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Lab Manual: Sub: Software Engineering Lab (6KS07) Software Engineering Lab 6KS07 Software Engineering Lab P-2, C-1

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Lab Manual

Sub: Software Engineering Lab (6KS07)

Software Engineering Lab

6KS07 Software Engineering Lab P-2, C-1

Course Prerequisite: A Scripting Language, IDEs (Integrated Development

Environment), Databases, Software Development Life Cycle
Course Objectives: Throughout the course, students will be expected to
demonstrate their understanding of Software Engineering by
being able to do each of the following:
1) Impart state-of-the-art knowledge on Software
Engineering and UML in an interactive manner
2) Present case studies to demonstrate the practical
applications of different concepts
3) Provide a scope to the students where they can solve
small, real-life problems
4) All the while it is intended to present Software
Engineering as an interesting subject to the students
where learning and fun can go alongside.
Course Outcomes(Expected On completion of the course, the students will be able to
Outcome): 1. Understand basic Software engineering methods and
practices, and their appropriate application.
2. Describe software process models such as the waterfall
and evolutionary models.
3. Discuss role of project management including
planning, scheduling and, risk management.
4. Explain data models, object models, context models
and behavioral models.
5. Understand of different software architectural styles
and Process frame work.
List of experiments: This is the sample list of Experiments; minimum 12 experiments are to be
performed covering the entire syllabus. At least two experiments should be beyond syllabi
based on learning of syllabi (Apply)
[1] Identifying the Requirements from Problem Statements
Requirements, Characteristics of Requirements, Categorization of Requirements, Functional
Requirements, Identifying Functional Requirements

[2] Estimation of Project Metrics

Project Estimation Techniques, COCOMO, Basic COCOMO Model, Intermediate COCOMO
Model, Complete COCOMO Model, Advantages of COCOMO, Drawbacks of COCOMO,
Halstead's Complexity Metrics

[3] Modeling UML Use Case Diagrams and Capturing Use Case Scenarios
Use case diagrams |,Actor , Use Case , Subject , Graphical Representation , Association between
Actors and Use Cases , Use Case Relationships , Include Relationship , Extend Relationship ,
Generalization Relationship ,Identifying Actors , Identifying Use cases , Guidelines for drawing
Use Case diagrams

[4] E-R Modeling from the Problem Statements

Entity Relationship Model , Entity Set and Relationship Set , Attributes of Entity , Keys , Weak
Entity , Entity Generalization and Specialization ,Mapping Cardinalities , ER Diagram ,
Graphical Notations for ER Diagram , Importance of ER modeling

[5] Identifying Domain Classes from the Problem Statements

Domain Class , Traditional Techniques for Identification of Classes ,Grammatical Approach
Nouns , Advantages , Disadvantages ,Using Generalization ,Using Subclasses , Steps to Identify
Domain Classes from Problem Statement , Advanced Concepts

[6] State chart and Activity Modeling

State chart Diagrams , Building Blocks of a Statechart Diagram , State , Transition , Action ,
Guidelines for drawing Statechart Diagrams , Activity Diagrams , Components of an Activity
Diagram , Activity , Flow , Decision , Merge , Fork ,Join , Note , Partition ,A Simple Example ,
Guidelines for drawing an Activity Diagram

[7] Modeling UML Class Diagrams and Sequence diagrams

Structural and Behavioral aspects , Class diagram , Elements in class diagram , Class ,
Relationships , Sequence diagram , Elements in sequence diagram , Object , Life-line bar ,

[8] Modeling Data Flow Diagrams

Data Flow Diagram, Graphical notations for Data Flow Diagram, Explanation of Symbols used in
DFD , Context diagram and leveling DFD

[9] Estimation of Test Coverage Metrics and Structural Complexity

Control Flow Graph, Terminologies , McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity, Computing Cyclomatic
Complexity , Optimum Value of Cyclomatic Complexity , Merits , Demerits

[10] Designing Test Suites

Software Testing , Standards for Software Test Documentation , Testing Frameworks , Need for
Software Testing , Test Cases and Test Suite , Types of Software Testing , Unit Testing ,
Integration Testing , System Testing , Example , Some Remarks

Software Requirements: StarUML

Text Book: Pressman Roger. S: Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, TMH.

Reference Books:
1. Somerville: Software Engineering (Addison-Wesley) (5/e)
2. Fairly R: Software Engineering (McGraw Hill)
3. Davis A: Principles of Software Development (McGraw Hill)
4. Shooman, M.L: Software Engineering (McGraw-Hill)
Practical No. 1

Aim: Identifying the Requirements from Problem Statements

Requirements , Characteristics of Requirements, Categorization of Requirements, Functional
Requirements, Identifying Functional Requirements

Requirements identification is the first step of any software development project. Until the requirements of
a client have been clearly identified, and verified, no other task (design, coding, testing) could begin.
Usually business analysts having domain knowledge on the subject matter discuss with clients and decide
what features are to be implemented.
In this experiment we will learn how to identify functional and non-functional requirements from a given
problem statement. Functional and non-functional requirements are the primary components of a Software
Requirements Specification.

After completing this experiment you will be able to:
 Identify ambiguities, inconsistencies and incompleteness from a requirements specification
 Identify and state functional requirements
 Identify and state non-functional requirements
Time Required
Around 3.00 hours

Sommerville defines "requirement" [1] as a specification of what should be implemented. Requirements
specify how the target system should behave. It specifies what to do, but not how to do. Requirements
engineering refers to the process of understanding what a customer expects from the system to be
developed, and to document them in a standard and easily readable and understandable format. This
documentation will serve as reference for the subsequent design, implementation and verification of the
It is necessary and important that before we start planning, design and implementation of the software
system for our client, we are clear about it's requirements. If we don't have a clear vision of what is to be
developed and what all features are expected, there would be serious problems, and customer
dissatisfaction as well.
Characteristics of Requirements
Requirements gathered for any new system to be developed should exhibit the following three properties:
 Unambiguity: There should not be any ambiguity what a system to be developed should do. For
example, consider you are developing a web application for your client. The client requires that
enough number of people should be able to access the application simultaneously. What's the
"enough number of people"? That could mean 10 to you, but, perhaps, 100 to the client. There's an
 Consistency: To illustrate this, consider the automation of a nuclear plant. Suppose one of the
clients say that it the radiation level inside the plant exceeds R1, all reactors should be shut down.
However, another person from the client side suggests that the threshold radiation level should be
R2. Thus, there is an inconsistency between the two end users regarding what they consider as
threshold level of radiation.
 Completeness: A particular requirement for a system should specify what the system should do
and also what it should not. For example, consider a software to be developed for ATM. If a
customer enters an amount greater than the maximum permissible withdrawal amount, the ATM
should display an error message, and it should not dispense any cash.
Categorization of Requirements
Based on the target audience or subject matter, requirements can be classified into different types, as
stated below:
 User requirements: They are written in natural language so that both customers can verify their
requirements have been correctly identified
 System requirements: They are written involving technical terms and/or specifications, and are
meant for the development or testing teams
Requirements can be classified into two groups based on what they describe:
 Functional requirements (FRs): These describe the functionality of a system -- how a system
should react to a particular set of inputs and what should be the corresponding output.
 Non-functional requirements (NFRs): They are not directly related what functionalities are
expected from the system. However, NFRs could typically define how the system should behave
under certain situations. For example, a NFR could say that the system should work with 128MB
RAM. Under such condition, a NFR could be more critical than a FR.
Non-functional requirements could be further classified into different types like:
 Product requirements: For example, a specification that the web application should use only
plain HTML, and no frames
 Performance requirements: For example, the system should remain available 24x7
 Organizational requirements: The development process should comply to SEI CMM level 4
Functional Requirements
Identifying Functional Requirements
Given a problem statement, the functional requirements could be identified by focusing on the following
 Identify the high level functional requirements simply from the conceptual understanding of the
problem. For example, a Library Management System, apart from anything else, should be able to
issue and return books.
 Identify the cases where an end user gets some meaningful work done by using the system. For
example, in a digital library a user might use the "Search Book" functionality to obtain information
about the books of his interest.
 If we consider the system as a black box, there would be some inputs to it, and some output in
return. This black box defines the functionalities of the system. For example, to search for a book,
user gives title of the book as input and get the book details and location as the output.
 Any high level requirement identified could have different sub-requirements. For example, "Issue
Book" module could behave differently for different class of users, or for a particular user who has
issued the book thrice consecutively.

Preparing Software Requirements Specifications

Once all possible FRs and non-FRs have been identified, which are complete, consistent, and non-
ambiguous, the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is to be prepared. IEEE provides a
template [iv], also available here, which could be used for this purpose. The SRS is prepared by the
service provider, and verified by its client. This document serves as a legal agreement between the client
and the service provider. Once the concerned system has been developed and deployed, and a proposed
feature was not found to be present in the system, the client can point this out from the SRS. Also, if after
delivery, the client says a new feature is required, which was not mentioned in the SRS, the service
provider can again point to the SRS. The scope of the current experiment, however, doesn't cover writing
a SRS.
We show here how to extract functional requirements when a problem statement is given. The case
under study is a online voting system.
Internet has led to discussion of e-democracy and online voting. Many peoples think that the internet
could replace representative democracy, enabling everyone to vote on everything and anything by online
voting .Online voting could reduce cost and make voting more convenient. This type of voting can be
done for e-democracy, or it may be used for finalizing a solution, if many alternatives are present. Online
voting make’s use of authentication, hence it needs security, and the system must be able to address
obtaining, marking, delivering and counting ballots via computer. Advantage of online voting is it could
increase voter turnout because of convenience, and it helps to reduce fraud voting.

A few of the functional requirements have been shown here. There could be others like email
notifications, error handling and so on. Similarly, one has to identify the non functional requirements also.
For example, the system must remain accessible to thousands of users at a time.

Case Study

[Hide]# 1 : A Library Information System for SE VLabs Institute

The SE VLabs Institute has been recently setup to provide state-of-the-art research facilities in the field of
Software Engineering. Apart from research scholars (students) and professors, it also includes quite a
large number of employees who work on different projects undertaken by the institution.
As the size and capacity of the institute is increasing with the time, it has been proposed to develop a
Library Information System (LIS) for the benefit of students and employees of the institute. LIS will
enable the members to borrow a book (or return it) with ease while sitting at his desk/chamber. The
system also enables a member to extend the date of his borrowing if no other booking for that particular
book has been made. For the library staff, this system aids them to easily handle day-to-day book
transactions. The librarian, who has administrative privileges and complete control over the system, can
enter a new record into the system when a new book has been purchased, or remove a record in case any
book is taken off the shelf. Any non-member is free to use this system to browse/search books online.
However, issuing or returning books is restricted to valid users (members) of LIS only.

The final deliverable would a web application (using the recent HTML 5), which should run only within
the institute LAN. Although this reduces security risk of the software to a large extent, care should be
taken no confidential information (eg., passwords) is stored in plain text.

Identification of functional requirements

The above problem statement gives a brief description of the proposed system. From the above, even
without doing any deep analysis, we might easily identify some of the basic functionality of the system:
 New user registration: Any member of the institute who wishes to avail the facilities of the
library has to register himself with the Library Information System. On successful registration, a
user ID and password would be provided to the member. He has to use this credentials for any
future transaction in LIS.
 Search book: Any member of LIS can avail this facility to check whether any particular book is
present in the institute's library. A book could be searched by its:
 Title Authors name Publisher's name
 User login: A registered user of LIS can login to the system by providing his employee ID and
password as set by him while registering. After successful login, "Home" page for the user is
shown from where he can access the different functionalities of LIS: search book, issue book,
return book, reissue book. Any employee ID not registered with LIS cannot access the "Home"
page -- a login failure message would be shown to him, and the login dialog would appear again.
This same thing happens when any registered user types in his password wrong. However, if
incorrect password has been provided for three time consecutively, the security question for the
user (specified while registering) with an input box to answer it are also shown. If the user can
answer the security question correctly, a new password would be sent to his email address. In case
the user fails to answer the security question correctly, his LIS account would be blocked. He
needs to contact with the administrator to make it active again.
 Issue book: Any member of LIS can issue a book against his account provided that:
 The book is available in the library i.e. could be found by searching for it in LIS
 No other member has currently issued the book
 Current user has not issued the maximum number of books that can
If the above conditions are met, the book is issued to the member. 
Note that this FR would remain incomplete if the "maximum number of books that can be issued
to a member" is not defined. We assume that this number has been set to four for students and
research scholars, and to ten for professors. 
Once a book has been successfully issued, the user account is updated to reflect the same.

 Return book: A book is issued for a finite time, which we assume to be a period of 20 days. That
is, a book once issued should be returned within the next 20 days by the corresponding member of
LIS. After successful return of a book, the user account is updated to reflect the same.
 Reissue book: Any member who has issued a book might find that his requirement is not over by
20 days. In that case, he might choose to reissue the book, and get the permission to keep it for
another 20 days. However, a member can reissue any book at most twice, after which he has to
return it. Once a book has been successfully reissued, the user account is updated to reflect the

In a similar way we can list other functionality offered by the system as well. However, certain features
might not be evident directly from the problem system, but which, nevertheless, are required. One such
functionality is "User Verification". The LIS should be able to judge between a registered and non-
registered member. Most of the functionality would be available to a registered member. The "New User
Registration" would, however, be available to non-members. Moreover, an already registered user
shouldn't be allowed to register himself once again.
Having identified the (major) functional requirements, we assign an identifier to each of them [v] for
future reference and verification. Following table shows the list:

Table 01: Identifier and priority for software requirements

# Requirement Priority
R1 New user registration High
R2 User Login High
R3 Search book High
R4 Issue book High
R5 Return book High
R6 Reissue book Low
Identification of non-functional requirements
Having talked about functional requirements, let's try to identify a few non-functional requirements.
 Performance Requirements:
 This system should remain accessible 24x7
 At least 50 users should be able to access the system altogether at any given time
 Security Requirements:
 This system should be accessible only within the institute LAN
 The database of LIS should not store any password in plain text -- a hashed value has to be
 Software Quality Attributes
 Database Requirements
 Design Constraints:
 The LIS has to be developed as a web application, which should work with Firefox 5,
Internet Explorer 8, Google Chrome 12, Opera 10
 The system should be developed using HTML 5
Once all the functional and non-functional requirements have been identified, they are documented
formally in SRS, which then serves as a legal agreement.

1. When is feasibility study done?

 After requirements specifications have been finalized 
 During the period when requirements specifications are prepared 
 Before the final requirements specifications are done 
 Could be done at eny time 
2. A good requirement specification is one, which is
 All of the above 
3. Requirement specification is done
 After requirements are determined 
 Before requirements are determined 
 Simultaneously with requirements determination 
 Independent of requirements determination 
4. Functional requirements of a system are related to
 Using the system (by users) to get some meaningful work done 
 How the system functions under different constraints 
 Whether they adhere to the organization policies 
5. SRS refers to
 Software Requirements Specification 
 System Resources Statement 
 Statement of Reliability of System 
 Standard Requirements Statement 
6. The main objective behind preparing a SRS is to
 Let client and developers agree that they understand each other 
 Formally note down the requirements 
 Estimate the cost of development 
 To judge whether the project could be undertaken 
Steps for conducting the experiment
General Instructions
Follow are the steps to be followed in general to perform the experiments in Software Engineering
Virtual Lab.
1. Read the theory about the experiment
2. View the simulation provided for a chosen, related problem
3. Take the self evaluation to judge your understanding (optional, but recommended)
4. Solve the given list of exercises

Experiment Specific Instructions

Following are the instructions specifically for this experiment:
1. From the given problem statement, try to figure out if there's any inconsistency with the
requirement specification
2. Also, try to determine what are the functional and non-functional requirements are
3. Select the check boxes accordingly, and then click on the 'Submit' button

Consider the problem statement for an "Online Auction System" to be developed:

New users can register to the system through an online process. By registering a user agrees to abide by
different pre-defined terms and conditions as specified by the system. Any registered user can access the
different features of the system authorized to him / her, after he authenticates himself through the login
screen. An authenticated user can put items in the system for auction. Authenticated users users can place
bid for an item. Once the auction is over, the item will be sold to the user placing the maximum bid.
Payments are to be made by third party payment services, which, of course, is guaranteed to be secure.
The user selling the item will be responsible for it's shipping. If the seller thinks he's getting a good price,
he can, however, sell the item at any point of time to the maximum bidder available.

Assignment 1 –

Learning Objectives:
1. Learn about the three different aspects that have to be taken care of while writing requirements

Following are the ambiguities

 There's no specification when an auction gets over 
 It doesn't say who are registered users 
 No mention about what technology to be used for developing the application 
Following are the inconsistencies
 An item is said to be sold to the max bidder after auction is over; it can also be sold before the
auction is over 
 A registered user seems could be both buyer and seller 
The problem statement is incomplete because
 No mention of how a new user registers 
 No mention of any dispute regarding the sold product 
 No mention of what kind of products could be put on auction 

Assignment 2 –
Learning Objectives:
1. Identifying different functionaries to be obtained from a system
Limitations: This list is in no way complete; exercise #4 would address this again

Following functional requirements could be obtained from the requirements specifications

 Registration: New users have to register themselves online with the site and accept its terms &
 User Login: A user has to login into the site using his correct user ID & password 
 Upload Item for Auction: An authenticated user can upload an item into the site, which is to be put
on auction subsequently 
 Auction Item: User puts an item already uploaded by him ino the site on auction 
 Balance Check: Bidder should have enough bank balance to bid 
 Bid for Item: Any registered & authenticated user of the system could place a bid for an item on
 Win Auction: After the auction is over, the maximum bidder for the item owns the item post
 Ship Item: Seller of the item ships the item to the auction owner after he (seller) receives the
 Availability: The system should remain up & running before, during and after an auction 
 Remove item: Owner removes an item after uploading it, and doesn't put on auction 
 Remove auctioned item: System automatically removes an item from its inventory after it has been
successfully auctioned 
 Site Support: Customer care for the website should provide 24x7 help over phone 

Assignment 3 –
Learning Objectives:
1. Identifying characteristics that a system should have, but not done by the system itself
Following possible non-functional requirements could be identified from the requirements specifications
 The system provides option for online registration of new users 
 The system should remain up & running throughout it's working hours 
 System automatially removes an item from its database after it has been successfully auctioned 
 Sessions of different users must not affect each other 
 Customer care for the website should provide 24x7 help over phone 
 System should maintain privacy of their users and should not leak their information to third parties 
 System should be able to service 100 users simultaneously 
 System could remain unavailable for upto 2 hours for maintenance once in a quarter with 36 hour
prior notice 

Following books and websites have been consulted for this experiment. 
You are suggested to go through them for further details.
1. Requirements Engineering: A Good Practice Guide, Ian Sommerville, Pete Sawyer, Wiley India
Pvt Ltd, 2009
2. Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Rajib Mall, Prentice-Hall of India, 3rd Edition, 2009
i. Lecture on "System Analysis and Design", NPTEL
ii. When Telepathy Won’t Do: Requirements Engineering Key Practices
iii. Requirements Analysis: Process of requirements gathering and requirement definition
iv. IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications
v. Requirements Trace-ability and Use Cases

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