artichoke = artichoke leek = bawang perai
asparagus = asparagus lettuce = selada
eggplant = terong mushroom = mushroom
beetroot = ubi bit merah onion = bawang merah
bell pepper = paprika garlic = bawang putih
broccoli = brokoli pea = kacang
Brussels sprout = pepper = lada
cabbage = kubis potato = kentang
carrot = wortel pumpkin = labu
cauliflower = kembang kol radish = lobak
celery = seledri spring onion =daun bawang
corn = jagung squash = labu
cucumber = mentimun sweet potato = ubi
green bean = kacang hijau tomato = tomat
green onion = daun bawang zucchini = timun jepang
Exercise Let’s fill the blank with English.
1. Nanas :
2. Anggur :
3. Pisang :
4. Semangka :
5. Manggis :
6. Alpukat :
7. Mangga :
8. Papaya :
9. Stroberi :
10. Jeruk :
a. No, i do c. Three
c. Yes, i do a. Mangoes
a. Guava ………………………………………
b. Tomato
c. Chilli
a. Two