Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis: Joseph G. Ghafari
Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis: Joseph G. Ghafari
Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis: Joseph G. Ghafari
Cephalometry: Craniofacial
Frontal Analysis
Joseph G. Ghafari
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
Orbital plate
of frontal–
upper limit of 1 1
orbital cavity 2 2
of sphenoid
Lower limit of A
Nasion pituitary fossa Eu
Temporal surface
Arcuate eminence
8 7 a
of greater wing
of sphenoid ACB 7 b
6 5 CO 9 c
5 d
int (R)
Registration po 9 8 Frz 10
Zygomatic arch
10 7
Key ridge Infratemporal
6 e 11
surface of Basion
maxilla Zyg 11
Central Max
ANS ray 4 12
10 4 3
Mastoid 3 6
process 13 12
Gonion Gonion
Medial sagittal plane Menton
and lateral growth axis
Fig 23-1 Landmarks routinely identified on frontal head radiographs according to Broadbent et al3 (see text for description). Additional common landmarks: (Eu)
eurion; (ACB) anterior cranial base points; (Frz) frontomalare temporale, outer edge of frontozygomatic suture; (Zyg) zygion; (Ma) mastoidale. Other landmarks
shown: (CO) center of orbit; (Max) maxillare; (Go) gonion; (AG) antegonion. Horizontal cranial reference lines include the superior contours of the orbit (a); the
anterior cranial base (b); the center of the orbit (c); the zygomaticofrontal suture (d); the center of the zygomatic arch sectional image (e). The main vertical ref-
erence is the midline plane, defined in many ways (see text), often drawn through crista galli (A).
Frontal Analysis
11. Cross section of the zygomatic arch • Anterior cranial base points (ACB), the margins of the
12. Infratemporal surface of the maxilla in the area of the anterior cranial base determined by the shadow of the
tuberosity, which is seen lateral to the lower outlines of intersection of the frontozygomatic processes with the
the key ridge after the eruption of the permanent first lateral extension of the anterior cranial base floor
molars. • Frontomalare temporale (Frz), the outer edge of the
13. Body of the mandible, the ascending rami, coronoid frontozygomatic suture
processes, and the mandibular condyles (when visible). • Zygion (Zyg), the most laterally situated point on the
Gonion (Go) is the most inferior, posterior, and lateral zygomatic arch
point at the gonial angle of the mandible, and articu- • Mastoidale (Ma), the apex of the mastoid process
lare (Ar) is observed at the intersection of the ramus
and temporal bone. In the midline (see Fig 23-1)
14. Complete dentition or selected dental units 2. Midsagittal suture
4. Basion (when visible)
Given the overlap of teeth and other structures, Huer- 6. Crista galli (most superior point at its intersection with
tas and Ghafari16 limited the definition of dental land- the sphenoid), nasal septum, and the tip of the anteri-
marks to the central incisors and first molars (Fig 23-2). or nasal spine (ANS) (when visible)
They defined the axis of the maxillary and mandibular 13. Menton (Me), the most inferior point on the border of
central incisors as between the tip of the root apex (1A) the mandible, at the symphysis
and the incisal edge (1C), centered mediolaterally. Con- The landmarks used most widely relate to the widths of
sidering the difficulty of tracing the maxillary and the maxilla and mandible, specifically through the distance
mandibular molars, they used buccal landmarks to pro- between these bilateral landmarks :
vide a substitute measure of molar axial inclination,
namely, two points on each of the maxillary and • Jugale (J), at the jugal process, the intersection of the
mandibular first molars: 6C, the most lateral point of the outline of the maxillary tuberosity and the zygomatic
crown convexity, and 6A, the most apical point on the buttress. Some authors use the landmark maxillare
buccal root surface. (Max), the intersection of the lateral contour of the max-
Martin and Saller17 defined several other bilateral land- illary alveolar process and the lower contour of the
marks often used as cranial references (see Fig 23-1): zygomatic process of the maxilla.17 In practical applica-
tion, the landmarks J and Max are nearly coincident.
• Eurion (Eu), the most prominent points on either side of • Antegonion (AG), at the antegonial notch, the lateral
the cranium inferior margin of the antegonial protuberances.
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
C c
C Nasal
B Ethmoid
a d
Fig 23-3 Correspondence of lateral and frontal structures and landmarks. (a)
Sphenoid bone: (A) lesser wings; (B) greater wings; (C) pterygoid processes;
(D) dorsum sella; (E) floor of the hypophyseal fossa; (F) spheno-occipital syn-
chondrosis. Greater wing at G is the floor of the middle cranial fossa and coin-
cides with the orbital outline. (b) Zygomatic bones: (A) zygomatic frontal
C suture; (B) zygomatic temporal suture; (C) inferior surface of occipital bone;
(D) occipital condyles. (c) Maxillary bones: (A) frontomaxillary sutures; (B)
b pterygomaxillary fissure; (C) alveolar process; (D) palatal surface. (d)
Mandible. (After Moyers.18)
Frontal Analysis
Ar Ar
50 53 Go
Go Ar Ar
a Me
49 Go
a b b
Fig 23-4 Analysis of symmetry. (a) Bilateral superimposition. An arbitrary Fig 23-5 (a) Analysis of symmetry relative to upper cranial structures allows
midsagittal plane is drawn after registration on the shadows of crista galli evaluation of left (blue) structural outlines independent of structural
and its immediate region. After structures on the left side of the head are mandibular asymmetry. (b) Evaluation restricted to the mandibular area
traced, the cephalogram is turned over, and the structures on the right side (between menton [Me], gonion [Go] or antegonion, and articulare [Ar]
are drawn for superimpositional evaluation of asymmetry. (b) Direct meas- point), enables assessment of mandibular structural asymmetry. (After
urements, both horizontal and vertical. (After Moyers.18) Schmid et al.20)
menton, gonion, or antegonion, and articulare point), • J-Cr-AG(L): Same angle on the left side
upper cranial, and craniomandibular areas; the second (Fig • UR6: Angle between the tangent to the buccal surface
23-5,b) is restricted to the mandibular area only. According- of the maxillary right first molar and the line J-J
ly, the degree of symmetry demonstrated with the first • UL6: Corresponding angle for the maxillary left first molar
superimposition could be the result of mandibular dis- • LR6: Angle between the tangent to the buccal surface of
placement with or without structural asymmetry, whereas the mandibular right first molar and the line AG-AG
that observed with the second registration would result • LL6: Corresponding angle for the mandibular left first
from structural asymmetry. molar
• IM(R): Angle between the tangent to the buccal surface
of the maxillary right first molar and the tangent to the
Linear and angular analysis buccal surface of the mandibular right first molar
• IM(L): Corresponding angle on the left side
Angular measurements
In the context of developing a frontal mesh diagram analy- Norms are shown within the context of the second investi-
sis (see chapter 15) and specifically defining a cranial trans- gation (see below, “Transverse Growth and Orthopedic
verse reference, Huertas and Ghafari16 identified bilateral Treatment” and Tables 23-7 to 23-10).
centers of the orbit (CO), representing the geometric cen-
ter of the area defined by tangents to the most superior, lat- Linear measurements
eral, inferior, and medial points on the outline of the orbital Several breadth measurements have been defined17,21:
margin (see Fig 23-2). The authors then used CO and crista
galli (Cr) to develop a series of angular measurements: • Maximal cranial breadth, between right and left eurion
• Anterior cranial base width, between the right and left
• J-CO-AG(R): Angle formed by jugale, geometric center of margins of the anterior cranial base (ACB-ACB)
the orbit, and antegonion on the right side • Upper facial breadth or bifrontozygomatic width, the
• J-CO-AG(L): Same angle on the left side distance between right and left frontomalare temporale
• J-Cr-AG(R): Angle formed by jugale, crista galli, and ante- • Zygomatic breadth or bizygomatic width, between
gonion on the right side right and left zygion
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
Fig 23-6 Evaluation of maxillomandibular relationships according to the Rocky Mountain analysis developed by Ricketts.7 R and L indicate right and left for land-
marks antegonion (AG and GA, respectively), jugale (J), and bilateral points on the medial margins of the zygomaticofrontal suture, at the intersection of the orbit
(Z). The frontolateral facial lines (FL) are two lateral lines constructed from ZR and ZL to points AG and GA. (1) The maxillomandibular width differential is a meas-
urement, along the J-J line, of the distance between right and left jugale and the frontolateral facial line. The average distance is 10 ± 1.5 mm. The summed dif-
ference from each side depicts the total transverse deficiency. This method demonstrates differences in deficiency on one side or the other but not in which arch
the discrepancy is located. (2) The maxillomandibular transverse differential index is the difference between (a) the expected (normal values are for Caucasians)
maxillomandibular difference, which is defined as the age-appropriate expected AG-AG distance minus the expected J-J measurement, and (b) the actual max-
illomandibular difference, ie, the actual AG-AG distance minus the actual J-J measurement. Nearly 5 mm around the difference is allowed (for ages 15 years and
older) above the expected difference to delineate diagnosis of severe discrepancy and need for maxillary orthopedic expansion. (Skull drawing adapted from Fai-
• Mastoid breadth or bimastoid width, between right and • CO-CO; distance between the geometric centers of the
left mastoidale orbits
• Maxillary base breadth, between the bilateral landmarks • L6-6A, distance between the apices of the distobuccal
maxillare, practically similar to the distance J-J roots of the mandibular first molars
• Gonial breadth or bigonial width. Ricketts7 introduced as • L6-6C, distance between the most buccal points of the
a substitute for this measurement the distance AG-AG crowns of the mandibular first molars
• U6-6A, distance between the apices of the distobuccal
In addition to the maxillary (J-J) and mandibular roots of the maxillary first molars
(AG-AG) widths, Huertas and Ghafari16 calculated these dis- • U6-6C, distance between the most buccal points of the
tances: crowns of the maxillary first molars
Frontal Analysis
Presumably, the relationship between the widths of the regarding the side deviant from the “norm.” Validity of refer-
maxillary and mandibular skeletal bases is the most critical ence lines must be related not only to (external) errors per-
information sought from the PA record. Among several tinent to the cephalometric method (ie, object-film dis-
4,6–11,22 6,7
analyses, Ricketts’s method (also known as the tance, head rotation) but also to two (internal or inherent)
Rocky Mountain analysis) appears to be used most widely factors of variability: (1) actual variation in landmark location
(Fig 23-6). In this method, which provides normative values and (2) error of identification of landmarks because of the
for different ages, the maxillomandibular width difference clarity (recognition potential) of their corresponding
is computed by determining the normal “expected” differ- anatomic structures in the PA record. Accordingly, certain
ence for the age evaluated, then the “actual” maxillo- references are more reliable than others in the determina-
mandibular differential; the balance between expected tion of asymmetry.
and actual differences reflects the existing discrepancy. The reliability of frontal cephalometry has been investi-
Additional information on the Ricketts analysis is presented gated in many studies,12,14,19,28–37 although not to the extent
in chapter 8. of lateral radiography. The variability of the PA radiograph
In clinical application, the standard deviation (SD) is involves the influence on the anatomic images of film-
taken into consideration for therapeutic decisions. Given a object distance, head angulation, and associated differential
difference of 24 mm instead of 19 mm between the jaws (in errors of magnification at various levels of the headfilm. Con-
an adult), an SD of 5 mm serves as a margin of normalcy sequently, references and measurements may be affected.
that may preclude the widening of a relatively narrow max-
illa in the absence of a posterior crossbite or an increased Film-object distance
buccal corridor (ie, the distance between the buccal teeth Ghafari et al12 investigated the effect of varying film-object
and the lip commissure) that may detract from facial attrac- distance (film–ear rod or film–porionic axis distance [FPD])
tiveness.24 on measurements of distances between bilateral land-
Cortella et al25 provided different data based on the marks. They subjected human skulls to PA radiographic
Bolton longitudinal data (see below, “Transverse Growth exposure at the FPDs of 11, 12, 13, and 14 cm. No clinically
and Orthopedic Treatment” and Tables 23-3 and 23-4). significant (ie, > 1 mm) differences existed between meas-
urements of distances on the skulls and on the headfilms.
Ghafari et al12 also recorded the FPD in 59 human adults
Proportionate analysis (age range, 10 to 45 years; mean, 17 years) when their
heads were positioned in the cephalostat for a PA radi-
In several studies, Ghafari and associates12,24,25 demonstrat- ograph with the FH aligned parallel to the floor and the film
ed that ratios of maxillary width (J-J) to mandibular width cassette lightly touching the nose. The mean FPD was
(AG-AG) may be more suitable than distances for evaluat- 11.53 ± 0.95 cm (minimum, 9.8 cm; maximum, 14.3 cm); the
ing the relation between the jaws. Other authors have also majority (95%) were within a range of 10 to 13 cm, and only
used proportions between frontal structures.11 5% were greater than 13 cm (Fig 23-7).
The power of proportionality is best illustrated in the On the basis of this result and the finding that transverse
mesh diagram analysis (see chapter 15). Originally evaluation should not be affected significantly if the dis-
designed for lateral cephalometry by Moorrees and his tance increased to the maximum observed (14.3 cm), Gha-
associates,1 the transverse mesh diagram followed the fari et al12 suggested that an FPD of 13 cm could be adopt-
same basic principles, namely, the generation of an individ- ed as a practical standard until a universal standard can be
ualized norm on the basis of the patient’s upper facial agreed upon. In European centers,15 an FPD of 15 cm is
height and width, proportionate evaluation of structures, fixed in the cephalostat. This distance should accommo-
simultaneous illustration of the vertical and transverse loca- date all sizes of heads, but its adoption as a universal stan-
tion of landmarks in a coordinate system, and a graphic dis- dard would require a study of large samples of subjects and
play and appreciation of the relationships among essential skulls, remembering that the minimum object-film dis-
facial components needed for orthodontic diagnosis. tance that is practical should be used to minimize enlarge-
ment of the radiographic image.3,38 To this end, in the
Bolton studies Broadbent et al3 positioned the head with
Errors the nose touching the film cassette and subsequently cor-
rected for the magnification at that distance.
Errors in lateral cephalometry are reduced, for better or In digital cephalometry, the “sensor”-object distance is
worse, by averaging asymmetric outlines or location of greater than 15 cm because of the physical setup of the
landmarks.26,27 This strategy may not be optimal for frontal machine and sensors. Instead of the enlargement factor of
cephalometry, at least not without clinical judgment 8.5% with an FPD of 13 cm, or nearly 10% with a distance of
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
Fig 23-7 Porionic axis–film distance. More than 95% of subjects had a dis- Fig 23-8 Geometric principle of similar triangles for correction of magnifica-
tance of 13 cm or less. (From Ghafari et al.12) tion on PA headfilm. (A) Anode; (AB) distance from anode to transporionic
axis; (AC) distance from anode to film; (DE) actual width between facial land-
marks; (FG) measurement of projection of DE on headfilm; (X) corrected dis-
tance between landmark and transporionic axis as measured on lateral
cephalogram of same subject. (From Hsiao et al.13)
Frontal Analysis
mm (ANS); the widest changes (≥ 1.5 mm) occurred with since an upward tilt leads to shortening of the lower face
ANS, crista galli (1.61 mm), the nasal cavity (1.59 mm), and image and overlap of its structures with those of the mid-
menton (1.55 mm), all of which are midline-related struc- dle face (see chapter 3). Since lower face height differs with
tures. Landmarks anterior to the rotation axis displaced in facial type (Fig 23-10), the amount of downward tip during
the direction of head rotation, and those posterior to the the taking of the radiograph may depend on the facial
axis displaced in an opposite direction. Such rotations can type. Less inclination is required in a leptoprosopic or
occur if the head is not stable in the cephalostat or if one ear dolichocephalic pattern than in a euryprosopic or brachy-
is forward of the other in the anteroposterior plane. cephalic pattern. Such relationship has not been investigat-
Variation in the tilt of the head relative to the film affects ed. In the classic Bolton studies,4 Broadbent et al3 corrected
the vertical measures more significantly than the transverse for the vertical variance that occurred with the vertical
measures (Fig 23-9). Often, a slight downward tip of the head rotation with the use of an “orientator,” a device pro-
face (about 5 degrees) allows clearer evaluation of the duced for the orientation of the lateral and frontal films to
lower face.4,6 each other. With two x-ray sources used in the Broadbent
Therefore, when positioning the patient in the cephalo- cephalostat,3 one lateral and one posteroanterior, which
stat, the patient’s head must be straight14 to slightly down,4 allowed for both headfilms to be taken for the same head
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
Table 23-1 Comparison of skull and cephalometric linear measurements (n = 13 for each record) (From Chidiac et al.26)
Mean SD P* % difference/
Intraclass r Pearson r difference (mm) difference (mm) difference skull†
Co-Pog 0.73c 0.81b 1.06 4.20 .38 0.94
Go-Gn 0.04n 0.85b -8.32 4.64 < .0001 –10.29
Vertical (lateral view)
N-Me 0.47d 0.99a 9.55 0.90 < .0001 9.02
A-B 0.74b 0.89a 2.74 3.64 .02 7.45
N-UI 0.46d 0.96a 5.91 1.36 < .0001 8.31
Me-LI 0.69c 0.97a 3.48 0.70 < .0001 8.86
Or-Ol 0.52d 0.80c –0.57 2.76 .471 –2.12
J-J 0.79b 0.79c 1.14 1.78 .04 1.83
AG-AG 0.46d 0.94a 3.55 2.92 .0009 4.42
(a) P < .0001; (b) P = .0002 to .0008; (c) P = .002 to .006; (d) P = .02 to .05.
(Co) Condylion; (Pog) pogonion; (Go) gonion; (Gn) gnathion; (N) nasion; (Me) menton; (A) point A; (B) point B; (UI) maxillary central incisor; (LI) mandibular central incisor; (O) orbitale right (r); orbitale left (l); (J) jugale; (AG) ante-
*Paired t test.
†Percentage of distortion of anatomic measures (skull) on cephalometric view. Percentage distortion computed as mean difference between cephalogram and skull, divided by measurement on skull.
position, their correction was easier than with the common overlooked but must be considered. The clinical implica-
one-source x-ray cephalostat, which requires patient repo- tions of such errors were evaluated in a comparison of PA
sitioning. With new 3-D CT imaging, the problems induced cephalograms of human skulls to the corresponding skull
by head rotation should be significantly reduced if not anatomy.26 The range of error may be deemed slight to
eliminated. negligible for the regular cephalometric assessment and
clinical use. The level of cephalometric distortion gradually
Asymmetric ears and head position decreased for structures closer to the film, which was
Asymmetric ears, either vertically or posteriorly, can affect placed 13 cm anterior to the transporionic plane. The dis-
visualization of the midline; thus, the alignment of a head tortion level varied at different planes; the mandibular
in a cephalostat with two ear rods fixed at the same plane width (AG-AG) was subject to more than twice (4.42%) the
results in head rotation, leading to misinterpretation of distortion of the maxillary width (J-J, 1.83%) (Table 23-1).26
position and symmetry of facial structures that further This finding suggests that a diagnosis of discrepancy
compromises the analysis of symmetry.1 The vertical and PA between maxillary and mandibular widths exaggerates the
locations of the ears should be evaluated clinically, particu- difference by about 2.5% the value of AG-AG, which
larly when a cephalometric asymmetry is evident but a clin- amounts to nearly 2 mm for a mandibular width of 86 mm.
ical asymmetry is not observed. Miyashita41 recommends Grayson et al suggested evaluating craniofacial asym-
identifying the sources of asymmetric images following metry by multiplane analysis.42 They reasoned that features
specific guidelines. of the midline may be described at different depths and
One potential solution is the allowance for one of the ear illustrated their premise through a patient with craniofacial
rods to be removed upon clinical diagnosis of significant microsomia. By integrating observations from various lev-
asymmetry between the external auditory meati, while els of lateral and frontal headfilms, they described progres-
maintaining the midsagittal plane perpendicular to the film sive midline deviation from the anterior to the posterior
holder or sensor (digital machines). Certain machines may aspect of the head (Fig 23-11).
not operate unless the second rod is in a downward position The layered depths lie between the nose and occiput, a
facing the ear. In this instance, the manufacturers should distance estimated at >20 cm ± 6.7 in males and >19 cm ±
allow for the ear rod to be “plugged out” of the ear holder. 6.8 in females (ages 19 to 25 years).43 Comparatively, lateral
cephalograms project images of nearly identical right and
Anatomic level of evaluation left structures between the ears. Each of these areas is
Cephalometric errors of magnification that result from the approximately 50% of the average head width (distance
projection of a 3-D head on a cephalometric film are often euryon-euryon), about 7.5 cm between ages 19 to 25
Frontal Analysis
3 2 1
2 1
Msi Mce
Mc Mp
Mx Mi
Mgo Mf
d c b
Fig 23-11 Tracings on separate acetate sheets are made on the PA headfilm depicting three planes corresponding to structures shown on the lateral cephalogram
(a). (b) Structures corresponding to plane 1: orbital rims (Mce), pyriform aperture (Mp), midpoint between maxillary and mandibular incisors (Mi), inferior border
of the symphysis at gnathion (Mg). (c) Structures at the level of plane 2: intersection of shadows of greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid (Msi), the most later-
al section of the zygomatic arch (Mz), coronoid process (Mc), maxillare (Mx), body of the mandible at the mental foramina (Mf). (d) Structures at the depth of plane
3: heads of mandibular condyles (Md), innermost inferior points on the mastoid processes (Mm), gonions (Mgo). Asymmetry is more severe posteriorly than ante-
riorly. In (b), (c), and (d), M refers to the midpoint between bilateral landmarks. (Adapted from Grayson et al.42)
years,43 an estimate compatible with the Bolton maximum Critical to the PA record are the landmarks that con-
midsagittal line to film distance of 9 cm.3 tribute to the accurate definition of the patient’s facial mid-
line as the origin of analysis. Ideally, if the head is in natural
Reliability and limitations of references head position, the midline would simply be drawn as a per-
Several limitations challenge the development of trans- pendicular to the “true” horizontal (see chapter 15). The
verse analyses from PA headfilms: (1) Asymmetry is a gener- midline is commonly drawn through Cr-ANS; therefore, it is
al characteristic of human faces; (2) the midline, which subject to deviation from the “true” midline by Cr, ANS, or
must be the origin for measurements, is not always easily both. Presumably, nasion may also fall off this determina-
identified; (3) the alignment of a head with asymmetric ears tion. Crista galli on PA headfilms is the closest identifiable
using a cephalostat with two ear rods results in head rota- landmark to nasion on lateral cephalograms. Pending
tion and consequently an artificial distortion of facial char- focused research in this area, crista galli seems less variable
acteristics. As for lateral cephalometric analyses,27 reference than nasion on PA films.
planes and landmarks must be evaluated for appropriate While the contour of crista galli may provide the image
utilization because they are variable and cannot replace of a “channel” to draw the vertical, the landmark Cr is usual-
judgment. ly readily seen at the intersection of the crista galli with the
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
Table 23-2 Errors (mm) of landmarks in horizontal (x) and vertical (y) directions: Summary of published studies
Intra-examiner Inter-examiner (n = 4)*
Landmark x* y* x† y† x y
Cr 0.52 2.07 — — 0.67 2.17
ANS 0.25 0.37 1.12 0.62 0.45 1.20
Me 0.69 0.20 0.42 1.08 0.96 0.72
J† (or M*) 0.77 0.93 0.74 0.54 2.60 3.06
AG 0.42 0.39 0.83 0.64 0.64 0.64
*From Major et al.31
†From El-Mangoury et al.29
(Cr) Crista galli; (ANS) anterior nasal spine; (Me) menton; (J) jugale; (M) deepest point on curvature of maxillary malar process (yields information about maxillary width comparable to that provided by jugale at the jugular process);
(AG) antegonion.
image of the sphenoid bone, unless the nasal bone is ANS position tends to be altered in facial asymmetry that
superimposed on crista galli, an occurrence related to the involves the maxilla. The most valid vertical lines with R2
head being tilted back when the radiograph is taken.41 values greater than or equal to 0.966 did not include mid-
Maintaining the head in natural head position44 or slightly line points. They were perpendicular lines to the horizon-
down4,6 in the cephalostat should minimize this incidence, tal lines that connected the following bilateral points:
as well as the potential distortion and misinterpretation of intersection of zygomaticofrontal suture with lateral
spatial position of structures from significant backward or orbital margin (ZF) and the midpoint of the inferior, lateral,
forward head tilt. and medial orbital margins (OI, OL, and OM, respectively).
ANS is identified at the intersection of the two halves of Such midline perpendicular references are commonly
the maxilla in the midline, below the floor of the nasal cav- used in the study of PA symmetry in patients with cleft
ity. Head positioning influences the identification of ANS. If palate, where maxillary dysmorphology precludes the use
no horizontal or vertical head rotation affected the of midline structures for midline vertical reference
cephalogram, and the image of ANS is not evident, a trans- lines.45–47 Trpkova et al’s findings19 were consistent with
fer of the distance between (the level of ) Cr and ANS from Yoon et al’s findings32 that Cr and ANS changed significant-
the lateral film provides a working compromise. Another ly with right and left rotation of the heads in increments of
accepted compromise to minimize error of identification is 1 degree.
to average the discrepancy between Cr and ANS when no Considering these findings and the original and com-
clear-cut definition can be made on which is closer to the mon use of midline vertical references connecting crista
midline. galli and/or nasion to ANS to draw frontal cephalometric
In a dry skull model subjected to 30 asymmetric posi- norms, and since Cr remains a fairly identifiable and reliable
tions of the maxillomandibular complex, Trpkova et al19 point, Cr may be connected to a midpoint of the more reli-
determined that 10 horizontal lines (nine connecting nine able bilateral distances (ZF or orbital points) to obtain the
bilateral cranial landmarks and one reflecting the best fit of midline vertical reference. In all instances, as for lateral
these landmarks) indicated excellent agreement between cephalometry, reliability of the references used must be
cephalometric and direct measurements, as gauged by the checked in every individual and proper judgment
adjusted R2 values being close to a correspondence of 1:1, employed, specifically when cranial asymmetry exists.
ranging between 0.94 and 0.97. Conversely, of 15 vertical Some authors have investigated the validity of PA
references that included either two anatomic landmarks in measurements by comparing them to corresponding
the midline, or perpendicular lines to the midpoint of bilat- measurements of skulls,12,26,48 and others by cross-referencing
eral analog points, as well as one best-fit line connecting landmarks on lateral cephalograms.49,50 Investigations of the
averages of all cranial bilateral points, only 10 accurately accuracy of landmark identification suggest that landmarks
represented transverse asymmetry. with the least amount of variation (< 1.5 mm) should be
Vertical lines determined between two of four midline considered for cephalometric analysis.27,29,30,51,52 Studies of
landmarks (crista galli, nasion [N], ANS, and menton) had identification errors in PA cephalometry show variable
adjusted R2 values below 0.9 (N-Me: 0.82; Cr-Me: 0.79; Cr-N: ranges of error.29,30 The errors for ANS and the horizontal
0.70; N-ANS: 0.08; Cr-ANS: 0.06). Specifically the lines con- location of Cr were less than 1 mm (Table 23-2), but about 2
necting Cr or N to ANS were not valid, as apparently the mm for the vertical location of Cr. Major et al30 defined the
Transverse Growth and Orthopedic Treatment
landmark Cr at the geometric center of the crista galli, dent mandibular asymmetry, leading to a final number of
apparently similar to the definition by Huertas and Ghafari.16 35 subjects. Because the data were not strictly longitudinal
However, the latter authors’ location of Cr seems more spe- between the ages of 5 and 18 years—the interval consid-
cific (thus, possibly subject to less error) because the image ered for this investigation—the total number of subjects
of the sphenoid helped identify the landmark. for any given age ranged between 22 and 34.
Available from studies of identification errors, and list- The distances J-J and AG-AG, measured on tracings of
ed in Table 23-2, are data on landmarks critical for the eval- the cephalograms, were adjusted by subtracting the per-
uation of the lower facial height (menton) and width of the centage of enlargement computed on the basis of the dis-
jaws (jugale, antegonion). In clinical practice, most ortho- tance between the porionic axis and the film. As this dis-
dontists limit the transverse analysis to the difference tance increased, the enlargement was greater. The means
between maxillary and mandibular widths and use this dif- and SDs for the distances J-J, AG-AG, and the correspon-
ference as the basis for treatment planning because of ding differences ([AG-AG]–[J-J]) are presented for the cor-
overarching therapeutic limitations. The errors related to J- rected (Table 23-3) and radiographically enlarged (Table
J and AG-AG are within 1 mm in various studies.12,16,25,29,30 23-4) measurements. The values in Table 23-4 are shown for
Upcoming 3-D CT technology should facilitate recog- comparison with published normative data that are not
nition of anatomic structures and thus minimize or even- corrected for enlargement. Since the enlargement
tually eliminate limitations of reference lines, although factors varied at the different age intervals (Table 23-5), the
sound judgment on scientific validity based on variability differences between AG-AG and J-J deviated correspond-
of these references remains important. ingly from the differences calculated for the nonenlarged
The mandibular width AG-AG, which is always greater
than J-J, was more affected by the radiographic enlarge-
Transverse Growth and ment, but the ratios of J-J:AG-AG were not different
Orthopedic Treatment between enlarged and corrected measurements. The
development of mandibular width appeared similar in
boys and girls until ages 11 to 12 years (Fig 23-12a). There-
after, the two groups diverged; the difference was statisti-
Transverse development of the jaws cally significant at age 16 years (P < .05). The maxillary width
Differences between the norms given by various studies (Fig 23-12b) followed the same pattern with statistically sig-
warranted the establishment of standards based on longi- nificant differences between boys and girls at ages 17 and
tudinal records collected with methodical rigor. Cortella et 18 years (P < .05).
25 3
al used the Bolton-Brush material as the basis for gener-
ating normative data. Recognized as a controlled longitudi- Inference on growth
nal record of growing children, the Bolton-Brush collection The difference in development of maxillary and particular-
included serial cephalometric headfilms of nearly 5,000 ly mandibular width between girls and boys (see Fig 23-12)
individuals, taken on a 6-month basis in the first 4 years of reflects similar trends for the development of mandibular
54 55
life and thereafter on an annual basis to young adulthood. length and even intermolar distance. Facial growth has
For each participant, the records included lateral and PA been reported to end first in width, then in length, and
cephalograms, hand-wrist radiographs, study casts, and finally in height. The present data reveal that increases in
measurements of height and weight. The distance velocity of transverse growth occur at ages that coincide,
between the x-ray tube and the porionic axis was fixed at 5 on average, with the timing of the adolescent growth
feet (1.524 m). The film was placed close to the nose, lead- spurt: around age 11.5 years in girls and 13.5 to 14 years in
ing to a different enlargement factor for each radiograph. boys. Differences in body height between boys and girls
The film–porionic plane distances were recorded to com- also have been noted after age 13 years.
pute and correct for the enlargement. The increased radiographic J-J distance in males
The sample selected by the Bolton-Brush Growth Center between ages 10 and 18 years (3.3 mm) is similar to Björk’s
consisted of the records of 36 subjects (18 females and 18 findings on average growth in maxillary width (3.0 mm) as
males). The selection criteria for the lateral cephalograms measured on serial radiographs between posterior
included the availability of longitudinal records, “excellent implants in boys. Development of facial width, particular-
static occlusion” on study casts, good health, and estheti- ly mandibular width in boys, continues beyond the spurt
cally favorable faces (termed Bolton faces) that conformed periods in a pattern similar to that seen in facial length and
to the statistically derived means of craniofacial measure- height. The differential growth between maxilla and
ments. One male subject was excluded because of evi- mandible also seems to be similar for all planes, since the
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
Table 23-3 Mean cephalometric values corrected for radiographic enlargement (From Cortella et al.25)
Age AG-AG (mm) J-J (mm) Difference (mm) Ratio (%)
(y) n Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
5 29 65.7 2.7 51.5 2.6 14.2 2.3 78.5 3.1
6 28 67.5 2.8 53.0 2.2 14.5 2.2 78.6 2.8
7 29 68.6 3.1 53.8 2.0 14.8 2.7 78.6 3.2
8 31 70.1 3.1 55.1 2.2 15.0 2.7 78.7 3.2
9 33 71.9 3.2 56.6 2.3 15.4 2.8 78.7 3.2
10 34 73.1 3.1 57.3 2.7 15.8 2.9 78.4 3.4
11 33 73.9 3.1 57.7 2.6 16.2 3.0 78.2 3.5
12 33 74.7 3.7 57.9 2.4 16.8 3.3 77.6 3.5
13 31 75.8 3.7 57.9 2.4 17.9 3.4 76.5 3.6
14 30 77.0 3.6 58.4 2.5 18.6 3.2 75.9 3.4
15 26 78.0 3.9 59.1 2.4 18.9 3.5 75.9 3.5
16 27 78.2 4.0 59.0 2.2 19.1 3.3 75.6 3.3
17 25 77.9 3.9 58.7 2.7 19.2 3.1 75.4 3.3
18 22 79.1 4.1 59.1 2.4 19.9 3.7 75.0 3.8
(AG) Antegonion; (J) jugale.
Table 23-4 Mean cephalometric values (for selected ages) measured from radiographs (From Cortella et al.25)
Age AG-AG (mm) J-J (mm) Difference (mm) Ratio (%)
(y) Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
6 71.6 3.0 56.3 2.3 15.3 2.4 78.6 2.8
9 77.1 3.4 60.6 2.6 16.5 3.0 78.7 3.2
12 81.0 3.9 62.7 2.5 18.3 3.6 77.6 3.5
15 85.0 4.3 64.5 2.6 20.6 3.8 75.9 3.5
18 86.4 4.5 64.7 2.7 21.8 4.1 74.9 3.8
(AG) Antegonion; (J) jugale.
Transverse Growth and Orthopedic Treatment
a b
Fig 23-12 (a) Maxillary width (J-J) in females and males as measured on radiographs and corrected for radiographic enlargement. (b) Mandibular width (AG-AG)
in females and males as measured on radiographs and corrected for radiographic enlargement. (Adapted from Cortella et al.25)
sents about 52% of the increase in J-J between ages 6 and The Rocky Mountain (RM) analysis, widely used for diag-
18 years, while the widening of the mandibular intermolar nosis of transverse relationships between the jaws (see Fig 23-
distance is about 17% that of AG-AG. Diagnosis of trans- 6), includes norms from ages 9 through 16 years. These norms
verse skeletal discrepancy versus dentoalveolar crossbite are greater than the corrected Bolton norms for both jaws;
ultimately depends on determining the range of normalcy however, the RM mandibular norms are smaller than the cor-
in the position and axial inclination of the posterior teeth responding radiographic Bolton values, and the RM maxillary
relative to the respective jaw and to each other. The prob- norms are larger than the Bolton norms. Consequently, the
lem in such determinations is the difficulty in tracing, and differences between the radiographic Bolton maxillary and
thus the reliability of reproducing the maxillary molars on mandibular widths are greater than the RM differences. This
PA cephalograms (see below). differential suggests that the Bolton norms allow for a smaller
maxillary width than the RM method. If the corrected Bolton
Inference on cephalometric analysis values should be used as norms, with one SD deemed with-
Radiographic enlargement is a critical factor in cephalo- in the range of normalcy, the average differences between
metrics. The adjusted norms (see Table 23-3) offer a Bolton and RM maxillary-mandibular relations (differences or
guideline for diagnosis, as the percent enlargement relative ratios) may not be clinically significant (Table 23-6). However,
to the film–porionic axis distance (FPD) (see Table 23-5) the diagnosis of maxillary and/or mandibular absolute width
may be applied in any clinical setting to correct for the may differ with the method of analysis.
standard FPD adopted in that setting, or for a specific indi- In Table 23-6, the Bolton and RM norms are compared
vidual FPD if the radiographic method involves placing the with other available data of Austrian children between the
film near the tip of the nose. Ghafari et al suggested the ages of 6 and 15 years.53 In these children, absolute (radi-
use of 13 cm as a practical standard FPD until a universal ographic uncorrected) measurements of maxillary and
standard is adopted. The corresponding enlargement fac- mandibular widths were greater than the Bolton and RM
tor is 8.5% (see Table 23-5). norms, but the computed ratios of maxillary and mandibu-
The enlargement factors vary at different ages and affect lar widths were closer to the Bolton ratios. Differences may
mandibular width more than maxillary width because AG- be related to methodology: besides a difference in the
AG is always larger than J-J. Thus, the differences between number of subjects, longitudinal records were used in the
AG-AG and J-J diverge from the differences calculated for Bolton study, whereas cross-sectional records apparently
the nonenlarged measurements. In contrast, the ratios of J- were used in the others. Furthermore, the film-object
J:AG-AG are not different between enlarged and corrected determination is variable in the Bolton population (see
measurements and should be considered a more accurate Table 23-5) and fixed in the Austrian sample (probably at 15
diagnostic guideline, particularly if the radiographic values cm, the European standard, a greater distance than in the
are not adjusted for enlargement. Bolton and most likely the RM studies), leading to greater
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
Table 23-6 Mean width of the maxilla and mandible, the difference between them, and their ratios as found in the Bolton,
Rocky Mountain, and Austrian samples
Age AG-AG (mm) J-J (mm) Difference (mm) Ratio (%)
(y) Bolton* RM† Aus‡ Bolton* RM† Aus‡ Bolton* RM† Aus‡ Bolton* RM† Aus‡
6 71.6 78.5 56.3 61.0 15.3 17.5 78.6 77.8
9 77.1 76.0 82.7 60.6 62.0 63.8 16.5 14.0 18.9 78.7 81.6 77.2
12 81.0 82.0 85.4 62.7 63.8 64.6 18.3 16.4 20.8 77.6 77.8 75.8
15 85.0 84.4 91.2 64.5 65.6 67.4 20.6 18.8 23.8 75.9 77.7 74.0
18 86.4 85.8 64.7 66.2 21.8 19.6 74.9 77.2
(AG) Antegonion; (J) jugale.
*Bolton sample, from Cortella et al.25
†Rocky Mountain sample, after Grummons and Ricketts.6 (Ratios computed from available means.)
‡Austrian sample, from Athanasiou et al.53 (Differences and ratios computed from available means.)
distortion and measurements. The significant disparity the premise that deviations from normal PA relationships
between the three populations, presumably all Caucasian, must be corrected to a level comparable to normal rela-
underlines the need to establish more universal standards tionships and eventually normal adult size.
for PA cephalometry and to incorporate more proportional
and angular measurements in the frontal analysis. The control records included PA cephalograms of 30 sub-
PA cephalometry underscores the qualification of jects, at ages 10 and 18 years, from the Bolton-Brush Growth
cephalometric evaluation as only a guide to diagnosis. Center longitudinal database described above. The sub-
Even the most widely accepted measure of mandibular group used in this study included 16 females and 14 males
width (AG-AG) is subject to significant errors. Legrell37 sug- selected on assumptions regarding growth. The first group
gested that neither antegonion nor gonion can be used included subjects at age 10 years, a prepubertal age in boys
routinely as valid landmarks. The fact that cross-referencing (more than 2 SDs less than the average age of peak height
frontal landmarks with their counterparts on lateral velocity57) and in most girls (more than 1.5 SDs less than the
cephalograms improves their identification3,13,37 empha- average age of peak height velocity). Age 18 was selected for
sizes the importance of 3-D analysis and imaging on the the young adult group because it is a time when most
validity of identification and consequently the accuracy of growth has been completed in girls and in the majority of
diagnosis. boys.
The treatment group included the pretreatment PA
cephalograms of 24 patients (16 females and 8 males) treat-
ed with rapid maxillary expansion during the year of investi-
Orthopedic treatment with maxillary gation. Their average ages were 10.50 ± 0.89 years (females)
expansion and 10.01 ± 0.79 years (males). Patients were restricted to
around age 10 years for two reasons: their pretreatment
The aims and corresponding rationale of this investigation record could be compared with the 10-year-old norms, and
were to: maxillary expansion could be achieved without recourse to
surgical osteotomy, as might be necessary at postpubertal
1. Evaluate on PA cephalograms transverse craniofacial ages to achieve orthopedic split of the palate.61 The fixed
relationships and longitudinal changes on the basis of maxillary expander had acrylic palatal coverage (Haas type62)
new and available linear measurements and through and was activated twice per day (approximately 0.5 mm).
the introduction of angular measurements that are pre- All cephalometric distances were adjusted for radi-
sumed to be less variable than distances. The measure- ographic distortion by subtracting the percentage of
ments were performed in only two age groups repre- enlargement, which was computed on the basis of the dis-
senting pre- and postpubertal girls and boys. tance between porionic axis and film for both the Bolton-
2. Compare the generated normative data with the trans- Brush group and the treatment group.16 Distances present-
verse skeletal pattern of patients whose treatment includ- ed in this chapter are the corrected measures.
ed rapid maxillary expansion. Underlying this evaluation is
Transverse Growth and Orthopedic Treatment
Table 23-7 Comparison of selected craniofacial distances (means and SDs in mm) among and between untreated (ages 10
and 18 years) and treated (about age 10 years) groups of males and females (From Huertas and Ghafari.16)*
CO-CO (SD) J-J (SD) AG-AG (SD) [(AG-AG)–(J-J)] (SD)
Untreated (n = 14)
Age 10 years 53.16 (2.39) 58.64 (2.55) 73.43 (3.32) 14.79 (3.00)
Age 18 years 57.05 (3.10) 61.50 (2.49) 79.10 (4.04) 17.60 (3.41)
P value .001 .002 .0001 .001
Treated (n = 8) 52.78 (2.11) 54.79 (3.81) 75.73 (5.04) 20.94 (2.65)
P value NS .02 NS .0001
Untreated (n = 16)
Age 10 years 54.71 (3.20) 57.57 (2.89) 73.08 (3.14) 15.52 (2.62)
Age 18 years 57.70 (3.39) 59.05 (2.65) 76.75 (2.82) 17.70 (3.15)
P value .0001 .007 .0001 .001
Treated (n = 16) 53.12 (3.01) 54.31 (2.81) 73.67 (3.63) 19.36 (3.46)
P value NS .003 NS .001
(CO) Center of orbit; (J) jugale; (AG) antegonion.
*Treated groups were compared with untreated groups at age 10 years.
All statistical comparisons were made with the t-test; P < .05.
Table 23-8 Comparison of distances (means and SDs in mm) between right and left molars among and between untreated
and treated groups (From Huertas and Ghafari.16)*
Maxillary distances (mm) Mandibular distances (mm)
Crowns Apices Crowns Apices
Untreated (n = 14)
Age 10 years 51.22 (3.14) 47.22 (3.31) 46.91 (2.73) 54.94 (3.15)
Age 18 years 50.57 (2.71) 47.84 (3.70) 47.22 (2.58) 56.09 (2.97)
P value NS NS NS NS
Treated (n = 8)* 48.08 (2.95) 42.93 (2.72) 46.01 (3.51) 53.97 (3.13)
P value NS NS NS NS
Untreated (n = 16)
Age 10 years 50.80 (3.00) 44.00 (3.67) 45.74 (3.20) 53.95 (3.49)
Age 18 years 49.52 (2.14) 44.13 (3.27) 44.65 (2.33) 52.96 (3.02)
P value .05 NS NS NS
Treated (n = 16) 47.95 (2.31) 39.68 (3.70) 44.03 (2.06) 53.58 (2.76)
P value .005 .002 NS NS
*Treated groups were compared with untreated groups at age 10 years.
All statistical comparisons were made with the t-test; P < .05.
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
Table 23-9 Comparison of selected angular measurements (means and SDs in degrees) among and between untreated (ages
10 and 18 years) and treated (about age 10 years) groups (From Huertas and Ghafari.16)*
J-Cr-AG (degrees) J-CO-AG (degrees)
Right (SD) Left (SD) Average (SD) Right (SD) Left (SD) Average (SD)
Untreated (n = 14)
Age 10 years 9.19 (1.88) 8.37 (2.77) 8.77 (2.32) 3.25 (1.67) 4.48 (2.78) 3.86 (2.22)
Age 18 years 8.00 (2.90) 9.53 (3.21) 8.76 (3.05) 5.23 (2.10) 4.12 (2.39) 4.68 (2.24)
Treated (n = 8)* 3.64 (2.29) 4.22 (1.10) 8.86 (1.63) 7.66 (1.66)
P value .0001 .0001 .0001 .003
Untreated (n = 16)
Age 10 years 7.72 (2.09) 8.47 (2.13) 8.09 (2.51) 5.09 (1.97) 5.32 (2.63) 5.20 (2.30)
Age 18 years 8.47 (2.02) 8.63 (1.73) 8.55 (1.86) 5.55 (2.00) 5.96 (2.58) 5.75 (2.28)
Treated* 4.94 (3.23) 4.43 (3.40) 7.01 (3.08) 8.42 (2.82)
P value .007 .0001 .05 .003
(J) Jugale; (Cr) crista galli; (AG) antegonion; (CO) center of orbit; (NS) not significant.
*Treated groups were compared with untreated groups at age 10 years. All comparisons were P < .05.
All statistical comparisons were made with the t-test; P < .05.
In both gender groups, the increase in mandibular maxillary and mandibular first molars correlated at levels
width (5.5 mm in males; 3.9 mm in females) was more than greater than r = 0.7 in all age and gender groups (0.86 < r <
twice that of maxillary width (2.4 mm in males; 1.2 mm in 0.90; P = .0001) except 10-year-old girls (r = 0.63; P = .003).
females). The ratio J-J:AG-AG was slightly greater in boys New measures of jaw relations included the right and
(80.3%) than girls (78.8%) at age 10 years and at age 18 left angles between jugale, antegonion, and either crista
years (77.7% in males; 76.9% in females). galli in the midline or the center of the orbit on the corre-
Dentoalveolar measurements, represented by the dis- sponding lateral side (see Fig 23-2; Tables 23-9 and 23-10).
tances between right and left first molars at the level of the J-Cr-AG and J-CO-AG were highly correlated with the linear
crowns and apices, were similar at both age groups in both difference between J-J and AG-AG at both age groups (0.64
genders (Table 23-8). Distances between the crowns of < r < 0.85; .0001 < P < .01) in males; only J-CO-AG exhibited
Transverse Growth and Orthopedic Treatment
such correlation in females (0.66 < r < 0.84; .0001 < P < .003). The results support previous conclusions that different
Thus, the angles J-CO-AG exhibited higher correlations normative data should be used for males and females when
than J-Cr-AG with the linear difference ([AG-AG]–[J-J]) linear measurements are considered.4,6–11,25,43,63,64 Sexual
between the jaws. In addition to determining asymmetry dimorphism in craniofacial development has been
between right and left sides of jaw, the angles J-Cr-midline described by Broadbent et al3 in specific areas of the head
and AG-Cr-midline (see Table 23-10), or the corresponding (Fig 23-13). The newly introduced angular measurements,
measures relating J and AG to the vertical through CO par- like angular measurements in the sagittal plane, are similar in
allel to the midline, help determine which of the jaws devi- both genders and can be used for both (see Table 23-9).
ates from the norm.
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
Application of PA
Maxillary expansion Cephalometry
In the treated group, maxillary skeletal and dentoalveolar
widths were narrower (.003 < P < .02) than in the corre-
sponding Bolton-Brush normative group (see Tables 23-7 Diagnosis
to 23-9), and the difference between maxillary and
mandibular widths was greater. Linear regressions of the Unlike the lateral headfilm, which provides information on
relations between J-J and AG-AG show almost parallel sagittal and vertical relationships among and between the
slopes for control and treated groups in both genders but jaws and teeth, data from the frontal radiograph are typically
at a lower level consistent with smaller J-J distances in the focused on assessment of asymmetry and widths of the jaws
treated group (Figs 23-14 and 23-15). and cranium. Quantitative measures in the vertical plane are
The variances in control and treated groups were similar more prone to errors with the PA cephalogram related to
in girls and boys and the differences between the slopes of head tilt than those derived from the lateral headfilm. Also,
maxillary and mandibular regressions were not statistically the skew to sagittal cephalometrics reflects the sustained use
significant, a finding illustrated by the nearly parallel regres- of Edward H. Angle’s sagittally defined classification of maloc-
sion lines (see Figs 23-14 and 23-15). This result would sug- clusion, which provides a universal guide to diagnosis and
gest that an increased maxillary width (J-J) would normal- treatment planning.1
ize the maxillomandibular relationship of the treated group Consequently, the frontal cephalogram is still not used
to approach control values in the treated group. routinely in clinical orthodontics and represents a minor
The rationale of the treating orthodontists for planning percentage of total cephalometric studies in the literature.
maxillary distraction was discounted as an inclusion criteri- Yet, critical information has been obtained that completes
on. The results revealed that a majority of the children had the 3-D picture of growth, diagnosis, and treatment. In
posterior crossbites (46%) and/or Class II skeletal relations addition to the growth data presented earlier, information
(46%) (see Figs 23-14 and 23-15; Table 23-11). Maxillary arch can be drawn from the PA record about the nasal cavity (no
form is known to be narrower in Class II malocclusions.65,66 gender difference in nasal width,67,68 turbinate hypertro-
Several female patients who had a close to normal relation phy69), canine impaction,70 cervical lordosis,71 and key find-
between J-J and AG-AG had posterior crossbites (see Fig ings in patients with cleft palate39,45,46,72 and other craniofa-
23-15), suggesting that these malocclusions were of a den- cial anomalies.73
toalveolar rather than skeletal nature. Expansion apparent-
ly was planned in some children for space creation or
esthetic considerations to enhance facial appearance dur- Transverse growth
ing smile. A narrow maxillary arch influences the width and
configuration of the space between the maxillary lateral Previous studies16,25 indicate that transverse development
teeth and the corner of the lips during smile.24 When of the jaws is characterized by differential growth between
enlarged, this space is known as a black space or corridor. maxilla and mandible. Mandibular width proceeds, on
Stability of the occlusion is related to the width of the den- average, at a ratio of 2:1 relative to maxillary width
tal arches and by extension the underlying jaws. Follow-up between ages 10 and 18 years. This conclusion is best illus-
studies are warranted to determine short- and long-term trated in the composite of the annual tracings of the
effects of maxillary expansion, not only to gauge the stability frontal Bolton standards,3 which also show the uniformity
of the results, but also to evaluate whether the widened max- of morphologic patterns from 3 to 18 years (Fig 23-16).
illa is closer to adult norms and whether the maxilla should be In the interval of 10 to 18 years, a differential ratio has
overexpanded to adult proportions in anticipation of the also been described in the vertical and sagittal
Application of PA Cephalometry
When assessing the relevance of transverse norms to
Fig 23-16 Frontal annual Bolton standards from 3 to 18 years. Note the transverse orthopedics, it may be argued that whether
greater increase of mandibular width than maxillary width during facial the decision to treat is related to the posterior crossbite,
growth. (From Broadbent et al.3) space management (creation), or esthetic consideration,
clinical impression anticipates or foregoes cephalometric
findings. Moreover, the target of correction tends to be
planes.54,74–77 Correlations between the differential maxillo- the maxilla even if the mandible is the discrepant jaw,
mandibular changes in all planes of space are not known; it because maxillary expansion is easier and more feasible
is also not known how their timely interaction contributes than restraining the transverse growth or constricting the
to the development of malocclusion. Consequently, early mandible. Even if surgery is involved, osteotomy of the
intervention to correct a developing malocclusion would maxilla is a less morbid procedure than surgical narrowing
depend not only on intercepting unfavorable discrepan- of the mandible.
cies in differential ratios between the jaws, but also (and The fact that the majority of the treated children in the
just as importantly) on when this treatment is rendered. study by Huertas and Ghafari16 had narrow maxillary width
Changes observed in the posterior width of the maxilla (see Figs 23-14 and 23-15) seemingly supports discarding
(J-J) and mandible (AG-AG) are consistent with observa- the PA record, given the prevalence of maxillary correction.
tions by Björk and Skieller,59 who measured growth in max- Although nearly all available analyses contain information
illary width between posterior implants in nine boys (10 to about the individual position of the maxilla and the
11 years to adult age), and by Baumrind and Korn,78 who mandible, the information is often irrelevant to treatment of
evaluated the lateral displacement of metallic implants in transverse malocclusion. However, the PA cephalogram, like
the mandibles of 31 subjects (8.5 to 15.5 years). In addition, sagittal cephalometry, is only a guide to assist proper diag-
the authors of both studies reported that posterior width nosis. Both records complete the 3-D evaluation of the
grows more than the anterior breadth of the jaws. This find- patient and support the rationale for treatment, not to men-
ing may account for Grayson et al’s observation of more tion their undeniable value in research. Unfortunately, the
severe asymmetry in the posterior than the anterior region overlap of structures on the PA film renders the identifica-
of the head (see Fig 23-11).42 tion of molars, and consequently the diagnosis of posterior
While the maxillomandibular growth differential is 2:1 alveolar inclination, difficult. To lessen error, Huertas and
between ages 10 and 18 years, posterior teeth and associated Ghafari16 introduced identification of the molar teeth as the
alveolar bone compensate for this discrepancy. In this time line connecting the most buccal points on crowns and
interval, normal transverse occlusion is maintained (as per roots at the level of the apices. The new CT scan technology
inclusion criteria), dentoalveolar width at the level of first (see chapter 21), applied to a patient’s head positioned in a
molars (between right and left buccal surfaces of crowns and cephalostat, therefore yielding more reproducible and reli-
apices) seems to be stable (see Table 23-8), and maxillary and able images, will also facilitate recognition of the landmarks
mandibular intermolar (crown) distances exhibit high correla- and structures that are currently difficult to identify.
23 Posteroanterior Cephalometry: Craniofacial Frontal Analysis
Bizygomatic width
Fig 23-18 Graphic representation of the law of Izard. The ratio of maxillary
arch maximal width (LM) to greatest facial width (bizygomatic distance 2 to
Eu Eu 3 cm frontal to external auditory meati) is approximately 1:2. (Skull drawing
Ft Ft adapted from Faigin.23)
Zy Zy
Go Go
b c GN
Fig 23-17 (a) Anthropometric measures are computed from Farkas’s data43 in • Width of the head, the distance between right and left
comparative linear projections over age. (Tr-Gn) trichion-gnathion height; eurion (Eu-Eu), the most prominent lateral point on each
(Eu-Eu) Bi-eurion head width; (T-T) bitragion skull base width; (Zy-Zy) bizy- side of the skull in the area of the parietal and temporal
gion face width; (Ft-Ft) forehead width; (Go-Go) bigonial mandibular width; bones
(N-Gn) nasion-gnathion height. (b,c) Nasion-gnathion height nearly equals • Width of the forehead (Ft-Ft), measured between the
the forehead width. (Drawings adapted from Farkas.43) points located laterally from the temporal lines
• Width of the skull base, or bitragion (T-T) diameter
• Facial width, between the zygions (Zy-Zy), also known as
bizygion diameter, upper facial width, or maximum
interzygomatic breadth
• Width of the mandible, the distance between the
gonions (Go-Go), also termed bigonial diameter or lower
Anthropometric perspective facial width; measured with calipers firmly pressed
against the bony surfaces because of the varying thick-
ness of the soft tissue covering the mandibular angles
Cephalometry does not replace but complements anthro-
pometry, because facial esthetics cannot be evaluated According to Farkas,43 in the midline the physiognomic
through analysis of hard tissue (bone and teeth) only. While height of the face is defined between trichion and gnathion
analysis of facial proportions is not detailed in this chapter, and the morphologic height between nasion and gnathion.
attention is drawn to anthropometric measurements that Comparison of these distances reveals that the nasion-
correspond to the cephalometric characteristics discussed gnathion height is almost equal to the forehead width (see
above. Critical widths defined by Farkas43 (see Fig 23-17) graph in Fig 23-17), describing a square in which the face fits,
include: at least in the average facial pattern (mesoprosopic).
Attempts have been made to relate the maxillary arch Important premises underlie the transition to 3-D
width to facial width. Izard defined an index of greatest cephalometry, which seemingly resembles the early days
maxillary arch width (LM, at the level of the second or first of cephalometrics, with the benefit of decades of cephalo-
molars, whichever is the largest) to bizygomatic width metric knowledge to help guide future applications:
(BZO, measured as the widest facial width, between 2 and
3 cm in front of the external auditory meati, less 10 mm of 1. Testing is required of the existing linear, angular, and
estimated skin thickness) in a LM:BZO ratio of nearly 1:2 proportional norms, because the measurements are
(Fig 23-18).80 But the relationship has been discredited by made on anatomic landmarks digitized in 3-D coordi-
many authors because the ratio did not hold in controlled nates, and not on their bidimensional projection.
studies, particularly in euryprosopic facial types80 (see Fig 2 Until norms are confirmed, or new ones developed for
23-9). The relation between facial and dental indices is 3-D images, existing linear and angular measurements
probably a factor of age. The demonstrated increase of could be performed on planar images because 3-D data
mandibular width (AG-AG) at twice the amount of maxil- can be rendered as two-dimensional (2-D) projection
lary width (J-J) between the ages of 10 and 18 years is bal- similar to a radiograph. Research should determine
anced by tipping of the maxillary molars to maintain a whether bidimensional analyses will still be used, albeit
proper buccolingual relation.16 Confounding the issue of supplementing 3-D application.
diagnosis and treatment planning is the width of the com- 3. Significant issues and findings based on traditional
missure upon smiling, whereby an increased space cephalometry and related to diagnosis, growth, and
between the maxillary lateral teeth and the corners of the treatment must be revisited for substantiation or clarifi-
lips during smile creates a black space that detracts from cation with a 3-D tool that reproduces the head more
optimal esthetics.24 realistically and discloses details that are not as accurate-
ly definable with the “old” technology. Some authors82,84
have already tested applications on images derived from
the medical CT scanner, or from the more cephalomet-
Transition to 3-D cephalometry rically suitable cone-beam scanners in which the head is
held in a more stable position. However, further techno-
logical standardization should be expected before more
3-D craniofacial imaging (see chapter 21) is expected to encompassing research can proceed.
replace many conventional radiographic (and even non-
radiographic) orthodontic records.81,82 These advantages
must be noted:
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