Bible: Stephen Dies For The Lord Jesus
Bible: Stephen Dies For The Lord Jesus
Bible: Stephen Dies For The Lord Jesus
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Address: Level 2 Bible Stories
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1 John 4: 19
Acts 6: 8-15, Ask someone to help
7: 54-60 you find this verse.
He p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ about Jesus.
He s __ __ __ __ __ the Lord Jesus.
He h __ __ __ __ __ other people.
level 2
Some Jewish men did not like Stephen preaching about Jesus. They took
Stephen to court where there were men who told lies about him. Even
though Stephen was having a hard time, he was not afraid. No matter
what these men said or did to him, the Lord Jesus would always be with
him. The angry men noticed how peaceful Stephen was - the Bible tells
us that his face looked like that of an angel!
Stephen spoke to all the people gathered in the court. He reminded them
that they had killed Jesus. This made them furious. Stephen looked up
to Heaven and saw a bright light. “I can see Jesus standing at the right
hand of God,” he exclaimed. He was thrilled to see into Heaven, but his
enemies were more angry than ever.
Q: Put a tick (a) or a cross ( x ) by each answer.
Philip also believed in the Lord Jesus and went around preaching. Usually he would
preach in towns and cities where many people lived, but one day an angel told him
to go along a road which passed through a desert.
Philip must have wondered why he was being sent there. Soon he saw a chariot in
the distance. As it came closer, he saw an important man sitting in it. He was on his
way home to a far-off country called Ethiopia, where he worked for the queen. The
Holy Spirit told Philip to go close to the chariot. As he did this, he could hear the
man reading from a part of the Bible!
“How can I,” the man replied, “unless I have someone to explain it to me?”
At once, the Ethiopian man asked Philip to sit beside him in his chariot. The verses
he was reading said that someone would be killed like a lamb. How puzzled the
Ethiopian was! Then Philip explained that this Person was the Lord Jesus who had
allowed Himself to be put on the cross to pay the price for our sin.
Q: Colour all the letters except for x, y and z to find the message Philip
preached to the man.
Soon the Ethiopian understood that
he needed to have his sins forgiven.
Philip explained that he needed to
trust in the Lord Jesus to be his
Saviour. Without delay, he believed
in the Lord Jesus!
bibletime Level 2 Bible Stories A10
S __ __ __ __ __ __ . /2
Saul was there when that happened. It pleased him very much. Now he wanted to
find other believers in Jesus and have them put in prison. He heard about some who
lived in a city a long way off.
Q: Write the first letter of each object to find out the name of this city to
which Saul decided to go.
Saul and his friends had almost arrived at the city
when suddenly there was a very bright flash of light.
Saul was so overcome by it that he fell down to the
ground.“Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?” a
voice said.
Q: Fill in the answers in the Crossword.
When Saul met the Lord Jesus it was the beginning of a new life.
Q: Look at these three words. Use them to complete the Key Verse.
Q: Finish these OLD THINGS which would no longer be part of his life.
Hating J __ __ __ __ .
bibletime Level 2 Bible Stories A10
Ananias called Saul “brother” because now they both belonged to the same family -
God’s family! Suddenly Saul was able to see again.
He was baptised and had some food while Ananias explained God’s plan for him.
Soon Saul met other followers of the Lord Jesus who lived in Damascus. They were
amazed that Saul was now their friend, and not their enemy.
Q: Draw a straight line to join up the beginning and ending of each of these
When Saul preached about the Lord Jesus, there were Jews who did not
level 2 like this message. It wasn’t long before they plotted to kill Saul. One night,
his friends helped him to escape in a basket over the city wall.
Q: Complete the picture to show how Saul escaped from the city.
Saul’s life had been completely changed.
Q: Fill in some of the NEW things which had come into his life
now that he loved the Lord Jesus.
Now he belonged to God’s f __ __ __ __ __ .
He was filled with the H __ __ __ S __ __ __ __ __ .
He had new f __ __ __ __ __ __ .
He p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ about Jesus.
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