2. There are two major types of planning: 9. A part of the controlling process in which
strategic planning and operational planning. employee's performance is evaluated against a
Which is NOT true about strategic planning? standard. It is the most valuable tool in
a. It is long-ranged planning controlling human resources and productivity.
b. It focuses on the entire organization It reflects how well the nursing personnel have
c. It determines where an organization is performed during a specific period of time.
going over the next year or more a. Performance appraisal
d. It deals with day-to-day maintenance b. Quality assurance
activities c. Quality improvement
d. Benchmarking
3. The number of people reporting to Nurse David
as nurse supervisor represents his: 10. Among the following standards, which is
a. Unity of Command c. Span of Control considered a structure component?
b. Unity of Direction d. Scalar Chain a. The client verbalized satisfaction of the
nursing care received
4. As a nurse supervisor, Nurse David should b. Checking ID band prior to giving
understand the interrelationships among medications
authority, responsibility, and accountability. c. All patients shall have their weight taken
Which of the following statements is NOT and recorded
correct? d. The number and categories of nursing
a. Managers should always be assigned personnel
responsibility with concomitant authority
b. If authority is not commensurate to the Situation 3: A professional nurse must uphold
responsibility, role confusion occurs his/her legal, moral and ethical
c. A nurse is being accountable for the responsibilities.
responsibilities inherent in her position 11. A toddler screams and cries noisily after
d. Responsibility is an agreement to accept the parental visits, disturbing all the other children.
consequences of one's actions When the crying is particularly loud and
prolonged, the nurse puts the crib in a separate
5. Nurse David has implemented a change in the room and closes the door. The toddler is left
method of the nursing delivery system from there until the crying ceases, a matter of 30 to
functional to team nursing. A nursing assistant 45 minutes. Legally:
is resistant to the change and is not taking an a. The child needed to have limits set to
active part in facilitating the change process. control the crying
Which of the following would be the best b. The child had a right to remain in the room
approach in dealing with the nursing assistant? with the other children
a. Ignore the resistance c. Keeping the child segregated alone for more
b. Exert coercion with the nursing assistant than 30 minutes was too long
c. Provide a positive reward system for the d. The other children had to be considered, so
nursing assistant the child needed to be remove
d. Confront the nursing assistant to encourage
verbalization of feelings regarding the 12. A primary care provider's orders indicate that a
change surgical consent form needs to be signed. Since
the nurse was not present when the primary
Situation 2: Ensuring the overall quality of care provider discussed the surgical procedure,
care given to groups of clients is an essential which statement best illustrates the nurse
professional accountability. fulfilling the client advocate role?
6. The cardiac catheterization lab has established a. “The doctor has asked that you sign this
a procedure for achieving hemostasis of the consent form.”
cardiac catheter insertion site. Which type of b. “Do you have any questions about the
standard does this exemplify? procedure?”
a. Structure c. “What were you told about the procedure
b. Process you are going to?”
c. Outcome d. “Remember that you can change your mind
d. Performance and cancel the procedure.”
13. A client is brought to the Emergency Room 19. The following are qualifications for Commission
after a serious accident is unconscious and in the Reserve Force Nurse Corps except:
bleeding profusely. Surgery is required a. Not more than 32 years old at the time of
immediately in order to save the client's life. In commission
regard to informed consent for the surgical b. Minimum height of 64 inches for males, and
procedure, which of the following is the best 62 inches for females
nursing action? c. A natural-born-Filipino Citizen
a. Try to obtain the spouse’s telephone d. Single or has never been married for both
number and call the spouse to obtain male and female
telephone consent before the surgical
20. This is the umbrella term for nurses who have
specialized education and experience beyond
b. Transport the client to the operating room
the basic nursing program.
immediately as required by the physician
a. Nurse Specialist
without obtaining an informed consent
b. Nurse Clinician
c. Ask the friend who accompanied the client
c. Independent Nurse Practitioner
to the emergency room to sign the consent
d. Advanced Practice Nurse
d. Call the nursing supervisor to initiate a Situation 5: There are plenty of laws affecting
court order for the surgical procedure health and nursing practice in the Philippines.
Nurses must be familiar with these existing
14. This doctrine states that the accident itself
laws and standards that govern safe nursing
gives reasonable evidence that the injury
resulted from lack of care and therefore no
21. The Board of Nursing has adopted certain rules
further proof/explanation is needed.
and regulation in professional nursing practice
a. Res ipsa loquitur
as the Code of Nursing Ethics in the Philippines
b. Facio ut des
c. Respondeat superior
a. Board Resolution No. 223 series of 1989
d. Force majeure
b. Republic Act 9173
15. You are commuting to work riding the LRT. An c. Board Resolution No. 220 series of 2004
older person collapsed and nobody seems to d. Republic Act No. 7160
notice her. The security guard tried to make her
22. The Magna Carta for public health workers is
sit down but she remained unconscious. You
embodied in?
saw what happened and you decided to help.
a. RA 7305 c. RA 7600
With help, you brought the patient to the
b. RA 6425 d. RA 6809
nearest hospital. You learned that the woman is
diabetic. She was on her way to the diabetic 23. Nurse Sharon, who worked for 25 years at Al
clinic to have her fasting blood sugar. She Kayhid Medical Center in Saudi, decides to
developed hypoglycemia. You were able to save return to the Philippines. As a Filipino
a life. What principle was applied? professional, she can practice her profession in
a. Advocacy the country in pursuant of:
b. Beneficence a. PD 541 c. PD 856
c. Justice b. PD 603 d. PD 807
d. Autonomy
24. The night differential is equivalent to what
Situation 4: The learning process in nursing is percent of the salary per day?
a continuous rite, and the nurse bears the a. 10% c. 15%
responsibility to enhance ones self both b. 20% d. 30%
personally and professionally.
25. A nurse accepts an assignment in a remote
16. Beneficiaries of the Comprehensive Nursing
area. The nurse is entitled to how many percent
Specialty Program will be obliged to serve in
additional of salary to her basic pay?
any Philippine Hospital for at least how many
a. 15% c. 30%
b. 20% d. 50%
a. 1 year c. 3 years
b. 2 years d. 4 years Situation 6: The Philippine Nursing Act of
2002 regulates the practice of Nursing in the
Philippines. It is therefore a must for Filipino
17. The following are purposes of the Philippine
nurses to be familiar with this nursing law.
Nursing Association except:
26. Which of the following institutions or
a. To attain minimum level of professional
organizations is responsible for approving the
certificate to operate as a nursing school in the
b. To work for the welfare of member nurses
c. To respond to the changing health needs of
a. Board of Nursing
the Philippine society
b. Commission on Higher Education
d. To establish linkages with other agencies
c. Philippine Nurses Association
18. A registered nurse can opt to work as a Private d. Professional Regulatory Commission
Nurse Practitioner. A private nurse practitioner
27. The certificate of registration can be revoked or
must have the following qualifications except:
suspended for the following acts, EXCEPT:
a. Have at least 1 year of bedside nursing
a. Serious ignorance
experience in a general hospital
b. Accused of immoral an dishonorable
b. Be a full time private duty nurse
c. Be a certified IV therapist by the ANSAP
c. Gross incompetence
d. Preferably have undergone a Critical Care
d. Illegal practice
Nursing Course
28. A nurse was apprehended after carrying 25 b. Evaluate whether findings are applicable to
grams of methamphetamine hydrochloride the nurse's specific clients
inside patient's room. The following are the c. Implement the research findings if at least
possible liabilities or sanctions for him, EXCEPT: two studies have shown the same results
a. Revocation of license d. Request the raw data from the researchers
b. Suspension so that the nurse can analyze the statistics
c. Fines again
d. Imprisonment
Situation 8: A research study was undertaken
29. All of the following are qualifications of the in order to identify and analyze a disabled
Chairperson and Members of the Board of boy’s coping reaction pattern during stress.
Nursing, except: 36. This study which is an in depth study of one
a. Citizen and resident of the Philippines boy is a:
b. Holder of a Masteral degree in Nursing a. Longitudinal study
c. Have at least 5 years of continuous practice b. Evaluative study
in the profession c. Cross-sectional study
d. Member of the Philippine Nurses Association d. Case study
30. Which of the following is an additional function 37. The process recording was the principal tool for
of the Board of Nursing as a departure from data collection. Which of the following is not a
Republic Act No. 7164? part of a process recording?
a. Issue, revoke, or suspend COR for the a. Audio-visual recording
practice of nursing b. Verbal narrative account
b. Promulgate decision for the improvement of c. Non-verbal narrative account
nursing as a profession d. Analysis and interpretation
c. Recommend the opening and closure of the
college of nursing 38. The investigator also provided the nursing care
d. Conduct the licensure examination for of the subject. The investigator is referred to as
nurses a/an:
Situation 7: The advent of Nursing Research a. Advocate c. Observer researcher
has greatly improved client care. b. Caregiver d. Participant-observer
31. The easiest way to participate in research is to: 39. Which of these do not happen in a descriptive
a. Be a good consumer of research study?
b. Analyze related studies a. Manipulation of variable
c. Conduct a research study b. Investigation of a phenomenon in real life
d. Participate in your facility’s internal review context
board c. Explanation of relationship between two or
32. The purpose of evidence-based practice is to: more phenomena
a. Validate traditional nursing practices d. Exploration of relationship between two or
b. Improve patient outcomes more phenomena
c. Relate traditional nursing practices 40. To ensure reliability of the study, the
d. Establish a body of knowledge unique to investigator’s analysis and interpretations are:
nursing a. Scored and compared standard criteria
b. Subjected to statistical treatment
c. Subjected to an inter-observer agreement
d. Correlated with a list of coping behaviors
Situation 9: Gladys, a nurse researcher in the
community, plans to undertake a study of
Barangay A and B in terms of utilization of
33. Which of the following studies is based on MCN services after organizing and training
quantitative research? Barangay Health Workers in Barangay A.
a. A study examining the bereavement process 41. This type or research is:
in couples with still birth deliveries a. Historical c. Basic
b. A study measuring the effects of sleep b. Experimental d. Pure
derivation on wound healing post cesarean 42. The independent variable is:
delivery a. Utilization of MCN services
c. A study on client's feelings before and after b. Organization and training of BHW
a vaginal delivery c. Barangay A and B
d. A study exploring factors influencing weight d. Data gathering and instrument
control behavior of pregnant women
43. The dependent variable is:
34. Which of the following is the primary advantage a. Utilization of MCN services
of using computers while conducting nursing b. Organization and training of BHW
research? c. Barangay A and B
a. Locating potential participants d. Data gathering and instrument
b. Designing the steps of the research plan
44. Which of the following is the best hypothesis for
c. Analyzing the quantitative data
this research?
d. Disseminating the research findings
a. Barangay A is better in the performance
35. Which of the following is a nursing than Barangay B
responsibility when critiquing published nursing b. The presence of organized and trained BHW
research? will increase the utilization of MCN services
a. Assume that the research was properly by Barangay A and B
conducted since it has been published c. Organization and training of BHW
d. Barangay A and B will both improve their one nurse can handle two clients quite
services easily
c. Talk with the nursing supervisor and secure
45. In the above number, what type of hypothesis
permission from him or her
is formulated?
d. Leave to get coffee and come right back
1. Simple 4. Directional
2. Complex 5. Non-directional 50. The nurse finds an unopened vial of morphine
3. Null sulfate lying on the cabinet in a patient’s room.
a. 1 and 5 c. 1 and 4 What is the most appropriate action for the
b. 2 and 4 d. 2 and 3 nurse to take first?
a. Secure the vial and return the medication to
Situation 10: As a professional nurse, you stock the future use
have certain responsibilities to your self, your b. Remove the vial from the patient’s bedside
co-workers, and your clients. and notify the nurse supervisor that an
46. The registered nurse arrives at work and is told unsecured vial of a controlled substance
to report (float) to the intensive care unit for was found
the day because the ICU is understaffed and c. Check with the other nurses to see if their
needs additional nurses to care for the clients. patient have morphine orders and
The nurse has never worked in the ICU. Which administer the medication to another
of the following is the most appropriate nursing patient to avoid waste
action? d. Contact the organization’s security
a. Refuse to float to the ICU department and have it investigate the
b. Call the hospital lawyer crime scene
c. Call the nursing supervisor
Situation 11: Professional obligations of
d. Report to the ICU and identify tasks that
nurses are accompanied by legal
can be performed safely
responsibilities. Nurses must be keen in
47. A nurse who works in the night enters the observing these legalities in order to protect
medication room and finds a co-worker with a ones self from legal suits, and secure the
tourniquet wrapped around the upper arm. The client's safety.
co-worker is about to insert a needle attached 51. The nurse is working in a long-tem care facility
to a syringe containing a clear liquid, into the and is administering medications to assigned
antecubital area. The most appropriate initial clients. A client refuses to take the prescribed
action by the nurse is which of the following? medication, and the nurse threatens the client
a. Call the police and tells the client that if medication is not
b. Call security taken orally, the restraints will be applied and
c. Lock the co-worker in the medication room the mediation will be given by injection. This
until help is obtained statement by the nurse constitutes which legal
d. Call the nursing supervisor tort?
a. Invasion of privacy c. Assault
b. Negligence d. Battery
52. A client had been receiving a drug by injection
over a number of weeks. As the clinical
symptoms changed, the physician wrote an
48. A nurse had been caring for a client whose vital
order sheet changing the mode of
signs had previously been unstable. The nurse
administration from injection to oral. When the
had not had a coffee break or lunch break all
nurse on the unit, who had been off duty for
day. By 2 pm, the client had been stable for a
several days, was preparing to give the
number of hours. The physician in charge had
medication by injection, the client objected and
seen the client and had told the nurse that the
referred the nurse to the physician’s new
client appeared “much improved”. The nurse
orders. The nurse should:
a. Go back to the order sheet and check for
a. Leave for lunch break
the order
b. Forego lunch break because of the client’s
b. Talk with the nurse who had taken care of
previous unstable condition
this particular client while he or she had
c. Arrange to eat lunch in the client’s room
been off duty
d. Discuss the situation with the nurse in
c. Talk with the head nurse about the
charge of the unit and determine who
advisability of using oral rather than
should cover the client while the staff is at
injectable medications
d. Check the order sheet for the changed order
49. In a certain hospital, whenever there are clients and then speak with the attending physician
in the recovery room, two nurses are usually concerning the changed order
present. The hospital policy expects the nurses
53. While driving down a freeway, a nurse spots an
to take their breaks before clients arrive for
overturned car with the driver lying next to the
surgery. On this particular day, there are two
car. The nurse:
nurses on duty and two clients in the recovery
a. May drive on without stopping, or stop and
room who have had minor surgeries performed
render emergency first aid, without liability
that morning. One nurse had not had a coffee
b. May stop, start to render aid, and then
break that morning. The nurse should:
leave, without liability
a. Stay because hospital policy expects there
c. Must stop at the scene of an accident and
to be two nurse in attendance while there
render first aid
are clients in the recovery room
d. May stop and render aid, but if he or she
b. Leave for coffee break because there are
performs a medical act, he or she may be
only two clients in the recovery room and
charged with illegal practice of medicine
54. A nurse has been administered the wrong oral c. A client is ambulating in the hall and slips
medication. Which action should the nurse take on a recently mopped floor, causing injury
first? to the leg
a. Complete a medication error d. A visitor who is sitting by the client’s bed is
b. Notify the prescribing physician hit by a falling IV pole while the nurse is
c. Assess the patient changing the IV tubing, and require stitches
d. Contact the pharmacist for a laceration
55. The nurse has been working with a man who is 60. When checking the IV solution at the beginning
terminally ill for weeks. The client is lucid. His of the shift, it was discovered that an incorrect
wife pleads with the nurse not to use heroic solution was running. After changing the
measures on her husband but to let him die solution to the correct order, an appropriate
“with dignity”. The nurse should: nursing action would be to:
a. Tell the wife that she needs to talk with the a. Report the discovery of the error to the
attending physician, client (if possible), and supervisor
other significant people about her concerns b. Document the error and correction in the
b. Act on the wife’s request medical record
c. Ignore the wife’s request and proceed with c. Fill out an incident report according to
the clients care hospital policy
d. Tell the wife that to do as she requested d. Assure the client that the error had no
would be equivalent to murdering the client adverse effects
Situation 12: When nurses undertake to
practice their profession, they are held
responsible and accountable for the quality of
performance of their duties.
56. A graduate nurse who was new to a unit was
caring for an elderly client. The physician on
call ordered a treatment that the nurse had not
heard of. The nurse should:
a. Inform the physician of the nurse’s lack of
education and experience and refuse to do
the treatment without supervision
b. Inform the physician of the nurse’s lack of
education and experience and then proceed Situation 13: Nursing ethics involves rules
to perform the treatment and principles to guide right conduct in terms
c. Refuse to perform the treatment of moral duties and obligations to protect the
d. Carry out the treatment to the best of the rights of human beings.
nurse’s ability 61. In caring for a 15-year-old client in the terminal
stages of cancer who is refusing any more
57. The day nurse tells the night nurse that the
treatment, the nurse should provide ethical
suction equipment in a client’s room is not
care that:
working properly. The night nurse, who will be
a. Ensures a cure and benefits the client’s
working with this client, should:
a. Follow the day nurse’s suggestions on how
b. Allows the client to determine his or her
to get the malfunctioning equipment to
c. Requires treatment to be continued
b. Continue to use the malfunctioning
d. Promotes equity and prevents litigation
machine, hoping that it will function for the
night shift 62. The client’s physician informs him that he must
c. Ask the supervisor how to work with the receive chemotherapy or the client will die
malfunctioning equipment within 6 weeks. The client expresses to the
d. Replace the equipment or report it to nurse that he does not want the treatment. As
whomever is responsible for maintaining the client’s advocate the nurse should recognize
equipment in proper working condition that the client:
a. Has the right to refuse treatment to the
58. A client who is terminally ill tells the nurse
extent permitted by law
during a home health-care visit that he does
b. Must recognize the physician’s expertise
not want CPR when the time comes. What
and agree to the treatment
should be the nurse’s next action?
c. Has the right to ask for an early death
a. Document the request in the health care
d. Has an obligation to himself and his family
to accept the life-saving treatment
b. Talk to the family about this request
c. Obtain an order from the MD 63. The client tells the nurse to not inform family
d. Share this information with other members members about the medical diagnosis or to
of the home health care team share other details of the medical record. In
meeting this request, the nurse would be
59. Which situation would be an example of
upholding which of the following?
professional malpractice by a nurse?
a. Informed consent
a. An infant is injured as a result of incorrect
b. Confidentiality
information provided to the parents by the
c. Living will
nurse on the use of a child safety restraint
d. Advance directive
in the car
b. The nurse inadvertently throws away the 64. A nurse sees a motor vehicle accident and
container holding the client’s dentures stops to provide first aid. The nurse knows that
this action is protected by the Good Samaritan
Law. Which of the following items should the a. Reading the records of clients not assigned
nurse recall about the Good Samaritan Law? to the nurse to become more familiar with
a. It was created specifically for RNs disease processes
b. It differs in places b. Sharing information about an interesting
c. It does not provide liability for the nurse client with nurses from another unit that
responding to an emergency may eventually care for the individual
d. It hinders nurses for providing help during c. Allowing the client’s family to review the
an accident medical record in order to provide answers
to questions
65. A client with rheumatoid arthritis does not want
d. Sharing information about the client with
cortisone even if it is prescribed and informs
those involved in care for the purpose of
the nurse of this. Later, the nurse attempts to
planning nursing care
administer the cortisone that has been ordered
70. The Code of Ethics for Nurses provides
by the physician. When the client asks what the
information that's necessary for the practicing
medication is, the nurse gives an evasive
nurse to:
answer. The client takes the medication and
a. Document her nursing care appropriately
later finds that it was cortisone. The client
b. Make ethical decisions about patient care
states intent to sue. The decision in this suit
c. Use her professional skills in providing the
would take into consideration the fact that:
most effective holistic care possible
a. The nurse should have notified the
d. Strengthen and protect patient privacy
b. The nurse is required to answer the client
c. The client has insufficient knowledge to
make such a decision
d. The physician's order takes precedence over
Situation 15: Records contain comprehensive
a client's preference
descriptions of patient’s health conditions and
needs and at the same serve as evidences of
every nurse’s accountability in the care giving
Situation 14: In nursing, ethical codes provide process. Nursing records normally differ from
professional standards and formal guidelines institution to institution nonetheless they
for nursing activities to protect both the follow similar patterns of meeting needs for
nurse and the client. specific types of information.
66. An ethical conflict about a patient’s care has 71. This special form is used when the patient is
developed, and the nurse is unable to resolve admitted to the unit. The nurse completes the
the conflict. Which hospital resource would be information in this record particularly his/her
most appropriate for the nurse to consult about basic personal data, current illness, previous
the ethical dilemma? health history, health history of the family,
a. Hospital ethics committee emotional profile, environmental history as well
b. Quality improvement committee as physical assessment together with nursing
c. Chaplain diagnosis on admission. What do you call this
d. Nursing supervisor record?
a. Nursing Kardex
67. Four student nurses are discussing the Code of
b. Nursing Health History and Assessment
Ethics. The student who correctly understands
the purpose of the document is the one who
c. Medicine and Treatment Record
states that the purpose of the code is to do
d. Discharge Summary
which of the following?
a. Assure the public that nurses will display 72. These are sheets/forms provide an efficient and
ethical behaviors when providing client care time saving way to record information that
b. Compare the expected behavior of nurses must be obtained repeatedly at regular and/or
with other healthcare providers such as short intervals of time. This does not replace
physicians the progress notes. This records information on
c. Provide guidelines with respect to the care vital signs, intake and output, treatment,
of individuals, and for accountability to the postoperative care, post partum care, and
profession and society diabetic regimen, etc. What is this?
d. Prevent certain individuals from practicing a. Nursing Kardex
nursing by enforcing regulations that b. Graphic Flow Sheets
prohibit attainment of licensure c. Discharge Summary
d. Medicine and Treatment Record
68. The client is to undergo an invasive procedure.
While providing information about the 73. These records show all medications and
procedure, the nurse provides legal protection treatment provided on a repeated basis. What
of a client’s right to autonomy with which of the do you call this record?
following? a. Nursing Health History and Assessment
a. Informed consent Worksheet
b. Beneficence b. Discharge Summary
c. Good Samaritan Law c. Nursing Kardex
d. Advance directives d. Medicine and Treatment Record
69. A nurse is concerned about maintaining the 74. This flip-over card is usually kept in a portable
standards for client confidentiality. The nurse file at the Nurse’s Station. It has 2-parts: the
can perform the duties of the position and still activity and treatment section and a nursing
maintain client confidentiality by doing which of care plan section. This carries information
the following? about basic demographic data, primary medical
diagnosis, current orders of the physician to be that you should disclose to the prospective
carried out by the nurse, written nursing care subjects except:
plan, nursing orders, scheduled tests and a. Consent to incomplete disclosure
procedures, safety precautions in patient care b. Benefits, risks and discomforts
and factors related to daily living activities. This c. Explanation of procedure
record is used in the charge-of-shift reports or d. Assurance of anonymity and confidentiality
during the bedside rounds or walking rounds.
What record is this?
a. Discharge Summary
b. Medicine and Treatment Record
c. Nursing Health History and Assessment
d. Nursing Kardex