Research On Global Positioning System in Mobile Communication Equipment Based On Android Platform
Research On Global Positioning System in Mobile Communication Equipment Based On Android Platform
Research On Global Positioning System in Mobile Communication Equipment Based On Android Platform
Abstract - Global Positioning System in Android mobile encrypted. Plus, there are many Android exclusive functions
communication equipment has been widely applied for its good for the user to dial and position easily.
performance in smart phone. Hence, to improve the precision of GPS Within Android system, function library and dalvik
navigation in Android platform attaches great importance to the Virtual Machine form the Android run time, the middle part.
development of modern high-tech products. The paper presents a
new method on how to enhance the precision of GPS positioning by
Its features are:
processing the original data of GPS satellite, then analyzing the data Java program should be transferred by DalvikVM into
and count the possible error from the connection of the data from DEX to execute
satellites. Functions must be defined and claimed in main function
Index Terms - Android, Global Positioning System before take into execution.
1. Introduction of Android Improper form of function and lack of Android-exclusive
function to execute function will result in the failure of
Android is a Linux-based operating system designed Android application in Java Runtime.
primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smart
phones and tablet computers. Android was unveiled in 2007 2. Android GPS Positioning Technology
along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance A. GPS System
Android is open source and Google releases the code under The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a
the Apache License. space-based satellite navigation system that provides
The framework of Android system can be classified into location and time information in all weather conditions,
3 layers---Operation System, Application and Middleware. anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an
The core of Operation System is Linux-based framework unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.
which provides the basic structure for Android system; while Satellites, ground control system and receivers comprise
the Application is formed by application programs. This is the GPS system. There are 24 artificial satellites, 3 of them are
managing platform for services of Android system, and it is back-up. All these satellites spread evenly on the orbit
and vital part of the entire framework. The third layer is centered on earth. Every satellite sends out radio signals of
composed of function library and Android run time. 2 ratio returning earth for the receivers to locate; ground
Component of functions like image, media, SSL & webkit and control system includes a primary control station and four
SSL & webkit combine to function on this layer. The fourth monitoring stations. The main task of ground control
layer is the application of Android offering services for system is to monitor the status of satellite on operation,
Android application. and to analyze the deviations and changes of data to
Dalvik is the process virtual machine (VM) in Google's compute the error and send the rectified data to satellite.
Android operating system. Dalvik is thus an integral part of The receivers locate the wires via catchers.
Android, They are then converted from Java Virtual
Machine-compatible class files to Dalvik-compatible .dex B. GPS positioning technology
(Dalvik Executable) files before installation on a device. To build net connection is the first step to realize GPS
Dalvik is open-source software. Every Dalvik application can positioning. Mobile communication devices log on net by
be exerted as a independent Linux process, so the process is GPRS or Wi-fi(a popular technology that allows an electronic
stable in operation. device to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a
Android system is typically used on mobile devices such computer network, including high-speed Internet
as mobile phones and tablet computers Programs are connections.), then build connection with system background
commonly written in Java and compiled to bytecode. Dalvik server by SOCKET(an end-point in a communication across a
virtual machine has been improved and optimized to be network or the Internet). The built-in GPS navigation module
applied on mini-scale platform like smart phones, for example, search for positioning data from satellites, then analyze the
to decrease the usage of RAM by using processing unit, the locator data and status information from the longitude,
increase the efficiency of processor, to execute plurality of latitude and directions. Next, the resultant data are uploaded
programs simultaneously. to Background monitoring server for processing so as to
Android provide a majority of standard function library locate and monitor and user cell phones.
for software. DalvikVM is needed to identify the source code
of software because those functions to some extent are
and the accuracy improved correspondingly as long as the satellites navigation and the function of multitude and
parameters of prototype conform to the basic requirements. In electronic gadgets. Based on the wide application of GPS
general, simulation result proves the practicability of solution positioning technology in Android-based smart phone, we set
application of GPS positioning which can enhance the off the research on this field, wishing to provide cell phone
precision of GPS positioning and reduce the error. Data users better service.
missing is the great obstacle for accurate positioning in smart The paper studies the application and development of
phone. However, this problem will be solved by analysis data GPS positioning system on Android based cellphone, using
from satellite so as to increase the precision of GPS the data retrieved from satellite. All-weather, global mode
positioning remarkably. coverage, and high-precision enables the GPS to be employed
to position in various situations. The location information is
4 .Conclusion and Prospect
showed dynamically in Google Map on smart phone. This
The GPS positioning technology in Android-based smart will be the future trend of the technology development.
phone becomes advanced with the mutual effort of Google
and its alliance member. The software for this technology is
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