Sep Oct 2020 WN Issue
Sep Oct 2020 WN Issue
Sep Oct 2020 WN Issue
Simply convincing: completely revised, solid machining units for the highest demands in a new design, a solid,
heavy-duty machine base-frame as well as precise dust extraction. The m-motion and x-motion Plus control ensures
highest repeatability-setting accuracy and allows you to generate individual machining programs and to minimize
setup time for fast processing and material change.
Coating line that uses HotCoating®, which improves the • perfect adhesion in all materials
product properties, resistance and durability, enabling high
gloss panels. Even with low coat weight, the coating has • 100% solid content
extremely shock and wear resistance.
• eco-friendly
• extremely economic
Digital printing JETMASTER SERIES • Texture generation trueTEXTURE • High Gloss COATING LINES • Flat Lamination SYSTEMS
10 24
Thermally treated American ash makes a Floored! Wood holds key to safe interiors in
modern home post-pandemic world
EuroTech’s automated saw guide pumps up
14 52
Four essentials for perfect edge banding finish
CIFF Shanghai keeps collaboration going strong
Dust control system a must for production
Weinig goes ‘live’ with its latest push-feed saw
EVENT UPDATE Aristo India adds state-of-the-art lacquering
Ligna 2021 opens window in Sept-Oct
First ever 5-star hotel made from certified
Wood Taiwan plans on-site, online show mix
Free 3D design creates structural wooden
10 24
18 58
03 March
Indian plywood units in production
Formalin Plant starting production in
More plywood units under construction 2020
om f
fric a)
n ( A
Gabon...Land of Opportunities
SEPT - OCT | 2020 5
Chief Editor | Dhananjay Sardeshpande
Founding Editor | Dr. Joseph George
President | Tony Doulton
ENVIRONMENT Executive - Media | Jyotsna Yadav
New ‘cloud’ service keeps eye on forests
Executive - Media | Vinay M C
accuracy of information published. All correspondence, including material for publication,
may be addressed to the Chief Editor.
Now available online at:
Technology Category
Of safety,
sanitation and
EDITOR our ‘Magicians’
at work!
Dear Readers,
One of mankind’s oldest, most valuable content for clients in a post- largely part and parcel of the edge
trusted and versatile building Covid-19 world. They have set the record banding machine you already own! And
materials takes centrestage again, straight: paired with well-ventilated for factory/workshop managers, we have
this time because of, and amid, the buildings, the results of their study apply an article on how wood dust is an invisible
raging Covid-19 contagion. It equally to retail, restaurant and health threat and a top fire hazard; how it
turns out that wood, because of its commercial spaces, as well as the real builds up in facilities and fissures; and
inherent characteristics, will hold estate sector. What better application of easy methods to control – even eliminate
the key to safe and sanitary wood in flooring, to minimise the spread – dust from woodworking operations.
interior spaces on our post- of the contagion?
We are continuing our series of articles on
pandemic world. Wood’s natural
Talking of living spaces, thermally treated how the Indian furniture industry is
tendency to absorb moisture and
Ash (American hardwood) has been coping with the sharp downturn on
subsequently dry out – or
featured in this issue as a durable material account of disruption caused by the
“breathe” – has proven to diminish
for modern homes. Despite not being Covid-19 pandemic. I must say that the
the longevity of bacteria (and
protected by oils or lacquer, and open to industry’s consumers (manufacturers)
virus) on wooden surfaces by
weathering naturally, the architects and suppliers (material and technology)
starving them of the moisture
expect the material to last about 25 years! alike are magicians at work. Not only have
they need to survive!
WoodNews also showcases the world’s they persevered during the lockdown,
An Arkansas-based (US) first-ever 5-storey, 5-star hotel made they are now springing back into the
architecture and engineering firm, entirely of PEFC-certified solid wood that saddle with all intentions – and strategies
Harrison French & Associates opened in Austria recently. – of galloping ahead in the months to
(h t t ps : / / w w w. hfa - a / ), come. That’s the never-say-die spirit:
For the finger-happy, we have an expert
recently teamed up with keep it up! Here’s wishing you Happy
from Felder-India writing about the
architects, engineers and other Diwali and other festive occasions to
essentials for perfect edge banding
design professionals to produce come.
finishes. You need not look afar; these are
The thermally modified ash exteriors
are expected to last about 25 years,
without oil or lacquer protection
makes a modern
just in Europe but around the world,
including in the US, as this project
as ash and tulipwood into durable
materials that don’t decay or deteriorate
in outdoor use.
Pictures courtesy: Haus Architecture
guide pumps up
as the communication interface
between the saw and the vacuum
tonnes without any difficulty with the
various formats.
Alu-Point, a company based just The new EuroTech system simplifies the
The panels would have to be transported
south of Hannover (Germany), has loading process of the dividing saws by
securely over a distance of more than 20
successfully lowered its offering integrated handling and
metres and the controls of the loading
production time and achieved a transport solutions in the field of vacuum
system should be uncomplicated.
considerable boost in productivity, technology.
thanks to an automated saw guide EuroTech’s result is a loading system that
EuroTech develops customer-specific
from EuroTech Vertriebs GmbH. can control three positions within the
vacuum systems and components for
sawing area from the output area. The
Besides mechanical engineering, automated handling tasks. Its product
22-metre portal runs along the back of
tool manufacture and mould portfolio includes vacuum components,
the saw, loading it with panels made from
construction, Alu-Point serves vacuum lifting devices, vacuum suction
a wide range of materials from the rear
automotive and aerospace boxes, vacuum robot equipment and
suppliers, the furniture and wood testing devices.
industry, automation and The saw uses the profibus system to
Automation advantages request the material, while the
packaging machines sector, and
producers of measurement and Automating the loading and unloading of computerised portal monitors all
medical technologies. machining lines bring many advantages: requirements. A high-powered vacuum
they protect the health of their operators unit controls the mechanical intake
Alu-Point uses state-of-the-art
and ensure high quality and efficiency. system, which prevents surface damage
saws to cut its materials with
Alu-Point asked for a solution that would to the panels.
extremely narrow tolerances to
automate the loading of its two Schelling
meet its clients’ needs precisely. An integrated separating unit ensures
single-axis saws.
The company recently found itself smooth operations and increases
in need of a provider who could The new system would need to be able to production security. Alu-Point Managing
supply an individual solution to handle the company’s extensive product Director Thorsten Otte emphasised: “Our
automate its saw guide process portfolio with a single machine. It would collaboration produced good results very
and increase its overall production also have to be able to handle a wide quickly. Our employees and I are very
speed. variety of panels weighing up to 1.3 pleased with the outcome.“
In the year of 2020, the Covid-19 Therefore, to help customers in enhancing The duo also demonstrated transfer of
pandemic has created a big the manufacturing efficiency, Weinig the pre-optimisation data to an OptiCut
restriction of social interaction for recently conducted a live demo, push-feed saw and production of the
all of us. Many countries had ‘Component Production on a Push-feed components; as well as production mode
implemented different levels of Saw’, for the solid wood working industry “defect cutting” and how to optimise with
lock-down to try and contain the from the comfort of everyone’s office or manual marking.
spread of the virus. home.
Among the many advantages that
These actions might have imposed More than 80 customers and attendees – emerged from the webinar and
quite a lot of limitation on the including those from India, Singapore, subsequent question-answer session
number of workers allowed in Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, were:
factory operations. Thus, Philippines and Australia – were present
• Paperless and efficient production,
improving the factory productivity during the 2-hour programme.
from production planning to the
will be a critical factor to fulfil
Among the speakers was Sebastian Roth, machine;
customer order with limited
whose core competence lies in
human resources. • No more time consuming manual data
development of technical solutions and
input on the machine terminal;
For the Weinig group, which is sales for the Asia-Pacific region, and
determined to continue to Volker von Kries, an expert in machine • Optimisation of cross-sections in the
introduce valuable products and demos and hands-on training on cross- order list, which is visible on the
technology to help its customers cutting machinery. machine display;
ride out this pandemic wave, it has •
Better output compared to
Among the topics covered were the
been bit different this time as optimisation of just one board;
software solution, ‘OptiPal’, for the creation
global travel has come to a
of cut lists from your customer orders; • Lengths with the same cross-section
standstill and all trade shows have
and the ‘OptiResult’ software to pre- from various orders can be considered.
been either halted or scaled down
optimise your material by combining
to host local visitors only.
plans on-site,
processing different wood composites for
the industry, Wood Taiwan will include
composite materials processing
machinery, wood hand tools and plates to
comprehensively display woodworking
Have wood?
We’ll floor you!
When Aashish started out to plan a the only natural materials that are closest ignore!” he notes.
flooring venture at the turn of the 21st to our skins – even the most exotic and
Enter Havwoods
century, he extensively surveyed various expensive stones (including marble) are
markets and studied wood and flooring not conducive to a positive human Keeping that in mind, in 2016,
manufacturing for 2 years. However, the interaction. Wood “breathes” just as Aashish decided to partner
market in India for wood flooring then human skin does. exclusively with UK’s largest
was minuscule. The use of wood itself retailer and specifier of wooden
However, Aashish is quite practical in not
was still skewered with doubts as to its flooring, Havwoods International.
wishing away natural stones or artificial
applicability, longevity, assured supply, The company, which specialises in
tiles. “They will continue to have their
cost and upkeep. hardwood flooring, reported
place; but the space for wood-based
revenue of 35 million Pounds last
By 2005, Aashish and his brother, Aadesh, flooring is certainly going to increase,” he
year, and already has a strong
decided they would go into retail to better says.
presence in 35 other countries.
gauge the Indian market, engage with and
At the time, Pergo was the only known
educate the specifiers and influencers, It boasts of an impressive clientele
brand, Aashish recalls, but it was into
and spread real-life examples across India including Harrods, Breitling,
laminate flooring. There was but a
to support their firm conviction that Harley Davidson, Paul Smith,
sprinkling of importers of solid wood
wooden flooring is the best. Jamie Oliver, Marks & Spencer,
flooring, spread as far across as Mumbai,
Nando’s, etc.
And so the brothers started Plan-B, with Delhi and Kolkata.
distribution rights for 12 global players, Aashish has set up a 3,000-square-
“It was largely an unorganised market
including Kahrs of Sweden, the US-based foot showroom in Mumbai, from
meeting an extremely niche demand,”
Giant, Moso (bamboo flooring) from the where he currently handles the
Aashish remembers.
Netherlands, and Karelia from New Mumbai and Delhi markets. He
Zealand. They also added some laminate Jump to 2020, when the India market is has also added franchisees in
floor manufacturers to their range to offer said to be to the tune of 80 million square Pune, Ahmedabad and Chennai.
architects and interior designers some metres, Aashish says. Of this 80% is
Now he is eyeing the hinterland –
more options. serviced by ceramic and vitrified tiles,
following up on serious interest
another 10% goes to laminate flooring,
Plan-B went on to win industry awards for shown by architects and interior
and a mere 0.2% is for wooden flooring.
‘Most Innovative Wooden Flooring designers from Aurangabad,
Company’. It also boasts of having worked But, as Aashish points out, the wooden Baroda, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and
with some of India’s top architects and flooring market is growing exponentially. Nashik.
designers, including many celebrities. “The small share of wooden flooring only
The Indian buyer has migrated
indicates the huge potential that needs to
Market size from being price-sensitive to
be tapped and upgraded from tiles to
being quality-conscious, Aashish
According to Aashish, wood and cork are wooden planks. It is a market you cannot
An ordinary wall turns
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Bison Panel offers cement bonded particle that encompasses all the features necessary for strong and
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Bison Panel Plain Board, Bison Lam, Bison Designer Board, & Bison Plank
Floored by Malaysian
The new Hammer CNC makes the world of CNC-routers affordable for everyone. Ideal for demanding do-it-yourselfers,
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removes the limits of manufacturing possibilities and impresses with its Austrian mechanical engineering quality.
Call now
for special
Vivid palette providing for both light- and dark- Malaysia has long been known as a major
Whatever you have in mind, we have
the right flooring solution for you.
Discover the new Egger PRO Flooring Collection 2021+
Discover the brand new EGGER PRO Flooring Collection 2021+ where quality
and style are perfectly matched to your and your clients’ concepts and ideas.
Our collection launches in January 2021 and comes with stunning new decors,
exclusive textures, tools and services. Discover your ideas!
3,00,000 shades to
choose from HKS 1835
Nipun Purohit
Wooden floors are the ‘in’ thing area, dining hall, bedrooms, kitchen, Solid wood (L) and engineered
(R) flooring both offer a wide range
today: the rich colours, the warmth entertainment zone for kids, prayer room, of colours and finishes.
under- foot, the natural sheen and etc.
the endless choice makes wooden
There are primarily two basic types of
flooring a favoured option against
natural wood: engineered and solid.
traditional surfaces like tiles, of the house (for resale or rental
Engineered wood, as the name suggests,
marble, stone, etc. purposes).
has a base is made of birch plywood and a
The natural beauty and class of top layer of natural solid wood. Solid Advancements in designing, as well as
wood is unmatched by any other wood is natural wood. printing technology, give a realistic look
style of flooring. Though wooden to the floors. Additionally, the wear layer
Technically superior
floors have been around in the of the laminated floor covering protects it
West for centuries, they have only Solid wood constitutes a single piece of from smudges and stains and also resists
lately come into vogue in India. In lumber material and can either be fading from UV light exposure.
a short span of time, they have unfinished, lacquered or oiled, made out
The family-owned company, Heinr. Krüger
overtaken all other flooring of red oak, white oak or maple.
+ Sohn GmbH (HKS) is a supplier of high-
options in terms of style and Wooden floors have no fibres, grout lines, quality parquet floors and decking to
popularity. or embossing that can trap dust, pollen, more than 30 countries since its founding
They’re not only easier to lay but particles, animal dander, and allergens 185 years ago in Münster (Westphalia,
also come in styles and finishes that occur with carpets. Germany).
that lend themselves to every kind Apart from improving the aesthetic Its core competence is wooden flooring
of decor. They can be used in appeal of a space and acting as a good for indoor and outdoor applications using
every part of the home: living insulation material, it increases the value FSC-certified wood since 2008. It offers
flooring in Bangkirai and Garapa handcraft. The Barrique top layer features ‘HKS Twin Face’ is parquet with special
wood species, and also manual carved texture and knots. construction, combining the advantages
exceptionally high-quality of a solid floorboard and the technical
‘A-Terra’ stands for ‘living on pure nature’
exclusive species like Ipe and advantages of multi-layer parquet. It is,
and is curetted with close collaboration
Cumaru. therefore, suitable for installation on hot
with interior architects and designers.
water under floor heating.
Product range This is a special series of ageless wooden
flooring to suit the full colour-spectrum – The writer is Business Head
HKS 1835 offers over 3,00,000
of modern interior architecture. (India) for HKS Flooring LLP,
shades of wood to choose from,
established in Mumbai in
and their products come under The ‘Kruggers’ collection, produced with
2011. For more information
the A+ category as they are the “in-between” technology, helped us
email him at nipunpurohit@hks1835.
produced in a certain environment succeed in creating the perfect
which does not contribute to CO2 engineered flooring. The plank wood
emissions. flooring with Oak top layer is based on
first-class Birch plywood through and
The product and services of HKS
through. This product exists in several
1835 include solid and plank
width and thickness and is virtually free
wood flooring in Oak and
from bending, and with reduced risk of
American Walnut, engineered and
joint education.
laminate flooring, wooden
gazebos and pergolas, flooring ‘HKS Garden’ is made from bamboo, one
installation service, BPC decking, of the fastest growing plants in the world.
wall wood cladding and many The composite of 60% bamboo flour and
more new products. recycled polymer makes the bamboo
decking the perfect all-rounder for the
Among them is the ‘Manufaktur
outdoor garden decking.
Deluxe’ range made from select
European resources. A wide Bamboo decking is kept in shape and is
variety of designs arise through UV-resistant, durable and easy to clean,
(L-R) the Early Grey and Snow
the use of advanced technology in which is perfect for anywhere in the products from ‘A-Terra’ range and
combination with passionate garden or around a pool. the ‘Manufaktur’ Ambiente.
new collection
flooring collection, which will be available
globally from January 2021.
for 2021
distributors and customers is the high
degree of individualisation and flexibility
in creating their customised product
Egger customers have always appreciated GreenTec and Aqua+ laminates achieve a marketing tools, point-of-sales
the company’s design and consulting water resistance of up to 72 hours. modules and sales and advisory
expertise. In the new flooring collection, support services from its experts.
The Tirol-based (Austria) company also
Egger offers a comprehensive range of
demonstrates foresight in the design of Egger products are found in
decors that are well thought-out, along
the preview and launch events. Due to the kitchens, bathrooms, offices, living
with perfectly coordinated decor and
ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Egger is rooms and bedrooms. It is a full-
product packages.
offering innovative solutions to present range supplier for the furniture,
Egger is focusing on a consistent profile the new collection; from digital tools and interior design, wood construction
strategy and has converted all products to services to traditional events on site. and wood-based flooring
the flexible ‘Clic-it!’ installation system. (laminate, cork and design
Egger utilises green room technology and
This profile system has yet another flooring) industries.
360-degree showroom tours to present
advantage in the ingenious interplay of
innovative products and services, For enquiries email india@egger.
surface, core board and profile.
bringing numerous advantages of the com.
Egger offers its customers three different new collections to customers in an
product categories for different interactive way.
applications and requirements in the new
Specialist visitors to the showroom can
collection: from Comfort Flooring,
expect to be transported into Egger’s
characterised by its pleasant feel and In its new flooring collection,
decor worlds and discover the latest
acoustics, to the popular all-round Egger offers a comprehensive
information on the technical and
laminate flooring, which is also available range of decors, as well as
functional features of the products, as perfectly coordinated decor
as water-resistant Aqua+, to the robust
well as the presentation of Egger Pro and product packages.
Pix: Egger Holzwerkstoffe
Hybrid engineered
flooring by Xylos
the fear of spillage from children or pets.
New contender:
An East Tennessee hardwood Made from compressed hemp stalks and
flooring firm in the United States sealed with a soy-based adhesive,
has become the first company in HempWood offers significant advantages
the world to begin making flooring over traditional lumber, including a higher
from hemp. Unlike hardwood availability, a much quicker growth time
trees, that take 30 years to grow, and a 20% higher density.
and skateboards.
hemp only takes 5 months.
It can be used in furniture, flooring and
Essentially the hemp is grown and
Tennessee Wood Flooring (TWF) other woodworking projects.
harvested, turned into bushels and then
has formed a partnership with
TFW, a custom pre-finished flooring soaked in protein-based glue; then placed
Kentucky-based Fibonacci LLC,
specialist, presses the material into in a large press and heated to the proper
the creator of HempWood. The
flooring. HempWood is available in temperature. The customer is left with a
15,600-square-foot factory
blocks, pre-sawn boards, flooring, and lumber board that may be used for any
officially opened for business in
finished products such as cutting boards interior purpose.
Kentucky in August.
h i g h
requirements of
homeowners and
decorators. The
matt surface
obtained with the innovative Ultimtec
finish comes very close to that of natural
BerryAlloc, a leading French collection succeeds in bringing together
parquet manufacturer, has always the delicate natural beauty of oiled
prioritised sustainable parquet with the ease of maintenance of It has exceptional resistance to wear and
development by using naturally varnished parquet that is easy to clean, tear and scratching. In terms of abrasion
sourced materials and renewable robust and long-lasting. resistance, Ultimtec’s performance is
resources. higher than 15,000 Taber CS10 cycles.
Ultimtec varnish respects wood and
The recent launch of a completely contains no solvents or chemical reagents. The parquet body is in high-density
new oak parquet collection was It is obtained by impregnating the wood fibreboard of 875kg per cubic metre, is
the result of an entirely rethought, with a primer with a basis rich in shock-resistant, and offers less echo and
thoroughly researched effort, aluminium oxide, then applying a UV increased efficiency when used with
including colours and finishes co- acrylic finish. under-floor heating.
created by a team of architects,
Besides the elegant decorative result that BerryAlloc’s parquets have a positive
colourists and designers.
preserves the depth and nuance of every carbon footprint. It has PEFC, Parquets de
Thanks to its exclusive Ultimtec tint in the wood, Ultimtec offers an France and A+ certifications. (www.
technology, BerryAlloc’s new exceptional matt finish that meets the
Bio-based self-matting
for flooring
Royal DSM, a global science-based excellent levels of functional performance agents, no difficult formulations, and
company in nutrition, health and at a much reduced environmental impact. offers excellent in-can stability.
sustainable living, has launched a
Specifically, the resin has 30% bio-based As such, the new resin will enable
new, bio-based self-matting resin,
content, can be formulated with low significantly easier processing than many
Decovery SP-2022 XP, that will
levels of VOCs (less than 250g/l based on of the commercially available alternatives,
take ultra-matt flooring finishes to
40 CFR 59.406), and is low in odour, while with up to one-hour time savings in
new levels in terms of aesthetic
also delivering outstanding chemical operations.
and functional performance, ease
resistance and mechanical properties,
of application and sustainability. What’s more, floor coatings made with
including scratch resistance.
Decovery SP-2022 XP leave no roller
The new resin underlines DSM’s
In this way, Decovery SP-2022 XP enables marks or lapping, and – unlike traditional
ambition of using science and
a premium, ultra-matt appearance while matt coating systems – show no polishing
innovation to develop sustainable
safeguarding the environment. effect.
solutions that outperform
conventional market alternatives. In addition, the new resin addresses the More information can be found at www.
strong market demand for ultra-matt
Used to create low-gloss finishes
coating products that are easier to apply
on wooden and seamless flooring,
and formulate. In particular, the Decovery
Decovery SP-2022 XP resin offers
SP-2022 XP resin requires no matting
Stand Up
For Your Health!!!
Did you know that 37% of all livelihood-related So how does Ebco do it? Ebco leads the way with
bodily injuries are caused by poor work place its innova�ons through Wor ksmart Fi�ngs for
ergonomics? With working (and studying) from office furniture. It has wide range of smart desk
home becoming a necessity – and the preferred solu�ons, which features several SmartLi�
choice for many of your clients – it is important op�ons that come in adjustable dimensions
that they stay pain-free even a�er several hours (height and width wise), various load capaci�es,
of work or study each day. electric or gas li� mechanism and height
memory se�ng for si�ng and standing
Con�nuously working at your desk in a si�ng posi�ons. These desks are also available with
posi�on leads to poor posture and stress on table tops and various finishes to choose from.
your muscles and spine. Research shows that for
every 45 minutes of si�ng, we need to take a Ergonomics@Work™
break and stretch for 5 minutes.
• The height of the worktop should be set in
In this work from home era, Ebco’s WorkSmart such a way that the user can work without
has ushered a wide range of SmartLi�s and reaching or bending; his/her forearms
other ergonomic products that helps customise should be parallel to the floor.
their work/study spaces with a set of essen�al
accessories for safe and clu�er-free opera�on. • Ensure that the head, neck and wrists are
in relaxed posi�on, not forced up or down
Work smart Smart-Li� desks are the perfect at work. The keyboard should be adjustable
solu�on in enabling you to work si�ng down or to a comfortable height.
standing up, at the exact height that suits your
body. These smart desks are ergonomically • The monitor should be at least 18” (or
designed, provide physical comfort and ease of more, depending upon screen size) from
use, reducing fa�gue and ensuring ac�ve the eyes of the user.
Computer Monitor Arm Articulated Keyboard Station Electric Box with Cable Manager 3
(Single Arm Extended)
• Even when standing, the top line of the accessibility and a special catch at 180° for fully
screen should be at the user’s eye level, so closed and open posi�ons.
that the middle of the screen is approxi-
mately 20°downward for relaxed viewing. For clu�er free organisa�on of cables, Ebco has
Vertebrae, Under-mount Cable Tray and various
• In the si�ng posi�on, the user’s thighs Cable Organiser op�ons.
should be parallel to the floor, fully
supported on the chair and feet on the To boot it all (literally!) there is also a �ltable (up
floor. Add a foot-rest for be�er support. to 20°), non-slip surface Foot Rest designed to
keep your feet supported and keeping the blood
Having a standing desk is not just enough. It’s circula�on regular.
important to have complemen�ng products
such as Computer Monitor Arm to suit individual Interested? For details contact:
choice (and to free up table space), Ar�culated
Keyboard Sta�on, Safe Drawer, CPU Stand, Cable
Collector, Sta�onery Tray, etc. to ensure efficien-
cy at work/study.
Perfect edge
banding finish:
4 essentials
Rajaram Joshi
Calibrated panels
The selection of raw material is also a
critical aspect of the kind of finishing that
you get on an edge bander. The panels
that you use should have no variation or
should be within the tolerance levels.
Maintained gluepot
The gluepot of an edge bander is the most
tricky component of the edge banding
machine. Keeping it well maintained not
only gives you a great quality finish but
also ensures that you save on many
operating costs. Some important things
to remember are:
• Clean the gluepot, including the glue of dust or wood chips results in smooth – The writer is Service
roller, after every 72 working hours functioning and hence gives you the right Director for Felder
with a special cleaning agent; shiny finish without waves on radius/ Group India. He has
flush on the edge material. It also reduces been associated with
• Always refer to the temperature data
issues related to gluepot. the woodworking
sheet provided by your glue supplier
industry for more than two decades
and set your machine gluepot Compressed air
and holds expertise in every
temperature accordingly;
The compressed air supplied to the category of woodworking
• Set up the right amount of glue on the machine should be completely moisture- machines, training and
roller/ applicator in order to ensure an free to ensure that all the pneumatic development and providing perfect
optimal glue line between the edge functions of the machine are well solutions for every segment of
and the panel. maintained and have a better life. woodworking workshops.
Dust extraction We recommend use of air dryer from day
one of machine usage because this
Additionally, ask your edge banding
prevents moisture from entering in the
machine manufacturer or a dust
pneumatic system, thereby preventing
extraction specialist to recommend you
any malfunctioning in future.
the right specifications of dust extraction
system. Selecting the right dust extraction Write to us on communications-in@
system improves the life of the machine. to know more about
your woodworking challenges and we
Keeping your machine components free
would be glad to assist you.
Good practices
In addition to dust collection systems and
proper housekeeping, managers and
operators should service and maintain all
equipment regularly. Ventilation systems
Wood dust is a nearly invisible and ducts should also be checked often to
To protect woodworking or manufacturing
threat and the top hazard in ensure no blockage is present.
facilities from wood-dust related fires,
facilities manufacturing furniture. good housekeeping holds the key. Dust In particular, housekeeping staff and
When exposed to an ignition build-up thicker than a coin creates an operators must keep an eye on several
source, tiny, highly-combustible exposure. areas within their facilities that tend to
wood particles can serve as the accumulate dust, including:
Factories and woodworking workshops
eager fuel for fires and explosions.
should have dust control equipment in • Vertical surfaces with adhered dust;
Wood dust is particularly place, especially a system with its own
• Horizontal surfaces, including beams,
dangerous when it is allowed to safety shut-off and alarm facility. For
joists and tops of equipment;
build up the way it tends to – in example, dust control systems use a tube
cracks, crevices and corners. Wood to suck the dust into the dust control • Concealed spaces, such as that behind
dust fires and explosions are often system. equipment;
started by open flames,
Inside a properly engineered system, a • Electrical panels and motor control
uncontrolled smoking, sparks
light will illuminate if it detects a spark boxes;
from grinding, welding or torching,
caused by a piece of metal or nail entering
or faulty or poorly maintained • Motors, particularly in the area of the
the tube. When this bulb is triggered, the
electrical equipment. dust collection system;
• Empty bins under enclosure- planers and jointers with 2-5 inch
free dust collection systems. diameter ports need approximately 300-
600 CFM to clean well. A machine that
But collection of dust at source is a
loses a lot of chips or emitting a visible
poorly understood aspect. You
plume of fine dust needs more airflow.
must position the suction hood as
close as possible to the source of Cyclone separator
emission – your lathe, grinder or
Separating the bulk of the wood waste
other woodworking machinery.
from the airstream before it reaches the
It’s crucial that dust be picked up,
filter keeps the filter from clogging. A
as it is generated, and then
collector that dumps all of the dust
directed into the collector.
directly into a filter (using the filter itself
Effective filtration is necessary
as a dust bin) is a very poor design.
because the smallest dust
particles are the most unhealthy
It will reduce system airflow/CFM and
to breathe.
filter efficiency; not to mention that it
won’t keep your workshop clean. When
Spontaneous combustion and chemical
trying to maintain sufficient airflow at the
reactions are a major cause of industrial
woodworking machine to prevent dust
fires globally. Spontaneous combustion
loss, if the filter clogs too quickly, this
occurs when an object increases in
becomes impossible.
temperature without pulling in heat from
A cyclone separator can exceed 99% dust its immediate area.
separation efficiency, allowing only a very
If an oily or chemical-laden rag is then
small amount of very fine dust to pass to
thrown in a corner or into the trash, it
the filter. The result is that filter cleaning
could spontaneously catch fire. Those
Solvents, lacquers, thinners and is reduced by a factor of 50 and you
rags should be stored in a metal can that
oily rags can also prove to be maintain a constant, high level of airflow
has a self-closing top on it – if they do
dangerous while simply sitting to the machine.
on the shelf. combust inside, the fire can’t escape.
The final stage in dust collection is
Solvents, lacquers and thinners are nearly
filtering the fine dust. It doesn’t make
as common as wood dust in woodworking
sense to go through all the trouble of
If you lose the dust to your shops. They can also prove to be
collecting the dust if you still allow the
workshop air, the task of collecting dangerous while simply sitting on the
finest particles to pass through the filter
it becomes futile. You will be shelf. These items should be stored in
and out into the workshop air.
inhaling that dust and sweeping it cabinets with fire-rated doors and
from your machines and floor. The smallest dust is the most unhealthy grounded to a piece of metal, so that
to breathe and when it becomes airborne, static electricity doesn’t build up inside
One can determine the efficiency
inhalation is inevitable. and serve as an ignition source.
of dust capture fairly accurately
by a quick visual inspection of Effective filtration requires a quality filter Solvent-based glue (‘red glue’) can also
your machinery. Inadequate air media of sufficient quantity or surface be very dangerous within a manufacturing
volume/CFM allows dust from area. You want to filter near 100%, down facility. Red glues emit vapours that are
your grinder to escape onto the to the smallest particle (10 microns or highly flammable and could impair or
floor and into the air. less in diameter). Ideally, one should sicken those who breathe them.
install HEPA-rated filters, which are
Ensuring your ducting is large The vapours are heavier than air and sink
certified to be 99.97% efficient at 0.3
enough in diameter and efficiently to the floor, where they accumulate and
laid out are two ways you can can easily find an ignition source from an
minimise restrictions on airflow. Other threats electrical outlet or furnace with an open
flame, and cause an explosion.
Most woodworking equipment Oil-soaked rags have a habit of piling up
requires about 250-1000 CFM. in residential home garages to commercial The use of water-based glues (‘yellow
The amount of airflow or CFM woodworking shops to major glue’) is recommended, and that too in a
required will vary depending on manufacturing factories. Though a simple booth protected by a fire suppression or
the size and number of tool – rags are handy for applying stains automatic sprinkler system. An exhaust
woodworking tools running and finishes – those chemicals turn the fan should also be used to pull the
simultaneously. rags into potent, highly flammable fuel dangerous vapours from the room.
for fires.
Most average size table saws, (Source: Oneida Air Systems, US).
glass washing and drying machine helps us deliver over 25,000 panels every Our quality control department
followed by the rollers coating machine month. works with US standards, with
and an inline IR curing and cooling down very tight rejection parameters.
For our own brands, Aristo and Decopad,
units, to complete the process in a matter For that we use equipment like
this gives us the window to explore new
of minutes. photo-spectrometers, glossy
design possibilities and also helps on-
meters, pencil hardness tests, etc.
Our fully automated robotic Italian Cefla time delivery across the country.
lacquering line is used for bulk production After having worked with very
What is your USP?
to provide a premium, consistent finish. tough customers we are now
The inline Giardina coating line is used for We are the only player in India who has confident to supply to any market
bulk production of coated glass with pigmented UV coating capabilities and in the world. In fact, we get
quality consistency. can instantly generate 300 colours in any requests from Indo- European
finish and suitable to apply on glass or coating suppliers to conduct their
We have also extensively researched and
panels. R&D using our machines and
developed colours. Experimentation and
We have multi-city application centres for processes!
development is an everyday activity at
Kbros Aristo. quick product availability. For bulk
production we have facilities to generate
How does this facility change the
fully dry panels or glass within 10 minutes
brand perception?
of the start of the line.
We are considered one of the best
How would you compare your
companies for coated furniture products Top-end sanders ensure perfectly
finishes with European players finished edges and mirror-like
in India.
making similar products? finishes.
What kind of business do you see
with lacquering?
We follow European standards at our
lacquering facility and we use carcinogen-
free paints that are applicator friendly.
Our well-trained lacquering team, paired
with advanced and automated
technology, gives us the edge for quality,
on-time delivery and premium finishes.
5 storeys, 5 stars
application to create structural Tsugite gives users a detailed view of they might only be concerned with a few
wooden components quickly, wooden joints represented by what are kinds of joints. We saw the potential to
easily and efficiently. They call it known as “voxels”, essentially 3D pixels, combine the strengths of these
Tsugite, the Japanese word for which in this case are small cubes. These approaches to create Tsugite,” she adds.
joinery. voxels can be moved around at one end of
Designing buildings
a component to be joined.
Through a simple 3D interface,
Another advantage of incorporating
users with little or no prior This automatically adjusts the voxels at
fabrication limitations into the design
experience in either woodworking the end of the corresponding component
process is that Tsugite’s underlying
or 3D design can create designs such that they are guaranteed to fit
algorithms have an easier time navigating
for functional wooden structures together tightly without the need for
all the different possibilities they could
in minutes. nails or even glue. Two or more
present to users, as those that are
components can be joined and the
These designs can then instruct physically impossible are simply not
software algorithm will adjust all
milling machines to carve the given as options.
structural components, which
The researchers hope that, through
users can then piece together Different colours inform the user about
further refinements and advancements,
without the need for additional properties of the joints such as how easily
Tsugite can be scaled up to design not just
tools or adhesives, following on- they will slide together, or problems such
furniture and small structures, but also
screen instructions. as potential weaknesses.
entire buildings.
The designs do not require nails or Something that makes Tsugite unique is
When connecting timbers with joinery, as
glue, meaning items made with that it will factor the fabrication process
opposed to metal fixings, for example, it
this system can be easily directly into the designs. This means that
reduces mixing materials. This is good for
assembled, disassembled, reused, milling machines, which have physical
sorting and recycling. Also, unglued joints
repaired or recycled. limitations such as their degrees of
can be taken apart without destroying
freedom, tool size and so on, are only
“Our intention was to make the art building components.
given designs they are able to create.
of joinery available to people
“This opens up the possibility for
without specific experience. Something that has plagued users of 3D
buildings to be disassembled and
When we tested the interface in a printers, which share a common ancestry
reassembled elsewhere; or for defective
user study, people new to 3D with milling machines, is that software for
parts to be replaced. This flexibility of
modeling not only designed some 3D printers cannot always be sure how
reuse and repair adds sustainability
complex structures, but also the machine itself will behave which can
benefits to wood,” Maria says.
enjoyed doing so,” said researcher lead to failed prints.
Maria Larsson. To download the software, visit http://
“There is some great research in the field
“Tsugite is simple to use as it of computer graphics on how to model a
guides users through the process wide variety of joint geometries. But that Other researchers on the project are
one step at a time, starting with a approach often lacks the practical Hironori Yoshida, Nobuyuki Umetani and
gallery of existing designs that considerations of manufacturing and Takeo Igarashi, who together presented
can then be modified for different material properties,” notes Maria. their paper, ‘Tsugite: Interactive Design
purposes. But more advanced and Fabrication of Wood Joints’, in the
“Conversely, research in the fields of
users can jump straight to a proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM
structural engineering and architecture
manual editing mode for more Symposium on User Interface Software
may be very thorough in this regard, but
freeform creativity,” Maria adds. and Technology on October 21, 2020.
WoodNews thanks the various companies that have submitted information. For any editorial
submissions, please contact Mr. Dhananjay Sardeshpande, Chief Editor, at dhananjay@ The information published in Notes and News and Products & Processes is as
per the details furnished by the respective manufacturer/distributor. It does not reflect the views
of WoodNews or of the management of PDA Trade Media.
eye on forests
Information is increasingly forest industry and larger private and On the other hand, the system enables,
needed on the treatment of state owners of forests. among other things, effective making of
forests and on their role as a estimates related to carbon sequestration,
“Describing forest carbon sequestration
source of raw materials, carbon even in large forest areas, and gives
is completely new, and there is a great
sink and carbon reservoir. Satellite support to the mapping out of
deal of demand for this kind of
images provide up-to-date biodiversity.
information. By turning the assessment of
information on forest resources
forest resources into a product, we can “Digitisation is at the core of our
and the amount of carbon bound
make information easily available,” says commercial activities and sustainable
by forests.
Tuomas Hame, Research Professor at VTT. forestry. Participation in the Forest Flux
A new cloud service is lending project with VTT plays an important role
This project, belonging to the Innovation
help to responsible forest in our search for the best forest resource
Action category of the EU’s Horizon 2020
management. Together with five monitoring system for the management
programme, is currently providing pilot
partners, VTT Technical Research of our company’s forest assets”, says
services to nine customers in five
Centre of Finland (VTT) is Kimmo Kortelainen, Forest Data Manager
countries. In the first phase of the pilot
implementing the first-ever at Tornator Forestry Company.
services, completed this autumn, almost
platform service to produce
700 satellite-based digital maps with a Simosol Oy is involved in the development
information on forest resources
resolution of 10 metres were delivered to of the service with VTT, the University of
and carbon sequestration using
customers. Helsinki, the German company Unique
satellite images.
Forestry and Land Use, the Instituto
By utilising satellite data and the cloud
Using the services of the Forest Superior de Agronomia of the University
service, forest owners, using their own
Flux project, forest companies and of Lisbon and the National Institute for
computers, can observe changes
forest owners can improve the Forest Research and Development of
occurring on forest plots smaller than a
profitability of forest management Marin Dracea, Romania.
tennis court or, for example, examine
and take care of ecological
local forest damage without making a The three-year project will end at the end
sustainability. The project aims to
visit to the damage site. of 2021. The service business related to
create a service business for the
the project will be partly started during
the project. Check out
Wood coatings
markets look positive
Emerging trends
Wood construction seems to be becoming
more popular overall, says Steffen
Rüdiger of Rütgers Organics. He sees
further potential in wood facades with
greying glazes. For Dr Arne Deußen from
Oskar Nolte wood is attractive as a
renewable raw material and could win in
favour of other substrates due to the
sustainability issue.
I like to keep things simple, by We also have a very interesting line of During the time the premises were not
taking everything out that is not products for the washroom area to operating we made the some things a
needed, to present an elegant yet priority for our workforce. To ensure that
they stayed mentally fit, we encouraged issues with some clients. Our furniture is manufacturing units, rather than
them to start a new hobby, finished ready to be dispatched, but client sites outsourcing to bigger
pending personal projects and set goals have been delayed so; we are stacking international manufacturers. They
to keep them focused and motivated. and stocking our furniture till they are will have more control over the
ready. production and they will be able
We also took the time to develop a lot of
to support/keep it local.
the hand-tools that we always wanted to I personally don’t think the industry will
make ourselves, but always took a change the way it does business on a Digital footprint
backseat due to project pressures. A permanent basis. But with the current
Solli Concepts is well placed for
particular favourite was the rosewood issues the industry is facing, plus the
this for this interim period in two
smoothing/finishing plane in our own importance of implementing new social
main respects. A lot of our
customised design that is really a treat to distancing norms, I feel we will definitely
business comes from our digital
use. It leaves a glass-smooth finish on all see an interim change.
footprint. Clients call because
our wooden surfaces!
Marketing and soliciting of new business they have liked something on our
We constantly spoke to all our team is changing. Events, exhibitions, website or on our social media
members, educating them about the right conferences and other such public pages.
sort of news and updates. We tried to activities have either been put on hold or
We then customise furniture
ensure that they were aware of “fake are being taken onto a digital platform.
based on personal requirements.
news” and forwarded digital messages Digital is already taking the helm and I
Communication is through emails,
that would normally disillusion them into feel this is only the start.
calls and 3D drawings once orders
making the wrong decisions.
As people spend more time at home, I feel are confirmed. This way of doing
Like most businesses, our work depends they will look more closely at their business will continue and most
on so many other people up and down furniture and surroundings. Requirements likely grow.
the chain. Initially we struggled because for better build, more functional and
We work with select corporates
some of the vendors we relied on were better thought-out furniture will be the
and architects on developing their
not operational and clients needed order of the hour. Even in the office space,
designs using our manufacturing
urgent deliveries. Once the lockdown big companies like Twitter, Google and
expertise. A lot of this work
started to ease we were able to start work. multinationals are making ‘work from
happens through 3D drawings,
home’ a permanent feature.
Fast forward samples and product viewings.
As this happens, I feel and hope that more
As things get back to some sort of new With the way our process is set up,
and more designers and architects will
normal in Mumbai, we are now facing site plus our plans for a “viewing
look to collaborate with local furniture
gallery” we are confident that we streamline and reduce unnecessary the ‘here’ and ‘now’. We need this to stop
can continue to produce excellent expenses. and we need to unlearn the way we used
quality furniture while keeping to live.
Efficient use of time and resources, as
the client and the new norms in
well as shortage of labour, needs to be I was forced to spend more time at home
managed with planned manufacturing with the family than initially I appreciated.
In order to create this viewing methods and smart design. Since we It was quite an adjustment for everybody,
gallery, within this time, we have know that a lot of international imports of and not without its perils!
actually managed to secure raw material and machinery are either
The kids and I spent time building and
additional premises. With our going to take longer and or will cost more,
cooking together. I also took the time out
products it is very important that we are looking at local options and
to research how to do things – such as
clients get to touch and feel our stocking up on local materials that will
making toys for the kids, making a cajone
furniture, be it a sample or a see us through this time.
for myself, and experimenting with
finished product.
While we deal with the temporary ‘new fermented food.
Set within city limits, this space normal’, we are certain to walk away with
When the handle of our dosa pan broke, I
will allow us to continue working, changes that will stay with us because
took some time and made a new handle
with both more efficiency and they will lead to a more efficient way of
for it rather than ordering a new pan. It
transparency. The viewing gallery manufacturing and doing business.
was definitely the longer way to do things,
will allow clients to come and see
Our work is all about using our hands and but with a lot more satisfaction and, in my
their work while maintaining
the skill that comes with it in order to opinion, a better outcome!
sufficient physical distancing.
keep the craft alive – and in times like this,
After ecommerce opened up again there
New ‘normal’ the importance of these are only
was a sense of relief and sadness. The
reinforced. Buying locally, buying
We have looked at ourselves as relief is self-explanatory; the sadness
sustainably and not living beyond your
craftsmen first and a business because I knew that the throwaway
means are lessons that keep coming to
next. As a result, we feel we are spending cycle was about to restart.
my mind.
very adept at dealing with change,
This is the real lesson that we should all
reinventing ourselves and keeping Home work!
learn from the pandemic: respect for
it all moving in the right direction.
The lockdown has reinforced something Mother Nature and all it gives us. We have
While I am very confident that we that I have been thinking of for a very long been taking things for granted for so long,
will return to way we do business, time. We have been living a life where the forgetting that we are merely guests.
I do believe we will see a only aim has been to get to the next level/
restructuring of businesses to stage; usually to the detriment of enjoying
Cross-continent digital
supervision to install a
lamination line
Nitin Nalavade
Nitshaw was born out of a need to bring Baumer, Imos, Pade and Comec.
together top Indian furniture
In order to act as a bridge of knowledge
manufacturers and leading European
and service, Nitshaw has separate
technology suppliers and machinery
divisions for solid wood and panel
companies looking for the right Indian
processing technologies, surface and
finishing technologies, as well as software
Today, 10 years since its inception, and automation.
Nitshaw is a leading player in providing
Unique operations
highest technology woodworking
machines and is considered a trusted Nitshaw resumed business with the lifting
technology partner by the woodworking of the lockdown following all norms of
industry in India. sanitisation and physical distancing.
Majority of sales meetings are being
Nitshaw has partnered with the world’s
conducted online, whereas technical
best and represents technology leaders
teams are already travelling to customer
in their respective segments. Among
sites by following all prescribed
them are Weinig, Holzher, Wemhoener,
Venjakob, Heesemann, IMA, Schelling,
Mob: 9500 128 326 / 766 77 99 326 / 9500 042 326 Tel: 044 450 48 444 / 450 72 444
Mob: 9500 900 326 / 9500 083 326 / 9500 907 326 Tel : 0462 25 22 444 Fax : 0462 25 21 443
Before and during the lockdown hard during these difficult times. demonstration of expertise and
many of our machines had already technology. This means that the
Nitshaw has not faced any big challenges
reached our customers. These machinery business will become more
in terms of order cancellations or delays,
were very huge investments by information based, specifications based
because we were able to resolve it by
our customers and we were and expertise based. Travel restrictions
speaking to our customers. In these
expected to respond positively. will also force customers to buy
extraordinary times, we have found that
So, as soon as the factories machinery from proven sources, reliable
our customers realised that we both have
reopened, our teams immediately and trustworthy suppliers.
to sail in the same boat with each other’s
reached the sites and
assistance. The major challenge the industry is facing
commissioned these machines.
is in terms of demand creation. When the
So far as managing cash flow is concerned,
During this time, we have also end consumer starts buying furniture,
Nitshaw is a very well managed and
achieved a feat which I believe there will be demand in the factories,
profitable company. Our reserves have
was never done before in the which will push the machinery industry
helped us swim though these troubled
history of woodworking back on its feet.
times. We also took care not to spend on
anywhere. For one of our major
unnecessary things and curtailed all Regarding re-examination of the sourcing
customer, Merino Industries, we
expenses that don’t add immediate value. chain, companies are definitely looking at
installed and commissioned a
alternatives, but drastic changes in
large, sophisticated short-cycle One of the first things we did along with
sourcing patterns are not expected.
lamination line from our partner, our partners during the lockdown was
Buyer-seller relations and mutual trust,
Wemhoener, by providing training of our people on latest and new
developed over a period of time, will still
complete remote support. technologies. We also invested in
play an important role.
productivity software and its training and
Normally this would entail on-site
implementation, to keep our staff busy, New imperatives
presence of all the experts. The
even though they were working from
customer had huge export The woodworking industry in India has
home. Once the office reopened, we
commitments and requested an always been very labour-intensive.
already have many of the processes
extraordinary solution. So the During the course of this pandemic, due
standardised to help us grow faster in the
Nitshaw team coordinated the to reduced work force, there is now
whole operation between increased focus on higher manufacturing
Wemhoener experts outside India Biggest challenge technologies as well as automation of
and the customer’s technicians in processes in the business.
The biggest challenge is the limited face-
India – entirely online! to-face interactions with our customers. Manufacturers are looking to reduce
Similarly, soon after lockdown This is giving rise to the use of technology, dependence on skills, reduce excess
was lifted, Nitshaw commissioned both from the customer side as well as manpower, eliminate unnecessary
a big project in Kota (Rajasthan) supplier side. Video calls, online handling, optimise processes, automate
for Hermosa Design Studio, and presentations and real-time material movements and increase real
another big project for finger- demonstration of machines from the time control.
jointed boards, Colonial supplier’s factory are a normal feature
Our customers are now asking for better
Hardwoods, in Kerala. now and will remain so in future.
technology, automatic machines to meet
Immediate priorities Many of our suppliers have installed international quality standards and better
sophisticated cameras and equipment in return on investment. Investments are
The initial 2 months of lockdown
their laboratories and demonstration also increasing in software to automate
were very discouraging. Like all
centres to enable better online processes – from sales and design to
other businesses, we were worried
presentation of machines and trials to manufacturing, sourcing, supply and
about the future; about new
customers! installation.
orders, cash flow and deliveries.
Our immediate priority was our Customers, on the other hand, now expect Nitshaw’s automation division is a
staff and their safety. Early on, we more information, validation of that pioneer in introducing world class
decided that we will not remove information, guarantees of machines software and automation systems to
any staff and continue to pay their performance, etc. because there is no customers for complete digitisation of
salaries. visit to supplier factories to see the business processes. The benefits of these
machines. software programs are seen in reduced
We are happy that our staff has
costs, increased productivity and better
shown the same faith in the Involvement of machinery manufacturers
control over operations.
company and continued working directly is becoming important for
Genie offers ‘shop-by-
appointment’ platform
from Dürr
Picture-perfect (L-R): The EcoPaintJet applicator increases painting
efficiency and offers companies more options when it comes to
product design. It applies parallel paint jets using a nozzle plate. The
precise painting paths enable surface painting and coating with high
edge definition.
In almost every industry sector, the targeted application of a spray film. Another big difference compared with
including woodworking, the This can then be simply pulled off again at classic atomizers is that the width of the
number and diversity of work the destination. painting path can be adjusted by means
pieces being coated are growing. of the applicator’s angle of application.
The technology also enables new options
To be able to paint these diverse This enables a painting path from 30 to
for the function and design of products.
components with greater 50 mm in width.
The precise coating method means that
efficiency, Dürr has developed a
window frames can have a weather-proof Narrower path widths can also be
new technique that applies paints
coating applied to the outside and a produced by adapting the nozzle plate.
over large areas or in simple
decorative or differently coloured The desired coating thickness is
patterns with high edge definition
application on the inside. controlled via the applicator speed and
– and absolutely no overspray.
solid content of the paint.
Decorative effects can be easily realised
Surface coating previously
on furniture fronts. The most important The new technology eliminates all the
involved a great deal of effort if
component in the overspray-free disadvantages of the individual methods
the coating had to be applied with
application set is the paint supply and makes painting faster, more cost-
high-edge definition as the
combined with the cleaning and pre- efficient, and environmentally friendly in
surfaces either need to be
painting process. all industry sectors and makes it attractive
manually masked or film-
even in scenarios where an automated
wrapped. There was also a This is controlled by the EcoPaintJet using
painting method was not previously
significant amount of waste, both three valves. The beating heart of the
in terms of adhesive tape and applicator itself is a nozzle plate that
paint loss due to overspray. produces several dozen parallel paint jets Together with Dürr, the Austrian paint
depending on the design. manufacturer Adler is promoting the new
With the new overspray-free
application technology by developing
application, both of these They can be activated or deactivated at
colourless and pigmented coating
challenges are a thing of the past. any given moment to start or interrupt
solutions that, in addition to the usual
The EcoPaintJet applicator the coating process.
paint requirements, are precisely tailored
delivers precise coating and offers Unlike painting processes involving spray to the special features of this technology.
companies more options when it guns or high-speed rotary atomizers, this
comes to product design and the (Dürr Group has a direct representation in
process does not require any atomized
transportation of goods. Chennai, since 1997, and Schenck RoTec
air. The overspray that must be filtered
(Noida), since 1986.)
Instead of adhesive film, from the booth air in a complex process
decorative surfaces can be when using conventional methods
protected for transport through therefore does not occur.
digital locks
Häfele, the leading specialist for
furniture fittings and architectural
hardware, has introduced a new
perspective to home security with
its integrated range of digital
home security solutions, which
allow the control of the multi-
dimensional aspects of home The RE-Veal digital lock comes with the highest standards of face-
access through a single locking recognition technology for access control. The new locks can be managed
with the user-friendly ‘Häfele Access’ mobile application over Bluetooth.
Salient Features
OptiBore 6.12
grooving with high-efficiency CNC Top vertical drilling bits process top
processing. side vertical holes on panel.
Horizontal : 2 (Left ) + 2 (Right)and 2
Salient Features (Front) + 2 (Back).
• Completes six-side boring and Horizontal drilling bits process four
top/bottom routing or grooving side holes.
operation in one-time full
• High-performance machine
with high-feeding speed that
results in more production.
Technical Specifications
Control System 21” PC with Syntec Control System
Work Piece Processing Size Panel Width Max./Minimum 1200 mm / 50 mm
Routing Unit Spindle x 2 Router Spindle Power/Speed 3.5 kw (5 hp) x 2/18000 rpm
Jyoti Industries’ JHR28 is a tension all through its operation. optimising saws– are studied, designed
machine designed to efficiently and manufactured for operator safety and
Jyoti Industries’ AutoCut450 is the most
re-saw cants and boards, to facilitation of production.
advanced and innovative circular saw
recover valuable lumbers from
available in the Indian market. It has Ahmedabad-based Jyoti Industries is
slabs. Using thin kerfs (1.5 mm)
various modes for your every cutting known for its robust sawmill machinery
the band saw blade helps accurate
need. since 1981. With the emerging demand
and highly finished cuts on the re-
of more safe and productive environment
saw. It can be used for fixed or variable sizes of
for timber and furniture industries, the
cutting work pieces; and has data logging
The machine comes with company has decided to develop
capability to generate various reports.
pneumatic pressure roller for advanced sawing technologies with three
The machine can be tailor-made as per
accurate sawing each time; a goals: to provide a safe environment, to
your cutting requirements.
digital thickness display meter for optimise material, and to be more
easy size set-up; and has hydraulic All Jyoti woodworking machines – sawing productive.
blade tension in-built, for constant technologies, cross-cutting and
of flame retardants
materials. They allow its
customers to achieve an ideal
balance between increasingly
stringent market requirements
South Korean speciality chemicals and overall cost efficiency.
aqueous, flame-retardant dispersion
manufacturer, Songwon, has launched the
designed especially for the coatings, The launch of a second generation
Songflame flame-retardant synergist,
adhesives, sealants and elastomers of Songflame products, currently
adding to its proprietary halogen-free
market. It is also highly suitable for textile in development, is expected in
technology for woodworking.
applications requiring flame-retardant 2021. For more information visit
Songflame WB201 is a solvent-free, properties.
flame retardant improves the Teijin has also developed high- version of AFRW produced by laminating
flame retardancy of a diverse performance materials which, it says, timber with layers of strong, thin-walled
range of combustible materials, have the potential to dramatically alter carbon fibre, achieves twice the flexural
including timber, paper, fibre, the construction industry. These include stiffness of laminated timber, for
rubber and plastic. architectural wood products that offer structural beams that offer enhanced
excellent rigidity for the creation of wide durability and diverse design applications.
The coating is simply applied to
interior spaces without pillars.
surfaces and its protective From high-performance wood to a vast
transparent finish maintains the Reinforced wood range of other advanced materials, Teijin
material’s original colour and is helping to make society more
Advanced fibre-reinforced wood (AFRW)
texture. The flame retardant, in sustainable with safety, security and
is a structural timber product comprising
addition to indoor applications, disaster mitigation solutions that protect
several layers of dimensional (pre-cut)
can be used outdoors to lives and livelihoods from various risks
timber and high-performance fibres
strengthen resistance to weather such as disasters and accidents.
bonded together with structural
and mould.
adhesives. Applications include medium It aims to be an enterprise that supports
It is also useable on a wider range and low-rise wooden buildings. the society of the future by utilising its
of materials than is possible with technologies to enhance people’s quality
Carbon-fibre-reinforced wood (CFRW), a
conventional flame retardants. of life. (
Dr HardoLass is a nano-coating
that comes in liquid form and is
fairly easy to apply by simply
coating a surface using a cloth. The
coating has both anti-viral and
anti-bacterial properties that
allow regularly used items to be
sanitised after a one-time coating.
Dr HardoLass gives
repellent and scratch-resistant
properties that help elongate the
life of the surface itself.
virus protection
Dr HardoLass has been tested and
approved by SIAA of Japan. The
mechanism involves the
application, cross-linking and
integration, where the moisture in
As India still reels under the impact of the coating, a patented technology, which
the air reacts with the nano-glass
Covid-19 pandemic, it seeks scientific stays on hard surfaces for up to 5 years.
component, creating a chemical
technology to keep everyone around The coating has been tested against
safe. Sanitising frequently-touched influenza Type-A virus and proven to be
surfaces every day can be a hard task and effective in suppressing the virus and The bond allows the Nano-glass
is practically not feasible. bacteria, on contact. The company claims components to connect and form
it is being used by multi-national into a Nano-glass layer. (www.
Nohara India, the Indian arm of Nohara
companies such as Docomo, Sharp,
Japan, has introduced Dr HardoLass
With an annual capacity of up to 650,000 m3 of materials in the North American market. The new plant
particleboard in the Lexington, NC plant, EGGER is enables the company to ensure continuous product
responding to the growing demand for wood-based availability and increase delivery speed.
Homag acquires
System TM
The Homag Group has intensified its activities in the new market segment of
construction elements solutions by acquiring 80% of the shares of the Danish
engineering and manufacturing company System TM A/S, a leading supplier of
optimization and systems solutions for the timber processing industry.
Earlier this year, Homag has already increased its stake in Weinmann to 100%.
Hybrid timber
tower for Sydney
Software giant Atlassian has announced plans to build its new
global HQ that will be an ultra-sustainable “hybrid timber” tower
spread across roughly 40 stories and spacious enough to
accommodate 4,000 workers.
Located in Mysore, Karnataka and spread across an area of over 301,000 Sq.ft;
Pyramid Timber Associates Pvt. Ltd., is one of India’s leading manufacturers of
wood based products that include Wooden Doors, Door Frames, Decorative
Veneers, Finger Jointed Boards, Wall Panellings, Sawn Sizes & Exotic Table Tops.
Over 1.5 million sq.mts of veneers are available for selection. Pre-grooved veneered door skins consists of a 3mm HDF
Our state of the art veneer production facility enables us to substrate laminated with different exotic veneers and pre-
explore all the creative and design possibilities that wood grooved in a wide range of designs.
has to offer by slicing thin veneer leaves ranging from This makes manufacturing of veneered flush doors
0.25 mm to 2 mm thick. extremely convenient.
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