Wisdom-Youth Center: April 2021
Wisdom-Youth Center: April 2021
Wisdom-Youth Center: April 2021
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All content following this page was uploaded by Razan Tammar on 22 April 2021.
Youth Center
Razan Tammar
22 - 4 – 2020
© 2021
Date: 22/4/2021
The thesis aims to design a comfortable entertaining and educational center in Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia for youth segments. The youth center will serve the community by creating a
healthier environment and providing different aspects in one supervised and safe place.
The thesis demonstrates a clear identification about youth and their needs particularly
in this age level. The research exposes the importance of the youth center for youth segments
to develop their cognitive, physical, and psychological behaviour, also enhance youth's
abilities to experience and arrange their time by providing appropriate place for studying and
working, while also expanding enjoyment with the shadow and philosophy of place culture in
A digital survey distributed amongst parents and students, and it shows a high sample
prefer and support the idea of a youth center in the city of Jeddah. Another digital survey also
speared among parents and students, and it gives a clear picture of the preferable design
concept by the public. Also, an interview with an experienced student relation consultant
discussed the effective activities, services, facilities, design, tactics, atmosphere, and mission
Dedication to my parents and husband for supporting and encouraging me with love
and affections.
Table of Contents
Preface.................................................................................................................................................. 12
Limitation ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Project outline ................................................................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER ONE: THESIS PORPOSAL .......................................................................................... 14
Project Statement ............................................................................................................................ 14
Research question ........................................................................................................................... 15
Research objective .......................................................................................................................... 15
Rational ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Targeted audience ........................................................................................................................... 16
Site analysis...................................................................................................................................... 16
Client profile .................................................................................................................................... 17
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................. 19
Major studies ................................................................................................................................... 20
Minor study ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODS .............................................................................. 24
Data Collection and Analysis ......................................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER FOUR: PRECEDENT STUDIES .................................................................................. 27
Precedent Study #1: John M. Harper Branch Library & Stork Family YMCA, Waterloo,
Canada ............................................................................................................................................. 27
Precedent Study #2: Amman Youth Hub- Arab Youth Center .................................................. 35
Precedent Study # 3: King Fahd National Library ...................................................................... 43
CHAPTER FIVE: DETAILS FOR INTERIORS ............................................................................ 58
Matrix .............................................................................................................................................. 58
Design Program............................................................................................................................... 59
Relationship Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 59
Finish Schedules .............................................................................................................................. 61
Saudi Building Codes...................................................................................................................... 62
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 66
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 67
Contribution .................................................................................................................................... 67
Observation ..................................................................................................................................... 67
References ............................................................................................................................................ 68
Appendix .............................................................................................................................................. 69
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Site analysis for the Cooperative Society Center of King Abdulaziz University...... 16
Figure 2 Floor plan- the Cooperative Society Center of King Abdulaziz Universit ............... 17
Figure 16: Ground floor plan, zoning- Amman Youth Hub ................................................... 38
Figure 17: First floor plan, zoning- Amman Youth Hub ........................................................ 38
Figure 19: Second floor plan, circulation- Amman Youth Hub ............................................. 39
Figure 24: Computer lap, study area- Amman Youth Hub ..................................................... 41
Figure 27: Floor plans, functions – King Fahad National Library ......................................... 45
Figure 28: Ground floor plan, zoning– King Fahad National Library .................................... 45
Figure 29: First floor plan, zoning– King Fahad National Library......................................... 46
Figure 30: Second floor plan, zoning– King Fahad National Library .................................... 46
Figure 31: Third floor plan, zoning– King Fahad National Library ....................................... 47
Figure 32: Ground floor plan, circulation– King Fahad National Library ............................. 47
List of Tables
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the
future” (Roosevelt, 1945). No one can cast a shadow of doubt on the fact that youth are the
hope of the future, tomorrow’s leaders, and country developers. The young people are
enthusiastic, they are able to learn and adapt to their surroundings. Additionally, they are
interested in learning and apply what they have learned in order to achieve goals.
Furthermore, the nation needs their involvement in order to accomplish the society goals and
Due to the academic calendar the time was limited to finish the requirements in the
required time.
Project outline
Wisdom is an educational and entertainment center for youth in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The center targeting youth segments boys and girls, between the age 7- 18 to help their social,
The thesis contains five chapters. Chapter one exposes the outline of the research that
include topic of the project, importance, selected site, targeted audience, research questions
and objectives, time line, and annotated bibliography. Chapter two is the literature review it
contain a minor study about youth center and a major study about the interior design concept
for the center, also project title, project statement, rational, client profile, site and shall.
Chapter three is the research methodology that contains two research methods, and digital
survey and interview. Chapter four is the precedent studies that cover a full analysis of three
case studies and one competitor. Chapter five exposes the design analysis includes matrix,
relationship diagram, design program, finishes schedules, site analysis, and Saudi building
Project Statement
The final project topic is about designing a center for youth and the project will be in
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The youth center will be a place for young people between the age 7-
18 for girls and boys, to help their social, physical, behavioural, and emotional development
by creating a healthier environment and providing different aspects in one supervised and
safe place.
The youth centre is a very important project for the community to be involved together,
where each one in the young demographic comes from different background with different
abilities not same as their peers. There is a big role for youth centres in youths live, that is
why many people hunt for youth centres to aid their youth in developing themselves. There
are numerous studies that show positive results in being involved in youth centre programs.
According to that Durlank, Weissberg & Pachan (2010), after school activities would impact
on the personal and social skills of children with showing major increases and very positive
impact in their behaviours and personalities which lead them to better academic achievements
The reason for choosing this project is to serve the community and to make the center
improves social, physical, and personal skills. As these centers are common and successful in
other countries and Jeddah, SA has no such a center. Also, it will help developing youth
abilities to experience and spend their time by having suitable spots for studying and working
and in the meantime to expand enjoyment with the shadow and philosophy of the place
The project is in line with the Saudi vision 2030 according to the vibrant society vision,
falls under this vision the promote a healthy lifestyle program which recommend the
following “Reach regional & global excellence in selected professional sports”, and” increase
public participation in sports and athletic activities”. Also, the create an empowering
environment for Saudis program recommend “Develop positive attitude, resilience and hard-
work culture among our children”, all these recommendation for the 2030 vision is in the line
with objective of the youth center project. Aiming to design an environment for that segment
and the design should be homelike with high standard and quality in order to make them
Research question
• How may educational and entertainment fields, that positively influence the community
Research objective
• Enhancing youth's contribution in the society and improving the quality of youth life and
• Developing youth abilities and experiences and increasing the level of physical fitness.
The youth center project aims to great a healthy community by providing a beneficial
place for youth to spend in their free time, a place that combines educational and
entertainment fields. The center helps to develop youth to develop their social, physical,
behavioral, and emotional skills. Additionally, the youth center project aims to achieve the
Saudi 2030 vision aspirations according to the promote a healthy lifestyle program, the and
Targeted audience
The project targeted audience are youth girls and boys between the age 7-18.
Site analysis
The selected site for the youth center project is the Cooperative Society Center of
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah Al Faihaa district. In addition, the project will serve the
targeted segments as the location is located inside the faculty residence compound. The
location of the Cooperative Society Center of KAU is a good choice because is located in the
northwestern direction, where the sunlight is suitable during the youth center working hours.
Figure 1 Site analysis for the Cooperative Society Center of King Abdulaziz University
This image was used for educational purpose and is blurred due to copyrights
Figure 2 Floor plan- the Cooperative Society Center of King Abdulaziz Universit
Client profile
Leejam is a sport company founded in 2005 and it is located in Saudi Arabia. There are
more than 2900 employees work in across the 135 centers for the company. Leejam's facilities
offer a clean, modern, and friendly environment for the community, filled with the newest
fitness technology, a high professional trained staff, and a philosophy concept that exceeds
international standards. The company operates seven brands, fitness time pro, fitness time plus,
fitness time junior, fitness time ladies pro, fitness time ladies, fitness time academy, and fitness
time. Fitness time centers currently separated between Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates,
and soon will be in other countries around Middle East and North Africa
Vision: “To be the people’s favourite and most accessible wellness club”
Mission: “To steer society towards a healthy lifestyle, and encourage people to
exercise daily”
Leegam company would invest in the youth center project according to their business model
and type. Also, in order to apply and execute their mission, the company will look forward to
enhancing the idea of having social gathering places for this segment and to promote a better
healthy lifestyle in a lucrative manner. Recent changes have been done on Leegam’s
company business model by considering Juniors and ladies in its centres’ categories.
Such as change in its business model, it will promote the idea of Youth Center to Leegam as
To sum up, the idea of the project is suitable for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia as it has no
similar centers at the current time and it is in line with the Saudi Vision 2030 as well. The
client has alike business model and the selected site has a premium location. As an interior
design, the design will play a major role in achieving the project objectives.
What youth needs, and how does youth center play a major role positively in enhancing
youth’s life? According to R. Ginty (2015) defined youth in an effective context, young
segments are ‘social shifter. Youths live in a social landscape of authority, rights, knowledge,
and cultural notions of identity and agency, where youth can become a source of emerging
influence and other kinds of power can submerge them. In addition, youth is defined in
different terms such as in age group, a social category, a political group, and in-betweeners’
between children and adults. Firstly, the age-defined perspective is the transitioning for
young segment between adulthood and parenthood, where the youth ages various from
country to another. The World Youth Report (2005) defines ‘youth’ as “an important period
of physical, mental and social maturation, where young people are actively forming identities
and determining acceptable roles for themselves within their community and society as a
whole” (World Youth Report, 2005: 150). Secondly, youth is defined differently according to
Youth Report, youths are socially situated and culturally built, in comparation with other
socio-generational groups, such as children, adults. Also, define youth in terms of the
stage in the life childhood and adulthood. Cultural markers may be more effective than
physiological and cognitive elements, such as rites of passage, marriage, fertility, land
Major studies
According to ASTUDIO (2013), TOKKO youth center, which has a successful story, in
UK attracts a wide range of 13-19 years old members to develop skills and talents in a
healthy environment. Also, the article states that” The facility was proposed after a survey of
Luton’s young people took place where it was said that they needed a space “to talk, be
listened to, relax and gain confidence by trying new things.” TOKKO provides a variety of
facilities including a climbing wall, an IT suite, dance studios, training rooms, multipurpose
For the services that should be available at the youth center, according to Mion (2017),
the author states that a perfect youth center ought to include Control desk/check-in, computer
mechanical/electrical/communications spots, W.C. This will help drawing and planning the
productivity, energy, mood, health and behaviors. Therefore, taking advantage of interiors
within the youth center can help the community to achieve the main aim of this project based
on the study of “Psychology of Space: How Interiors Impact our Behavior?” Furthermore,
according to Harrouk (2020) states that Interior design has become an inherent part of the
psychology of people, and it has a direct effect on the subconscious. Also, the author
mentions that interior design plays a major role in emotions and perceptions through a
specific spot in the mind that responds to the geometry of the place that people occupy. In
addition, according to Mion (2017), the youth center should be a homelike environment and
quality with the consideration of natural light, welcome and arrival area, doors and windows
in residential style, and proper finishes, furnishings, fixtures, and equipment. Also, the author
indicates the importance of the integration between public facility and homelike quality
Moreover, with the connection between design, mission, psychology and the aim of
the project, and according to Mion (2017) clarifies that designers should consider and involve
safety, social connectedness, ease of movement, and sensory stimulation in addition to light,
colors, art, and ventilation. Also, he exemplifies on some design principles that a sense of
harmony can be introduced by symmetry and rhythm. The sense of harmony will be applied
the youth center by fitting the elements of design together in the space, by colours, shapes
and textures, also by uniting the active and positive mood in the youth center. The layout of
the floor plan will be in symmetrical design. The decoration for the space will give a sense of
Specifically, in regards to colors, according to Kelly (2009) the writer emphasizes that
the warmer the color, the more compact the room becomes. They can also elicit comfort
feelings or stimulate contact. Whereas a warm and bright color might decrease tension,
nervousness, and anxiety. Also, the writer divides the colors preferences based on ages
“Black, white, gray and dark brown are generally rejected by children between the ages of
five and eight; red, orange, yellow, violet were the preferred choices for this age group. For
ages nine and ten, gray, dark brown, black, pastel green and blue were rejected, and this
group preferred red, red-orange, green-blue. Preferences of the thirteen-sixteen range pulled
towards blue, ultramarine and orange”. As study shown, all three above mentioned groups
rejected the colours of dark brown and black, which will be avoided in the interior of the
youth center, but in other hand they agreed and preferred the colours blue, orange and yellow,
lower percentage of indirect light produces convenient light, while efficiency is improved by
a higher percentage of direct light. Alternatively, the author suggests using occupancy sensors
to increase energy savings. According to Mion (2017), the writer suggests “Use indirect
lighting as main ambient lighting”. According to Wilkins (2018) an open, airy, and inviting
environment can be led by lights filled spaces resulted from glass, which merchandises the
building as well. For the materials, according to Kelly (2009) states that is to minimize
ambient noise and have an incentive to find a visual/tactile direction, carpeting, wall fabric
and acoustical tile may be used. In addition, the author suggests that designers should avoid
institutional, unnatural finishes, textures. Also, the writer states “Walls are frequently
to allow a measure of boundary”. In regard to the author recommendation, we can have the
main lighting source in the youth center to be the natural light by taking advantage of big
glass windows and skylights spots as well. Additionally, a sustainable selection as LED
In the same way, to specify in regard to safety, according to Mion (2017) emphasizes
that safe and healthy environment should be maintained within the design in terms of
equipment, materials, furnishings, and finishes, doors, access, and authorities as well.
Minor study
Youth center plays a major role in developing youths personally, socially, physically,
behaviourally, and emotionally. As Durlak & Weissberg (2010) highlights the benefit of after
school programs is to enhance the personal and social skills, increases in their self-
perceptions and school bonding, positive social behaviors, improvement in school grades and
study of Alhrahsheh (2020) on the role of youth centers in developing social responsibility,
the results shows that youth centres play a significant role in improving the responsibility of
an individual towards society. Another benefits of youth center according to Sudbury (2021)
is increasing youth in physical fitness level, enhancing leadership skills, being involved in the
community and thereby fostering and promoting civic engagement. In addition, being
involved in youth center helps in promoting youth’s health, according to Fredriksson, Geidne
& Eriksson (2015) said “Leisure-time activities are important for adolescents’ psychological,
cognitive and physical development. Because leisure time comprises a large and important
portion of young people’s live, arenas where they spend their leisure time, such as youth
All in all, the above-mentioned studies and literature review indicates the importance
of youth centers in communities and how centers impact youths in a positive manner, and
how the design is important and play a major role to transfer and mimic the mission, vision,
and values. The design should be a homelike with high quality of materials, objects, and
The youth center research data was collected by two different methods: a survey and
an interview with an expert. A survey was an easier way to collect, monitor, spread, analyse,
manage different aspects and responses in a digital form through surveymonkey.com with the
support of the current technologies such as Whatsapp, SMS, and Email. An interview with
experienced subject matter expert who deals on daily basis with parents and students can
enrich and provide wider aspects on the project aim such as, needed activities, facilities, and
The survey was distributed at WhatsApp’s groups for different segments (parents and
students), and via the university email. The total of sample responses that have been collected
is 173, during 3 days. The survey consists of 8 different multiple choices questions. For the
youth center atmosphere question, the majority of the sample (57%) prefer all options
combined together which is (Interactive, Private, and Comfortable & Practical). In regards to
the youth center design, 72 out of 173 prefer Contemporary Design, and on the facilities to be
added question, 75 persons prefer Cinema over the other choices. In relevant to indoor
activities, the majority voted the all-listed activities (Football, Basketball, Running,
Swimming, and Gymnastics) but the one they mostly prefer is reading. When it comes to
outdoor activities the majority voted the all-listed activities (Football, Basketball, Running,
Swimming, and Gymnastics), but the one they mostly prefer is swimming. The majority
prefer to change their clothes at the changing room in the center. In regards to the study/ work
area most of the answers prefer to have a private work area at the center. Finally, the last
question, which is in regards to the reason to revisit the youth center, has almost the same
figures for all answers, which are (Types of activities, Interior design & atmosphere, and
relations consultant at Advanced Generation International School located in Jeddah. The first
discussed point was about the main step that can increase youth leadership skills, she reacted
that on-the-job education and she states out that the field trials contribute to enhancing their
own skills. In regards to the appropriate environment to develop youth skills, the subject
expert said there must be an adequate work environment; In order to confront any changes
that are contrary to the plan. A point was discussed in regards to students can be helped
towards a deeper understanding of their concerns, the consultant said by using behavioral
therapy: These methods modify the student’s thoughts, which he learned with his life
experiences and teach him the correct and sound ways of thinking that help him. A
suggestion in regards to the youth center design, she suggested that the building should be in
a healthy area that receives sunlight and open air with focusing on wall colors, to consider its
distance from the industrial areas, and to have the center in places with residential gatherings.
When it comes to the things that can impact in a positive way on youth personalities, the
consultant said that green areas, fountains, a play area, such as slides, and cleanliness are
essential for the place. Additionally, for the most popular activities for youths, and the
response was Activities that help stimulate the brain. She believes that the youth center would
help support the youth to develop their goals and achieve them. In lights to the most
remarkable point, which is what make the parents enroll the youth into the center, she said
trust and reputation, also, about another remarkable points that make the youth to enroll in the
youth center, she answered trust, reputation, price, location, design, and service provided in
the center.
To sum up, the findings conclude and shortlist the major aspects that needed in the
youth center project in terms of activities, services, facilities, design, tactics, atmosphere, and
• Facilities: Recreational space, fitness area, changing room, work and study area, library,
walking track, healthy food court, pray area, W.C, parking, lounge area.
Three precedent studies (International, Middle East, and Local) have similar values
and concepts for the youth center project and they have been selected to be analyzed and
studied. The first case (International) is known as YMCA, John M. Harper Branch Library &
Stork Family, which is located in waterloo, Canada. The second case (Middle East), is
located in Amman, Jordan, Amman youth hub center. The third case study (Local) is King
Fahd National Library located in Riyadh. Finally, the competitor is Ithra- Library in Dhahran,
Saudi Arabia.
Precedent Study #1: John M. Harper Branch Library & Stork Family YMCA,
Waterloo, Canada
Area: 5574.1824 m2
List of activities: swim, running, gymnasium, basketball, study/ work, reading books
To start with, the case in hand is leading non-profit organization and it is located in
(500 Fischer-Hallman Rd N, Waterloo, ON N2L 0B1, Canada) and it has similar concepts
and values. The center was constructed by Architect: Teeple Architects in 2011 on the area of
5574.1824 m2. The center is targeting school aged children 7-18 with offering the activities:
swim, running, gymnasium, basketball, study/ work, reading books. The selected precedent
case study YMCA for the youth centre project where it has similar values and goals
youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Our mission is to build strong
kids, strong families and strong communities by enriching the lives of all people in spirit,
mind and body”. YMCA is seeking to increase and develop life quality, by building a new
Also, the precedent study is the simple efficient design for the center, and the strategies to
make a sustainable design for the center. Additionally, the YMCA center it one of the newest
youths centers in Canada, they built the building with new strategies by avoiding the mistakes
other architects made in the old youths centers, such as a wide-open layout floor plan, and
separate the library from the recreational area, where library should be a quite area, far from
Site analysis
In regards, to the site analysis, the location is located in cold region that has heavily
snow every year; therefore, it faces the eastern side to take advantage of the sun and the
natural light. In regards to the floor plan analysis, YMCA is a two-story building and
considered the newest and the most recent building in the area with the shadow of the modern
thinking of having suitable and sustainable floor plan. One building contains and integrates
YMCA is a two-story building and considered the newest and the most recent
building in the area with the shadow of the modern thinking of having suitable and
sustainable floor plan. One building contains and integrates all aspects an educational, and
entertainment programs.
List of functions
Entrance/ Reception
Walking track
Fitness space
Swimming pools
Childcare area
Cafeteria, Kitchen
The zoning in YMCA divided in to three parts privet, semi- public, public. Privet areas
like staff area, reception. Semi- public such as library and study area, recreational space,
swimming pool, changing rooms. Entrance, and hallways consider as a public area.
The circulation in YMCA considered as horizontal circulation between the functions.
Wide open layout that makes the movement easy and flexible.
Design Approach
The contemporary design style for YMCA includes the newest ideas. The selection of
colours and materials plays a major role in enhancing the space in light of positive and active
feeling. Natural colours such as white and gray where reflects purity and freshness feeling on
the space is selected in YMCA. Also, it has bob colour like fuchsia used as an accent colour
and that gives an exciting feeling for the space. In regard to flooring material selection for
each space, gray porcelain is selected for the entrance and hallways due to its durability, and
hardwood flooring is selected for the recreational space. Rubber flooring for walking track is
used to prevent and keep the track from being slippery and carpet is selected for the library to
Area: NA
The Amman youth hub center has been selected as a precedent case study, where it
aims to encourage and ignite hope for youth’s life through empowering its brightest youth to
become the future leaders of their world. The Amman youth hub combine between
Site analysis
The Amman youth hub is located in Amman, Jourdan. In one of the main streets in
the city of Amman, surrounded by schools, shopping centers, restaurants, and governmental
Amman youth hub center is a three-story building split in to a ground, first, and
second floor. Divide its functions between the three floors in an organized and functional
way. The ground floor starts with main entrance, then the reception area, reception lobby,
exhibition area, the creative space, seating stairs, elevators, male and female W.C, Co-
working space, cafeteria, administration and offices, game room, auditorium, fire scape stairs,
shaft, electrical room, and a back entrance. Move up to the first floor where it include the
incubation area, relaxation area, male and female pray rooms, meeting rooms, offices area,
computer labs, elevators, male and female W.C, casual seating areas, fire escape stairs, shaft,
and electrical room. Then in the second floor the maker lab, art studio, music studio, library,
lecture rooms, outdoor main and side terrace, skylight, elevators, male and female W.C, fire
List of functions
The zoning in Amman Youth Hub divided in to three parts privet, semi- public, public.
Privet areas like offices, and electrical room. Semi- the creative room, co working space, and
The circulation in Amman youth hub considered as horizontal and vertical circulation
between the functions. Wide open layout that makes the movement easy and flexible.
Design approach
The contemporary design concept with the coloured three-dimensional grid, and the
fresh colour theme selected white, green, all these concepts reflect the taste for targeted
audience for the project. In addition, the materials that are selected is to connect the design
with the function and the context, such as the local travertine stone is reflect the Jordanian
style in terms of the colour and the pattern. The words used as an inspiration in the designing
Area: 87,000m²
The selected particular study King Fahad National Library is one of the most important
cultural and remarkable buildings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The updated construction for the
building with the new facilities, will serve the Saudi 2030 vision, where it will help by grow
Saudi contribution to arts & cultures, and Develop & diversity entertainment opportunities to
There are many inspirations from this particular case study, King Fahad National Library.
The creative method of combining old and new structure together, according to the architect
Gerber where the new additional square for the library will enclose the original old building
that back to 1980s. Additionally, the unique façade shape and pattern, inspired by the
traditional Middle Eastern architectural patterns, made by the tensile techniques. Also, the
purpose of the sustainability theme of the façade is to protect the interior from the direct
Site Analysis
The King Fahad National Library located in one of the major roads in the city of
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Surrounded by hotels, restaurants, park, and residential areas.
King Fahd Library consists of 4 floors. The ground floor has 11 elements rotunda,
entrance hall, public halls, reading area, study room, closed access stack, restaurant, shop,
vault room, and information & service. The first floor has eight components’ rotunda,
entrance hall, reading area, administration, seminar room, closed access stack, women’s
library, and information & service. The 2nd floor is slightly different than the ground and the
first floor, has seven areas rotunda, foyer lecture hall, administration, seminar room, closed
access stack, and TV studio. Finally, the 3rd floor has rotunda, information & service, open
stack, reference search area closed stack, language labour, and music room.
List of functions
The zoning in King Fahad National Library divided in to two parts semi- public,
Figure 28: Ground floor plan, zoning– King Fahad National Library
Figure 29: First floor plan, zoning– King Fahad National Library
Figure 30: Second floor plan, zoning– King Fahad National Library
Figure 31: Third floor plan, zoning– King Fahad National Library
The circulation in King Fahad National Library considered as horizontal and vertical
circulation between the functions. Wide open layout that makes the movement easy and
Figure 32: Ground floor plan, circulation– King Fahad National Library
Design approach
The design type is similar to Industrial design as it mimics the design and
constructional features of Industrial design type. The colours are bright to abstain absorbing
heat as Riyadh most of the year has high weather temperature. Also, sustainably, the façade is
used to enhance the natural lights in the place and mitigate the heat and sunlight in the
Snøhetta. Saudi Aramco’s projects act as the public's development. Saudi Aramco assumed
Ithra as a place where people could have life-changing experiences by mastering the arts,
technology, literature, and creativity. Ithra center’s services are Idea Lab, Library, Ithra
Theatre, Cinema, Ithra Museum, Children's Museum, Energy Show, Archives, The Great
Hall, and the Information Center. Ithra library is one of the biggest public libraries in the
region, with a collection of over 270,000 titles in both Arabic and English, distributed in a
user-friendly manner over four floors and covering a wide variety of themes, subjects, and
genres. Whatever the age or desires, they have something for you. The Ithra Library has a
wide variety of electronic resources in Arabic and English, including audio books and e-
books. The library's collection consists of 60% Arabic and 40% English books that can be
The Ithra structure was constructed as a collection of stones that represented unity.
The building was built with a purposeful representation of time, with the tower reflecting the
future, the ground floor components representing the present, and the underground
The brilliant structure includes the four-story library, 18-story information tower, three-story
idea lab, energy show, four-story museum, 315-seat cinema, 900-seat performance arts
theater, archives, 1,500-square-meter great hall, and children's museum are all part of the
impressive structure.
Business Revenue
Ithra’s mission is serves as an all-purpose cultural hub. They believe in the gift and
passion instilled in people, and they aim to empower human development to showcase and
celebrate them. The Center hosts special events, film premieres, exhibitions, workshops,
conferences, and more, which solidifies its position as an inspiring leader in the region and
enrichment of its visitors. And Ithra’s vision is share knowledge, encourage curiosity and
feed innovation, enhance the kingdom’s global position, activate creativity, encourage cross-
cultural exchange with the globe, provide new engaging platforms, maximize new sources of
The library's second floor contains the Children's and Young library, as well the
multimedia section and main presentation room. The Children’s Library designed for young
readers, to create unforgettable experience for them. The multimedia section of the library
contains a huge selection of audio books, DVDs, and CDs, and language classes, self-
development books, and travel guides, among other things. Special activities, such as book
signings and seminars, are held in the main presentation room. In the third floor is located the
main library for Ithra, the welcoming reception area, also a café with an enjoyable seating
area to socialize and relax with others. Moving up to the fourth floor, where it contain a huge
collection of non- fiction books, up to 74,000 books for verity subjects such as science,
technology, religion, philosophy, psychology, and home management and the arts. Lastly, the
fifth floor contain a quite research and study area, a computer area, and a public workstation.
List of functions
• Main library
• Computer area
• Public workstations
Programming table
Marketing issue
Design approach
Ithra is the most recent center and the technologies, sustainable requirements, modern
aspects, quality of materials, lighting, colours are integrated together. The place is taking
advantage of the natural light by enabling skylights spots. Also, the place is designed to be
energy efficient as lights are designed within the building itself as LED tube and panels. The
colours are uniformed and bright to refresh the place especially with the natural light and the
atmosphere of the library. Carpet flooring is used to absorb noises. Furniture is selected in a
Youth Hub in Jordan, King Fahad National Library in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and Ithra
Library in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia as a competitor. The precedent studies have enriched the
project required design concept, materials selection, colours, lightings, layouts, segments and
Wisdom youth center provides different facilities in one building, as the first type of
building combines these facilities together in one building in the city of Jeddah, combine
Design Program
Relationship Diagram
Finish Schedules
• Community halls
• Courtrooms
• Dance halls (not including food or drink consumption)
• Exhibition halls
• Gymnasiums (without spectator seating)
• Indoor swimming pools (without spectator seating)
• Indoor tennis courts (without spectator seating)
• Lecture halls
• Libraries Museums
• Mosques, Prayer halls
• Pool and billiard parlors
• Waiting areas in transportation
303.5 Assembly Group A-4. Group A-4 occupancy includes assembly uses intended for
viewing of indoor sporting events and activities with spectator seating including, but not
limited to:
• Arenas
• Skating rinks
• Swimming pools
• Tennis courts
303.6 Assembly Group A-5. Group A-5occupancy includes assembly uses intended for
participation in or viewing outdoor activities including, but not limited to:
• Amusement park structures
• Bleachers
• Grandstands
• Stadiums
305.1 Educational Group E. Educational Group E occupancy includes, among others, the
use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, by six or more persons at any one time for
educational purposes through the 12th grade.
424.1 Children’s play structures. Children’s play structures installed inside all occupancies
covered by this code that exceed 3 m in height and 14 m2 in area shall comply with Sections
424.2 through 424.5.
424.2 Materials. Children’s play structures shall be constructed of non combustible materials
or of combustible materials that comply with the following:
1. Fire-retardant-treated wood complying with Section 2303.2.
2. Light-transmitting plastics complying with Section 2606.
3. Foam plastics (including the pipe foam used in soft contained play equipment structures)
having a maximum heat-release rate not greater than 100 kilowatts when tested in accordance
with UL 1975 or when tested in accordance with NFPA 289, using the 20 Kw ignition source.
4. Aluminum composite material (ACM) meeting the requirements of Class A interior finish
in accordance with Chapter 8 when tested as an assembly in the maximum thickness intended
for use.
5. Textiles and films complying with the fire propagation performance criteria contained in
Test Method 1 or Test Method 2, as appropriate, of NFPA 701.
6. Plastic materials used to construct rigid components of soft-contained play equipment
structures (such as tubes, windows, panels, junction boxes, pipes, slides and decks) exhibiting
a peak rate of heat release not exceeding 400 kW/ m2 when tested in accordance with ASTM
E1354 at an incident heat flux of 50 kW/m2 in the horizontal orientation at a thickness of 6
7. Ball pool balls, used in soft-contained play equipment structures, having a maximum heat-
release rate not greater than 100 kilowatts when tested in accordance with UL 1975 or when
tested in accordance with NFPA 289, using the 20 kW ignition source. The minimum
specimen test size shall be 900 mm by 900 mm by an average of 500 mm deep, and the balls
shall be held in a box constructed of galvanized steel poultry netting wire mesh.
8. Foam plastics shall be covered by a fabric, coating or film meeting the fire propagation
performance criteria contained in Test Method 1 or Test Method 2, as appropriate, of NFPA
9. The floor covering placed under the children’s play structure shall exhibit a Class I interior
floor finish classification, as described in Section 804, when tested in accordance with NFPA
424.3 Fire protection. Children’s play structures shall be provided with the same level of
approved fire suppression and detection devices required for other structures in the same
424.4 Separation. Children’s play structures shall have a horizontal separation from building
walls, partitions and from elements of the means of egress of not less than 1.5 m. Children’s
playground structures shall have a horizontal separation from other children’s play structures
of not less than 6 m.
424.5 Area limits. Children’s play structures shall be not greater than 28 m2 in area, unless a
special investigation, acceptable to the building official, has demonstrated adequate fire
801.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the use of materials used as interior
finishes, trim and decorative materials.
801.2 Interior wall and ceiling finish. The provisions of Section 803 shall limit the
allowable fire performance and smoke development of interior wall and ceiling finish
materials based on occupancy classification.
801.3 Interior floor finish. The provisions of Section 804 shall limit the allowable fire
performance of interior floor finish materials based on occupancy classification.
801.4 Decorative materials and trim. Decorative materials and trim shall be restricted by
combustibility, fire performance or flame propagation performance criteria in accordance
with Section 806.
801.5 Applicability. For buildings in flood hazard areas as established in Section 1612.3,
interior finishes, trim and decorative materials below the elevation required by Section 1612
shall be flood-damage-resistant materials.
801.6 Application. Combustible materials shall be permitted to be used as finish for walls,
ceilings, floors and other interior surfaces of buildings.
801.7 Windows. Show windows in the exterior walls of the first story above grade plane
shall be permitted to be of wood or of unprotected metal framing.
803.1 General. Interior wall and ceiling finish materials shall be classified for fire
performance and smoke development in accordance with Section 803.1.1 or 803.1.2, except
as shown in Sections 803.2 through 803.13. Materials tested in accordance with Section
803.1.2 shall not be
required to be tested in accordance with Section 803.1.1. 803.1.1 Interior wall and ceiling
finish materials. Interior wall and ceiling finish materials shall be classified in accordance
with ASTM E84 or UL 723. Such interior finish materials shall be grouped in the following
classes in accordance with their flame spread and smoke-developed indexes.
Class A: = Flame spread index 0-25; smoke developed index 0-450.
Class B: = Flame spread index 26-75; smoke developed index 0-450.
Class C: = Flame spread index 76-200; smoke developed index 0-450. Exception: Materials
tested in accordance with Section 803.1.2.
804.1 General. Interior floor finish and floor covering materials shall comply with Sections
804.2 through 804.4.2.
Exception: Floor finishes and coverings of a traditional type, such as wood, vinyl, linoleum
or terrazzo, and resilient floor covering materials that are not comprised of fibers.
In conclusion, the design program and finishes schedule of the project demonstrate
the interior details. The elements are important and need to be aligned with Saudi Building
Codes. The selected part of Saudi Building Codes is in line with the interiors finishing,
The project will serve the community in multiple aspects socially, physically,
personally, and mentally. for youth group in particular. In light of interior design field, the
project will be about a public center with a home theme taking advantages of all modern and
recent studies of interior design to translate and transfer the project objectives on the design’s
Designing centers that will be used for youth is very crucial step and it should be
taken seriously as it will impact them in direct and indirect ways. Regarding lessons and
aspects learned, and from the research and the course, I have learned that how public centers
can impact ourselves psychologically and how their existences are important to us. Also, I
have learned that interior designers should be aligned from the beginning of each project with
all phases in order to have 360 degrees views and insights about all related aspects in
particular to site analysis which can impact and help designers in their selections.
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C. Kelly, T. (2009). A Place of Their Own: Shaping Behavior Through Design in an Arts-
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Fredriksson, I., Geidne, S., & Eriksson, C. (2015). Important Strategies for Youth Centers to
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