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Target: Traficant

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American FreePress
★ Volume VIII • Number 36

September 8, 2008 americanfreepress.net $2.50

The outrageous never-before-told inside story of how the
Justice Department, the Israeli lobby and the mass media
conspired to set up and take down Ohio’s outspoken
Congressman Jim Traficant . . .

. . . From the pen of AFP correspondent Michael Collins Piper—the only journalist
Jim Traficant agreed to speak to from prison after being convicted on trumped-up
corruption charges. Traficant wouldn’t even speak to The New York Times!

If you ever had any doubt THE MASS MEDIA IN AMERICA played a consider-
able role in the illicit set-up and take-down of
whether Jim Traficant was Congressman Jim Traficant by corrupt elements
inside the Justice Department and the FBI. Time
guilty of the charges on and again the media LIED to the people of
Traficant’s congressional district and to all of the
which he was convicted, American people when they reported on the
Traficant case. Only American Free Press told you
they’ll be erased after you’ve the truth about the WHY and HOW of the
Traficant case and why “THEY” were out to get
read this amazing volume. him, determined to silence this courageous U.S.
congressman. TARGET: TRAFICANT examines the
The media was lying to campaign to “get” Traficant and exposes it for the
outrageous fraud that it was. You’ll be astounded
you all along. to see the lengths to which crooked prosecutors
went to destroy Jim Traficant—a story you need to
Here are the facts . . . know about!


This is the only full-length work, available

anywhere, telling the story that the mass
media in America refused to tell . . .

Here’s the Evidence Proving Beyond Any

Jim Traficant refuses to accept a presidential pardon (or a reduction in his
federal prison term) for this very simple reason: he will not agree to admit
to—and apologize for—crimes he did not commit . . .

In TARGET: TRAFICANT, veteran author Michael Collins Piper—whom Jim Traficant has said was the only journalist
to tell his story truthfully and correctly from the beginning—has assembled this eye-opening and disturbing overview of the
campaign by high-level forces to set up and take down the no-nonsense populist congressman.
If you have ever had any doubts about Traficant’s integrity—doubts instilled by a long-standing media cacophony
attacking Traficant—you’ll soon realize that the Traficant case represents one of the most outrageous and thoroughly illegal
hit-and-run operations ever orchestrated in our “democracy.” It is perhaps all too representative of the high-level corruption
for which the “Justice” Department has been found responsible time and time again.
Piper dissects the intrigues of the Justice Department and the FBI (as well as the maneuvers by the federal judge who
oversaw the Traficant trial) and demonstrates, beyond any doubt, that Jim Traficant was absolutely innocent of all of the
charges on which he was convicted . . .

Twenty years ago, Michael Collins Piper was the

only journalist on the entire planet to expose the
outrageous Justice Department and FBI frame-up
of Pennsylvania State Treasurer Budd Dwyer . . .
On January 21, 1987, following his conviction on
trumped-up corruption charges and facing a lengthy
prison term, Dwyer continued to protest his innocence;
and—at a crowded press conference broadcast on live
television—Dwyer shot himself. Moments before he
died, Dwyer begged for the press to tell his story, but his
plea was ignored by the major media. Independent jour-
nalist Michael Collins Piper was the only one to take up
Dwyer’s challenge . . . Now—in TARGET: TRAFICANT—Piper has turned his attention to the equally outrageous
(and successful) campaign by the Justice Department and the FBI to destroy Jim Traficant.

TARGET: TRAFICANT features a special appendix outlining

the whole shocking story of the Budd Dwyer affair!

y Doubt ‘They’ Railroaded Jim Traficant

“Racketeering” “Tax Evasion” “Bribery”—ALL LIES!

TARGET: TRAFICANT is not comfortable reading but is a “must” for those who
want to understand how and why one of the best men ever to serve in
Congress was railroaded into prison. This story tells much about who really
runs America and how they destroy those who stand in their way—a warning
to all Americans that “it can happen here” and that it has . . .

TARGET: TRAFICANT includes a special appendix featuring the

“best” of Jim Traficant’s inimitable “one minute speeches”
on the floor of Congress.

Order your copy(s) of TARGET: TRAFICANT

TO ORDER TARGET: TRAFICANT, call 1-888-699-6397 toll free or
use the coupon BELOW. One copy is $25. In return for a donation
of $50 (or more) you can receive
an autographed, individually


sonalized to you—from Michael
Collins Piper.

CHERTOFF ORDER Your Premier Edition of Target Traficant

Yes, he’s the one who AFP, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003

❏ One copy of TARGET TRAFICANT @ $25 each. (Softcover, 163 pages, #TT)
directed the crusade to
❏ One numbered, inscribed, first edition copy of TARGET: TRAFICANT @ $50. I understand for my $50
contribution (or greater) I will receive a personalized, autographed copy, hand numbered by the author,
“Get Jim Traficant.”
Michael Collins Piper. (Use a separate piece of paper for INSCRIPTION NAME and desired BRIEF inscrip-
tion. PLEASE PRINT neatly.)
❏ ___ BULK copies of TARGET TRAFICANT at the following prices:
Michael Collins Piper details
❏ I enclose an additional contribution to AFP in the amount of $ _______.
TWO copies @ $24 ea. • THREE copies @ $23 ea. • FOUR copies @ $22 ea. • FIVE copies @ $20 ea.
the role played by this top-
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level intriguer (now chief
of Homeland Security) Expires ______________________ Signature _____________________________________________
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as the prime mover behind
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the conspiracy to destroy
Congressman Traficant . . . Call 1-888-699-6397 (NEWS) toll free to charge to Visa or MasterCard! TT368


at 1-888-699-6397 toll free or
use the coupon below. One copy
During his trip to Malaysia in 2006, author Michael Collins Piper learned that the U.S. is $25. One personalized, auto-
graphed and hand numbered
ambassador to Malaysia, a member of the inner circle of the Council on Foreign copy is $50. Send payment to
AFP, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue
Relations, had illegally offered bribes to both a bookstore owner and a publisher in SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C.
Malaysia to try to stop distribution of Piper’s books. Here’s an abbreviated version of 20003. No charge for S&H
inside the U.S. Outside the U.S.
Piper’s unanswered letter to Christopher J. LaFleur in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. add $3 per book S&H. Available
nowhere else in America!
June 30, 2006 about Final Judgment on a college campus in California some
Dear Mr. LaFleur: years ago, one of the persons who came to the defense of my
The matters discussed in this letter were already brought right to lecture on campus was Colonel Forest J. “Joe” Hunt, Are American embassy officials offering bribes to foreign
to the attention of the Malaysian desk of the U.S. State who was not only the trainer, at Quantico, but also the com- corporations on behalf of private interest groups for political
Department in Washington, D.C. For the record, however, I mander, of all of those U.S. Marines that guard United States reasons?
am directing this matter to your attention in this letter. embassies—including yours—around the globe. That’s the These questions are posed here precisely because I don’t
During my recent visit to Malaysia, I was astounded to kind of people who have stood up in my defense, quite a dif- have the answers. But I have enough information to prove
learn from two former high-ranking Malaysian government ferent “cut” from those trying to sabotage me. beyond question that I am a target of criminal elements inside
officials that a person described as “the U.S. ambassador to Since my books, in part, take aim at the intrigues of the the U.S. government.
Malaysia” approached two private entrepreneurs in New York-based Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), I under- When I learned—after the fact—that “my” own “ambas-
Malaysia—a bookshop owner and a publisher of my books— stand why you personally might be offended by those books, sador” in Malaysia was using his influence (and presumably
and offered them bribes to persuade them to stop distributing since your official biography brags of your role as a so-called even my own tax dollars, perhaps taken out of some “black
Final Judgment, The High Priests of War, and The New Jerusalem. “Cyrus Vance Fellow in Diplomatic Studies” at the CFR, of budget” for such purposes) to interfere with the distribution
If the person said to be “the U.S. ambassador to Malaysia” which you are a member. of my books, my reaction was not one of anger, but horror.
did indeed offer such a gratuity under such circumstances to But if you are here to deny that it was either you or the for- I was shocked to know that the very individual most ulti-
either or both of these individuals, this is a crime, not only mer ambassador or any member of the U.S. Embassy staff mately responsible for protecting my interests, as an American
under U.S. federal law, but also under Malaysian law. responsible for this crime, then it is your responsibility to find citizen traveling in Malaysia—was telling Malaysians that I am
So I feel comfortable in asserting that the person who out who was then posing as “the U.S. ambassador to considered “garbage” by my own ambassador and subject to
reportedly offered these bribes is corrupt, a criminal [who] Malaysia” in offering the bribe. being the target of an illicit, crooked backroom deal.
should not be pretending to “serve” the interests of America * * * It is appropriate to note that—in March of 2003—a rep-
or of any American citizen traveling in Malaysia. Is it possible the staffer was acting at the direction of some resentative of the George W. Bush administration’s U.S.
Under U.S. law (and under Malaysian law), I would have Israeli lobby figure, such as Abe Foxman of the Anti- Embassy in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates pulled a
grounds to bring a civil action against the person responsible Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, or Rabbi Abraham Cooper similar “dirty trick” undermining me while I was traveling in
for this malicious attempt to interfere with the commercial of the Simon Wiesenthal Center or perhaps the former offi- that country, having given a speech critical of the administra-
distribution of my books. cials of American Israel Public Affairs Committee who are tion’s insane foreign policy as directed by the pro-Israel neo-
It’s rather ironic, Mr. LeFleur, that a U.S. ambassador under indictment for illicit receipt of U.S. intelligence data? conservatives. While I was a guest of the Arab League’s official
would try to stop distribution of these books, considering the Is it possible that the bribe money was provided by one of think tank, the Zayed Center, funded by Abu Dhabi’s ruling
fact that a former high-ranking State Department official has these Israeli lobby groups or from some source such as bil- Zayed family, a U.S. Embassy official called the Zayed Center
written the most forthright endorsement of Final Judgment. lionaires Edgar Bronfman or S.I. Newhouse or some other to complain about my appearance there.
In addition, when the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), known supporter of Israel and the intrigues of the Israeli * * *
the Zionist lobby group, tried to prevent me from lecturing lobby? In closing, I will repeat to you what I told the State
Department in Washington:
• Although I am confident I could win a civil action in cer-
MUST READ BOOKS FROM MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER tainly a Malaysian court (and possibly an American court)
against the individual responsible for the outrageous conduct
AFP, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003
outlined here, I do not choose to initiate such litigation.
• Although I am certain that there are good officials inside

❏ ___ copies of Target: Traficant @ $25 each.

PLEASE SEND ME: No charge for shipping the FBI and the Justice Department who would not hesitate to

❏ ___ copies of The Judas Goats @ $25 each.

& handling inside the take on a criminal investigation of this matter—evidenced by
their efforts in pursuing such criminals as Lewis Libby, and
❏ ___ copies of The Golem: Israel’s Hell Bomb @ $25 each.
U.S. Outside the U.S.
add $5 S&H per book. those distasteful Zionists from AIPAC, not to mention anoth-

❏ ___ copies of The High Priests of War @ $20 each.

er corrupt Zionist operator, Jack Abramoff—I am not going to

❏ ___ copies of The New Jerusalem @ $20 each.

demand an FBI investigation.
In other words, I am letting a criminal (or criminals) get
❏ ___ copies of Dirty Secrets: Crime, Conspiracy & Cover-Up @ $22 each.
away with a crime . . .

PAYMENT OPTION: ❏ Check ❏ MO ❏ Visa ❏ MasterCard

But perhaps this public exposure of this crime will serve
I ENCLOSE: $ ______________ as a warning not to let it happen again. Back off. Next time the
Card # ______________________________________________________________________________
full force of the criminal and civil law will be brought to bear,

Expires ______________________ Signature _____________________________________________

both here and in Malaysia or wherever else appropriate, and
all those responsible will be held to account under the law.

Name ______________________________________________________________________________
Remember: there are still good people in the American

Address ____________________________________________________________________________
system: in the military and in the FBI and the Justice
Department and in the CIA and the NSA and in the State

City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________________________
Department, too. These folks are ready to root out the bad

AFPRC Membership # _____________________ (Found on the back of your AFPRC membership card)
guys who are carrying out the dirty tricks operations and the
war-mongering schemes of the Zionists, and there are mil-
lions of Americans who are ready to rally behind them.
Call 1-888-699-6397 (NEWS) toll free to charge to Visa or MasterCard! TT368

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