The Yellow Wallpaper
The Yellow Wallpaper
The Yellow Wallpaper
• – Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper after she had a severe
case of postpartum depression
• – essentially a response to her doctor, who tried to cure
through a “rest cure”
• – “If a physician of high standing, and one’s own
husband assures friends and relative that there is really
nothing the matter with one but temporary nervousness
depression – a slight hysterical tendency – what is one
to do?... So I take phosphoates or phosphites –
whichever it is, and tonics, and journeys, and air, and
exercise, and am absolutely forbidden to “work” until I
am well again. Personally I disagree with their ideas”
• After Gilman had written “The Yellow
Wallpaper” she decided to write an
explanation of her purpose or so-what
behind the story.
• She says that she based it on her own
personal experiences through this disease
and “it was not intended to drive people
crazy, but to save people from being
driven crazy, and it worked.” (Gilman,
“Why I wrote Yellow Wallpaper”)
• Here is a quote from that passage that helps
explains why Gilman had to publish another
article in order to explain why she wrote “The
Yellow Wallpaper”.
• “[A] Boston physician made protest in The
Transcript. Such a story ought not to be written,
he said; it was enough to drive anyone mad to
read it.
• Another physician, in Kansas I think, wrote to
say that it was the best description of incipient
insanity he had ever seen, and--begging my
pardon--had I been there?” (Gilman, “Why I
wrote Yellow Wallpaper”)