Itp MCQ Test
Itp MCQ Test
Itp MCQ Test
A. Out of the following who has not explained intelligence in terms of Psychometric Approach?
3. Sternberg
Robert Sternberg (1985) proposed the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. It is said that the theory by
itself was among the first to go against the psychometric approach to intelligence and take a more
cognitive approach. APA further elaborates that according to the theory, intelligence comprises a
number of information-processing components, which are applied to experience (especially novel
experiences) in order to adapt to, shape, and select environments. The theory is triarchic because it
contains three subtheories: one specifying the components of intelligence, another specifying the
kinds of experience to which the components are applied, and a third specifying how the
components should be used in various kinds of environmental contexts. These three sub-theories
are various processes that affect the performing of cognitive tasks, and consist of the
information processing skills that drive intelligent behavior. Sternberg (1987) defined these
processes as an elementary information process that operates upon internal representation of
objects or symbols.
B. Which are the concepts mainly used by Sternberg in his theory of intelligence?
(C) 1, 2 and 4
(B) 4, 3, 2, 1
D. Which one of the trait theories/models is/are NOT based on factor analytic methodology?
(1) (a) only
Gordon Allport did give the first list of around 18,000 English adjectives to be used in Personality
Theories but he did not use factor analysis on that list. Factor analytic operations were first used by
Raymond Cattell on the list, then Eysenck (3 Dimensions Theory; higher order factor analysis)
followed by Goldberg (Five Factor Theory) and Costa & McCrae (Big 5).
P.T. Costa and Robert R. McCrae are the authors of NEO – Personality Inventory.
Suzanne Kobasa’s studies showed that people with high levels of stress but low levels of illness
share three characteristics, which are referred to as the personality traits of hardiness. It consists of
‘the three Cs’, i.e. commitment, control, and challenge; thus giving us the Hardy Personality.
Locus of Control is a a construct that is used to categorize people’s basic motivational orientations
and perceptions of how much control they have over the conditions of their lives introduced into
psychology by Julian Rotter.
F. Out of following who has not divided intelligence into two general components?
(D) Thurstone
Because Louis Thurstone’s proposed the theory of primary mental abilities. It states that
intelligence consists of seven primary abilities. While Cattell divided intelligence into fluid and
crystalliized, Jensen proposed a hierarchical model of two levels and Hebb proposed the theory of
Intelligence A and Intelligence B which was further developed by Cattell as fluid and crystallized
intelligence. Hebb proposed that “intellectual development includes two distinct things: (A) direct
intellectual power, by neural maturation, and (B) the development of qualitative modifications of
perception and behavior. The first factor is what reaches a peak somewhere around the beginning
of adolescence, declining slowly thereafter; the second is the product of the first factor.”
APA defines Spearman’s Two Factor Theory of Intelligence (1904) as a theory that proposes that
intelligence comprises two kinds of factors: a general factor, whose influence pervades all tests of
intelligence, and various specific factors, each of whose influence extends only to a single test in a
test battery.