Premixes For Medicated Feeding Stuffs For Veterinary Use
Premixes For Medicated Feeding Stuffs For Veterinary Use
Premixes For Medicated Feeding Stuffs For Veterinary Use
Where applicable, containers for powders comply with the Where applicable, containers for oral powders comply with
requirements of Materials used for the manufacture of the requirements of Materials used for the manufacture of
containers (3.1 and subsections) and Containers (3.2 and containers (3.1 and subsections) and Containers (3.2 and
subsections). subsections).
PRODUCTION Multidose oral powders require the provision of a measuring
device capable of delivering the quantity prescribed.
In the manufacture of powders for cutaneous application, Each dose of a single-dose powder is enclosed in an
measures are taken to ensure a suitable particle size with individual container, for example a sachet or a vial.
regard to the intended use.
In the manufacture, packaging, storage and distribution of PRODUCTION
powders for cutaneous application, suitable means are taken In the manufacture of oral powders, means are taken to
to ensure their microbial quality ; recommendations on this ensure a suitable particle size with regard to the intended
aspect are provided in the text on Microbiological quality of use.
pharmaceutical preparations (5.1.4). In the manufacture, packaging, storage and distribution
Sterile powders for cutaneous application are prepared of oral powders, suitable means are taken to ensure
using materials and methods designed to ensure sterility and their microbial quality ; recommendations on this aspect
to avoid the introduction of contaminants and the growth are provided in the text on Microbiological quality of
of micro-organisms ; recommendations on this aspect are pharmaceutical preparations (5.1.4).
provided in the text on Methods of preparation of sterile
products (5.1.1). TESTS
Uniformity of content (2.9.6). Unless otherwise prescribed
TESTS or justified and authorised, single-dose oral powders with a
Fineness. If prescribed, the fineness of a powder is content of active substance less than 2 mg or less than 2 per
determined by the sieve test (2.9.12) or another appropriate cent of the total mass comply with test B for uniformity of
method. content of single-dose preparations. If the preparation has
Uniformity of content (2.9.6). Unless otherwise prescribed more than one active substance, the requirement applies
or justified and authorised, single-dose powders for only to those substances which correspond to the above
cutaneous application with a content of active substance conditions.
less than 2 mg or less than 2 per cent of the total mass Uniformity of mass (2.9.5). Single-dose oral powders
comply with test B for uniformity of content of single-dose comply with the test for uniformity of mass of single-dose
preparations. If the preparation has more than one active preparations. If the test for uniformity of content is
substance, the requirement applies only to those substances prescribed for all the active substances, the test for
which correspond to the above conditions. uniformity of mass is not required.
Uniformity of mass (2.9.5). Single-dose powders for Uniformity of mass of delivered doses from multidose
cutaneous application comply with the test for uniformity of containers (2.9.27). Oral powders supplied in multidose
mass of single-dose preparations. If the test for uniformity of containers comply with the test.
content is prescribed for all the active substances, the test
for uniformity of mass is not required. STORAGE
Sterility (2.6.1). Where the label indicates that the If the preparation contains volatile ingredients, or the
preparation is sterile, it complies with the test for sterility. contents have to be protected, store in an airtight container.
General Notices (1) apply to all monographs and other texts 617
Preparations for inhalation EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 5.0