My MSC Thesis
My MSC Thesis
My MSC Thesis
Keywords: A 90-day experimental trial was conducted to investigate the growth performance and carcass parameters of
Concentrate mix goats supplemented with dry pigeon pea (PP) and neem leaves (NL). Thirty six yearling intact male Gumuz goats
Digestibility with initial mean body weight of 14.1 ± 1.5 kg (means ± SD) were allotted through a randomized complete
Neem block design to 6 treatments and 6 replicates. The supplement was given at 300 g DM/(animal·d). The experi-
mental treatments were 300 g concentrate mix (CM), 300 g PP, 75 g NL + 225 g PP, 150 g NL + 150 g PP, 225 g
Gumuz goats
NLM and 75 g PP and 300 g NL supplement. Total DM intake and basal feed DM intake were not significantly (P
> 0.05) affected by supplementary diets. Intake of supplement and apparent DM digestibility were higher (P <
0.05) in goats supplemented with 300 g NL. Average daily gain, final body weight and feed conversion efficiency
were not different (P > 0.05) among treatments. Dressing percentage on the basis of slaughter weight and empty
body weight was higher (P < 0.05) in goats supplemented with 300 g NL than other treatments, but not differ
with goats supplemented with 300 g CM. In conclusion, supplementation of sole NL instead of concentrate mix
and PP resulted in similar performance of goats, and all supplements used in this study induced favorable
average daily gain and thus can be employed in feeding systems depending on their availability and relative cost.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:,, (M.F. Dida).
Received 11 October 2018; Received in revised form 18 June 2019; Accepted 25 September 2019
Available online 27 September 2019
2451-943X/ © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M.F. Dida, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 8 (2019) 100079
disturbed lands, more importantly in arid regions (Ben selam & 2.4. Chemical analysis
Nefzaoui, 2000). So far the use of foliage from trees and shrubs in an-
imal nutrition has attracted the attention of many researchers, due to The DM, organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP) and ash were
the fact that these plant resources are locally available, perennial source determined according to AOAC (2005). CP content was measured by
of feeds rich in protein and particularly appropriate for small rumi- the Kjeldahl method as N*6.25. The content of neutral detergent fiber
nants. Thus, supplementation with browse leaf seems to be feasible and (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) were
sustainable feeding system for smallholder farmers. determined according to Van Soest and Robertson (1985).
Adjorlolo, Timpong-Jones, Boadu and Adogla-Bessa (2016) reported
that the neem plant produces 5 to 50 tones/hectare biomass yield that 2.5. Feed intake and conversion efficiency
potentially can help alleviate the challenges of dry season feeding of
ruminant livestock in West Africa. Despite its content of bitter princi- Animals were fed the experimental diets for 90 days in individual
ples, there are reports that leaves fed to ruminants result in positive pen, and daily feed intake was recorded. Daily feed intake of individual
outcomes. Muhammad, Peter, James and Wosilat (2015) and animal was calculated as following: Feed intake (g) = Amount of feed
Rahman, Ali, Islam, Ershaduzzaman and Akter (2015) are reported offered (g) – Amount of feed refused (g). The metabolize energy (ME)
25.01 and 23.51% value for CP content of neem leaves respectively. intake of experimental animals were estimated from its digestible or-
Gowda and Sastry (2000) also pointed out that, neem tree is a ganic matter intake (DOMI) by using the formula, ME (MJ/kg
drought tolerant plant known to perform well in areas with long dry DM) = DOMI × 0.0157, Where, DOMI = g digestible OM/ kg DM
seasons, even with rainfall as low as 130 mm per annum. In addition, (AFRC, 1993). Feed conversion efficiency was measured using the
neem tree is often available evergreen throughout the year when pas- formula suggested by Gülten, Rad & Kindir, 2000:
tures and crop residue are depleted. Therefore, proper use of naturally
Average daily live weight gain (g)
available neem leaves as source of protein in critical periods of the year Feed conversion efficiency = .
Average daily feed intake (g)
seems to be of particular benefit to farmers who could not afford and
access to other costly protein supplement feeds in the area. However,
there are no any literature that compare on supplementary value of sole 2.6. Feed digestibility
and mixture of Azadirachta indica leaf with pigeon pea leaf and com-
mercial concentrate. Therefore, this study was initiated with the ob- The digestibility trial was conducted for seven days after ninety days
jective of evaluating the feeding values of different proportions of neem of experimental feed. Feces was collected and weighted every morning
tree leaves with pigeon pea leaves and concentrate mixture on the feed for each animal before giving of feed or water. The daily collected feces
intake, digestibility, body weight gain and carcass parameters of goats. from each animal was weighed mixed thoroughly and 20% was sam-
pled and kept in airtight plastic containers and stored at −20 °C up to
the completion of the digestibility trial. In, addition, amount of feed
2. Materials and methods
offered and refusals was collected, weighted and recorded every
morning. At the end of the digestibility trial the fecal sample was
2.1. Experimental animals and management
thawed, thoroughly mixed and sub samples were taken, weighed and
partially dried at 60 °C for 72 h. Apparent digestibility percentage of
The experiment was carried out according to the guidelines of the
DM, CP, Ash, NDF, ADF and ADL was determined using the following
Ethiopian Animal Experiments Inspectorate, Ministry of livestock and
formula (McDonald, Edwards, Greenhalgh & Morgan, 2002):
Fisheries with respect to animal experimentation and care of animals
under study. Thirty six male intact yearling Gumuz goats with initial Nutrient intake − Nutrient excreted in feaces
Nutrient digestibility = *100.
body weight of14.1 ± 1.5 kg (means ± standard deviation) were used Nutrient intake
in the experiment. The animals were quarantined for ten days to get
them used to their new environment and to observe their health con- 2.7. Live weight change and daily gain
dition. At the end of the quarantine period, blocked into six block of six
animals based on initial live weight and randomly assigned to one of Live weight of each animal was taken at every 15 days interval in
the treatment rations settled. the morning before provision of feed and water. The live weight change
was calculated as difference between final body weight and initial live
weights of the bucks. Average daily gain (ADG) was calculated as:
2.2. Experimental feeds
Final body weight (Kg) − Initial live weight (Kg)
ADG (kg/d) = .
The pigeon pea leaf meal (PPLM) was harvested from less than one No. of feeding days
year old trees in which 100 kg/ha (1 ha = 10,000 m2) of Di ammonium
phosphate fertilizer is applied and neem leaf meal (NLM) was mostly
from 1to 3 years old trees. The supplement feed were offered at 300 g 2.8. Carcass parameters
DM/ (animal·d). All animals had free access to water and mineralized
salt block. Before the experiment starts, samples of supplement in- After feed intake, body weight gain and digestibility trial, all goats
gredients and Rhodes grass hay were analyzed for chemical composi- from each treatment were slaughtered to study the carcass character-
tion of DM content. Based on the chemical composition the supplement istics. Feed was withdrawn overnight and the goats were weighed and
ratios were formulated. recorded as slaughter weight. On slaughtering the blood was collected
in a container and weighted. The animals were then suspended with
head down. The head was detached from the body and weighed. The
2.3. Experimental design and treatments skin was flayed and weighted with legs below the fetlock joints. The
entire gastro-intestinal tract was removed with contents and weighted,
The thirty six goats were randomly assigned to six feed treat- then after removing the gut content. Then the legated to divide into
ments, based on live weight. The experiment was a randomized com- four sections namely esophagus, reticulo-rumen, omasum and abo-
plete block design (RCBD) with 6 treatments and 6 replications. The masum, small and large intestine and was weighted, and then the
feed tested in the experiment was as follows (in% of DM offered) weight of empty gut was calculated by difference and recorded.
Table 1. The rip eye area of muscle was traced on the graph paper between
M.F. Dida, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 8 (2019) 100079
Table 1
Treatment arrangement.
Treatments1 Rhodes grass hay Feed offered, g/d
Concentrate Mixture (Wheat bran and Noug seed cake) Neem Leaf Meal Pigeon Pea Leaf Meal Total Supplement
Table 2 calculating the difference between the estimated selling prices and
Analyzed nutrient profile (%) of experimental feed offered and refused. purchasing price of experimental goat. Net return (NR) was calculated
Chemical composition as;
Feeds offered DM OM Ash CP NDF ADF ADL
The change in net return (ΔNR) was calculated as the difference
RGH 91.7 94.9 5.1 7.9 73.6 51.1 4.5 between change in total return (ΔTR) and the change in total variable
WB 91.6 93.8 6.2 18.6 61.0 17.1 3.6
costs (ΔTVC).
NSC 93.5 90.0 10.0 32.7 39.4 33.4 8.5
53% WB: 47%NSC 92.3 93.1 6.9 24.6 46.8 20.9 4.4 ΔNR = ΔTR − ΔTVC
PPLM 92.7 91.4 8.6 23.0 40.9 29.1 8.9
75% PPLM: 25% NLM 92.6 91.1 8.8 23.7 38.7 28.3 8.3
50% PPLM: 50% NLM 92.7 91.0 9.1 25.0 36.5 27.9 7.9 2.10. Statistical analysis
25% PPLM: 75% NLM 92.7 90.6 9.3 26.0 34.6 25.9 6.3
NLM 92.8 90.5 9.5 28.2 31.8 21.9 4.9
The data collected on feed intake, digestibility, and body weight
53% WB: 47% NSC 95.0 82.6 17.5 22.8 22.3 19.7 6.9 gain was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) model for RCBD
PPLM 94.4 92.5 7.5 16.7 54.0 39.7 13.7 using Statistical Analysis System Software (SAS version 9.1). When the
75% PPLM: 25% NLM 94.3 92.5 7.5 16.3 54.2 39.6 13.4 differences in treatment means was significant at the probability level
50% PPLM: 50% NLM 94.3 92.5 7.5 16.0 54.3 39.6 13.3
of P<0.05, the means was compared by using Least significant differ-
25% PPLM: 75% NLM 94.3 92.6 7.5 15.9 54.5 39.6 13.2
NLM 94.2 92.6 7.4 15.7 54.8 39.7 13.1 ence (LSD) test.
RGH Refusal The statistical model used was:
300 gm CM 94.2 88.0 12.1 6.1 78.7 57.2 5.0
100 gm PP 94.2 88.0 12.0 6.1 77.7 49.0 5.0
Yij = μ + Ti + Bj + Eij
225 gm PP+75NL 94.2 88.1 11.9 6.1 79.8 55.5 5.0
150 gm PP+150NL 94.2 88.0 12.0 6.1 76.9 53.3 5.0
225 gm PP+25NL 94.1 88.4 11.6 6.3 77.9 52.6 5.0
100 gm NL 94.1 88.1 11.9 6.0 75.0 57.7 5.0 Yij = the dependent variable,
µ =overall mean,
DM = dry matter; OM = organic matter; CP = crude protein; NDF = neutral Ti =effect of treatment, and
detergent fiber; ADF = acid detergent fiber; ADL = acid detergent lignin;
Bj=block effect
RGH = Rhodes grass hay; WB = wheat bran; NSC = Noug seed cake;
eij =random error.
PPLM = pigeon pea leaves meal; NLM = neem leaves meal.
3. Results
the 12th and 13th rib of the right half carcass was measured
(Khan, Mahr-UN-Nisa & Sarwar, 2003). Total edible products were
3.1. Chemical composition of treatment feeds
taken as the sum of total edible offal components and hot carcass
weight. Dressing percentage was calculated as proportion of hot carcass
The chemical composition of the feeds used in the present study is
weight to slaughter to slaughter weight (SW).
specified in Table 2. The CP content of the hay refusals was decreased
Hot carcass weight (Kg) ⎞ while the content of NDF, ADF and ADL were increased as compared to
Dressing percentage based on SW = ⎜⎛ ⎟*100
M.F. Dida, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 8 (2019) 100079
Table 3
Feed intake of goats fed on Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with different proportions of dry neem and pigeon pea leaves and concentrates mix.
Parameters 300 gm CM 100 gm PP 225 gm PP+75NL 150 gm PP+150NL 225 gm PP+25NL 100 gm NL SEM SL
Basal feed DM intake, g/d 305 311 293 288 332 324 9.0 ns
Supplement DM intake, g/d 299 a 265 b 269b 280a,b 257b 279a,b 3.0 *
Total DM intake, g/d 604 577 563 568 590 603 10.9 ns
DM intake,% BW 4 4 4 4 4 4 1.0 ns
OM intake, g/d 583 545 532 537 553 565 9.8 ns
Ash Intake 21b 31 a 30 a 31 a 36a 37 a 1.1 ***
EME intake, MJ/ kg DM per d 6 6 6 6 6 7 0.1 ns
CP intake, g/d 101b,c 93d 96c,d 102b,c 105b 116a 1.2 ***
NDF intake, g/d 373a 320a,b 297b 291b 309b 307b 7.9 *
ADF intake, g/d 212 229 210 213 221 206 5.4 ns
ADL intake, g/d 24b 32 a 30a 30a 23b 21b 0.8 ***
Nutrient intake during digestibility trial, g/d
DM intake 585 585 569 566 578 579 5.7 ns
OM intake 571 556 542 540 567 549 5.2 ns
CP intake 102c,d 93e 98d 103b,c 107b 115a 1.0 ***
NDF intake 399a 375b 347c 342c,d 343c,d 324d 3.7 ***
ADF intake 195b,c 239a 209b 211b 210b 188c 3.0 ***
CM=concentrate mix; PP= pigeon pea leaves meal; NL = neem leaves meal; SEM = standard error of mean; SL = significant level; RGH = Rhodes grass hay;
WB = wheat bran; NSC = Noug seed cake; PPLM = pigeon pea leaves meal; NLM = neem leaves meal; DM = dry matter; BW = body weight; OM = organic matter;
EME = estimated metabolizable energy; CP = crude protein; NDF = neutral detergent fiber; ADF = acid detergent fiber; ADL = acid detergent lignin.
Means with different superscripts in a row are significantly different.
= (P < 0.05).
= (P < 0.001); ns = non-significant.
Highly significant (P < 0.001) impacts were recorded due to sup- PP + 150 gm NL > 300 gm CM = 75 gm PP + 225 gm NL = 300 gm
plementary inclusion on crude protein intake values. It is noticeable NL). In contrary to the result of NDF and ADL intake, ADF intake was
that crude protein intake of goats supplemented 300 g NL and 25 g non- significant (P > 0.05) among groups.
PP + 225 g NL was highest than goats supplemented 225 g PP + 75 g
NLM and 150 g PP + 150 g NL. Moreover, the CP intake of groups 3.3. Dry matter and nutrients digestibility
supplemented 300 g NL was higher (P < 0.001) than groups supple-
mented 300 g CM, 150 g PP + 150 g NL and 75 g PP + 225 gm NL. The The apparent DM and nutrients digestibility percentages of experi-
CP intake was 16.7, 16.2, 17.1, 18.1, 17.9 and 19.3% of the total DM mental feeds are shown in Table 4. Apparent DM digestibility recorded
intake in goats supplemented 300 g (CM), 300 g PP, 75 g NL + 225 g was highest in groups supplemented 300 gm NL (P < 0.05) than other
PP, 150 g NL + 150 g PP, 225 g NLM and 75 g PP and 300 g NL, re- groups, though statically similar with groups supplemented 225 gm
spectively. The estimated ME intake was non-significant (P > 0.05) PP + 75 gm NL. The apparent CP digestibility in groups supplemented
among the treatments. Significant (P < 0.05) difference in NDF intake 300 gm CM and 300 gm NL was higher (P < 0.001) than 300 gm PP
was observed among groups and it was higher (P < 0.05) in groups and 75 gm PP + 225 gm NL. Moreover, apparent CP digestibility was
supplemented 300 g CM than other supplementary groups, whereas higher (P < 0.001) for goats supplemented 300 gm NL as compared to
statistically similar with groups supplemented 300 gm PP. goats 300 gm CM, 225 gm PP + 75 gm NL and 150 gm PP + 150 gm
There were significant main effects (P < 0.001) in the value of ADL NL. The apparent NDF digestibility values in groups supplemented 300
intake due to supplementary inclusion. Goats supplemented 300 gm PP, gm NL was higher (P < 0.05) than groups supplemented 300 gm PP,
225 gm + 75 gm NL and 150 gm PP + 150 gm NL had highest ADL 225 gm PP + 75 gm NL and 75 gm PP + 225 gm NL, though similar
intake values than goats supplemented 300 gm CM, 75 gm PP + 225 with groups supplemented 300 gm NL and 150 gm PP + 150 gm NL.
gm NL and 300 gm NL (300 gm PP = 225 gm + 75 gm NL = 150 gm Contrary to the NDF digestibility, apparent ADF digestibility was non-
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
M.F. Dida, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 8 (2019) 100079
Table 4
Nutrient apparent digestibility (%) in goats fed on Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with different proportions of dry neem and pigeon pea leaves and concentrates
Parameters Treatments
300 gm CM 100 gm PP 225 gm PP+75NL 150 gm PP+150NL 225 gm PP+25NL 100 gm NL SEM SL
CM=concentrate mix; PP= pigeon pea leaves meal; NL = neem leaves meal; SEM = standard error of mean; SL = significant level;.
Means with different superscripts in a row are significantly differ.
= (P < 0.05); ⁎⁎⁎ = (P < 0.001); DM = dry matter; OM = organic matter; CP = crude protein; NDF = neutral detergent fiber; ADF = acid detergent fiber.
significant among treatments (P < 0.05). < 0.01) tail weight than other groups. The result of current study
showed that a total edible product (hot carcass weight + total edible
3.4. Body weight gain offals component) was not apparently different (P > 0.05) among
Mean values of initial and final body weight (BW), daily BW gain
and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) of the experimental animals are
indicated in Table 5. The result indicated that the effect of supplement 3.5.2. Proportion of different carcass parameters
was not significant on average daily and final BW gain, final BW, FCE The proportion of different carcass parameters goats fed different
and protein conversion efficiency (PCE) of experimental animals (P > proportions of dry neem and pigeon pea leaves and concentrates mix
0.05).The trend of weight changes across the feeding days (Fig. 2) re- presented in Table 7. The result of this study showed that gut fill to
vealed that all goats up to the 15th days showed BW gain almost in a slaughter weight (GF: SW), total edible offal components to total non-
similar manner. After the 45th days, all supplemented goats showed a edible components (TEOC: TNEOC), total edible offal components to
steady growth rate throughout the experimental period, except goats empty body weight (TEOC: EBW) and total non-edible components to
supplemented 300 gm PP. empty body weight (TNEOC: EBW) was not significantly different
among treatments.
3.5. Carcass characteristics
Values recorded on the effects of supplementation of neem and pi- 3.6. Partial budget analysis
geon pea leaf at different proportions on carcass parameters of goats
presented in Table 6. No significant (P < 0.05) impacts were noticed on The partial budget analysis of Gumuz goats fed on Rhodes grass hay
slaughter weight, hot carcass weight, empty body weight (EBW) and and supplemented with different proportions of dry neem and pigeon
rib-eye areas during the experimental period due to supplementation of pea leaves and concentrates mixpresented Table 8. The partial budget
neem and pigeon pea browse leaves at different proportions and con- analysis was performed to evaluate the economic advantages of use of
centrates mixture. Dressing percentage on the basis of SW and EBW was locally available neem tree with pigeon pea leaf meals at different
higher (P < 0.05) in group supplemented 300 g NL than others groups proportions instead of commercial concentrate mixture. The result of
but, similar with group supplemented 300 gm CM. These results sug- this study indicated that higher total return (11.5 $/goat) was obtained
gested that supplementation of sole NL had higher dressing percentage from the goat supplemented 300 gm NL. As it's indicated from the
than sole PP and mixture of NL and PP. However, supplementation of partial budget analysis, groups supplemented 300 gm NL returned a
sole NL and concentrate mixture similarly influence the dressing per- higher net income (8.6 $/goat) as compared to the other groups. The
centage of goats. result of current study revealed that total variable cost was decreased as
the level of NL increased across the treatment among the non-conven-
3.5.1. Edible and edible offal's tional supplemented groups. Generally, as this study based on the net
The edible and non-edible non-carcass component of goats fed dif- profit, supplementation of 300 gm NL per head of goats, outweighs
ferent proportions of dry neem and pigeon pea leaves and concentrates other treatments and is recommended. However, all supplements used
mix presented in Table 7. In this study, except for stomach fat, tail and in this study induced positive net profit and thus can be employed in
bladder no significant difference (P > 0.05) was observed among feeding systems depending on their availability and relative cost.
treatments. In this study, group supplemented 300 gm NL had higher (P
Table 5
Body weight parameters of goats fed on Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with different proportions of dry neem and pigeon pea leaves and concentrates mix.
Parameters 300 gm CM 100 gm PP 225 gm PP+75NL 150 gm PP+150NL 225 gm PP+25NL 100 gm NL SEM SL
Initial body weight, kg 14.0 14.3 14.3 14.2 14.0 13.9 0.3 ns
Final body weight, kg 17.6 16.6 117.7 17.4 16.1 17.8 0.3 ns
BW Change, Kg 3.6 2.2 3.4 3.2 2.1 3.9 0.3 ns
Daily BW gain, g/d 40.1 24.9 37.9 35.8 22.8 43.5 3.9 ns
FCE, g DBWG/g DDMI 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.08 0.01 ns
PCE, g DBWG/g DCPI 0.34 0.26 0.39 0.35 0.19 0.37 0.04 ns
CM=concentrate mix; PP= pigeon pea leaves meal; NL = neem leaves meal; SEM = standard error of mean; SL = significant level; ns = non-significant; BW = body
weight; FCE = Feed conversion efficiency; DBWG = Daily body weight gain; DDMI = Daily dry matter intake; PCE = Protein conversion efficiency; DCPI = Daily
crude protein intake.
M.F. Dida, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 8 (2019) 100079
0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Feeding days
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Fig. 2. Trends in body weight change of goats fed on Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with different proportions of dry neem and pigeon pea leaves and
concentrates mix.
RGH = Rhodes grass hay; WB = wheat bran; NSC= Noug seed cake; PPLM= pigeon pea leaves meal; NLM= neem leaves meal; T1 (control) = RGH ad li-
bitum + 300 g/(animal•d) 53%: 47% WB: NSC; T2 = RGH ad libitum + 300 g/(animal•d) PPLM; T3 = RGH ad libitum + 300 g/(animal•d) 75%: 25% PPLM: NLM;
T4 = RGH ad libitum + 300 g/(animal•d) 50%: 50% PPLM: NLM; T5 = RGH ad libitum + 300 g/(animal•d) 25%: 75% PPLM: NLM; T6 = RGH ad libitum + 300 g/
(animal•d) NLM.
Table 6
Carcass characteristics of goats fed on Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with different proportions of dry neem and pigeon pea leaves and concentrates mix.
Carcass parameters 300 gm CM 100 gm PP 225 gm PP+75NL 150 gm PP+150NL 225 gm PP+25NL 100 gm NL SEM S. L
CM=concentrate mix; PP= pigeon pea leaves meal; NL = neem leaves meal; SEM = standard error of mean; SL = significant level; ns = non-significant.
Means with different superscripts in rows are significantly differ.
= (P < 0.05); ns = non-significant (P > 0.05).
M.F. Dida, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 8 (2019) 100079
Table 7
Non-carcass components (g) and proportions of different carcass parameters (%) of goats fed on Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with different proportions of dry
neem and pigeon pea leaves and concentrates mix.
Parameters 300 gm CM 100 gm PP 225 gm PP+75NL 150 gm PP+150NL 225 gm PP+25NL 100 gm NL SEM S.L
CM=concentrate mix; PP= pigeon pea leaves meal; NL = neem leaves meal; SEM = standard error of mean; SL = significant level; ns = non-significant.
Means with different superscripts in rows are significantly differ.
= (P < 0.01); ⁎⁎⁎ = (P < 0.001); ns = non-significant; SI = small intestine; LI = large intestine; TEOC = total edible offals component; TNEOC = total non-
edible offals component; TEP = total edible products; GF = gut fill; SW = slaughter weight; TEOC = total edible offal components; TNEOC = total non-edible offal
components; EBW = empty body weight.
digestibility of DM and CP that promotes average daily BW gain effect, animals can survive with lower nutrients and slight body growth.
(Gizachew, 2013 and Freweini, 2014; Yinnesu & Nurfeta, 2012). For the Since energy requirement of an animal is influenced by muscular ac-
first few days after the start of the experiment BW by all experimental tivity (NRC, 1981).
animals was increase in similar manner and this could be due to the The weight of liver was not affected by treatment diets in the cur-
residual effect of energy reserve in the form of glycogen and body fat in rent study, which could be an indicative of low level of anti-nutritional
the first phase of the experimental period, which was probably high and compounds in the leaves used in the current study that could otherwise
due to restricted movement that saved energy wastage (Bruh, 2008). In have demanded the liver to grow to undertake detoxification process
Table 8
Partial budget analysis of Gumuz goats fed on Rhodes grass hay and supplemented with different proportions of dry neem and pigeon pea leaves and concentrates
Parameters Treatments
Purchase price of goat ($/goat) 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5
Rhodes hay consumed (kg/goat) 27.5 28.1 26.4 25.9 29.9 29.2
Dried neem leaves consumed (kg/goat) – – 6.1 12.6 17.4 25.1
Dried pigeon pea leaves consumed (kg/goat) 23.9 18.2 12.6 5.8 –
Wheat bran consumed (kg/goat) 16.9 – – – – –
Noug seed cake consumed (kg/goat) 11.1 – – – – –
Total supplement consumed (kg/goat) 26.9 23.9 24.3 25.2 23.2 25.1
Total feed consumed (kg/goat) 57.2 54.8 53.3 53.8 56.0 57.2
Cost of Rhodes grass hay($/goat) 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06
Cost for dry neem leaves($/goat) – – 0.33 0.69 0.95 1.37
Cost for dry pigeon pea leaves ($/goat) – 2.60 1.99 1.38 0.63 –
Cost of Wheat bran ($/goat) 2.46 – – – – –
Cost of Noug seed cake ($/goat) 2.01 – – – – –
Total variable cost ($/goat) (TVC) 5.98 4.14 3.76 3.48 3.21 2.96
Gross income (R) ($/goat) 27.49 27.27 31.02 27.56 23.64 30.00
Total return (TR) ($/goat) 9.38 8.80 11.82 9.09 5.16 11.53
Net return (NR) ($/goat) 3.41 4.67 8.07 5.62 1.95 8.57
Change in total return (ΔTR) – −0.58 2.44 −0.29 −4.22 2.15
Change in total variable cost (ΔTVC) – −1.84 −2.22 −2.49 −2.76 −3.01
Change in net return (ΔNR) – 1.26 4.66 2.20 1.46 5.16
ETB= Ethiopian birr; ΔNI= change in net income; ΔTVC= change of total variable cost; NR= net return; TR= total return; NLM= neem leaf meal; PPLM= pigeon
pea leaf meal; WB= wheat bran; NSC= nougseed cake; RGH= Rhodes grass hay; gm=gram.
M.F. Dida, et al. Veterinary and Animal Science 8 (2019) 100079
(Ahamefule et al., 2006; Assefa., Kijora, Kehaliew, Bediye & Peters, References
2008 and Freweini, 2014). Increased weights of internal organs such as
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in west africa. Livestock Research for Rural Developmen, 28 Article#75.
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Yinnesu, A., & Nurfeta, A. (2012). Effects of supplementing erythrinabrucei leaf as a
This manuscript or a very similar manuscript has not been pub- substitute for cotton seed meal on growth performance and carcass characteristics of
lished, nor is under consideration by any other journal. sidama goats fed basal diet of natural grass hay. Trop. Anim Health Prod, 44, 445–451.