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Determination of Water Content in Transformer Solid Insulation by Frequency Domain Spectros

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Proc. of the 5th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf.

on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Tenerife, Spain, December 16-18, 2005 (pp18-23)

Determination of Water Content in Transformer Solid Insulation by

Frequency Domain Spectroscopy
Electrical Engineering Department
University Carlos III, Madrid
C/ Butarque 15, Leganés Madrid
bgarciad@ing.uc3m.es, bvalecill@ing.uc3m.es, jcurgos@ing.uc3m.es

Abstract: - Knowing the water content in transformer solid insulation is basic to determine the transformer
maximum admissible load. As direct measurement of this variable is not possible, indirect techniques should be
used as those based in the measurement of transformer dielectric response in time or frequency domain. By the
application of these techniques is possible to get more accurate information that from traditional methods but
some problems remain related to the interpretation of measurements. This paper is focused in the application of
frequency domain spectroscopy (FDS) to the determination of water content into the different parts of
transformer solid insulation. FDS field measurements over real transformer are reported extracting some general
conclusions that may be useful to perform this kind of measurements.
Key-Words: - Power transformer, insulation diagnosis, dielectric response, FDS, moisture content, field

1 Introduction techniques detecting their weak points and proposing

Water content is a key factor that should be solutions the problems detected.
considered to determine the load capability of a power The techniques based in the analysis of dielectric
transformer. The presence of water accelerates the response in frequency domain (FDS), are gaining
ageing processes, being the thermal ageing rate of more and more popularity, as they present less
cellulosic insulation proportional to its water content. influence from electromagnetic noise that those based
Moreover an important water presence significantly in the time domain, being so the obtained results are
decreases the maximum operation temperature as more reliable.
bubbling risk appears for lower temperatures. In this paper a brief description of the three
As direct measurement of water content in solid techniques (FDS, RVM, PDC) is presented. A more
insulation is not possible, indirect techniques that detailed analysis is made about the application of
provides some information about this aspect must be FDS and the interpretation of the measurements.
used. Different techniques are available to assess Finally some FDS field measurements over real
moisture level in solid insulation by means of the transformers are reported.
characterization of transformer dielectric response.
Some of these techniques, as the Recovery Voltage 3 Dielectric response methods
Measurement (RVM) or the Polarization When a dielectric material is submitted to an
Depolarization Current Measurement (PDC) are based electric field, its elemental dipoles are oriented in the
on the analysis of dielectric response in time domain. field direction. Dipole orientation is not
The analysis of the dielectric response can also be instantaneous, but it has certain delay. The dielectric
done in frequency domain as the Frequency Domain response of a material depends on several aspects, as
Spectroscopy (FDS) technique proposes. the material nature or the geometry of the object
By the application of these techniques is possible under study, but it also depends on the water content
to get more accurate information that from traditional or the ageing of the material. Dielectric methods are
methods (tanδ, polarization index etc.), however some based on the determination of the dielectric response
problems remain related to the interpretation of in time or frequency domain.
measurements. Measurements present a high
dependence with the transformer geometry, that is 3.1 PDC
usually unknown, as the manufacturer rarely provides PDC method consists in the measurement of the
some information about transformer internal polarization and depolarization currents that appear
dimensions or insulation arrangement. Cigré TF during the polarization and depolarization processes
CIGRE TF D1.01.09 [1, 2] was created to analyze the in a dielectric material.
Proc. of the 5th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Tenerife, Spain, December 16-18, 2005 (pp18-23)

Polarization current is measured after the in the time domain, being so the obtained results are
application of a voltage step to the object under study more reliable.
during the so called charging time. This charging
time should be long enough to allow the polarization 4 FDS measurement and interpretation
processes in the material to be completed. After this in power transformers
time, the material is short circuited and
Power transformer insulation is composed by
depolarization current over the object should be
different dielectric materials (oil, paper, pressboard,
wood...). Under the effect of an electric field the
The main disadvantages of this method are its
different materials are polarized. The differences in
high sensitivity to electromagnetical disturbances and
the response (in time or frequency) of these materials
the long time required for its application (this
allow separating the effects caused by paper from
disadvantage is common to all the techniques based
those caused by oil. Moreover the dielectric response
in the analysis of the dielectric response) [3].
of the different materials is strongly dependent on
their water content. The analysis of this dependence
3.2 RVM is the basis to get information about the water content
To perform RVM measurements a step voltage is in the materials by means of dielectric response
applied to the object under study during certain measurements.
charging time. The object is then short-circuited There are several factors that influence the
during a short period of time (decharging time) and dielectric response of transformer insulation, e.g. the
finally it is left in open circuit. In this case a voltage geometry of the duct, the dielectric response of oil
appears between the terminals of the material. This (its conductivity and permittivity), the dielectric
voltage is the so called recovery voltage and is response of pressboard or paper, and the temperature
caused by the unfinished depolarization processes in of the whole insulation system. To obtain the
the material. moisture content in solid insulation these variables
The measurement of the recovery voltage should should be known or estimated as parameters during
be repeated for different charging times, obtaining the modeling. For modeling purposes the transformer
the so called polarization spectra. To get the main insulation, consisting of cylindrical pressboard
polarization spectra the same relation between the barriers in series with oil ducts and spacers (Fig. 1), is
charging and decharging time (usually tc=2td) must represented as shown in Fig. 2, where X and Y are
be kept in all the measurements. defined as:
By comparison of polarization spectra with
laboratory curves, obtained over controlled moisture radial thickness of total barriers
samples, an estimation of the moisture content in the X =
object can be extracted. radial width of the duct
In the last years RVM method has been quite total width of the spacers along periphery of the duct
criticized because the water contents estimated by its Y =
periphery of the duct
application are not coherent with that obtained by
direct determination. According to CIGRÉ TF
15.01.09 the problem lays in the simplistic
interpretation of the measurements. Alternatives
have been proposed to that interpretation [2, 4].

3.3 FDS.
FDS method consists in making discrete
measurements of the specimen test impedance in a
frequency range between 1000 Hz and 0.001 Hz.
For this propose, a sinusoidal voltage of variable
frequency is applied to the object under test and the
current flowing across the insulation is registered.
Once the object impedance is known, other relevant Fig. 1. Section of main insulation
parameters may be determined as capacitance (C'), in a core type transformer.
dielectric loss (C'') or tangent δ.
The techniques based in the analysis of dielectric
response in frequency domain (FDS) present less
influence from electromagnetic noise that those based
Proc. of the 5th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Tenerife, Spain, December 16-18, 2005 (pp18-23)

the interpretation of CH, CL, and CT measurements,

whose estimated water contents are quite high in
comparison to CHL and CLT. Differences have been
also found when interpreting measurements
performed over other transformers not reported in this
Fig. 2. X-Y representation of paper.
transformer main insulation. The XY model, used by MODS, was designed to
represent the behaviour of the insulation between HV
The interpretation of the results is based on a and LV winding and it is not as reliable to represent
best-fit procedure, in which the measured and the the insulation between the windings and ground, that
modeled responses of oil-pressboard ducts are has a completely different geometry (i.e. no spacers
compared. are fitted between windings and ground). This
Measurements can be performed between high defective geometry representation can be the cause of
and low voltage windings (so called CHL such a great difference.
measurements where indexes H and L indicates high Problems came up in the measurement of the
voltage and low voltage windings respectively) or capacitance between HV and tertiary winding (CHT)
between windings and the ground (CH and CL), because of its low value. The measured capacitance
providing possibility to evaluate different parts of the was 66 pF, and according to the specifications of the
insulation. manufacturer the measuring instrument presents an
error margin of 2E-3 in the tangent delta
5. Field measurements determination when the measured capacitances are
The results obtained over three transformers are below 100 pF. Such a low value for the CHT
discussed. From these results, some general capacitance is normal if we take into account that
recommendations may be extracted that can be useful between these two windings the LV winding is
when measuring FDS. placed that should be connected to ground during this
All the presented measurements were performed measurement.
using the IDA 200 insulation diagnostic system from
Programma, Sweden [5] 5.1.1 Influence of selected tap
Measurements were repeated selecting three
5.1 Case 1 different positions of the on load tap changer in order
FDS measurements were performed over a three- to test the influence of the tap in FDS measurements.
phase unit 30 MV, 132/46 kV YNyn0d11, The selected taps were the two extreme positions
manufactured in 1997. (taking the maximum number of coils in the two
Capacitances between every two windings (HV positions of the inverter) and the intermediate
vs. LV, LV vs. tertiary and HV vs. tertiary) and position (taking the minimum number of coils).
between every winding and ground were measured. In Fig. 3 CHL measurements obtained in every
In order to interpret the measurements, the software position are plotted. All the measurements were
MODS, provided by the IDA 200 instrument performed in the same day, so the same measurement
manufacturer, were used obtaining the estimations of conditions can be assumed.
water content in the different parts of the insulation 10

shown in Table 1.
C´tap 21
-9 C´tap 1
Insulation between HV and LV (CHL) 0,3 % 10
C´´tap 1
C´and C´´ (F)

Insulation between HV and ground (CH) 2,2 % C´tap 11

C´´tap 11
Insulation between LV and ground (CL) 2,1 %
Insulation between LV and tertiary (CLT) 1,4 % -10
Insulation between tertiary ground (CT) 2,2 %

Table 1: Water estimations in every part of the

insulation in transformer case 1. 10
-2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
As can be seen relevant differences appear in the
different parts of the insulation estimated water Figure 3: CHL measurement in different taps
contents. These differences are greater in the case of
Proc. of the 5th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Tenerife, Spain, December 16-18, 2005 (pp18-23)

As can be seen the registered capacitances in the
three cases are almost the same both in real and in
imaginary part. Just some non significant 10
discrepancies appears in the range of 0,1 Hz C´´rainy

C´and C´´ (F)

frequency C´dry
5.1.2 Influence of weather conditions
Measurements were repeated in a rainy day, to test 10

the influence of the atmospheric conditions in the

registered complex capacitance. The presence of -12
water in bushings surface could cause the appearing 10

Frequency (Hz)
of creep currents over them.
Fig.2 shows the comparison between
measurements taken with and without rain. As can be Figure 5: CH measurements with and without rain
observed just little differences can be found both in
real as in imaginary part. This results logical if we 5.2 Case 2
take into account that in CHL measurements ground The second case analyzed is an autotransformer
is guarded, so a contribution of currents along the (144/86 kV, 80 MVA) manufactured in 1967.
bushings surface may not appear. In the case of autotransformers, as primary and
-8 secondary winding are the same, just capacitance
between HV winding and ground (CH), capacitance
C´rainy between tertiary winding and ground (CT) and
C´dry capacitance between HV and tertiary winding can be
-9 C´´dry determined. .
C´and C´´ (F)

The interpretation of the measurements determines

the moisture contents displayed in table 2.
Insulation between HV and tertiary (CHT) 2,7 %
Insulation between tertiary and ground (CT) 3,7 %
Insulation between HV and ground (CH) 3,6 %
10 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Table 2: Water estimations in every part of the
insulation in transformer case 2.
Figure 4: CHL with and without rain
In Fig. 6 the components of the complex
A different behaviour is found when CH
capacitance registered when measuring the insulation
measurements are compared in both cases. As can be
between HV winding and tertiary are plotted. These
seen in Fig.5, significant differences appears in the
measurements present very important disturbances in
measurement of the capacitance between the HV
the low frequency range.
winding and ground when it was raining and when it
Very close to the transformer under study crosses
was not raining.
a 230 kV line. The distance between the line and the
In case of CH measurements, if currents along
HV bushing of the transformer (showed both in Fig
bushings surface appear they will be registered by the
7) is a little more than two meters. The presence of
FDS device, added to the current flowing between the
close lines causes electromagnetical disturbances that
HV insulation and the tank. The effect of this current
can affect the measurements, in special in case of
adding is not an increase in he capacitance, as current
measuring low capacitances.
along bushings is resistive, but an increase in the
It is important to note that the measuring
equipment should register currents in the range of pA,
The same effect appeared in CL measurements.
being so the signal to noise ratio is very low in case
of measuring capacitances lower than 100 pF.
Proc. of the 5th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Tenerife, Spain, December 16-18, 2005 (pp18-23)

-9 water content in that insulation and the estimation in
C´ the other parts is explained.
C´and C´´ (F)




10 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 6: CHT measurement

Fig 8: 50 Hz capacitance and power factor between

HV winding and tertiary

Regarding to CH and CT measurements much

higher values of capacitance were found (23011pF
and 11208 pF respectively) and less problems arose
when making the measurements. Fig. 9 shows CT
measurements and, as can be seen no disturbances
appear in these curves. In this case, as the current
magnitude increases significantly, minor effects of
elecromagnetic interferences appear.



. 10
C´and C´´ (F)

Figure 7 :230 kV line close to the transformer

CHT capacitance registered over the transformer
under study, when measuring at 50 Hz was 70 pF. As -10
aforementioned, the measuring device has an error 10

margin of 2e-3 in tangent delta determination when

the capacitance is below 100 pF. In fact, as can be -11
seen in Fig.8 the values of power factor measured for 10

Frequency (Hz)
some frequencies were negative, that makes no
physical sense.
The low values of the capacitances may be Figure 9: CT measurement
explained by the presence of electrostatic screens
connected to ground between HV and tertiary 6. Conclusion
winding that is typical in autotransformers. In this paper general principles of dielectric
As can be seen in Fig. 8 the major disturbances in response measurements have been described and its
CHT appear in the low frequency region, that is the application to determine moisture content in
part of the curve that provides information about the transformer insulation has been analyzed.
paper condition. In consequence the estimation of Time and frequency domain techniques have
water obtained by MODS for this measurement is not been briefly described making more emphasis in
reliable, and the difference between the estimation of Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS).
Proc. of the 5th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Tenerife, Spain, December 16-18, 2005 (pp18-23)

FDS field measurements performed over two Gafvert, V. Karius, J. Lapworth, G. Urbani, P.
power transformers have been reported. The Werelius and W.S. Zaengl, "Dielectric response
following general conclusions can be extracted from methods for diagnostics of power transformers”,
those measurements that can be of general application CIGRE Technical Brochure, No. 254, Paris 2004.
when measuring transformers in field. [3]T.K. Saha "Review of Time Domain Polarization
Measurements for Assessing Insulation Condition
- XY model was conceived to represent the insulation in aged transformers”, IEEE Transactions on
between HV and LV windings. From that, the Power Delivery,Vol 18, No.4, October 2003.
information about the water content in transformer [4] J.P van Bolhuis, E. Gulski, J.J. Smit D. Pepper
insulation that may be extracted from CHL "Interpretation of RVM Measurements, Beyond
measurements is more reliable that those extracted the Polarization Spectrum", Conference Record of
from CH and CL. the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on
- Measurements were compared selecting different Electrical Insulation,Boston MA USA. April 7-10
positions of the LTC, concluding that FDS 2002.
measurements are not sensitive to the LTC selected [5] Insulation Diagnostics Spectrometer IDA,
tap. Programma Electric AB, Eldarv. 4, SE-187 75
- Water or dirt on bushings surfaces can give rise to Täby, Sweden.
creep current along them. Creep currents, in case of
existing, will not affect CHL measurements if guard
cable is properly connected to ground. In the case of
CH and CL measurements is not possible to eliminate
the effect of creep currents and they will be added to
those circulating between HV winding (or LV in case
of CL measurements) and ground causing an increase
in measured losses (C'').
- Important problems appear when measuring very
low capacitances bellow 100 pF.
- The presence of high voltage lines in service close
to the transformer can cause electromagnetic
disturbances that affect the measurements. These
effects are dramatic in case of measuring very low

This work has been carried out at the Electrical
Engineering Department of the University Carlos III
of Madrid, and has been founded by the Spanish
utility Unión Fenosa and by the Spanish Ministry of
Science and Technology (MCYT) under the project
nº DPI2002-09039-C01-02 of the "Plan Nacional de
Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación
Tecnológica". The authors would like to thank to
Union Fenosa for their interest and support of the


[1]S.M. Gubanski, P. Boss, G. Csepes, V.D.

Houhanessian, J. Filippini, P. Guuinic, U.
Gafvert, V. Karius, J. Lapworth, G. Urbani, P.
Werelius and W.S. Zaengl, "Dielectric response
methods for diagnostics of power transformers”,
Electra, No. 202, pp 23-34, June 2002.
[2]S.M. Gubanski, P. Boss, G. Csepes, V.D.
Houhanessian, J. Filippini, P. Guuinic, U.

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