Contemporary TVET Management Practice
Contemporary TVET Management Practice
Contemporary TVET Management Practice
An Overview of Contemporary TVET
Management Practice
George Preddey
1 Introduction
The TVET management practices of Australia, New Zealand and the United King-
dom have been systematically documented and recorded in an International Labour
Organization Management handbook (Gasskov, 2006) of eleven modules and forty-
three learning units. The handbook is accompanied by a CD-ROM that contains
more than 400 resource documents. These two handbooks, the present UNESCO-
UNEVOC International handbook of education for the changing world of work
(UNESCO-UNEVOC, 2009) and Vocational education and training institutions: a
management handbook and CD-ROM (Gasskov, 2006) are complementary—as was
explained in the Introduction to Chapter VI.8.
The eleven specific TVET management functions discussed below in this
UNESCO-UNEVOC International handbook are cross-referenced to appropriate
learning units in the ILO Management handbook. These learning units cover con-
temporary TVET management functions and practice in greater detail, and also in-
R. Maclean, D. Wilson (eds.), International Handbook of Education for the Changing 1003
World of Work, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-5281-1 VI.9,
C Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009
1004 G. Preddey
The assessment of industrial demand for TVET courses is undertaken by key stake-
holders. These include:
r government agencies undertake assessments to inform labour-market interven-
tions and decision-making by industry, TVET institutions and their prospective
r industry training organizations (ITOs) set up by industries undertake assess-
ments to ensure that their training needs are met;
r TVET institutions gather information individually or through their national asso-
ciations (pp. 102 et seq.).
Strategic plans are customarily developed by small groups with requisite skills that
may be sub-committees of governing councils strengthened by secondees from man-
agement. Various planning techniques may be used:
1006 G. Preddey
Strategic planning groups need to take into account the external inputs to planning.
These include government training policies, labour-market forecasts, economic and
demographic factors, and assessments of institutional capacities to implement strate-
gic plans (pp. 114 et seq.).
Autonomous TVET institutions customarily operate within annual TVET de-
livery and budget cycles that are covered by short-term business plans. Institu-
tions’ annual budgets are important components of business plans. Performance
indicators and milestones defined within business plans are often used in ac-
countability regimes that determine whether the TVET institutions have deliv-
ered their expected TVET outputs and are operating within their approved budgets
(p. 115).
3 Financial Management
Under input-funding systems, governments fund the input costs of TVET institu-
tions directly (e.g. by funding teachers’ salaries, costs of materials, utilities, etc.).
Institutions are funded for what they cost and, consequently, governments have little
appreciation of what value they are receiving for their investments.
Under output-funding systems, governments directly purchase TVET institu-
tions’ outputs, i.e. the skills and expertise of graduates—or, as proxies for out-
puts, the numbers of enrolments or equivalent full-time students (EFTS), etc. (see
also Chapter VI.8, Inputs versus outputs and outcomes). Under this approach,
governments have a better appreciation of what their investments are produc-
ing. International experience indicates that the cost-efficiency, effectiveness and
accountability of public TVET institutions are enhanced under output-funding
Negotiated funding systems involve negotiations between TVET institutions
and central funding agencies. Under normative funding, funding norms/standards/
averages, funding formulae and other quantitative factors are used, i.e. funding allo-
cations are calculated rather than negotiated. Funding formula customarily include
defining parameters for TVET institutions (e.g. approved numbers of funded EFTS)
and funding parameters (e.g. prescribed funding levels per approved EFTS differen-
tiated by field and level of study).
In absolute (bottom-up) funding, TVET institutions submit their own funding
requirements and overall budgets are the sum of institutional bids. In relative (top-
down) funding, finite resources are allocated centrally to TVET institutions in pro-
portion to their assessed needs.
For practical fiscal considerations, normative funding systems generally adopt
relative (top-down) approaches. The starting points are the politically determined
budget appropriations for TVET at national levels. The appropriations are allocated
among the TVET institutions by normative funding methodologies according to
their relative needs.
There has been a gradual international trend in the resourcing of TVET from in-
put to output funding (pp. 127 et seq.). Under output-funding systems, governments
have better information on and control of the TVET services that they fund. Output-
funding systems in principle increase cost-efficiency, effectiveness, responsiveness
and accountability, but require that TVET institutions have adequate autonomy to
operate under this funding model. In particular, they require sufficient autonomy to
be able to match their input costs to their output-funding entitlements.
cost (e.g. new equipment). Decisions on the most effective use of public resources
are essentially made by funding agencies. Institutional managers have restricted fi-
nancial autonomy, while financial planning is centrally driven.
Under output funding systems, TVET institution managers are free (within pre-
scribed limits) to determine institutional outputs and to allocate funding resources
among their competing input costs. Decisions on the most effective use of public re-
sources are essentially made by institutional managers rather than by central funding
agencies (p. 129).
Annual budgets are important components of institutional business plans. They
forecast future revenues and expenditures and generally incorporate financial per-
formance indicators including:
Internal budgets are derived from institutional business plans and support their oper-
ations. Output funding is generally undifferentiated: i.e. institutional managers are
free to decide how to allocate revenue from public funding, student tuition fees and
fee-for-service income to meet their internal institutional operating costs (salaries,
overheads, capital expenditure, etc.) (p. 133).
Major cost items, such as capital expenditure on new buildings or equipment that
serves the whole institution, are customarily dealt with at the level of chief exec-
utives, subject to approval by governing councils. Costs may be either regarded as
overheads shared by whole institutions or met through debt financing (borrowing).
Buildings and equipment will inevitably require replacement, and replacement costs
are customarily incorporated into the costing of service delivery as allowances for
depreciation (pp. 135 et seq.).
Generally, there will be some degree of cross-subsidization among the various
departments to ensure that TVET institutions offer acceptable ranges of courses,
including uneconomic courses that attract low enrolments. New courses often have
developmental and start-up costs that are met through cross-subsidization.
4 Information Management
TVET institutions commonly develop MIS that suit their own particular require-
ments and purposes. These systems are often based on commercially available soft-
ware packages or are developed for particular objectives by consortia or associations
of TVET institutions that work collaboratively with private sector ICT companies
(p. 87).
When governments decide to introduce new student data collection systems, im-
plementation can be a major challenge for current institutional MIS, particularly
in respect of data compatibility. Prior consensus on data compatibility is facilitated
by consultation between government officials and representatives of institutions or
their national associations.
National student identifier systems are key components of comprehensive na-
tional student data systems. Contingent on their introduction, TVET institutions are
able to access and support student data systems (often as a precondition for pub-
lic funding) through interface options that suit their own particular circumstances
VI.9 An Overview of Contemporary TVET Management Practice 1011
(p. 87). The operation of national student identifier systems is customarily an on-
going responsibility of central agencies and involves the maintenance of access pro-
tocols for TVET institutions and the provision of technical and operational guidance
(p. 88).
5 Student Management
Under open-entry policies, prospective students who wish to enrol in TVET courses
may do so without restriction provided that they meet any prescribed minimum entry
standards. If institutions charge tuition fees, access may be rationed by price (i.e. the
students’ ability to pay tuition fees).
Although restricted-entry policies minimize fiscal risks for governments, they
also have consequences for equity. Competitive entry is equitable to the extent that
competition for places is based on merit, but meritorious students may fail because
they are from disadvantaged families (pp. 159 et seq.).
Equity in competitive (merit-based) enrolment systems may be enhanced by ar-
rangements intended to improve access for target groups. Targeting may be on the
basis of student or family income or on gender or ethnicity, etc. Possible targeting
mechanisms include:
r pre-entry or bridging courses that allow disadvantaged students to meet entry
r means-tested scholarships or grants;
r non-discriminatory student loans;
r entry quotas guaranteeing minimum numbers of places for students from target
groups (pp. 161 et seq.).
TVET institutions customarily attract enrolments by using the media (e.g. commu-
nity and national newspapers, radio, etc.), by organizing special events (e.g. careers
forums), and by liaising with secondary schools and industrial bodies. Promotional
materials may include brochures, institutional web-sites and free-phone services.
In some jurisdictions, government agencies maintain comprehensive web-sites
that offer generic information to school-leavers on employment options, prerequisite
skills and competencies, and options for TVET. Careers counsellors are well-placed
to advise students in their final year(s) of schooling on options for TVET and em-
ployment (pp. 162 et seq.).
Enrolment procedures customarily involve students providing information for
TVET institutions. Prospective students may be required to demonstrate that they
meet prescribed minimum entry standards. Some jurisdictions operate elaborate
pre-enrolment systems that optimally match student preferences with the available
TVET places, taking into account previous educational attainment. In other juris-
dictions, TVET institutions individually select their own students (p. 163).
1012 G. Preddey
Monitoring and guidance processes for students may include procedures related
to induction, recognition of prior learning, progress assessment, course evaluation,
record-keeping and the management of students at risk of non-completion. Teach-
ing staff are responsible for monitoring students’ progress against expected course
outcomes (pp. 166 et seq.).
Information provided at the commencement of TVET courses customarily cov-
r timetables, etc.;
r procedures used to monitor students’ progress and to determine course outcomes;
r student access to counselling, welfare and other ex-curricular services.
Processes for the evaluation of student performance generally fall into two cat-
egories: norm-referenced assessment; and standards-based assessment (see also
‘Managing assessment’ below).
The welfare services provided for students while they are in training customarily
r financial support, e.g. hardship funds, financial advice;
r health and accident insurance services;
r student accommodation services, e.g. on- and off-campus hostels, accommoda-
tion placement services;
r social, recreational and cultural facilities;
r health and fitness centres;
r career, vocational guidance and job-placement assistance (pp. 174 et seq.).
TVET institutions may either provide welfare services from their own resources,
contract external organizations to deliver them on a fee-for-service basis, or de-
velop partnership arrangements with external agencies to deliver welfare services by
6 Staff Management
TVET teaching staff are often recruited from particular trades or professions to en-
sure that they have the requisite knowledge and skills. Teaching staff will also need
adequate teaching skills to be effective. Non-teaching specialist staff (e.g. informa-
tion technology, library, public relations, technical support, etc.) may be appointed
for particular skills that are not necessarily specific to TVET (pp. 185 et seq.).
In some jurisdictions, staff recruitment and selection for positions in public
TVET institutions involves matching the attributes of aspiring appointees with job
descriptions of vacant positions. Job descriptions customarily include:
VI.9 An Overview of Contemporary TVET Management Practice 1013
r position/job titles;
r lists of superior staff positions (who appointees report to);
r lists of subordinate staff positions (who report to appointees);
r purposes of positions;
r key accountabilities (what is expected from appointees, sometimes called key
deliverables, defined in terms of performance indicators);
r personal knowledge and experience specifications (expected prior experiences,
formal qualifications, personal attributes and competencies, etc.) (p. 187).
Effective TVET institutions require staff training systems that ensure that teach-
ers have the necessary skills and competencies. Staff training systems customarily
include arrangements for:
match their input costs (mainly salaries) to their TVET delivery (outputs and output
funding) (pp. 194 et seq.).
Managers customarily undertake periodic staff performance appraisals that as-
sess the performance of staff against their expected outputs (i.e. service deliv-
ery specified in job descriptions). Appraisals provide staff with feedback on their
strengths and weaknesses and on their further career development. They also inform
decisions on salary adjustments and promotions. Formal arbitration processes may
need to be invoked to resolve disputed assessments (pp. 199 et seq.).
expanded into course curricula that specify in detail what is to be taught. Curricula
specify the topics to be covered and level of detail. They should include sufficient
information for teaching staff to be able to develop their teaching plans for course
delivery (pp. 217 et seq.).
Knowledge, skills and competencies embodied in curricula may be generic
(i.e. relate to a broad range of vocational fields) or specialist (i.e. relate to a narrow
vocational field). They may also be theoretical (i.e. abstract or conceptual knowl-
edge) or practical (i.e. manual skills, knowledge and competencies relating to par-
ticular utilitarian tasks). In general, theoretical knowledge, skills and competencies
tend to be generic, whereas practical knowledge, skills and competencies tend to be
specialist (pp. 228 et seq.).
Autonomous TVET institutions are responsible for the organizational and staffing
structures that determine the management of TVET delivery. Senior management
is generally concerned with strategic planning frameworks and performance in-
dicators. Departmental heads are responsible for organizing their staff, financial
resources and TVET courses to meet expected outputs and the skill needs of
1016 G. Preddey
industries, professions and the wider community. Institutional teaching staff are re-
sponsible for organizing the delivery of TVET to individuals and groups of students.
These structures indicate three layers of management. Some responsibilities
are shared: for instance, quality assurance and good health and safety practice.
Generally, the structures include breakdowns into departments based on specific
TVET fields. Faculty heads, heads of departments and course leaders are TVET
(line) managers. They manage teaching staff grouped into delivery teams and are
responsible to the senior management teams for efficient course delivery within their
own areas (pp. 241 et seq.).
In recent years, there has been a rapid expansion of off-campus learning (dis-
tance and e-learning). Often these modes are supported by on-campus study centres
and e-mail communication systems. Distance and e-learning require specific course
materials and their developmental costs can be substantial, particularly for specialist
courses that involve small student numbers (pp. 246 et seq.).
Post-school TVET is generally more student-centred than school education,
which is strongly teacher-centred. Recent experience suggests that distance and e-
learning is more suited for mature-age students and students who are undertaking
second or advanced qualifications.
Virtual learning environments bring together in one piece of software and one in-
tegrated environment many features of TVET delivery. They require careful techni-
cal decisions about equipment location and networking, software, systems manage-
ment and trouble-shooting. The teaching staff involved generally perform different
roles in materials design and student supervision, and require different management
skills (p. 248).
r class contact time, i.e. time spent in the actual teaching and supervision of student
r non-teaching time, i.e. time required for essential non-teaching duties;
r appropriate modes of delivery;
r appropriate class sizes;
r staff leave and sickness (pp. 251 et seq.).
Class contact times for teaching staff may be prescribed as maxima in employment
contracts that take into account annual leave and other employment provisions. They
generally decrease as the levels or complexities of TVET courses increase, and
are further reduced by the demands of non-teaching time, such as involvement in
curriculum development, applied research and industrial liaison.
VI.9 An Overview of Contemporary TVET Management Practice 1017
Teachers are being effective only if students are learning. The monitoring of teach-
ing staff provides information on their teaching skills. Its purpose should be made
clear to staff at the outset and may include:
r providing evidence for performance appraisals;
r assessing the effectiveness of new courses;
r informing quality management systems (see also ‘Quality management’ below)
(pp. 271 et seq.).
TVET institutions customarily have procedures for monitoring student progress
through their courses, allowing the identification of students who are not coping
(pp. 273 et seq.). The procedures include group discussions at the end of course
components, structured questionnaires and regular assessments (see also ‘Student
management’ above).
Course outcomes may be assessed through graduate satisfaction surveys, gradu-
ate destination surveys (tracer studies) and surveys of employer satisfaction (p. 276).
9 Managing Assessment
Once skill standards are agreed, standard-setting bodies may organize tests of attain-
ment or agree to delegate this assessment function. Professional assessors are gen-
erally experienced teachers and may include the staff of TVET institutions. External
assessments provide assurance against fraudulent standards and testing practices.
In devolved TVET systems, skills assessment may be carried out by accredited
TVET institutions or by registered assessors. Moderation processes may be required
to ensure that accredited TVET institutions and assessors make consistent and reli-
able judgements about the work of students seeking qualifications (p. 209).
Effective TVET institutions have procedures for monitoring the progress of stu-
dents through their TVET courses that allow the identification of students who are
not coping. Student performance is measured against planned sequences of learning
and achievement. Assessment arrangements need to be explicit to guide students to
clear understandings of what is expected of them (pp. 273 et seq.).
Processes for the evaluation of student performance in general fall into two broad
r norm-referenced assessment: ranks students against their peers according to their
performance in class tests and assignments and offers an indirect measure of
skills and competencies achieved;
r standards-based assessment: confirms that students have (or have not) achieved
specified standards in defined skills and competencies, but does not rank their
performances against their peers.
An advantage of standards-based over norm-referenced assessment is its ability to
confirm that students meet prescribed standards of skill or competency. A disadvan-
tage of standards-based assessment is that it does not allow students to be ranked.
Under standards-based assessment, students are assessed as able (or unable) to carry
out particular tasks according to prescribed standards. Abilities cannot be combined
meaningfully as a measure of overall skill that would allow ranking (norm refer-
VI.9 An Overview of Contemporary TVET Management Practice 1019
The effective delivery of TVET requires that institutions not only have adequate
teaching spaces, but that they also have adequate teaching aids and equipment. Tra-
ditional and newer aids that enhance teacher-centred learning include:
r simple photocopied handouts;
r wall-charts, blackboards, whiteboards, laser pointers, etc.;
r overhead projectors for slides and transparencies;
r video-projectors linked to VCRs/DVD players for videotape/DVD presenta-
tions, etc.;
VI.9 An Overview of Contemporary TVET Management Practice 1021
11 Quality Management
Autonomous TVET institutions accept responsibility for the quality of their own
courses. Quality is generally assured through internal quality management systems
subject to periodic audit by external quality agencies. Quality itself can be defined
from three different perspectives:
r quality as excellence: makes comparisons between similar qualifications, courses
and institutions; those that score highly on a predetermined scale are judged as
excellent and therefore of high quality;
r quality as value-for-investment: based on stakeholders’ perceptions of whether
qualifications, courses and institutions meet or exceed expectations, taking into
account the time and money invested in them;
r quality as fitness-for-purpose: assesses the performance of qualifications, courses
and institutions against stated outcomes or intentions (p. 282).
In practice, quality assurance of qualifications, courses and institutions usually in-
volves consideration of both inputs and outputs. For example, TVET quality defined
1022 G. Preddey
as value for investment by definition takes into account both value (outputs) and
investment (inputs).
Traditionally, the quality of TVET institutions is assured through certification
processes and the quality of courses is assured through course approval and insti-
tutional accreditation processes. Certification confirms that independent, external
bodies have audited the internal management systems of TVET institutions and have
verified that they conform to prescribed standards (pp. 286 et seq.).
TVET institutions generally require certification and accreditation to be permit-
ted to deliver and assess courses leading to national qualifications. Accreditation
processes verify that TVET institutions have quality management systems and meet
their obligations to external quality-assurance agencies.
TVET institutions may also apply for accreditation and course approvals to offer
their own institutional courses. These are generally not recognized on national qual-
ifications frameworks. Course approvals require TVET institutions to demonstrate
that proposed courses conform to their quality management systems.
External quality assurance agencies customarily carry out quality audits of TVET
institutions against benchmarks or standards. These are developed by the agencies
themselves in consultation with stakeholders and define the expected performance
of quality-assured TVET institutions.
VI.9 An Overview of Contemporary TVET Management Practice 1023
12.1 Accountability
12.2 Monitoring
Monitoring systems are necessary to ensure that autonomous TVET institutions are
accountable to stakeholders for their inputs, outputs and outcomes. Being monitored
1024 G. Preddey
for accountability is a concession that autonomous TVET providers make for their
enhanced autonomy. Accountability systems involve the quality and performance
monitoring of inputs, outputs and outcomes. Monitoring tracks changes, analyses
developments and evaluates progress achieved against benchmarks.
Quality monitoring considers the quality of inputs to courses delivered by TVET
institutions and the quality of the outputs and outcomes that result. Performance
monitoring customarily focuses on quantitative measures of inputs, outputs and
Quality monitoring is used for the quality assurance of TVET courses through
pre-delivery course approval, institutional accreditation processes and through post-
delivery quality audits (pp. 318 et seq.). Quality monitoring processes may be
devolved by external quality agencies to institutional academic boards (see also
‘Quality management’ above).
Financial monitoring is a crucial aspect of performance monitoring and reporting.
A necessary condition for public TVET institutions to be granted a level of financial
autonomy is that their governance and management are accountable for their use of
public resources.
Where governments bear significant ownership risks, financial performance indi-
cators may also be used for monitoring the financial viability of TVET institutions
and for government interventions if necessary. Useful indicators include projected
operating surpluses, returns on income and assets, operating cash flows, liquid as-
sets, working capital and debt ratios (pp. 329 et seq.).
Outcome monitoring of TVET courses is commonly implemented through grad-
uate and employer satisfaction surveys and graduate destination (tracer) studies.
These surveys may be undertaken by TVET institutions, by their service organi-
zations or by government departments or agencies with monitoring and funding
responsibilities (pp. 327 et seq.).
12.3 Reporting
Gasskov, V., ed. 2006. Vocational education and training institutions: a management handbook
and CD-ROM. Geneva: ILO.