The Intersection of Learning Architecture and Instructional Desig
The Intersection of Learning Architecture and Instructional Desig
The Intersection of Learning Architecture and Instructional Desig
Availability and delivery of instructional resources We have come to the fork in the road where we can choose to
adapt to learner’s needs redefine how we learn, how we teach, how we apply, how we
solve problems, how we differentiate ourselves and those we
Feedback is continuous represent, and how we contribute to the greater good. Our com-
puting technology and the Internet has evolved to the point
Scoring is constantly visible to compare accomplish- that we can leverage and refine the infrastructure to enable au-
ment to one’s own previous attempts, the best of one’s thentic learning. We can tap into our collective knowledge re-
cohorts, and the total field that has ever been scored serves both to withdraw and contribute new knowledge, new
applications, and new insights. We have begun to experiment
Access to the underlying knowledge-base has been with ways to convert inaccessible tacit knowledge into acces-
skillfully crafted and organized for learners sible explicit knowledge, and recognize the value of converging
these information sources with e-learning. Knowledge manage-
Cognitive loading is eased until foundation understand- ment and e-learning provide us with the tools and infrastructure
ing is established, then cognitive dissonance and chal- to consciously and dramatically alter our approach.
lenge increased until complexity mirrors the real world
We learn best by doing. We get our instructional design model
Pace of learning is controlled by learners backwards when we insist on deluging students with facts, prin-
ciples, theorems, axioms of both pure and applied science, then
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expect them to recall and apply this knowledge in practice. We students and providing them the support, knowledge and in-
learn best by starting with a realistic problem that needs to be centive to join the learning community.
solved and seeking the resources and knowledge relevant to
help solve the problem posed. We learn best by making mis- B. Knowledge Base
takes, having experts tutor and guide us as we improve our
solutions until we arrive at optimal ones. We learn best when we Working backwards from the desired learning outcome, the learn-
accept personal responsibility for our own learning. ing delivery system needs to provide access to all relevant re-
sources. These resources can include: a knowledge base, a sci-
We also learn from others through observation and then perfect ence, a particular body of knowledge, or a human resource such
our newly acquired knowledge via mimicry. We are more effi- as a mentor, professor or subject matter expert. The instructional
cient learners once we acquire social learning skills. We need to designer is challenged to create a realistic and engaging virtual
become members of a larger learning community, a network of environment that allows learners to investigate, relate, and ap-
birds-of-a-feather where we can posit our questions and our ply the knowledge base to resolve the litany of problems in-
insights. volved in constructing desirable epiphanies of understanding.
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In the brave new world, learning and work are simultaneous, Instructional Design methodologies currently fall into two camps.
interlocking activities, as natural and organic as breathing. All One is the systematic, waterfall approach that adheres to a logi-
information is available in its atomic form as concepts, facts, cal sequence of assessing needs, designing, developing, imple-
procedures and actions. Intelligence stems from rules encoded menting and evaluating learning solutions, and depends on com-
into systems, application of enabling technologies, and critical pleting and validating each step before engaging in the next.
thinking of people who convert tacit knowledge to explicit infor- The contrasting approach depends on the rapid prototyping
mation and reverse the process to complete the cycle. More and iterative refinement of an instructional solution. Both pro-
naïve workers extract explicit information from the Knowledge cesses have merit, and to some degree, principles from each
base and convert it into personal, tacit knowledge through re- perspective can be employed in a hybrid solution. The specific
peated practice and experience applying the knowledge in a balance of which ID approach should predominate should be
variety of situations. Tacit knowledge enables skillful perfor- determined by the situation.
mance and wisdom in terms of critical thinking, problem solving,
and decision-making. Instruction should augment the relevant body of knowledge in
ways that make it accessible, understandable, and relevant to
Learning is a continuous process of solving graduated series of learners. The roadmap for a convergent process could be:
problems resulting in improvement of both performance and
performance self-efficacy. 1) Conduct a Needs Assessment.
“Information” is a complex term. Some information is about other a. Balance strategies for developing skills, knowl-
information. Some information is related in particular ways to edge, attitudes and behaviors.
other information. Some are descriptive, illustrative, demonstra- b. Determine delivery mode or blend of delivery
tive, problem sets, scenarios, directions, applications, or spe- modes.
cific to the cause-effect paradigms that relate to prediction and c. Leverage, modify or develop competency models
troubleshooting. Knowing these attributes and relationships to establish benchmark of desirable characteris-
helps transform information into knowledge. Storing it in a re- tics and standards.
trievable format helps make at least some of it manageable. Learn- d. Build problem sets that match desired competen-
ing to apply knowledge eventually builds wisdom. cies. Graduate difficulty level, complexity, and va-
riety of problems.
e. Develop a scoring rubric for problem-sets.
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f. Build scenarios that mirror the real world in which 4. Examine each course in terms of cohesiveness, adher-
to anchor the problem sets. ence to objectives, graduation of difficulty of problem
g. Associate each scenario and problem set with pre- sets, comprehensiveness of supportive resources, de-
requisite skills and knowledge needed to fully un- gree to which each SKAB is supported, and identify
derstand and solve the problem. gaps where more explanation or discovery of underly-
h. Separate need to know from nice to know. ing knowledge will be necessary go accommodate the
i. Determine a strategy for weaning learners from range of learners expected to participate in each offer-
spoon-fed access to resources, to learning where ing.
to find them in a real world context.
j. Establish an understanding of conventions and 5. Create additional activities to help learners fill residual
navigation of the learning environment. gaps; create mechanisms for feedback so learners can
k. Establish skills necessary for learning-to-learn make adjustments and develop self-efficacy around the
i. Collaboration focus of learning experience.
ii. Critical Thinking
iii. Problem Solving V. Learning Ecosystem
l. Establish level playing field by screening for pre-
requisites and providing remediation. The fundamental architectural elements of a comprehensive
and cohesive learning ecosystem include (Figure 1):
5) Examine course design in terms of adherence to objec-
tives, cohesiveness, graduation of problem sets, com- • Shared, master content taxonomy
prehensiveness of supportive resources, degree to
which each SKAB (Skill, Knowledge, Attitude, and • Learning Management System
Behavior) is supported.
• Learning Content Management System
a. Identify gaps where more explanation or discov-
ery of underlying knowledge will be necessary to • Object Repositories & access to external Knowledge
accommodate the range of learners expected to Management & Electronic Performance Support
participate. Systems
b. Create adaptive activities to help learners fill these
gaps. • Workflow Management & Integration System
c. Create feedback mechanisms so learners make ad-
justments and develop self-efficacy around desired • Assessment & Evaluation Engine
transformations in SKABs.
• Simulation and Game Engine for Virtual Labs
This process must be must be considered at macro program and
curriculum levels as well as micro course and object level. Pack- • Discussion, Collaboration Tools & Web
aging decisions should be made with regard to sequence of Conferencing
instruction, reusability of components, grading, standards, and
independence of content. • Mentoring & Support
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managing repositories of Reusable Learning Objects according 2) Layers of Reusability: Objects vary in terms of their poten-
to SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) guide- tial to be reused, and the contexts in which they can be
lines; the emerging standard being adopted throughout the e- reused. Candidates for global-reusability must be self-con-
learning industry. These systems require integration around a tained units of instruction, free of contextual references,
shared taxonomy. neutral in tone, reasonably stable and validated in the con-
texts in which they are likely to be reused. Within each
1) Reusability: Decomposing and storing content into ob- specific curriculum and domain of knowledge another layer
jects enables reusability on four different fronts. of reusable objects can also be established. Yet another
layer of objects with low probability of reuse will be needed
Style: Same “content” object presented with different “con- to create the contextually specific elements to create mean-
tainers” differentiated by creative style, framework or “skin.” ingful learning experiences for different audiences con-
cerned with different situations.
Organization: Same object appears in different degree pro-
grams, curricula, courses, modules, lessons, etc. 3) Strategies for Maintaining Repository: To maintain an ef-
ficient repository that is not polluted with nearly redundant
Context: Same object used as presentation, practice or as versions of comparable content, a process for validating
reference. reusable content is needed. One approach is systematic.
Globally reusable objects are jointly identified, developed,
Output Medium: Same content presented in Web, PDA, or tested and accepted. A minimal set of highly reusable ob-
paper formats. jects will evolve. Another approach is not to control the
identification or development of what might be reusable,
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Competency Job/Degree Model Descriptions of roles, and skills that apply to each role
Knowledge & Knowledge Base, Facts, Discriminations, Declarations, Concepts, Ideas, Principles,
Information Content Management System Rules, Procedures, Entities, Actions, Descriptions, Portrayals; Result
of deductive or inductive reasoning; Knowledge derived from
Learning Course (or Search) Self-contained unit of instruction that provides elaboration of
Knowledge, questioning, practice opportunities, feedback
Context Learning Object or Course Establishes the context or situation with which to anchor a learning
(or result of Search) event
Environment Learning Object or Course Nice-to-know; Broader than context; establishes the backstory and
(or Search) expanded, peripheral description of context
Scenario Learning Object or Course Establishes storyline, foundation, circumstances and pre-conditions
(or Search) for a problem or set of problems
Backstory Learning Object or Course Nice-to-know; establishes background information relating to either
(or Search) scenario or characterization
Problem Problem-Set, Learning Object, Presentation of a question or issue requiring an answer; types
Course (or Search) include: categorization, interpretation, and design. Feedback is
delivered in response to answers
Simulation Learning Object or Course Practice opportunity, may take the form of either realism or abstracted
(or Search) fantasy; experience cause-effect relationships
Assessment Learning Object or Course Collection of question items to be answered, scored and fed-back
(or Search)
Media Demonstration, Simulation, Visual and auditory content including graphics, photographs,
Environment, Assessment or animation, video and audio
Course (or Search)
Guide Learning Object or Course Instructions used to aid an instructor/ facilitator; not generally
available to students
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• Exploiting enabling technologies as they emerge. [1] Advanced Distributed Learning of the US Department of
Defense. SCORM. Retrieved <>.
• Reusability of both “contents” and “containers” in-
creases ability to: [2] Bonk, Curtis J. and Kira S. King. (1998) Electronic Collabo-
rators. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associ-
o Shorten development cycle and reaction time ates.
needed to adjust to change
Rapid Prototyping [3] Covey, Stephen. (1989) The Seven Habits of Highly Effec-
Reduction in resources needed for tive People. New York: Simon & Schuster.
development and testing
Rapid Delivery [4] Davenport, Thomas H. and Laurence Prusak. (2000) Work-
o Focus on improving ability to adapt to indi- ing Knowledge. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
vidual learners’ needs for either remediation
or acceleration. [5] Duch, Barbara J., Susan E. Groh, and Deborah E. Allen. The
o Focus on sustaining learner motivation by Power of Problem-Based Learning. Sterling, Virginia: Sty-
creating gaming contexts, making goals ex- lus.
plicit, providing continuously visible scoring,
incorporating elements of fantasy where it [6] Gladwell, Malcolm. (2000) The Tipping Point. Boston: Little,
helps to trigger the imagination and memory, Brown and Company.
and competition while preserving individual
privacy. [7] Hodgins, Wayne. (2000). Into the Future: A Vision Paper.
Commission on Technology and Adult Learning. Retrieved
C. Achieving Equilibrium <>.
The difficulty is getting to the “tipping point.” Once the critical [8] Kirchner, Paul A. The inevitable duality of education. Re-
mass of foundation layer objects are in place, momentum will trieved <
drive increasing efficiencies in the compression of new custom- search/publications/oratie%20paul/
ized learning offerings. Available resources will be directed to- The%20inevitable%20duality%20of%20education%20-
wards new work and the pruning and refining of repositories. %20Final%20for%20web.pdf>.
Complex environments will be costly and time-consuming to
build. Strategies that use learners to build this infrastructure [9] Merrill, M. David. (2000). "Knowledge objects and mental
provide benefits to learners and the institutions supporting them. models" In D. A. Wiley (Ed.), The Instructional Use of Learn-
Not only will these students learn-to-learn, they will be better ing Objects. Bloomington: Association for Educational Com-
prepared to continue to contribute as part of the larger Knowl- munications and Technology. Also available online.
edge Community.
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e-Technologies in Engineering Education Learning Outcomes Providing Future Possibilities
[10] Nash, John. (1950) Non-cooperative Games. Thesis (Ph.D.) Author's Biography
Princeton University.
Diana Wilkinson is an AT&T Business eLearning Strategist,
[11] Nonaka, Ikujiro and Takeuchi, Hirotaka.(1995) The Knowl- and was eLearning Manager for AT&T Network Operations and
edge-Creating Company. New York: Oxford University Engineering Training. She has worked as instructional technolo-
Press. gist, trainer, course developer, systems analyst, market analyst,
account executive, technical sales consultant, data processing
[12] Prensky, Marc. (2001) Digital Game-Based Learning. New operations manager, and programmer. Her recent projects in-
York: McGraw Hill. clude defining content taxonomy and implementing assessment
and evaluation for AT&T’s Learning Management System, edu-
[13] Schank, Roger C. (2002) Designing World-Class e-Learn- cating training developers in instructional design for eLearning,
ing. New York: McGraw-Hill. integrating accessibility accommodations, and oversight of train-
ing administration system facilitating training and knowledge
[14] Stewart, Thomas A. (1999) Intellectual Capital. New York: management support of managers preparing for alternate as-
Doubleday. signments in advent of business emergencies.
[15] Von Krogh, Georg, Kazuo Ichijo and Ikujiro Nonaka. (2000) Ms. Wilkinson has completed all but dissertation for a Ph.D. in
Enabling Knowledge Creation. Oxford: Oxford University Educational Technology at University of Kansas, an MBA from
Press. Webster University, and BA in Mathematics from William Jewell
College. Her interests include: development of unified theory
[16] Wiley, David. A. (Ed.) (in press). The Instructional Use of for eLearning, games and simulations, intelligent tutors, inter-
Learning Objects. Bloomington: Association for Educational face designs, assessment and evaluation, mentoring networks,
Communications and Technology. Also available online. optimizing “Flow” and learner experience.
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