Procurement Pps D Short Form Template
Procurement Pps D Short Form Template
Procurement Pps D Short Form Template
1 Project Overview
Completion of the template should focus on describing the details of each of the higher value / risk
contracts identified through the application of Supply Positioning as described in the PPSD
Preparation and Project Cycle Section of the PPSD Guidance Note. All similar contracts, having
similar approaches should be consolidated and described under one heading.
Project Number:
a. Operational Context
Governance aspects
Economic Aspects
Sustainability Aspects
Technological Aspects
Key Conclusions
Key Conclusions
c. Market Analysis
Market sector dynamics
Procurement trends
Key Conclusions
4 Procurement Objective
Sustainability Yes/No
Contract Type A. Traditional
B. Design and Build
C. Design, Build, Operate, Maintain
D. Design and Build – Turnkey or Prime
F. Other:_____________________
Pricing and costing A. Lump Sum
mechanism B. Performance based contracts
C. Schedule of Rates / Admeasurement
D. Time and Materials
E. Cost Plus
Supplier Relationship A. Adversarial/Collaborative
Price Adjustments A. None, fixed price
B. Negotiated
C. Percentage
Form of Contract (Terms D. State any special conditions of contract
and Conditions)
Selection Method
A. Request for Proposals (RFP)
B. Requests for Bids (RFB)
C. Requests for Quotations (RFQ)
D. Direct Selection
Selection Arrangement A. Competitive Dialogue
B. Public Private Partnerships (PPP)
C. Commercial Practices
D. United Nations (UN) Agencies
E. e-Reverse Auctions
F. Imports
G. Commodities
H. Community Driven Development
I. Force Accounts
J. Framework Agreements
K. Cross Project Opportunities
Market Approach A. Type of Competition
1. Open
2. Limited
3. International
4. National
5. No Competition – Direct Selection
B. Number of Envelopes/Stages
1. Single Envelope
2. Two Envelopes
3. Single Stage
4. Multi Stage
B. BAFO (Yes/No)
C. Negotiations (Yes/No)
Pre / Post Qualification A. Pre-Qualification
B. Post-Qualification
C. Initial Selection
Evaluation Selection A. Quality Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
Method B. Fixed Budget Based Selection (FBS)
C. Least Cost Based Selection (LCS)
D. Quality Based Selection (QBS)
E. Consultant’s Qualifications Based
Selection (CQS)
D. Direct Selection
Evaluation of Costs A. Adjusted Bid Price
B. Life-Cycle Costs
Domestic Preference Yes / No
Rated Criteria List the type of criteria to be used
6 Preferred arrangement for low value, low risk activities (if applicable)