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Quarter 2 - Module 2: Simple Melodies: Music

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Quarter 2 – Module 2:
Simple Melodies
Music – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2– Module 2: Simple Melodies
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Mary Grace V. Cinco, Louinne Grace D. Insular
Editors: Ma. Fe L. Brillantes, Lilibeth E. Larupay
Reviewers: Ma. Fe L. Brillantes, Lilibeth E. Larupay, Percy M. Borro
Illustrators: Francis Julius P. Fama, Cyrell T. Navarro, Armand Glenn S. Lapor
Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Richie C. Blasabas
Management Team: Ramir B. Uytico Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Roel F. Bermejo Nordy D. Siason
Lilibeth T. Estoque Azucena T. Falales
Elena P. Gonzaga Donald T. Genine
Athea V. Landar Celestino S. Dalumpines IV
Ruben S. Libutaque Lilibeth E. Larupay
Percy M. Borro Ma. Fe L. Brillantes
Juan Adlai C. Caigoy

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Quarter 2 – Module 2:
Simple Melodies
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-
by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher's assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any
part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and
tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each tack.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module presents varied activities like performing, creating, reading,

responding and writing musical symbols. The aim of these activities is to inspire the
learners to understand the concepts of melody in engaging fun and meaningful ways.
These activities will also help the learners in developing their appreciation of music as
a way of expressing themselves while developing their creativity. There are also group
activities that will enhance their social skills and sense of responsibility.
Learning Competencies:
• creates simple melodies

The module has two lessons with the title:

• Lesson 1 – Simple Melodies
• Lesson 2 – Creating Simple Melodies

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. create simple melodies.

1 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
What I Know

Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Notes move in different directions. What refers to the movement of notes?

A. melodic direction C. scale

B. rhythmic patterns D. melody

2. It is the process of creating a musical piece by considering the elements of music

and making use of the different musical symbols.

A. harmony C. musical composition

B. melodic patterns D. musical performance

3. What is the melodic direction of the notes on the staff?

A. descending step tones C. ascending skip tones

B. ascending step tones D. descending skip tones

4. Which of the following melodic patterns shows repeated tones?

A. C.

B. D.

5. Which of the following melodic direction shows an ascending movement of the


A. C.

B. D.

2 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
6. Analyze the melodic pattern in Key of G Major below. Which measure shows
upward-downward pattern?

7. It is important to consider the pronunciation and syllabication of the word or

words in creating simple lyrics for a melody. Which melodic phrase is suited for this
lyrics: Si Nanay Ko?

A. C.

B. D.

8. What are the two most important elements you need to consider in creating
a simple melody?
A. harmony and texture C. timbre and form
B. tempo and dynamics D. rhythm and melody

9. Study the rhythmic and melodic pattern of the notes on the staff. Which group of
words is suited for this melodic phrase?

A. my friends and I C. beautiful lady

B. happy boys and girls D. sunrise and sunset

10. Study the melodic pattern below. Which measures move in skips?
1 2 3 4 5
A. 1 and 2 C. 4 and 5
B. 2 and 4 D. 3 and 4

A. 1 and 2 C. 4 and 5
B. 2 and 4 D. 3 and 4

3 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2

1 Simple Melodies

A beautiful melody always captures our heart and attention. It is a powerful

love spell to both young and old. Composers create songs that gives joy, ease,
relaxation, and pleasure.

In this module, you will learn to create simple melodies. In creating simple
melodies, you need to familiarize with the melodic directions. This will help you
create simple melodies easily.

The direction of the melody varies. Sometimes it moves upward, downward or

in horizontal directions. It is determined by listening to the tones or by studying the

What’s In

Activity 1
Directions: Illustrate the scale in the Key of F Major in ascending direction.

Notes to the Teacher

This module is designed for independent or self-paced study. It
allows the learners to learn by considering their convenience for time
and or location according to his or her individual needs and ability.
Learners can study at his/her preferred time and environment without
undue interruption of work. Please make sure learners who use this
material can get frequent feedback and are given the opportunity to
reflect on information and on their learning experiences.

4 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
What’s New

A. Melodic Direction
Melodic direction is the movement of tones.
The movements of tones may go up and down the staff in steps and by skips.
There are also notes which remain on the same line or space.
If the notes move upward, the direction of the melody is ascending, if the
notes go downward it is called descending. Notes in steady or stationary pattern is
called repeated tones that moves in horizontal direction.

These melodic directions will help you create simple melodies.

Study the illustrations below.

A. Different melodic directions

1. ascending step tones

4. descending skip tones 6. upward-downward

2. descending step tones

5. repeated tones 7. downward-upward

3. ascending skip tones

B. Creating Simple Melodies

You will need the following elements in creating a simple melody:

 Staff - is the fundamental latticework of music notation, upon
which symbols are placed. It has 5 lines and 4 spaces.

 Kinds of notes and rests- these include whole note/rest, half note/rest,
quarter note/rest, eighth note/rest, sixteenth note/rest and dotted
 Time Signature define the meter of the music. Simple time signatures
2 3 4
include 4, 4, and 4 .
5 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
 Key signature and scale- C Major scale has no sharp/flat. G Major scale
has 1 sharp on the fifth line. F Major scale has 1 flat on the third line.
 Home tone- is a term commonly used for the first or key tone of any scale.
(C Major-do, G Major-so, F Major-fa)
 Lyrics- it is important to consider the pronunciation and syllabication
of the word/s in creating lyrics for your simple melody.

What is It

What elements are needed in creating simple melodies?

What are the different melodic directions?
What so-fa syllables compose the first/second/third patterns?
What so-syllables compose the sixth and seventh pattern?
Which of the above melodic directions move in steps?
Which of the above melodic directions move in skips?
Which of the above melodic direction shows
ascending direction? Which melodic direction shows
descending direction?
How will you know if the notes move in steps or skips?

What’s More

Musical composition is the process of making or forming a piece of music by

considering the elements of music. It is a process that will take time. It starts with
your background knowledge; everything you have learned since grade one until this
very moment.

Every musical piece has two vital elements: rhythm and melody. Recall what
you have learned in the past lessons on rhythm: the different kinds of notes and rests
and their values, time signature, and rhythmic patterns. The lessons you have learned
in melody: pitch names, so-fa syllables, and the placement of notes on the staff, C
Major, F Major and G Major keys. These learnings will help you create your simple

If the notes move upward, the direction of the melody is ascending, if the notes
go downward it is called descending. Notes that are steady/stationary or notes that
remain on the same line or space of the staff is called repeated tones which moves in
horizontal direction.

6 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
Activity 1
Directions: Create melodic directions being asked in each measure in the 3 time
signature. Use three quarter notes ( ) only. 4

ascending ascending descending descending downward- upward- repeated

step tones skip tones step tones skip tones upward downward tones
skip tones skip tones skip tones

Activity 2
Directions: Choose the name of the fruit in the box that is appropriate for the
melodic pattern in each measure. The first one is done for you.

Apple Chico Watermelon

Papaya Grape

Ba - na - na

Activity 3
Directions: Place the melodies appropriately on the staff in the Key of F
Major. The F Major scale is provided for you as your guide. The
first measure is done for you.

Compose simple lyrics for your melody. Write one word/syllable

below each note. Take note that in creating simple lyrics for your
melody; it is important to consider the pronunciation and
syllabication of the word or words.

fa so la ti do re mi fa

mi mi mi re mi fa so la ti do

7 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
What I Have Learned
● Melodic direction is the movement of tones.

● The movements of tones may go up and down the staff in steps and by skips.
● If the notes move upward, the direction of the melody is ascending, if the notes go
downward it is called descending. Notes in steady or stationary pattern is called
repeated tones that move in horizontal direction.

● Musical composition is the process of making or forming a piece of music by

considering the elements of music.

● The elements in creating a simple melody are staff, notes and rests, time signature,
key signature, scale, home tone and lyrics.

● It is important to consider the pronunciation and syllabication of the word/s in

creating simple lyrics for a melody.

What I Can Do

Directions: Create simple melody for the lyrics below. Notes and rests are provided
above the piece. Write them down on the staff where you want them to be

Manghugas sang Kamot

8 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2

Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following shows ascending direction?

A. C.

B. D.

2. Analyze the melodic pattern in Key of G Major below. Which measure shows
upward-downward movement?

3. It is important to consider the pronunciation and syllabication of the word or words

in creating simple lyrics for a melody. Which melodic phrase is suited for these
lyrics: Si Nanay Ko?

A. C.

B. D.

4. What are the two most important elements you need to consider in creating a
simple melody?

A. harmony and texture C. timbre and form

B. tempo and dynamics D. rhythm and melody

5. Notes move in different directions. What refers to the movement of notes?

A. melodic direction C. scale

B. rhythmic patterns D. melody

9 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
6. Study the rhythmic and melodic pattern of the notes on the staff. Which group
of words is suited for this melodic phrase?

A. my friends and I C. beautiful lady

B. happy boys and girls D. sunrise and sunset

7. Study the melodic pattern below. Which measures move in skips?

1 2 3 4 5

A. 1 and 2 C. 2 and 4
B. 3 and 4 D. 4 and 5

8. It is the process of creating a musical piece by combining the parts or

elements of music.
A. harmony C. musical performance
B. melodic patterns D. musical composition

9. What is the melodic direction of the notes on the staff?

A. descending step tones C. ascending skip tones

B. ascending step tones D. descending skip tones

10. Which of the following melodic direction shows repeated tones?

A. C.

B. D.

10 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
Additional Activities

Directions: Place the melodies appropriately on the staff in the key of G Major.
The first few notes are done for you. The G Major scale is provided for you
as your guide.


so la ti do re mi fa# so

mi mi do la la do mi so fa# mi re do

11 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
Answer Key

12 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
What I Know

Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following statements does NOT describe the characteristics

of a good melody? A good melody __________.
A. tells stories
B. is easily forgotten
C. oftentimes uses stepwise motion
D. gives listeners a wanting to remember and think about

2. In composing a melody, choosing the right key is very important. Which

of the following ideas does NOT tell about this concept?
A. use different keys in one song
B. choose basic major keys C, G and F
C. choose a minor key when you want a melody to sound sad
D. choose a major key when you want a melody to sound happy

3. Rhythm plays a vital role in composing simple melodies. Which of the

following is being referred to?
A. use only one kind of note for a song
B. use eighth notes and sixteenth notes
C. use different kinds of notes in one song
D. keep the rhythm simple using half notes and quarter notes

4. The song below is in the Key of G Major. What have you noticed on the
first and the last note of the song?

Are You Sleeping?

A. the song starts and ends with a different pitch

B. the melody starts and ends with the same pitch
C. the song starts and ends with different kind of notes
D. the melody starts and ends with the same kind of note

13 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
For questions 5-7: refer to the illustrations below.





5. In this measure, there are 4 quarter notes with pitch names G and A and are
arranged in any order. Which of the above illustrations shows this?

6. In these two measures, the pitch name A is repeated in the same space on the staff.
Which of the above illustrations shows this?

7. In this measure, there are 4 quarter notes with pitch names A, C and E arranged in
any order. Which of the above illustrations shows this?

8. The writing down of music so it can be read and interpreted by musicians is called?
A. scale C. range
B. notation D. home tone

9. Which of the following statements does NOT describe the steps in creating simple
A. Choose a key to use.
B. Apply only one melodic direction.
C. Decide the number measures the melody should have.
D. Keep the rhythm simple by using half notes and quarter notes.

10. In composing simple melodies, you set the mood of the piece, reflect the scale and
key of your choice, start and end your melody on the first note. What is the other
name of the underlined words?
A. pitch name C. measure
B. so-fa syllable D. home tone

14 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2

2 Creating Simple Melodies

Think of your favorite song. What part of the song you remember the most?
Is it the lyrics, rhythm, or melody? The melody of a song is what you keep hearing
repeatedly. When you sing the Happy Birthday Song to your brother or friend, you are
singing the melody.
Melodies are the most memorable and important part of a song. It can be
produced through human voice or musical instruments.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned about melodic directions. Melody can
move upward, downward, in steps, in skips or repeated.

Directions: Analyze the following melodies below in Key of C Major. Tell whether the
notes in each number move downward step, downward skip, upward
step, upward skip or repeated. Write your answer in your notebook.

Notes to the Teacher

This module is designed for independent or self-paced study. It allows the
learners to learn by considering their convenience for time and or location
according to his or her individual needs and ability. Learners can study at his/her
preferred time and environment without undue interruption of work. Please make
sure learners who use this material can get frequent feedback and are given the
opportunity to reflect on information and on their learning experiences.

15 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
What’s New
Composing Simple Melody

In the previous lesson, you have learned how to create simple melodic
directions and the elements in composing simple melody.

Think about melodies like a scene in a movie, a stage play, a dance party, etc. A
good melody will capture and hold your listeners attention. Songwriters or composers
use a melody to tell a story and give the audience something to remember and think
about. They make music by combining notes in a scale. A scale is a succession of
tones arranged in the order of their pitch. This may either be played in ascending,
descending and horizontal directions.

To be able to write and read music on the staff, one must recognize the different
musical symbols and terms. The method of writing down music so it can be performed
vocally or instrumentally is called notation. This helps a person interpret a musical

This lesson will give you additional tips and exercises on how to make a self-
composed melody step by step.

Steps in composing a simple melody:

1. Key
Decide on a key of your melody. Begin in the major keys C, F and G.
Major keys sound happy. However, if you want a sad melody choose a minor
key. In this lesson, we will use the major keys: C, F and G.

2. Rhythm
Keep the rhythm simple by using mostly quarter notes and half notes.

3. Melody
Use scale of the Major keys.
▪ Key of C
▪ Key of G
▪ Key of F

Start and end your note using the home tone of the key. A home tone
is where the scale of a given key begins.
To make your melodies easy to sing use melodic directions of mostly
steps or repeated and less of skips, and it must be in a comfortable range to
sing or play.

16 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
4. Measure
Notes and rests are grouped into measures using a bar line depending
on the time signature. Decide how many measures you would like your
melody to have. In this lesson, you are going to start with four measures. It
will give a nice balance and easy to work with as you start learning to create
a simple melody.

What is It

1. What are the steps in creating a simple melody?

2. What keys are you going to use for your composition if you want to make it
sound happy/sad?
3. What is a notation?
4. What is a home tone?
5. What is a measure?
6. What is a scale?
7. What scales are you going to use as guide in creating your simple melody?

What’s More

Let’s try composing melodies in Key of C, G and F Major.

Activity 1

Direction: Answer the question below and follow the steps to create self-composed
What are three (3) things that you are thankful for?

1 ___________________ 2 ___________________ 3 ___________________

1. Fill out the missing words below the staff.

2. Create a simple melody to the words. One note for each syllable.
3. Take note that in a time signature there are four beats in a measure and a
quarter note receives one beat.
4. Use the first five notes (do, re, mi, fa, so) in the key of C. You can use it in any

17 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
5. Use half notes and quarter notes only.
6. Use steps and repeated melodic direction.
7. The first and last note of the melody is lower do.
8. Check the rubrics to evaluate your performance.

I Am Thankful

I am thankful for the/my ____ , for the/my ____ , and for the/my___

Check () the appropriate column for your answer.

Excellent Proficient Satisfactory

3 2 1
1. Can create a simple
melody to the words.
2. Can use half notes and
quarter notes in creating
self-composed melody in
C Major.
3. Can use different melodic
directions in self-composed
4. Can create a simple
melody using the first five
notes in C Major scale.
Total Score = 12

Activity 2

Directions: Compose a four-measure melody in key of G Major by following the steps

1. Make a simple melody to the words.
2. Use the first five notes (so, la, ti, do, re) in the key of G Major.
3. Use half notes and quarter notes only. One note for each syllable.
4. You can draw the notes on the staff in any order, but you must begin and end in G
(second line).
5. Use steps and repeated melodic directions only.
6. Use the rubrics to evaluate your performance.

18 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2

To-mo-rrow is a new day and things will be all right.

Check () the appropriate column for your answer.

Excellent Proficient Satisfactory

3 2 1
1. Can create a simple
melody to the words.
2. Can use half notes and
quarter notes in creating
self-composed melody in
G Major.
3. Can use different melodic
directions in self-
composed melody.
4. Can create a simple
melody using the first five
notes in G Major scale.
Total Score = 12

Activity 3

Direction: Write a new melody to a familiar song “Twinkle Little Star” in Key of F Major.

1. Make a simple melody to the words.

2. Use the first six notes (fa, so, la, ti , do, re) in the key of F major in any order.

3. Use half notes and quarter notes only. One note for each syllable.

4. Use steps and skips melodic pattern/direction.

5. The first and last note of the melody is F (first space).
6. Sing your self-composed melody in key of F Major.
7. Use the rubrics to evaluate your performance.

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Twin-kle twin-kle lit-tle star How I won-der what you are.

19 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
Check () the appropriate column for your answer.

Skills Excellent Proficient Satisfactory

3 2 1
1. Can create a simple
melody to the words.
2. Can use half notes
and quarter notes in
creating self-composed
melody in F Major.
3. Can use different
melodic directions in
self-composed melody.
4. Can create a simple
melody using the first
five notes in F Major

Total Score = 12

What I Have Learned

• A good melody must be in a comfortable range to sing or play.

• It has repeated parts both in melody and rhythm.

• The steps in composing a simple melody are the following:

a. Choose a Key to use. Use the Key of C, G and F.

b. Use half notes and quarter notes to keep the rhythm simple.
c. Apply different melodic directions.
d. Use scale of the major keys as guide.
e. Decide the number of measures the melody should have.

20 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
What I Can Do

Directions: Compose a simple melody in Key of C using pitch names G(so), A (la),
(do) in four measures. Use 4 quarter notes for each measure. You may
arrange them in any order. Add lyrics to your melody about friends
or family.

Rubrics for performance: Check (✔) the appropriate column for your answer.
Skills Excellent Proficient Satisfactory
3 2 1
1. Can create a simple
melody in 4 measures.
2. Can use 4 quarter notes
in creating self composed
3. Can compose a simple
melody using so, la, ti,
and do.
4. Can add lyrics to simple
Total Score = 12


Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. In composing a melody, choosing the right key is very important. Which of the
following idea does NOT tell about this concept?

A. Use different keys in one song.

B. Choose basic major keys C, G and F.
C. Choose a minor key when you want a melody to sound sad.
D. Choose a major key when you want a melody to sound happy.

21 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
2. The song below is in the Key of G Major. What have you noticed on the first and the
last note of the song?

A. The song starts and ends with a different pitch.

B. The melody starts and ends with the same pitch.
C. The song starts and ends with different kind of notes.
D. The melody starts and ends with the same kind of note.

3. The writing down of music so it can be read and interpreted by musicians is called?
A. scale B. notation C. home tone D. range

4. Rhythm plays a vital role in composing simple melodies. Which of the following
is being referred to?
A. Use only one kind of note for a song.
B. Use eighth notes and sixteenth notes.
C. Use different kinds of notes in one song.
D. Keep the rhythm simple using half notes and quarter notes.

5. In composing simple melodies, you set the mood of the piece, reflect the scale and
key of your choice, start and end your melody on the first note. What is the other
name of the underlined words?
A. pitch name B. so-fa syllable C. home tone D. measure

6. Which of the following statements does NOT describe the characteristics of a good
melody? A good melody __________.
A. tells stories
B. is easily forgotten
C. oftentimes uses stepwise motion
D. gives listeners a wanting to remember and think about

7. Which of the following statements does NOT describe the steps in creating simple
A. Choose a key to use.
B. Apply only one melodic direction.
C. Decide the number measures the melody should have.
D. Keep the rhythm simple by using half notes and quarter notes.

22 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
For questions 8-10: refer to the illustrations below.





8. In this measure, there are 4 quarter notes with pitch names G and A and are
arranged in any order. Which of the above illustrations shows this?

9. In these two measures, the pitch name A is repeated in the same space on the staff.
Which of the above illustrations shows this?

10. In this measure, there are 4 quarter notes with pitch names C E and A arranged
in any order. Which of the above illustrations shows this?

Additional Activities
Directions: Create a simple melody to the poem below. Use the notes found above the
staff. Draw the notes on the staff in the Key of C Major using pitch names
C E G (do, mi so).
Your melody must move in steps and repeated tones only (no skips).
Your melody must end in C (do).

Rain falls down to the ground. Pit-ter, pat- ter all a-round.

23 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
Answer Key

1. The 21st Century (MAPEH in Action 6, pp. 22-39)
2. Our World of MAPEH 6 pp.30-39
3. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/FREE-Compose-Your-Own-
BAG-Composition 1774696
4. https://www.onlinepianocoach.com/how-to-write-a-melody.html

24 CO_Q2_Music6_Module2
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: blr.lrqad@deped.gov.ph * blr.lrpd@deped.gov.ph

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