Lab Report Project
Lab Report Project
Lab Report Project
right 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
score 100 96.8 93.5 90.3 87.1 83.9 80.6 77.4 74.2 71 67.7 64.5 61.3 58.1 54.8 51.6 48.4 45.2 41.9
Darkness % %
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Far-red light kills the embryo.
My evidence is that germination after white light exposure was...
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TITLE: Should be concise and informative. It should indicate 1) the factor(s) which were
manipulated, 2) the parameters measured, and 3) the scientific name of the organism
used. “Seed Germination” or “Sprouting Lettuce” would be likely too vague.
ABSTRACT: Describes the entire report in one concise paragraph. It is a very brief presentation
of the major findings with just enough explanation of what was done to permit them to
have meaning. One sentence introduces the subject, another names the materials and
methods used, two or three more present the major results, and the last sentences discuss
the major inferences(s) of the findings. Biological abstracts have been collected in the
publication, Biological Abstracts, where you may find many examples to help you. Of
course the journals mentioned above have an example in each article as well.
INTRODUCTION: This section acquaints the reader with the setting of your paper. It consists of
1) an introduction of the topic of the paper, 2) a presentation of the history of the topic
(what is known about the subject and particularly the expected effects of the
manipulations you observed), and 3) a purpose statement for your work. Thus it puts the
reader in the right frame of mind to appreciate your findings and discussion. It should be
brief, perhaps one to two pages long. But this is where your journal articles are first cited!
Please remember, we paraphrase rather than quote and use (Author, date) as the style.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This states clearly, precisely, and comprehensively the 1)
materials (plants and equipment) used, 2) treatments and procedures followed, and 3)
types and nature of the measurements made and statistical testing analyzed. Sufficient
detail should be presented to allow another scientist to repeat the exercise. On the other
hand, it should NOT give directions, but should tell what YOU did (use past tense). You
should not give details for common procedures (sequence of steps, labeling dishes, etc.);
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you may assume your reader knows these. Since your procedures are already in print
(here in the manual) you may cite the lab manual for direction details, and only
summarize the major steps. You should indicate any deviations in the technique or
materials that you used from those in the manual.
RESULTS: There must be a written text in which you present the salient findings as precisely as
possible. It is usually divided into subsections, each detailing a single facet of the work.
Most illustrations, graphs, and tables are included in this section (see below). The text is
FACTUAL and is NOT the place for interpretation or discussion. The text should not be
a verbal math exercise to put the data from the figures presented nearby!
Raw data tables should NOT be presented in the results section of the report.
After you have collected the data, examine them carefully, and decide on a way to
present the important information in the most meaningful manner. In some reports, tables
or graphs may be best; in others, drawings of the appearance of the subject before and
after the experiment may be appropriate. Remember that all changes in experimental
plants should be considered in relation to any changes that occurred in control plants
during the same experimental period. Your tables and figures should be numbered
separately but also sequentially. They need a caption with the number, title, and
necessary clarifications. You need to get rid of a lot of Excel-isms to make its graphics
acceptable! You need to be very careful in selection of a graph type!
DISCUSSION: This section is the body of the paper and here you 1) interpret your own results
(Fig 1), 2) relate your results and interpretations to those of other workers in the field and
to the existing body of knowledge (Author, Date), and 3) make conclusions based upon
your results and the existing body of knowledge. You should relate structure to function
and discuss what your findings mean in terms of whole plants.
LITERATURE CITED: Alphabetized references are limited to those ACTUALLY CITED in the
manuscript. In your report, these may include your lab manual and a biological textbook,
but the mark of an outstanding paper from a freshman would include reference to a
relevant article published in some journal.
Right 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
Score 100 97.4 94.7 92.1 89.5 86.8 84.2 81.6 78.9 76.3 73.7 71.1 68.4 65.8 63.2 60.5 57.9 55.3 52.6
Use the data to compare the initial results (control) with the results after white-followup:
Initial Decision on Followup effect on
Treatment Z-test p-value null hypothesis seed germination
white light .
__ __ __ __ reject cannot reject stimulates ineffective inhibits
Use the data after seven days (after 4-days of white light followup exposure) to compare the
initial dark control group with those initially treated with:
Initial Decision on Initial treatment effect on
treatment Z-test p-value null hypothesis final seed germination
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white light .
__ __ __ __ reject cannot reject stimulates ineffective inhibits