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Rangkuman Materi Semester I Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

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RMS I Kelas IX
Bahasa Inggris

Rangkuman Materi
Semester I

2021 T.P. 2021 - 2022

RMS I Kelas IX - Bahasa Inggris

© 2021 Copy Right All Right Reserved


A. Expressing Wish
Expressing of wish is given to someone to be better in the future. Example
1. I wish you luck
2. Wish me luck
3. I wish you all the best
4. I wish to win the speech contest
B. Expressing Hope
Expressing of hope is given to someone to be successful. Example
1. I hope to be a successful businessman
2. I hope to succed in the future
3. I hope you will get well soon
4. I hope you enjoy
C. Expressing Congratulation
Expressing of congratulation is an expression of praise for someone’s achievement.
1. Happy birthday
2. Happy new year
3. Happy wedding anniversary
4. Happy Eid Al - Fitr

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A. Expressing Agreement
This expression is used when we feel we agree with an idea, concept or plan submitted by
another person.
1. I agree with 11. Marvelous
2. I think so 12. Why not
3. It is certainly 13. That's a good idea
4. Exactly 14. I’m positive
5. That’s what I want to say 15. I’m absolutely
6. I’m with you 16. You're right
7. I’m on your side 17. That's true
8. I buy that idea 18. You are true
9. I don’t have any objection
10. That’s right/fine
B. Expressing Disagreement
This expression is used when we disagree with an idea, concept or plan submitted by
another person.
1. I disagree with 11. I think that’s not right
2. I wouldn’t say that 12. I don't agree
3. Exactly not 13. That's not a good idea
4. I can’t say so 14. That's wrong
5. On co contrary 15. You're wrong l couldn't be with you
6. I don’t buy that idea
7. In my opinion it’s wrong
8. I don’t think that’s a good idea
9. I’m sorry, but I don’t think so
10. I’m afraid it’s not true

Rangkuman Materi Semester I - Bahasa Inggris 3


Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. The
social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of steps.
Communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a sequence
of actions or steps.
A. How to Operate Telephone
Well everybody, do you know how to operate telephone? You must pay attention to this
parts of the telephone set. They are the telephone set itself, phone holder and dialing
numbers. Now listen to me, I will tell you are about the arrangement of the instructions as
1. First, take the phone holder
2. Second, dial the numbers you are calling up
3. Third, wait until someone speaking, then say hello and your name as well as your need
4. Finally, say thank you at the end of conversation
B. How to Serve a Cup of Noodle Pop
Goal/Purpose : How to serve a cup of noodle pop
Materials/Ingredients :
1. A cup of noodle pop
2. Hot water
3. Seasonings
4. Fork
5. Scissor
1. Take a cup of noodle pop
2. Open the cover a half
3. Take out the seasonings and fork from in it
4. Cut the seasonings by scissor
5. Put all the seasonings into a cup
6. Pour the hot water
7. Close the cover and wait until 3 minutes
8. Open the cover again and stir it until well
9. Finally, my noodle pop has ready to taste

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A. In Order to
Kata hubung ini bermakna dengan tujuan untuk atau agar/supaya dan lebih umum
digunakan di writing daripada speaking. Kata sambung ini memiliki bentuk negatif, yaitu in
order not to. Contoh kalimatnya adalah sebagai berikut:
1. I set an alarm on my phone in order not to overlseep.
(Saya mengatur alarm di handphone agar tidak kelebihan tidur.)
2. Sania says we should eat enough in order to be healthy.
(Sania mengatakan kita harus makan yang cukup agar menjadi sehat.)
3. We should eat well in order not to get sick easily.
(Kita harus makan dengan baik agar tidak mudah sakit.)
B. So that
Kata sambung so that artinya sama seperti kata sambung in order to yaitu artinya supaya.
Namun kata sambung so that biasanya diikuti sebuah kalimat. So that digunakan untuk
menjelaskan dua kalimat sebab akibat yang terjadinya tidak bersamaan. Untuk lebih jelasnya,
coba kamu perhatikan contoh berikut ini:
1. We should eat enough fruits and vegetables so that we will always healthy.
(Kita harus makan cukup buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran supaya kita akan selalu
2. You have to clean our bath tub regularly so that mosquitoes do not lay their legs there.
(Kamu harus membersihkan bath tub secara teratur supaya nyamuk tidak bersarang
3. He drives carefully so that he can reach home safely.
(Dia menyetir dengan hati-hati supaya dia dapat sampai di rumah dengan selamat.)
C. To
Ketika kata to digunakan sebagai kata sambung maka artinya adalah untuk. Makna untuk
disini bukan berarti kepada namun berarti merujuk pada suatu tujuan. Kata sambung to
diikuti kata kerja bentuk pertama (V1) dalam susunan kalimat. Berikut adalah contoh kalimat
yang menggunakan kata sambung to:
1. We should eat breakfast to keep healthy.
(Kita harus memakan sarapan untuk tetap sehat.)
2. You should study hard to reach your goals.
(Kamu harus belajar dengan keras untuk meraih cita-citamu.)
3. Diana entered a competition to get a reward.
(Diana mengikuti kompetisi untuk mendapatkan hadiah.)

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A. Perfect Tense
Perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu
aksi atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang atau
telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu, namun efeknya masih berlanjut.

+-? Formula Example

Positive S + have/has + V3 + O I have studied English
Negative S + has/has + not + V3 + O I have not studied English
Introgative Have/has + V3 + O Have I studied English?
Have digunakan untuk kata ganti orang pertama, dan kedua yakni I, You, We, They.
Sedangkan Has digunakan pada kata ganti orang ketiga yakni He, She, It.
B. Present Continuous Tense
Present continuous tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
suatu perbuatan, keadaan atau peristiwa yang sedang terjadi pada saat dibicarakan.
1. Kalimat Verbal
+-? Formula Example
Positive S + to be (is, am, are) + V-Ing + O He is speaking English
Negative S + to be (is, am, are) + not + V- He is not speaking English
Ing + O
Introgative To be (is, am, are) + S + V-Ing + O Is he speaking English?

2. Kalimat Nominal
+-? Formula Example
Positive S + to be (is, am, are) + He is handsome
Negative S + to be (is, am, are) + not + He is not handsome
Introgative To be (is, am, are) + S + Is he handsome?

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C. Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan aktivitas atau
kegiatan yang terjadi pada masa lalu.
1. Kalimat Verbal
+-? Formula Example
Positive S + to be (was/were) + V-Ing + O We were watching movie last night
Negative S + to be (was/were) + not + V- We were not watching movie last
Ing + O night
Introgative To be (was/were) + S + V-Ing + O Were we watching movie last

2. Kalimat Nominal
+-? Formula Example
Positive S + to be (was/were) + My father was in the car
Negative S + to be (was/were) + not + My father was not in the car
Introgative To be (was/were) + S + Was my father in the car
Was digunakan untuk subjek yang tunggal yaitu He, She, It. Sedangkan Were digunakan
untuk subjek yang jamak You, They, We.
D. Future Continuous Tense
Future continuos tense adalah kata kerja yang menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu akan terjadi
di masa depan.
1. Kalimat Verbal
+-? Formula Example
Positive 1
S + will/shall + be + V -Ing + O He will be attending to my party
Negative S + will/shall + not + be + V -Ing He will not be attending to my
+O party
Introgative will/shall + S + be + V1-Ing + O Will be attending to my party

2. Kalimat Nominal
+-? Formula Example
Positive S + will/shall + be + She will be happy tonight
Negative S + will/shall + not + be + She will not be happy tonight
Introgative will/shall + S + be + Will she be happy tonight
Penggunaan kata Shall dipakai apabila subjek yang digunakan yakni I dan we. kata Will
digunakan untuk subjek yang berupa They, You, She, He, It.

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Label is an information continued in the outer packaging of product or goods. The

function of label is to show/know information about the product of goods.
Example of Label:

NO. Facts Available? Statements

1 The drug Yes Children’s cough syrup
2 Description Yes Cough mixture of formula 440
3 Content/Amount Yes 75 ml
4 Use (s) No Not available
5 Directions to use & dosage Yes Use medicine according to physician’s
6 Directions to store Yes - Keep it in moderate temperature
- Keep away from children
7 Expiration date No Not available

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