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[Dejen Agaziu……………………....ENG(R) /222/2002]
[Ermiyas Birhanu…………….……ENG(R) /279/2002]
[Habtamu Wubalem………….…....ENG(R) /381/2002]
Advisor ………………………………………………………Getasew T.

Jun-2013 GC
The Project is our own and has not been presented for a degree in any other university and all the sources
of material used for the project/thesis have been duly acknowledged.

Dejen Agaziu…………………………ENG(R)/222/2002…………………………………..
Ermiyas Birhanu……………………..ENG(R)/279/2002……………………..……………..
Habetamu Wubalem…………………ENG(R)/381/2002……………………………………
Name ID Signature

School: School of Computing and Electrical Engineering

Program: Information Technology

Project subject: Customer Management Service for Bahir Dar City Water Supply Service (Shumaboo Branch)

I certify that this project satisfies all the requirements as a project for the degree of Bachelor of Science.

Worku Kelemework
------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

Name of program coordinator Signature

This is to certify that I have read this project and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and
quality, as a thesis for the degree of Bachelor of Science.

------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

Name of Advisor …Getasew T…………….Signature ……………………………..

Examining committee members signature Date

1. Chairman _____________________ ________________ ____________________

2. Examiner 1 _____________________ ________________ ____________________
3. Examiner 2 _____________________ ________________ ____________________

It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid down by the
school of the university.
CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo


We would like to acknowledge the support of the Bahir Dar City Water Supply Service
Shumaboo branch stuff members. They have given the required all documents essential for the
study. Particularly Teshome Mulalem manager of the office, Getnet Adiss Information
Technology professional who allowed our group for interview at any time. We also would like
to express the deepest appreciation to our advisor Getasew T. who has supported us in the past 3
months by his valuable comments and corrections. He encouraged us to pursue on this topic and
spent extra time by helping our group to accomplish our study.
Finally, we also appreciate the help and support from all persons who were directly or
indirectly involved in our project.

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CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

List of Figures................................................................................................................................iv
Chapter one: INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1
Existing System Study............................................................................................................................3
Statement of the problem........................................................................................................................4
Proposed System.....................................................................................................................................4
Objectives of the Project.........................................................................................................................5
General Objective....................................................................................................................5
Specific Objective....................................................................................................................5
Scope of the project................................................................................................................................5
Data / requirement collection method......................................................................................5
System analysis & design methodology..................................................................................6
Software tools to be used.........................................................................................................6
Benefit and Beneficiary of the project....................................................................................................6
Benefit of the project...............................................................................................................6
Beneficiary of the project........................................................................................................7
Organization of the Project.....................................................................................................................7
Chapter Two: SYSTEM FEATURES..........................................................................................8
Hardware and Software Requirements....................................................................................................8
Hardware Requirements..........................................................................................................8
Software Requirements............................................................................................................8
User Requirements..................................................................................................................................9
Functional Requirements........................................................................................................................9
Non Functional Requirements...............................................................................................................10
Analysis Models...................................................................................................................................10
Actor Definition.....................................................................................................................10
Use case Diagram..................................................................................................................12
Use Case List and Descriptions.............................................................................................13
Sequence Diagram.................................................................................................................20
Activity Diagram...................................................................................................................33
Chapter Three: SYSTEM DESIGN...........................................................................................46
Deployment Diagram............................................................................................................................46
Architectural Design.............................................................................................................................48
Class Diagram.......................................................................................................................................48
User Interface Design...........................................................................................................................49
Data Structure Design...........................................................................................................................57
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)......................................................................................57
Table for ER-Diagram...........................................................................................................59
Normalization Table..............................................................................................................60
Schema Relationship Diagram..............................................................................................61
Algorithm Design.................................................................................................................................62
Appendix A...................................................................................................................................68
Questions asked during requirement gathering using interview............................................................68

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List of Figures
Figure 1: Use case diagram.....................................................................................................................................12
Figure 2: Sequence Diagram-Login........................................................................................................................20
Figure 3: Sequence Diagram-Apply registration....................................................................................................21
Figure 4: Sequence Diagram-Audit and Analysis...................................................................................................22
Figure 5: Sequence Diagram-Bill collects..............................................................................................................23
Figure 6: Sequence Diagram-View Message..........................................................................................................24
Figure 7: Sequence Diagram-Update Customer Information.................................................................................25
Figure 8: Sequence Diagram-Delete Customer Information..................................................................................26
Figure 9: Sequence Diagram-Order Maintenance...................................................................................................27
Figure 10: Sequence Diagram-Receive Maintenance Order...................................................................................28
Figure 11: Sequence Diagram-Update Maintenance Order....................................................................................29
Figure 12: Sequence Diagram-Enter Meter Read Value.........................................................................................30
Figure 13: Sequence Diagram-Generate Report.....................................................................................................31
Figure 14: Sequence Diagram-View Report...........................................................................................................32
Figure 15: Activity Diagram - Login......................................................................................................................33
Figure 16: Activity Diagram – Apply Registration.................................................................................................34
Figure 17: Activity Diagram – Audit and Analysis................................................................................................35
Figure 18: Activity Diagram – Bill Collect.............................................................................................................36
Figure 19: Activity Diagram – Update Customer Information...............................................................................37
Figure 20: Activity Diagram – Delete Customer Registration................................................................................38
Figure 21: Activity Diagram – View Message.......................................................................................................39
Figure 22: Activity Diagram – Order Maintenance................................................................................................40
Figure 23: Activity Diagram – Receive Maintenance.............................................................................................41
Figure 24: Activity Diagram – Update Maintenance Order....................................................................................42
Figure 25: Activity Diagram – Enter Meter Read Value........................................................................................43
Figure 26: Activity Diagram – Generate Report.....................................................................................................44
Figure 27: Activity Diagram – View Report...........................................................................................................45
Figure 28: Deployment Diagram............................................................................................................................47
Figure 29: Class Diagram........................................................................................................................................48
Figure 30: UI – Login Page.....................................................................................................................................51
Figure 31: UI – Customer Registration...................................................................................................................52
Figure 32: UI – Customer Maintenance Order.......................................................................................................53
Figure 33: UI – Update Maintenance Order............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 34: UI – Meter Read Input...........................................................................................................................53
Figure 35: UI – Update Customer...........................................................................................................................54
Figure 36: UI – Delete Customer............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 37: UI – Bill Interface..................................................................................................................................55
Figure 38: Printable Bill Format.............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Figure 39: Report On Customer Debt.....................................................................................................................56
Figure 40: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)......................................................................................................57
Figure 41: Table for ER Diagram...........................................................................................................................59
Figure 42: Normalization for the table....................................................................................................................60
Figure 43: Schema Relationship Diagram..............................................................................................................61

CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

 BDWSSO: Bahir Dar city Water Supply Service Office
 CD: Compact Disk
 DBMS: Database Management System
 ER diagram: Entity Relationship diagram
 GB: Giga Byte
 I/O: Input Output
 MYSQL: My Statement Query Language
 PC: Personal Computer
 PHPMYADMIN: Hypertext Pre Processor
 RAM: Random Access Memory
 SQL: Statement Query language

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The principal objective of this paper is to demonstrate and automate the capability in BDWSSO to conduct
effective, automated, accurately, and inexpensively.
The need for electronically controlled service, in the absence of customer to ensure constant and effective
service distribution is a serious demand. We therefore intend to provide a solution by constructing an electronic
system that has the capability of monitoring the service of the organization to the customers and at the same time
supply Registration and other related service to the customer when they need to access.
The project involves methods like data/requirement collection, system analysis and design(object
oriented approach).It also includes the use of hardware and software’s like operating system,
DBMS ,application software, PhpMyAdmin and the likes. DBMS for the purpose of database implementation,
Application software’s to develop user and administrative interface, PhpMyAdmin to providing the user with an
interface. From this project, we hope to build automatically effective and efficient system for BDWSSO.

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Bahir Dar water supply service office (BDWSS) has many activities; Such as, Customer registration, bill
calculating, maintenance etc. The system has employees like meter reader, bill officer, accountant, bill
collector, Bill Officerand technical supervisor to give service for their customers. The office use software
which is desktop application to generate the customers billing system and also they use manual system to
store back up files like file cabinets and suspension card. In general the office uses semi-automated system.
So, the project try to reduce this problem and enable the office system to have very fast service to their
customer and to become fully automated system by designing web based service management system for

CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo


Bahir Dar city water supply service office (BDWSSO) is a water supply organization which is in Bahir
Dar city. The organization is established in 1951 E.C as part of the city administration, with the name
called “Water section”. At that time, the office had only five employees’ water chemist, motor operator,
meter reading expert and two security bodies. BDWSS follows semi automated system to give service for
their customer. Until 1971 E.C the office had only 200 customers, which register to apply the service.
But, in 1970 this “Water section” builds its own office by 60,000 birr and become independent
organizational office by the name called BDWSSO, within 25 employees under the workplace. Currently,
the organization has many customers and employees.

CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

Existing System Study

The basic existing system functions of the organization are:
Customer registration
 It is done by customer service by collecting the necessary data from the user.
Bill calculation
 Customer’s data store and bill calculating was using computer software which have SQL 2008
 Backup data was stored in manually by using cabinet and suspension card and also CD, hard disk
 Customer must inform the office if his/her reading value was not done in timely manner by being
physically available at the office.
 The billing system was done from the hierarchy of meter reading to bill officer, then bill officer to
accountant and from accountant to bill collector and vice versa.
Report generation
 The organization makes a general report about the billing system once at the end of the month
and generates the report.
Maintenance reporting
 Customers inform physically to their technical supervisor when service maintenance was needed.
 Employees get feedback from their customers using suggestion box.
The following table shows current tariff of water consumption
Number Consumption Tariff/Birr
1 From 0 - 5 m3 2.90
2 From 5.1 - 10m3 4.40
3 From 10.1 - 25m3 6.10
4 From 25.1m3 and above 8.20

CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

The following table shows current water meter rent

Number Meter size Rental tariff
1 1/2” 2.00
2 ¾” 2.50
3 1” & above 3.00

Statement of the problem

BDWSSO is currently uses a semi automated system. As it is semi-automated, it has its own problems. Like;
 Since the billing information was circulated, the data will loss, and it takes time to manage it.
 Since customer registration is taking place in physically; it leads to wasting time.
 During requesting maintenance, the customers may spend unnecessarily expense and waste their time.
 The customers may not get the chance to request service of the organization 24/7(twenty four hours a
day and seven days a week).
 During the backup system of the office, it was not efficient if the documents were damaged.
 It may be difficult for customers to get the phone number or the location of the organization.
 During generating monthly report, it takes time and it may not be easy to manage and analyses the
monthly work due to massive collection of data and the generated report may not be accurate.

Proposed System
The proposed solution for BDWSSO is changing the semi-automated system into web based system by
creating dynamic web page for the organization. Unlike the existing system, which operates by registering
one customer at a time the online web based system can register many customers concurrently. The new
system can also help to found any files of the customers with in a fraction of seconds. With this new system
the organization gives efficient & time observance service for their customer.

CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

Objectives of the Project

General Objective
The general objective of the project is to automate the services of Bahir Dar water supply service office

Specific Objective
Here are some specific objectives that would together help us achieve the overall the project as follows:

 Study the existing system and find out the problem.

 Find the solution for the problem found in existing system.
 Design and build a particular model of this proposed system.
 Deploy the system and test it till it fits to the needs of the organization.

Scope of the project

The scope of this project is developing web based system for BDWSS organization.
This project is focused on the following points:
 Some activities related to customers. Like: customer registration, Customer Maintenance order
processing, meter reading, billing system processing, audit and analysis, bill report(weekly, and
monthly ), setting privilege for employee
 Automating the processes that have been done in the billing system.


Data / requirement collection method

There are different methods to collect information. From those the project uses the following tools and
methods to collect data from the organization.
 Observation (Documentation & material): use this method to get the right information about the
organization and also to understand how the existing system works.
 Interview: This methodology encapsulates two types of methods. These methods are closed and open
interview. So the team has selected an open interview for interviewing the manager and employees
for recognizing the existing working procedure of the organization. So the team was able be to gather
more information about the organization and requirements (see appendix A).

CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

System analysis & design methodology

For the system analysis and design part there are two models. These, structured and object oriented
approach. From those this project uses object oriented approach because it is efficient to show how the
data is organized, it also shows clearly the definition of the data of the system. In general, the project uses
the object oriented paradigm to develop the system.
As the whole for the methodology requirement we use spiral model for perfect movement and
finishing our project very well.

Software tools to be used

Have much software to do this project, but the most important are the following:
 MySQL- to create and design the database which used to store the information of the customers &
the employee of the organization.
 MS-Visio-to design the system analysis part of the project.
 MS-word- to prepare the documentation part of the project
 PHP scripting language and its own WAMP server: to implement the system and provide the user
of the system with an interface.

Benefit and Beneficiary of the project

Benefit of the project
The main benefits of this system as it is computerized web based system:
 It save the customers time when they want to access service from the organization.
 The Customers uses the system safely and gives comfort for them.
 It initiates and increases employee moral to do their task properly.
 It attracts other customer to join and register under the system.
 Introduces the office to technology and also facilitates technology throughout the coverage area,
as it is web based system.
 It motivates many customers to join the system, as it is easily accessible.
 It makes the office efficient and more profitable in a short period of time, as it follows fully
automated system and has many customers.
 It increases performance of the organization.
 Generates more secured information for each customer. (use)
 It makes smooth relation between the office and their customer.
 Generates and improves socio economic change to the society.
CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

Beneficiary of the project

The first beneficiaries of this proposed system is the customers who have knowledge on how to access
information from the internet and those of employee of BDWSSO. And the other user of this system the
organization by its own, everybody can join their organization simply and can understand how they
work, and understand what things they done. So, within a short time it becomes more profitable and

Organization of the Project

The project document is organized in 4-chapters. The first chapter contains introduction about the
organization and detail about what type of system, will be done in the project. It also contains the
schedule part of the project
The second chapter of the project document contains the system features (the requirement analysis)
part of the system, which shows the activities that will be done in the system diagrammatically using use
case diagram, Activity diagram, Sequence diagram, it also shows the relationship among them.
The third chapter is about the system design part which contains the Deployment diagram,
Architectural design (class diagram), User interface Design.
The last chapter of the project document is about the system implementation & coding part of the
project. It clearly shows the interfaces, implementation, testing part of the project.

CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo


In the requirement analysis (system features), divide the requirements into hardware & software, functional
and non-functional requirements.

Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements
For the new system to be efficient there is a requirement for specific hardware and software.
o Memory:
 Rocmendation:3GB RAM.
o Core i5
o Hard disk: to keep the permanent data.
o Flash Disk: 2GB to store & transfer data from one PC to another PC.
o Printer: to have a hard copy for the data.

Software Requirements
The client PC running the system may use any of the following operating system:
 Window server 2003, 2008:
 The client PC may use one of the following browsers:
 Internet Explorer  Mozilla Firefox

 Commit Bird  Google chrome……..etc

But the system needs to fulfill the following software:

 Operating system: MS-window 2003, 2008 server will be used for the system.
 Database management software (DBMS): is the mandatory one for the new system. To implement
the database easily, (MySQL) is recommended.
 Application software: to develop user and administrative interface it also used for connecting to the
database, Most MS-Office applications are appropriate.
 PhpMyAdmin: choose PHP scripting language which aims at providing the user with an interface
that is easy to learn and attractive.
 Macromedia Dreamweaver and notepad++: to edit the PHP code.

CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

User Requirements
User requirements are statements, in a natural language plus diagrams, of what services the system is
expected to provide to system users and the constraints under which it must operate. That describes user
goals or tasks that the users must be able to perform with the system. User requirements therefore describe
what the user will be able to do with the system. (Sawyer S.)
 The user interface shall be menu driven, it shall provide dialog boxes; help screens, drop down lists,
radio buttons, check boxes and text boxes for user input.
 The navigation from one screen to the other must be easy.
 The bill officer wants to get real report according to the report type.
 Customers will send service maintenance order to the target place.
 Buttons and labels would be indicating exact function that it represented known, example submit
represent save, add but not retrieve from database.
 All the system function will be compatible with the user.

Functional Requirements
Functional requirements These are statements of services the system should provide, how the system
should react to particular inputs, and how the system should behave in particular situations. It specifies
the software functionality that the developers must build into the product to enable users to accomplish
their tasks. (Sawyer I. a.)
 The system must have a dynamic website that provides successfully registration of customers
which are under the business rule of the office and generate report to interact with various users.
 The system should allow staff to login to the system using their username and password.
 The system should provide to modify record that is deleting, editing and inserting as well as
retrieving the required information.
 The system should display message when employees of the BDWSS and customers do their task
successfully or not when they insert invalid username and password.
 The system should display full information for the customer from the database to the interface of
the web page.
 The system should have well organized information storage and accessing mechanism.
 The system should allow generating report for the organization.
 The system must easy to enter meter read value to the database.
 The system must presents information of the customer and their monthly costs, and requests
service maintenance in secured manner.
 It is expected to solve the difficulty of managing overloaded customer registration, maintenance
order, bill calculating and other task successfully.

CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

Non Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements, as the name suggests, are requirements that are not directly concerned with
the specific services delivered by the system to its users. They may relate to emergent system properties
such as reliability, response time, and store occupancy. Alternatively, they may define constraints on the
system implementation such as the capabilities of I/O devices or the data representations used in
interfaces with other systems. Non-functional requirements, such as performance, security, or
availability, usually specify or constrain characteristics of the system as a whole.

 Since everything in the office is financial, the system of DBMS should be highly secured and
every users of the system should have their own privilege which in turn maximize the system
 The system calculates the customer’s bill rent, so it should give accurate result; so should be
 The system should have an easily understandable design in order for users to use it; this means the
system should be user friendly.
 The system provides quick and easy information analysis which in turn maximizes the overall
work efficiency.
 The system should be able to manage all the information incoming from the database and the
catalogue; Capacity Requirements.

Analysis Models
Actor Definition
Actors are portrayed in a use case diagram as a stick figure and represent external factors that will provide
interaction with the system.

Customer: A person who is using a web browser to access BDWSSO web based.
Bill Officer: an employee, who works on customer service office, which have the following
 Approve new customer application.
 She/he makes a decision when a customer is deleted or updated.
Bill reader: an employee in the Billing system, who is responsible to check the monthly or ant time
when the organization want to check reading data,
Bill officer: An employee who works on the billing system office, she/he coordinates the system and he
takes the customer’s monthly reading value from the bill reader calculate the value of each customer
using the system and transfer each result to the accountant and bill collector and also She/he responsible
to generate the report that reads by the bill collector using the system.

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Accountant: A professional person who performs accounting functions such as audits or financial
statement analysis, which responsible to takes the final value from the Bill officer and she/he asks the
customer to pay their fee depend on the calculated value. After the payment the Accountant must be
transfer the overall deposit of the customer to the Bill collector.
Bill collector: The Bill collector takes the deposit from the Accountant and check if exception was
happened, if not he/she approve the customers. This employee also has a privilege to read the generated
report that is done by the Bill officer.
Technical supervisor: An employee who works on the maintenance service of customers, they have the
following activities.
 It receives the maintenance order of the customers.
 It updates the order as much as possible.

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Use case Diagram

*Note: Deleting customer is not mean that totaly delete customers from the database, actualy mean temporarly
remove the data.
Figure 1: Use case diagram

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Use Case List and Descriptions

Use case name: Apply Registration

Identifier: UC1
Actor: Customer
Description: A customer requests service by using online application for BDWSSO web page.
Precondition: The customer should fullfil the business rule of BDWSSO.
Basic course of action: The customer:
 Open the home page.
 Click sign up form
 Enter the correct & all necessary information.
 Click submit button.
Post condition: The customer will join the organization and access online service from the office.

Use case name: Login

Identifier: UC2
Actor: Bill officer, Accountant, Bill collector, Customer service, Technician, Customer.
Description: A member login to BDWSS uses their appropriate user name and pasword.
Precondition: Must have valid username and password.
Basic course of action: The employee:
 Open home page
 Click sign in from the right top of the screen
 Enter Username and password.
 System validates the address.
 User login to the system.
 If not try again
 End use case.
Post condition: The employees enter to the System.

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Use case name: Audit and analysis

Identifier: UC3
Actor: Accountant
Description: The Accountant would receive the total cost from the customer that has been being used.
Precondition: The bill officer transfer the final calculated value to the Accountant
Basic course of action: The accountant:
 Open the homepage.
 Sign in
 Enter username and password.
 System validates the address.
 Click the customer payment page link.
 He/she receive payment from the customer’s according to the data; if the customers
had debit, add the penalty value (10 birr per month).
 After the payment process was finished, transfer the general data to the bill collector.
 Log out.
 End use case.
Post condition: The accountant take the payment from customers according to the calculated bill value,
audit and transfer to the bill collector.

Use case name: Bill collect

Identifier: UC4
Actor: Bill collector
Description: The Bill collector accumulates the overall financial value from the accountant and takes the
data of the customers from the bill officer to approve it.
Precondition: The Accountant must be finished the payment value and the bill officer must also be
transfer the original data of the customers to this employee.
Basic course of action: The Bill collector:
 Open the homepage.
 Sign in
 Enter username and password.
 System validates the address.
 Click the customer payment page link.
 Check
 The payment and the calculated data.
 Identifies the customers who have debit value.
 Approve.
 After the approving process was finished, transfer the data to the accountant and bill
 Log out. End use case.

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Post condition: The accountant takes the payment from customers according to the calculated bill value,
audit and transfer to the bill collector.

Use case name: View Message

Identifier: UC5
Actor: Customers
Description: The Customers of the system views their monthly bill value online and other announcement
Precondition: UC2.
Basic course of action: The customer:
 Open the homepage.
 If there is, see the announcement and advertisement.
 else
o Sign in
o Enter username and password.
o System validates the address.
o Click information button.
o See the monthly cost value
o Log out.
 End use case.
Post condition: The customer know monthly bill read value.

Use case name: Update customer information

Identifier: UC6
Actor: Bill Officer.
Description: Allow to update previously recorded customer data.
Precondition: UC1, UC2.
Basic course of action: The Bill Officer:
 Open the home page.
 Sign in
 Enter login address on the homepage.
 The system check is the correct address or not.
 Bill Officer enter customer ID of the intended customer.
 The system validates the customer ID.
 The system searches and display customer detail.
 Bill Officer enters new modification.
 System updates the information and displays it.
 Logout
 End use case.
Post condition: updated customer data.

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CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

Use case name: Delete customer.

Identifier: UC7
Actor: Bill Officer.
Description: Used to block customer from BDWSSO system service.
Precondition: UC2.
Basic course of action: The Bill Officer:
 Login to the Bill Officer page.
 Sing in
 Enter user name and password
 System validates the address.
 Search the customer information in their database by entering their appropriate ID.
 Block the customer.
 End use case.

Post condition: The customer will be blocked.

Use case name: Order maintenance

Identifier: UC8
Actor: Customer
Description: Allow customer to order maintenance for the office.
Precondition: UC1.
Basic course of action: The Customer:
 Open the homepage
 Sign in
 Enter user name and password
 Customer selects maintenance order form from the home page.
 The customer enters their ID.
 The customer enters maintenance detail in the form.
 The system responses whether message is transferred or not (fault tolerance).
 logout
 End use case.
Post condition: Maintenance order will be recorded to the system.

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CMS for Bahir Dar City Water supply Service (Shumaboo

Use case name: Receive maintenance Order

Identifier: UC9
Actor: Technician
Description: Receive, assign technician and approve customer maintenance order.
Precondition: UC9.
Basic course of action: The Technician:
 Open the homepage.
 Sign in
 Enter user name and password.
 System validates the address.
 Checks and see the problem and identify the customers who send the order.
 Take the order from the customer.
 logout
 End use case.

Post condition: Assign technician for the service being transferred.

Use case name: Update maintenance order

Identifier: UC10
Actor: Technician
Description: update the service order that would maintain.
Precondition: UC10
Basic course of action: The Technician:
 Open the homepage.
 Sign in
 Enter user name and password.
 System validates the address.
 Check the weather the required service is maintained or not
 If it was maintained
o Record the maintained service
o Calculate how much it cost to maintain
o Transfer the calculated cost to the accountant
o Update the received data to permanently
 Else try again to maintain the service
 logout
 End use case.

Post condition: Update the maintained service and reassign the technician to the unsolved service.
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Use case name: Meter read

Identifier: UC11
Actor: Meter reader and Customer
Description: Read the meter reader how much it count and enter the value to the system.
Precondition: know previous reading value
Basic course of action: The customer or meter reader:
 Read the value of the meter reader
 Take the data to the system
 Open the homepage.
 Sign in
 Enter user name and password.
 System validates the address.
 Option 1:
o If the reader were customer;
 Click send information link
 Click meter value button
 Enter the value that he/she read
 Click send button
 Option 2:
o If the reader were meter reader
 Click meter read value link
 Enter the value that he/she read
 Click send button
 logout
 End use case.
Post condition: Transfer the reading value to the system.

Use case name: Generate report

Identifier: UC12
Actor: Bill officer
Description: Generate report that was done monthly in the form of printable data.
Precondition: UC1, UC3, UC11.
Basic course of action: The Bill officer:
 Open the homepage
 Sign in
 Enter user name and password
 System validates the address.
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 Click report link
 Select report type that wants to generate then click preview.
 Click print button, logout, End use case.
Post condition: Generate report.

Use case name: View Report

Identifier: UC13
Actor: Bill collector
Description: view report that was done monthly.
Precondition: UC1, UC3, UC11.
Basic course of action: The Bill collector:
 Open the homepage
 Sign in
 Enter user name and password
 System validates the address.
 Click report link
 Select report type that wants to view.
 logout
 End use case.
Post condition: Generate report.

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Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged in time sequence. In particular, it shows the instances
participating in the interaction by their “lifelines” and the stimuli that they arranged in time sequence. It
does not show the associations among the objects. (Sawyer I. a.)

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Figure 2: Sequence Diagram-Login

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Figure 3: Sequence Diagram-Apply registration

Figure 4: Sequence Diagram-Audit and Analysis

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Figure 5: Sequence Diagram-Bill collects

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Figure 6: Sequence Diagram-View Message

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Figure 7: Sequence Diagram-Update Customer Information

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Figure 8: Sequence Diagram-Delete Customer Information

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Figure 9: Sequence Diagram-Order Maintenance

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Figure 10: Sequence Diagram-Receive Maintenance Order

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Figure 11: Sequence Diagram-Update Maintenance Order

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Figure 12: Sequence Diagram-Enter Meter Read Value

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Figure 13: Sequence Diagram-Generate Report

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Figure 14: Sequence Diagram-View Report

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Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams model is a high level business or processes or transitions between states of a class. In
this activity diagram tried to document the flow of logic for the major business processes.

Figure 15: Activity Diagram - Login

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Figure 16: Activity Diagram – Apply Registration

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Figure 17: Activity Diagram – Audit and Analysis

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Figure 18: Activity Diagram – Bill Collect

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Figure 19: Activity Diagram – Update Customer Information

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Figure 20: Activity Diagram – Delete Customer Registration

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Figure 21: Activity Diagram – View Message

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Figure 22: Activity Diagram – Order Maintenance

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Figure 23: Activity Diagram – Receive Maintenance

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Figure 24: Activity Diagram – Update Maintenance Order

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Figure 25: Activity Diagram – Enter Meter Read Value

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Figure 26: Activity Diagram – Generate Report

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Figure 27: Activity Diagram – View Report

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Chapter Three: SYSTEM DESIGN

This chapter of the project document which provides a system design of this project. This chapter
contains and describes about deployment diagram, architectural design, user interface design and data
structure design.

Deployment Diagram
Deployment diagrams show:
 The configuration of run-time processing elements and the software components,
processes, and objects that live on them. Software component instances represent run-time
manifestations of code units.
 The physical communication links between hardware items (machines and other sources,
such as printers).
 The relationship between physical machine and processes-what runs where?

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Figure 28: Deployment Diagram

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Architectural Design
A software system is a set of communicating entities that collaborates to perform task. The architectural
Design is a top level design which shows these entities, their relationships. Class diagrams or structure
charts may be used to represent architecture of a system.

Class Diagram
Class diagrams show the static structure of the model, in particular, the things that exist (such as classes
and types), their internal structure, and their relationships to other things

Figure 29: Class Diagram

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Database Design

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User Interface Design

Home interface of the office

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User interface is the external part of the system which is used to access and interact with the system

(A) UI- Login Page

Figure 30: UI – Login Page

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(B) UI- Customer Registration

Figure 31: UI – Customer Registration

(C) UI- Customer Maintenance order

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Figure 32: UI – Customer Maintenance Order

(E) UI- Meter Read Input

Figure 33: UI – Meter Read Input

(F) UI- Update Customer

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Figure 34: UI – Update Customer

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(H) UI- Bill Interface

Figure 35: UI – Bill Interface

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(J) UI- Report on Customer Who Has Debit

Figure 36: Report On Customer Debt

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Data Structure Design

Data structure design describes about data modeling and in this part Entity Relational Diagram, relational
mapping, and the likes are described. So, E-R diagram is appropriate to show this.

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

The entity relationship diagram describes the relationship between entities, cardinality and their

Figure 37: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

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ER Description
 Entity’s:- Bill officer, technician, message, bill, bill collector, report, registration, Bill Officer, meter
reader, water meter, accountant and customer
 Attribute: - First Name, Father Name, Sex, Cust_ID,Tel_No, Empl_ID, position, type, Date, kebele,
Report Date, Report Number, Report type, Current Read, meter size, Previous read, House_No,
Meter_No, Category, Consumption and Mainten_No.
 Relationship: Apply, view, order, update, delete, get value, receive, read, generate and collect

Entity Description
 Bill officer:
 Technician: The technician receives, update and assign the received maintenance order from
 Customer: The customers are the users of the system have their own privilege and a relationship with
Bill Officer, technician to gate service and submit monthly water meter value.
 Message: Information that post to all user of the system.
 Bill Collector: The employee that check the balance and debt value received by the accountant.
 Bill Officer: An employee that updates and delete customer.
 Meter reader: An employee who read water meter.
 Accountant: An employee who make audit and analysis the bill value of the customer.

Relationship Description
 Apply- This relationship shows that new customers apply registration to the system
 View- This relationship shows that the bill collector view the generated report by bill officer.
 Order- This relationship shows that the customer order maintenance service to the technician.
 Delete- This relationship shows that the Bill Officer delete the illegal customer from the database
 Generate- This relationship shows that the bill officer generate monthly report to the office.
 Receive- This relationship shows that the employee take the request service or report customer’s
 Read: This relationship shows that the customer or meter reader read the value of the water meter.

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Table for ER-Diagram

Cust_ID Name Sex House_No Tell_No Kebele

Maintain_ID Type

Msg_No Msg_Type Date
Bill Officer
Empl_ID Name Sex Position Tell_No

Water Meter
Meter_No MeterType MeterSize

Meter Reader
Empl_ID Name Sex Position Tell_No

Bill Officer
Empl_ID Name Position Position Tell_No

Bill Collector
Empl_ID Name Sex Position Tell_No

Empl_ID Name Sex Position Tell_No

Bill_Number Previouse read Current read Consumption Category Total

Report_No ReportType ReportDate

Figure 38: Table for ER Diagram

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Normalization Table
Normalization is a process that aims at achieving better designed relational database schemas through the user of
semantic information given by Functional dependencies and Primary keys, Normalization process takes a
relational schema through a series of tests to certify whether it satisfies conditions. The schemas that satisfy
certain condition are said to be in a given “NORMAL FORM’ and unsatisfied schema are decomposed by
breaking up their attributes into smaller relations that posses desirable properties. Normalization allows us to
organize data that it allows fast access and reduced space. (Elmasri; fundamentals of database systems, 2003).
Cust_ID Name Sex House_No Tell_No Kebele
First normal form (remove multi valued attributes)
Cust_ID First Name Father Name Sex House_No Kebele

Cust_ID House tell number Mobile Number

Empl_ID Name Sex Position Tell_No
First normal form (remove multi valued attributes)
Empl_ID First Name Father Name Position

Empl_ID Office tell number Mobile Number

Maintain_ID Type

Msg_No Msg_Type Date

Water Meter
Meter_No MeterType MeterSize

Bill_Number Previouse read Current read Consumption Category Total

Report_No ReportType ReportDate
Figure 39: Normalization for the table

Schema Relationship Diagram

Cust_ID First Name Father Name Sex House_No Kebele House_Tell_No Mobile_No

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CID MID Order _Date

Maintain_ID Type


Service_ID Type SCust_ID

Msg_No Msg_Type CID Cust_Cus Relation
Cust_Water Meter

Meter_No MeterType MeterSize CID

Water Meter_Meter Reader

Empl_ID MNo
Reg_No Date Time

Empl_ID RNo MNo

Report_No ReportType ReportDate EID
Empl_ID RPNo
Bill_Number EID
Figure 40: Schema Relationship Diagram

Algorithm Design

In this part we describe the algorithm of the operations or methods which found in class diagram using Pseudo code.
Pseudo code is one type of algorithm representation method by using English language.
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Pseoudocode Customer for registration
Method name=apply
Variable - FirstName
- Mobilenumber
If (*inputs are valid*)
Add to table Customer (FirstName, FatherName, Cust_ID, Sex, Kebele, HouseNumber, HomePhoneNumber, and
Mobilenumber )
Display “inputs are not valid try again!”
End if

Pseudo code Maintenance order

Method name= maintenance Order
If (*variables are valid*)
Add to table Maintenance (MaintenanceNumber, Type)
Display “inputs are invalid”
End if

Pseudo code for login

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Method name=login
If (*inputs are valid*)
(*select the previous username and password from database and compare with entered*)
If username = entered username and
Password = entered password
(*go to login page*)
Display “login error!”
Display “inputs are invalid try again!”

Pseudo code employee for registration

Method name=employee registration
Variable – Empl_ID
If (*inputs are valid*)
Add to table employee (Empl_ID, First_Name, Father_Name, OfficePhoneNumber, MobileNumber, and
Display “inputs are not valid try again!”
End if

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Pseudo code for Update Customer

Method name=updateCustomer
Variable - FirstName
- Mobilenumber
Search (*Cust_ID*)
If (*inputs are valid*)
Update table Customer set (FirstName, FatherName, Cust_ID, Sex, Kebele, HouseNumber,
HomePhoneNumber, and Mobilenumber)
Display “inputs are not valid try again!”
End if

Pseudo code for Delete Customer

Method name=deleteCustomer
Variable -Cust_ID

Search (*Cust_ID*)
If (*inputs are valid*)
Delete from table Customer (Cust_ID )
Display “inputs are not valid try again!”
End if

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Pseudo code Update for Maintenance order

Method name=updateMainOrder
Variable - Mainten_No
- Type

Search (*Mainten_No*)
If (*inputs are valid*)
Update table Maintenance set (Mainten_No, Type, and Order_Date)
Display “inputs are not valid try again!”
End if

Pseudo code for Audit and Analyze

Method name=audit||analyze
Variable - Cust_ID
-First Name
- Total
Search (*Cust_ID*)
If (*inputs are valid*)
Update table Customer_Bill set (Cust_ID, FirstName, FatherName, Bill_No, PreviousRead, CurrentRead,
Category, and Total)
Display “inputs are not valid try again!”
End if

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Pseudo code Register for meter value

Method name=audit||analyze
Variable -Cust_ID
- Total
If (*inputs are valid*)
Add to table Bill value (Cust_ID, CurrentRead, Date, Category, and Total)
Display “inputs are not valid try again!”
End if

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Sawyer, I. a. Requirement Engineering a good Practice.
Elmasri, R.

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Appendix A

Questions asked during requirement gathering using interview

Q1. What are the objectives of your organization?

Q2. What is the mission of your organization?
Q3. How many employees do you have?
Q4. How does your current system work?
A. Is it manual?
B. is it computerized?
C. is it semi automated?
Q5. If your answer for question number 4 is choice “b” or “c” what computer applications do you use?
Q6. How you make relationship with the customer?
Q7.What is the procedures or steps when customers get service of the organization?
Q8.What qualifications are expected from a customer who wants to register to the system?
Q9.How does you store customers and other information’s?
Q10.What are the problem that you get when the organization use the existed system?
Q11.How you prepare monthly or annually report?
Q12. What are the employees that included from the system?
Q13. How the bill calculating system was done?
Q14. If there is, what are the hierarchies that the bill system was going on?
Q15. How employees are make relationship with each other to do their task?

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