This document discusses key concepts regarding the behavior of water in rocks and soils. It covers:
1) The two main properties that control water behavior are porosity (how much water can be held in spaces) and hydraulic conductivity (how easily water can flow through).
2) Water exists in the vadose zone as gravity water and pellicular water, and becomes groundwater when it reaches the saturated zone.
3) Groundwater circulates within aquifers but its movement is limited by surrounding aquicludes, dividing the subsurface into hydrological units or basins.
This document discusses key concepts regarding the behavior of water in rocks and soils. It covers:
1) The two main properties that control water behavior are porosity (how much water can be held in spaces) and hydraulic conductivity (how easily water can flow through).
2) Water exists in the vadose zone as gravity water and pellicular water, and becomes groundwater when it reaches the saturated zone.
3) Groundwater circulates within aquifers but its movement is limited by surrounding aquicludes, dividing the subsurface into hydrological units or basins.
This document discusses key concepts regarding the behavior of water in rocks and soils. It covers:
1) The two main properties that control water behavior are porosity (how much water can be held in spaces) and hydraulic conductivity (how easily water can flow through).
2) Water exists in the vadose zone as gravity water and pellicular water, and becomes groundwater when it reaches the saturated zone.
3) Groundwater circulates within aquifers but its movement is limited by surrounding aquicludes, dividing the subsurface into hydrological units or basins.
This document discusses key concepts regarding the behavior of water in rocks and soils. It covers:
1) The two main properties that control water behavior are porosity (how much water can be held in spaces) and hydraulic conductivity (how easily water can flow through).
2) Water exists in the vadose zone as gravity water and pellicular water, and becomes groundwater when it reaches the saturated zone.
3) Groundwater circulates within aquifers but its movement is limited by surrounding aquicludes, dividing the subsurface into hydrological units or basins.
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5.1 Behaviour of water in rocks and soils
The two properties of a rock or soil which are most important in controlling the behaviour of subsurface water are: how much water the rock or soil can hold in empty spaces within it how easily and rapidly the water can flow through and out of it The first is defined in hydrogeology by the porosity of the rock or soil. (In soil mechanics, void ratio, the ratio of the volume of void space to that of the solid component, is more commonly used. Porosities of terrigenous sedimentary rocks and soils may also be affected locally by fracturing, but these rocks also have primary voids called pores. These are spaces left between the solid grains, and they are distributed fairly evenly throughout the body of the rock or soil when it is first formed Flow of water through a soil or rock is described empirically by Darcy’s Law, and the relative ease of flow by the hydraulic conductivity (K) (referred to as the coefficient of permeability in some older texts). The properties of the rock alone that affect ease of flow are defined by its intrinsic permeability Darcy’s Law- Slow, laminar flow of water through a porous medium within which the stream lines are smooth parallel paths, and where there is no turbulence or eddies in the wake of grains. the specific discharge, is the volume of water (Q) discharged through a unit area (A) of a porous medium in which the pores are saturated. hydraulic gradient, that is, the rate, dh/dl, at which the hydraulic or pressure head of water, h, measured from a horizontal datum, changes laterally with horizontal distance. A piezometer is tube that serves this physical purpose in a laboratory experiment. the level to which water rises in a cased well penetrating the permeable rock is usually referred to as the piezometric level rather than the pressure head Piezometric levels are points on a piezometric surface, the maximum tilt (i) of which from the horizontal defines the hydraulic gradient dh/dl in the water saturating the confined permeable rock. The tap is closed and the reservoir A is filled until water reaches the level h 0, and remains there after water has percolated through the soil to C and risen in each of the tubes to the static water level, h0.
5.2 Natural circulation of subsurface water
It may be a product of recent volcanic activity and have separated from magma as juvenile water, newly involved in the great cycle of natural circulation Alternatively, it may have been isolated from the cycle for millions of years as connate water, sealed in porous sediment by surrounding impermeable rocks, or lying near- stagnant deep within a groundwater basin. Most of this water is meteoric and has its source in precipitation of rain, snow and dew. Precipitation ranges from an average of about 50 mm per year in desert regions like Death Valley to over 12 m per year in the Himalayas. The average British rainfall of just over 1 m per year is spread irregularly throughout the year. Such an annual fall concentrated into a wet season would, however, produce seasonal floods in a semi-arid climate. Precipitation is dispersed in three ways: by evaporation and by transpiration from plants by direct runoff in streams and rivers by infiltration into the ground The division of unevaporated rainfall between runoff and infiltration is controlled by the relative ease of flow in either direction The first rain to infiltrate below the ground surface wets the grains of soil and adheres to them as pellicular water. Percolation to greater depths as rain continues to fall proceeds only af ter the soil reaches its field capacity, at which it cannot hold any more water against the downward pull of gravity. There is still air present in the centres of the larger voids. The pellicular and gravity water in this unsaturated zone (or zone of aeration) is called vadose water. Eventually the gravity water percolates to a zone of saturation, where all the effective void space in the rock is filled with water The water in this saturated zone is referred to as groundwater, and its upper surface is often referred to as the water table. The water table lies below the top of the saturated zone in the rocks surrounding the well, separated from it by the capillary fringe Groundwater normally contains impurities such as carbonates and sulphates, which were dissolved from the rocks with which it came in contact. The quality of the groundwater, and its suitability for particular purposes such as drinking or brewing, is thus related to the aquifer containing it. Evaporation is not restricted to surface water, but also takes place from the top of the water table. The phenomenon is particularly important in semi-arid regions It may consist of lime (calcareous), chalcedony (siliceous) or iron hydroxides (ferruginous) It is commonly referred to as hard pan and occasionally as duricrust calcareous hard pan is called caliche in Spanish American regions but kankar in India. The pattern of equipotential surfaces and flow lines for a given model of permeability is called a flow net. Flow nets may be drawn using an empirical, graphical construction Points of equal fluid potential define equipotential surfaces within the body of groundwater, and these in turn may be used to construct the flow lines of the groundwater electrical analogue model- It can compute the behaviour (flow, change of head, and so on) within an underground reservoir of groundwater, if the distribution of permeabilities and the heads in test wells are known. primary pore permeability. This term is conventionally used to describe high fluid conductivity of a rock in which the voids are mainly secondary, that is, where there is appreciable flow along joints, fissures and bedding planes, in contrast to ‘permeable’ A body of pervious (and permeable) rocks capable of yielding groundwater is called an aquifer Rocks with low permeability and no fissures are referred to in the following account as impervious: they form aquicludes. If gravity water percolating through the unsaturated zone meets a layer or lens of impervious rock, for example a lens of clay in gravel, then further flow downwards is hindered, and a local zone of saturation is formed above the main water table. It is called a perched water table. Circulation of groundwater in the saturated zone takes place within aquifers, but the zone of movement is effectively limited by any aquicludes bordering the aquifer. Consequently, the subsurface is divided by geological structure into more or less selfcontained hydrological units, or groundwater basins. When an aquifer is covered by an aquiclude, retarding or effectively stopping any flow of water to the surface, the aquifer is said to contain confined water, intake area- Beyond its lower boundary (S), fluid potential in the aquifer is shown by a static water level, corresponding to stagnant groundwater conditions, or a piezometric surface, corresponding to flow away from the intake area If the piezometric surface is higher than the water table in a porous aquiclude, then groundwater conditions are artesian If the piezometric surface lies above ground level within this area of artesian flow, then water will rise in an open tube to give a flowing artesian well. The initial yield from a well is augmented by a flow from storage, so that yield is not reflected directly, and simply, by a drop of the water table at the intake area. A proposed scheme to restore the ground level of the city would involve sealing the aquifer under Venice with a continuous screen of impermeable material at depth, around the city limits, then pumping water down dumb wells to repressurise and inflate that part of the aquifer within the dam. If the flow from the hydrologic unit is spread diffusely over an area of marshy ground, it is usually referred to as a seepage. If it is concentrated, say by a fissure acting as a channel, it is called a spring. Valley spring occurs where the water table intersects the bottom of a valley that is cut into pervious rocks. If the water table rises and falls seasonally, flow is intermittent, and the spring is called a bourne. If the intersection of surface and water table is controlled by geological structure, and discharge takes place where impervious rock bounds the hydrologic unit, the overflow is called a contact spring. stratum spring if the rock is layered Fault springs occur where pervious rocks are faulted against impervious rocks, and may be thought of as a type of contact spring. In limestone areas, groundwater usually follows channels along bed ding planes or fissures, which are progressively widened by solution, and discharge from limestone is often from solution channel springs. The fresh groundwater is less dense than the brine and tends to override and displace it. Where the relief of the ground surface is low, with correspondingly low hydraulic gradients and rates of flow, the body of fresh groundwater is in approximate hydrostatic equilibrium with the brine below it. This relationship has been observed in many low, sandy islands, including the Frisian Islands and Long Island, and is usually referred to as the Ghyben-Hertzberg Balance. For each unit of height of the water table above mean sea level, the fresh brine contact surface lies 37 times that number of units vertically below it. This provides a useful rule of thumb in simple cases, but becomes an increasingly inaccurate approximation as groundwater flow increases and conditions become hydrodynamic
5.3 Some practical engineering aspects of groundwater
The presence of water in rocks and its movement through them are of great importance to many human activities such as farming. However, this brief account is limited to some of the more important geological aspects of groundwater which are linked to engineering. These are:
water supply from subsurface sources
drainage of marshes disposal of toxic waste underground A first step is to evaluate the permeabilities of the rocks and soils present in the area, and to determine their structure. This identifies aquifers and aquicludes and outlines the hydrologic units present. The common aquifers include: sand and gravel deposits, occurring as drift in glaciated areas, or as alluvial cones sandstones certain permeable limestones such as chalk fissured or deeply weathered igneous rocks, especially in tropical areas. Potential supply of groundwater from the hydrologic unit selected for investigation is then assessed by drawing up a groundwater inventory In the natural state there is equilibrium within the unit, and the groundwater increment is balanced over long periods by natural discharge The safe yield of the hydrologic unit is equal to its groundwater increment. If more water than this is withdrawn by pumping from deep wells, then finite reserves rather than current resources are being exploited. Recharging of aquifers by artificial means is done by pumping surface water down dumb wells into them, or by guiding its flow across spreads of gravel or other pervious rock on the aquifer, and so encouraging infiltration. Wells may be dug or bored, either to get fluids out of the ground or to put them into it. Those for water supply are best bored in such a way that the sides are supported without the use of a mud flush, which might clog the aquifer, and they should penetrate its full thickness. They vary from a few metres in depth to 600 m in some cases. In water table wells, water is pumped from an unconfined aquifer, whereas in confined water wells, the whole aquifer penetrated by the well is saturated and there is usually artesian pressure. Once withdrawal of water from a well is under way, by pumping or artesian flow, an inverted cone of depression of the water table forms around a water table well. After drilling is completed, pumping tests are often carried out to determine the yield characteristics of the well, and to learn more about the hydraulic properties of the aquifer, particularly its coefficient of storage, and its transmissibility close to the well. The importance hydraulic properties of a soil or rock are: The amount of water, it can hold in its voids The amount that can be drained from it The ease with which water can flow through it De-watering can be a slow process in clay soils, and drainage may be speeded by electro-osmosis. Underground disposal is an acceptable practice where the local geology and hydrology are favourable, and where there are rigorous engineering and administrative controls. The most important aspect, geologically, is that there must be a negligible rate of groundwater movement near the storage area Disposal wells for toxic waste basically require a pervious reservoir layer of sandstone for injection, overlain by an impervious layer of shale or salt which seals it. Accumulations of petroleum (that is, of oil and natural gas) occur naturally in structures of this type, which are called oil traps Conventional Solutions, depending on the level of radioactivity:
dilute and disperse
delay and decay concentrate and contain Methods used or proposed for long-term storage include the following. Excavating a storage chamber in a layer of bedded salt at a depth of 300 m in Kansas: the salt is dry and impervious, and its flow under pressure would close any fracture that develops. It is a good heat insulator, and has enough strength to support shafts and room during mining. Placing the liquid waste in a cement mix and injecting it under high fluid pressure into deep shale layers: the high pressure produces local fracturing and makes possible the injection into shale. An issue of Geoscience Canada was devoted to nuclear waste disposal, and the papers included the use of seismic techniques in identifying potential disposal sites, seismic risk, and geochemistry of radioactive waste disposal.