrive, by which will take their spoils and retreat, escaping to the Webway in search of
time they have been able to pick out the choicest of targets. fresh targets. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
It is hard for the outside observer, even an Eldar one, to tell the Though the young knights relish the glory of the hunt, most eventually
difference between these so-called Wayfarers and the Rangers who grow tired of their reckless ways and return to their colonies. Some,
have left their Craftworld for the Path of the Wanderer; some in fact however, become so enamoured with the Corsair lifestyle that they
use the mantle interchangeably, and in rare cases Exodites will end forsake their Exodite heritage completely. These Eldar, having been
their wandering by joining the spacefaring Eldar rather than returning born and raised in the saddle, invariably become Skyraiders upon full
home, and vice-versa. Only a few Exodites can stand the perils and initiation into their new crews.
isolation of the void for long centuries on end. Those Wayfarers who
do rarely return home, changed by their travels as they are, but rather WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
become Way-Keepers; wanderers who know every secret path Raider-Knight 4 3 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 4+
through the Webway by sight and by name, who travel the length and Dragonborn 5 4 3 3(4) 1 5 2 9 4+
breadth of the galaxy. There are few better-informed individuals alive,
and their aid and council is invaluable to Corsair Princes. UNIT TYPE: Cavalry.
The Corsairs have particular requirements for troop transports; they
must have a smaller profile and greater agility than the Wave Serpents
of the Craftworlds, but still be able to endure punishing incoming fire.
Futhermore, unlike the Raiders used by the Dark Eldar to snare their
hapless victims, Corsair troop transports must often fight in the linear
confines of a starship, unable to rely on sheer speed for defence.
To this end, the Leviathan was developed. Based on the familiar lines
of the Vyper jetbike, these craft are elongated enough to carry a full
squad of Corsair troops into battle, laying down supporting fire from a
turreted weapon on the craft’s rear parapet. These craft combine the
breathtaking speed and agility typical of an Eldar skimmer, and a
sharp-tipped armoured nose to weather what incoming fire the
Corsair’s foe can muster before being run down and overwhelmed by
the Leviathan’s battle-eager cargo.
TRANSPORT: 12 models.
Treasure Stowage: Some Corsairs fit their transports with nets, sacks,
and magnetic plates so as to stash even more loot than they would
normally take from fallen foes. If a Corsair unit gains a Loot Counter
when within 6” of a friendly Leviathan with this vehicle upgrade, they
instead gain two Loot Counters.
While the Eldar of the Craftworlds make wide use of the Vyper jetbike fully enclosed with pressurized cockpits, allowing them to strike at
as a harassment and support vehicle, and powerful grav-tanks like the enemy vessels without assistance and even jet through the void to
Falcon and Fire Prism to deliver heavy firepower to the enemy, the wreak bloody havoc within the launch bays of enemy vessels.
Corsairs rarely fight in environs that permit vehicles the size of a large
grav-tank, nor ones that allow pilots to truly exploit the swiftness and BS Front Side Rear
agility of the Vyper. Hornet 4 11 11 10
As a result, among the Corsairs the rolls of all these vehicles have VEHICLE TYPE: Skimmer, Fast.
been largely supplanted by the Hornet. Better protected and better
armed than the Vyper, these skimmers are nonetheless the small and WARGEAR: Two shuriken cannons.
sleek enough to jink through the primary passages and gun-decks of
enemy ships. More potent still is the fact that the Hornet possesses SPECIAL RULES: Aerial Assault (See Codex: Dark Eldar).
Though the Vyper is a lesser-used vehicle within most Corsair forces, earthquakes, shred them to wafer-thin razor-sharp ribbons, or tear
one variation on its design is still a common sight: the Mockingbird, a apart reality itself, mocking the laws of physics as much as the vain
terrifying union of heavy weaponry and incredible speed. efforts of the foes’ gunners before jetting away in search of new
Of all the creatures in Eldar myth, it was only Meheiasu, the
mockingbird, who did not flee when Slaanesh challenged mighty Most Mockingbird crews arise from the ranks of the Shadowhands,
Khaine; instead, he darted back and forth, laughing and jeering at who take to the role of delivering devastation from a deceptively tiny
every failed strike and mistimed parry that She Who Thirsts made; platform with gusto. The craft flown by such crews are readily
even after Khaine had been torn asunder, Meheiasu lingered briefly to identifiable, bearing cackling skeletal faces or other morbid
taunt Slaanesh’s failure to destroy the war-god utterly. The light iconography. Some go so far as to sever the hands of their victims and
skimmers employed by the Corsairs mimic their mythical namesake in dye the flesh a ghostly blue-grey, till it appears that a Mockingbird
many ways. Carrying weapon systems far larger than what the Vyper which has earned many kills is a revenant from beyond the grave, it’s
chassis was originally intended for, they crush the foes with violent very hull reaching out to bear others down unto their doom.
The Darkstar is one of the most feared fightercraft known to the BS Front Side Rear
Imperium, and by far the most iconic of all Corsair flyers. Though Darkstar 4 10 10 10
larger than a Nightwing or Razorwing, Darkstars are amazingly fast
and sport an inertial-dampening system that allows it to perform VEHICLE TYPE: Skimmer, Fast.
manoeuvres that would be impossible for other craft. Squadrons of
Darkstars are routinely employed to hunt down and destroy enemy WARGEAR: Twin-linked shuriken cannon, two twin-linked bright
support squadrons and recon wings, or to fly escort for Corsair lances.
bombers and boarding parties. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Haywire Missile: These missiles crackle with the same unstable
Armed with a terrifying array of weapons capable of destroying the electromagnetic fields of haywire grenades, and are used to precisely,
toughest of enemy vehicles, Darkstars play a pivotal role in ground clinically disable enemy ships and systems.
assaults. They swoop in low over the battlefield, using their impossible Range S AP Special
agility to line up shots on the exposed flanks and rears of enemy Haywire Missile 72” 4 4 Heavy 1, One
vehicles before throttling up and fleeing back to the sky. Should an
enemy flyer be foolish enough to enter a Darkstar’s airspace they will If a vehicle is hit by a Haywire Missile, roll a D6. The vehicle suffers a
find themselves engaged in a very tough fight indeed, for the abilities Glancing hit on a roll of 2-5 and a Penetrating hit on a 6. This is
of the flyer are exceeded only by the skill of those who pilot them. resolved in addition to any damage caused by the missile itself.
Despite their diminutive size, Darkstars are capable of spaceflight and Tanglefoot Missile: These missiles unleash shearing, writhing
Corsairs employ them as their principal interceptor and escort fighter. gravitational fields that can throw even the doughtiest soldiers off
In this theatre, they are arguably even more fearsome than they are in balance and pin whole squads in place.
Range S AP Special
delivering close air support to planetary raids; these craft feature such Tanglefoot Missile 72” 4 - Heavy 1, One
advanced inertial dampeners that they can literally turn on a dime, Shot, 5” Blast
and such is the efficiency of their drives and power cores that they A unit hit by a tanglefoot missile treats all terrain (including open
often have greater persistence in space combat than larger enemy ground) as Difficult and Dangerous the next time it moves.
craft. While the Corsairs who pilot these incredible fighters prefer to
annihilate the enemy in a single blistering strike, they can use their SPECIAL RULES: Aerial Assault, Supersonic (See Codex: Dark Eldar).
nimble craft to harass Imperial and Chaos vessels till they have run
low on fuel and ordinance and are forced to flee, making them easy Air Supremacy: Skimmers moving Flat Out and Bikes (including
prey for the Darkstars who will waste no time turning to chase them Jetbikes) using Turbo Boost do not get a cover save against Shooting
down. attacks made by a Darkstar.
The Soulkeeper
Many hundreds of years ago, on the dead world of Blackthrone, a sanctum of the tomb to begin their rituals, she gathered the spirit
band of Corsairs under the banner of the Twilight Stalkers waged a stones of her slain crew and wove them into her robes, feeling her
desperate war to stop the forces of the Great Enemy. Beneath the ash power grow as the vengeful cries of the Twilight Stalkers coursed
fields and desolate crags, a mighty Daemon of Tzeentch lay around and through her. When she at last finished her sorrowful task,
imprisoned, locked away by the Seers and smiths of the Alaitoc more than two hundred spirit stones adorned her robes.
Craftworld after a long-ago conflict. Though the Eldar wrought a
terrible toll on the Chaos forces that had assailed Blackthrone, they Though only she survived to tell of what happened that day, those
were driven back and overwhelmed by the legions of cultists and who have seen the wrath of Sian’Aeleh have little reason to doubt her
Marines sworn to the Changer of the Ways, till the last of the ancient retelling: imbued with the wrath of an entire Corsair cadre, she tore
Thousand Sons killed the remainder of the Corsair warriors at the the Thousand Sons asunder, crushing the regenerating daemon and
gates of the daemonic tomb they protected. sealing it away forevermore before it could regain its full power. At
her heels, her ghostwarrior cohorts each fought with the power and
The only survivor was a young Wraithseer named Sian’Aeleh, left ferocity of ten of their number, empowered as they were by the dead
cowering in a side-passage with a handful of ghostwarriors, driven crew.
half-mad by grief. As the sorcerers of Tzeentch entered the inner
Her crew avenged, she returned to the battleship Ravenheart which
the Twilight Stalkers had called their own, and returned to the life of
piracy which was all she knew. Rather than recruit a new cadre to man
the vessel, she has become a lonely, tragic figure. She walks the decks
alone, spirits of the crew chasing back and forth throughout the
Wraithbone hull to maintain it. Her only company aside from these
flitting essences are the ghostwarriors who pace the Ravenheart,
performing the few functions the ship cannot regulate from within
and accompanying her whenever she sets forth to battle.
Called the Soulkeeper by other Corsairs, she is beheld with awe and
fear, for who knows what madness lurks in the mind of one un-
guarded by the Path, not only crazed with sorrow but also suffused
with the psychic might of hundreds?
Sian’Aeleh 5 5 3 3 2 5 2 10 3+
Cloak of Souls: The spirits of Sian’Aeleh’s lost crew swirl around her,
rebuking any enemy who comes close and keeping her safe from
harm. Sian’Aeleh has a 3+ Armour save and 3+ Invulnerable save.
Wrath of the Dead: The spirits of her slain crew course through
Sain'Aeleh, imbuing her with unimaginable levels psychic power. In
the heat of battle, Sain'Aeleh must fight to keep her powers in line,
lest they overwhelm her...
Sain'Aeleh has access to all the Corsair Psychic Powers, and may use
up to three powers per turn, though she may not cast the same power
more than once per turn. In addition, she must attempt to cast at
least one Psychic Power in each player's turn. If she does not do so,
she suffers a Perils of the Warp attack at the start of the next player
turn. Sain'Aeleh's powers are always cast using Wild Casting.
Nyrnoth cares not; though his aim is sharp (but rarely matching his
overinflated claims), he endlessly goads himself to the limit in an
attempt to prove his skills, raining punishing fire from his personally
customized shuriken cannon. For these withering salvoes alone,
Shadowhand cadres are eager to count him among their number – for
a time, at least.
Nyrnoth 4 4 3 3 2 5 2 9 4+
Aim for Glory: A unit of Shadowhands including Nyrnoth can gain Loot
Counters (following the normal rules) by destroying units with
shooting attacks, along as the unit has at least one model within 12”
of the target. If the unit spends a Loot Counter to reroll a failed
shooting roll to hit made by Nyrnoth, all his attacks count as Rending
for the duration of that Shooting phase.
The Wild Prince, Admiral of the Aetherborn
The Corsair known as Malakai commands the warship Aetherborn, a WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
mighty Wraithship that once flew the colours of the Saim Hann Malakai 6 6 3 3 3 6 5 10 3+
Craftworld. Some claim it was a gift for services rendered, others that
it was stolen from the Craftworld's docks from right under their noses. UNIT TYPE: Infantry.
Whatever the truth, the Aetherborn has become well known for two
reasons; the first is that it has served in more Corsair fleets than WARGEAR: Powerblades, digi-weapons, wraithsuit, forceshield.
another ship known to pirate kind, and the second is the Wild Prince
who commands it. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss The Unmaker: The Unmaker is a unique shuriken catapult, built to
unleash a devastating barrage of monomolecular projectiles, each of
Lord-Captain Malakai is a sell-sword of great renown, gifted with a which is laced with deadly neurotoxin. A single scratch from this
natural talent for warfare and an even greater talent for finding weapon can leave even the toughest soldier comatose and at the
trouble. Corsairs the length and bredth of the galaxy have found mercy of the Eldar...
Malakai and his ship suddenly in their midst, their services offered for Range S AP Special
nought but a fair share of the spoils. These arrivals are increasingly The Unmaker 24” X 5 Assault 3,
Poisoned (3+)
met with mixed feelings, for the Aetherborn and its crew are loyal only
to themselves. Malakai will not hesitate to give the order to disengage
Picker-Pack: This odd device is worn like a backpack and consists of a
and run for the Webway the moment he grows tired of his current
profusion of small, grasping mechanical arms. These arms can perform
adventure, but through whatever means he rarely leaves alone;
useful tasks, but most frequently find use plucking at everything of
invariably, Malakai's charisma and promise of ever greater spoils is
value within reach, including embellishments from armour and
enough to lure new Corsairs from his former allies, and sometimes
weapons from the enemies’ furious hands.
entire ships will strike their colours to follow the Aetherborn to its
Malakai earns one more Loot Counter than normal when he (or his
unit) destroys an enemy unit in close combat.
Like the Lord-Captain himself, Malakai's crew are notoriously flippant
SPECIAL RULES: Daring Leadership, Fleet, Independent Character,
and flighty. When battle is joined they fight with all their hearts, but
Loot and Pillage, Thirst for Glory, Unique.
most will not serve him long. Some simply cannot stomach the
leadership of such a reckless Captain, whilst others are left burned out
Thirst for Glory: See the Serpents entry on Page 8. Malakai confers
and longing for the peace and order of the lives they left behind. As
this special rule to any unit that he joins.
such, once Malakai's latest adventure is over he will often be left with
but a skeleton crew of diehard loyalists, and so the Aetherborn will
make port to raise new Serpent squads, or seek another Corsair band
to 'ally' with and begin their cycle anew.
The Bloody Baron, Captain of the Starshimmer
Many Corsairs are aggressive and violent to the point of foolhardiness, WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
but none are more so than Baron Besinath, a warrior who serves Besinath 8 5 3 3 3 6 4 9 3+
under the banner of the Grey Kindred band. It is said that the Bloody
Baron, as he is known, is the finest captain a Pirate Prince could ask to UNIT TYPE: Infantry.
have in his service, and in the same instant the worst Prince one could
imagine as a leader. Indeed, he has been passed over for younger WARGEAR: Power weapon, shuriken pistol, plasma and haywire
candidates more than once as members of the Grey Kindred’s ruling grenades, wraithsuit, forceshield.
council drift away from their Corsair lives or are slain in battle, but this
seems to suit the Baron perfectly well. The Cosmographer: This puzzling artefact allows the Baron to subtly
bend the threads of causality and the flow of time. Once per game,
Besinath relishes his post in command of his cruiser, the Starshimmer, Baron Besinath and any squad he is with may resolve the Movement,
and takes it into the thickest fighting of every engagement. Other than Shooting, and Assault phases in any order, resolved (including any
Serpents placed under his command to prove their mettle in the most combats) before any other units take any actions.
extreme of environments, only the most bloodthirsty and warlike
Corsairs serve aboard his ship or follow his lead in combat. The Bloody SPECIAL RULES: Fleet, Independent Character, Loot and Pillage,
Baron is merciless in his attacks, rejoicing as he slicks decks and Unique.
corridors in the blood of the foe – be they staunch defenders or slave-
hands begging for mercy. Glory Hound: Baron Besinath has the Glory Hound Reputation; see
the Corsair Captain entry on Page XX.
Far from a mere butcher of the weak, though, Besinath is a
consummate swordsman and fighter. In his hands, his slender power
weapon whistles and sings through the air too quick for the naked eye
to pick out as he parries, feints, and strikes through the guard of any
opponent. He fancies himself as a noble duellist, and always seeks out
the most skilled and dangerous opponents to strike down. When
challenged about his bloody massacres, he plaintively claims that it is
their fault for getting in his way while being so rude and
dishonourable as to be a poor challenge for his abilities.
Sky Axe: See page 11.
Bright Lance: See Codex: Eldar.
Other Equipment
Bio-Explosive Ammo: This upgrade involves coating shurikens in Powerblades: These small power weapons are worn on the owner’s
extraordinarily potent genotoxins, causing foes wounded by them to forearm, or occasionally attached to a gauntlet. They allow the owner
explode in a spray of toxic viscera. If selected, it is applied to all to make quick, deadly jabs and cuts while leaving the hands free for
weapons with “Shuriken” in their name that the model possesses. other weaponry.
Each weapon becomes Poisoned (2+) and Assault 1, 3” Blast. A model with powerblades gains +1 Attack and counts as being armed
with a power weapon. They must chose to attack as if using power
weapon or using the special powers of another close combat weapon;
Boarding Gear: Corsairs carry everything from scaling ladders and other than additional Attacks, these rules do not ‘stack’.
grapnels to portable void shield generators and cutting lasers to
enable them to board enemy vessels and protect themselves from
threats like hull breaches or toxic fumes. Screamer Helm: Screamer helms are helmets which project amplified
A model with boarding gear may reroll failed Dangerous Terrain tests. and distorted psychic war-cries. Though less advanced than the
Banshee masks of the Craftworlds’ Aspect Warriors, they nonetheless
can disorient and incapacitate foes.
Combat Drugs: Unlike the unstable concoctions used by the Dark A model wearing a Screamer Helm gains +2 Initiative in the first round
Eldar and their extremely unpredictable effects, most Corsairs limit of any assault.
their use to stimulants and arcane medicines, which together confer
the Feel No Pain special rule to the user.
Tanglefoot Grenades: Tanglefoot grenades cast out waves of
distorting gravitational fields, throwing attackers off balance and
Digi-Weapons: These stealthy, concealed weapons take the form of stalling advances. They count as defensive grenades. Additionally,
large rings which can be used to turn the tides in melee or take an enemies charging a model with Tanglefoot grenades suffer -1 Initiative
opponent who thinks the wearer to be unarmed unawares. in the first round of combat.
A model with digital weapons gains +1 Attack.
Guardbeast: Though the slavering, hideous beasts which go to war Carapace Armour: Corsair carapace armour is similar to that worn by
beside Ork warlords of Chaos renegades are reviled by the more other Eldar, consisting of lightweight composite plates and a flexible
refined Corsairs, there is no shortage of majestic and deadly beasts to bodyglove, but is frequently painted exotic colours or customized in
be found on worlds across the galaxy. Some Pirate Princes keep an ostentatious or garish manner. Carapace armour confers a 4+
beasts such as the white lions of Charcecon or dwarf mica-dragons as armour save.
loyal pets.
Guardbeast 4 0 4 4 1 4 2 6 6+ Mesh Armour: Lightweight and flexible composites make up the
weave of Eldar mesh suits, allowing almost unparalled freedom of
Guardbeasts always have the same unit type as the model they are movement and superior protection to the bulky flak armour used by
purchased for. Guardbeasts with the Infantry unit type may be carried the Imperium. Mesh armour provides a 5+ armour save.
in a transport. If the model who purchased the guardbeast is removed
from play, the guardbeast is removed as well.
Wraithsuit: See Codex: Eldar.
Vehicle Weapons
Pulse Laser: See Codex: Eldar.
Vehicle Wargear
Grappling Rig: Some especially daring or flamboyant Corsairs fit their
transports with an extending ramp or platform to allow them to
snatch valuables on the fly, infuriating and confusing their opponents.
Each turn, one model embarked on a transport with a grappling rig
may make a single close combat attack against a model or unit within
6” of the transport, at any point along its movement (as long as it did
not move Flat Out). If the attack scores a Wound (or a successful
armour penetration roll against a vehicle), the unit scoring the hit
gains one Loot Counter.
Molten Ram: Boarding actions are desperate, bloody affairs, and oft
require sacrifice to prevail. Thus, some Corsair vehicles are fitted with
immensely powerful fusion batteries on their prows, to use in a last
resort to break through a critical blast door or breach the hull of an
enemy vessel when striking through the void. These rams have no
firing apparatus, and simply rely on proximity to the target to deliver
their devastating payload.
A vehicle with a molten ram may, once per game, make a Tank Shock
or ramming attack against an enemy vehicle or Monstrous Creature
(even if it is not a tank). The targeted model automatically suffers a
S10 AP1 hit, which rolls 2D6 for armour penetration or inflicts D3
wounds (if the To Wound roll is successful) on the victim.
In addition to the normal damage received from ramming, the
attacking vehicle then suffers an immediate penetrating hit; other
wargear or special rules of the vehicle (such as Holofields or Spirit
Stones) have no effect in mitigating this damage.
Razorfield: Some Corsair vehicles are fitted with special pods which
eject bundles of microfilament wire or countless tiny shurikens into to
their powerful anti-grav fields, creating a shroud of slicing blades
around themselves. Any model assaulting or being Tank Shocked by a
vehicle with a razorfield suffers a S3 AP- hit.
The Eldar Corsairs offer a unique opportunity among Eldar forces;
while the Craftworld Eldar are by necessity stern and focussed, and
the Dark Kin universally sadistic and cruel simply to save their souls,
the Eldar Corsairs have much more leeway in their characterization
and thus the ‘mood’ of an army.
Corsairs can – and in fact should – be modelled differently from both
Craftworld and Dark Eldar, and can be represented in a variety of
different ways. Combining ‘bitz’ from the different Eldar ranges works
well, as does bringing in more esoteric parts. Warhammer Fantasy
components can add a great deal for flair to your Corsair army, using
not just obvious conversions such as Dark and High Elf parts, but also
more esoteric additions such as garish, feather-plumed hats,
anachronistic greatcoats, and blunderbusses from the Empire range to
enhance the ‘pirate’ motif in the army. Wood Elf parts are a fine basis
for Exodite models, while all manner of monsters and other esoteric
models and parts can find their way into a Corsair army; the only limit
is your creativity.
Lord-Captain Malakai 110 Points Page 25
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Wargear: Special Rules:
Malakai 6 6 3 3 3 6 5 10 3+ The Unmaker Daring Manoeuvres
Powerblades Fleet
Unit Type: Composition: Picker-pack Independent Character
Infantry 1 (Unique) Digi-weapons Loot and Pillage
Plasma grenades Thirst for Glory
Baron Besinath 125 Points Page 26
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Wargear: Special Rules:
Besinath 8 6 3 3 3 6 3 10 2+ Power weapon Daring Manoeuvres
Shuriken pistol Fleet
Unit Type: Composition: The Cosmographer Independent Character
Infantry 1 (Unique) Plasma grenades Loot and Pillage
Haywire grenades Reputation (Glory Hound)
Lord-Reaver Al’rhyen Novae 150 Points Page 27
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Wargear:s Special Rules:
Lord-Reaver Novae 6 6 4 3 3 7 3 9 3+ Kroot longpistols Daring Manoeuvres
The Sorrowsword Deep Strike
Unit Type: Composition: Plasma grenades Desperate Heroics
Infantry 1 (Unique) Haywire grenades Fleet
Wraithsuit Independent Character
Forceshield Loot and Pillage
Prince Yriel of Iyanden See Codex: Eldar
An army including Yriel may include 0-2 Wraithguard units and 0-1 Wraithlord. Wraithguard units may be accompanied by Warlocks, and may be
mounted in Wave Serpents. Duke Siliscus and Yriel of Iyanden may never be included in the same army.
Duke Siliscus See Codex: Dark Eldar
An army including Duke Silicus may include 0-2 squads of Kabalite Warriors and/or Kabalite Trueborn. These units may select Raider transports.
Duke Siliscus and Yriel of Iyanden may never be included in the same army.
Pirate Prince 75 Points Page 14
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Pirate Prince 6 6 3 3 3 6 3 10 3+ Replace close combat weapon and/or shuriken pistol with:
Fusion pistol 10 points
Unit Type: Special Rules: Harlequin’s Kiss 5 points
Infantry Daring Manoeuvres Power weapon 10 points
Fleet Riveblades 35 points
Composition: Sky axe
Independent Character 10 points
1 Pirate Prince Singing spear
Loot and Pillage 18 points
Tremor hammer 20 points
Wargear: Witchblade
15 points
Psychic Powers:
Shuriken catapult
The Pirate Prince may be made a
Shuriken pistol Psyker, with any two Eldar Corsair Take any of the following:
Close combat weapon psychic powers, for +35 points. Bio-explosive ammunition 5 points
Plasma grenades Boarding gear 2 points
Wraithsuit Combat drugs 15 points
Forceshield Digi-weapons 10 points
Eldar Jetbike 30 points
Only available if the Pirate Prince has (0-2) Guardbeasts 15 points/model
one or more psychic powers.
Haywire grenades 5 points
The Pirate Prince may not have both Jump pack 20 points
a Jump Pack and an Eldar Jetbike. Lucky token 20 points
Powerblades 20 points
Screamer helm 5 points
Spirit stones 20 points
Tanglefoot grenades 10 points
Webway portal 35 points
Corsair Captain 50 Points Page 15
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Corsair Captain 5 5 3 3 2 6 2 9 3+ Replace close combat weapon and/or shuriken pistol with:
Fusion pistol 10 points
Unit Type: Special Rules: Harlequin’s Kiss 5 points
Infantry Fleet Power weapon 10 points
Independent Character Riveblades 35 points
Composition: Sky axe
Loot and Pillage 10 points
1 Corsair Captain Tremor hammer
Reputation 20 points
Corsair Retinue 12 Points/Model Page 16
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Malefactor 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 4+ Promote any Praefactor to a Malefactor 6 points
Praefactor 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 4+
The entire unit may take any of the following:
Unit Type: Transport: Bio-explosive ammunition 5 points/model
Infantry The squad my select a Venom or Boarding gear 1 point/model
Leviathan dedicated transport. Combat drugs 15 points/model
Composition: Eldar Jetbike
20 points/model
5-10 Praefactors Haywire grenades 3 points/model
Special Rules: 2
Jump pack 10 points/model
Wargear: Fleet
Tanglefoot grenades 3 points/model
Shuriken catapult Loot and Pillage
Shuriken pistol Up to half the squad may replace shuriken catapult with:
Close combat weapon Psychic Powers:
Flamer 5 points
Plasma grenades Any Malefactor may be made a Psyker
for +10 points. They gain the Wild Fusion gun 10 points
Carapace armour
Caster special rule and any one of the
Eldar Corsairs psychic powers. Any model may replace close combat weapon and/or
Your army may include one Corsair shuriken pistol with:
Retinue for each Pirate Prince or Corsair
Fusion pistol 10 points
Captain. The squad does not occupy any
Force Organization slots but otherwise Harlequin’s Kiss 3 points
counts as an HQ choice. Power weapon 5 points
Singing spear 18 points
Tremor hammer
Only available to a Malefactor that is a 15 points
Psyker. Witchblade 15 points
The squad may not have both Eldar One model may take a single item from the following list:
Jetbikes and Jump Packs.
Plunderer’s banner 25 points
Targeting array 30 points
Webway portal 35 points
Cobra Squad 14 Points/Model Page 10
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Malefactor 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 4+ The entire unit may take any of the following:
Cobra 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 4+ Bio-explosive ammunition 5 points/model
Boarding gear 1 point/model
Unit Type: Character: Haywire grenades 3 points/model
Infantry Tanglefoot grenades 3 points/model
The squad may be joined by a single
Malefactor for +18 points (see entry
Composition: Up to two models may replace shuriken catapult with:
on page 16).
5-10 Cobras Flamer 5 points
Fusion gun 10 points
Wargear: Transport:
... or replace shuriken pistol or close combat weapon with:
Shuriken catapult The squad my select a
Fusion pistol 10 points
Shuriken pistol Leviathan dedicated transport.
Harlequin’s Kiss 3 points
Close combat weapon Power weapon 5 points
Plasma grenades Special Rules: Tremor hammer 15 points
Carapace armour Fleet
Loot and Pillage
Pirate Oath
Ghostwalkers 20 Points/Model Page 18
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Malefactor 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 4+ Replace either shuriken catapult with:
Ghostwalker 4 4 4 5 1 4 1 10 3+ 1
Bright lance 30 points
Unit Type: Close combat weapon Free
Transport: 1
Infantry Eldar missile launcher 20 points
The squad my select a
Leviathan dedicated transport. Flamer 5 points
Composition: Fusion gun 10 points
3-8 Ghostwalkers Graviton cannon 15 points
Special Rules:
Fearless Power weapon 10 points
Wargear: 1
Two Shuriken catapults Stable Shuriken cannon 15 points
Wraithsight Tremor hammer 20 points
No model may have more than one
of these weapons. Character:
The squad may be joined by a single Malefactor for +18
points (see entry on page 16).
One Ghostwalker or Assassin Ghostwalker unit may be
joined by Sian’aeleh Ravenheart for +100 points (see
entry on page 23).
Assassin Ghostwalkers 25 Points/Model Page 18
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Malefactor 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 4+ Replace either wraithblade with:
Assassin Ghostwalker 4 4 4 5 1 4 1 10 3+ Shuriken catapult Free
Flamer 5 points
Unit Type: Special Rules: Fusion gun 10 points
Infantry Fearless Power weapon 15 points
Infiltrate Tremor hammer 20 points
3-8 Assassin Ghostwalkers
Stealth Character:
Wraithsight The squad may be joined by a single Malefactor for +18
Two wraithblades points (see entry on page 16).
Harlequin Troupe See Codex: Eldar or Codex: Dark Eldar
Dragon Squad 10 Points/Model Page 09
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Malefactor 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 4+ The entire unit may take:
Dragon 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ Boarding gear 1 point/model
Haywire grenades 3 points/model
Unit Type: Character:
Infantry One model may replace shuriken catapult with:
The squad may be joined by a single
Malefactor for +18 points (see entry Flamer 5 points
Composition: Fusion gun 10 points
on page 16).
5-10 Dragons ... or replace their shuriken pistol or close combat weapon
Wargear: Transport: Power weapon 5 points
Shuriken catapult The squad my select a Leviathan Tremor hammer 15 points
Shuriken pistol dedicated transport.
Close combat weapon If the squad numbers 10 models, a second model may
Plasma grenades Special Rules: replace choose an option from the list above, or replace
Carapace armour Fleet shuriken catapult with:
Loot and Pillage Bright lance 30 points
Shuriken cannon 15 points
Serpent Squad 8 Points/Model Page 08
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Praefactor (Probatii) 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 4+ Up to two models may replace shuriken catapult with:
Serpent 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+ Flamer 5 points
Fusion gun 10 points
Unit Type: Transport:
Infantry The squad my select a Leviathan Character:
dedicated transport. Promote one Serpent to a Probatii 10 points
10-20 Serpents
Special Rules: The Probatii may replace his shuriken pistol or close
Wargear: Fleet combat weapon with:
Thirst for Glory Fusion pistol 10 points
Shuriken catapult
Loot and Pillage Harlequin’s Kiss 3 points
Shuriken pistol (Probatii)
Power weapon 5 points
Close combat weapon
Tremor hammer 15 points
Plasma grenades
Carapace armour (Probatii)
Mesh armour (Serpents) The Probatii may take any of the following:
Bio-explosive ammunition 5 points
(0-2) Guardbeasts 15 points/model
Haywire grenades 3 points
‘On through the dark, swords in the night; take what we please, revel in the fight.
We are the Corsairs!
Your vault is our right, we shall have all we want of your gold and wine.
Then off, away, shadows in the dark, back to the secret places from whence our band harks.
You shall know fear!
Keep us not from our riches due,
For we are the Corsairs, and we’re coming for you!’
-- From “Plunderers in the Night”, widespread Corsair drinking song.
Exodite Wayfarers 15 Points/Model Page 19
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Wayfarer 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+ The entire squad may take:
Way-Keeper 4 5 3 3 1 5 2 9 5+ Tanglefoot grenades 3 points/model
Exodite Wayfarer squads may never Special Rules: The Way-Keeper may exchange lasblaster for:
fill compulsory Troops choice slots. Evasive Fighters Dragonbane rifle 10 points
Infiltrate Power weapon 5 points
Leviathan 65 Points Page 20
BS Front Side Rear Options:
Leviathan 4 12 10 10 Replace shuriken cannon with:
Bright lance 25 points
Vehicle Type: Transport: Eldar missile launcher 15 points
Skimmer, Fast, Open Topped 12 models. Scatter laser 10 points
Ghostwalkers count as 2 Starcannon 20 points
Squadron: models. Replace twin-linked shuriken catapults with:
1 Leviathan Hydra launcher 20 points
Special Rules: Shuriken cannon 10 points
Wargear: Armoured Prow
Shuriken cannon May take any of the following:
Twin-linked shuriken catapults Grappling rig 15 points
Holofields 25 points
Molten ram 25 points
Razorfield 15 points
Spirit stones 15 points
Star engines 15 points
Treasure stowage 20 points
Corsair Venom 45 Points See Codex: Dark Eldar
BS Front Side Rear Options:
Venom 4 10 10 10 Replace shuriken cannon with:
Fusion lance 15 points
Vehicle Type: Wargear: Hydra launcher 10 points
Skimmer, Fast, Open-Topped Shuriken cannon
Twin-linked shuriken catapults May take any of the following:
Squadron: Grappling rig 15 points
1 Venom Holofields 25 points
Transport: Spirit stones 15 points
5 models (may not transport Star engines 15 points
Skyraider Squad 35 Points/Model Page 12
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Malefactor 5 5 3 3(4) 1 6 2 9 3+ One in three Skyraiders may replace twin-linked shuriken
Skyraider 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 1 9 3+ catapults with:
Shrieker cannon 10 points
Unit Type: Wargear:
Infantry Bio-explosive ammunition One in three models may take:
Shuriken pistol (0-2) Guardbeasts 15 points/model
Composition: Plasma grenades
3-10 Skyraiders Eldar Jetbike Character:
The squad may be joined by a single Malefactor for +48
Special Rules: points (see entry on page 16).
Loot and Pillage
Poisoned (4+) attacks (Guardbeasts)
Mistwing Squad 18 Points/Model Page 11
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Malefactor 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 4+ Any Mistwing may replace close combat weapon with:
Mistwing 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ Sky axe 5 points
Unit Type: Wargear: Up to two Mistwings may replace shuriken pistol or close
Jump Infantry Shuriken catapult combat weapon with:
Shuriken pistol Fusion pistol 10 points
Composition: Close combat weapon Power weapon 10 points
5-10 Mistwings Plasma grenades Tremor hammer 15 points
Special Rules: Jump pack Character:
Loot and Pillage Mesh armour The squad may be joined by a single Malefactor for +38
points (see entry on page 16).
Exodite Raider-Knights 17 Points/Model Page 19
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Raider-Knight 4 3 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 4+ The entire squad may take:
Dragonborn 4 3 3 3(4) 1 5 2 9 4+ Tanglefoot grenades 3 points/model
Unit Type: Wargear: Any Raider-Knight may exchange close combat weapon
Cavalry Eldar laspistol for:
Close combat weapon Power lance 10 points/model
Composition: Plasma grenades
3-10 Raider-Knights Mesh armour Character:
Promote one Raider-Knight to a Dragonborn 15 points
Special Rules:
Evasive Fighters The Dragonborn may exchange close combat weapon for:
Scouts Bright lance 30 points
Laser lance 5 points
Shadowhand Squad 10 Points/Model Page 13
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Malefactor 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 4+ The entire squad may take:
Shadowhand 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ Boarding gear 1 point/model
Tanglefoot grenades 3 points/model
Unit Type: Transport:
Infantry The squad my select a Leviathan or Any Shadowhand may replace shuriken catapult with:
Venom dedicated transport. Hydra Launcher 20 points
Composition: Fusion lance 15 points
3-6 Shadowhands Whisperblade cannon 10 points
Special Rules:
Wargear: Fleet
Loot and Pillage Character:
Shuriken catapult
The squad may be joined by a single Malefactor for +18
Shuriken pistol
points (see entry on page 16).
Close combat weapon
Plasma grenades
One squad by joined by Nyrnoth the Blade-Handed for
+60 points (see entry on page 24).
Hornet 80 Points Page 21
BS Front Side Rear Options:
Hornet 4 11 11 10 Replace either shuriken cannon with:
Bright lance 25 points
Vehicle Type: Special Rules: Eldar missile launcher 15 points
Skimmer, Fast Aerial Assault Graviton cannon 15 points
Pulse laser 30 points
Squadron: Scatter laser 10 points
1 Hornet Starcannon 20 points
Unlike the quiet perfectionism of Eldar Bonesingers the brutal as craftsmen, but many cruel or pragmatic Pirate Princes have slaves
claustrophobia of Commograth`s slave factories, the shops in which and prisoners perform much of their labour.
the Corsairs build and maintain their vehicles and weapons are as Other Corsairs source their arms and wargear from much stranger
diverse and varied as their fleets themselves. sources. Rumours abound that the Sons of Vaul, zealous raiders who
Commonly, the bulk of the Corsairs equipment is gleaned from see themselves as chosen of the dead smith god, gain most of their
Craftworlds which they visit, and may be traded in exchange for equipment from an automated alien foundry of unknown origin,
anything from information to protection, or ‘appropriated’ by which produces everything from shurikens to jetbikes in exchange
raiders covertly. Corsair vessels and hideouts have machine shops for a steady ‘tribute’ of blood. Whether such rumours are true, and
and halls for Bonesingers, mostly crewed by Eldar with backgrounds the role that Vaul has in this smithy, are hotly contested.
Darkstar Fighter 160 Points Page 22
BS Front Side Rear Options:
Darkstar 4 10 10 10 Replace any number of haywire missiles with:
Tanglefoot missiles 5 points/missile
Vehicle Type: Special Rules:
Skimmer, Fast Aerial Assault May take any of the following:
Air Supremacy Holofields 25 points
Squadron: Supersonic Spirit stones 15 points
1 Darkstar
Two twin-linked bright lances
Twin-linked shuriken cannons
Four haywire missiles
Mockingbird Squadron 60 Points/Model Page 21
BS Front Side Rear Options:
Mockingbird 4 10 10 10 Replace shadow weaver with:
D-Cannon 20 points
Vehicle Type: Graviton cannon 5 points
Skimmer, Fast, Open-Topped Vibrocannon 15 points
Fleet Lists
Characters detailed here may be used in the usual Gothic Sector or
Later Gothic War fleet lists (refer to the Battlefleet Gothic rules).
A fleet including Lord-Reaver Novae may include more than one Pirate
Prince; you can bring as many as you like! However, you may only
have a single Pirate Prince per vessel, and only Novae counts as the
Fleet Commander.
The Ravenheart:
Sian’Aeleh commands a Shadow-Class Cruiser, which has the
Ghostship special rule (see the Iyanden fleet list for details of using
Lord-Captain Malakai 300 Points
Lord-Captain Malakai is a Pirate Prince (+2 Ld).
The Aetherborn:
The Lord-Captain’s ship is a Wraithship and is always armed with a
weapons battery and a launch bay. It rolls for leadership randomly
(Malakai’s crew changes frequently).
Looting Rights:
If the Corsair player ‘holds the field’ at the end of the game, all enemy
hults are worth an additional 10% more Victory Points. If the
Aetherborn is Crippled, this bonus is reduced to 5% as the crew
reluctantly focus on repairs instead of plunder.