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Exit Policy

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The document outlines the exit policy and procedures for ITM including the types of separation, process for voluntary resignation, and steps to complete the exit formalities.

The four types of separation discussed are voluntary, involuntary, end of term of employment, and death.

For voluntary separation, the employee must submit a written resignation notice and adhere to the notice period. Leave will not be granted during the notice period.

Exit Policy

Effective Date: 1​st​ June, 2015

Prepared By Approved By
Name Date Name Date
Human Resource 18​ February 2015 Director 1​st​ June 2015

Change History:
Ver Section Changed By Date Change Information

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Acronym Definition
NDC No Dues Certificate
BU Business Unit
TDS Tax Deducted at Source
LTA Leave Travel Allowance
PF Provident Fund

This document provides details of the Policies being followed at ITM to ensure a smooth separation of
an employee.
This policy is applicable for separation of all employees across Departments and Functions of the
Institution. All employees involved at any stage of the exit of staff should be aware of and adhere
to the contents of this policy.
This policy and procedures aim to achieve the following objectives:
a) To explain in detail the steps involved in separation of employee.
b) To complete the separation process in a manner that would ensure that the employee gets his/
her full and final settlement as per the policy
c) To ensure that the handover process is completed in a manner that would ensure that
Institution interests are maintained.
d) To make reasonable efforts to determine reasons for employee’s separation in an effort to
improve Institution performance and employee retention

4. Types of Separation
There are four types of Separation:
a) Voluntary
b) Involuntary
c) End of term of employment
d) Death

a) Resignation is a voluntary separation initiated by the employee when the ​employee is desirous of
leaving the services of the Institution.
b) Employee needs to send a written communication to the immediate supervisor stating his /her
intent to resign. The application could be made preferably via email. Only in rare cases a
handwritten application is admissible.
c) All confirmed employees are required to give 30 days’ notice or 15 days incase the employee is
not confirmed. Employees in Grade range 1 need to give 90 days and Grade 2 need to give 60
days’ notice period.
d) The notice period starts from the date of acceptance of written resignation.
e) The HR department, based on the recommendation from the superior/HOD, will decide on the
employees last working day in the organization.
f) No leave shall be granted during the notice period. If availed, it will not be counted towards the
notice period, will not be paid for and the relieving date will get extended by the duration of the
leave taken.
g) Employee can buy out notice period by paying One month’s basic Salary In lieu of Notice period
or as specified in the Appointment letter. The decision to allow notice period buy out will be at
the discretion of the Director.
h) It is obligatory for the employee to finish the task in hand before the specified date of release and
hand over the completed assignment /task to the superior/HOD prior to the last working date.
i) Leave Balance will be en-cashed as per the leave policy. Any balance beyond the permissible
limit will lapse.
j) All certificates/forms/letters/documents will be put on hold if the employee does not complete the
separation process as per the laid-out policy. If the employee has any issues/ requests, then these
should be discussed and approved by Director and Human Resource.
k) While handing over the Institution property, the employee needs to ensure that the Institution
related data/information stored in the laptop/ iPad/ all electronic storage devices are intact and no
data is deleted. This will be verified by the person taking the handover / department head/ HR. If
any data is found tampered or missing, then strict action will be initiated.
l) The employee shall get the relieving letter and the experience letter on the date of relieving after
he/she has completed all the exit formalities. The employee will be notified about the full and
final settlement.

5.1 Process
a) Employee who wishes to separate from the services at ITM must initiate the process by
submitting a written notice of resignation to the Superior/HOD. This is required to confirm
the decision.
b) Superior/HOD should counsel the employee, if employee still insists to leave the Institution,
Superior/HOD acknowledges resignation in writing and forwards the letter of resignation to
Human Resource Department. A copy of the acknowledgment is sent to the Human Resource
Department with details of cause of resignation, consideration of Notice Period if part of
agreement and date of relieving.
c) Superior/HOD forwards confirmation of employee’s last working day to the Human Resource
d) The Human Resource Department writes to the employee to invite him/her for Exit Interview
and enclose an Exit Interview Questionnaire to complete in preparation for the interview. The
Exit Interview provides employee to freely express views about working with the Institution
and will be held in strict confidence. To ensure that the employee feels confident enough to
make constructive comments, the interview will be conducted by an appropriate member of
the Human Resource team.
e) The Human Resource Department issues a NDC Form based on the information provided by
the Superior/HOD.
f) Employee has to take signatures of authorized signatories of the departments as mentioned in
the NDC checklist.
g) The Superior/HOD will ensure complete handover from the exiting employee and give
clearance through NDC.
h) The completed form is submitted to HR for final settlement
i) Details of the process is summarized in the Process Chart (Annexure I).


a) After an employee, has submitted the resignation or confirmed intention to leave to the
superior/HOD, employee is expected to co-operate with the systematic planning of
handover of work assignments and work schedules within the team.
b) The salary for the month in which the employee’s resignation is accepted (minimum one
month) will be kept on hold and will be released along with the F&F settlement payments.
c) Either party may request that the notice period be waived by mutual agreement. If
employee subsequently wishes to withdraw the resignation, this may only be done by a
written request. It will be up to the Superior/HOD and Director to discuss and agree if this
can be accepted.

Involuntary termination though undesirable may be necessary in case of employee misconduct,
absenteeism, unsatisfactory performance, violation of service condition or terms of employment,
layoffs etc.
a) Involuntary exit of an employee needs be initiated only after the disciplinary procedure is
followed and where appropriate enquiry is conducted. The objective is to provide adequate
opportunity for the employee to present his/her case or provide period for improving
b) In case of Involuntary exit of employee, before any action is taken to discharge an employee,
the employees Superior/HOD must request a review by the HR department of all the
opportunities given to the employee to improve performance.
c) The Review committee consists of employees, HOD, Registrar and Director.
d) If the review committee recommends dismissal, HR and the immediate reporting authority
should notify the employee. HR should co-ordinate the exit process of such employee.
Employees on Training / Contract / Retainer ship for a specific, time-bound role will be relieved on
the last working day as per the contract terms. The contract automatically expires on the last date
of contract as mentioned in the terms of contract without further information or intimation from
a) If an employee remains absent without sanctioned leave or remains absent beyond sanctioned
leave originally granted or subsequently extended. As a first step, HR will send a written
email and registered AD Letter to the employee after 3 days of unreported absence, asking to
report to office.
b) If employee returns to work within 8 days from the commencement of such absence, then the
employee needs to give written explanation for such unapproved leave.
c) If the employee does not return to work after 8 days of receipt of the unauthorized leave
notice, then the employee will be considered as having voluntarily terminated his / her
employment without giving any notice and services will be terminated.

An employee on attaining the retirement age will superannuate from the Institution. Retirement age
for Non-Academic staff is defined as 60 and for Academic Staff as 65.
a) The employee will be superannuated on the last working day of the month in which
he/she is retiring
b) HR team will organize a farewell event on Campus and present token of appreciation
for the contributions made to the organization
c) Handing over process will be as per the resignation process.


A termination due to the death of an employee will be made effective as of the date of death
10.1 Process
a) Upon receiving notification of death of an employee, the reporting manager should
notify the HR department immediately​.
b) On receipt of advice that an employee has expired, HR will convey condolences in
writing to the immediate family.
c) HR will process any outstanding salary, leave entitlements and any other dues, as from
the last known working day.
d) The family members of the deceased employee, will be requested to handover all the
company property (including laptop and data) to HR. The handing over process should
be completed within 2 months of the death.
e) Death Certificate and nomination details needs to be submitted to HR.
a) On receiving No Dues form from Human Resource department, the employee must obtain
signatures from all concerned and return the checklist to HR department.
b) The employee is required to settle:
i. Loan repayment, if any
ii. Repayment of dues from the employee to the Organization
iii. Abiding by any bonds / undertakings with the Organization
c) The full and final amount will be paid to the employee after recovering all advances /
outstanding dues, if any.
d) The final settlement shall be done by cheque, and under normal circumstances the HR
department will dispatch the settlement cheque at the permanent address or the address
provided by the employee in the NDC form, within two months from the last working day.
e) Apart from salary payable for the due months and reimbursements, if any, will get added to
the full and final settlement.
f) Notice period amount where applicable, excess leaves availed, excess salary paid, TDS,
salary advance and any loan amount will be deducted from the final amount. The onus of
providing investment declaration for tax deduction is with the employee, which should be
given to the payroll team within 15 days of last working date. If the HR team does not
receive the data then, the final settlement will be completed basis the data available with HR
g) All items loaned or signed out to the employee by the company must be returned in full
working condition at least one day before the last working day. Any such items not returned
by that date will be billed to the employee at their cost and may be deducted from the final
settlement. These items include but are in no way limited to keys, card keys, laptops, office
equipment, etc.

a) The email for disabling the email id and removing names from all the group email ids is
to be sent by the HR representative, 3 days before the last working day of the employee.
IT department to remove the name from the email Groups, 3 days before last working
day of the employee. IT department will not disable email on instructions from any
other person. If the access to email is required to be kept active, the password will be
shared with the employee nominated by the Institution
b) On acceptance of the resignation HR department will send email to the employee
c) After discussion with Reporting Authority, HR will inform the employee the last
working day. RA or any other member will not inform the same.
d) HR to check the leave balances of the employee and update him/her. The leave balances
cannot be adjusted against the notice period.
e) As an ongoing process, HR representatives to publish list of employees exiting or exited
from the organization with the details of employee code, function, date of joining, date
of resignation, date of leaving, notice period status (completed or waived), type of exit,
status of final settlement, date of settlement initiated by the Institution, date of
settlement done, experience and relieving letter issued.
f) HR will share this list with Function Head and Payroll team.
g) Payroll department to update the list with the F&F amount, PF processing status and
F&F settlement status
h) HR representative to update employee database and all relevant databases related to
i) HR representative to collect PF form for clubbing with the final settlement payment.

Annexure II – No Dues Certificate

Annexure III – Detailed Checklist for HR department
Annexure I - Exit Process
HOD/ Reporting Authority HR Department Employee


HR Resignation Immediate reporting authority and head of dept Resignation Letter
EXIT-1 /HR to counsel the employee for
reconsideration who wishes to leave the
If employee still insists to leave the services of
the organization submits resignation to head of
department (HOD) through immediate
reporting authority
HR Acceptance Of The reporting authority will accept and Resignation Acceptance
EXIT-2 Resignation forward the resignation to HR department and Letter/Mail (Exit Form
consults HR on following issues - Cause of 1)
resignation, Acceptance, Consideration of
Notice Period if part of agreement, date of
relieving, alternate arrangement proposed.
HR Clearance from various HR issues the no dues certificate and No Dues Certificate
EXIT-3 departments resigning employee is responsible to get the (Exit Form 2)
clearance from all departments mentioned in
No Dues Certificate.
1. Employee to submit the filled in form to HR
HR Communication to HR department prepares the statement of dues F and F Form (Exit
EXIT-4 Payroll Department to be recovered if any from employee [eg. Form 3)
notice pay, loans and advances, surety amount
as per service bond or agreement, leave
encashment etc as applicable] and handover
the statement to employee to inform amount
due to him.
HR Collection of Dues HR department informs the amount due to
EXIT-5 employee. HR collects cheque/DD in the name
of the organization.

HR Mandatory Forms filled HR to prepare work experience certificate and Service Certificate (Exit
EXIT-6 relieving letter and get mandatory forms like Form 4)
PF, Gratuity etc. filled by employee. Relieving Letter (Exit
Form 5)
PF Withdrawal Form
HR Exit – HR Handover Once dues are paid and mandatory forms are
7 filled, HR to handover the service certificate
and relieving letter to employee on last
working day and get acknowledgement
signature & collect receipt of the copy.
HR department to enter the date of termination
in information system and inform IT
department to delete email id
HR Exit – Full and Final Process final payments due to employee -
8 Settlement salary for the days worked and other benefits
for which employee is eligible.
Make final payment.
HR Exit -9 Exit Interview HR department to conduct exit Interview Exit Interview
Form(Exit Form 6)
Annexure - III
Checklist for Issuing NOC (For HR Department)
1. Email and Email Groups:

a) Mail sent to IT team to suspend or close the email id: Mail sent to IT to disable access
to company internet, intranet, Campus Dimension, HRIS, or any other software –
access to which has been provided during the service
b) Remove membership from all the groups
c) Remove email id of the employee from any portals or websites or brochures where
the contact details are mentioned
2. Hand over/Recovery of ITM Property:
a) Cell Phone
b) Sim Card
c) Laptop
d) IPad
e) Personal /Desktop Computer
f) Dongle
g) Any Pen Drives or Memory sticks or CD's or such Media
h) Desk keys
i) Room keys
j) Keys of the cupboard etc
k) Designs and Materials
l) Inventory allocated
m) Stationery - Recovery of brochure, any letterheads, unused Business Cards and ITM

2. ITM data – student’s database, vendor database, back up of documents and folders, back up of
critical communication with vendors, customers and employees

a) List of work in progress or incomplete work

b) List of colleagues and employees informed about their dependencies and handover of
relevant information
c) List of customers/ vendors to be informed and charge taken over. Highlight any issues
or concerns to be handled or any open areas which are in discussion
d) Handover of customer/ vendor / employee related documents to the respective role

● Advance taken
● Amount due
● Amount settled
● Amount pending- If not settled, then agreed mode of settlement
● HR comments:
● Any pending legal or statutory obligations:
● Exit interview conducted-
a) Yes/ No
b) Date of interview
c) Conducted by (Name & Designation of Interviewer)
● Exiting employee given statement of F&F dues as a record

4. Updates to relevant stakeholders:

a) Exit information sent to Web management team to update information on Company

b) Exit information sent to Compliance team to update all compliance related records
c) If the employee is at the management level or is an authorized signatory then the
Banks and Government bodies should be updated
d) If employee terminated or left due to violation of service rules, then legal department
should be informed
i. Contact Police reference if required.
e) File transfer (copy)to Legal Dept for legal procedure

5. Documents to be collected from Employee:

a) Collect Form for consenting to release the Gratutity dues at the time of F&F
b) Collect PF withdrawal or Transfer form from the employee
c) Ensure that the employee has submitted Investment declaration proofs to the payroll
6. Deposit of PF form with the Consultant and PF office.

7. Updates to the employee

a) Inform ex-employee about submission of form to the PF office

8. File transfer to Records with marking the reason for separation

a) Voluntary for Health, Disability or transfer of spouse or other family reason such as
care for aged or care for new born etc
b) Resignation for better job, migration
c) Asked to resign for behavioral reasons
d) Asked to resign for fraud
e) Termination
f) Retirement on superannuation
i. death or accident
ii. suspension
iii. Recording a summary in Employee file
iv. Further action
v. Internal enquiry
vi. Cause of action
vii. Action taken, civil, criminal

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