Handbook of Judicial Services
Handbook of Judicial Services
Handbook of Judicial Services
Introduction to
Judiciary Gold
Judiciary Gold is conceptualised as a pure Live Online Preparation Platform
for Judicial Service Examinations, by Team LegalEdge, to solve the peculiar
problems faced by the current ecosystem, including, but certainly not
limited to insufficient practice before the actual exam, non-completion of
the course timely, same faculties teaching all subjects (master of all trades,
jack of none!), no holistic approach to preparation, no Live Doubt Clearing
and much more! Judiciary Gold Live Online Course offers an unmatched
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Introduction to
Indian Judicial
Though India’s legal system stretches back Presidency town
centuries, its modern judicial system is shaped
A Federal Court at Delhi was established under
by the Constitution of India, which was
the Government of India Act 1935. This court
promulgated after India became independent
served as immediate precursor to current
from British rule in 1947. India has a single
Supreme Court of India. It was composed of a
integrated system of Judiciary in view of a
Chief Justice and not more than six judges. It
single Constitution. The judiciary in India acts
had original, appellate, and advisory
as the custodian of the Indian Constitution
jurisdiction. Its exclusive original jurisdiction
and the protector of the Fundamental Rights.
was in all disputes between the federation and
The Indian Judicial System is one of the oldest
the units or between the units of the proposed
legal systems of the World. The Indian legal
federation. Appeal from the federal court could
system was majorly influenced by the local
go to Privy Council without leave in case of
customs and the religion.
original jurisdiction and with leave for any
The Constitution created three branches of other matter. The Constituent Assembly
government at the federal level: The Executive, passed the Abolition of Privy Council
often called the Union or Central Government; Jurisdiction Act in 1949 to abolish the
the Parliament; and the Judiciary, referred to in jurisdiction of the Privy Council in respect of
the Constitution as the Union Judiciary. The appeals from India and also to provide for
judiciary is unified. The highest court in the pending appeals. With this, India’s supreme
judicial system, and the final appellate court, is Court was established at top of the unitary
the Supreme Court of India. judicial system in India.
History of Judicial System Hierarchy of Courts
Regulating Act of 1773 established for the first The judicial system in India is integrated and
time the Supreme Court of Fort Williams in pyramidal in structure with the Supreme Court
Calcutta in 1774, consisting of the Chief at the top and the High Court and the other
Justice and three judges (later reduced to two) Subordinate Courts at the lower levels.There
appointed by the Crown acting as King’s court. are various types of Courts in India, each has
This court was adorned with powers such as different powers depending on the tier and
power to punish for its contempt, power to try jurisdiction conferred on them. They function
civil & criminal cases, ecclesiastical and according to the set hierarchy of the courts.
admiralty jurisdiction etc.
The year 1861 constituted a conspicuous Supreme Court
landmark in the process of development of Article 124(1) of the Indian Constitution states
legal and judicial institutions in India. It was that there shall be a Supreme Court of India
during this year that the steps were taken to constituting of a Chief Justice of India. Initially,
establish High Courts at Calcutta, Madras and the Supreme Court of India consists of the
Bombay. These High Courts were not only Chief Justice of India and seven other judges.
better instruments of justice than the The strength of Supreme Court has been
preceding courts, but also represented the increased to 34 recently (33+1) and the current
amalgamation of the hitherto existing two number of judges are 30 in Supreme Court. The
disparate and distinct judicial systems, the Supreme Court of India is the highest court of
Company’s Courts in the Provinces of Bengal, appeal and is vested with various powers, it
Bombay Madras, and the three Supreme exercises original, appellate and advisory
Courts(established by the Royal Charter) in the jurisdiction.
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High Court which have been committed within its territory
and also which is within the pecuniary limits of
Article 214 of the Indian Constitution states
the court. The District Court is the highest
that there shall be a High Court for each State.
court of appeal for civil cases in the lower
The High Court consist of one Chief Justice
judiciary while Munsiff court is the lowest court
and other judges. The President appoints the
of appeal for civil cases in the district.
Chief Justice of the High Court in consultation
with the Chief Justice of India while other Criminal wrong is a wrong against the whole
judges were appointed by the President in society and not only against the victim. The
consultation with the Governor of the state, hierarchy of the Criminal Courts in India is
Chief Justice of the High Court as well as the given in Section 6 of the Criminal Procedure
Chief Justice of India. The total number of High Code, 1973 which is given as follows:
Courts in India are 25 in number. Session Court
Lower Courts or Lower Judiciary Judicial Magistrate of the first class
Supreme Court and High Courts are Judicial Magistrate of the second class
empowered to hear both civil as well as
Executive Magistrate
criminal cases but in lower judiciary, there is
division of Civil and Criminal Courts. The judges of the Criminal courts derive their
power from Criminal Procedure Code, 1973
Civil courts deal with the cases or offences
where the maximum punishment that can be
that are committed against a private individual
awarded by the judges has been provided
and not against the State unlike in criminal
under Section 27-29 of Criminal Procedure
cases where the offence is committed against
Code, 1973.
the State. It includes District Court, Additional
District Court, Munsiff court and Court of small The three-layer judicial system is necessary for
causes for metropolitan cities. In India, the the proper functioning of the judiciary in a big
hierarchy of Civil Courts is based on the country like India to ensure proper justice to
territorial and pecuniary jurisdiction of the the citizens of a country.
courts. Civil Courts can deal with the cases
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Designation Earlier (Rs) After Amendment of 2018 (Rs)
Chief Justice of India 1,00,000 2,80,000
Other Judges of the Supreme Court 90,000 2,50,000
Chief Justice of High Court 90,000 2,50,000
Other Judges of High Court 80,000 2,25,000
Sanctioned number of Judges-
• The Supreme Court (Number of
Judges) Amendment Bill, 2019 was
introduced in Lok Sabha on August 5,
2019 by the Minister of Law and
Justice, Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad. The
Bill amends the Supreme Court
(Number of Judges) Act, 1956.
• The Act fixes the maximum number
of judges in the Supreme Court at 34
judges (excluding the Chief Justice of
Total number of High Courts in India,
Vacancy and Sanctioned Strength
There are 25 High Courts in India. The
number of total judges sanctioned in
these high courts are 1079 of which
771 judges are permanent and
remaining 308 sanctioned for
additional judges. As of September 1,
2020, 398 of the seats (about 36%)
are vacant.
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Introduction to Judicial
Service Examinations of
Various States
Arunachal Pradesh
Total questions : 100 Number of Papers : Four
Sectional Breakup : General Knowledge, Sectional Breakup : English - 100 marks,
Aptitude, English and Knowledge of Law. General Knowledge - 100 marks, Law Paper- I
Detailed Syllabus : General Knowledge, Current and Law Paper- II each of 100 marks.
Affairs, Aptitude, Constitution of India, Code Detailed Syllabus : "(1) English-100 marks
of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure Code, (a) Essay Writing (b) Precis Writing
Transfer of Property Act, Indian Contract Act,
Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act, Law of (c) Grammar etc.
Torts (2) General Knowledge-100 marks
Weightage of Local Laws : Nil (a) Objective Type (b) Aptitude Test.
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : No (3) Law Paper-I 100 marks
Total marks : 100 (a) Constitution of India
Duration : 120 minutes (b) Code of Civil Procedure
(c) Transfer of Property Act
(d) Indian Contract Act.
(4) Law paper -II 100 marks
(e) Indian Penal Code
(f) Criminal Procedure Code
(g) Indian Evidence Act
(h) Law of Torts"
Total marks : 400
Final Cutoff of the last examinations held :
Final cut off including interview for candidate
from unreserved category: 338.67 (Mains only:
286)Final cut off including interview for
candidate selected under APST category:
313.33 (Mains only: 260)
Duration : 3 hours for each paper
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100 Number of Papers : Five
Sectional Breakup : General Knowledge, Sectional Breakup : English - 100 marks,
Aptitude, English and Knowledge of Law, General Knowledge - 100 marks, Law Paper- I
Proficiency in local language of Assam. and Law Paper- II each of 100 marks, Local
Weightage of Local Laws : No weightage to Language- 50 marks.
local laws but local language Detailed Syllabus : "(1) English-100 marks
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : No (a) Essay Writing (b) Precis Writing
Total marks : 100 (90+ 10 for local language) (c) Grammar etc.
Duration : 120 minutes (2) General knowledge-100 marks
(a) Objective Type (b) Aptitude Test.
(3) Law Paper-I 100 marks
(a) Constitution of India
(b) Code of Civil Procedure
(c) Transfer of Property Act
(d) Indian Contract Act.
(4) Law paper -II 100 marks
(e) Indian Penal Code
(f) Criminal Procedure Code
(g) Indian Evidence Act
(h) Law of Torts (5) Paper to test proficiency of
local language (qualifying)- 50 marks"
Total marks : 450
Duration : Not less than 2 hours for each paper
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100+150= 250 Number of Papers : Eight
Sectional Breakup : General Studies, law Sectional Breakup : "General Knowledge/General
Studies including current affairs-150m, Elementary
Weightage of Local Laws : General Knowledge General Science-100m, General Hindi-100m
including Current affairs, Elementary General (qualifying nature-30 min qualification), General
Science, Law of Evidence and Procedure, English-100m (qualifying nature-30 min
Constitutional and Administrative Law of qualification), Law of Evidence and Procedure
India, Hindu Law and Mohmmedan Law, Law of -150m, out of these 3 subject to be chosen
Transfer of Property, Principles of Equity, Law [Constitutional Law of India and England-150m,
Hindu and Mohammedan Law-150m, Transfer of
of Trust and Specific Relief, Law of Contract
Property Act, Principles of Equity , Law of trust and
and Torts, Commercial Law. Specific Relief Act-150m, Law of Contract and
Weightage of Local Laws : No. Torts-150m, Commercial Law-150m]"
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : No Detailed Syllabus : General English (unseen passage
for summary or précis writing, letter writing and
Total marks : 250 (100 for GS and 150 for Law) others), General Knowledge (Indian History, Culture,
Cut off of the last examinations held : Geography, Polity, Current events, Currencies &
Unreserved- 163, Unreserved (Female)- 153, Capitals & static GK), Elementary General Science
(It tests matters of everyday observation and
SC- 109, SC (Female)- 79, ST- 122, ST
experience in scientific aspects), Law of Evidence
(Female)- 107, EBC- 111, EBC (Female)- 83, and Procedure (Indian Evidence Act (1872), Civil
BC- 133, BC (Female)- 119, Disabled- 135 Procedure Code (1908), Arbitration and Conciliation
Duration : 180 minutes Act of 1996, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973,
Provincial Small Cause Courts Act), Constitutional
and Administrative Law of India (Constitution of
India - Article 1 to 395 and Schedules,
Administrative Law of India and Delegated
Legislation, Control of Delegated Legislation -
Judicial &Legislative, Fair Hearing; Rules of Natural
Justice; Rules Against Bias; Audi Alteram Partem,
Tribunals and Quasi-Judicial Authorities; Judicial
Control over them, Regulatory Authorities, Judicial
Review of Administrative Action, Writ Jurisdiction
and Statutory Judicial Remedies, Scope, Extent &
Distinction, Public Interest Litigation, Tortuous
Liability of State and Compensation, Promissory
Estoppel, Legitimate Expectation & Doctrine of
Proportionality, Government Contracts,
Ombudsman), Law of Contracts and Torts (Indian
Contract Act, General Principles of Liabilities,
Remedies, Nuisance, False Imprisonment, Injuries to
Domestic and Contractual Relations, Wrongful
Dismissal, Defamation, The Rule in Rylands v
Fletcher Yrs. Fletcher Deceit, Conspiracy, Malicious
Prosecution), Commercial Law (Sale of Goods,
Negotiable Instruments, Company Law and
Final Cutoff of the last examinations held :
Unreserved- 440, SC- 356, SC(Female)- 342, ST-
364, EBC- 367, EBC(Female)- 346, BC- 401, Disable
(OH)- 405
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100 Number of Papers : Three
Detailed Syllabus : Indian Penal Code, Code of Detailed Syllabus : Framing of issues and
Civil Procedure, Code of Criminal Procedure, writing of civil judgments- 40 marks, framing
Indian Evidence Act, Constitution of India, of charges and writing of judgment in criminal
Transfer of Property Act, Contract Act, cases- 40 marks, translation- English to Hindi,
Limitation Act, CG Rent Control Act, Court Hindi to English- 10 marks each
Fees Act, Specific Relief Act, Registration Act, Total marks : 100
CG Land Revenue Code, Negotiable
Instrument Act, Chhattisgarh Excise Act
Weightage of Local Laws : CG Rent Control
Act, CG Land Revenue Code, Chhattisgarh
Excise Act
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : Yes
Total marks : 100
Duration : 120 minutes
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100+150 Number of Papers : Two
Sectional Breakup : Knowledge of Law including Local Laws, Sectional Breakup : Civil law and Criminal Law- 100 marks
General Studies. *Candidates should have sufficient each
knowledge of Konkani and Marathi languages and that, he / Detailed Syllabus : "Paper I i) The Indian Contract
she should be able to speak, read & write Konkani and Act, 1872
Marathi and be able to translate with clarity and ease
Konkani & Marathi into English and vice versa. Candidates ii) The Specific Relief Act, 1963
will have to submit a certificate as per the required format iii) The Limitation Act, 1963
attesting their language ability.
iv) Sale of Goods Act, 1930
Detailed Syllabus : I"i) The Constitution of India
v) Indian Partnership Act, 1932
ii) The Indian Contract Act, 1872
vi) The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
iii) The Specific Relief Act, 1963
vii) Transfer of Property Act, 1882
iv) The Limitation Act, 1963
viii) The Easement Act, 1882
v) Sale of Goods Act, 1930
ix) Family Laws in Goa including Hindu Laws and
vi) Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Muslim Laws
vii) The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 x) Land Laws
viii) Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (a) The Goa, Daman & Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act,
ix) The Easement Act, 1882 1964
x) Family Laws in Goa including Hindu Laws and Muslim (b) The Goa, Daman & Diu Mundkars (Protection
Laws from Eviction) Act, 1975
xi) Land Laws (c) The Goa, Daman & Diu Buildings (Lease, Rent &
Eviction) Control Act, 1968 and Rules, 1969
(a) The Goa, Daman & Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1964
Paper – II
(b) The Goa, Daman & Diu Mundkars (Protection from
Eviction) Act, 1975 i) The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
(c) The Goa, Daman & Diu Buildings (Lease, Rent & Eviction) ii) The Indian Penal Code, 1860
Control Act, 1968 and Rules, 1969 iii) The Evidence Act, 1872
xii) The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 iv) The Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes
xiii) The Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
xiv) The Evidence Act, 1872 v) The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
xv) The Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of vi) Essay on Current Legal Topic (Approximately 800
Atrocities) Act, 1989 xvi) The Negotiable Instrument Act, words)"
1881. Also, general studies." Total marks : 200
Weightage of Local Laws : "i) Family Laws in Goa including Final Cutoff of the last examinations held : 103
Hindu Laws and Muslim Laws
Duration : 3 hours each
ii) Land Laws
(a) The Goa, Daman & Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1964
(b) The Goa, Daman & Diu Mundkars (Protection from
Eviction) Act, 1975
(c) The Goa, Daman & Diu Buildings (Lease, Rent & Eviction)
Control Act, 1968 and Rules, 1969"
Total marks : 250
Duration : 120 minutes
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 150 Number of Papers : Four
Detailed Syllabus : "General Knowledge, Current Sectional Breakup : "I) GK & Language- 150 marks
Affairs, English Language, II) Civil Law-I- 200 marks
Constitution of India, Evidence Act, Limitation Act, III) Civil Law-II- 200 marks
Code of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure Code,
Indian Penal Code, Contract Act, Partnership Laws, IV) Criminal Law- 200 marks"
Arbitration Law, Specific Relief Act, Transfer of Detailed Syllabus : "Section-I- General Knowledge
Property Act, Sale of Goods Act, & Language
Negotiable Instruments Act, Indian Succession Act, Current Affairs
Hindu Succession Act, The Prevention of
General Knowledge
Corruption Act, The
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act
(POCSO Act), The Recovery of Debts and Translation
Bankruptcy Act (DRT Act), Precis Writing
The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial You will be given two passages for translating from
Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act English to Hindi (in Devanagari Script) and Hindi to
(SARFAESI Act), English
Motor Vehicles Act, Industrial Disputes Act, Section II – Civil Law-I
Payment of Wages Act, Workmens Compensation
Act, Minimum Wages Indian Contract Act
Act, Factories Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, The Indian Sale of Goods Act
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Indian Partnership Act
Act, Commercial Specific Relief Act
Courts Act, Provident Funds Act, Information Hindu Law
Technology Act (IT Act) and Trade Marks &
Copyright Laws" Mohammadan Law
Weightage of Local Laws : Nil Delhi Rent Control Act
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : Yes Law of Torts. Section III – Civil Law-II
Total marks : 150 Civil Procedure Code
Duration : 120 minutes Law of Evidence
Law of Limitation & Law of Registration
Section IV – Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Code,
Indian Penal Code
Indian Evidence Act"
Total marks : 750
Duration : The duration of Paper I shall be 2 hours
and of Papers II, III and IV shall be 3 hours.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Himachal Pradesh
Total questions : 100 marks each Number of Papers : Five
Sectional Breakup : "The preliminary Detailed Syllabus : "PAPER-I Civil Law-I: Code
examination shall be an Objective type of Civil Procedure, Indian Evidence Act, Indian
examination Stamp Act, Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976
consisting of the following three papers of 100 and Specific Relief Act- 200 Marks
Marks each:- PAPER-II Civil Law-II: Indian Contract Act,
Civil Law-I Hindu Law, Indian Limitation Act, Transfer of
Property Act and H.P. Urban Rent Control Act-
Civil Law-II 200 Marks
Criminal Law" PAPER-III Criminal Law: Indian Penal Code,
Detailed Syllabus : Syllabus for the preliminary Criminal Procedure Code, Chapter-XVII
examination shall be the same as provided for (section 138 to 143) of the Negotiable
Paper-I to III for the Main examination. Instruments Act, H.P. Excise Act-2011 as
Weightage of Local Laws : H.P. Excise Applicable to the State of H.P., Wild Life
Act-2011 as Applicable to the State of H.P.. HP Protection Act and Indian Forest Act- 200
Courts Act Marks
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 125 Number of Papers : Five
Detailed Syllabus : Same as mains exam Sectional Breakup : Civil Law, Criminal Law,
except language test (discussed below) Local Law
Weightage of Local Laws : Punjab Courts Act, Detailed Syllabus : "Paper I: Civil Law I- Code
Haryana Urban (Control of Rent and Eviction) of Civil Procedure, Punjab Courts Act, Indian
Act Contract Act, Indian Partnership Act, Sale of
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : Yes Goods Act, Specific Relief Act, Indian Evidence
Act, Haryana Urban (Control of Rent and
Total marks : 500 Eviction) Act- 200 marks, Paper II: Civil Law II-
Duration : 120 minutes Hindu Law, Mohammedan Law and Customary
Law, Law of Registration and Limitation- 200
marks, Paper III: Criminal Law- Indian Penal
Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Indian
Evidence Act- 200 marks, Paper IV: English-
English Essay- 100 marks, Precis- 25 marks,
Words and Phrases- 25 marks,
Comprehensions- 25 marks, Corrections- 25
marks, Paper V: Hindi- 100 marks.
Total marks : 900
Final Cutoff of the last examinations held :
Unreserved- 473, SC (Haryana)- 414.5, BC-A-
412, BC-B- 405
Duration : Each paper will be of three hours.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Jammu and Kashmir*
Sectional Breakup : Paper I- 225 Marks Number of Papers : 12
Paper II- 225 Marks Sectional Breakup : General Knowledge,
Detailed Syllabus : Paper-1 Limitation Act, English Essay and Law
Evidence Act, Ranbir Penal Code,Indian Detailed Syllabus : COMPULSORY PAPERS
Constitution Law and Constitution of Jammu Paper –I
& Kashmir,Criminal Procedure Code & General
Knowledge (a) English Essay.
Paper-2 Registration Act, Transfer of Property (b) Translation from English into Urdu or Hindi
Act, Rules & orders for the guidance of & vice versa.
Subordinate Courts (Civil&Criminal) & Circular (c) Precis.
orders issued by High Court, Right of Prior
Purchase Act, Financial Code Volume I & II, Paper –II
Kashmir Service Regulation Chapters III to XIII (a) General Knowledge.
and XXII and XXIII, Civil Procedure Code
(b) Indian Constitution Law and Constitution
Weightage of Local Laws : Ranbir Penal Code, of Jammu and Kashmir State
Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir, Rules &
Paper –III
orders for the guidance of Subordinate Courts
(Civil&Criminal) & Circular orders issued by (a) Criminal Procedure Code.
High Court, Right of Prior Purchase Act, (b) Evidence Act.
Financial Code Volume I & II, Kashmir Service
(c) Ranbir Penal Code.
Regulation Chapters III to XIII and XXII and XXIII
Paper –IV
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : Yes
(a) Financial code Volume I & II.
Total marks : 450
(b) Kashmir Service Regulation Chapters III to
Cutoff of the last examinations held : Subject
to minimum qualifying marks as may be fixed
by the Commission at its discretion, the (c) Rules and orders for the guidance of
number of candidates to be admitted to the Subordinate Courts (Civil and Criminal) and
Main Examination shall be, as far as Circular orders issued by the High Court.
practicable,1/3rd of the total number of Paper –V
candidates who appeared in the preliminary
(a) Civil Procedure Code. (b) Limitation Act.
examination or twenty five times the total
number of vacancies to be filled in the service (c) Jammu and Kashmir Registration Act.
whichever be lower. Paper –VI
Duration : Paper-1 120 minutes (a) Transfer of Property Act.
Paper-2 120 minutes (b) Right of Prior Purchase Act.
(c) Houses and Shops Rent Control Act.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
(a) Hindu Law.
(b) Mohammedan Law.
(c) Customary Law of the State.
(a) Law of Companies. (b) Insurance Law.
Principles of Equity including the Law of Trusts
and specific Relief.
(a) Jammu and Kashmir Contract Act.
(b) Law of Torts.
(a) Suits Valuation Act.
(b) Court Fee Act.
(c) Stamp Act.
(d) Agriculture Relief Act.
(e) Excise Act and Rules.
(a) Land Revenue Act.
(b) Tenancy Act.
(c) Land Alienation Act.
(d) Land Acquisition Act."
Total marks : each paper of 100 marks
Final Cutoff of the last examinations held :
"Minimum marks are 40% in each written
paper and aggregate of 50% to qualify for an
interview. Relaxation of 5% each has been
made for SC/ST/PWD.Candidates obtaining
such minimum qualifying marks, subject-wise
and in the aggregate, as may be fixed by the
Commission after considering the results of
the examination and the number of vacancies
to be filled, shall be summoned by it for
Duration : 3 hours for each paper
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100 Number of Papers : 4
Sectional Breakup : General English, General Sectional Breakup : Law and language test
Knowledge including Current Affairs & Law with Essay Writing & Translation
Detailed Syllabus : Specific Relief Act, Indian Detailed Syllabus : Paper – I
Evidence Act, Constitution of India, Code of Procedural Law (The Code of Civil Procedure,
Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure 1908 and The Code of Criminal
Code,Transfer of Property Act, Principle of Procedure,1973).
Hindu Laws, Principle of Muslim Laws, Indian
Penal Code, Jurisprudence & Personal Law The Indian Penal Code, 1860.
Weightage of Local Laws : Nil The Limitation Act, 1963.
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : No The Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
Total marks : 100 Paper-II
Cutoff of the last examinations held : No The Contract Act, 1872
candidates, irrespective of the marks obtained The Sales of Goods Act, 1930
by him in the Main Examination, shall be The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
eligible for selection for appointment, if he
obtains less than minimum prescribed marks in The Transfer of Property Act, 1882
the Viva-Voce Test. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
The final selection list shall be prepared on the Paper – III
basis of the marks obtained in the Main
The Hindu Law and The Mohammedan Law
Examination and the Viva-Voce Test both.
The Specific Relief Act, 1963
Duration : 2 hours
Rent Control Law
Paper - IV
Hindi & English language test with Essay,
writing, Translation & Paraphrasing"
Total marks : 400 (100 marks for each paper)
Duration : 3 hours for each paper
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100 Number of Papers : 4
Sectional Breakup : Law & General Knowledge Sectional Breakup : Translation, Law and
Detailed Syllabus : Part-A Code of Civil Judgement writing
Procedure, 1908, Negotiable Instruments Act, Detailed Syllabus : Paper I:
1981, Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Indian Depositions.
Contract Act, 1872, Specific Relief Act, 1963,
Indian Constitution, Karnataka Rent Act, 1999 Translation of Passages in English into
Part B Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973,
Indian Penal Code, 1860, Indian Evidence Act, Documents.
1872 Translation of Passages in Kannada into
Part C General Knowledge – Test of Reasoning English.
and Mental Ability" Judgments etc.
Weightage of Local Laws : Karnataka Rent Act, Paper-II:
1999 The Constitution of India.
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : No The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
Total marks : 100 Principles of Pleading.
Cutoff of the last examinations held : Minimum The Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
marks for passing in the Preliminary
Examination shall be 50 for candidates Paper III:
belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Writing of Judgments in Civil Cases.
Tribes and 60 for others.
The framing of Issues.
Duration : 2 hours
Paper IV:
Writing of Judgments in Criminal Cases.
Framing of Charges
Total marks : 400 (100 marks for each paper)
Final Cutoff of the last examinations held :
Minimum marks for pass in each paper of the
Main Written Examination shall be 40 for
candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes and 50 for others.
Duration : 3 hours for each paper
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100 Number of Papers : 4
Sectional Breakup : Law, Legal G.K., Reasoning Sectional Breakup : English Grammar, Law and
& Mental ability Judgement writing
Detailed Syllabus : Part-A Kerala Building Detailed Syllabus : Paper I
(Lease and Rent Control Act) English Grammar | General Essays
Weightage of Local Laws : Kerala Building Translation of Malayalam | Depositions/
(Lease and Rent Control Act) Documents in English and vice-versa | Precis
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : Yes writing
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Madhya Pradesh
Total questions : 150 Number of Papers : 4
Sectional Breakup : Civil law & Procedure,
Sectional Breakup : Computer Knowledge, Law, Criminal Law & Procedure, Writing Skill, Court
English & General Knowledge Practice, Translation & Current Legal
Knowledge and Judgement Writing
Detailed Syllabus : First Part- Constitution of Detailed Syllabus : CIVIL LAW & PROCEDURE
India (10 questions), Code of Civil Procedure
Constitution of India
1908 (15 questions), Transfer of Property Act
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
1882 (7 questions), Contract Act 1872 (8
questions), Specific Relief Act 1963 (6 Transfer of Property Act, 1882
questions), Limitation Act 1963 (4 questions), Contract Act, 1872
MP Accommodation Control Act 1961 (5 Specific Relief Act, 1963
questions), MP Land Revenue Act 1959 (5 Limitation Act, 1963
questions), Indian Evidence Act 1872 (15 CRIMINAL LAW & PROCEDURE
questions), Indian Penal Code 1861 (15 MP Accommodation Control Act, 1961
questions), Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 MP Land Revenue Act, 1959
(15 questions), Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 Indian Evidence Act, 1872
(5 questions) Indian Penal Code, 1861
Second Part- General Knowledge (Question 20, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
Mark 20), Computer Knowledge (Question 10, Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
Mark 10), English Knowledge (Question 10, WRINTING SKILL, COURT PRACTICE,
Weightage of Local Laws : MP Accommodation Writing on social issue- 30 Marks
Control Act 1961, MP Land Revenue Act 1959 Writing on Legal issue- 20 Marks
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : No Precis Writing- 20 Marks
Total marks : 150 Translation (Hindi to English)- 15 Marks
Translation (English to Hindi)- 15 Marks
Cut-off of the last examinations held : cut-off
marks (2019) are 118 for General Category. For JUDGEMENT WRITING
SC and ST Categories the Cut-off is 94 and 82 Framing of Issues- 10 Marks
respectively and for the OBC the cut off is 113. Framing of Charges- 10 Marks
Judgment /Order (Civil) Writing -40 Marks
Duration : 2 hours
Judgment /Order (Criminal) Writing -40
MarksFraming of Issues- 10 Marks
Framing of Charges- 10 Marks
Judgment /Order (Civil) Writing -40 Marks
Judgment /Order (Criminal) Writing -40 Marks
Writing on social issue- 30 Marks
Writing on Legal issue- 20 Marks
Precis Writing- 20 Marks
Translation (Hindi to English)- 15 Marks
Translation (English to Hindi)- 15 Marks
Total marks : 400 (100 marks for each paper)
Duration : 3 hours for each paper
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100 Number of Papers : 2
Sectional Breakup : Law Sectional Breakup : Law and Essay
Detailed Syllabus : "Code of Criminal Detailed Syllabus : Paper-I
Procedure, Civil Procedure Code, Evidence Act, a) Civil Procedure Code
Transfer of Property Act, Specific Relief Act,
Maharashtra Rent Control Act, Limitation Act, b) Transfer of Property Act
Constitution of India, Indian Penal Code, Law c) Specific Relief Act
Of Contract, Sale of Goods Act and d) Law of Contracts, Sale of Goods Act &
Partnership Act" Partnership Act
Weightage of Local Laws : Maharashtra Rent Paper-II
Control Act
a) Indian Penal Code
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : Yes
b) Evidence Act
Total marks : 100
c) Code of Criminal Procedure
Cutoff of the last examinations held :
Approximately ten times the total number of d) Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes
posts will be considered eligible for the main [Prevention of Atrocities] Act-1989 And
examination. Protection of Civil Rights Act – 1955
Duration : 2 hours e) Essay On Current Legal Topic –
Approximately 800 Wordsa) Indian Penal Code
b) Evidence Act
c) Code of Criminal Procedure
d) Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes
[Prevention of Atrocities] Act-1989 And
Protection of Civil Rights Act – 1955
e) Essay On Current Legal Topic –
Approximately 800 Words"
Total marks : 200 (100 marks each paper)
Duration : Successful candidates will be called
for interview in the ratio of 1: 3 of the available
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100 Number of Papers : 4
Sectional Breakup : Law, General Knowledge, Sectional Breakup : English, General
Aptitude & English Knowledge and Law
Detailed Syllabus : "General Knowledge Detailed Syllabus : (i) Paper on English (100
Aptitude, English, Constitution of India, Code Marks) :
of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure Code, a) Essay Writing
Transfer of Property Act, Indian Contract Act,
Indian Contract Act, Indian Penal Code, Indian b) Precis Writing
Evidence Act, Law of Torts, Proficiency in the c) Grammar etc.
Official Language of State of Assam" (ii) General Knowledge (100 Marks) :
Weightage of Local Laws : Proficiency in the a) Objective Type
Official Language of State of Assam
b) Aptitude Test.
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : No
(iii) Law Paper – I (100 Marks)
Total marks : 100
a) Constitution of India,
Cutoff of the last examinations held : 100
(90+ 10 for local language) b) Code of Civil Procedure
Duration : 2 hours c) Transfer of Property Act.
d) Indian Contract Act.
(iv) Law Paper – II (100 Marks)
a) Indian Penal Code
b) Criminal Procedure Code
c) Indian Evidence Act.
d) Law of Torts.
Total marks : 400 (100 marks each)
Duration : 180 minutes for each paper
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100 Number of Papers : 4
Sectional Breakup : Law, General Knowledge, Sectional Breakup : English, General
Aptitude & English Knowledge and Law
Detailed Syllabus : ""General Knowledge, Detailed Syllabus : "(i) Paper on English (100
Aptitude, English, Constitution of India, Code Marks) :
of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure Code, a) Essay Writing
Transfer of Property Act, Indian Contract Act,
Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act, b) Precis Writing
Law of Torts and proficiency in the Official c) Grammar etc.
language(s) of the State of Mizoram."
Weightage of Local Laws : Proficiency in the (ii) General Knowledge (100 Marks) :
Official language(s) of the State of Mizoram. a) Objective Type
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : No b) Aptitude Test.
Total marks : 100 (90+ 10 for local language)
Cutoff of the last examinations held : The (iii) Law Paper – I (100 Marks)
candidates must secure 60% or more marks in
the Preliminary Examination to be eligible to a) Constitution of India,
appear in the Main Written Examination. The b) Code of Civil Procedure
candidates will be called for the main written
c) Transfer of Property Act.
examination in the ratio of 1:10
d) Indian Contract Act.
Duration : 2 hours
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100 Number of Papers : 4
Sectional Breakup : NA Sectional Breakup : NA
Detailed Syllabus : "English, General Detailed Syllabus : Paper 1:
Knowledge, Aptitude, Constitution of India, a) Essay Writing.
CPC, Transfer of Property Act, Indian Contract
Act, Indian Penal Code, CrPC, Indian Evidence b) Precis Writing.
Act, Law of Torts" c) Grammar.
Weightage of Local Laws : No local laws. Paper 2:
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : No a) General Knowledge (MCQ).
Total marks : 100 b) Aptitude Test.
Cutoff of the last examinations held : Each Paper 3:
Year, the high court decided the cut off, it's a) Constitution of India.
their discretion.
b) CPC.
Duration : 2 hours
c) Transfer of Property Act.
d) Indian Contract Act.
Paper 4:
a) Indian Penal Code.
b) CrPC.
c) Indian Evidence Act.
d) Law of Torts.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
One eligibitily specification is that the The final cut off with Mains+ Pre+ Viva for
candidate must be fluent in odia and must 2017 was Unserved : 424(male), 421(female),
have passes an exam in odia language 388(other) SEBC: 396(male), 397(female) SC:
equivalent to that of middle English school 414 (MALE), 397 (female).
standard. Number of Papers : 2 compulsary papers + 3
Total questions : 100 optional papers.
Sectional Breakup : NA Sectional Breakup : NA
Detailed Syllabus : "Constitution of India, Code Detailed Syllabus : Compulsory Papers :
of Civil Procedure, CrPC, Evidence Act Indian Paper 1 :
Penal Code, Limitation Act, Transfer of
Property Act, Contract Act, Law of Succession, Translation and Retranslation of Ten Lines
Specific Relief Act.” Each (2 para, English to odia and vice versa), A
short essay, Precis writing of 300 words, one
Weightage of Local Laws : no local laws passage 500 words with 5 ques,
prescribes, mains exam has provision for odia
language translation Paper 2 :
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : "Negative Marking CPC, CrPC, Indian Evidence Act.
-0.25 for each wrong answer."
Total marks : 100 Optional Paper (choose any three):
Cutoff of the last examinations held : "35% Law of Crime & Law of Tort/ Personal Laws
SC/ST category 40% General Category (Hindu and Mohammedan)/ Law of Property
Minumum to qualify for mains" (Transfer of Property Act, Specific Releif Act,
Duration : 1 and Half hours Indian Limitation Act)/ Law of Contract (Indian
Contract Act, Sales of Goods Act, Partnership
Act, Negotiable Instruments Act)/
Jurisprudence and Indian Constitution."
Total marks : Compulasory Papers : 300 (Paper
1= 150+ Paper 2= 150).
Optional Papers : 150 marks each (Total
Total = 750.
Final cutoff of the last examinations held :
45% unserved 33 reserved category Minimum
to qualify for Viva Voice.
Duration : Compulsory Papers : 2 1/2 hours
each .
Optional Papers : 3 hours each.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 125 Questions Number of Papers : five
Sectional Breakup : NA Sectional Breakup : NA
Detailed Syllabus : "All the subjects from Mains Detailed Syllabus :
Examination + questions based on national Paper I:
importance, international importance, Indian
Legal and Constitutional History, and CPC, Punjab Courts Act, Indian Contracts act,
Governance. There will be questions on Sales of Goods Act, Indian Parternship Act,
analytican skills and aptitude of graduate Specific Relief Act, Transfer of Property Act,
level." East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, Indian
Evidence Act.
Weightage of Local Laws : No local laws in
preliims, but there are local laws in mains+ Paper II:
exam on punjabi language Hindu law, Mohammedan Law, Customary Law,
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : Negative marking Law of registration, Law of Limitation.
of 0.20 for every wrong answer. Paper III:
Total marks : 500 marks (each question is 4 Indian Penal Code, CrPC, Indian Evidecne Act
marks each) no negative marking for Paper IV:
unattempted question.
English Essay, Precis, Words and Phrases,
Cut-off of the last examinations held : "2017 Comprehension, Corrections.
cut-off: General Category: 305.6
Paper V:
SC : 227.2
Punjabi in Gurumukhi Script. (essay+grammar)
Balmiki/Mazhbi Sikh : 89.6
Total marks :
Backward Class : 241.6
Paper I to IV: 200 marks each
Physically Handicapped : 219.2
Paper V: 150(ESSAY) + 50 (GRAMMAR)
Duration : 2 hours
Final cutoff of the last examinations held :
Minimum qualfiying criterion is 50% for viva
Duration : All papers would be 3 hours each.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : 100 questions. Number of Papers : Law Paper I (100 marks)
Sectional Breakup : NA Law Paper II (100 Marks) Language (Hindi
Essay - 50M English Essay - 50M)
Detailed Syllabus :
Sectional Breakup : NA
70% weightage = Law Paper I and Paper II
subject of mains. Detailed Syllabus :
30% weightage = English and Hindi Law paper I : Code of Civil Procedure,1908, The
Proficiency. Constitution of India, Indian Contract Act,
1872, The Indian Evidence Act, 1872, The
Hindi = Shabd Rachna, Shabd Prakar, Shabd Limitation Act, 1963, The Specific Relief Act,
Gyan, Shab Shudhi, Vyakranik Kotiya, Vakya 1963, The Transfer of Property Act, 1882,
Rachna, Vakya Shudhi, Viram Chinha, Interpretation of Statues, The Rajasthan Rent
Muhavre/ Lokoktiya, Paribhashik Shabdwali. Control Act, 2001, Order/Judgment Writing.
English = Tenses, Articles and Determiners, Law Paper II : Code of Civil Procedure,1908, The
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms, Active & Passive Constitution of India, Indian Contract Act,
Voice, Co-ordination & Subordination, Direct 1872, The Indian Evidence Act, 1872, The
and Indirect Speech, Modals Expressing Limitation Act, 1963, The Specific Relief Act,
Various Concepts, Antonyms and Synonyms. 1963, The Transfer of Property Act, 1882,
Weightage of Local Laws : No local laws, but Interpretation of Statues, The Rajasthan Rent
the mains exam has paper for translation from Control Act, 2001, Order/Judgment Writing.
Hindi to English and vice versa. Language : Hindi Essay Writing+English Essay
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : No Negative Writing
Marking. Total marks :
Total marks : 100 Marks Total Marks : 300
Cutoff of the last examinations held : 2019 cut Law Paper I : 100
off: General : 163 Law Paper II : 100
OBC : 157 Language : 50+50
SC : 142 Final cutoff of the last examinations held :
ST : 121 2019:
Duration : 2 hours GENERAL : 153.5
SC : 124
SC PH : 121
ST : 120
OBC-NCL : 136.5
Duration : Law Paper I : 3 Hrs
Law Paper II : 3 Hours
Language : 2 hours+ 2 Hours
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Total questions : No definite Number (Both No definite Number (Both Paper I and II are a
Paper I and II are a combination of combination of Objective+Subjective
Objective+Subjective Questions) Questions).
Sectional Breakup : 6-Section: Group A-E: Number of Papers : One (Those who qualify
Mixed Law Based Group F: Language Test. with 40% agg. in both the papers would
Detailed Syllabus : CPC,CrPC,Indian Evidence qualify for viva voice, which is 60% of
Act, Limitation act and Local Laws. selection criterion).
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
The paper is divided in There is a paper based entirely on computer
A) Prelims+Mains operation and practical examination Microsoft
B) Viva Voice Windows Operating system and Microsoft
Office (Maximum Marks – 100; Minimum
C)Computer Skill Paper Qualifying Marks to be obtained – 40 : Time
Total questions : Part I and Part II allowed: One Hour) The paper shall be set from
(50+100) the given syllabus broadly taking one question
from each i.e. - (1) Windows and internet. (2)
Sectional Breakup : NA M.S. - word (3) M.S. - Access. (4) M.S. - Excel
Detailed Syllabus : Part I : It will include day to and (5) M.S. - Power Point. Each question shall
day happenings around India and the World, have five actions to be performed on the
particularly in the legal spheres. The questions system each having four marks. Printout of the
may relate mainly to international law, output shall be taken and given for
neutrality, recent legislation pronouncement evaluation. The break up is:
particularly Indian Constitution, law and
development and legal aspects but it will not a) Prelims
be confined to this only. b) Mains
Part II : Transfer of Property Act, Principle of c) Viva
Hindu Laws and Principle of Muslim Laws, d) Computer exam
Evidence Act, Code of Criminal Procedure,
Indian Penal Code, Civil Procedure Code. Number of Papers : Five
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Credit will be given both for substance and
expression; conversely deduction will be made
for bad expression, including faults of
grammar, misuse of words etc. Language: A
passage in English will be set and the
candidate will be required to translate it into
the ordinary language spoken in the courts,
using the Devnagri Script --------- Marks 30
Likewise a passage of Hindi will be required to
be translated in ordinary English language.
--------- Marks 30 There will be English
Precis writing also. --------- Marks 40 Law
Paper I: Contracts, Partnership, Easement Act,
Torts, Transfer of Property, Equity, Law of Trust
and Specific Relief Act , Personal Law.
Law Paper II: Evidence act, CrPC, CPC, Framing
of Charges, Issues, Judgement Writing.
Law Paper III: UP Zamindari Abolition and Land
reforms Act, Indian Penal Code.
Total marks : 850 marks
Final cutoff of the last examinations held :
Since 2019 mains cutoff result will be
announced after aggregate score of the
interview, it's not available yet. However 2018
cut-off General: 425 General/ Uttrakhand
Female: 427 EWS: 365 EWS /Uttrakhand
Female: 372 OBC: 421
Duration : All papers are 3 hours each.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Uttar Pradesh
Total questions : Paper I+ Paper II Number of Papers : Five
(150+300). Sectional Breakup : NA
Sectional Breakup : NA Detailed Syllabus :
Detailed Syllabus : Paper I : Genreal Knowledge/; same as prelims
Paper I: General Knowledge: History of India, Paper II : Language: Essay Writng English (60
Indian Culture, Geography, Indian Polity, marks) Enlglish Precis writing (60 marks),
Current National Issues, Topics of Social Translation from Hindi to English (40 marks),
Relevance, India and World, Indian Economy, translation from English to Hindi (40 marks)
International Affairs, Insitutions and Paper III : Law I: Law of Contracts, Partnership,
development in Field of Science., Techonlogy, Easement, Torts, Property Including Equity,
Communication and Space. specifically related to law of turst and specific
Paper II: Law: Jurisprudence, Internatipnal relief, Hindu Law and Mohammedan law,
Organisation, Indian Constitution, Transfer of Constitutional law. (50 marks questions on
Property act, Indian Evidence Act, Indian Penal constitutional law).
Code, CPC, CrPC, Law of Contract. Paper IV : Law IV: Law of Evidence, CrPC, CPC,
Weightage of Local Laws : Nil in prelims, Pleading.
however mains exam has a provision for a Paper V : Law III: Indian Penal Code, UP
several local laws in paper V and translation zamindari and Land Reforms, UP urban
from Hindi to English. buildings act, UP municipalities act, UP
Negative Marking : No. Panchayat Raj. UP consoslidation of Holding
Total marks : Paper I: 150 act, UP Urban Planning Act. = Rules of each
Paper II: 300.
Total marks : All papers are 200 marks each
Cut-off of the last examinations held : 45%
marks to provisionally qualify for mains exam. Total : 1000.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
West Bengal
Total questions : 200 Number of Papers : 8 compulsory papers+ 3
Sectional Breakup : English Composition 30 optional papers.
marks, General Knowledge, Current Affairs and Sectional Breakup : NA
Test of Reasoning 40 marks, Indian Detailed Syllabus : Compulsory Papers : 1)
Constitution 20 marks, Law of Contracts and English Composition, essay, Precis writing.
Torts 20 marks, Laws of Evidence 20 marks,
Civil Procedure Codes 20 marks, Criminal 2) Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali/Santali
Procedure Code and Indian Penal Code 20 composition, essay and translation from
marks, Personal Law 10 marks, Law of English into Bengali/Hindi/urdu/Nepali/Santali
Limitation 20 marks. 3) GK and current affairs
Detailed Syllabus : English Compostition, 4) CPC 5) CrPC and Indian Penal Code
General Knowlegde, Current Affairs, Test of 6) Indian Evidence Act
Reasoning, Indian Constitution, Law of
Contracts and Torts, Law of Evidence, Civil 7) Law of Contracts and torts
Procedure Codes, CrPC, Indian Penal Code, 8) Transfer of Property Act.
Personal Law, Law of Limitation Questions on
Optional Papers: (any three) Hindu Law,
English Composition will cover synonyms,
Mohammdean Law, Jurisprudence and
antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, Vocabulary
principles of Legislation, Indian law realting to
Test, Phrasal Verbs, the same words bearing
Companies and Insuarance, Princples of equity
more than one meaning, use of appropriate
including laws of trust and specific relief,
and qualifying words etc.
partnership act, law of limitation and
Weightage of Local Laws : Nil but in the mains prescription, Indian Constitution and
examination there is provision for translation constutional Law.
from bengali/urdu/ Hindi/ nepali/santali.
Total marks : 100 marks each for compulsory
Negative Marking (Yes/No) : no negative and optional subjects total = 800+ 300= 1100
Final cutoff of the last examinations held :
Total marks : 200 2019 cut off for oersonality test out of wriiten
Cut-off of the last examinations held : 2019 exam (out of 1100)
cut off: General: 539
General: 72 BC(A): 516
BC(A): 64 BC(B): 539
BC (B): 72 SC: 522
SC: 72 ST: 514
ST: 52. PH HI: 464
PWD: 54. PH OH: 462
Duration : 2 and half hours.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs)
1 What are the different subjects that we have from state to state and also on the category of
to study for Judicial Services Exam? the student.
The main subjects those are mostly common 3. How to prepare for the Preliminary Exams?
for all the State Judicial exams are Apart from studying all the theoretical
mentioned below: subjects thoroughly and working on your
• English general awareness and current affairs you
• General Knowledge need to practice a lot, so that you can
complete the questions on time. A good
• Constitution of India coaching institute plays an important role here
• Indian Penal Code as they know what kind of questions will come
• Civil Procedure Code and they conduct online tests and mock tests
regularly which help you judge your
• Indian Evidence Act understanding and builds your confidence.
• Limitation Act 4. How to cover up General Studies and
• Criminal Procedure Code Current Affairs?
• Law of Arbitration You need to read the newspapers on daily basis
to keep yourself updated about the current
• Indian Partnership Act
affairs and can also use internet to get the
• Indian Contract Act latest information and remember it.
• Transfer of property Act 5. Can Judicial Services Examination
• Sale of Goods Act preparation be done within a year?
• Law of Torts It totally depends on your personal capability
and the amount of time you can devote to your
• Registration Act
studies while pursuing graduation. Ideally you
• Hindu Marriage Act should start preparing for the Judicial Services
• Hindu Succession Act Exam with the start of your 4th year of
graduation and join a good coaching institute
• Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act
which will guide you in preparing for the exam.
• Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act
6. What is the minimum percentage required
• Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act for appearing in the Judicial Services
• Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Examination?
Divorce) Act There is no minimum percentage requirement
• Specific Relief Act in any State judiciary. However, a good
academic record gives you an edge to secure
2. What are the minimum criteria of eligibility
your seat.
for Judicial Services Exam PCS (J)?
Candidates who have completed Law
Graduation by doing BALLB or BBALLB may
appear for Judicial Services Examination. The
minimum age for applying for this exam is 21
years; and, the maximum age limit may vary
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
7. What books are recommended for
Judicial Service Examinations?
Hindu Law Modern Hindu Law; Family Law Dr. U.P.D. Kesari
Law of Marriage & Divorce Dr. Paras Diwan
Law of Torts The Law of Torts Rattan Lal & Dhiraj Lal
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
8. What is the salary and allowances to be paid Revenue Act 1956, 2. Rajasthan Guaranteed
to judges of lower judiciary? Delivery of Public Services Act 2011, 3.
Generally the pay scale is- Rs. Rajasthan right to hearing Act 2012, 4.
27,700-770-33,090-920-40,450-1080-44,770. Rajasthan Rent Control Act 2001, 5. Motor
There are also other allowances recommended Vehicle Act 1988 (Chapter X-XII), 6. Legal
by the government from time to time to be Services Authorities Act 1987, 7. Protection of
paid to the judges of lower judiciary. Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, 8.
Negotiable Instrument Act (Chapter XVII), 9.
9. What are the additional subjects and local Electricity Act 2003(Chapter XIV), 10. Juvenile
laws which a person has to study for state Justice Act 2015, 11. SC & ST( Prevention of
judiciary examinations? Atrocities) Act, 1989
Delhi Judicial Services- Delhi Rent Control Act Uttar Pradesh Judicial Services- 1.Indian Penal
Punjab Judicial Services- 1. Punjab Courts Act Code, 2. The Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition
1918, 2. East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act and Land reforms Act 1951, 3.Uttar Pradesh,
1949 Urban Buildings (Regulation of Letting, Rent,
Himachal Pradesh Judicial Services- 1. Wildlife and Eviction) Act, 1972, 4.Uttar Pradesh
Protection Act 1972, 2. Indian Forest Act 1927 Municipalities Act, 5.U.P. Panchayat Raj Act,
6.U.P. Consolidation of HoldingsAct,1953,
Haryana Judicial Services- Haryana Urban 7.Uttar Pradesh Urban (Planning and
(Control of Rent and Eviction) Act, 1973 Development) Act 1973, together with rules
Madhya Pradesh Judicial Services- 1. MP Land framed under the aforesaid Acts.
Revenue Code 1959, 2. MP Accommodation Uttarakhand Judicial Services- 1.U.P.
Control Act 1961 Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act
Bihar Judicial Services- 1. Prevention of (as applicable in Uttarakhand).
Corruption Act 1988, 2. Negotiable Instruments 10. What is the number of attempts to appear
Act 1881, 3. Motor Vehicles Act 1988, 4. Family in Judiciary Service Examination?
Courts Act 1984, 5. SC & ST (Prevention of
Atrocities) Act 1989 In Uttar Pradesh, there are four attempts. In
other States, there is no such limit.
Rajasthan Judicial Services- 1. Rajasthan Land
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Introduction to Judiciary
Gold Foundation Batch
Get trained by the most effective Faculty Team for
Judicial Service Examinations!
Join Judiciary Gold!
New Foundation Batches Starting Every Month.
Upcoming Live Online Foundation Batches:
Judiciary Gold Batch 03 Judiciary Gold Batch 04
(Last Few Seats Remaining) 26th October, 2020
29th September, 2020
Timings: 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM (6 Days a Week)
Course Breakup
Session Name Tentative Number of Sessions
Constitutional Law 30-35
Indian Penal Code 25-30
Indian Evidence Act 25-30
Code of Civil Procedure 30-35
Criminal Procedure Code 30-35
Transfer of Property Act 15-20
Indian Contract Act 15-20
Family Law 30-35
Limitation Act 05-10
Negotiable Instrument Act 05-10
Specific Relief Act 10-15
Partnership Act 10-15
General Knowledge/Current Affairs 40-45
English Langauge 35-40
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Answer to 'Study
Material to be
provided in which
format' to be: The
Study Material, Video Analysis of Personalized Result Oriented
known as eJSMs, all Comprehensive Answer Writing Approach.
shall be provided Tests. Sessions.
in ePub format.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
Judiciary Gold
Course Pedagogy
Subjects India. The leaderboard for this Mock is created
on an All India basis. The Mock conducted on
The Judiciary Gold Course covers 5 Major and 7
third Sunday of the Month is exclusive for the
Minor subjects which are common in various
Judiciary Gold students and the leaderboard
state Judicial Services examination. The course
for these Mocks is decided accordingly. These
keeps a comprehensive approach by covering
Mocks are inclusive of not only Law as a
various aspects of a subject like its provisions,
subject but also General Knowledge and
commentaries, recent and landmark cases etc.
English which play a game changing role in any
which are vital for all Judiciary aspirants in
Judiciary examination.
their preparation. Since both Substantive and
Procedural Subjects are covered in the course, Doubt Clearing Groups on
the aspirants are made aware about the live
and dead parts of the subject so that they
know what to study and what can be avoided One of the distinctive features of Judiciary
in their Judicial Services Prep. Another Gold is its Doubt Clearing Groups on Telegram.
important aspect of Judiciary Gold is its wide These groups are developed so that none of
coverage of General Knowledge as a subject, the doubts of any student remains
for both Static and GK and Current Affairs unanswered. These groups hold a maximum of
which makes the preparation exhaustive. Also, 50 students at a time so that all the doubts
the subject of English and Judgment Writing are well addressed. Since self-study is a major
are covered thoroughly for an all-inclusive part of Judiciary Preparation, aspirants have
blend of subjects. genuine doubts about various subjects that
they study in the class. And thus, it is made
Subject Tests sure that all the queries related to the
While preparing for Judiciary, there requires a preparation of the students are solved. These
constant testing of one’s knowledge and that’s groups also hold fun quizzes for the students
something which cannot be compromised with. to keep the healthy competitive spirit going so
The Foundation course of Judiciary Gold that they remain pretty interesting for all the
provides 10 Subject Tests for every Major and 5 aspirants.
Subject Tests for Minor subjects. This includes
not only the index based but also case law
based and commentaries based tests for eJSMs or the e- Judiciary Study Material are
overall coverage of the subject and leaving no the modules provided to the enrolled aspirants
stone unturned while practicing and testing of Judiciary Gold. These modules are
your knowledge. Further, these Subject tests developed in such a way that they provide all
have negative marking to make sure that the the necessary conceptual and fundamental
students are cautious about their selection of knowledge of the subject to the students. They
choices within a set time frame. are not unnecessarily lengthy and their ideal
size incorporates everything that is required by
Mock Tests any aspirant for his holistic preparation for
Under the foundation batch of Judiciary Gold, both preliminary and mains examination. These
Mock Tests are conducted on every first and modules are provided in the e-reader format to
third Sunday of the month. The Mock Test all the enrolled students which remain
conducted on every first Sunday of the month exclusive to them and can only be accessed by
is All India Comprehensive Test (AICT) and is those who hold the credentials for the same.
open for all the Judiciary aspirants all over Thus, there is privacy of notes.
query@judiciarygold.in 76 76 56 44 00 toprankers.com
All India Judiciary Scholarship Test
Judiciary Gold holds All India Judiciary
Scholarship Test for all the aspirants at
Pan-India level as an opportunity to be a part
of the Judiciary Gold Foundation Batch. Since
this test is conducted at an All India Level, the
aspirants get an opportunity to win a
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