Closure of An Intermediate Care Unit Impact On Critical Care Utilization
Closure of An Intermediate Care Unit Impact On Critical Care Utilization
Closure of An Intermediate Care Unit Impact On Critical Care Utilization
We studied the effect of closing a six-bed intermediate care at the time of discharge from CCU decreased (p<O .OOOI).
area (ICA) on utilization of a multidisciplinary critical care The ICA closure altered CCU admission and discharge
unit (CCU). Data were collected on all admissions to the 7- decision-making. "Low-risk" admissions increased and pa-
bed CCU for 9 months prior to ICA closure (n=217) and tients remained in the CCU until they required less nursing
compared with 9 months after CCU expansion (7 to 9 beds) care. One factor determining utilization of a CCU is the
and ICA closure (n=407). Nonemergency CCU admissions facilities available outside the unit. A CCU management
increased from 41 to 112 after ICA closure (p<O.03). Mean system is especially important when a wide range of illness
APACHE II score within 24 h of admission decreased from severity is present. (Chest 1993; 104:876-81)
21.9±7.4 to 18.6±7.4 (p<O.OOOI). The proportion of
patients with APACHE II score < IS, increased from 301
217 to 1361407 accounting for an increase from 5.4 percent leA = intermediate care area; TISS = Therapeutic Intervention
Scoring System
to 12.7 percent ofCCU days (p<O.OOOI). Nursing workload
The high cost of providing critical care has provoked intermediate care unit that had served as a "step-
a variety of "utilization strategies" within hospitals down" facility as well as a "low-risk" monitoring unit.
to optimize use of these scarce resources. I The relative Our critical care audit system" permitted retrospective
scarcity of critical care resources and limited access analysis of the interaction of the structure and organ-
to them is a result of both increasing demand and ization of hospital facilities with utilization of a multi-
restrained supply. One strategy that many hospitals disciplinary medical-surgical CCU.
have adopted is the provision of "graded" levels of
care in intermediate care units to apportion nursing
time and monitoring facilities for specific patient HospitallCCU
needs."? This strategy has been proposed as a cost- This study was conducted in St. Michael's Hospital, an adult,
effective alternative to critical care unit (CCU) admis- tertiary care referral center affiliated with the University ofToronto .
All medical and surgical specialtie s were available in the hospital .
sion, particularly for low-risk patients admitted for
The medical/surgical CCU was a multidisciplinary unit , supervised
monitoring," and staffed by a team of critical care physicians with residents
Most reports that evaluate the impact of an inter- available in the unit 24 hid. Th e nursing managers provided one
mediate level of care on the use of CCU resources do nurse per patient during the time period s studied .
so after the opening of an intermediate care area Indications for admission to the medical-surgical CCU included
(ICA).6.7 Few, if any, studies have evaluated the impact the requirement for mechanical ventilatory support, critical care
nursing, and/or invasive hemodynamic monitoring not available in
of closing an ICA on the utilization of a multidiscipli- other areas of the hospital . With the exception of postoperative
nary critical care facility that services both medical cardiac and neurosurgical patients and posttrauma patients who
and surgical patients. The decision to admit patients were admitted to other specialized units, all patients requiring
to the CCU for monitoring alone is controversial and critical care were admitted to the CCU during the study period .
Utilization was assessed using an ongoing CCU data collection
some tnvestigators'-" have suggested that many of these
system during two 9-month time period s separated by a 9-month
patients could be safely cared for in an ICA. transition period . During the first 9-month period , October 1, 1989
A recent budgetary crisis in our adult, tertiary care to June 30, 1990 (pre-ICA closure), the 7·bed medical-surgical CCU
referral hospital resulted in a decision to close an operated independent of a separate 6-bed ICA that admitted both
medical and surgical patients not requiring invasive hemodynamic
monitoring or mechanical ventilatory support. The medical super-
*From the Departments of Anaesthesia (Drs. Byrick and Mazer) vision of the ICA was independent of the CCU staff. Patients
and Department of Biomedical Engineering (Mr. Caskennette), requiring intensive nursing care (two nurses, one patient) but not
St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ontario. Canada. continuous hemodynamic monitoring or respiratory support were
Manuscript received October 9, 1992; revision accepted January 6
Reprint requests : Dr. Byrlck, Department of Anaesthesia, St. admitted to the ICA facility based on medical and nursing needs .
Michael Hospital, 1bronto, Ontario, Canada M5B lW8 A 9-month interval between pre- and post-ICA closure data
! :
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 > 20 Days
Length Of Stay In Unit (days)
FIGURE 1. The number of admissions to the critical care unit (CCU) during two 9-month data collection
periods and the length of CCU stay ; the first (October I , 1989 to June 30, 1990) was before closure of a
six-bed intermediate care unit (pre-ICA closure) and the second (April I, 1991 to January 5, 1992) W'LS
after ICA closure and expansion of the CCU from 7 to 9 beds (post-ICA closure). ICA = intermediate care
120 -
110 -
!0 90 ·
1m Post ·ICA Closu re (0-407)
1 80 ·
'a 70 -
'5 80 -
50 -
40 -
30 -
10 -
Dol 6-10 11-15 16-20 21·215 21-30 31-35 31-40 41~
FIGURE 2. The number of admissions to the critical care unit (CCU) with varying severity of illness
(APACHE II score") during two 9-month data collection periods before (pre-ICA closure) and after (post-
ICA closure) closure of an intermediate care area (ICA).