CNF Detailed Lesson Plan
CNF Detailed Lesson Plan
CNF Detailed Lesson Plan
Brgy. Sto. Cristo, Tialo City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1. Define and differentiate the various forms of personal narratives.
2. Write a draft of creative nonfiction piece based on memorable real-life experience.
3. Discern the importance of different types of Non Fiction in highlighting one’s real-life experience.
1. Handouts
2. PowerPoint Presentations
3. Google Meet
3. Explain.
(Activation of Prior
1. Autobiography – It is a, self-
written life story. It usually covers
Apply more of your life and may contain
knowledge of many elements which are also 10 mins.
content within present in a short story such as
and across dialogue, description, and incidents
curriculum developed in chronological order.
teaching areas
2. Memoirs – A collection of
memories that someone writes
about his or her own life. The
definition of a memoir is very similar
to that of an autobiography;
3. Essays – is an analytical
practice in which the writer
describes a real scene, event,
passing thought, memory, or
interaction and adding a personal
reflection on the meaning of the
incident in his/her life.
Apply 3 mins.
knowledge of
content within
and across
teaching areas
5. Evaluate.
(Assessment) For your assignment, I will give a
story, read it and analyze it, and
organize your ideas and follow
the guidelines based on our Yes sir.
topic. Okay?
The teacher will
instruct learners on For activity 7: Nostalgia; A Story
how to do the from the Heart, you are going to
following activity: organize your ideas and start the
writing stage. Please follow the
guidelines in preparing your final
Activity 7: 1. Decide on a medium to use:
Mapping Memoir from English, Filipino, or vernacular
Memories 2. Write your chosen narrative
(Autobiography, Memoir, or
reflective Essay)
3. You may also want your output
She will give options handwritten or computerized.
to students in the Observe proper margins and
production of their indent your paragraphs.
Plan & deliver
outputs considering 4. The output shall have a cover
their situation at this page with the title Nostalgia: A 5 mins.
time of the pandemic, Story from the Heart and your name
responsive to
and that other in the next line followed by your
students live in far- grade and strand and section.
flung barangays and 5. Then turn in to our google
needs of
do not have access to classroom.
learners in
difficult technology.
Prepared by: