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CNF Detailed Lesson Plan

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Academia de San Lorenzo Dema-ala Inc.

Brgy. Sto. Cristo, Tialo City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan

Pre - Demo Teaching

Grade 11 – HUMSS

Alvarez, John Joshua Pronebo

BSE – English III
Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in English

Mr. Ace Esmas

Critic/Head Teacher


Sitio Tialo, Santo Cristo, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan



At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1. Define and differentiate the various forms of personal narratives.
2. Write a draft of creative nonfiction piece based on memorable real-life experience.
3. Discern the importance of different types of Non Fiction in highlighting one’s real-life experience.


Featuring the Story of Life: Writing Personal Narratives

1. Handouts
2. PowerPoint Presentations
3. Google Meet


KRA Teaching Time

Objectives Teacher’s Tasks Learners’ Tasks
Strategies Allotment
1. Engage:
(Review of previous Good morning class. Today, Good morning sir.
lesson) we are going to have another
lesson in Creative Nonfiction.

For a start, first we will review the

previous lesson.
Select, the teacher presents You have to unscramble the
develop, a game to learners following sets of letters to form
organize and terms related to forms of creative
use nonfiction. Ma’am, the answer
1. harpygobi (Clue: It
appropriate for item number 1, is
portrays the
teaching and biography.
experience s of all
learning events occurring in the
resources, The answer for item
life of a person).
including ICT, number 2, is
2. otuaobiraggpy
to address autobiograpgy
(Clue: It is a piece of
learning goals. writing about life’s
person) 10 mins.
And for item number
3. eimmor (Clue: It
3, it’s memoir.
came from a French
word that means
memory or
And for item number
4, it’s essay
4. 4. sseya (Clue:
short piece of
writing on a
And for item number
particular subject.)
5. 5. seiraid & 5, it’s diaries and
slanruoj (Clue: a
book to record and
exlore ideas.)
6. 6. Evtirrana
And for item number
onncifnoit (Clue:
6, it’s narrative non
rue story written in
the style of a fiction
Page1| 5

The teacher then

checks if the learners
got the answers
correctly. Easy, right? Yes sir.

Select, You are correct that a Biography, It

develop, portrays the experience s of all
organize and events occurring in the life of a
use person.
appropriate Autobiography, It is a piece of
teaching and writing about life’s person
Memmoir, It came from a French
word that means memory or
resources, reminiscence
including Essay, Sshort piece of writing on a
ICT, to particular subject.)
address Diaries and Journals, a book to
learning record and exlore ideas.
goals Narrative Nonfiction, true story
written in the style of a fiction novel

We shall be discussing more of

these types of creative nonfiction
and its various meaning and

But before that, let us have a short

2. Explore: 1. Do you have an idea what an
(Activation of Prior Biography means?
2. How about the autobiography,
The teacher asks the what does it mean? (All answers may
learners a question, vary)
then proceeds to the 3. The meaning of Memmoir?
knowledge of
content within brainstorming activity. 10 mins.
4. How about the Essay?
and across
5. Diaries and Journals?
teaching areas
6. Also the Narrative

3. Explain.
(Activation of Prior

Apply When the students are

Why do you think it is important that
knowledge of done with
we write significant events in our
content within brainstorming, the
and across teacher will ask the (All answers may
curriculum class a question: vary)
Also, why do you this it is the
teaching areas (Answers may vary).
important that we write a
reflections, writing our life story,
explore new ideas and to write in 5 mins.
our own style?

Apply The teacher gives “Very good answers.”

knowledge of feedback or “You did a great job at expressing
content within appreciation of your thoughts.”
and across students’ answers.
teaching areas

Okay class, All of the types of

creative nonfiction is indeed
valuable to get to know our selves
better as we learn from our past
experiences, as we go along to
explore in our self ideas, self
learning and saw and saw forth

4. Elaborate.
(Acquisition of New All of the types that we tackle before
is a part of a Creative Nonfction, do
you rember for your past lessons? Yes sir,
Okay, also it can be
The teacher will now
something written for private
present to the class
enjoyment or it could be something
the new lesson.
that is intended to be shared to
She will discuss key inspire or inform others.
concepts about the
six types of creative Here are the Six types of Creative
non fiction. Fiction:

1. Autobiography – It is a, self-
written life story. It usually covers
Apply more of your life and may contain
knowledge of many elements which are also 10 mins.
content within present in a short story such as
and across dialogue, description, and incidents
curriculum developed in chronological order.
teaching areas
2. Memoirs – A collection of
memories that someone writes
about his or her own life. The
definition of a memoir is very similar
to that of an autobiography;

3. Essays – is an analytical
practice in which the writer
describes a real scene, event,
passing thought, memory, or
interaction and adding a personal
reflection on the meaning of the
incident in his/her life.

The teacher will once 4. Biography – it contains basic

in a while ask learners information about the subject's life—
if they understand the like their place of birth, education,
concepts defined in and interests.
the lesson or if they
have any questions. 5. Diaries and Journals – to record
events as they happen and also to
Should there be none, explore ideas that take shape.
the teacher may
proceed with the 6. Narrative Nonfiction - a true
remainder of the story written in the style of a fiction
discussion/lecture. novel.


Apply 1. Write down key points to share.
knowledge of 2. Identify the purpose of writing
content within 3. Create a timeline of events.
and across 4. Do an outline.
curriculum 5. Make the story more credible by
teaching areas using names, places, and dates
6. Use descriptive details and

(Application) We are almost done with this

lesson, we have defined personal
At this point, the narratives and its various forms
teacher will such as autobiography, memoir,
summarize the lesson essay, biography, diaries and
and gives a quick journasl also the narrative Yes, ma’am.
review to check on nonfiction. Now, let us recap
students’ important things you have
comprehension. learned.

Do you have any questions about the No sir.


Okay class, if you don’t have any

questions, let’s go down in our quick
activity today, then take a picture of
your activity then turn in to our google
classroom, after this, I will open the
activity on GC.

Got it class? Yes sir.


Apply 3 mins.
knowledge of
content within
and across
teaching areas

You have just learned various forms

The teacher will of creative nonfiction: This time, you
instruct learners on are going to accomplish you Activity
how to do the 2. Using that part of your life, in the
following activity: brainstorming activity before, plot out
the events of your life using the
Activity 2: template these types. You can 2 mins.
The Journey of My choose (1) in our topic. You may
Life write your draft on a yellow pad Yes, sir.
paper. Got it class?

5. Evaluate.
(Assessment) For your assignment, I will give a
story, read it and analyze it, and
organize your ideas and follow
the guidelines based on our Yes sir.
topic. Okay?
The teacher will
instruct learners on For activity 7: Nostalgia; A Story
how to do the from the Heart, you are going to
following activity: organize your ideas and start the
writing stage. Please follow the
guidelines in preparing your final
Activity 7: 1. Decide on a medium to use:
Mapping Memoir from English, Filipino, or vernacular
Memories 2. Write your chosen narrative
(Autobiography, Memoir, or
reflective Essay)
3. You may also want your output
She will give options handwritten or computerized.
to students in the Observe proper margins and
production of their indent your paragraphs.
Plan & deliver
outputs considering 4. The output shall have a cover
their situation at this page with the title Nostalgia: A 5 mins.
time of the pandemic, Story from the Heart and your name
responsive to
and that other in the next line followed by your
students live in far- grade and strand and section.
flung barangays and 5. Then turn in to our google
needs of
do not have access to classroom.
learners in
difficult technology.

So, is everything clear?

The teacher will also Should you have any questions
make herself available regarding this activity, feel free to
to students should contact me on our messenger
they have any group chat or you may also send Yes, ma’am.
questions or concerns me a private message.
regarding the lesson. Thank you, ma’am,
Here ends our lesson for CNF. for teaching us.
Have a great day! See you again on Good bye, and stay
our next meeting. Stay safe safe too!

Lesson Duration 45 mins.

Prepared by:

John Joshua Alvarez

BSE - English III

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