SL Loney Coordinate
SL Loney Coordinate
SL Loney Coordinate
— —
books come under the notice of the reviewer. For conciseness and
clearness it has few compeers. It is deep without dullness ; compre-
hensive without wearisomeness. It comes before us with a newness
and freshness almost amounting to novelty...."
The SPEAKER says ; "Mr Loney as a writer of elementary
mathematical treatises maintains a high standard. His Elementary
Dynamics is marked by its brevity and clearness and deserves its
success.... The Cambridge Press has every reason to be proud of its
S. L. LONEY, M.A.,
^^^l^^mU. MASS.
shall be grateful.
Conditions that they may be parallel and per-
pendicular . . . . . . .44
Length of a perpendicular . .
. . 51
Bisectors of angles 58
VIII. The Circle 118
Equation to a tangent 126
Pole and polar 137
Equation to a circle in polar coordinates . .145
Equation referred to oblique axes . . . 148
Equations in terms of one variable . . .150
IX. Systems of Circles 160
Orthogonal circles . . , . . . .160
Kadical axis 161
Coaxal circles 166
.... . . . 237
Pole and polar
Conjugate diameters
Pour normals through any point
...... . . .
Examples of loci 266
XIV. Polar Equation to, a Conic ....
Polar equation to a tangent, polar, and normal
, 313
Confocal conies
Circles of curvature
and contact of the third order .
Envelopes 407
Answers . i — xiii
Page 87, Ex. 27, line 4. For "JR" read " S."
2i. 2^
They are therefore real and unequal,
equal, or imaginary,
according as the quantity b^—iac is positive, zero, or negative,
i.e. according as b^ = 4:ac.
L. e 1
, .
b c
ax'^ + bx + c = 0, i.e. x^ + - x + ~ = 0,
a a
we have a + p= — b
and a^ = -
-. ^ c
we have a + p + y:
^y + ya + a^=:-
and o-Pl-
Determinant Notation.
second order and stands for the quantity a-})^ — aj)^, so that
d-yf d^
= Ob^^ — 6»2&i
^1, h
Exs. \%^\ = 2x5-4x3 = 10-12=-2;
(1) ;' |
!4, 5i
3, -4|
-6 = 3 - 4) = 18 - 28 = -
(ii) - X (
- 6) -{- 7) X ( 10.
5. The quantity
(h.1 ^2> %J ^4
8. The quantity
61, &2) hi h
^11 ^25 ^3>
^1) ^2 5 ^3) ^4
K h, ^4 i^lJ ^35 h
«i X ^2» ^3 J
— Clo X \ C-, ^3}
<^2> ^3> ^4 1 1 5 33 4
+ 6^3 X C^ cCj_ X
1 ? 2 5 4
\x +b^y ^0 (2),
y~ %'
y K
Equating these two values of - we have
(i) (2, -1), (ii) (-3, 2), and (iii) (-2, -3).
To get the first point we measure a distance 2 along OX and then
a distance 1 parallel to OF'; we thus arrive at the required point.
To get the second point, we measure a distance 3 along OX', and
then 2 parallel to OY.
To get the third point, we measure 2 along OX' and then
3 parallel to OT.
These three points are respectively the points P4 P., and Pg in , ,
M jvT
P^R = M^Mt^ = OM^ - OMc^ = oi^-X2,
RP, = M,P,-M,P, = y,~y,,
and z P^i^Pi = z6>ifiPa-l 80° -PiJfiX^l 80° -<o.
We therefore have [Trigonometry, Art. 164]
21. The formula of the previous article has been proved for the
case when the coordinates of both the points are all positive.!
Due regard being had to the signs of the coordinates, the formula
will be found to be true for all
As a numerical example, let
Pj be the point (5, 6) and Pg
be the point (-7, -4), so that
we have
O M, M M, X
Let Pi be the point {x^, y^), Po the point (x^, y^), and P
the required point, so that we have
Wi + 7?22
nil + ^2 mi + nig
If the point Q divide the line P1P2 externally in the
same ratio, i.e. so that P^Q QP^ :: mj
: m^i its coordinates :
would be found to be
So ^^2/rt^±^3.
In the same manner we could shew that these are th^ coordinates
of the points that divide BE
and CF in the ratio 2 : 1.
Since the point whose coordinates are
x-^ + x^ + x^ and ^L±^2+l_3
3 3
lies on each of the lines AD, BE, and CF, it follows that these three
lines meet in a point.
This point is called the Centroid of the triangle.
3_ (
_ 3, _ 2) and ( - 6, 7), the axes being inclined at 60°.
11. Prove that the points (2a, 4a), (2a, 6a), and (2a + s/3a, oa)
are the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose side is 2a.
12. Prove that the points (-2, -1), (1, 0), (4, 3), and (1, 2) are
at the vertices of a parallelogram.
13. Prove that the points (2, -2), (8, 4), (5, 7), and (-1, 1) are
at the angular points of a rectangle.
14. Prove that the point ( - xV. f I) is the centre of the circle
circumscribing the triangle whose angular points are (1, 1), (2, 3),
and ( - 2, 2).
(^i» 2/i)> 2/2)' (^3> 2/3)j---* -^-S is bisected in the point G-^; G^G is
divided at G^ in the ratio 1:2; G^D is divided at G^ in the ratio
1:3; GgE at G^ in the ratio 1 4, and so on until all the points are
exhausted. Shew that the coordinates of the final point so obtained are
^1 + ^2 + 3^3+ •••+^n ^j^^ yi
+ y^ + Vz+'-'-^Vn
n n
[This point is called the Centre of Mean Position of the n given
^) ,
^) , {am,,
, and {am^m^,
To prove that the area of a trapeziitm, i. e. a quad-
rilateralhaving two sides parallel, is one half the sum of the
two parallel sides multiplied by the perpendicular distance
between them.
= i [(^3 - ^1) (2/1 + ys) + {002 - ^z) (2/2 + 2/3) - (^2 - a^i) {Vi + 2/2)]-
On simplifying we easily have
^ ^ I (^172 - XaYi + y^zYz - ^372 + XgYi - x^yg),
or the equivalent form
^=J [^1 (2/2 - Vz) + ^2 (2/3 - 2/1) + ^3 (2/1 - 2/2)].
If we
use the determinant notation this may be written
(as in Art. 5)
^1) 2/1) ^
^3j 2/35 ^
2/3, but are equal respectively to yi sin w, 2/2 sin w, and y^ sin w.
27. In order that the expression for the area in Art. 25 may be
a positive quantity (as all areas necessarily are) the points A, B, and
G must be taken in the order in which they would be met by a
person starting from A and walking round the triangle in such a
manner that the area of the triangle is always on his left hand.
Otherwise the expressions of Art. 25 would be found to be negative.
L. 2
9. lam-,. — I ,
\am^, — y and -Jawo, — [ .
Prove (by shewing that the area of the triangle formed by them is
zero) that the following sets of three points are in a straight line :
10. (1,4), (3, -2), and (-3,16).
11. (-i, (-5,6), and (-8,8).
thus obtain the point P^. ^
(ii) For the second point, the radius vector revolves from OX
through 150° and is then in the position OP^ ; measuring a distance 3
along it we arrive at Pg
(iii) For the third point, let the radius vector revolve from OX
through 45° into the position OL. We have now to measure along
OL a distance - 2, i.e. we have to measure a distance 2 not along OL
but in the opposite direction. Producing iO to Pg, so that OP3 is
2 units of length, we have the required point P3.
(iv) To
get the fourth point, we let the radius vector rotate from
OX through 330° into the position OM
and measure on it a distance
-3, i.e. 3 in the direction MO
produced. We
thus have the point P^y
which is the same as the point given by (ii).
(v) If the radius vector rotate through - 210°, it will be in the
position OP2, and the point required is Pg.
(vi)^ For the sixth
point, the radius vector, after rotating through
- 30°, in the position OM:
is We
then measure - 3 along it, i.e. 3 in
the direction MO
produced, and once more arrive at the point Pg.
and OP = r. X' O:
From the triangle MOP we
x= OM=OPcosMOP = rcosO (1),
r=acos2- = -- (1 + cos^),
i. e. 2^2 = ar + ar cos 6,
i.e. 2{x^ + y^) = a sjx^ + y^-\- ax,
i.e. {2x^ + 2y^-ax)^ = a^{x^ + y^).
Lay down the positions of the points whose polar coordinates are
lateral triangle.
Find the areas of the triangles the coordinates of whose angular
points are
37. r'^G0s2d = a^. 38. r^cos- = a^, 39^ r^=ai sin-.
2i a
Similarly the point Pg, (2, — 1), and P4, (3, — 2), satisfy
the equation (1).
x = 2A x= V3|
J?>\ x = J'I\
J\ x^l
x=^i \
1 •
Thus in Art. 39 the equation is x + y=\, and the
definite path, or locus, is the straight line P^P^ (produced
indefinitely both ways).
In Art. 40 the equation is x'^ + y'^^ 4, and the definite
path, or locus, is the dotted circle.
Take the two straight lines as the axes of coordinates. Let {x, y)
be any point satisfying the given condition. We then ha,wex + y = a.
This being the relation connecting the coordinates of any point
on the locus is the equation to the locus.
It will be found in the next chapter that this equation represents
a straight line.
Ex. 3. A point moves so that its distance from the point (-1,0)
is always three times its distance from the point (0, 2).
Let {x, y) be any point which satisfies the given condition. We
then have
J{x + iy' + {y-0)^=Bj{x - 0)2+ {y - 2)2,
so that, on squaring,
x'^ + 2x + l + y'^=9{x'^ + y'^-4:y + 4),
i.e. 8(a;2 + y2)_2a;-36?/ + 35 = 0.
^' + ^'=1.
12. Find the locus of a point whose distance from the point (1, 2)
is equal to its distance from the axis of y.
Find the equation to the locus of a point which is always equi-
distant from the points whose coordinates are
13. (1, 0) and (0, -2). 14. (2, 3) and (4, 5).
19. the square of its distance from the point (0, 2) is equal to 4.
20. its distance from the point (3, 0) is three times its distance
from (0, 2).
21. its distance from the axis of x is always one half its distance
from the origin.
22. A
fixed point is at a perpendicular distance a from a fixed
straight line and a point moves so that its distance from the fixed
point is always equal to its distance from the fixed line. Find the
equation to its locus, the axes of coordinates being drawn through
the fixed point and being parallel and perpendicular to the given
23. In the previous question if the first distance be (1), always half,
and (2), always twice, the second distance, find the equations to the
respective loci.
^^^^ O
The straight line LCL' is
therefore the straight line
required, and we have to -'l
find the relation between the
coordinates of any point lying onP it.
i.e. y = mx+c.
This relation being true for any point on the given
straight line is, by Art. 42, the equation to the straight
[In this, and other similar cases, it could be shewn,
conversely, that the equation is only true for points lying
a -a
i.e. x-y = a (1).
The coordinates
of the point dividing the line joining these
points in the ratio 1 2, are (Art. 22)
and LR = NP = MF&inNMP.
But lNMP^W - lNMO= iMOL^a.
LR = MP&m.a (2).
54. In Arts. 47 53 we have found that the correspond-
ing equations are only of the first degree in x and y. We
shall now prove that
Any equation of the first degree i7i x and y always repre-
sents a straight line.
For the most general form of such an equation is
Ax + By^C = ^ (1),
The result is
= (5).
But, by Art. 25, the relation (5) states that the area of the
triangle whose vertices are (x^, y^), (x^, 3/2)5 ^^^ (^3> 2/3) is
Also these are any three points on the locus.
x> is
degree Ax + By + C = (1)
to the form of Art. 53.
For, if p be the perpendicular from the origin on (1)
and a the angle it makes with the axis, the equation to the
straight line must be
X cos a 4- 2/ sin a - /» = (2).
p cos a
cos a
sin a
sin a
a + sin^ a 1
i.e. ^(-i)+y(--^)-i=o,
i.e. X cos 240° + y sin 240° - 1 = 0.
Comparing this with the result of Art. 50, we see that it
represents a straight Hne which cuts off intercepts — -^ and
If we put y — in (1) we have x — —-r. The point
If we put oj = 0, we have 2/ =— ^ , so that the point
lies on it.
Hence, as before, we have the position of the straight
(3) The point (0, 0) satisfies the equation so that the origin is on
the line.
Also the point (3, 1), i.e. C.^, lies on it. The required line is
therefore OC3.
(4) The line ic = 2 is, by Art. 46, parallel to the axis of y and passes
through the point A^ on the axis of x such that 0A^ = 2.
(5) The line y= - 2 is parallel to the axis of x and passes through
the point B^ on the axis of y, such that 0B^= - 2.
— - and — — from
which cuts oiF intercepts the axes of
Ji. Jj
If A vanish, but not B or C, the intercept on the axis
of X is infinitely great. The equation of the straight line
then reduces to the form y = constant, and hence, as in
Art. 46, represents a straight line parallel to Ox.
So if B
vanish, but not A or C, the straight line meets
the axis of y at an infinite distance and is therefore parallel
to it.
If A and B
both vanish, but not C, these two in-
tercepts are both infinite and therefore the straight line
Q .x + .y + C = is altogether at infinity.
61. The multiplication of an equation by a constant
does not alter it. Thus the equations
2a;-32/+5 = and 10a;- 152/+ 25 -
represent the same straight line.
Conversely, if two equations of the first degree repre-
sent the same straight line, one equation must be equal to
the other multiplied by a constant quantity, so that the
ratios of the corresponding coefficients must be the same.
For example, if the equations
a^x + \y + Ci = and A-^^x + B^y + Cj =
we must have
«! \ CjL
This is the equation to the line going through (x\ y') making
an angle tan~^ with OX. If in addition (3) passes through
the point {x", y"), then
y —y=m{x — x),
-y r
* * X' -
Substituting this value in (3), we get as the required
V" — v'
X" — x^ '
63. Ex. Find the equation to the straight line which passes
through the points (-1, 3) and (4, -2).
Let the required equation be
y=mx + c (1).
Since (1) goes through the first point, we have
3=-m + c, so that c = m + S.
Hence (1) becomes
y = mx + m + S (2).
If in addition the line goes through the second point, we have
-2 = 47?i + m + 3, so that m= -1.
Hence (2) becomes
y=-x + 2, i.e. x + y = 2.
Or, again, using the result of the last article the equation is
15. (0, 0) and (2, -2). 16. (3, 4) and (5, 6).
17. (-1, 3) and (6, -7). 18. (0, -a) and (&, 0).
68. Ex. Find the equation to the straight line, which passes
through the point (4, - 5), and which is parallel to the straight line
3:c + 4r/ + 5--=0 (1).
Any straight line which is parallel to (1) has its equation of the
3a; + 4^/ + (7=0 (2).
3x4 + 4x(-5) + C = 0,
i.e. if (7=20-12 = 8.
The equation (2) then becomes
3a;+42/ + 8 = 0.
69. To find the condition that two st^'aight linesj whose
equations are given, may he 'perpendicular.
Let the straight lines be
y — m^x -i-Ci,
to y = »...H-.c., if «, = -!.
AA /
a) V A
i.e. a A^A^+B^B^ = 0.
70. From the preceding article it follows that the two
straight lines
A^x + B,y + Ci = Q (1),
Ex. The straight line through (x', y') perpendicular to (1) is (2)
where B^x' - A-^y' + 62= 0, so that Cg = A^y'- B^x'.
This straight line is therefore
B,{x-x')-A^{y-y') = 0.
71. Ex. 1. Find the equation to the straight line which passes
through the point (4, —5) and is perpendicular to the straight line
Sx + 4ij + 5 = (1).
i.e. if m=|.
The required equation is therefore
y + 5=i{x-4),
i.e. 4:X-'6y = Sl.
Third Method. Any straight line is y=mx + c. It passes through
the point (4, - 5), if
-5 = 4m + c (3).
It is perpendicular to (1) if
mx{-i)=-l (4).
Ex. 2. Find the equation to the straight line which passes through
the point (x', y') and is perpendicular to the given straight line
yy' = 2a {x + x').
This will pass through the point (x', y')and therefore will be the
straight line required if the coordinates x' and y' satisfy it,
i.eAt 2ai/ + xY+C = 0,
i.e. if G=-2ay' -x'y'.
Substituting in (1) for G the required equation is therefore
2a{y-y') + y'{x-x') = 0.
72. To find the equations to the straight lines which
pass through a given point (x', t/') and make a given angle a
with the given straight line y — nix + c.
Let P be the given point and let the given straight line
be LMJSf, making an angle
with the axis of x such that
tan = m.
In general (i.e. except when
Now cf,
= L LMR + L RLM = a + 6*,
tan a + tan ^
tan a tan
tana + m
—m tan a ,
= tan (^ —
. „
= ^—
tan d — tan a
—= .,
m— tan a .
^ ^ 1-mtana^ ^
, m — tan a , ,.
and y-y = 1 1 \^ - ^
1 + m tan a
^ ^
Find the angles between the pairs of straight lines
1. x-ijsj^ — ^ and ^/3a;+2/ = 7.
7. Prove that the points (2, - 1), (0, 2), (2, 3), and (4, 0) are the
coordinates of the angular points of a parallelogram and find the
angle between its diagonals.
Find the equation to the straight line
11. passing through the point (-4, -3) and perpendicular to the
straight line joining (1, 3) and (2, 7).
12. Find the equation to the straight line drawn at right angles to
of X.
13. Find the equation to the straight line which bisects, and is
perpendicular to, the straight line joining the points (a, b) and
(a', &')•
14. Prove that the equation to the straight line which passes
through the point {a cos^ 6, a sin^ 6) and is perpendicular to the
straight line xsecd + y cosec d = ais x cos d-y sin d = a cos 26.
15. Find the equations to the straight lines passing through {x', y')
and respectively perpendicular to the straight lines
[Exs. VI.] EXAMPLES. 49
XX yy
= 1,
and x'y + xy' = a-.
16. Find the equations to the straight lines which divide, internally
and externally, the line joining (-3,7) to (5, - 4) in the ratio of 4 : 7
and which are perpendicular to this line.
17. Through the point (3, 4) are drawn two straight lines each
inclined at 45° to the straight line x-y = 2. Find their equations
and find also the area included by the three lines.
18. Shew that the equations to the straight lines passing through
the point (3, - 2) and incHned at 60° to the line
73. To sheiv that the point (x', y') is on one side or the
other of the straight line Ax + By +(7 = according as the
quantity Ax + By' + C is positive or negative.
Let LM be the given straight line and P any point
ix\ y).
Through P draw P^, parallel to
the axis of 3/, meet the given
straight line in Q^ and let the co-
ordinates of Q be (.'«', y").
L. 4
Now, by (1),
Cor. The point (cc', y') and the origin are on the same
side of the given line if Ax + By + G and AxO-\- B xO + C
have the same signs, i.e. if Ax' + By' + C has the same sign
as C.
If these two quantities have opposite signs, then the
origin and the point (x, y') are on opposite sides of the
given line.
Tn^ + TYi.j 7)1-^ + m^ ^
If the point (2) be between the two given points {x-^, y^)
and (x^, 2/2), i.e. if these two points be on opposite sides of
the given line, the ratio in-^ 711^ is positive. :
Lengths of perpendiculars.
75. To find the length of the perpendicular let fcdl from,
a given point upon a given straight line.
. Y
\/J'' + B ,
^A'^ + B''
The perpendicular from the point {x\ y') therefore
= x' cos a+ a—p 2/" sin
_ Ax' + By^ + C
VAZ + B2
The length of the perpendicular from (x, y') on (3) is
therefore obtained by substituting x and y for x and 2/ in
the left-hand member of (3), and dividing the result so
obtained by the square root of the sum of the squares of
the coefficients of x and y.
Cor. 2. The length of the perpendicular is, by Art. 73,
positive or negative according as {x y) is on one side or ^
in the figure of the last article let the straight line
meet the axes in L and M^ so that
Ax' + By' +
so that P<?r=
Ja^ + b^
3. the point (
- 3, - 4) upon the straight line
12{x + 6) = 5{y-2).
5. Find the length of the perpendicular from the origin upon the
straight line joining the two points whose coordinates are
{a cos a, a sin a) and (a cos j8, a sin j8).
and let the straight lines be AL^ and AL^ as in the figure
of Art. 66.
^x ^ 2/1 ^ \__
— h.^c^ - c^a^ — c^a^
a^^-ajb^ a-}><^—a^^
a^^ — a^hi = 0.
Art. 77 the coordinates of the point of intersection
of (1) and (2) are
—r -J-
and —jf J--
«3 X -^r
— Oc\C-\
T- +
^3 X
~-Y + C3 =
ftoa^i + b^yi + C2 = 0,
and a^x-^ + b^y^ + Cg = 0.
^3 J ^3 ) <^3
x^ x^
83. Ex. Find the equation to the straight line ivhich passes
through the intersection of the straight lines
2x-Sy + = 0, 4: Sx + ^y-5 = (1),
Gx-7y + 8 = (2).
Solving the equations (1), the coordinates x^^, 7/1 of their common
point are given by
^1 yi _ 1 _
^ 1
(-3)(-5)-4x4 4x3-2x(-5) 2x4-3x(-3) ^^'
m X f= - 1, i.e. if mr= - |.
The required equation is therefore
i.e. a \ = u.
and a^ + b^ + c^ = (2).
Let the two straight lines be AL^ and AL^, and let the
bisectors of the angles between them be AM^ and A^f^-
Let P be any point on either of these bisectors and
draw PiVi and FJV^ perpendicular to the given lines.
The triangles PAN-^ and PAN<^ are equal in all respects,
so that the perpendiculars PN^ and PN^ ^-re equal in
Let the equations to the straight lines be written
so that Ci and c^ are both negative, and to the quantities
aJh hJc + c.
hjc + c^ ,
But this is the condition that the point (h, k) may lie on
the straight line
a^x + h-{y + Cj a^ + h^y + c^
The equation to the bisector of the angle in which the origin lies
is therefore
Bx-^y + 7 _ -12x + 5y + 8
Draw PM perpendicular
to the axis of x and AN PM.
perpendicular to
Then x--h=- AN = AP cosO=r cos 6,
x-h y-k = r
tan y. { — ^\ = — \,
i. e. if tan ^ =—
cos 6 sin 6 1
so that
4 B JA'- + B'
and hence
Find the coordinates of the points of intersection of the straight
lines whose equations are
1. 2x-Si/ +5= and 7x-¥^y=S.
-+^ = 1.
2. -
+ T=1 and ha
a ^ a
3 . y = vi-,x-\ and y=moX-\ .
11. Find the coordinates of the feet of the perpendiculars let fall
from the point (5, 0) upon the sides of the triangle formed by joining
the three points (4, 3), (-4, 3), and (0, -5); prove also that the
points so determined lie on a straight line.
- + 7 = 1,
j+^ = l, and y = x.
(2) the medians, i.e. the lines joining each vertex to the middle
point of the opposite side, meet in a point,
and (3) the straight lines through the middle points of the sides
perpendicular to the sides meet in a point.
Find the equation to the straight line passing through
23. tlie point (3, 2) and the point of intersection of the lines
2x + Sy = l and Sx-Ay = Q.
24. the point (2, - 9) and the intersection of the lines
2x + 5y-8 = and 3x-4y=^S5.
25. the origin and the point of intersection of
x~y-4i=0 and lx + y + 20=0,
proving that it bisects the angle between them.
26. the origin and the point of intersection of the lines
X y ^ X y ^
- +f =1^
and Y + ^ = 1.
a b b a
27. the point (a, b) and the intersection of the same two lines.
33. Find the equations to the straight lines passing through the
point of intersection of the straight lines
Ax + By + C = and A'x + B'y + C'^0 and
(1) passing through the origin,
(2) parallel to the axis of y,
35. Prove the same property for the parallelogram whose sides
- + 7=1, r + - = l, - + | = 2, and t + - = 2.
a b a a o a
36. One side of a square is inclined to the axis of x at an angle a
and one of its extremities is at the origin ; prove that the equations
to its diagonals are
41. y-b=^
^ i>(^-«) and y-h
^ =z ^(rc-a).
l-m2^ ' 1-m'^^ '
Hence y
= x-.— + ;
7:. c
sm(o>-^) ^
sin^ sin^ tan^
7)1 =
sin (o) — 6) sin w cos — cos to sin sin <o — cos w tan ^
, , „
tan v =
J /> ^ sin CD
and thererore .
- m sin o)
to the axis of x.
Cor. From. (1), by putting in succession equal to 90°
and 90° + o), we see that the equations to the straight lines,
passing through the origin and perpendicular to the axes of
y = mx + c and y = mx + c,
the axes being oblique.
If these straight lines be respectively inclined at angles
and 0' to the axis of x, we have, by the last article,
m sm CD in sm co
+m cos
1 CO 1 + 771 cos CO
1 +
m sin CO m' sin co
1+771 cos CO 1 + m' cos CO
_ m sin CO ( 1 + m' cos co) — m' sin co (1 + 7?i. cos co)
+ m cos co) (1 +
(1 cos co) + ?92m' sin^ co W
_ (m — w') sin CO
1 + (m + m ) cos CO + mm'
The required angle is therefore
(m — in!) sin co
tan _j
1 + {m + TTb) cos 0) + 7f}im'
Cor. 1. The two given lines are parallel if m = m'.
Cor. 2. The two given lines are perpendicular if
A'B-AB' .
They are perpendicular if
95. Ex. The axes being inclined at an angle of 30°, obtain the
equations to the straight lines ivhich pass through the origin and are
inclined at 45° to the straight line x + y = l.
+ (m + m')
1 cos <a + mm'
where m'= - 1 and w = 30°.
rw,- . m+1 .
This equation gives = "^^^
2 + (,,,_ 1)^3- 2m
Taking the upper sign we obtain m= — j^.
Let P
be the given point {x', y').
Draw the perpendiculars PQ, PR,
and PS on the given line and the
two axes.
Taking and P on opposite sides
of the given line, we then have
i.e. PQ . LM + OL OM silicon OL PE + OM
. . . PS. ..{I).
Draw PU and PV parallel to the axes of y and x, so
that PU = y' and PV-^x.
Hence PE ^ PU sin PUR = y' sin w,
and PS =PV sin P VS - x sin w.
(72 C'
C is a negative quantity.
- (7 /l+l 2 cos w
2 cos CO C^
pc><(-o)xy-i+-i .
--7.7/ sm o> —c Pi . £c sm 00,
Ax^ + By' + C
so that PQ = . sm a;.
VA2 + B2 - 2 AB cos CO
Cor. If (0 — 90°, i.e. if the axes be rectangular, we
have the result of Art. 75.
4. liy=x tan -—- and y=x tan —j represent two straight lines
are perpendicular to the sides of the first parallelogram and that they
both have the same centre.
9. If the straight lines y = miX + Cj^ and y=m,^x + C2 make equal
angles with the axis of x and be not pariallel to one another, prove
that iiij^ + ^2 + 2mjin2 cos w = 0.
10. The axes being inclined at an angle of 30°, find the equation
to the straight line which passes through the point ( - 2, 3) and is
perpendicular to the straight line y + Bx 6. =
11. Find the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point
(4, -3) upon the straight line 6a; + 3^ -10 = 0, the angle between the
axes being 60°.
12. Find the equation to, and the length of, the perpendicular
drawn from the point (1, 1) upon the straight line 3a; + 4?/ + 5 = 0, the
angle between the axes being 120°.
the length of the perpendicular drawn from [h, Jc) upon this line is
hk sin^ 0}
and that its equation is hx - ky = h^- k^.
We have + 7=const. = K
do r- (say) (1).
— y-=1
z...,by(l), ^'+^(1_1)^1,
1 y
i.e. -(x-y) + ^-l = 0.
be the triangle and let AD and CE be the
bisectors of the angles A and G
and letthem meet in 0'. (xj.yj)
^ _DG_ BD DG _a_
BA AG~ BA+'AC~bTc'
+ _
so that
DG b +c
Also, since GO' bisects the angle AGD, we have
^' _ JLC _ _5_ _ 6 + c
0'D~ CD~ ba a
b + <
+ c) X
—^ + hxo
—^ + ax,
cVo + hy.^
+ c)x -^ ^^ +
{b + c) + a (b + c) + a
ax^ + bx^, + Gx.^ - ay^ 4- by^ + cy^
a+b+G a+ b +c
Again, if 0^ be the centre of the escribed circle opposite
to the angle -4, the line COi bisects the exterior angle of
Hence (Euc. VI. A) we have
AO, _AC__ b^G
+ c)
- ax^ ^ '
cy., + by»
+ c) -^
c + b
- ay,
{b + G) —a (^ + c) a
— axi + bx^ + Gx^ — ayi + by.2 4- Gy^
—a+b+G —a+b+c
Similarly, it may be shewn that the coordinates of the
escribed circles opposite to and C are respectively B
^aXj^ — bx2 + GXs ay^ — by^ + cyA
c- a—b+G '
/axj^x2-_cxs ay^ + by.^ - Gy^
a+b—c a+b—G
^"'^ (i'^>-
Q' t)' (t?' 11)
682 5p
17 ,j.-^, 85
-16^^"^^ ==16'
12-'_ 13
5=./ 1-^?V /^l_i?V-^ A'
1) ^\T) V r'^'r ~T"'
/ 72 /19
_ 62Y _ /395T165^
V V7
52Y "^
16/ VT~ ~
W V "~Tl222
112" 112'
85 2 170 85 19 1615
13 -52__676 13 67 871
429 ,
c^z = and C2/3 =
YY9,> Yj2-
-1 ,265
^ and ^.
The length of the radius of the incircle is the perpen-
dicular from (
— T^ jYo
, ) ^P^^ *^® straight line
3aj + 42/ - 7 = 0,
"le'^T'^m ~l6'^T'^ri2
-417 , -315
-42~ ^""^
Similarly the coordinates of the centres of the other
escribed circles can be written down.
100. Ex. Find the radius, and the coordinates of the centre, of
the circle circumscribing the triangle formed by the points
(0, 1), (2, 3), and (3, 5).
101. Ex. Prove that the middle points of the diagonals of a com-
plete quadrilateral lie on the same straight line.
the points E, F, and D (the intersection of AB and OC) are called its
BI ^
. •
9. Find the coordinates of the centres, and the radii, of the four
which touch the sides of the triangle the coordinates of whose
angular points are the points (6, 0), (0, 6), and (7, 7).
10. Find the position of the centre of the circle circumscribing
the triangle whose vertices are the points (2, 3), (3, 4), and (6, 8).
Find the area of the triangle formed by the straight lines whose
equations are
2 -^
- -^ K^2 - «2&l) («2&3 - «3&2) («3&1 " ^1^
20. Prove that the area of the triangle formed by the three straight
X GOB a + y sin a- Pi = 0, xcos^ + y sin/S-^g^^?
and a; cos 7+?/ sin 7 -2)3 = 0,
^ - /3) - 7)
sin (7 sin (a sin {^-a)
23. The
vertices of a quadrilateral, taken in order, are the points
and (0, 3) ; find the coordinates of the point of
(0, 0), (4, 0), (6, 7),
intersection of the two lines joining the middle points of opposite
y=mr.x-\ —a
y=.m^x-\ — a
and y=nux-\ —
is the point
\-a,a {— + — + — + U .
26.-4 and B
are two fixed points whose coordinates are (8, 2) and
(5, 1)respectively ; ABP
is an equilateral triangle on the side of AB
remote from the origin. Find the coordinates of and the ortho- P
centre of the triangle ABP.
£jX. The base of a triangle is fixed ; find the
locus of the vertex when one base angle is double of the
on the curve
y^-3x'-2ax + a'' = 0.
We then have
0M= OL + LM = OL + LP cos oi^h + cos Jc o>,
sin^ 00 sin^ co
X (say),
OA ~~0B
and hence OA' = \a and OB' — Xb.
For different values of X we therefore have different
positions of A'B'.
The equation to AB' is
- + — = 1 (1).
a Xb
and that to A'B is
Since F
is the intersection of AB' and A'B its coordi-
nates satisfy both (1) and (2). Whatever equation we
derive from them must therefore denote a locus going
through P. Also if we derive from (1) and (2) an equation
which does not contain X, it must represent a locus which
passes through P whatever be the value of A.; in other
words it must go through all the different positions of the
point P.
Subtracting (2) from (1), we have
l(}-l ^%(Ui
a b'
This then is the equation to the locus of P. Hence P
always lies on the straight line
y = — x.
\ri"' r?i*^-
h= —— L a and k = t zr ^•
A. + 1 \+ 1
Hence for all values of A., i.e. for all positions of the
straight line A'B\ we have
a h
But this is the condition that the point {h, A), i.e. P,
should lie on the straight line
a h
shew that the locus of P is a third fixed straight livie.
r C r C
1 1
If the angle XOE be 6 the values of ^r^ and ;=r-5 are
^ cos ^ + ^ sin ~
A' cos $ + B' sin 6
-^ and .
We therefore have
2 _ ^cos^ + .gsin^ A' cos + B' sin 6
0P~~ C C'
The base BG (=:2a) of a triangle ABC is fixed; the axes being
BC and a perpendicular to it through its middle point, find the locus
of the vertex A^ when
1. the difference of the base angles is given ( = a).
2. the product of the tangents of the base angles is given ( = X).
3. the tangent of one base angle is m times the tangent of the
4. m
times the square of one side added to n times the square of
the other side is equal to a constant quantity c^.
From a point P perpendiculars TM and PN are drawn upon two
fixed lines which are inclined at an angle w, and which are taken as
the axes of coordinates and meet in ; find the locus of P
5. if Oll^ ON be equal to 2c. 6. if OM- ON be equal to 2d.
9. if MN be equal to 2c.
12. Two fixed points A and B are taken on the axes such that
OA = a and OB = h; two variable points A' and B' are taken on the
same axes; find the locus of the intersection of AB' and A'B
(1) when OA' + OB' = OA + OB,
14. OX and OY
are two straight lines at right angles to one
another; on OF is A and on
taken a fixed point OX
any point B;
on AB an equilateral triangle is described, its vertex C being on the
side of AB away from 0. Shew that the locus of is a straight
15. If a straight line pass through a fixed point, find the locus of
the middle point of the portion of it which is intercepted between two
given straight lines.
17. Through a fixed point are drawn two straight lines at right
angles to meet two fixed straight lines, which are also at right angles,
in the points P and Q. Shew that the locus of the foot of the
perpendicular from on PQ is a straight line.
18. Find the locus of a point at which two given portions of the
same straight line subtend equal angles.
19. Find the locus of a point which moves so that the difference
of its" distances from two fixed straight lines at right angles is equal
to its distance from a fixed straight line.
21. Having given the bases and the sum of the areas of a number
of triangles which have a common vertex, shew that the locus of this
vertex is a straight line.
24. A
variable straight line cuts off from n given concurrent
straight lines intercepts the sum of the reciprocals of which is con-
stant. Shew that it always passes through a fixed point.
25.If a triangle ABC remain always similar to a given triangle,
and the point A be fixed and the point B always move along a
given straight line, find the locus of the point C.
27. Two
given straight lines meet in 0, and through a given point
P is straight line to meet them in Q and R; if the
drawn a
parallelogram OQSR be completed find the equation to the locus
of R.
y-2x = (4).
ax + hy + y Jh^ — ab = (2),
so that
m,. + m.y = —— 2h
ana m^m^ —
tan 6 = ^^ ~ ^^^^
=_- n/(^i + ^2)^ - ^rn-jn^
1 + m^m^ 1 + m-{nio,
J F~T 1 0^
a? + Ihx'y — y^ = 0,
:. 2 z^OX=180° + ^i + ^2.
Hence, if 6 stand for either of the angles AOX or BOX,
we have
tan 2^ = tan J. /A
{0^ +
t^i^ ^1
= r-^-a^
1 - tan
+ tan
—^ = "
by equations (2).
: .
2h , ^^ 2tan^
tan 2^
a 1 — tan^
a; 2xy
*? *> 9. 5
x2 - y2 xy
I.e. Z-- = -r—
a~b h
{y-m^xf {y-m^-_
1 + m-^+ ma^ l
-2fe „ „ /a
+ 2{~-ljxy = 0,
, .,.
x^-y"^ _ xy
I.e. —— ^-—
a-o h
and AB = ac (7).
/^/h^ — ab
The relation (7) then gives
~^^ ^ h^-ab
a=12, /i=|, &=-10, g=^, /=-*/, and c=- 35.
Hence abc + 2fgh - ap - bg^ - ch^
= 12 X - 10) X
( ( - 35) +2 X ¥- x V- x ^ - 12 x (V)^ - ( - 10) x (V)^
= 4200 + ^V- - 6075 + i^-^ + i J^5-
= - 1875 + ^^-^^ = 0.
The equation therefore represents two straight lines.
Solving it for x, we have
o,, 7y + 13 f7y + lBY_ 10y^-4.mj + S5 f ly + is y
+"^-12" +
V 2^-;
- 12
+ \2r~) ——
~l 24 J
, 7y + 13 _ 2 3y-43
•• ^+-2^-=^--
I. e. -——
x= 2?/
or —
- 5w + 5
i.e. (/i
-V^) (20/1- 171) = 0.
Hence 7i= V- or ^.
Taking the first of these values, the given equation becomes
6^2 + nxy + 12y^ + 22x + 31?/ + 20 = 0,
i.e. (2a; + 3?/ + 4) (3a; + 4?/ + 5) = 0.
6. 6a;2+lla;?/-10?/2 + + 31?/ + ^ = 0.
15. Prove that the equations to the straight lines passing through
the origin which make an angle a with the straight line y + x = are
given by the equation
x^ + 2xy sec 2a + y^ = Q.
Let these roots be -m^, m^, mg, ... m„. Then (C. Smith's
Algebra, Art. 89) the equation (1) must be equivalent to
the equation
t (!-'"«)=•'•<'>•
The equation (2) is satisfied by all the points which
satisfy the separate equations
^ _ mi = 0, ^ - m. = 0, . . ^- m,, - 0,
« 5
which is equivalent to
{y-x){y-'lx){y-^x) = Q,
represents the three straight lines
y-x=.^, ?/-2a: = 0, and y-3a; = 0,
all of which pass through the origin.
[For at the points where (3) and (4) are true it is clear
that (2) is true.]
Hence (4) represents so7ne locus which passes through
the intersections of (2) and (3).
Let the given straight line cut the curve in the points
P and Q.
The equation (2) holds for all points on the curve PQRS.
The equation (3) holds for all points on the line PQ.
Both equations are therefore true at the points of
intersection P and Q.
The equation (4), which is derived from (2) and (3),
holds therefore at P and Q.
But the equation (4) represents two straight lines, each
ofwhich passes through the point 0.
It must therefore represent the two straight lines OP
and OQ.
124. Ex. Prove that the straight lines joining the origin to the
points of intersection of the straight line x-y=:2 and the curve
5a;2 + 12a;i/ - 82/2 + 8a; - 4y + 12 =
make equal angles with the axes.
As in Art. 122 the equation to the required straight lines is
y = 2x and y= -2x.
These lines are equally inclined to the axes.
We know sum
the squares of two real
that the of
quantities cannot be zero unless each of the squares is
separately zero.
The only real points that satisfy the equation (1)
therefore satisfy both of the equations
cc — 2/ + c = and x + y—G = 0.
But the only solution of these two equations is
re = Oj and y = c.
{x-y-VGY^-(x + y-cf,
i.e. x — y + c = ^ V— 1 {x + y — c).
It therefore represents the two imaginary straight lines
The only real points on the locus are those that satisfy
all three of the equations
x= 0, 2/=0, and a = 0.
tan 3^ = tan a,
the solutions of which are
3^ = a, or 180° + a, or 360° + a,
i.e. a^ + ac + bd + d^ = 0.
1. Prove that the equation
y^-x^ + 3xy (y -x) =
represents three straight lines equally inclined to one another.
2. Prove that the equation
y^ (cos a + fJ3 sin a) cos a-xy (sin 2a - ^^3 cos 2a)
+ x^ (sin a - ^3 cos a) sin a=
represents two straight lines inclined at 60° to each other.
Prove also that the area of the triangle formed with them by the
straight line
(cosa-/sy3 sin a) 2/ -(sin a + ;^3cos a)a; + a-=0
and that this triangle is equilateral.
J3{A^ + B^)'
_ 4.
Find the equation to the pair of straight lines joining the
origin to the intersections of the straight line y = mx + c and the curve
7. Shew
that the straight lines joining the origin to the other two
points of intersection of the curves whose equations are
ax^ + 2hxy + by^ + 2gx=0
and a'x'^ + 2h'xy + hY + ^g'x =
g{a' + b')-g'{a + b) = 0.
What loci are represented by the equations
8. x^-y^=0. 9. x'^-xy = 0. 10. xy-ay = 0.
11. x^-x^-x + l = 0. 12. x^-xy^ = 0. 13. x^ + y^ = 0.
14. x^ + y^=0. 15. x^y = 0. 16. {x'--l){y^-^)=0.
17. {x^-lf + {y^-4y=0. 18. {y-mx-cY + {y-m'x-c')^=0,
19. {a;2-a3)2(^2_52)2 + c'*(?/2-a2) = 0. 20. {x-a)^-y^=0.
21, (x + y)^-c^=0. 22. r=a sec (<?- a).
28. Prove that the equation to the bisectors of the angle between
the straight lines ax^ + 2hxy + by'^=0 is
h {x^ - y^) + {b - a) xy = {ax^ - by^) cos w,
the axes being inclined at an angle w.
h^ = ab
and bg^=^af^.
Prove also that the distance between them is
9'- ac
V {a + b)'
33. If the equation
ax'^ + 2hxy + by^ + 2gx + 2fy + c =
represent a pair of straight lines, prove that the equation to the third
pair of straight lines passing through the points where these meet the
axis is
represent two straight lines, prove that the square of the distance of
their point of intersection from the origin is
~ m~ aw? - 2hlm + bP
36. Hence find the locus of the orthocentre of a triangle of which
two sides are given in position and whose third side goes through a
fixed point.
38. Prove that the product of the perpendiculars let fall from the
point {x', y') upon the pair of straight lines
ax^ + 2hxy + by"^
ax''^ + 21tx'y' + by'^
J{a-bf + 4:h^ '
128. To
alter the origin of coordinates without altering
the directions of the axes.
Let OX
and Z be the original axes and let the new
axes, parallel to the original, be
O'X' and O'Y'.
Let the coordinates of the new
origin 0\ referred to the original
axes be h and k, so that, if O'L be
perpendicular to OX, we have
OL = h and LO' = h.
Let P be any point in the plane
of the paper, and let its coordinates, referred to the original
axes, be x and y, and referred to the new axes let them be
x' and y'.
ON^x, NF = y, 0'N' = x, and N'F^y'.
We therefore have
X ^ 0N= OL + O'N' = h + x\
and y = FP = LO' + N'P = k + y'.
The origin is therefore transferred to the point Qi, k) when
we substitute for the coordinates x and y the quantities
X + h and y' + k.
The above article is true whether the axes be oblique
or rectangular.
flj' cos 30° - ?/ sin 30° and a;' sin 30° + ?/' cos 30°,
1. Transform to parallel axes through the point (1, -2) the
(1) y'^-4:X + 4y + 8 = 0,
and (2) 2x^ + y^-4:X + 4y = 0.
\ __ \ /""1M
Let OX and (9Fbe the original axes, OX' and OY' the
new axes, and let the angle XOX' be 0.
Take any point P in the plane of the paper.
Draw PN and PN' parallel to 07 and OY' to meet OX
and OX' respectively in N and iV", PL perpendicular to OX,
and N'M and X'M' perpendicular to OL and LP.
z PNL = L YOX = 0), and PN'M' = Y'OX = oi' + B.
Hence if
L. , 8
axes inclined at an angle 2a, the new axis of x being inclined at an angle
y = k-vx
_ , sin
— +y , sin (w'
+ &)
136. To find the angle through which the axes must be turned so
that the expression ax^ + 2hxy + by^ may become an expression in which
there is no term involving x'y'.
27icos2^ = (a-Z>)sin2^,
i.e. if tan 2(9= -.
The required angle is therefore
i tan~i
*137. The proposition of Art. 135 is a particular
case, when the axes are rectangular, of the folloM^ing more
general proposition.
If hy any change of axes, without change of origin, the
quantity ax- + ^hxy + 6?/" becomes a'x'^ + 2h'xy + 6'^/^, then
a+ b — 2h cos w a' + b' — 2h' cos w'
sin^ lo sin^ w'
. o
=^ —
. o
/ ,
0)a7id oi' being the angles between the original and final indrs
of axes.
Let the coordinates of any point P, referred to the
original axes, be x and y and, referred to the final axes, let
them be x and y .
i.e. by
\2 (1 - cos^ w) + X{a + h-2h cos oi) + ab- h^ = 0,
a+ — 2hcos(ji ab — h^^
i.e. by X^
^„ .
r^ + -r-^ = — ,,,
ab-h2 a'b'-h'2
sin2 0) sin2 cd'
1. The equation to a straight line referred to axes inclined at 30°
to one another is y = 2x + l. Find its equation referred to axes
inclined at 45°, the origin and axis of x being unchanged.
Draw GL perpendicular to
Let the coordinates of G be
h and h ; these are supposed to be known.
We have GL = MN= ON- OM=x- h,
and LF = NF-NL = NF-MG^y-h.
Hence, since GL^ + LF^ = GF\
we have (x-h)2+ (y-k)2 = a2 (1).
i.e. h^ + Jc'^=a^.
The equation (1) then becomes
x^ + y^-2hx-2ky + k^ = 0.
a^ + 2/'+2^a;+2/2/ + c = (1),
If g^ +f'^ = c,
the radius vanishes, i. e. the circle becomes
a point coinciding with the point (— ^, —f). Such a circle
is called a point-circle.
Let A
be the point (a;^, y-^) and B be the point {x^, 2/2) ^^^ ^^^ ^^^
y-yi=j^i^-^i) (1).
The abscissae of the points where the circle (1) meets the axis of x,
i.e. y = 0, are given by the equation
ax^ + 2gx + c = (2).
we have
^+ •^2
and (Art. 2.
A-^A^ = x^ -x-^= J{x-^-\-x^^ - 4x-^i
= 2
V a2 a a
Again, the roots of the equation (2) are both imaginary if g^<ac.
In this case the circle does not meet the axis of x in real points, i.e.
geometrically it does not meet the axis of x at all.
The circle will touch the axis of x if the intercept A-^A^, be just
zero, i.e. ii g^ = ac.
It will meet the axis of x in two points lying on opposite sides of
the origin if the two roots of the equation (2) are of opposite signs,
i. e. if c be negative.
147. Ex.1. Find the equation to the circle which passes through
the points (1, 0), (0, - 6), and (3, 4).
Let the equation to the circle be
x^ + y^ + 2gx + 2fy + c = (1).
Since the three points, whose coordinates are given, satisfy this
equation, we have
l + 2^ + c = (2),
36-12/+c=0 (3),
x^ + y^±10x-8y + U = 0.
There are therefore two circles satisfying the given conditions.
This is geometrically obvious.
Find the equation to the circle
Find the^ coordinates of the centres and the radii of the circles
whose equations are
5. x^ + y^-ix-8y = ^l. Q, Sx'^ + Sz/ - 5x- Qy + 4 = 0.
17. (1,1), (2,-1), and (3, 2). 18. (5, 7), (8, 1), and (1, 3).
x^-\-y^ = a{x-\-y).
21. Find the equation to the circle which passes through the
origin and cuts off intercepts equal to 3 and 4 from the axes.
22. Find the equation to the circle passing through the origin
and the points (a, 6) and (6, a). Find the lengths of the chords that
it cuts off from the axes.
23. Find the equation to the circle which goes through the origin
and cuts off intercepts equal to h and h from the positive parts of the
27. touches both axes and passes through the point ( - 2, - 3).
28. touches the axis of x and passes through the two points
(1, -2) and (3, -4).
29. touches the axis of y at the origin and passes through the
point (6, c).
31. Points (1, 0) and (2, 0) are taken on the axis of x, the axes
being rectangular. On the line joining these points an equilateral
triangle is described, its vertex being in the positive quadrant. Find
the equations to the circles described on its sides as diameters.
angle 6 is
3/ = |* (2).
The straight lines (1) and (2) are at right angles, i.e. the
line (1) is a tangent, if
I. e. II m= >
Substituting this value of m in (1), the equation of the
tangent at {x\ y) is
y-y =--f{^-^h
t.e. xx+yy— x'^ + y (oj.
Let P
be the given point and Q a point (x\ y") lying on
the curve and close to P.
The equation to FQ is then
y-2/' = (1)-
Since both (cc', y) and {x\ y") lie on the circle, we have
x'^ + y'^ = a\
y —y
// / It r
X +x
X -X y +y
Substituting this value in (1), the equation to FQ is
y-y'=-^^'(''-'') (^)-
Let P
be the given point and Q a point (x'\ y") lying on
the curve close to P.
The equation to PQ is therefore
Since both (x\ y) and (cc", y") lie on the circle, we have
x'^ + y'^ + 'lgx' + 2fy' + C = (2),
By subtraction, we have
^- _ x'^ + y"^ _ y- + 2g (x" - x') + 2/(y" - y') = 0,
i. e. (x" - x) {x" + x' + 2g) + (y" - y') {y" + y' + 2/) = 0,
y —y X +X •{• Zg
X -X y +y +2/
Substituting this value in (1), the equation to PQ be-
X + X + Ag . ,. / , V
i.e. according as
a? {\ -\- m^) — c^ is positive, zero, or negative,
i.e. according as
c^ is <= or > a^ (1 + m^).
154. We
can now obtain the length of the chord inter-
cepted by the circle on the straight line (1). For, if x^ and
X2 be the roots of the equation (3), we have
2mc _,
c^ — cC-
^ ^ 1 + m" ^ ^ 1 + m^
^1 — ^2 = Jip^i + ^2)^ — ^x^x^ = -z "2 Jm^c^ - {(f—a^) (1 + m^)
J. "r 7Yh
1 +m^
If 2/1 and 2/2 ^^ t^6 ordinates of Q and R we have, since
these points are on (1),
— 2/2 = {mx-^ + <^)
"~ (^^2 + c) = rri {x^ — x^.
QR = J(yi - y^Y + K- oc^y = Jl+ m' (x^^ - x.^
+ m^) —
y a^ (1
section of the straight line y = mx + k with the circle
a;^ + 2/2 + 2yx + 2fy + c = 0.
155. The straight line
y = mx + ajl + m^
is always a. tangent to the circle
2 Q o
X + y —a .
y = mx + G
y= mx + a Vl + m2 (1).
156. The above result may also be deduced from the equation
(3) of Art. 150, which may be written
x' a2
y= --«+- (1).
y y
Put —= x'
, 'm, so that x'= -my' and the
, relation .r'- + ?/'2 = a^ gives
y = mx + afjl + m\
This is therefore the tangent at the point whose coordinates are
~ma . a
Vi + w2 7i + W''
157. If we assume that a tangent to a circle is always perpen-
dicular to the radius vector to the point of contact, the result of
Art. 155 may be obtained in another manner.
The straight line y=mx + c will therefore touch the circle if the
perpendicular on it from the origin be equal to a, i.e. if
x'^ + y^-6x + Ay = 12
which are parallel to the straight line
4a;+3i/ + 5 = 0.
Any straight line parallel to the given one is '
XX + yy — a^,
X a^
i.e. y^ ,x + — .
y y
The required equation is therefore
y-y ^-'(^-^-^)' .
i. e. X y — xy = 0.
IS y = -- —-.x-^-gx +/-^^+
X + CI fu c
, ^ T
(Art. 151.)
^ ^ V
x + g
m^—, - — .
X ^ '
+ g
i. e.
y {x' +g)-x{y +/)+ fx - gy' = 0.
6. Find the condition that the straight line ex ~hy + 1x^ = may
touch the circle x'^ + y^ = ax + by and find the point of contact.
7. Find whether the straight line x+y =2+J 2, touches the circle
x- + y^-2x-2y + l = Q.
8. Find the condition that the straight line ^x + ^y = k may
touch the circle x'^-\-y'^ — lQx,
10. Find the condition that the straight line Ax-\-By + G — Q may
touch the circle
11. Find the equation to the tangent to the circle x--\-y'^ — a?
(i) is parallel to the straight line y = mx + c,
(ii) is perpendicular to the straight line y = mx + c,
(iii) passes through the point (6, 0),
and (iv) makes with the axes a triangle whose area is a-.
12. Find the length of the chord joining the points in which the
straight line
X y ,
meets the circle x'^ + y^ = r".
13. Find the equation to the circles which pass through the origin
and cut off equal chords a from the straight lines y — x and y—-x.
14. Find the equation to the straight lines joining the origin to
the points in which the straight Hne y = rnx + c cuts the circle
x^ + y'^ = 2ax + 2by
Hencefind the condition that these points may subtend a right
angle at the origin.
Find also the condition that the straight line may touch the
the centre being in the positive quadrant.
17. has its centre at the point (1, - 3) and touches the straight
Hne 2a: -i/- 4 = 0.
18. Find the general equation of a circle referred to two perpen-
dicular tangents as axes.
20. Find the equation to the circle whose centre is at the point
(a, p) and which passes through the origin, and prove that the
equation of the tangent at the origin is
21. Two circles are drawn through the points {a, 5a) and (4a, a)
to touch the axis of y. Prove that they intersect at an angle tan^^ y* .
22. A passes through the points ( - 1, 1), (0, 6), and (5, 5).
Find the points on this circle the tangents at which are parallel to the
straight line joining the origin to its centre.
y— mx + a J\ + rn?.
— jiid\ — a Jl + m^,
i. e. according as
a^ (— a"^ + Xj^ + y^) is positive, zero, or negative,
(^1, 2/i)-
The tangent at F is
XX +1/1/' — a-^
and that at Q is
Also, since (4) is true, it follows that the point (x\ y")^
i.e. Q, lies on (5).
If the point {x^, y^) lie within the circle the argument
of the preceding article will shew that the line joining the
(imaginary) points of contact of the two (imaginary)
tangents drawn from (x^ , y^) is xx^ + yy^ — a^.
+ 2gx + 2fy + c =
o(^ + y^
^.e. (!)•
[It will be noted that the middle point of any chord N LL' lies on
the line joining the centre to the pole of the chord.]
J B C '
9x+2j-28 = (1)
2vith respect to the circle
(1) a?-^y'^ = a\
and (2) x? + y^ + 2gx + 2/^/ + c = 0.
If T be an external point (Fig. Art. 163), TQ a tangent
and the centre of the circle, then TQO is a right angle
and hence
^ — Vi /
Find the polar of the point
1. (1, 2) with respect to the circle a;-+ y^ = 7.
2. (4, - 1) with respect to the circle 2x" + 2y^=ll,
x^ + y^ + 2ax - 2by + a^ - b- = 0.
Find the pole of the straight line
6. x+ 2y = l with respect to the circle x^ + y^=5.
7. 2x-y = G with respect to the circle 5x^ + oy^ =9.
8. 2x + y + 12 = with respect to the circle
x^ + y^-4x + By-l=0.
9. 48;r - 54?/ + 53 = with respect to the circle
12. Find the equation to that chord of the circle x'^ + y^ = 81 which
is bisected at the point ( - 2, 3), and its pole with respect to the circle.
13. Prove that the polars of the point (1, - 2) with respect to the
circles whose equations are
x^ + y^ + Qy +5= and x'^ + y^ + 2x + 8y + 5 =
coincide ; prove also that there is another point the polars of which
with respect to these circles are the same and find its coordinates.
14. Find the condition that the chord of contact of tangents from
the point (x', y') to the circle x^+y^=a^ should subtend a right angle
at the centre.
15. Prove that the distances of two points, and Q, each from P
the polar of the other with respect to a circle, are to one another
inversely as the distances of the points from the centre of the circle.
16. Prove that the polar of a given point with respect to any one
of the circles x^-\-y'^-2kx-\-c'^ = 0, where k is variable, always passes
through a fixed point, whatever be the value of A\
17. Tangents are drawn from the point {h, k) to the circle
x^ + y^ = aP; prove that the area of the triangle formed by them
and the straight line joining their points of contact is
ajJi^ + Ji^-aY
h^+ k^
Find the lengths of the tangents drawn
18. to the circle '2x^ + 2y'^—S from the point (
- 2, 3).
19. to the circle 3x^ + 3y^ -7x-6y = 12 from the point (6, - 7).
+ 37/-36a; + 81 = 0,
and a:2^.,y2_i6^_12y + 84 = 0,
find (1) the point from which the tangents to them are equal in
length, and (2) this length.
22. The
distances from the origin of the centres of three circles
ic2-hy"^-2Xic = c^
(where c is a constant and X a variable) are in
geometrical progression ; prove that the lengths of the tangents drawn
to them from any point on the circle a;"^ + ^- = c-are also in geometrical
B=OG = a.
The general equation then becomes
^^M r^-2arcos{d-a) = 0,
i.e. r=2acos{d - a).
(3) Let the pole be on the circle and also let the initial line pass
through the centre of the circle. In this case
a=0, and R — a.
The general equation reduces then to the
simple form r = 2acos^.
This is at once evident from the figure. 0|
For, if OCA be a diameter, we have
0P=0^ cos ^,
i.e. r=2aQO8 0.
i.e. OP.OQ^P'-a\
The value of the rectangle OP OQ is therefore the
174. Find the equation to the chord joining the points on the circle
r — 2a cos 6 whose vectorial angles are d^ and 6^, and deduce the equation
to the tangent at the point 6^.
^ = rcos((9-a) (1).
If this pass through the points (2a; cos ^j^, 6^ and (2asin^2» ^2)' ^^^
2a cos d-^ cos (^j-a)=^ = 2acos ^.3 cos {9.^~a) (2).
1. Find the coordinates of the centre of the circle
r=A cos 9 + B sin 9.
- = acos d + h sin^
+ =4
2/i /c
+ h^b
'ih (3),
Find the inclinations of the axes so that the following equations
may represent circles, and in each ease find the radius and centre ;
1. x'-xy-\-y'^~2gx-'ify = 0.
2. x'^ + fjZxy+if-^x-%y + 5 = Q.
3. The axes being inclined at an angle w, find the centre and
radius of the circle
a;2 + 2xy cos w + t/^ - Igx - 2fy = 0.
4. The axes being inclined at 45°, find the equation to the circle
whose centre is the point (2, 3) and whose radius is 4.
5. The axes being inclined at 60°, find the equation to the circle
whose centre is the point ( - 3, - 5) and whose radius is 6.
6. Prove that the equation to a circle whose radius is a and
which touches the axes of coordinates, which are inclined at an angle
to, is
—2^ i8
{x — h)
cos —^r^
« + yS
{y — Ic)
7\ •
sm —
a +
— = a cos ——^^
)8 a.
{x — K) cos a + (2/
— li) sin a = a.
#180. Ex. Find the four common tangents to the two circles
ox'^ + 5i/ - 22x + iy + 20 = 0,
and 5a;2 + 5?/2 + 22a; -4y- 20 = 0.
The equations may be written
Ex. I. Find the locus of a point P lohich moves so that its distance
from a given point is always in a given ratio [n 1) to its distance :
^^ na ^^ na
We therefore have
CA= and AD =
n+1 n-1
GA=AD = ''-
The points C and D therefore divide the line OA in the given ratio,
and the required circle is on CD as diameter.
Ex. 2. From any 'point on one given circle tangents are drawn to
another given circle ; prove that the locus of the middle point of the
chord of contact is a third circle.
Take the centre of the first circle as origin and let the axis of x
pass through the centre of the second circle. Their equations are
a;2+2/2=a2 (1),
where a and b are the radii, and c the distance between the centres, of
the circles.
Any point on (1) is {a cos 6, a sin 6) where is variable. Its chord
of contact with respect to (2) is
Any equation deduced from (3) and (4) is satisfied by the coordi-
nates of the point under consideration. If we eliminate 6 from them,
we shall have an equation always satisfied by the coordinates of the
point, whatever be the value of 6. The result will thus be the equation
to the required locus.
Solving (3) and (4), we have
a Bin 6 =
7/ + (.r-6f'
and a cos 6 - c
_ y^ix-c)
62 {x - c)
so that acos^ = c+ „ ,
y^ + {x- cy
a2 = a2 cos2 e + a^ sm^ e = + 2ch^
The required locus is therefore
c'^ ^
+ y^
+ {x - c)2
Ex. 3. Find the locus of a point which is such that its polar with P
respect to one circle touches a second circle.
Taking the notation of the last article, the equations to the two
circles are
x^ + if=a- (1),
Let {h, Jc) he the coordinates of any position of P. Its polar with
respect to (1) is
xh + yk = a^ (3),
Also any tangent to (2) has its equation of the form (Art. 179)
c cos d + b
— — = sin
cos d
k a"^
(a2-c7i)2=62(/i2+^2) (5).
Aliter. The condition that (3) may touch (2) may be otherwise
For, as in Art. 153, the straight line (3) meets the circle (2) in the
points whose abscissae are given by the equation
k^{x-c)^ + {a^-hxf^b%\
i. e. x^- {h^ + F) - 2x {ck^ + a'^h) + [k^c"^ + a" - b'^k^) = 0.
The line (3) will therefore touch (2) if
Substituting this value in the equation to the circle, we have
But the equation to a circle, whose radius is a' and whose centre is
on the initial line at a distance d', is
r2-2rd'cos0 = a'2-d'2 (3).
Comparing (1) and (2), we see that the required locus is a circle,
such that
Z'2/7 hi
,r- and n"^ d'^-
Hence a 2= __
-^, ^^^^^.^
J= ^-^
The required locus is therefore a circle, of radius ~z^ ^ , whose
d^ - a"
centre is on the same line as the original
centre at a distance — ^
d-- a^
from the fixed point.
Take O as the origin, let the radii of the two circles be R and R',
and let the lines joining their centres to O make angles a and a' with
the initial line.
The equations to the two circles are therefore, {Art. 172 (2)},
r = Rcos{d-a) + R'co3{e-a')
= {R cos a + R' cos a') cos ^ + (JR sin a + R' sin a'} sin 6
= 2R''co8{d-a") (1),
R sin a + R' sin a'
jR cos a + jR' cos a'
on a circle,
2. A point moves so that the sum of the squares of the perpendi-
culars let fall from it on the sides of an equilateral triangle is constant;
prove that its locus is a circle.
is a circle.
6. Find the locus of the vertex of a triangle, given (1) its base and
the sum of the squares of its sides, (2) its base and the sum of m times
the square of one side and n times the square of the other.
11. Find the locus of the middle points of chords of the circle
x^ + y^ = aP which pass through the fixed point {h, k).
12. Find the locus of the middle points of chords of the circle
x'^ + y^=a? which subtend a right angle at the point (c, 0).
prove that the locus of Q, i. e. the inverse of the given straight line
with respect to 0, is a circle which passes through O.
16. O is any point in the plane of a circle, and OP^P^ any chord
of the circle which passes through O and meets the circle in Pj and
P.2. On this chord is taken a point Q such that OQ is equal to (1) the
arithmetic, (2) the geometric, and (3) the harmonic mean between OP^
and 0P<^\ in each case find the equation to the locus of Q.
Find the locus of the point of intersection of the tangent to
any and the perpendicular let fall on this tangent from a fixed
point on the circle.
21. Two rods, of lengths a and b, slide along the axes, which are
rectangular, in such a manner that their ends are always concyclic
prove that the locus of the centre of the circle passing through these
ends is the curve 4 {x^ - y'^) — a'^ - b^.
22. Shew that the locus of a point, which is such that the
tangents from it to two given concentric circles are inversely as the
radii, is a concentric circle, the square of whose radius is equal to the
sum of the squares of the radii of the given circles.
23. Shew that if the length of the tangent from a point P to the
circle x^ + y^=a-^ be four times the length of the tangent from it to the
circle {x - a)- + y^ = a?, then P lies on the circle
Prove also that these three circles pass through two points and that
the distance between the centres of the first and third circles is
sixteen times the distance between the centres of the second and
third circles.
24. Find the locus of the foot of the perpendicular let fall from
the origin upon any chord of the circle x- + y'^-\-2gx + 2fy + c=i(i which
subtends a right angle at the origin.
Find also the locus of the middle points of these chords.
25. Through afixed point O are drawn two straight lines OPQ
and ORS to meet the
circle in P
and Q, and jR and S, respectively.
Prove that the locus of the point of intersection of PS and QR, as also
that of the point of intersection of PR
and QS, is the polar of with
respect to the circle.
point of intersection, and prove that the bisector of the angle between
them always touches one or other of two fixed circles.
29. Ill any circle prove that the perpendicular from any point of
it on the line joining the points of contact of two tangents is a mean
proportional between the perpendiculars from the point upon the two
33. Find the length of the common chord of the circles, whose
equations are (x-af + y'^ = a? and x^ + (1/ - h)-=^JP, and prove that the
equation to the circle whose diameter is this common chord is
(a2 + &2) (a;2 + yi-^ ^2ab {bx + aij) .
34. Prove that the length of the common chord of the two circles
whose equations are
(a;-a)2 + (?/-fc)2 = c-2 and {x-hf + iy-af^c^
is V^c- - 2 (a - h)-K
Hence find the condition that the two circles may touch.
a;2 + 2/2 + 2f;^ + 2/?/ + c = and a;- + ?/2 + 2^'a; + 2/'y + c' = 0,
are the points {-g, -/) and (-^', -/') ; also the squares of their
radii are g^+f~- c and g'^ +f'^ - c'.
and let (x^, y^ be any point such that the tangents from it
But this is the condition that the point (iCj, 2/1) should
lie on the locus
2x{g-g,) + 2y{f-A) + c-c, = (3).
i.e. -tA.
The "?7i" of the line (3) is - 7—§.
The product of these two " m's " is - 1
Hence, by Art. 69, the radical axis and the line joining
the centres are perpendicular.
L. 11
The radical axis of the circles (1) and (2) is the straight
S->S' = (4).
But (6) is the radical axis of the circles (3) and (1).
11. Find the general equation of aU circles any pair of which have
the same radical axis as the circles
j.2^y-2 — 4. an^ x^ + y^ + 2x + 4:y = &.
12. Find the equations to the straight lines joining the origin to
the points of intersection of
14. Prove that the two circles, which pass through the two points
(0, a) and (0, - a) and touch the straight line y = mx + c, will cut ortho-
gonally if c2 = a2 (2 + m^).
15. Find the locus of the centre of the circle which cuts two given
circles orthogonally.
16. If two circles cut orthogonally, prove that the polar of any
point P on the first circle with respect to the second passes through
the other end of the diameter of the first circle which goes through P.
Hence, (by considering the orthogonal circle of three circles as
the locus of a point such that its polars with respect to the circles
meet in a point) prove that the orthogonal circle of three circles,
given by the general equation is
Art. 190.
If c be positive, the limiting points L^ and L^ (Fig. II.) are
real, and in this case the circles intersect in imaginary points.
The limiting points are therefore real or imaginary
according as the circles of the system intersect in imaginary
or real points.
Fig. II.
195. Ex. Find the locus of a point which moves so that the length
of the tangent draion from it to one given circle is X times the length of
the tangent from it to another given circle.
As in Art. 188 take as axes of x and y the line joining the centres
of the two circles and the radical axis. The equations to the two
circles are therefore
x'^ + y''-2g^x + c = Q (1),
Let (h, k) be a point such that the length of the tangent from it to
(1) is always X times the length of the tangent from it to (2).
Then Ji^ + k^- 2gji + c = \^ [/i^ + A;^ - ^.g^h + c].
Hence {h, h) always lies on the circle
x'^ + y^-<ix^-^^
+ cr=0 (3).
This circle is clearly a circle of the coaxal system to which (1) and
(2) belong.
Again, the centre of (1) is the point (f/^, 0), the centre of (2) is
"\ 2 1
The required locus is therefore a circle coaxal with the two given
circlesand whose centre divides externally, in the ratio X" 1, the line :
1. Prove that a common tangent to two circles of a coaxal
system subtends a right angle at either limiting point of the system.
intersections of the fixed circle with any circle of the system always
passes through a fixed point.
7. A
straight line is drawn touching
one of a system of coaxal
circles in P R. Shew that PQ and PR
and catting another in Q and
subtend equal or supplementary angles at one of the limiting points
of the system.
10. From the preceding question shew that the centres of simili-
tude {i.e. the points in which the common tangents to two circles
meet the line of centres) divide the line joining the centres internally
and externally in the ratio of the radii.
12. Find the equation to the circle which cuts orthogonally each
of the circles
denoted by e.
the axis
Similarly, if SX
and a perpendicular line SL
be taken as the axes of coordinates, the equation is
aj2 + 2/2 = (a? + 2a)2,
Hence y"^, i.e. QN^, is < PiV^, and hence is < iax
.'. y'^ — 4:ax is negative.
Similarly, Q be without the curve, then
if y"-^, i.e. QJV%
is > PN^j and hence is > 4iax'.
Hence the proposition.
L. 12
Ex. Find the vertex, axis, focus, and latus rectum of the parabola
4?/2 + 12ar-202/ + 67 = 0.
The equation can be written
i.e. {y--^f=-Sx-s^- + ^^=-3{x + i).
Transform this equation to the point (-|, f) and it becomes
y^= -Sx, which represents a parabola, whose axis is the axis of x
and whose concavity is turned towards the negative end of this axis.
Also its latus rectum is 3.
Eeferred to the original axes the vertex is the point i-^, f), the
axis is 2/ = f, and the focus is the point (-| -|, f), «-e. ( -V-i f)-
Find the equation to the parabola with
1. focus (3, -4) and directrix Gcc- 7?/ + 5 = 0.
and directrix - + f=
2. focus (a,
^ &)
ah 1.
Find the vertex, axis, latus rectum, and focus of the parabolas
3. y^ = 4:X + ^y. 4. x'^ + 2y = 8x-7.
5. x^-2ax + 2ay = 0. 6. 2/^=4y-4a:.
8 Find the value of p when the parabola y'^ = 4px goes through
the point (i) (3, - 2), and (ii) (9, - 12).
10. Prove that the equation to the parabola, whose vertex and focus
are on the axis of x at distances a and a' f om the origin respectively, .
is y^ = 4:{a'-a){x-a).
11. In the parabola y^=Qx, find (1) the equation to the chord
through the vertex and the negative end of the latus rectum, and
(2) the equation to any chord through the point on the curve whose
abscissa is 24.
13. Prove that the locus of the middle points of all chords of
the parabola ?/2 = 4aa; which are drawn through the vertex is the
parabola y'^ = 2ax.
14. Prove that the locus of the centre of a circle, which intercepts
a chord of given length 2a on the axis of x and passes through a given
point on the axis of y distant 6 from the origin, is the curve
a;2-2'«/& + &2 = a2.
Trace this parabola.
15. PQ is a double ordinate of a parabola. Find the locus of its
point of trisection.
16. Prove that the locus of a point, which moves so that its
distance from a fixed line is equal to the length of the tangent drawn
from it to a given circle, is a parabola. Find the position of the
focus and directrix.
y = 7nx + c .(2).
If (o^i , y-^ and {x^, y^) he the common points of intersection, then,
as in Art. 154, we have, from equation (3) of the last article,
2/-y' = (!)•
Since P and Q both lie on the curve, we have
y'^^4ax' (2),
so that G = —
Substituting this value of c in (1), we have as the
equation to a tangent,
y = mx + —
In the tangent of th6 angle which
this equation tyi is
In this equation
^ put — =m, i.e. y =—
m ,
and hence x
= ^,
, and
—y — = —ma
where m' x —
rr - 1 i.e. ^i' = -^
(Art. 69.)
y-y'=^(x-x') ,(1).
= m, %.e. y
- — am. ^.
Hence X ,
y =
In this equation m
is the tangent of the angle which
the normal makes with the axis. It must be carefully
distinguished from the of Art. 206mwhich is the tangent
of the angle which the tangent makes with the axis. The
" m" of this article is - 1 divided by the " m'' of Art. 206.
Hence AT=AN,
Hence the subnormal NG
_ PiP _ PN^
y = mx — 2am - am^,
i.e. mx-y = 2am+am^.
The parabola is y^ — 4:ax.
The straight lines joining the origin to the intersections of these
two are therefore given by the equation
y^ {2am + am^) - iax {mx -y) = 0.
If these be at right angles, then
2am + am^ — 'iam = 0,
i.e. m= ^sJ2.
Ex. 2. From the point where any normal to the parabola y^ = ^ax
meets the axis is draion a line perpendicular to this normal ; prove that
this line always touches an equal parabola.
The equation of any normal to the parabola is
y = mx — 2am - am^.
This meets the axis in the point {2a + am'^, 0).
y = m,[x-2a-^^,
i.e. y = m^{x-2a) .
This straight line, as in Art. 206, always touches the equal parabola
y^= - 4a (a;- 2a),
whose vertex is the point (2a, 0) and whose concavity is towards the
negative end of the axis of x.
Write down the equations to the tangent and normal
1. at the point (4, 6) of the parabola y^=9x,
2. at the point of the parabola ?/^ = 6a; whose ordinate is 12,
16. Two equal parabolas have the same vertex and their axes are
at right angles ; prove that the common tangent touches each at the
end of a latus rectum.
, .
y^={fi^ + fi~^)^ax.
23. If the tangents at the points {x', y') and {x", y") meet at the
point [x-^, y-j) and the normals at the same points in {x^, y^, prove
25. Find the lengths of the normals drawn from the point on the
axis of the parabola y^ = 8ax whose distance from the focus is 8a.
26. Prove that the locus of the middle point of the portion of a
normal intersected between the curve and the axis is a parabola whose
vertex is the focus and whose latus rectum is one quarter of that of
the original parabola.
27. Prove that the distance between a tangent to the parabola and
the parallel normal is a cosec 6 sec^ 6, where 6 is the angle that either
makes with the axis.
29. The normal at any point P meets the axis in G and the
tangent at the vertex in G' ; HA
be the vertex and the rectangle
AGQG' he completed, prove that the equation to the locus of Q is
30. Two
equal parabolas have the same focus and their axes are
at right angles a normal to one is perpendicular to a normal to the
32. Prove that the two parabolas y^ = 4:ax and y^=4:c{x- b) cannot
35. Prove that the parabolas y^=4tax and x^ = 4:by cut one another
at an angle tan ^
2 {a« + 6«)
36. Prove that two parabolas, having the same focus and their axes
in opposite directions, cut at right angles.
38. ^
parabola is drawn touching the axis of x at the origin and
having vertex at a given distance k from this axis. Prove that the
axis of the parabola is a tangent to the parabola x'^= -Sk {y -2k).
Also lSKP=lMKP.
(y) Tangents at the extremities of any focal chord inter-
sect at right angles in the directrix.
For, if PS be produced to meet the curve in P', then,
since z P'SK is a right angle, the tangent at P' meets the
directrix in K
y—mx-\ — (Ij.
2/ = --(^-«) (2).
nix —a =— m—[x—
\ ,
-^ —a
i. e. where x — 0.
Hence Y lies on the tangent at the vertex.
Also, by Euc. vi. 8, Cor.,
y = mx -\ — ( 1 ).
yy' = 2a (x + x).
Also the tangent at the point E, whose coordinates are
x" and y", is
yy" — 2a{x + x").
For, since (1) is true, the point {x, y') lies on (3).
Also, since (2) is true, the point {x", y") lies on (3).
Hence (3) must be the equation to the straight line
joining ix\ y) to the point {x' y"), i. e. it must be the
equation to QR
the chord of contact of tangents from the
point {x^, ?/i).
Since this straight line passes through the point (r^ , y^)
we haye
%i = 2a{x^ + h) (1).
y=yi (2).
and t/i-
Hence the proposition.
218. To find the pole of a given straight line ivith respect to the
Let the given straight line be
Ax + By+C=0.
If its pole be the point {x^, y-^), it must be the same straight
line as
yy^ = 2a{x + x^),
i.e. 2ax - yyi + 2axj^ = 0.
Since these straight lines are the same, we have
2a _ -yi _ 2axi
G^ 2Ba
I.e. xi = j and y^= - -j-
%.e. y=
- —-x^-^
y. hy, - kx.
If this be a tangent it must be of the form
y— mx —
so that
, , .
—^ = m and
, hy.
— kx.i a
h — x^
Hence, by multiplication,
k — y^ hy^ — kx^
Since the chords are all parallel, they all make the same
angle with the axis of x. Let Q
the tangent of this angle be on.
The equation to QB, any-
one of these chords, is there- y^^-
y - mx + c (1 ),
The straight line 3/ = — meets the curve in a point P,
whose ordinate is —
m and whose abscissa is therefore —
x .
y = Tnx -\ —a
Then QR
the chord of contact of tangents
is drawn
from T^ and hence its equation is
= 2a{x + x^) (Art. 213).
so that Vi ->
^ m
But this straight line was proved, in Art. 220, to be
the diameter P V which bisects the chord.
e^ /. YPX=iPTM,
iAS. A]S[^PN^ = ]SfT^ ts,Ti^e=^.AN^ . tan^ 6.
QM=JSrP + LQ = 2acote+ VQsmO = 2acotO+ysinO,
and AM=A]\/' + PV+ VL=-acot^e + x + ycose.
i. e.
sin^ 6 — ^ax.
The required equation is therefore
y'^^lpx (2),
1. Prove that the length of the chord joining the points of
contact of tangents drawn from the point (Xj, y^ is
2. Prove that the area of the triangle formed by the tangents
from the point {x^^ y^ and the chord of contact is {y^ - ^ax^^ -^2a.
6. P, Q, and B
are three points on a parabola and the chord PQ
cuts the diameter through R in V. Ordinates P3I and are drawn QN
to this diameter. Prove that RM
. RN=RV^.
7. Two
equal parabolas with axes in opposite directions touch at
a point O. a point P on one of them are drawn tangents PQ
and PQ' to the other. Prove that QQ' will touch the first parabola in
P' where PP' is parallel to the common tangent at O.
a 2a
mr 7n
y = nix -\ — a
y— mx — 1am, — am?.
y {h + ^2) = 2x + 2at-f^.
The these areas is double the second.
first of
Let O be the point {h, 0), and let P and P' be the points
(afj2, 2atj) and {at^, 2at^.
The equation to PP' is, by Art. 229,
{t^ + t-^y -2x = 2at^t^.
If this pass through the point [h, 0), we have
-2h = 2at-^t^,
of a focal chord.
y = nhx+— (1),
y=m^ + nt
-- (2),
y-a{— + —) = \
X ~ ,
X rl a
I.e. ?/+— =a — + —1 + ~\
y+ —X =a ( _ + _+
1 \ d \
, 5)
and the equation to the straight line through the intersection of (1)
and (2) perpendicular to (3) is
?/ — +—\ + ni-^m^m^J\
f \ ci
wig \^\ ^2
The point which is common to the straight lines (4), (5), and (6),
1. If w be the angle which a focal chord of a parabola makes with
the axis, prove that the length of the chord is 4a cosec'-^ w and that the
perpendicular on it from the vertex is a sin w.
6. The normal at the point (at-^, 2atj) meets the parabola again
in the point {aU^, 2at2) prove that ;
7. A
chord is a normal to a parabola and is inclined at an angle
d to the axis prove that the area of the triangle formed by it and
10. Prove that the area of the triangle formed by the normals to
the parabola at the points {at^, Satj), {at^, 2at^ and [at^y Satg) is
11. Prove that the normal chord at the point whose ordinate
is equal to its abscissa subtends a right angle at the focus.
12. A
chord of a parabola passes through a point on the axis
(outside the parabola) whose distance from the vertex is half the
latus rectum ; prove that the normals at its extremities meet on the
15. A
series of chords is drawn so that their projections on a
straight line which is inclined at an angle a to the axis are all of
constant length c prove that the locus of their middle point is the
{y^-iax) {y qoq a -\-2a Bin of + a^c^ = 0.
16. Prove that the locus of the poles of chords which subtend a
right angle at a fixed point (/i, /c) is
ax^ - %2 + (4a'^ + 2ali) x - 2ahj + a {h^ + A;-) = 0.
17. Prove that the locus of the middle points of all tangents
drawn from points on the directrix to the parabola is
y^{2x + a) = a{dx + a)-.
tangent of the inclination of the chord to the axis, prove that the
equation to the circle is
\ m^J m
24. LOL' and
il/Oilf'are two chords of a parabola passing through
a point on its axis. Prove that the radical axis of the circles
described on LL' and MM' as diameters passes through the vertex of
the parabola.
25. -A- circle and a parabola intersect in four points; shew that the
algebraic sum of the ordinates of the four points is zero.
Shew also that the line joining one pair of these four points and
the line joining the other pair are equally inclined to the axis.
26. Circles are drawn through the vertex of the parabola to cut
the parabola orthogonally at the other point of intersection. Prove
that the locus of the centres of the circles is the curve
THE PARABOLA {continued).
and •(3),
y—miX + — and
»^« y
— nux
y—ni,^. —m^
-^ -
/ k^ _4a
a +h
, by (2) and (3).
From (3) we then have h= -a, so that in this case the point T lies
on the straight line x= -a, which is the directrix.
Hence the locus of the point of intersection of tangents, which cut
at right angles, is the directrix.
Ex. 2. Prove that the locus of the poles of chords which are normal
to the parabola y^ = 4:ax is the curve
y = mx-2am-am^ (1).
yk=2a{x + h) (2).
Now the equations (1) and (2) represent the same straight line, so
that they must be equivalent. Hence
First Method. Let PQ be any sucli chord, and let its equation be
y = mx + c (1).
i.e. k^=1a{h-4ia),
so that {h, k) always lies on the parabola
2/2 = 2a (a; -4a).
This is a parabola one half the size of the original, and whose
vertex is at the point A' through which all the chords pass.
Second Method. Let P be the point (afj^, 2at^ and Q be the point
{at^, 2aio).
The tangents of the inclinations of AP and AQ io the axis are
— and —
1 2
*1 *2
y^ — 2a{x- 4a).
Tbird Method. The equation to the chord which is bisected at
the point {h, k) is, by Art. 221,
k{y-k) = 2a{x-h),
i. e. ky - 2ax=k^ - 2ah (8).
As in
Art. 122 the equation to the straight lines joining its points
of intersection with the parabola to the vertex is
{k^-2ah) + 8a^ = 0.
Hence the locus as before.
This straight line always goes through the point (4a, 0).
From an external point P tangents are drawn to the parabola find ;
the equation to the locus of P when these tangents make angles 6^ and
$2 with the axis, such that
L. 14
10. Shew that the locus of the point of intersection of two tangents,
which with the tangent at the vertex form a triangle of constant area
c^, is the curve x^ [y^ - 4:ax)=4:C^a^.
13. Shew that the locus of the poles of chords which subtend a
constant angle a at the vertex is the curve
(x + cot^ a (t/^ - 4aa;).
14. In the preceding question if the constant angle be a right angle
the locus is a straight line perpendicular to the axis.
16. Two equal parabolas, A and B, have the same vertex and axis
but have their concavities turned in opposite directions prove that ;
17. Prove that the locus of the poles of tangents to the parabola
y^—Aax with respect to the circle x^ + y'^=2ax is the circle x^ + y^=ax.
y'^= — X.
24. are such that the normals at their extremities meet on the
{y - 2am)^=8d {x - h).
26. Two parabolas have the same axis and tangents are drawn to
the second from points on the first ; prove that the locus of the middle
points of the chords of contact with the second parabola all lie on a
fixed parabola.
27. Prove that the locus of the feet of the perpendiculars drawn
from the vertex of the parabola upon chords, which subtend an angle
of 45° at the vertex, is the curve
m-y + m^ + m^ = , (2)
and mim2m^= — k
we have
-+{2a-h)~ + k = 0,
a^ ^ a
i.e. k^=a{h-3a).
' ,
If we eliminate m^, m^, and m^ from the equations (2), (3), (4),
and (5) we shall have a relation between h and k.
From (2) and (3), we have
in the previous question we know that the normals at the
points (ayn-^^, -2amj), {ain.^,-2am2^ and {am.^,-2am^) meet in the
point (A, k) if
mj + ^2 + m3 = (1),
2a ~ h
m^vi.^ + m^m-^ + m^m^ — — (2)
and mnW.,??io
' - "
= — a
^ '
^P-^Q-^^ ^
Hence ^1 _^ ^^^2) (i + ^^^2) (i + ,,,^.2)
_ h-2a
= (^y,by (l)and(2).
„ SP.SQ.SR li-2a
+ fli-2ay
Hence ^
=1+2 )+-
Find the locus of a point O when the three normals drawn from
it are such that
2. two of them make angles with the axis the product of whose
tangents is 2.
12. the sum of the squares of the sides of the triangle PQR is
equal to 2{h-2a){h + 10a).
13. the circle circumscribing the triangle PQR goes through the
vertex and its equation is 2x^ + 2y- -2x{h + 2a) -ky = 0.
14. if P
be fixed, then QR is fixed in direction and the locus of
the centre of the circle circumscribing PQR is a straight line.
15. Three normals are drawn to the parabola y^ = 4:ax cos a from
any point lying on the straight line y = h sin a. Prove that the locus
of the orthocentre of the triangles formed by the corresponding tan-
16. Prove that the sum of the angles which the three normals,
drawn from any point 0,make with the axis exceeds the angle which
the focal distance of O makes with the axis by a multiple of tt.
17. Two of the normals drawn from a point to the curve make
complementary angles with the axis prove that the locus of and ;
the curve which is touched by its polar are parabolas such that their
latera recta and that of the original parabola form a geometrical
progression. Sketch the three curves.
18. Prove that the normals at the points, where the straight line
lx + my = l meets the parabola, meet on the normal at the point
/4am2 4am \
( , — r— j
„ ,
of the parabola.
. .
20. If the normals drawn from any point to the parabola cut the
line x=2a in points whose ordinates are in arithmetical progres-
sion, prove that the tangents of the angles which the normals make
with the axis are in geometrical progression.
21. PG, the normal at P to a parabola, cuts the axis in G and is
produced to Q so that GQ = ^PG prove that the other normals \
23. Shew that three circles can be drawn to touch a parabola and
also to touch at the focus a given straight line passing through the
focus, and prove that the tangents at the point of contact with the
parabola form an equilateral triangle.
25. Prove that the locus of the centre of the circle, which passes
through the vertex of a parabola and through its intersections with a
normal chord, is the parabola 2y'^=iax-a^.
26. -A- circle is described whose centre is the vertex and whose
diameter is three-quarters of the latus rectum of a parabola prove ;
that the common chord of the circle and parabola bisects the distance
between the vertex and the focus.
27. Prove that the sum of the angles which the four common
tangents to a parabola and a circle make with the axis is equal to
mr + 2a, where a is the angle which the radius from the focus to the
centre of the circle makes with the axis and n is an integer.
equal parabola, their axes being parallel ; prove that the locus of their
point of contact is another parabola whose latus rectum is 21.
31. The sides of a triangle touch a parabola, and two of its angular
points lie on another parabola with its axis in the same direction
prove that the locus of the third angular point is another parabola.
{x sin B-\-y sin (o>' + ^) + ^|^ = 4a {x cos ^ +y cos (w' + 6^) + A},
A^{x-af = (3).
t.e. ('?_iy_?^_^+i=o
\a 0/ a
\a 0/ \a 0/ ao
a ah'
I.e. I ^ / -+ /v/
yivi=i <«)•
[The radical signs in (8) can clearly have both the positive and
negative signs prefixed. The different equations thus obtained corre-
spond to different portions of the curve. In the figure of Art. 243,
the abscissa of any point on the portion PAQ is <a, and the ordinate
< h, so that for this portion of the curve we must take both signs
positive. For the part beyond P the abscissa is > a, and - > r , so
that the signs must be + and - . For the part beyond Q the
fit n^
(- +
\a I-)
+ l = 0,
Ix . /y 1 M' , Ivi
sl ~a
+ ^/| = l = Vl^-^/y (2).
so that ^gz^
= -^ (3).
sjx' s]x s]a
y y ~ I— j-r, r,\^ ^n
sJX — i~,
\JX \JX + sjX
or, by (3),
; , sjh
sja six
+ sjy
+ ycc
,. ...
. ,
slax''^ slhy'~ \' a ^ \ h~^ ^^^*
[In the foregoing we have assumed that [x', y') Hes on the portion
PAQ (Fig., Art. 243). If it lie on either of the other portions the
proper signs must be affixed to the radicals, as in Art. 240.]
CO u
Ex. To find the condition that the straight line ^+ - = lmay be a
This line will be the same as (5), if
Hence - + ^ = 1.
This is the required condition; also, since x'=— and ^'=—
a W h
The equation to this circle is
air" a^h
+ 2ah 6"
qP' cos <o + ' ffl^ + 2ah cos <o + 6'
a^h h ah^ \
If r= — ( £C I
— I '
*• ^- ay-bx= ~
(a? — b^)
o) +
x+ 2/ cos (0 =y (1).
a b cos o) '
a+ b cos to
The point (
—cos =
, ) therefore lies on the directrix.
\a + b cos <o /
^. ., , 1 . //^ ab cos, (0 \ .
H X a? — h^ .
yy -^-1+1
and by = .(Art. 240),
h a
i.e. by (2).
From (1) a,nd (2), we have
a" — 0-
O 7 <>
^.e. — 2/ «.6
1. If a parabola, whose latus rectum is 4c, slide between two
rectangular axes, prove that the locus of its focus is x'^y^=c^ {x^ + y^),
and that the curve traced out by its vertex is
x^ + y^=c'"
3. The axes being rectangular, prove that the locus of the focus
of the parabola (- +
r-l)j = —aht j ^ 3,nd h being variables such
through the point {h, k), the given lines being the axes of coordinates,
prove that the locus of the focus is the curve
x'^-y^-hx + ky=: 0.
h + k sec 0}
+ ^r-r^
k + h sec w
= 1-
L. 15
i.e. CZ = - (3).
i-e. -2 + -2^^i —
:i^ = l (^)-
±-+L = l (6).
a2^b2"-^ ^
i.e. AN.NA'
PJV^ : :: BC : AC\
Def. The points A and A' are called the vertices of
the curve, AA' is called the major axis, and BB' the minor
axis. Also C is called the centre.
The equation
referred to A as origin, and AX and a
perpendicular line as axes, is
(^-^)' ,
^' _ 1
a- 0^ a
Similarly, the equation referred to ZX and ZK as axes is,
since CZ= — a
+ ^- =h
The equation to the ellipse, whose focus and directrix are any
given point and line, and whose eccentricity is known, is easily
written down.
For example, if the focus be the point (-2, 3), the directrix be
the line 2a; + 3?/ + 4 = 0, and the eccentricity be |, the required equa-
tion is
i.e. {x - aef -^ y^ = e^ (- - x\ ,
i.e. ST^^e^PM"".
Hence any point P of the
curve is such that its distance
from S' is e times distance from Z'K', so that we should
have obtained the same curve, if we had started with S' as
^e.SZ=e{CZ-CS) = e.CZ-e.CS
= a — ae^ (by equations (3) and (4) of Art. 247)
= -. (Art. 247.)
%4-' «•
or X ±«yi-s (3).
0- h- a^
Similarly, if Q' be without the curve, y' > PN, and then
'2 '2
-^ +
1 is positive,
Since r^ = ^a
—+ r-s
tit^— r-„-;, , we see that the *=
Let NP
be any ordinate of the ellipse, and let it be
produced to meet the auxiliary circle in Q.
Since the angle AQA' is a right angle, being the angle
in a semicircle, we have, by Euc. vi. 8, QN^ = AN. NA'.
SO tliat
The coordinates of any point P on the ellipse are there-
fore a cos and b sin ^.
_b 2cosl(<^ + <^>inl(</>--c^)
a 'Ssin !(<}!> + </,') sin i(<^-</>y'^
6 cosl(<^ +
-i— f-h
sin J (^'
{x-a cos
- cos —+ — + y
Y- Sin
. ch +
-^~ = cos
- <i> cos
4> +
+ sin
</> sm
+ 6'
X + + (h'
- cos ^—-^ + V --^ (i>-<t>'
<t> <i) . (i>
•- sin
=cos —r- •
a 2 a 2 2
This straight line and (1) clearly make the same intercept on the
major axis.
Hence the straight line joining any two points on an ellipse, and
the straight line joining the corresponding points on the auxiliary
circle, meet the major axis in the same point.
1.Find the equation to the ellipses, whose centres are the
origin,whose axes are the axes of coordinates, and which pass
through (a) the points (2, 2), and (3, 1),
and (/3) the points (1, 4) and (-6, 1).
3. whose minor axis is equal to the distance between the foci and
whose latus rectum is 10,
4. whose foci are the points (4, 0) and ( - 4, 0) and whose
eccentricity is ^.
10. Prove that the sum of the squares of the reciprocals of two
perpendicular diameters of an ellipse is constant.
15. Prove that the area of the triangle formed by three points on
an ellipse, whose eccentric angles are ^, 0, and \{/, is
, . 0-^ yl/-d.
its area is a maximum when the latter triangle is equilateral, i.e. when
0-^ = ^-0 = —.
Any point
16. P
of an ellipse is joined to the extremities of the
major axis; prove that the portion of a directrix intercepted by them
subtends a right angle at the corresponding focus.
17. Shew that the perpendiculars from the centre upon all chords,
which join the ends of perpendicular diameters, are of constant
21. Given the base of a triangle and the sum of its sides, prove
that the locus of the centre of its incircle is an ellipse.
22. With a given point and line as focus and directrix, a series
of ellipses are described; prove that the locus of the extremities of
their minor axes is a parabola.
23. A line of fixed length a + b moves so that its ends are always
on two fixed perpendicular straight lines; prove that the locus of a
point, which divides this line into portions of length a and b, is an
24. Prove that the extremities of the latera recta of all ellipses,
having a given major axis 2a, lie on the parabola x^= -a{y- a).
T + |I=1 (1).
y ^ TThx + c (2).
^ (mx + cf
^ir~ " '
, , , 2a6 sja-nr +
— b' —c
so that X, — Xo = 7,-7, Th
a^mr + o"
Since both P and Q lie on the ellipse, we have
10 ro
-^^+v=l (^>-
Hence, by subtraction,
x"'-x'^ y"^-y''_^
a^ 6^ ~ '
y"-y){y" + y') _ _ { x"-x'){x" + x')
,v J
ox, •>
i.e. -2 +
= -2
+ y^
= 1' % equation (2).
b2 " *•
y = 7nx + c (1)
/ - c?'m y^ \
p2 = a2 cos2 a + b2 sin2 a.
Similarly, it may be shewn that the straight line
Ix + my = n
touches the ellipse, if aH^ + b^m^ = v?.
Substituting x' = a cos <^ and y' — b sin <f> in the equation
of Art. 262, we have, as the required equation,
^ + ^D sin ^ = 1 (1).
Ex. Find the intersection of the tangents at the points <p and <p'.
- COS +V sin - 1 = 0,
5 y 1
+ <b — ^ + 0'. (b — —
~^ —
2a COS ^
(b .
^ d)' ^,
2b sin
sm -
<b ^ ,
2 sin
(h d)
a'y y
Its equation is therefore
X - X' y-y
a2 b2
The coordinates of the point are a cos <^ and b sin (f>.
<p sm <^ ,
a h
ax „ by
cos <p sm ip
The required normal is therefore
_ a^u ay ^- ^ X
Let^, = m,sothat- = ^-^^.
Hence, since {x', y') satisfies the relation -^ + ^
= 1> ^^^ obtain
y ~ Ja^ + hHi^'
The equation to the normal is therefore
y=mx- f- ^.
L. 16
? + f^=l (!)•
X—X y ~y
x y' '
If Y be the point {h, k) then, since Y lies on both (1) and (2), we
h cos a + k sin a — sja^ cos^ a + b^ sin^ a,
Squaring and adding these equations, we have h'^ + k'^ = a'^, so that
Y lieson the auxihary circle x^ + y'^:= c^.
Similarly it may be proved that Y' lies on this circle.
Also CT=
a^ _a{a-eCN)
and therefore S'T=~-^-ae= ^,,
GT «^__CT
S'T~ a-e.G~N~ S'P'
Hence GY and S'P are parallel. Similarly GY' and SF are
(7) If the normal at any point P meet the major and minor axes
in G and g, and if GF he the perpendicular upon this normal, then
FF.PG^ &2 aj^^ PF.Pg = a2.
The tangent at any point P (the point " 0") is
The normal
sin^ (p fjb^ cos^ a'-^ sin^
cos sm
a cos - cos
+ 62 sin3
= h^
"2 COS^ + &2 sin^ 0,
i.e. PG^-Jb^cos^(p
^ + a^sin^(p.
From this and (1), we have PF.PG = h^.
If we put a; = in (2), we see that g is the point
(0, ^sin0j.
so that
^^~h '^^^ ^^^^ + ^2 sin^ 0.
From this result and (1) we therefore have
PF. Pg = a\
a^ + 2/^ = «- + h^,
Find the equation to the tangent and normal
1. at the point (1, f) of the ellipse 4a;2 + Qt/^ = 20,
2. at the point of the ellipse 5a;2 + 3z/2 = 137 whose ordinate is 2,
3. at the ends of the latera recta of the ellipse ^x^ + 16?/2 = 144.
recta of the ellipse -g + T2 =^ •'» ^^^ shew that they pass through the
intersections of the axis and the directrices.
7. Find the points on the ellipse such that the tangents there
are equally inclined to the axes. Prove also that the length of the
perpendicular from the centre on either of these tangents is
x/' 2 '
. .
12. Two
tangents to the ellipse intersect at right angles; prove
that the sum of the squares of the chords which the auxiliary circle
intercepts on them is constant, and equal to the square on the line
joining the foci.
14. Shew that the angle between the tangents to the ellipse
\.^ =
and the circle x~ + y'^ = ab at their points of intersection is
a— b
tan~^ ~7=? .
20. Prove that the straight lines, joining each focus to the foot of
the perpendicular from the other focus upon the tangent at any
point P, meet on the normal at P and bisect it.
21. Prove that the circle on any focal distance as diameter touches
the auxiliary circle.
22. Find the tangent of the angle between CP and the normal at
P, and prove that its greatest value is ^ , .
24. Find the locus of the point of intersection of the two straight
lines - - l+ = t and -
+ ^ - 1 = 0.
Prove also that they meet at the point whose eccentric angle is
25. Prove that the locus of the middle points of the portions of
tangents included between the axes is the curve
27. The normal at P meets the axes in G and g ; shew that the
loci of the middle points of PG and Gg are respectively the ellipses
4^.2 4^,2
+ |- = 1, anda%2 + 62^2^|(,,2_62)2.
28. Prove that the locus of the feet of the perpendicular drawn
from the centre upon any tangent to the ellipse is
29. If a number
of ellipses be described, having the same major
axis, but a variable minor
axis, prove that the tangents at the ends of
their latera recta pass through one or other of two fixed points.
(a2m2 + 62) (a;2 + y2) + 2ma^cx - 2b'^cij + c^ {a^ + 62) - a262 (1 + wF) = 0.
32. PM and PN are perpendiculars upon the axes from any point
P on the ellipse. Prove that MN is always normal to a fixed
concentric ellipse.
33. Prove that the sum of the eccentric angles of the extremities
of a chord, which is drawn in a given direction, is constant, and
equal to twice the eccentric angle of the point at which the tangent is
parallel to the given direction.
y = mx + sja^m^ + b^ (1).
X 11
+^ -
i.e. ii ^
a^ 0^
1 be positive,
^ + ^' =, 1
a^ Jy"
-^ l^^
^^^=^ (3)-
For, since (1) is true, the point {x, y') lies on (3).
Also, since (2) is true, the point {x'\ y") lies on (3).
[Art. 162.]
^^W=^ (^)-
X. ae ^ . a
a^ e
Ax + By + C=0 (1).
Let (x^, 2/i) be its pole. Then (1) must be the same as
the polar of (a^i, y^)j i.e.
^ - Vl / x
k — y^
t.e. y=j —^x+^ — hy. kx.
If this straight line touch the ellipse, it must be of the
y = mx + s]a^w? + h^. ( Art. 263.)
h — x^
and f^^lJl^V =
\ h — x^ J
„W + Jl
Hence f
^Y = faV «^ + 6'.
\ h-x^ J \h-xj
But this is the condition that the point (A, U) may lie
on the locus
{xy^ - x^yf =a'{y- y^f + b''{x- x^f (1).
y = 7nx + c (1),
x^ {mx + cY
= mh + c
k (4).
y— — 5 X (6).
I.e. mm. — -„
^~ a'k''^ a?k
i.e. ^^{y-Jc)+~{X-h)=0.
It is therefore parallel to the polar of {h, k).
=—— g- ,
The tangents at the ends of any chord meet on the
diameter which bisects the chord.
Let the equation to the chord QR (Art. 279) be
2/ = ma;+ c (1).
^V^^l (2)
which, by Art. 279, is the equation to the diameter bisect-
ing the chord QR. Hence T lies on the straight line GP.
a^ ^ ^ a^
i. e. if tan <^ ^^ — cot cf}' — tan (<^' ± 90°j,
i.e. if ^-^'= + 90°.
then D is the point ^ + 90° and D' is the point <^ - 90°.
Hence CP^ + CB' = 0"+
— the sum of the squares of the semi-axes of the ellipse.
L. 17
-cos0 + vsin0=l,
a b
cos (45° + ^) ,
giving tan^ ^ = Ij
i.e. ^ = 45°, or 135°.
The equation to CP is then
y = x. — tan ^,
^.e. 2/ = + -^ (2).
— cos
^+180° + ^! 2/
. ^+180°+^_— COS <^_180°-^
;r -r ^ ^;; • -z:
a 2 b 2 2
Cor. If the axes be the equiconjugate diameters, the
equation is x^ + y^ = a'^. The equation is thus the same in
form as the equation to a circle. In the case of the ellipse
however the axes are oblique.
Putting y = 0, we have
i.e. CV.CT=GP^
8. Shew that the four lines which join the foci to two points P
and Q on an ellipse all touch a circle whose centre is the pole of PQ.
and (2) the product of the perpendiculars from the foci on the polar
= CK.LM.
What do these theorems become when P is on the ellipse ?
prove that they intercept on the ordinate through the nearer focus a
distance equal to the major axis.
14. Prove that the angle between the tangents that can be drawn
from any point [x^ y{) to the ellipse is
2ah /~-±^^yl
x{^ + y-^ -a^-b^
15. If T be the point {x^, y-y), shew that the equation to the
straight lines joining it to the foci, S and S\ is
{x-^y - xy-yf - a\^ {y - i/i)^ = 0.
Prove that the bisector of the angle between these lines also
bisects the angle between the tangents TP and TQ that can be drawn
from T, and hence that
16. If two tangents to an ellipse and one of its foci be given, prove
that the locus of its centre is a straight line.
17. Prove that the straight lines joining the centre to the inter-
conjugate diameters.
21. Prove that a chord which joins the ends of a pair of conjugate
diameters of an ellipse always touches a similar ellipse.
22. The eccentric angles of two points and Q on the ellipse are P
01 and 02 prove that the area of the parallelogram formed by the
24. If the tangent at any point P meet in the points L and L'
(1) two parallel tangents, or (2) two conjugate diameters,
prove that in each case the rectangle LP PL' is equal to the square .
26. Tangents are drawn from any point on the ellipse -3 + 'rg =1
to the circle x'^ + y'^=r'^ prove that the chords of contact are tangents
J!L_JL=«v (1).
COS </) sm <jt>
^ '
Let tan ^= ^, so that
cos d> = ,
= -:, ^ , and sni cb = = .
ah ^ — ok — a^e 2/,2
\-f 7,
i.e. hkf + 2^3 (ah + aV) + 2i5 (ah - a^e^) -hk = ... (2).
^ ah — a^p}
+ ^1^3 = - 2
, ,
{h + ^ + il + h\ - ^1-^3 __ ^1
- ^3 _^
•• 2 ='''^+2'
The abscissae of the points in which this straight line meets the
ellipse are given by
\^ a^j ~ h^ ^y
(^ fc^\ _2£i
W-\ 2xh , Ti^ ^
^l + and ^1^2
^2-^-2p:;-^2;i;2' -j2;,2 + ^2/^2-
If 2/i
and 2/2 be the ordinates of Q and R, we have from (1)
"^ -•^'
a2 62
and 2+^=1'
so that, by subtraction,
~ 2/1 —
~ ^l/'
2/2 ^2^ V.^2
V^ + P~-^j'
^ "^
Ka'^y^J-y &2 aP )
which is therefore the locus of P.
Ex. 2. Find the locus (1) of the middle points, and (2) of the poles,
of normal chords of the ellipse.
The chord, whose middle point is {h, k), is parallel to the polar of
(h, k) and is therefore
a^ b^ a^ b^
and sin^=-
k (a2 - fc2) y^'^by
Hence, by the elimination of d,
The equation to the required locus is therefore
Again, if (x^, y-y) be the pole of the normal chord (2), the latter
equation must be equivalent to the equation
^^ + ^^=1 (3).
a^sec0_ 6^ cosec ^
^1 vT'
( W\
= cos2^ + sin2^= —5+—5) —
a^ 1
so that l •
Let the tangents at the points where it meets the first ellipse meet
in (h, k). Then (1) must be the same as the polar of {h, k) with
respect to the first ellipse, i.e. it is the same as
^~" ^''^•
'h~ k~ Ti
Eliminating m, we have
+P -/^2'
^2 1)2
i.e. on a concentric and coaxal ellipse whose semi-axes are — and —
a p
The tangents drawn from a point P to the ellipse make angles 61
and $2 with the major axis find the locus of P when ;
17. Prove that the locus of the intersection of normals at the ends
of chords, parallel to the tangent at the point whose eccentric angle is
a, is the conic
2 [ax sin a + by cos a) {ax cos a + by sin a) = (a^ - &2)2 g^j^ 2a cos^ 2a.
If the chords be parallel to an equiconjugate diameter, the locus
is a diameter perpendicular to the other equiconjugate.
21. Prove that the locus of the pole, with respect to the ellipse, of
^ v^ 1
any tangent to the auxiliary circle is the curve -4 + n = -^ •
22. Shew that the locus of the pole, with respect to the auxiliary
circle, of a tangent to the ellipse is a similar concentric ellipse,
whose major axis is at right angles to that of the original ellipse.
23. Chords of the ellipse touch the parabola ay^= -2b^x; prove
that the locus of their poles is the parabola ay^ = 2b^x.
28. Prove that the directrices of the two parabolas that can be
drawn to have their foci at any given point of the ellipse and to P
pass through its foci meet at an angle which is equal to twice the
eccentric angle of P.
29. Chords at right angles are drawn through any point P of the
and the line joining their extremities meets the normal in the
point Q. Prove that Q is the same for all such chords, its
,. , ,
coordinates being
^ ——
717- and
5 z^ — .
Prove also that the major axis is the bisector of the angle PGQ,
and that the locus of Q for different positions of P is the ellipse
a;2 y^ _ '
= e\CA' + GZ'\-e\_GA - GZ] = e,2GZ,
i.e. GZ=- , (3).
{x — aef + y^ = e^\ x
i.e. x^ — 2aex + a^e^ + 2/^ = &^x^ — ^aex + a^.
Hence x" {e" - I) - y'^ = or {e" - \\
i.e. --
-—^— - ==1 (5).
Def. The points A and A' are called the vertices of the
hyperbola, C is the centre, -4^' is the transverse axis of the
curve, whilst the line BB' is called the conjugate axis,
where B
and B' are two points on the axis of y equidistant
from C, as in the figure of Art. 315, and such that
B'G = CB^h.
297. Since S is the point (ae, 0), the equation referred to the
focus as origin is, by Art. 128,
{x + ae)^ _
~"^2 p-1'
, a;2 w2 2a; 1
and 1^
+__=!_ ^
a^ b'^ ae e^
The equation to the hyperbola, whose focus, directrix, and eccen-
tricity are any given quantities, may be written down as in the case
of the ellipse (Art. 249).
. ,
= e.ZZ' = 2e.CZ=2a
— the transverse axis AA'.
Also SP = e.PM^e. ZN ^ e.CN-e. CZ^ ex' - a,
and 8'P^e. PM' = e Z'N =e C]^+ e .Z'C^bk' + a.,
. .
by equations (3), (4), and (7) of Art. 295.
--^=1 (1)
^=**\/5^ (^)'
or a! = ±fli /^ + 1 (3).
For values of oi? > o?- the equation (2) shews that
there are two equal and opposite values of y^ so that the
curve is symmetrical with respect to the axis of x. Also,
as the value of x increases, the corresponding values of y
increase, until, corresponding to an infinite value of x^ we
have an infinite value of y.
For all values of y^ the equation (3) gives two equal
and opposite values to cc, so that the curve is symmetrical
with respect to the axis of y.
we have -^ - ^— 1 negative.
For values of tan^ 0> —^, the corresponding values of
— are negative, and the corresponding values of r imaginary.
values of R give the portion AR^, and the negative values
give the portion A'R^.
The ellipse and the hyperbola since they both have a
centre (7, such that all chords of the conic passing through
it are bisected at it, are together called Central Conics.
y = mx + sJa^TYi^ — b^
is always a tangent.
The straight line
X cos a + y sin a = j^
is a tangent, if p^ = a^ cos^ a — b^ sin^ a.
same foci and S', they cut at right angles at any common
—^ y
— 7- sm
= cos
4> +
^^1 _ y^j _ -1
^^ y^i __
a^ 52
- 1
The proposition of Art. 278 is true for the hyperbola
also, if we replace b^ by — b\
, a'' + ¥ 2t*2
a^ a^
so that e — J2.
311. Ex. The perpendiculars from the centre upon the tangent
and normal at any point of the hyperbola -^—j-^ =l meet them in Q
and R. Find the loci of Q and R.
As in Art. 308, the straight line
X cos a + y sin a =p
is a tangent, if p^ — a^ cos^ a-h^ sin^ a.
But p and a are the polar coordinates of Q, the foot of the perpen-
dicular on this straight line from C.
The polar equation to the locus of is therefore M
r2 = a2cos2^-62sin2 6',
hx-ayB\n = (2).
If we eliminate 0, we shall have the locus of R.
>/ 1 - sin^
:=r — —j-
^Ja^y^— h^x^
— .
Find the equation to the hyperbola, referred to its axes as axes of
5. In the hyperbola 4a;2- 9i/^ = 36, find the axes, the coordinates
of the foci, the eccentricity, and the latus rectum.
^^' Prove that the straight
° lines —
ah = m
j- and -
25. Shew that the locus of the centre of a circle which touches
externally two given circles is a hyperbola.
26. On a level plain the crack of the rifle and the thud of the ball
striking the target are heard at the same instant; prove that the
locus of the hearer is a hyperbola.
27. Given the base of a triangle and the ratio of the tangents of
half the base angles, prove that the vertex moves on a hyperbola
whose foci are the extremities of the base.
28. Prove that the locus of the poles of normal chords with
29. Find the locus of the pole of a chord of the hyperbola which
subtends a right angle at (1) the centre, (2) the vertex, and (3) the
focus of the curve.
31. Prove that the locus of the pole with respect to the hyperbola
—„ =\ of any tangent to the circle, whose diameter is the line
a?- W-
3j 11 1
ng the foci, is the ellipse —4 + ri =
a^ ¥ a^+b^
y = 7nx + c (1)
We therefcwre have
h^ — a^jn^ = 0, and a^mc — 0.
Hence m = =*=-,
and c = 0.
tan"-^ —
The equation to the asymptotes, written as one equa-
tion, is
That the asymptote passes through two coincident points
i. e. touches the curve at infinity, may be seen by finding
at infinity,
the equations to the tangents to the curve which pass through any
y = mx + Ja^m^ - b^^
we have NQ = - £c
Hence PQ = NQ - NP = ^-
(x' - slx'^ - a\
PQj-{^-^W^r^) =
« ax' +
x' + \/x^ — a^
PQ is therefore always positive, and therefore the
part of the curve, for which the coordinates are positive,
•is altogether between the asymptote and the transverse
Also as X increases, i. e. as the point P is taken further
and further from the centre C, it is clear that PQ con-
tinually decreases ; finally, when x' is infinitely great, PQ
is infinitely small.
GF= CS cos FCS =CS.%= j¥+¥ -.-^^ - a. .
^-^ = 1 (2).
^ ^
a' b'
a^ b'
i.e. according as
if ^i'^2==-2 (2).
'^™= = l-^ = a^
m^m^ = —
the equation x^ ( -zj A — \y i.e. by .t^ =
ra^ a^ — h"^'
h tan 4> ^ •
y= Jx=x
- sm <p. I
a sec <^ a
y ^x —sm—
in the points (a tan <^, h sec ^), and (— a tan (j>, —h sec ^) so
that D is the point {a tan <^, 6 sec ^).
We therefore have
CP" - a' sec^ «^ + 6Han2 </,,
If Q^
and 7 sind) = cosd) (2).
a ^
a h 1 — sin «^
This point lies on the asymptote CL.
Similarly, the intersection of the tangents at and P D
lies on CL-[^ that of tangents at D' and F' on GL' ^ and
those at D and F' on CZj.
If tangents be therefore drawn at the points where a
pair of conjugate diameters meet a hyperbola and its
conjugate, they form a parallelogram whose angular points
are on the asymptotes.
Again, the perpendicular from C on the straight line (1)
cos ^ ah cos
a6 «6 ah
sJhHec^<j> + d'tQ.n^4> CD FK'
Cor. PK^
CD = D'C = K^P, so that the portion of a
tangent to a hyperbola intercepted between the asymptotes
is bisected at the point of contact.
5-F = i •
%-%-' -(2)-
and-^-|^ = -l (3).
a^ 0"
notice that the equation (2) differs from equation (1)
by a constant, and that the equation (3) differs from (2) by
exactly the same quantity that (2) differs from (1).
If now we transform the equations in any way we
please —
by changing the origin and directions of the axes
by the most general substitutions of Art. 132 and by
multiplying the equations by any the same constant, —
we shall alter the left-hand members of (1), (2), and (3) in
exactly the same way, and the right-hand constants in the
equations will still be constants, and differ in the same way
as before.
Hence, whatever be the form of the equation to a
hyperbola, the equation to the asymptotes only differs from
it by a constant, and the equation to the conjugate
hyperbola differs from that to the asymptotes by the same
4. Shew that the chord, which joins the points in which a pair of
conjugate diameters meets the hyperbola and its conjugate, is parallel
to one asymptote and is bisected by the other.
,2 '" ^ .(1).
a" 52
sm a cos a 1
and hence , ,
xy = —4—
This is often written in the form xy — c^, where 4c^
equals the sum of the squares of the semiaxes of the
^y =
and x"y" = 0^
2/ (»-=«') (3).
m^—x' —— Xy -,
y 0)
y (if'
—X cos w) — X (x — y cos w) = y"^ — x'.
tion x = ct and y = -
are ict, - j
lies on the curve, and it may be called the point
y (l — f cos iji)—x {f — cos (o) == - (1 - ^*),
or, when the hyperbola is rectangular,
The equations to the tangents at the points ^'t" and " t"
Vi + ^2 ^1 + tj '
The line joining " t^" and " ^2/' which is the polar of this
point, is therefore, by Art. 331,
X + yt^t^ = c(ti + 1^.
This form also follows by writing down the equation
to the straight line joining the points
g and (ct,,
334. Ex. 1. If a rectangular hyperbola circumscribe a triangle,
it also passes through the orthocentre of the triangle.
Let the equation to the curve referred to its asymptotes be
a:y = c'^ (1).
Let the angular points of the triangle be P, Q, and R, and let their
coordinates be
x + yt2ts=c{t^ + ts).
The equation to the straight line, through P perpendicular to QR^
is therefore
I.e. y + ctihh=hh[f + jjj] (2)-
"'''''') ^'^'
and this is therefore the orthocentre.
But the coordinates (4) satisfy (1). Hence the proposition.
Also if (
ct^,-\ he the orthocentre of the points " ij," " t^" and
" ig," we have t^t^t^t^— - 1.
(1) ti«2^3«4=l,
(2) the centre of mean position of the four points bisects the
distance between the centres of the two curves,
and (3) the centre of the circle through the points "ij," "f2»" "^g" ^^
hhhh='^ (2),
h + h + t, + t,=^ (3),
and *2M4 + *3*4*1 + *4M2+M2*3= (4).
i. e. the point
{t^ + *2 + «3 + «4). | (^- + ^ + ^ + ,
is therefore the point ( k ^ j
) ?
^^^ tliis is the middle point of the line
a^ + b^
1. Prove that the foci of the hyperbola xy= —j— - are given by
4. If the ordinate NP
at any point P of an ellipse be produced to
Q, so that NQ
is equal to the subtangent at P, prove that the locus of
^ is a hyperbola.
5. P
From a point perpendiculars PM and PN are drawn to two
straight lines OM
and ON. If the area OMPN be constant, prove
that the locus of P
is a hyperbola.
6. A variable line has its ends on two lines given in position awd
passes through a given point ; prove that the locus of a point which
divides it in any given ratio is a hyperbola.
triangle P^P^P^ is
^ «^-i J;o wo
and that the tangents at these points form a triangle whose area is
18. Prove that the portions of any line which are intercepted
between the asymptotes and the curve are equal.
19. Shew that the straight lines drawn from a variable point on
the curve to any two fixed points on it intercept a constant distance on
either asymptote.
20. Shew that the equation to the director circle of the conic
xy = c^is x^ + 2xy cos (>)+y^ = 4ie^ cos (a.
22. Shew that the straight line y = mx + c\/ - m always touches the
23. Prove that the locus of the foot of the perpendicular let fall
32. A, B, C, and D
are the points of intersection of a circle and a
rectangular hyperbola. If AB pass through the centre of the hyper-
bola, prove that CD passes through the centre of the circle.
34. A
series of hyperbolas is drawn, having for asymptotes the
principal axes of an ellipse; shew that the common chords of the
hyperbolas and the ellipse are all parallel to one of the conjugate
diameters of the ellipse.
r= SP = e.PM=e,ZN
= e{ZS + SN)
= ei- + SP. cosO = l + e.r. cos 0.
Therefore r= .(1).
1 — 6 008 6^
IS r =z
= —^—
^ ^d
=- I I
cosec^ -
sm^ -
If the initial line, instead of being the axis, be such that the axis
isinclined at an angle y to it, then, in the previous article, instead of
6 we must substitute d -y.
The equation in this case is then
from ^ to CO .
As 6 increases from 0° to 90°, cos B decreases from 1 to
r 1 +e
We thus obtain the portion LA of the curve, where
SA = ^.
Similarly, as increases from 180° to 270° and then to
360°, we have the portions AL' and L'B'P'A'.
from — cx) to + 00 .
1 +e
Now is < — - . Hence the point A, which corresponds
to 6^ = TT, is such that SA < SA'.
For values of 9 between cos~^- and tt we therefore
have the portion, ao RPA^ of the curve. For this portion
r is positive.
338. In Case III. of the last article, let any straight line be
dravm through S to meet the nearer branch in ^, and the further
branch in q.
^ l-ecos{XSq-f^7r) 1 + ecosXSq'
^^^~l + ecosXSq'
This is the relation connecting the distance, Sq, of any point on
the further branch of the hyperbola with the angle XSq that it makes
with the initial line.
I.e. - and - +2
e e e(e2-l)'
r cos o = — e
and r cos
c^ =—
- + ——-
—— —
21 -]
- .
\je 1)J
The same equations would be found to hold in the case
of the ellipse.
. .
(1) the sum of the reciprocals of the segments of any focal chord
is constant, and
Let PSP' be any focal chord, and let the vectorial angle of P be a,
so that the vectorial angle of P' is ir + a.
(2) Let QSQ' be the focal chord perpendicular to PSP', so that the
7^7^ = 1 -e cos (
- + a = l + esina,
Ex. 2. Prove that the locus of the middle jioints of focal chords of
a conic section is a conic section.
Let PSQ be any chord, the angle PSX being d, so that
SP '
1-e cos d
and SQ= 1-e cos [it + e cos
+ 6) 1 '
Let iJ be the middle point ot PQ, and let its polar coordinates be
r and d.
Then .=SP-BP=SP_«^+^= 2
^ Ll-«cos^ 1 + e COS ^J 1- e'-^ cos 20'
i.e. r^-eVcos^^rrZe. ?'cos0.
and therefore represents an ellipse or a hyperbola according as the
original conic is an ellipse or a hyperbola.
Let P be
the point (rj, a), and let Q be another point
on the curve, whose coordinates are (r^, /?), so that we have
1 — ecosa (1),
= {sin(^ -a) + sin {(3-0)} -e {sin (^ -a) cos^ + sin (/3-^) cos a}
= 2^ sm ^—
. B-a
^r — cos 20-a-B
— e{(sin^ cos a - cos ^ sin a) cos ^ + (sin /5 cos ^— cos ^ sin ^) cos a}
B-a //,a + y8
= sec —-—
».e. - cos ^^_^A_ecos^
r A
Similarly, if it pass through the point {r^, /3) on the curve, we have
Lcos(/3-7) = l (3).
-=sec— — (-^0-
^ -ecos^.
COS ( d )
point (r^ , ^1) with respect to the conic section ~ — \—e cos 0.
t.e = ^1 (3).
Substituting this value in (1), we have
n 2 [ )
- = cos (0 — a) — e cos 0,
A= , and /^— .
e e sm a
I.e. sui(0
— a)~esuid = — ^
e sin a
cos a
-= -ecos^ (2).
If we solve the equations (1) and (2), we shall obtain the polar
coordinates of K.
But, by subtracting (2) from (1), we have
Ex. 2. S is the focus and P and Q tioo points on a conic such that
the angle PSQ is constant and equal to 25; prove that
(1) the locus of the intersection of tangents at P and Q is a conic
section ivhose focus is S,
- = cos(6*-7-5)-ecos^ (1),
Also the directrix is in each case the same as that of the original
^ ^, Z sec 5 - i cos 5 ^ I
are equal to -
, ^
conic. For both r and
e sec 8 e cos 5 e
1 1 1 1 2
and. /«x
(2) - + - + - + - = 7.
J-i r^ rg 7-4 I
Take the focus as pole, and the axis of the conic as initial line, so
that its equation is
- = l-ecos^ (1).
r — l I (r — 1\^
From (1) we have cos 6= , and hence sin ^= \/ ^~\ )
'V2^3^4 = -^ (%
and »'2''3''4 + r3r^»i + ?4rir2 + rir2r3=-^ (4).
by we have
Dividing (4) (3),
-+-+- + - = 7.
rj r. r^ I
1. In a parabola, prove that the length of a focal chord which is
incHned at 30° to the axis is four times the length of the latus-rectum.
The tangents at two points, P and Q, of a conic meet in T, and S
is the focus ; prove that
prove that
^^ + ^-^-^-^ is constant.
11. Two conies have a common focus; prove that two of their
common chords pass through the intersection of their directrices.
12. P is any point on a conic, whose focus is S, and a straight
line isdrawn through 5^ at a given angle with SP to meet the tangent
at P in T prove that the locus of T is a conic whose focus and
another conic, having the same focus, and whose eccentricity is the
ratio of the eccentricities of the given conies.
15. Two ellipses have a common focus ; two radii vectores, one to
each ellipse, are drawn from the focus at right angles to one another
and tangents are drawn at their extremities prove that these tangents ;
16. Prove that the sum of the distances from the focus of the
points in which a conic is intersected by any circle, whose centre is at
a fixed point on the transverse axis, is constant.
17. Shew that the equation to the circle circumscribing the triangle
formed by the three tangents to the parabola r =z drawn at
1 - cos d
the points whose vectorial angles are a, j3, and y, is
a 8 y .
r=a cosec - cosec ~ cosec ^ '
2 2 V 2 2
and hence that it always passes through the focus.
a B r^^
y cosec -8 cos fg
- a cosec ^ cosec ^- cosec ^ ^ + y + 8S--\
a + P+y
r= a
z A d
20. Shew that the equation to the circle, which passes through
22. Prove that the locus of the vertices of all parabolas that can be
drawn touching a given circle of radius a and having a fixed point on
23. Two conic sections have the same focus and directrix. Shew
that any tangent from the outer curve to the inner one subtends a
constant angle at the focus.
a common tangent, shew that the angle PSQ is equal to 2 sin-^ —p, •
«+r)(Ui)+(z-.)(i + i)=4.
[Make use of Art. 338.]
27. If the normals at three points of the parabola r=a cosec^-,
whose vectorial angles are a, /3, and 7, meet in a point whose vectorial
angle is 5, prove that 25=a + /3 + 7-7r.
L. 21
/oF e
If e > 1, then F
lies on one or
other of the two straight lines SU
and SU' inclined to KK' at an angle
: .
(2) A Parabola.
(3) A Hyperbola.
(4) Two straight lines, real or imaginary, inter-
secting, coincident, or parallel.
Whatever be the values of a, b, and h, there is always
a value of satisfying this equation and such that it lies
between — 45° and + 45°. The values of sin and cos are
therefore known.
On substituting their values in (2), let it become
Ax'' + JBy'' + 2Gx + 2Fy + c = (3).
— -7 , ~ n)
K •
K K be both positive, the equation represents an
— and -^
ellipse. (Art. 247.)
If -J
K and — be one positive and the other negative,
and this represents two parallel straight lines, real or
Thus in every case the general equation represents one
of the conic sections enumerated in Art. 348.
But the points {x\ y) and {—x\ —y) lie on the same
straight line through the origin, and are at equal distances
from the origin.
the origin is the centre only when both f and g are zero.
gx +fy' - 0.
This relation is to be true for all the points {og\ y')
which lie on the curve (1). But this can only be the case
when g — and f= 0.
352. To obtain the coordinates of the centre of the
conic given hy the general equation, and to obtain the
equation to the curve referred to axes through the centre
parallel to the original axes.
Transform the origin to the point (S, y)j so that for x
and y we have to substitute x + x and y + y. The equation
then becomes
a{x + xf + 2h{x + x){y + y) + b (y + yY + 2g(x + x)
and hx + hy +f = (4).
where A is the discriminant of the given general equation
(Art. 118).
The equation (2) can therefore be written in the form
of the form ~ and the equations (3) and (4) reduce to the
same equation, viz.,
ax + hy + g = 0.
We then have only one equation to determine the
centre, and there is therefore an infinite number of centres
all lying on the straight line
ax -{-hy -{-g — O.
355. Ex. Find the condition that the general equation of the
second degree may represent two straight lines.
The centre {x, y) of the conic is given by
ax-\-hy-\-g = (1),
ah (c + X) + ^fgh - af - 6/ - (c + X) K- = 0. (Art. 116.)
ineretore A=—
ahG + 2fgh-af^-hg^-c¥
,„ = ;
ao — a^
— -^
ab — A"
—A j-^.
Two parallel straight lines. A = 0, and h^ ~ ah.
If the axes of coordinates be oblique, the lines (1) of Art. 356 are
at right angles if a + 6- 2/icos a;=0 (Art. 93); so that the conic
section is a rectangular hyperbola ii a + b-2h cos w 0. =
Also, by Art. 175, the conic section is a circle if &= a and
h= a cos la.
The conditions for the other cases in the previous article are the
same for both oblique and rectangular axes.
What conies do the following equations represent? "When
possible, find their centres, and also their equations referred to the
2. lSx^-18xy + S7y^ + 2x + Uy -2 = 0.
3. y^-2^3xy + 3x^ + 6x-4:y + 5 = 0.
4. 2x^-72xy + 2Sy^-4:X-2Sy-^8 = 0.
5. 6x^-.5xy-Qy'^ + 14:X + 5y + 4:=0.
6. Sx^-8xy-Sy^ + 10x-lSy + 8 = 0.
Find the asymptotes of the following hyperbolas and also the
equations to their conjugate hyperbolas.
22. x^ + y'^
+ {x + y) {xy-ax-ay) = 0. 23. a;2 + a;r/ + 2/2=0.
24. {r cos 6-a){r-a cos 6) = 0. 25. rsin2^ = 2acos^.
JT cos — Fsin 0, i. e. ,
Ja' + ft'
and for y the quantity
JTsin^ + Tcos^,
-"--^+1^ ^
i.e. (Art. 129.)
<^-^)^^'(£^f^-^j (^)'
and ^2^l=J^xff=K^- ^
{a'+0 " " a^ + yS^'
I.e. H=
The equation (3) represents a parabola whose latus
a{Xa-g) + pH3X-/) = 0,
The lines (5) and (6) are now, by the last article, a
diameter and a tangent at its extremity also, since they ;
are at right angles, they must be the axis and the tangent
at the vertex.
z e.
= 2 •
(a? + 13^) f
363. Ex. Trace the parabola
9a;2 - 'iixy + 16r/2 - 18a; - 101?/ + 19 = 0.
The equation is
(3a;-42/)2-18a;-101^ + 19 = (1).
quantity -57.
The equation (1) therefore becomes
2572_i[72Z-54Y]-i[303Z+404r| + 19 = 0,
i.e. 25r2-75Z-70r+19=0 (2).
This is the equation to the curve referred to the axes OX and OY.
But (2) can be written in the form
i.e. (7-^)2=3Z-i| + f|=3(Z+f).
Take a point A whose coordinates referred to OX and OY are -|
and I, and draw AL and AM parallel to OX and OY respectively.
Referred to AL and AM
the equation to the parabola is Y^=SX.
It is therefore a parabola, whose vertex is A, whose latua rectum is 3,
and whose axis is AL.
Second Metliod. The equation (1) can be written
(3a;-4?/ + X)2=(6\ + 18)a; + ?/{101-8X) + X2-19 (3).
Sx-4y + \=0
and (6X + 18)a; + y (101- 8X) + X2- 19 =
may be at right angles.
Hence X is given by
3 (6X + 18) - 4 (101 - 8X) = (Art. 69),
and therefore X = 7.
The equation (3) then becomes
(8a; -4:y + If = 15 {4.x + 3i/ + 2),
Let AL
be the straight line
3a;-4^ + 7 = (5),
L. 22
— (2).
a ^
cos2(9 4-sin2^
— 1+tan'^ —
^'' = _
a cos^ + 2h cos sin $ +b sin^ a + 2h tan 6 + b tan^ 6
tan 2^=.-^.
When referred to the axes of the conic section as the
axes of coordinates, let the equation become
- + ^-1 rm
, \ ah — //
and ~¥7yi= -
2 '
By Art. 352 the centre (S, y) of the curve is given by the equations
so that
l-tan2^ ^'
[Art. 358.]
and —x + y -5 = 0,
so that ^=-2, and ^ = 2.
The equation to the curve, referred to parallel axes through the
centre, is then
a;2 - 3a;i/ + 2/2 + 5 - 2) - 5 X 2 + 21 = 0,
2 -2 -2
When 6'2=135°,
2--" r^- '2- >
1 + 3 + 1" 5
To construct the curve take the point G whose coordinates are
, so that 7
^v 5
and 2. Through G draw a straight line AGA' inclined at 45° to the
axis of X and mark off A'C=GA = J2.
Also through A draw a straight line KAK' perpendicular to GA
and take AK=^K'A = ^^. By Art. 315, GK and GK' are then the
The curve is therefore a hyperbola whose centre is G, whose
transverse axis is ^'^, and whose asymptotes are GK and GK'.
On putting a;=0 it will he found that the curve meets the axis of
y where y — Z or 7, and, on putting ?/ = 0, that it meets the axis of x
where x= - 3 or - 7.
Hence 0*3=3, 0(9' = 7, Oi? = 3, and 0R' = 1.
and (^)'
Also, if e be the eccentricity, we have, if a be > ^,
^ = 2—-
ab — h^
e" _ s/(a-bf + 4:h^
2-e^ '
This equation at once gives e^.
so that a^ + /3^ = + x/(a^ - ^J + 4a^/3^ ^ + '
'"^- ^^'
j:^^~a''^'~~ a+ b
\2-e') (a + hf
i.e. of the equation
Now the straight lines 3a;- 2?/ 4 + = and + Sy-5 = 2x
are at
right angles. Let them be C3I and
GN, intersecting in C which is the
point (-t\, H)-
If P be any point on the curve
and PM
and PN
the perpendiculars
upon these lines, the lengths of P3I
and PN are
3x-2y + 2x + 3y-5
-^w 4:
Hence equation (2) states that
3PM2 + 2P^2=:3,
The locus of P is therefore an ellipse whose semi-axes measured
along CM and CN are a/I and 1 respectively.
Ex. 2. What is represented by the equation
{x'^-a^f + iy^-a^)^=a*?
The equation may be written in the form
Trace the parabolas
1. {x-4:ij)^=51y. 2. {x-y)^=x + y + l.
3. {5x-12yf=2ax + 2day + a\
4. {4a; + 3?/ + 15)2= 5 (3a; -4?/).
39. If the point {at^^, 2at-^) on the parabola ?/2=4aa; be called the
point t^, prove that the axis of the second parabola through the four
points ^1, t^, ^3, and t^ makes with the axis of the first an angle
Prove also that if two parabolas meet in four points the distances
of the centroid of the four points from the axes are proportional to the
latera recta.
42. Prove that the eccentricity of the conic given by the general
equation satisfies the relation
e^ ,
(a + & - 2/1 cos w)2
1 - e^ " (a6 - h^) sin^ w '
43. The axes being changed in any way, without any change of
origin, prove that in the general equation of the second degree the
quantities c,
P + 9^ - 2fg
'' •^ ^^.
, -^— ——
=^^ ,
^ (a;, y) = 0.
Similarly, <^(aj', y) denotes the value of the left-hand
side of (1) when x and y are substituted for x and y.
The equation (1) is often also written in the form aS'^O.
c G G G c
y y~ a:;...^
h{x' + x") + h{y'+y") + 2f^
To obtain the equation to the tangent at {x', y'), we put
x" = x' and y" = y' in this equation, and it becomes
^ ^
=- -7-7 + 1^,
hx +hy
ax hy'
<7 .
(^ - ^\'
For the terms of the second degree on the two sides of (1) cancel,
and the equation reduces to one of the first degree, thus representing
a straight line.
Also, since {x', y') lies on the curve, the equation is satisfied by
putting x=x' and y=y'.
Hence {x', y') is a point lying on (1).
lx + my +n= (1),
may touch the conic
ax^ + 2hxy + by^ + 2gx + 2fy + c = (2).
Substituting for y in (2) from (1), we have for the equation giving
the abscissae of the points of intersection of (1) and (2),
x^ {am? - 2hlm + hP) - 2x (hmn - bin - gm^ +flm)
+ bn^-2fmn + cm^=0 (3).
a; + 4^ + c = (2),
where c is to be determined.
This straight line meets (1) in points given by
3x2 _ 2x (5c + 28) + 3c2 + 24c + 48 = 0.
The roots of this equation are equal, i.e. the line (2) is a tangent,
if {2(5c + 28)}2 = 4. 3.(3c2 + 24c+48), i.e. if or -8. c=-5
The required tangents are therefore
a; + 4?/-5 = 0, and x + iij -Q — 0.
375. As
in Arts. 214 and 274 it may be proved that
the polar of {x\ y) with respect to ^ (cc, y) = is
{ax' + hy -{
g) X + {hx + by' +/) y + gx +/y' + c = 0.
+ blO + 2fK-\-c = 0.
^ ^'
2 a + 2hm + b7)iF '
— (a + 2hm + bm^) X
= (h + bm) {Y — mX) + g +fm,
i. e. X
[a + hm) + Yih+ bm) + g -¥fm = 0.
377. To find the condition that the pair of straight lines, whose
equation is
Ax'^ + 2Hxy+By^=0 (1),
L. 23
i.e. if Ah-2Hh + Ba = 0.
378. To prove that tioo concentric conic sections always have a
pair, and only one pair, of common conjugate diameters and to find
their equation.
Ab-2Hh + Ba = 0,
and Ab'-2Hh' + Ba' = 0.
Solving these two equations we have
A -2H__ B
ha' - h'a
~ W^afb ~ hh' - b'h
Substituting these values in (3), we see that the straight lines
x^ha'-h'a)-xy{ab'-a'b)4-y^{bh'-b'h) = (4)
1.How many other conditions can a conic section satisfy when
we are given (1) its centre, (2) its focus, (3) its eccentricity, (4) its
axes, (5) a tangent, (6) a tangent and its point of contact, (7) the
position of one of its asymptotes?
5. A variable tangent to
a conic meets two fixed tangents in two
points, ;
the locus of the middle point of PQ is a
P and Q prove that
conic which becomes a straight line when the given conic is a parabola.
8. Prove that the locus of the centres of conies which touch the
axes at distances a and b from the origin is the straight line ay = bx.
ab'-{-a'b-2hh' = 2{ah-U'^).
Similarly - MR
is the equation to another conic
passing through the four points.
Hence LN = X MR is the equation to any conic through
"Ex.. Find the equation to the conic which passes through the point
(1, 1) and also through the intersections of the conic
Ax + By + C + ^ ~^ (0 . a; + . 3/ + (7) = 0,
0.x + 0.y + C = 0.
S=Xu (1),
S^\{0.x + 0.y+lY,
and therefore, by Art. 385, has double contact with S =
where the straight line .x + Q .y +1 =0 meets it, i.e. the
tangents to the two conies at the points where they meet
the line at infinity are the same.
prove that it will cut the major axis in another fixed point.
x^ + i/-2ae^x = a^{l-e^--e^).
11. Two circles have double contact "with a conic, their chords of
contact being parallel. Prove that the radical axis of the two circles I
is midway between the two chords of contact.
12. If a circle and an ellipse have double contact with one another,
prove that the length of the tangent drawn from any point of the
ellipse to the circle varies as the distance of that point from the
chord of contact.
Two conies, A and B, have double contact with a third conic
C. Prove that two of the common chords of A and B, and their
chords of contact with G, meet in a point.
14. Prove that the general equation to the ellipse, having double
contact with the circle x^ + y^=a^ and touching the axis of x at the
origin, is c^x^ + (a- + c^) y^ - 2ahy = 0.
15. A
rectangular hyperbola has double contact with a fixed
central conic. If the chord of contact always passes through a fixed
point, prove that the locus of the centre of the hyperbola is a circle
passing through the centre of the fixed conic.
i.e. if
— ^\-
i + ^-
l-^il^ A
1 _ ah-li'^
^ _c"
.1.1 T • .
so that, by division, o?-^p^ =
o ^o ——{a- —+ h) g'
^2 •
i.e. + 2/2-2e'^x-e2P^0.
The equation to the pair of tangents drawn from the
origin is therefore, by Art. 389,
[x^ (1 - e^) + _ 2e%x - e^P] [-
2^2 = [- e^kx - e'^JcJ, e'k''']
{ax' + hy' + gf - {hx + by' +ff _ {ax' + hy' + g) {hx' + by' +/)
a — b h
= <!>¥,&;) ••••w-
These equations, on being solved, give the foci.
This shews that the imaginary point {0, sj^^-o^] is a focus, the
imaginary line y . =0 is a directrix, and that the correspond-
ing eccentricity is the imaginary quantity
Similarly for the hyperbola, except that, in this case, the eccen-
tricity is real.
In the ease of the parabola, two of the foci are at infinity and are
imaginary, whilst a third is at infinity and is real.
so that y = —^— .
_ ^ox»^ ^ ^, ^^g^, _
48 X 64
^2^, _ 40) + 2/' ( - 12a;' + 9?/' - 70) - 40a;' - 70^' + 100
or y'= — 3a;'
L. 24
ax + hy + a
ihoc "T"
oy ~r
it represents
^ ^
^ .
straight lines.
, t
^ ^ {^\ y) /jx
a cos^ 6 + 2h cos sin ^ + 6 sin^
6'"^ ''
positions of P.
In the particular case when P is at the centre of the
conic this ratio becomes ,^ , where C is the centre and CQ'
OR ,
PQ.PQ'=^ ^ (^', y)
a cos2 e-\-2h cos 6' sin (9 +6 sin^
PQ.PQ' <i>{x,y')
so that
PiQi-P^Qi ^{x",y"y
400. If a circle and a conic section cut one another in four 'points,
the straight line joining one pair of points of intersection and the
straight line joining the other pair are equally inclined to the axis of
the conic.
For (Fig. Art. 397) let the circle and conic intersect in the four
points Q, Q' and B, B' and let QQ' and RB' meet in P.
But, since Q, Q', B, and B' are four points on a circle, we have
PQ . PQ' = PB PB'. [Euc. III. 36, Cor.]
2___1_ J
OF ~ of"" OF'
Then, if OR = p, we have
2 ^cos^+ysin^
P ^
so that the locus of F is
g p cos
. +/. p sin + c — Oj
and OP.OP'=
a cos^ 6 + 2h cos 6 sin ^ + & sin^ '
g COB d+f sine
2hcoseBmd + bs'm^d'
acos'^d +
i.e. ap cos2 d + 27ip cos 6 Bin 6 + hp sin^ d + gQOBd-\-f sin ^ = 0,
i.e., in Cartesian coordinates,
ax^ + 2 7ia;i/ + by^+gx +fy = 0.
The locus is therefore a conic passing through and the inter-
section of the conic and the polar of 0, i.e. through the points T
and T', and having its asymptotes parallel to those of the given
„2 — np OP'—
^ acos2^ + 27icos^sin0 + &sin2 6''
i.e. ap^ cos^ d + 2hp^ cos ^ sin ^ + hp- sin^ ^ = c,
i.e. aa:2 + 2/ia;^ + 6?/2 = c.
The locus is therefore a conic, having its centre at and passing
through T and T', and having its asymptotes parallel to those of the
given conic.
a + hm
-J- —
h + bm
= tan0 (2).
If we substitute for tan 6 in (1) from (2) we shall get the equation
to the pair of tangents from P.
On substitution we have
{aix-x')^ + 2h{x-x'){y-y') + b{y-y'y~}<t>{x',y')
= l{ax' + hy' + g){x- x') + {hx' + by' +/) {y - y')f.
This equation reduces to the form of Art. 389.
1. Twotangents are drawn to an ellipse from a point P; if the
points in which these tangents meet the axes of the ellipse be
concyclic, prove that the locus of P is a rectangular hj^erbola.
2. Apair of tangents to the conic Ax^ + By^=l intercept a
constant distance 2 A; on the axis of x ; prove that the locus of their
point of intersection is the curve
By^{Ax^ + By^-l) = Ak^{By^-lf.
3. Pairs of tangents are drawn to the conic ax^ + ^y^=l so as to
be always parallel to conjugate diameters of the conic
ax^ + hxy + by^ = l;
shew that the locus of their point of intersection is the conic
4. Prove that the director circles of all conies which touch two
given straight lines at given points have a common radical axis.
9. x^- &xy + y^- 10a; - lOy -19 = and also its directrices.
a-h ~ h
11. Prove that the locus of the foci of all conies which touch the
four lines x= ^a and y=±b
is the hyperbola x^-y^=a^- h^.
12. Given the centre of a conic and two tangents ; prove that the
locus of the foci is a hyperbola.
[Take the two tangents as axes, their inclination being w; let
(^ij Vi) ^^^ {^2> 2/2) ^^ *^^ ^^^^> ^^^ (^' ^) *^®
given centre. Then
x-^ + X2=2h and 2/1 + 1/2 = 2^; also, by Art. 270 {j3), we have
17. Through a fixed point chords POP' and QOQ' are drawn at
right angles to one another to meet a given conic in P, P' Q, and Q'. ,
18. A
point is taken on the major axis of an ellipse whose abscissa
is ae ~- fj2 — e^ ; prove that the sum of the squares of the reciprocals
of the segments of any chord through it is constant.
BC of a triangle ABC in the points A' and A'\ and, similarly, the
side CA in B' and B", and AB in and C'% then C
. . . GB" .AG'. AG"=GA' GA" AB' AB" BG' BG".
. . . . .
the conic passing through it, then -^^^ + —^, is the same for all direc-
oP hP
tions of the chord.
22- Obtain the equations for the foci also from the fact that the
product of the perpendiculars drawn from them upon any tangent is
the same for all tangents.
^ = ^I-= constant.
m h
But —
is the intercept on the axis of x of the line PQ.
Hence, in this case, PQ passes through a fixed point on the tangent
at 0.
Let any conic passing
through the four points be
ax^i-2h'xi/ + by^
+ 2gx+2/y+c=0...{l).
If we put y = in this
equation the roots of the
resulting equation must be A and A,'.
406. Aliter. We
have proved in Art. 383 that the
equation hLN=MR^ ^ being any constant, represents any
conic circumscribing the quadrilateral formed by the four
straight lines L = 0, 31=0, iV= 0, and E = taken in this
and %^_1
^--K^^O(^^o w,
/xfxx"^ + xy (X/jl' + X'/ji - hXX'ixii) + XX'
Let the four straight lines form the sides of the quadri-
lateralABCD. Let BA and CD meet in 0, and take OAB
and ODC as the axes of x and y, and let the equations to
the other two sides BG and DA be
A. = 2(a-Zi)(6-mi) (2).
X = 2{a-l){h-m^) (3).
LM=R' (1),
aL + hM-\-R^O (1).
/X/X fX + fX
Lfx^ + M- 2fxE = 0,
' .
1. Prove that the locus of the foot of the perpendicular let fall
from the origin upon tangents to the conic ax^ + 2hxy + by' = 2x is the
curve {h^ - ah) {x^ + y'^f + 2 {x^ + ^2) {p^ _ /j^)
+^f = Q,
2. In the conic ax'^ + 2hxij + by^ = 2y, prove that the rectangle
contained by the focal distances of the origin is —— - „
ao — h^
5. Find the equation to the conic passing through the origin and
the points (1, 1), -1, 1), (2, 0), and (3, -2). Determine its species.
9. A, B, C, and D
are four fixed points and and meet in AB CD
O any; straight line passing through O meets and in and AD BC R
jR' respectively, and any conic passing through the four given points
in S and S' ; prove that
J^ "^ J^_~ J^ ,
11. Prove that the locus of the centres of the conies ch'cumserib-
ing a quadrilateral ABGD (Fig. Art. 405) is a conic passing through
the vertices 0, L, and M
of the quadrilateral and through the middle
points of AB, AC, AD, BG, BD, and CD.
Prove also that its asymptotes are parallel to the axes of the
parabolas through the four points.
[The required locus is obtained by eliminating h from the equa-
tions2fjufjL'x + 2hy - fifx,' {\ + \')=0, and 2hx + 2X\'y -XV + fM') = 0.]
12. By taking the case when XX'= -/">«•' and when AB and CD
are perpendicular (in which case ABC
is a triangle having as its D
orthocentre and AL, BM, and CO are the perpendiculars on its
sides), prove that all conies passing through the vertices of a triangle
and its orthocentre are rectangular hyperbolas.
From Ex, 11 prove also that the locus of its centre is the nine
point circle of the triangle.
13. Prove that the triangle OML (Fig. Art. 405) is such that each
angular point is the pole of the opposite side with respect to any
conic passing through the angular points A, B, C, and D of the
[Such a triangle is called a Self Conjugate Triangle.]
14. Prove that only one rectangular hjrperbola can be drawn
through four given points. Prove also that the nine point circles of
the four triangles that can be formed by four given points meet in a
point, viz. the centre of the rectangular hyperbola passing through
15. By using the result of Art. 374, prove that in general, two
conies can be drawn through four points to touch a given straight
16. the locus of the pole of a given straight line with respect to
this system is a straight line.
17. the locus of their centres is a straight line passing through the
middle points of the diagonals of the quadrilateral.
18. Prove that the triangle formed by the three diagonals OL,
AC, and BD (Fig. Art. 408) is such that each of its angular points is
the pole of the opposite side with respect to any conic inscribed in the
19. Prove that only one parabola can be drawn to touch any four
given lines.
Hence prove that, if the four triangles that can be made by four
lines be drawn, the orthocentres of these four straight lines lie on a
straight line, and their circumcircles meet in a point.
A-B -Ak Bh '
so that
^— y-^—
+ mo
m-, ,^.
B L^m^ + t^^frix
-4 = -5 and B = j^.
a^-h'' m^ + m, ^^ 1 - 5^??^l^
and k = 7^ — -^ j
- m-^ (a^ - O'') —j-. —— 75 ^.
m— ^, c= — , m =
, and c — —
mi 7/^1
, .
.y=.-a..-cot^-+— ——
& cos '-^
and 2/ = - a^ - cot
• ^-
i- . [Art. 259.]
tan —a ^=
a + iS
= ,
_ 7+l5\
a+/3 7+5 TT
,. __=n7r+---—
*.e. a + /3 + 7 + 5=(2w + l)7r.
a^ 0'^
As in Art. 411, the feet of the normals drawn from lie on the
hy kx -
\a^ b^J
If a?!, x^, x^, and x^ be the roots of this equation, we have (Art. 2),
_ 2ha^ _ a^h^
SA=.a + ex-^.
:. SA.SB.SG.SD = {a + eXj){a+ex.2){a + ex^){a + ex^) '
= k.SOK
Aliter. If p stand for one of the quantities *S^^, SB, SG, or SD
we have p=a + ex,
i.e. x=-{p-a).
mim2=-g (3),
and c-^c^=. -—
If (/, g) be the fixed point through which PQ passes, we have
g=m^f+Cj^ (5).
c„= -
so that, by (3), the equation to BS is
- ^'^^-
1. If the sum of the squares of the four normals drawn from a
point to an ellipse be constant, prove that the locus of is a conic.
"*" "^
C(?i CG^ GG^'^CG^~ GG^+GG^+GG^+GG^'
5. the normals to a central conic at four points L, M, N, and
P be concurrent, and if the circle through L, 31, and meet the curve N
again in P', prove that PP' is a diameter.
8. Prove that the normals at the points where the straight line
a cos a &sma
+ i~?-y = 1 meets the ellipse
x^ v^
-^ + ^ =1 meet at the point
a^ b^
- ae^ cos-* a,
-J— sin** a
I 1
12. Chords of an ellipse meet the major axis in the point whose
13. From any point on the normal to the ellipse at the point
whose eccentric angle is a two other normals are drawn to it prove ;
17. Prove that the centre of mean position of the four points on
le ellipse -2
-o + |o
— ^» = *^® normals at which pass through the point
18. Prove that the product of the three normals drawn from any
point to a parabola, divided by the product of the two tangents from
the same point, is equal to one quarter of the latus rectum.
19. Prove that the conic 2aky = {2a-h)y^ + 4:ax^ intersects the
parabola y^=4:ax at the feet of the normals drawn to it from the point
{h, k).
20. From a point {h, k) four normals are drawn to the rectangular
hyperbola xy = c^; prove that the centre of mean position of their feet
(h- k\ aiid that the four feet are such that each is the
) J
orthocentre of the triangle formed by the other three.
Confocal Conies.
415. Def. Two conies are said to be confocal when
they have both foci common.
To find the equation to conies which are confocal with
the elli2^se
2 2
All conies having the same foci have the same centre
and axes.
The equation to any conic having the same centre and
axes as the given conic is
?4=i ••••••;;;;;;
A-B = a^-h%
i.e.ii A-a' = B-b''^X (say).
.*. A^a^ + \, and B = ¥ + X.
^ 19 . \ -^5
both very great and, the greater that X is, the more nearly
do these quantities approach to equality. circle of A
infinitely great radius is therefore a confocal of the
Let X gradually decrease from infinity to zero ; the
semi-major axis \J a'^ + X gradually decreases from infinity
to a, and the semi-minor axis from infinity to h. When X
is positive, the equation (1) therefore represents an ellipse
gradually decreasing in size from an infinite circle to
the standard ellipse
a" b^
Xi b'^
+ 7JJ-^v€T^^v^ = ^ «•
But, since (x\ 2/) is a common point of the two confocals,
we have
^ ^ ^
+ - 1 and
^'^"^ 4- -
«2 + ^^ 52 + x,~'' a' + X, h' + X,~ '
By subtraction, we have
a;- l_Vv'^^-^ ^-A=o
(a^ + X^ {a\-\- X,)
(F+ Aj) (6^ + X,)
" ^
419. One conic and only one conic, confocal with the conic
x^ y
+ ./:^ = l
This only gives one value for X and therefore there is only one
conic of the form (2) which touches the straight line (1).
Also X + a,2=^2^^^2_ j2^ gin2 jj_a quantity. The conic is
therefore real.
1. Prove that the difference of the squares of the perpendiculars
drawn from the centre upon parallel tangents to two given confocal
conies is constant.
cos^ a sin^ a
5. Prove that the locus of the feet of the normals drawn from a
fixed point to a series of confocals is a cubic curve which passes
through the given point and the foci of the confocals.
such that the normal at it passes through a fixed point {h, k); prove
that P lies on the curve
y -k
—x-h = hy-kx
? .
a fixed circle. Shew also that the line joining the points of contact is
bisected by the line joining P to the common centre.
a^ + \ b^+\
prove that the locus of such points is a straight line.
11. Prove that the locus of the pole of a given straight line with
respect to a series of confocals is a straight line which is the normal
to that eonfocal which the straight line touches.
Shew also that the locus of the vertices of these rectangular
hyperbolas, for different directions of the tangents, is the curve
r'^ = c^eos2d, where 2c is the distance between the foci of the
13. The
locus of the pole of any tangent to a eonfocal with respect
to any whose centre is one of the foci, is obtained and found to
be a circle ; prove that, if the circle corresponding to each eonfocal be
taken, they are all coaxal.
420. Circle of Curvature. Def. If F, Q, and R
be any three points on a conic section, one circle and only
one circle can be drawn to pass through them. Also this
circle is completely determined by the three points.
Let now the points Q and R move up to, and ultimately
coincide with, the point P
; then the limiting position of
X 1/
i. e. - cos </> — r sin d> — cos 2d) = 0.
The equation to the circle of curvature is therefore of
the form
^ ,2
1 +X - cos ^ + f sin ^ — 1
and therefore X= *
6^ cos^ cf> + a^ sin^ ^
- - .
+ &^{2cos2<^-sin2^}
= (a^ sin^ (i) + 6^ cos^ 6Y i,
, .
then, since x' =^a cos <^ and 2/' = 5 sin <^, the equation to the
circle of curvature is
y )
- ^aW
Also since
27r — d)
r + ——J-
+ —-—
— d) Gtt
i- +^=
, ,
4r7r = an even
multiple ot
, n
see that the points
- . ,
— — — —— — ——
j and </>
425. E
volute of a Curve. The locus of the
centres of curvature at different points of a curve is called
the evolute of the curve.
XT 11
427. Evolute of the ellipse —„ + ^„= 1.
^ a^ ¥
If {x, y) be the centre of curvature corresponding to the
point {ct, cos ^, b sin ^) of the ellipse, we have
a'-b^ — a'
x= cos^ <fi and y = sin^ <fi.
{axf + (hyf = {a? - h'f {cos^ «/, + sin^ </>} = {a' - h'f.
Hence the locus of the point (x, y) is the curve
{axf-\-(hyf = {a?-h'f.
This curve could be shewn to
be of the shape shewn in the figure
CL = CL'
{ax + hy)^=2afy.
1. If the normal at a point P of a parabola meet the directrix in
L, prove that the radius of curvature at P is equal to 2PL.
2. If ft and P2 be the radii of curvature at the ends of a focal
chord of the parabola, prove that
and that the locus of the middle point of the line joining the centres
of curvature at P and D is
a2^ &2-(a2_ft2)2-
7. In general, prove that there are six points on an ellipse the
circles of curvature at which pass through a given point O, not on the
ellipse. If be on the ellipse, why is the number of circles of
curvature passing through it only four?
V^-2^' '^'
Prove also that the locus of the .pole of the chord of curvature is
14. Shew that the equation to the parabola, having contact of the
third order with the rectangular hyperbola icy = c^ at the point
(-. i)-
is {x-yt^)^-4ct{x + yt^) + 8cH^ = 0.
Prove also that and is perpendicular to, the
its directrix bisects,
radius vector of the hyperbola from the centre to the point of contact.
15. Prove that the equation to the parabola, which passes through
the origin and has contact of the second order with the parabola
y'^—^ax at the point (at^^ 2ai), is
(4a; - %tyf + 4a«2 (3a; - "Ity) = 0.
16. Prove that the equation to the rectangular hyperbola, having
contact of the third order with the parabola y^ = 4cax at the point
{at^^ 2af), is
x^ - 2txy - 2/2 + 2aa; (2 + 3«2) - 2at^y + a^t^ = 0.
Prove also that the locus of the centres of these hyperbolas is an
equal parabola having the same axis and directrix as the original
430. Consider any point P on a circle whose centre
is and whose radius is a. The straight line through P
at right angles to OP a tangent to the circle at P.
Conversely, if through straight line OP oi
we draw any
length a, and if through the end we draw a straight P
line perpendicular to OP^ this latter straight line touches,
or envelopes, a circle of radius a and centre 0, and this
circle is said to be the envelope of the straight lines drawn
in this manner.
Again, if S be the focus of a parabola, and be the PY
tangent at any point P of it meeting the tangent at the
where m
is a quantity which, by its variation, gives the
series of straight lines.
y = mx H —ma ,
Q^ = 4.PR (2).
436. Ex. 1. Find the envelope of the straight line which cuts off
from two given straight lines a triangle of constant area.
Let the given straight lines be taken as the axes of coordinates and
let them be inclined at an angle w.
The equation to a straight line cutting off intercepts / and g from
the axes is
If the area of the triangle cut off be constant, we have
\f .g . sin w = const.,
By the last article, the envelope of this line, for different values of
/, is given by the equation
I.e. xy=-^.
The result is therefore a hyperbola whose asymptotes coincide with
the axes of coordinates.
Ex. 2. Find the envelope of the straight line ivhich is such that
the product of the perpendiculars draiun to it from two fixed points is
Take the middle point of the line joining the two fixed points as
the origin, the line joining them as the axis of x, and let the two
points be {d, 0) and {-d, 0).
Let the variable straight line have as equation
y=mx + c.
The condition then gives
md + c -md + c ^„
X = constant = ^% , ,
jjl + m^ Jl + m^'
so that c^ - viH^ =A^{1+ m^) .
This is an ellipse whose axes are the axes of coordinates and whose
foci are the two given points.
l-*an2- ^_^2 2(
1 + tan^
the equation to the line is
ex 1-t'^ cy 2t _^
^2g2 ^2g2
^2 2/^
Since -:; —
a^ + b^
s— r^
a^ + b^
= a^ - &2 this equation represents a conic
%*t=^ W'
and let the equation to the two pairs of lines through the points be
lx+m7j = l (2),
/ ^\^ I
i. e. (a — 2gx + cx^) — (
+ 2 {cxy — gy -fx + h) —
^{h-2fy + cf) = 0.
The envelope of this is, by Art. 435,
{cxy - gy -fx + hf = {a- 2gx + ex") (b - 2fy + cy\
i.e., on reduction,
x^ (be -D + y' (ca - g') + 2xy (fg - ch)
+ 2x{fh-bg)^-2y{gh-af) + ab-h'' = 0.
The lines joining the origin to its intersections with the parabola
are, (by Art. 122), ny^ = - 4:ax {Ix + my) ,
tana=— ^^
j-z ,
i.e. 16a2Z2 - IQa^ cot^ am^+n^ + 8aln{l + 2 cot^ a) = 0.
With this condition the envelope of (1) is, by the last article,
10. Shew that the envelope of the chord which is common to the
parabola y^=:4:ax and its circle of curvature is the parabola
y^ + 12ax = 0.
16. If the lines joining any point P on an ellipse to the foci meet
the curve again in Q and R, prove that the envelope of the line QE is
the concentric and coaxal ellipse
x^ y^ fl + ey_
r \r
h — ecoBd ) = l±e.
^^- + +m
\^ /c + Z+m ' h l
7. a2(w2-»n3)(m3-mi)(mi-W2).
8. la^im^-m^im^-m-^ivi-^-m^.
9 . la'^ (mg - W3) (wig - wij) (m^ - mg) -f- mjin^m^ .
23. (1) 4a;2+3?/2 + 2a2/ = a2; (2) x'' -^if + Say = 4.a^.
9. + a:V = 2.-cy.
a;^' 10. 20?/ -9a; = 96. 15. x-\-y=0.
16. 2/-^ = l- 17. ly+ 10x = ll.
18. ax - by = (lb. 19. («-2&) a;- &?/ + &^ + 2a&- a2 = 0.
22. X cos 1 (01 + 02) + 2/ sin i (01 + 02) = a cps J (01 - 02).
«« ^ 01 + 02 01 + 02 01 ~ 02
23. -cos?^+|sin^^=cos'^-^--^.
2/ •
VII. (Pages 53, 54.)
a^ + ab-b^
1. ^. 2. 2f. 3. 5^. 4.
Ja^ + b'-^
5. a cos J (a -/S). 8.
^1 + m^
9. |^(&±V^MT^), ol. 11. 4(2 + ^3).
,4. {a cos i (01 + 02) sec i (01 -0o), asini (01 + 0^)860 i(0i- 0^)}.
/ a{b-b') 2bb' \ 130
^" ^'
\ b + b' + b'J'
' b 17^29'
8. y = a', %y = 4.x + ^a. 9. (1,1); 45°.
10. (f,i); tan-160. 11. (-1, -3); (3,1); (5,3).
12. (2, 1); tan-i,^. 13. 45°; (-5, 3) ; a;- 3^ = 9; 2.r-?/ = 8.
14. 3and - f 19. w?! («2 ~ ^3) + ^% (^3 ~ '^1) + "^3 (^1 ~ ^2) = 0-
20. (-4,-3). 21. (h/-!^)- 23. 43.i;-29y = 71.
24. x-y=ii. 25. 2/= 3jc. 26. y = x.
27. a^y-b^x=ab{a-b). 28. 3;r + 42/ = 5a. 29. a; + ?/ + 2 = 0.
30. 23a;+ 23^ = 11. 31. 13.r - 23?/ = 64.
33. ^ic + 5j/ + + X (^'a; + J5 '?/ + C) = where A is
a; (2
V34 - 3 V5) +2/ V34 - 5V5) = 6 V34 - 5 V5.
3. tan-i^^^tancj.
7, y = 0, y = x-a, x = 2a, y = 2a, y = x + a, x = 0, y = x, x = a, and
y = a, where a is the length of a side.
10. 2/(6-V3) + ^(3V3-2) = 22-9V3. 11. h
12. 10?^ - 11a; +1= ; ^^ ^IH-
X. (Pages 78—80.)
4. (-7,3). 5. (-ii, If); m-
/-85 + 7V5 7V5-27 \ 35-7^5 „ n^.^.^.
^- 120"""' 120" '• ^^'S'^*'"^?-
\ W^'J' •
23. (f,f)-
24. 10i/+ 32« + 43 = 0; 25a; + 29?/ + 5 = 0; = 5a; + 2; 2/ 52a; + 80i/ = 47.
26. (4 + iv/3, f + v/3) ; (4 + i^/3, f + W3).
7, j; + = 2ccosecw.
?/ 8. 2/-^ = 2ccosecw,
10. (^^ + y^) cos w + a;?/ (1 + cos^ w) = a; [a cos w + &) + (& cos w + a). 2/
a; 2/
8. tan-ij; -C-^^^M^a,
XVI. (Page 117.)
1. 2x'-^Qy' + l=::0. 2. a;'2 + ^3a;y = l. 3. x'^ + y'^-=8.
4. ?/'2=4a;'cosec2a.
1. x + 2y = 7. 2. 8a;-2y = ll. 3. x = 0.
4. 23a; + 5?/ = 57. 5. by-ax = a\ 6. (5,10).
7. (I. -tU 8. (1,-2). 9. (i, -i).
10. (-2a, -26). 11. (6, --V-).
12. 3?/-2a;=13; (-W-,-W)- 13. (2,-1). 14. a;'2 + ^'23,2a2.
18. iV46. 19. 9. 20. V2a2 + 2a& + 62. 21. (¥, 2) ; |.
23. (1) 28a;2+ 33a;?/ -28?/2- 715a; -195^ + 4225 = 0;
(2) 123x2 - Uxy + 3?/2 _ C64a; + 226?/ + 763 = 0.
1. (^-^^4^); ^-fV/^^^T^..
2. 30°; (8-6^3, 12-4^3); J^l -24.^%.
f g-fcoSQ} f-g cos o} \ Jp + g^-2fgG0S(a
\ siu-^ w sm-^ w / sm w
4. x^- + ^2xy + y^--x{4: + 3^2)-2ij{3 + ^2) + S{J2-l)=0.
+ {x-x"){y-y')] = 0.
±(& + c) ±(6-c)
13. {y-xf=0.
5. (a;2+?/2_a2_52)2^4cot2a(&2.r2 + aV-«"&^)-
Q, ay = bxta,na. 7. &2a;2 + a2^2_4^2^2^
8. ¥x^ + aY=a^h^{a^ + h^). 9. h^x^ + aY=2a%y.
10. (62a:2 + a2l/2)2z=c2(6%2 + ^4y2).
11. (a2+&2) {b^x^ + aY)^ = a^^^{b^x^ + aY)-
12. fe^a; (a; - 7^) + ahj {y~k) = 0.
13. C2a262 (6%2 + a2j^2) + (^,2^2 _^ ^2^2 _ 1) (^)4a;2 4. ^4^2) ^ Q.
14. {b^x^ + ahjY = a^^H^^ + y^)'
15. a464 (a;2 + y2^ = (^2 + (52^2 ^ ^2^2)2.
find the condition that the angle KPK' is a right angle substi- ;
tute for c in the equation to KK', and find the point of inter-
section of KK' and the normal at P. See also Art. 404.
7'• ( ,
^^—^ \ . 9. Two coincident straight lines.
V 676 ' 169/
10. tan^i=-|, tan^2 = fj = \/3. and =^* »'i
14. If the normals are perpendicular, so also are the tangents ; the
line IjX + nijy — 1 =
is therefore the iDolar with respect to the
ellipse of a point {sja^ + b'^ cos,6, sja^ + b'-' sin.6) on the director
15. The triangle ABC is a maximum triangle (Page 235, Ex. 15)
inscribed in the ellipse.
20. Use the notation of Art. 333.
touches one of the confocals and its pole with respect to that
confocal is its point of contact ; this point of contact therefore
lies on the locus, which is therefore the normal.
19. The line joining the foci is a particular case of the confocals and
the polar of O with respect to it is the major axis ; the minor
axis is another particular case, so that two of the polars are lines
through G at right angles ; also the tangents at to the con-
focals through it are two of the polars, and these are at right
angles. Thus both G and are on the directrix.
21. The crease is clearly the line bisecting at right angles the line
joining the initial position of G to the position which C occupies
when the paper is folded.
__ Zcosa
23. =1^ -e cosa cos^. -
An Elementary Treatise on Trilinear Co-ordinates,
the Method of Eeciprocal Polars, and the Theory of Pro-
jectors. By N. M. Ferrers. 6s. 6d
Conic Sections. By C.Smith. Seventh Edition. 7 s. 6 c?.
Key, 105. 6d.