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Junming Wang
Design of Gas Bearing Systems
for Precision Applications
geboren te Acheng, Heilongjiang (China)
en de copromotor .
ISBN 90-386-0112-3
To Xiao-Wei and
our parents
First of all, I would like to express my great thanks to Prof. dr. ir. P.
H. J. Schellekeos and Prof. dr. ir. A. C. H. van der Wolf for the detailed
financial and technical arrangements of the project and to the firm BOTECH,
Helmond for bis continuous funding and Mitutoyo Nederland R & D, for bis
financial contribution to the project. Without their supports, this project
could not have been completed.
Next, I would like to express my gratitude to the staff and students who
have, in one way or another, helped me through the course of this project,
especially to Klaas Struik, Frits Theuws, Harry Sonnenmans, and Adriaan de
Gilde, Metrology Laboratory, for their practical supports, to Jaap Snip and
Eric Driessen, master students, Jinghan Yang, AIO, for their positive
contributions to the work, and to Theo Maas, CTD, for bis great help with the
test set-ups.
I also wish to state my great appreciation to the promotors Prof. dr. ir.
P. H. J. Schellekeus and Prof. dr. ir. M. J. W. Schouten, the co-promotor dr.
ir. J. W. M. C. Teeuwsen, and the other merobers of the reading committee,
Prof. dr. ir. A. C. H. van der Wolf and Prof. dr. ir. A. A. van Steenhoven for
their fruittul discussions and critical readings of this thesis.
Nomenclatures iv
Acknowledgements vii
Chapter 1. General Introduetion 1
1.1. Gas hearings and their history 1
1.2. Applications 2
1.3. Advantages and limitations 3
1.4. The scope of the present research 4
English letters
A : hearing area m2
Ad 2
: restcictor hole area m
CJ : the reduced Reynolds numher
CJo : the specific reduced Reynolds numher
Cm : reduced Mach numher
cd : discharge coefficient
cp : heat capacity · at constant pressure J kg-1K1
div : divergency
dd : restcictor diameter m
DD : hearing pad dimeter m
DC : diameter of conical region of tri-/bi-conical pads m
e : eccentricity m
E : elasticity N m-2
f : the vector of body force N
f : frequency -1
Fd : dynamic force (moment) N (Nm)
Fm : mass force (inertial moment) N (Nm)
grad : gradient
h : hearing gap height m
h' : dynamic change of hearing gap height m
ho : reference gap height m
he : average gap height in an element m
ht : gap height change due to tilt at edge of a pad m
hw : working gap height m
lm : imaginary
J, j : the moment of inertia Nm
: j = " -1
k : ratio of specific heat, cp/cv
: permeability of porous materials m2
K : correction factor for turbulent restcictor
K : complex stiffness Nm-1
Kn : the Knudsen numher, lp/h
lp : molecular free path m
L : reference dimension m
Design of Gas Bearlng Systems for Precision Applications V
Applications of EPG hearings may be found in all the engineering fields,
especially in the field of Precision Engineering. EPG hearings (strictly
speaking, extemally pressurized gas lubricated elements) are mainly used for
four purposes, i.e. motion supports (including joumal and thrust hearings in
spindles, guideways and leadscrews), actuators, fluid sealings and mechanical
couplings, which are illustrated in Fig. 1.1.
Hearing Pad
Linear slide
Journal Hearing Air Screw Actuator
The aim of the research is to provide the up-to-date knowledge and the
efficient tools to design better EPG hearing systems, including the design of
individual hearings and to arrange all the hearings used in an optimal way.
Both circular and rectangular EPG pads with rigid hearing surfaces and rigid
inlet resttictors will be used in this research.
This thesis consists of two parts: Part one presents the design methods
of single pad..'>, as well as the numerical and experimental research on the
above-mentioned special aspects. Part two gives the principles to design more
accurate EPG hearing systems, as well as simulation and experiments on linear
motion systems.
From a theoretica! viewpoint, gas lubrication is concerned with the study
of gas flow between two surfaces, the distance between these two surfaces
being very small both in absolute value (less than 20 ~m in most applications)
and in comparison with the hearing dimensions (10- 3 -10- 4 ). Nevertheless, under
those conditions, it is reasanabie to neglect the molecular characteristics of
the flow in the lubricant film of Externally Pressurized Gas (EPG) hearings
and to consider the motion of gas as that of continuons fluid. However, if the
permeability of a surface is high, e.g. hearings with porous walls [Majumder,
1988 & Sparrow et al, 1972] or the Knudsen number is greater than unity [Fukui
and Kaneko, 1987], such as self-acting hearings used in the magnetic driver of
information starage systems, the slip velocity at the hearing walls should be
taken into account. In this chapter, we first discuss basic equations for gas
lubrication, particularly in the EPG lubrication. Furthermore, the pressure
equation, known as the Reynolds equation will be discussed in detail with
consideration of hearing gap shape, hearing body tilt and surface
imperfections. Afterwards, the overall characteristics will be described, with
special attention to the relationship between basic concepts in gas dynamics
and fluid mechanics, which can reveal ways to imprave hearing characteristics.
Finally, the models for hearing wall temperature and the refinement of inlet
restcictor flow will be presented.
Y(h) Y(h)
0 =- ~ (2.2)
k O.Ma )2 D~ =-~+Nt-ta_ (JÏ 8~)
Dt az ay ay
where k : ratio of specific heat, k = 1.4 for air,
R : gas constant,
Ma. : the Mach number, Uo/(kRTo) 112 , note that Q/PO "' 1/(RTo)
Uo : reference velocity,
To : reference temperature,
Nf.t : the viscosity number, Nt-t "' f.!O/t-t',
t-t' : the apparent viscosity, t-t'=(ho/L)Poho/U which is a measure
of the combination of the eperation parameters of a bearing.
x = L i:, y = ho y, z = AL z,
u = U Ü, v = q> Uv, w = U A w,
t = (UU) t, p = Po p,
t-t = f.tO f.t, q> = ho/L, A = Lw/L,
L, Lw : reference dimensions in two coordinate directions separately
ho, To, Po, f.tO : reierenee values.
2.5 ...-------,.---,.-_,"-"--,.....".,
__---, 3~------~------.-------.
'iscosity number(N~
0.025 ''
0.6 ''
0.02 ''
0.4 0.015 '
edu, -' Reynolds number(Cj)
__ r(~C_m~)----~
5 10 15 20
working gap (pm) working gap (JJm)
Re : the Reynolds number, Re = Q u b/J.t,
Pr : the Prandtl number, Pr=ep IJ/x
Cr : the reduced Reynolds number, Cr = Re Pr q>, q> = h/L
Cro : the specific reduced Reynolds number, Cro = Reo Pr q>
Reo : the specific Reynolds number, Reo = Q0 u0 h/J.t0
Cm : the reduced Mach number, (k-1) M;
'l's = Ts/T, 1'o = To/T, ie = x /1tr, To, 1tr: relerenee parameters
In cases where the inertia effect can be ignored, the gas stagnation
temperature on the left-hand side of the energy equation can be replaced by
the gas static temperature.
From Fig. 2.2b, one can see that both the reduced Mach number and the
reduced Reynolds number are much smaller than the unit for the hearings with
the orifice restrictor. Hence, the energy equation in this situation is
reduced to the conduction term alone. It is also true for the conical gap
shaped pad at the optimal working gap height. However, the convection term
still remains for the conical gap shaped hearings in higher working gap
height :
8 _ at ("-) { CJ D~o for conical/triconical hearings
(x -")+ Cro ~ = Dt (2.6)
ay ay at 0 for hearings with orifice restrictor
Por the thin film problem, it is convenient to consider the integral form
of the continuity equation :
h ~ dy +Jh a(QU) dy + ~ a(QV) dy +Jh 8(QW) dy 0 (2.11)
J 0 at 0
ax j 0 ay 0
The term Q1. V r 1. represents the unit area mass flow from a restcictor in
the perpendicular direction to the gas film. Mathematically, it is a remaining
term from the equation of continuity to describe the mass flow from a
restcictor which cannot be indicated by the two dimensional Reynolds equation.
In order to derive the pressure equation - the Reynolds equation, the
velocity terms in the continuity equation must be replaced by the pressure
terms. The equation of motion gives the relationship between the pressure and
the velocity.
14 Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Precision Applications
pr= Jyrofl dy, (2.17)
lil= (Fr. flh (fOrfiOh)], Ifl= (fOrfiOh) (2.19)
f(p)= ~ ó pnVn(4he/d)
where d : resttictor diameter; he : entrance gap height
a <trf.1 Bx}
ap.. + a <tff.1 ~)
8Z 8Z
= ~+~hU
8t 8x
+ ~hW
+ f(p) (2.27)
The bearing pad body may be rigidly tilted due to the errors of
manufacturing and assembly, as well as the distartion caused by unsymmetrical
loading and/or thermal loading. As a result, the bearing gap will be changed
by the tilt, the change due to tilting can be expressed as :
ht=xO+yT] (2.29)
TJ, 8 : the tilt angles, 9 = htx/(DD/2), TJ = htz/(DD/2) (2.30)
DD : the pad diameter, htx, htz : gap height change due to tilt
y y
For circular pads, tilting direction can be easily assigned to one set of
coordinates. Therefore, the change of gap height due to tilt can be simplified
as follows :
ht =x e (2.31)
Because the order of the tilt angle is less than 10-3, the influences of
it on the reference coordinate can be ignored. The theoretica! study on a
particular example was reported [Pande, 1985], later these types of hearing
pads were more extensively studied under one dimensional model [Al-Bender and
Brussels, 1992]. However, this thesis presents the comparative study on the
different types of EPG hearing pads based on two dimensional model.
When the direction of motion is different from the wave direction, the
apparent wave length will differ from the actual one. In the special case,
when the moving direction is perpendicular to the wave direction, the position
change will not change the moving body's behaviour. However, as expected, in
the non-perpendicular direction, the performance of a rnaving body will change
with the position change. For circular pads, the orientation of the surface
wave will mean that flow in the gap takes a different pattem in the different
radial direction.
y(h) y(h)
z z
Which means that the load per unit area equals to the average isotheemal bulk
modulus ( K) of gas in a hearing. KT is the local isotheemal bulk modulus.
The hearing moment relative to the rotation axis of tilt reads :
The net load capacity and moment capacity of circular EPG pads with
atmosphere as environmental pressure have the following forms :
Mx = .( .C (P-Pe) z dz dx (2.39)
(P-Pe) x dz dx (2.40)
Mz = räa !bb(P-Pe)
x dx dz (2.43)
Mx =!_a !_b(P-Pe) z dx dz (2.44)
z z f..-a-l
dy l t 1
-1.1'4 .r
2.4.2. Stiffness
The stiffness is the derivative of the load with respect to the working
gap change which can be expressed as follows :
The negative sign indicates that the change of the hearing working gap
bas an opposite direction to the load change. Using the relationship (2.35),
the stiffness can be expressed as follows [Wang et al, 1988] :
s sb + sMi - sMo (2.47)
Where Mout : amount of gas flowing out of a hearing
.fl_ n
-----../ '-- b~
J n~y~ic ~
///T//T//7 77?7777777
slot orifice po rous device
l c:=J----@-
control signal
. Jl . ~~
/7//////7 //?'/////// ////////// 7$//////
parallel conical grooved membrane
complex variables and have two parts: in-phase and out of phase. The stiffness
characteristics of EPG hearings can be expressed by a complex term which may
be called complex stiffness. The imaginary part of the stiffness relates to
the damping properties of the hearing. Therefore, the imaginary part of
stiffness is defined as damping stiffness. The equivalent damping factor can
be defined and will be treated in Chapter 4.
EPG hearings suffer self-excited vibration, termed pneumatic hammer, i.e.
negative damping stiffness occurs. This is due to an unsuitable combination of
operation and design parameters.
cd is known as the "discharge coefficient" and used to correct the errors due
to the simplification of real flow.
In an inherent restrictor, gas flowing through the restcictor is
proportionally controlled by the hearing working gap height and the restcictor
area (A) which equals to the gap entrance area (A = :n:dhw). In an orifice
restrictor, a recess is introduced between the restcictor and the hearing gap,
its restrietion area is the hole area (A=:n:d 2/4). In applications, a realistic
restrietion area can be obtained by either an equivalent area [Holster and
24 Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Precision Applications
Jacobs, 1986] or two resttictors connected in series [Gross et al, 1980]. The
consideration on the entrance effect can be found in many references, such as
luminary recovery [McCabe et al, 1969], geometrical effects [Bennett et al,
1976] [Wen et al, 1983] [Scharrer and Hibbs, 1990] and turbulent effect [Vorh,
1969] [Pan, 1980].
2.5.2. Refinement
From the earlier discussion of the derivation of the Reynolds equation
for EPG lubrication, we noted that the resttictor flow was in the y-direction,
which is beyond the limits of the two dimensional equation in the x-z plane
(see Fig. 2.1). Therefore, an extra term was introduced to consicter the
resttictor flow, which directly results from the integral of the continuity
equation. Note that the denvation of the mass flow introduces twice the
uncertainty of a flow process, one by the temperature-pressure transformation
and the other by the density-pressure transformation. The modified Reynolds
equation derived in this chapter shows that the transfarm from density to
pressure is not really necessary. The parameters evolved in the equation are
the local pressure and the local velocity. By doing the density-pressure
transfarm and using mass flow in the salution of the Reynolds equation, the
local temperature appears again. The vague use of the environmental
temperature instead of the local temperature, like that used in many
references, already conflicts with the starting equation (2.48). The second
problem in the traditional treatment of resttictors is to consicter the
turbulent effect. It is physically true that long befare the turbulent occurs,
the inertia effect can no langer be neglected. In practice, the hearing
working gap height is below 20 ~m. even below 10 ~m in many applications so
that the Reynolds number wiJl be below the starting point for turbulent flow.
Those arguments define the present approach to look for a more realistic
way to model the resttictor flow. From the discussion above, it is understood
that only temperature-pressure relationship is important. From the basic
theory of thermodynamics, we understand that devices like the inherent/orifice
resttictor may show the Joule-Thomson effect [Zhang and Shi, 1978]. If the
Joule-Thomson coefficient (~) is added to the equation (2.48), the gas
velocity becomes (the detailed denvation wil! be given in Appendix 3)
u = [2cp (To -Td)- ~ (Po - Pd)] (2.53)
From experience, it is known that the flow process through the restcictor
is neither adiabatic nor isothermal, but somewhere in between. The
Joule-Thomson coefficient is just a physical quantity to indicate the flow
process. Fig. 2.7 presents the "discharge coefficient" with the pressure
ratio calculated by the equation (2.54).
~ 0.85
0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95
pressure ratio (Pd/Po)
This chapter deals with the practical aspects of designing an EPG
hearing, including developments of the software and the experimental system.
The Finite Element Methad (FEM) was used to solve the Reynolds equation in
order to calculate the overall characteristics of an EPG hearing. An
experimental system was also developed to perfarm both static and dynamic
tests of EPG hearings. Furthermore, the numerical and experimental results on
both circular and rectangular pads are presented with particular attention to
the effects of gap shape, hearing body tilt, surface imperfections, motion
velocity and wall temperature.
3.2.1. Unearlzation
The Reynolds equation given in Chapter 2. can be further separated into
three equations by a harmonie perturbation around an equilibrium condition, h
= ho + tJt and p = po - t.p. For a small change of periadie working gap height,
tJt = h' sin (rot) (3.1)
if the following change of the dynamic pressure distribution is chosen :
t.p = pi sin(rot) + p 0 cos(rot) (3.2)
the time tenn can be eliminated from the Reynolds equation [Stiffler and
Smith, 1975]. pi is the dynamic pressure change in-phase with working gap
height and p 0 is the out of phase change with working gap height.
The part of the Reynolds equation for static operation reads :
~( pohÖ ~)
éiX ~ éiX
+ ~ro~ho ~)+
élz\~ élz i= I
i öf( ) = élpohoU/2 + élpohoW/2
pi élX élz
The part of the equation for dynamic operation with the tenn sin(rot)
reads :
~( pohÖ ~)+ ~(tzhÖ ~) + ~( pi}lÖ ~)+ ~(\'~hÖ ~)
élx ~ ax [jz f.l élz élx ~ élx élz f.l élz
oo az i=l ; élp.
+ 3p h1i' (~ +~) ... ö pi élfo + h' afo
ax ä"fï'
. J .
,. (roh pU)+
![(éiJ?~~'U + 8p~~oU ) +(BP~~'W + Bp~~oW)] (3.4)
The part of the equation for dynamic operation with the tenn of cos(rot)
reads :
~( pohd ~)+ ~(pohÖ ~) + ~( p hÖ ~)+ ~(~hÖ ~+i Ö pu_j!f
0 0
From the FEM formulation, the components of the local coefficient matrix
Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Precision Applications 29
Kij and the components of the right-hand side vector, R; in an element can be
written as (the derivation will be given in Appendix 4) :
- ~zl ~I 0
(U & + W"Ck) (3.8a)
R; = he .l!L p0 (B,; ~ PI< Bk + Cj ~ Plc Ck) (3.8b)
24 fl 1::!.2 e
Pe = (P 1 + P + P )/3 (due to the linear interpolation function)
2 3
=i Pi as
N = 3 for the triangular element and f; = x, z
1jJ; = (A.j + B,; x + Cj z)/b.
~ -
,q,(,. Jl1il:
~ -
ax - 7S" az - 7S"
Ai = x n zn+l - x n+l zn , B,; = z n -z nt-1 Ci = x o+l -x n
with n = mod[Q+l)/3], (mod is the operation to find remainder)
Note that the resttictor area is so small that the restrictor region can
be treated as a point element. The components in the coefficient matrix and
the right-hand side vector read :
0 8f
RJ=(f(p)-p-)Ad (3.9)
The total matrix for the whole hearing area is arrived at by assembling
all the local matrices and the right-hand side vectors.
Therefore, the pressure values in all the nodal points can be found by
solving the set of linear equations, because the components in the coefficient
matrix and the right hand side vector are all constants.
If the continuity equation is only used for the area which does not
include the resttictor region, there will be no o terms in the Reynolds
equation. In this case, the restrictor flow is treated as the natural
boundary, i.e. the flow or pressure gradient at the inlet is prescribed.
In the same way, the FEM tormulation for the dynamic parts of the
KP = 3 he PeR (3.10)
p = [pi pu pi pu pi pu]T (3.11a)
1' 1' 2' ~ r 3
In the point element, the components in the coefficient matrix and the
right hand side vector read :
Kiili=i = 8p Ad R (3.13)
Therefore, the element subroutines for building the local matrix can be
programmed by using the equations (3.8) - (3.13). The whole matrix is
automatically assembied by the standard routines in the SEPRAN™ package. The
non-linear form of the static part of the Reynolds equation is solved by the
Newton method. The use of the average value of the supply pressure and
environmental pressure for a pad with distributed restrictor out of the centre
(both a rectangular and circular pads) produces a good initia! estimate of the
static pressure Po. For the pad with a centre restrictor, the computation will
converge more quickly to the desired accuracy by taking an initia! estimate as
Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Precision Appücations 31
Parameter modification
Calculation of Dynamic
pressure distribution
Fig. 3.2. The flow chart of the software for designing EPG hearings
r +
Rectangular pad
with slot restriator
Rectangular pad
Gas supply
r condition uni
Power amplifier
[el =rr [
1 -1
'l -1 (3.14)
hw r r-ex-ez
r : the radius determined by the three sensors
ex,ez : the eccentricities between the circle determined by the sensors
The displacements were measured by the inductive sensors and the force
was measured by the strain gauge. The specifications of the sensors and the
instruments are listed in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1. Specifications of the instruments
·---~~------------------·---~--------~ -
0.0 HZ 1.6000 K
Fig. 3.5. Vibration mode of loading loop of the experimental system
Fig. 3.6. The test set-up for performing wal/ temperature experiments
Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applications 39
hw=S,1.1m hw=5J.Im
0.36 0.2 , ... ,.... . . «" ..... - - - - ......
.... ..,
~ 0.32
~ 0.16
~"' 0.14
-~ 0.28 '
-~ 0.12 '
~ ~
~ 0.26
hw=IO llm 0.1
0.22 0.08
the advantage of tri-conical gap shaped pads can be seen easily. The
tri-conical gap shaped pad was developed by the author based on the study of
the relationship between the load/stiffness and the gap difference and between
the load/stiffness and the diameter ratio of conical and bi-conical gap shaped
pads [Wang and Schellekeus 1991]. The dimensionless load is defined as the
load capacity divided by the absolute value of the product of the supply
pressure and the hearing area, i.e. WW = W/(Po A). The dimensionless stiffness
is defined as, SS = S hw/(Po A).
Fig. 3.7 presents the load and stiffness changes with respect to diameter
ratios. It can be seen that when the working gap height is less than 10 f!m,
the maximum load and maximum stiffness correspond to nearly the same diameter
ratio (DC/DD = 0.8 - 0.9). lt is also clear that the optimal diameter ratio is
independent of the pad diameter and the supply pressure. Fig. 3.8 shows how
load capacity and stiffness vary with gap difference. It can be seen that the
load capacity increases with the gap difference [Wang, 1990]. However, the
selection of the gap difference is limited by the occurrence of the "pneumatic
hammer" (Fig. 3.9), a self-excitation due to the unsuitable combination of
hearing parameters. It will be seen in Chapter 4 that the stability of gas
system can be determinèd by the hearing film characteristics.
bi-conical pads, P=0.6 MPa bi-conical pads, P=0.6 MPa
0.32.--------.-------, 0.16,.---------,------,
~ 0.12 =10 urn
:! j""
~ 0.26 .... "' 0.1
.9 ".,., .... ;
~ 0.24 //_./'hw=lO urn ~ 0.08
0.2 ___J
0.04 ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - l
' - i_ _ _ _ _. . . . __ _ _ _
5 10 15 5 10 15
gap difference (Jml) gap difference (/.lm)
Fig. 3.8. The load capacity and the stiffness of conical pads
in terms of gap difference
Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applications 41
Fig. 3.9 gives the stability criterion in terrns of diameter ratio, which
reveals the gap shape limits for avoiding the self-excitation. From Fig. 3.8,
one can see that to ensure the same stabie operation there is still room for
gap shape in the inner part to be modified, but not in the outer part. This
implies that an additional conical part will increase load capacity and ensure
the stability at the same time, which leads us to the concept of the
tri-conical gap shaped EPG pads.
8 Unstable
:a~0.. 5 Stabie
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
diameterratio (DC/DD)
Fig. 3.9. The stability criterion of conical pads in tenns of diameter
ratio and gap difference
P = 0.6 MPa, DD= 60 mm P = 0.6 MPa, DD= 60 mm
650r------.------~------~ 60r------.------~------~
55 '
50--, \.0.8
g 450
l 400
1 350
150 5L-----~10~-----1~5------~20 15 5~----~10~-----1~5~----~20
Fig. 3.10 shows the effect of the outer diameter ratio of tri-conical gap
shaped pads. lt can be seen that the optimized outer diameter ratio (DC2/DD)
bas the same value as that for conical gap shaped pads.
Fig. 3.11 presents the comparison of the load capacity and stiffness
among parallel shaped, simple, bi- and tri-conical shaped pads, which shows
that tri-conical pads have the highest load capacity and the highest stiffness
FEM calculation:
-- coi}Ïqtl g_ap.sha~ DC/DD=l.O
.. opturu~ bt-corucal gap shape
-· tn-comcal g~p sha~
- optimized fri-conical gap shape
diameter: DD=60 mm
g 600 pressure: P=O.S MPa
!.. 500
>. 500
l 400
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
working gap height (J.Im)
over the whole working gap range. The load capacity of the optimized
tri-conical EPG pads at 5 1-1m working gap is 50 % higher than that of the
bi-conical gap shaped EPG pads. The comparison of the experimental results
with the FEM calculation for a tri-conical pad is given in a separate figure
shown in the same figure. The uncertainty of load measurements is ± 1.2 N and
the uncertainty of displacement measurements is ± 0.05 j.lill.
Fig. 3.12 shows the complex stiffness magnitude of those pads. The value
at zero frequency is the static stiffness. In the range of higher frequencies,
the stiffness magnitude approaches to a constant, i.e. the stiffness at
infinitive frequency (K,). This is because of the slow response of the gas
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
frequency (Hz)
Fig. 3.12. The comparison of the magnitude of the complex stiffness
supply change, which implies that neither the restcictors nor the film squeeze
effect are functioning in the high frequency range. From this figure, it can
also be seen that K00 increases from the parallel gap shaped pad to. the
tri-conical gap shaped pad. In fact, K00 is the average bulk stiffness of gas
in the bearing. From Fig. 3.11, we understood that the load capacity at the
same working gap height increases from the parallel gap shaped pad to the
tri-conical gap shaped pad. Therefore, the average bulk stiffness should
follow the same pattem
Fig. 3.13 presents the frequency characteristics of the imaginary part of
the stiffness which was defined as the damping stiffness [Wang, 1990]. This
figure shows the frequency characteristics of damping stiffness. If a system
can be so designed that its natural frequency is in the range between 50 to
150 Hz, the hearing damping property is optimally used. Therefore, the dynamic
performance of the system can be enhanced.
diameters. The conicities of all the conical gap shaped pads were optimized
for achieving better overall performance.
Fig. 3.14 schematically shows the configuration of a tri-conical gap
shaped pad with a centre resttictor and a parallel gap shaped pad with four
restrictors. In the text, the resttictor information will be omitted and EPG
pads will be referred to tri-conical gap shaped and parallel gap shaped pads.
gap shaped pad Parallel gap shaped pad
with center restrictor with four restrictors
~ 0.34
] :Ë
·g 0.1
j 0.32 gj
5 0.08
§ 0.06
.§ 0.3
'"0 .Ei
......~':lll.l~l.... ·····•·"'·"''"'''''
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
tilt ratio (ht/hw) tilt ratio (ht/hw)
Fig. 3.15. Tilting' effects on overall characteristics of circular EPG
hearings with a center inlet restrictor (p = 0.6 MPa, hw= 5 !Wf)
Fig 3.17 presents the effects at 0.6 MPa supply pressure and 10 ~m
working gap height. The load capacity of the hearing pads with tri- and
bi-conical gap shapes in these conditions rapidly increases with tilt, while
the load capacity of the pads with parallel gap shape decreases rapidly with
tilt. The stiffness of all the pads increases with tilt, but the stiffness of
the pad with parallel gap shape changes very rapidly.
In comparison with Fig. 3.15, one may note that the perfonnance becomes
more complicated. From these two examples, one can see that there is nothing
in common between the two different working gap heights. From the extensive
study, it was found that the dimensionless overall characteristics of the
supply and hearing dimension pressure show a similar trend.
A condusion can be drawn that the normalized overall characteristics by
the pressure or hearing dimension can be used in qualitative study only.
However, the overall characteristics nonnalized in one working gap teil us
nothing in the other.
• 0.2 -----------------------*--
·· .. _parallel tri-conical
~ 0.24 ~ 0.16
.9 t;
"' 0.14
fB ""
] 0.235 6
~ ·~ 0.12
~ ... "" .. ""
,,:-:; .§
-·- .",
0.23 .,. ______ ... __ ...
bi-conical ~
--.... -
0.225 0.06
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8
tilt ratio (hf/hw) tilt ratio (hf/hw)
j 0.03
~ 0.105 J 0.02
0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
ti1t ratio (ht/hw) tilt ratio (ht/hw}
0.1 .................... -
hw= 10 pm •••• •••
0.08 ,_ ....... ;"""", ....
ra o.355 : 0.06
0.35 -~
---- hw=
-- ---
.... _
0.335oc__ __._ ___.__;;,;;,~_,_=.::___j OL--~~-~--~---e
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
tilt ratio (ht/hw} tilt ratio (ht/hw)
Fig. 3.20 shows the tilting effects on rectangular pads, from which it
can be seen that the effects on the load capacity and stiffness at higher
working gap height are similar to those of the circular pads with parallel gap
shape. However, at lower working gap height, the behaviour is different, both
load capacity and stiffness increase.
The dimensionless load and stiffness of two circular EPG pads with
different diameters are shown in Fig. 3.21. The diameter ratio and the gap
difference ratio (the gap difference over working gap height) are exactly the
same in the two pads. From the graphs, it can be seen that there is not much
difference between them. It suggests that the supply pressure and the pad area
can be easily normalized because they have the simple relationships with the
Ioad capacity and stiffness.
0.36 Û)
!:!3- 0.12
~ !El 0.1
"'~ "'
0.32 '"2
<l) "'c:
"0 .§ 0.06
0.3 "0
hw= l01.1m
0.26 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
tilt ratio (ht/hw) tilt ratio (ht/hw)
Fig. 3.21. The tilt effects on EPG pads with different dimensions
Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Precision Applications 51
184 - experiments with uncertainty
o calculations
~ 182
.§ 180
0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75
tilt ratio (ht/hw)
Fig. 3.22a. Expertmental verifwation of tilt effects on parallel pads
"0 160
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
tilt ratio (ht/hw)
Fig. 3.22b. Experimental verification of tilt effects on tri-conical pads
infonnation further suggests that the bi-/tri-conical gap shaped pads are not
sensitive to the tilt. Their overall characteristics under tilt are even
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
frequncy (Hz)
Fig. 3.23. Tilt effects on dynamic performance of EPG pads
Fig. 3.24b presents the micro view of typical granite surfaces. At first
glance, it may be doubted that the permeability would play a significant role.
lndeed, the experiments showed that the permeability of this kind of granite
can be neglected, although the porosity may cause problems due to the local
gas trapping.
90 degrees, it is convex. Therefore, the load capacity and stiffness are much
reduced in the later case.
0 •3 r----,,.---a-"'m=p"i)li;:;.tu""de-:--:--,-----, 0.05
,·····-., - 3 um
~ 0.26 ~--·--~~~~~--- !a
1 0.24
~------------. ~
'........ ,. ''
~ ~
~ 0.340.36 .._
ij 0.14 ' '' ''
\ !S'liS .' ' ''
-3pm \'" ,/ 0.12 ............______ ,,'
0.32 ... Opm .. \.,..,
......... ../
0.3 0.1
-200 -100 0 100 200 -200 -100 0 100 200
phase (deg.) phase (deg.)
tri -conical
0.42 0.18 . ' ' tri-conical
........ ,'
0.4 . -- . ''
~ ~
.. Oum
-........ - ""
.. -
·.:: 0.16
"' ''
.. '
.. '
Fig. 3.25. The change of load capacity and stiffness of EPG hearings
with phase of surfaces wave (DD=60 mm, hw= 5 f1111, P= 0.6MPa)
Fig. 3.26 shows the effects of the wavelength of the wave form. It can be
seen that if the ratio of the half wave length over the pad diameter is
greater than 1.5, the influence on the bi-/tri-conical pads is small,
especially on the stiffness. On the other hand, the influences on the load and
stiffness of parallel gap shaped pads increase with decreasing of wave length.
Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Precision Appllcations 55
0.2 -0.05
-200 -100 0 100 200 -200 -100 0 100 200
phase (deg.) phase (deg.)
0.45 .------,..--...!b::.!.i-con~~i~ca:!!l_-,.---____, 0.2 bi-conical
___wavelength ratio: 0.18
~ 0.4 _,- --, -- 0.5
~ '
] 0.35 j 0.14
.......... ,//'
"' 0.12 ...................
0.3 0.1
-200 -100 0 100 200 -200 -100 0 100 200
phase (deg.) phase (deg.)
Fig. 3.27 shows the change of the damping stiffness in two extreme phase
conditions (+90~ top figure, and -90~ bottorn figure) when the pads operate on
the wavy surface. The figure only shows the change of the damping stiffness
relative to the ideal condition. In the example, the single sine wave was
used. The half wave length is taken the same as the pad diameter (60 mm) with
1 fJ-ffi amplitude. It can be seen that the change is insignificant. The values of
- tri-conical
-- bi-conical
:@ 0.3 -.parallel
~ 0.2
] ----------------------------------------------------
~ -15
--- - tri-conical
-- bi-conical
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
frequency (Hz)
can simply use the geometrical average of gap height. The derivation of local
gap height from the ideal surface is averaged in an element. An alternative
flow averaged model was also proposed [Wang, 1990] to deal with more
complicated surface profile.
A grinding surface of an EPG pad is given in Fig. 3.28a. When the surface
pattem is introduced to the FEM formulation, the surface profile is locally
averaged in an element, shown in Fig. 3.28b. The derivations of load capacity
and stiffness from the ideal conditions are shown in Fig. 3.29. It can be seen
that both load capacity and stiffness show a significant change.
20 -JO
0 -12
-20 -14
-40 L - - - - ' - - - - - - ' - - - - - -16 L..__ _ _ __,__ _ __,__ ___.J
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
working gap (pm) working gap (J.Im)
Fig. 3.29. Load capacity and stiffness change on a rough surface
to tum on gas
0 lO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
relative time
TR-60. P:Sbar
21.6 ,..~-... --..-.• ~-----.-------
· sensor 2
W . _ Ut S
sensor4 -
= 21
~e.nsor 5 &7
~ 20.8l
20.4o-----=-so:-:o----looo...._____ls. ._o_o____2.oo_o
. . ____2_jsoo
relative time 1 sec.
ë 19.9
0 200 1600
rciative time
Fig. 3.30 shows the temperature measurement of the inlet air in the
Metrology Laboratory, TUE. The experimental set-up was given in Fig. 3.6. It
can be seen that the temperature of the supply gas (sensor 3) is lower than
the room temperature. As a result, the cooler gas is introduced into the
bearings, and also machine surface.
Additionally, the Joule-Thomson effect will occur in devices such as
restrictors, which means that the gas will be further cooled down through a
restrictor. Some experimental data on the three types of circular pads with
two different type restrietars are given in Fig. 3.31 and 3.32. From these
results, we can conclude that the gas temperature is indeed lowered through
restrictor and a gas film acts as a heat sink source. The recessed pads (the
bearing with orifice restrictor) cause a larger temperature drop. The bi- and
tri-conical gap shaped pads cause a less temperature drop in the outlet
restrictor because of the relatively fast gas speed in the region. Different
~~-----... ··--...
~ __
~ 0.32
~ ',,
.§ 0.3 raUel paraHel
:.s 0.28
0.26 -0.05
.. parallel
-- bi-conical
6 - tri -conical
The numerical and experimental research further reveals that the EPG
hearings with concave gap shapes provide higher load capacity and higher
Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applications 63
stiffness. The tri-conical gap shaped pads are superior to the parallel and
bi-conical gap shaped pads.
The hearing body tilt will greatly reduce the load capacity and stiffness
of the parallel gap shaped hearing, maximum change of the stiffness is up 60 %
at the optimal working gap height. On the other hand, the tri-conical gap
shaped pads are much less sensitive to tilt, e.g. the stiffness change is less
than 1 % at the optimal working gap height.
The tri-/bi-canical gap shaped pads are also less influenced by surface
imperfection, especially if the half wavelength is greater than 1.5 times pad
reference dimension (e.g. diameter for circular pads). The worst case is that
the half wave length is equal to the pad reference dimension.
In the velocity range of less than one meter per second, the load
capacity and stiffness rarely change. However, the relatively high velocity
will greatly reduce the hearing load capacity and stiffness.
The temperature of the gas supply is generally lower than the standard
room temperature, 0.5 - 1 °G. The gas through a restcictor can be further
caoled down by the Joule-Thomson effect. In very accurate applications, it may
cause significant distartion of the structure.
From the study in this chapter, a general guideline to designing
mechanica} systems with EPG pads beoomes clear. The bi/tri-conical EPG pads
are preferabie because they are less sensitive to tilt and surface
Linear guides with EPG hearings are basic elements in CMMs (Çoordinate
Measuring Machines) and some other machine tools. The geometrical errors due
to the finite stiffness of materials and thermal-elastic effects have been
extensively studied, e.g. [Soons and Schellekens, 1991]. In this work, we
concentrate on the role of EPG hearings in a linear guide. For cleamess, both
the guide beam and the slide are taken as the rigid body. In the previous
chapters, we have already stuclied the overall characteristics of EPG pads, but
the task still remains to investigate the influences of arrangements of EPG
pads on system hehaviour. Based on some typical linear guides, some important
design concepts will he discussed, which include the loop stiffness,
kinematica! mounting and driving, symmetrical arrangement and preloading
Furthermore, the appropriate models both for studying static and dynamic
hehavour of linear guides are developed. The homogeneous transformation, the
matrix form of coordinate transform, is used to descrihe the real gap height
of an EPG hearing in a structure. Through this model, the slide hehaviour, due
to the change of hearing working gap height, can he determined, which can he
used, for instance, to specify a guide surface quality for a desired accuracy.
In genera!, the stiffness of the gas film is frequency and displacement
dependent For vibrations with a small amplitude (e.g. 0.5 f.Lm), constant
stiffness at a specific frequency can he assumed. Therefore, the response of a
gas hearing system can he obtained by the loci of the response of a continuous
series of linear systems. At each frequency, the corresponding system is
represented by a linear differential equation with constant coefficients. For
a relatively high vibration amplitude, the response at a specific frequency
can he determined by characterizing the film stiffness. It was found that the
displacement dependenee of hearing film stiffness can he characterized by a
cubic function. The morlal distribution at a specific space coordinate can he
found by a transformation of the morlal from the general coordinate system into
the spatial coordinate system. The response in the time domain under the given
excitation can he determined by using the same transformation.
66 Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Preeision Applications
1. foundation
2. guide
3.4. conneetion
5. slide
6-9. springs
In general, the gas film stiffness is more difficult to achieve than the
stiffness of mechanical elements. Therefore, in the design, sufficient
stiffness of all the mechanical elements should be ensured, a study on this
subject was conducted to design a better mounting mechanism [Driessen, 1992]
and some good examples will be illustrated in the next chapter.
4.2.5. Pretoading
Pretoading can be used not only to restrain unwanted degrees of freedom
completely but also to set the optima! working gap height of EPG pads. In
genera!, pretoading can be provided by an opposite EPG pad, a vacuum pad or a
magnetic strip (force preloading) and structure weight (mass preloading).
Mass pretoading is a simpte way to provide preloading, but it can be only
used in a vertical direction (or vertical direction and one rotation in the
guide with eccentric mass). but the optimization of hearing characteristics is
limited by mass value. This methad is useful for relatively heavy structures.
In a light structure extra mass may be necessary, which will lower the lowest
natura! frequency of the system.
The opposite EPG pad pretoading requires the high accuracy, both in
flatness and in parallelism of the two opposite surfaces of the guide beam, in
the process of manufacturing and assembling of a structure. Due to technical
limits, it may become impossible to build a highly accurate and large
70 Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Precision Applications
and the guide beam, the change of working gap height will be the relative
change of the coordinates 6cs in the pad mounting position with respect to the
reference coordinates les.
In this study, a rigid slide was used, which allows us to concentrata on
studying the coordinates in the mass centre and the attitude angles of the
slide. In a linear guide, the slide position is defined by all the EPG pads
mounted on it. Therefore, the mass centre coordinates and the attitude angles
of the slide can be described by all the hearing working gap heights. In
practice, the working gap height will change due to the change of the
effective lood capacity, e.g. lood capacity varlation on a rough surface. By
using the relationship between the working gap height and the slide
bebaviours, the slide motion errors can be determined. Moreover, for a desired
level of accuracy, the manufacturing and assembling errors of a slide for a
fixed type hearings can be defined.
In an arbitrary condition, the hearing position will be modified by the
following matrix :
Fig. 4.3. An example of a linear guide with EPG hearings with the
definition of coordinates and hearing gap height
72 Design of Gas Bearlng Systems for Precision Applieations
If all the pads in a linear guide are arranged fully symmetrically with
respect to the Y-Z plane, the change of the centre coordinates and the
attitude angles of the slide can be expressed by the working gap height :
dyc = (DJ.{\ry; - :Dlwy;)/n (4.7)
dzc = (.th{\rzi
- .thwzï)/n (4.8)
y = (.t.Mtw;x - .t.Mtwf,t)/2ay (4.9)
13 = (.t.Mtw!x - .t.Mtw~)/2az (4.10)
a = (.t.Mtw;z - .t.Mtwf.;:)/2cy = (.thw!y - .thw;y)/2bz (4.11)
or a = [(.t.Mtw;z + .t.Mtwf.;:)+(.t.Mtw~y + .t.Mtw;y)]/(2cz+2cy) (4.11a)
.ó.hwy; = h{\ry; - hWyi, and .ó.hwzi = b{\rzi - hWzi
+ referring to the gap height corresponding to the pad in
the positive coordinate direction
referring to the gap height corresponding to the pad in
the negative coordinate direction
footnote: x,y,z, coordinates, e.g.
.thwY,. stands for the sum of all the gap heights in the Y
direction with the positive z coordinate
ay implies the coordinate X for the bearing mounted in the
surface perpendicular to Y axis
n number of pads
odata 28
- cubic fitting
DD=60mm 27
dd= O.Smm
P= 0.6MPa 26
:§: 45 :§:
:z: :z: 25
6 40
~- 35 ~
"' 23
- cubic fitting
30 DD= 60mm
dd= 0.5 mm
25 P= 0.6MPa
20 20
5 10 15 5 10 15
By using the damping factor, the total stiffness of an EPG pad reads
--realstiffness, tilt
.. damping factor, tilt
- real stiffness, normal
-. damping factor, normal
..... "" ........ --- ........
~ ...........
--- -----
.. /' ... ............................ ..
---- ..
frequency (Hz)
Fig. 4.5. The real stiffness and damping toss factor of tri-conical
gap shaped EPG pads (p = 0.6 MPa, kw = 5 ~)
76 Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Precision Applications
With the comparison of the damping coefficient, it can be seen that the
damping factor at resonance is . twice the damping coefficient in the viseaus
vibration model and the inverse of the quality factor.
Fig. 4.5 shows the distribution of the Re[K(ro)] and iJ(w) for lin EPG pad
witb tri-conical gap shape from which one can see that they are nonlinear
functions of, the frequency. Therefore, the response of a gas hearing system
can only he obta1ned by the loci of the response of a continuous series of
linear systems. We take this bearing as an example to illustrate the idea by
assuming this hearing support a 60 kg mass. At a specific frequency, the
damping factor and the total stiffness are constants. At this frequency, we
solve the linear differential equationsconstant coefficients. In this
example, we solve 20 equations and the loci of frequency response is given in
Fig. 4.6, from which it can he seen that the characteristics of tri-conical
gap shaped pads are improved under tilt of pad body and the vibration
amplitude decreases. This is due to the increase of the damping factor. The
role of the damping factor in the control of the vibration amplitude will he
discussed later by using the equation of the vibration motion.
5 xl0-5 tri-conical
.-. 4
.a 3
0 50 100 350 400
frequency (Hz)
film. In the special case, e.g. for the absolutely stabie or absolutely
unstable hearings, three elements, two spring elements and one dashpot, are
sufficient to describe the characteristic of the gas film. The physical
meaning of the model can be described by the overall compressibility of gas
film, the reciprocal · of the mass content bulk modulus (K.) and the modulus
associated with the change of mass content. lt can be directly seen in the
three-element model, the representations of the element models are given in
Fig. 4.7.
seen as a mechanical system with the zero mass and one spring in the top and
one spring and one dashpot in the bottom. If this model is used in the
equation of the vibration motion, one more degree of treedom for a hearing pad
will be introduced. The benefit is that all stiffness in the system is
By consictering the initia! balance between the static forces and the
static moment, such as mass and/or other pretoading forces and the hearing
static load capacity, the equation of motion for an EPG hearing system
- M w2 {X} = (Re[K(w)] + j Im[K(w)]) {X} + {Fd} (4.20)
- M ro2 {X} = - Re[K(ro)](1 + j {TJ(ro)}) {X} + {Fd} (4.21)
If we use the element approach to model the film stiffness, the equation
of the motion for a gas hearing system can he written with constant
coefficients and with increased degrees of freedom. In the three-element
model, one additional degree of freedom will he introduced for a pad.
From the definition of the damping factor [Newland, 1979], it is
understood that the natural frequency is not influenced by the damping factor.
If we are interested in the (dynamic) natural frequency only, the equation of
the motion can he further reduced to the following form :
for the feedback loop is the static stiffness, the real part of the transfer
function is the dynamic stiffness and the imaginary part is the damping
stiffness. The product of these two transfer functions reads :
/:,W 1 /:,h
+;=== ---
Mcu 2
K(jcu) r--
SQw) =-- 2
{Re[KQw)] + j Im[KQw)]} (4.23)
This implies that a stabie hearing system should have positive damping
stiffness, which further illustrates the stability criteria used in Chapter 3.
From this expression, it can also he seen that the natura! frequency of a
hearing system is determined by a specific value of the total stiffness which
results from the frequency dependenee of stiffness characteristics. For
convenience, this value was defined as the dynamic natura! stiffness. It is
readily to see that this value is dependent of the mass. For a selected system
with a fixed mass value, the dynamic natura! stiffness can he detennined by
the trial-and-error metbod through the equation IRe[Kfjro)JI = Mro 2 • This
equation can only he satisfied at a specific frequency value, which is the
natural frequency.
If the transfer function of a hearing stiffness characteristics has the
cross over frequency (the plot goes through the real axis), the stability can
he expressed in an alternative way :
It can he verified that there exists one cross over frequency for the
transfer function with two poles and two zeros.
The time constants, \, 't 2 , 't and 't 4 can he determined from the hearing
stiffness characteristics (as illustrated in Fig. 4.9). However, it should he
noted that they are all working gap-dependent for a selected hearing under the
same supply pressure. If all the hearings in a structure do not operate in the
same working gap height, the total stiffness characteristics will beoome more
complicated, more cross over frequencies may he introduced, particularly in
the system with mixed hearing characteristics.
In special cases, i.e. absolutely stabie (1; > 1: ) or absolutely unstable,
1 2
82 Design of Gas Bearlng Systems for Precision Applications
h 1 < 't2 ), the transfer function is simplified as the function with one pole
and one zero, i.e. :
Kfjro) = K0 (1 +jm't )/(1 +jrot
1 2
) (4.28)
or Kfjro) = K0 [(l+ro 2 t t )+jro(1; -t )]/[(l+(t ro) 2 ] (4.29)
1 2 1 2 2
1/T1 1/'Te
Frequency (f)
In the three-element model, the mass matrix is singular due to the zero
mass elements are introduced, e.g. for M X M mass matrix with N zero mass.
The first thing to do is to reduce the mass matrix and reconstruct the damping
and stiffness matrices in order to get the eigenvalnes of the matrix, in other
words, the natural frequency of the system. The new matrix Mr, (M-N) x (M-N),
can be obtained by cutting off the rows and columns corresponding to the zeros
mass. New stiffness matrix Sr, (M-N) x M, can be built up simply by canceling
the rows with respect to the zero mass. However, the rows and columns in the
damping matrix corresponding to the zero mass in the damping matrix must be
made to zero if they are not zero and the new damping matrix Dr becomes (M-N)
x (M-N) matrix.
Thereafter, the problem becomes the normal vibration problem with
damping, which can be solved by the reduced order metbod [Newland, 1989]. A
new square matrix with dimension, (2M-N)x(2M-N) is then composed. In the OS
matrix, the rows (iis) corresponding to the zero mass diagonals, m(ii,ii),
have the new coefficients which are the ratio of the elements in the original
stiffness matrix, S(m, n), over the element, D(ii,ii), in the original damping
OS(19x19) liD (19X9)
A= (4.31)
M~ 1 Kr I M~ Dr
(9x19) I ( 9x9)
matrix for all the columns. In the ID matrix, there is the similar treatment,
except only the elements corresponding to the non-zero mass diagonal (ii) are
taken into account :
OS(m,n) Im(ii,ii)=O = S(m,n)/D(ii,ii)
ID(mJ) Im(ii,ii)=O = D(m,j)/D(ii,ii) (4.32)
ii = 1,2, ... , number of zero mass, j 1,2, ... , number of non-zero mass
Because the length of the eigenveetors is arbitrary, the real use of the
transformation matrix needs to normalize the eigenvectors. The vibration modes
which we have found are uncoupled modes in the generalized coordinates {y}. In
practice, we like to know the relationship between a mode and the system
parameters. This suggests that we need to analyze the composition of each mode
where : eigenvalue
In our problems, the mass matrix is always diagonal so that the matrix B
equals the inverse of the mass matrix, i.e. B = M 1•
This chapter presented the models to describe the real gap height, which
are the inter:..connection tools between EPG pads and machine structures. lt can
be used to define a requirement on the guide beam toleranee in terms of
surface waviness and the parallelism in the opposite arrangement of EPG pads.
It may be also used in software correction by coupling the overall
characteristics of EPG hearing pads.
The stiffness of the gas film is generally a non-linear function of
frequency and displacement Nevertheless, in the study of the natural
frequencies of a gas hearing system, the hearing stiffness can be taken as a
specific constant value, i.e. the dynamic natural stiffness, to adapt the
general methods to solve the time-invariant, linear systems. Under a specified
excitation with a constant frequency, it is also reasonable to treat the gas
film with constant characteristics: constant stiffness and constant damping.
Thereafter, the metbod was developed to determine natural frequencies of a
system, the observable modes in a spatial coordinate and the vibration
displacement with time.
In the design of a gas hearing system, there are some more things to be
carefully considered, such as loop stiffness, kinematically positioning and
driving, symmetry and preloading.
This chapter will present the detailed analysis and experiments for a
large linear guide with EPG hearings, which can act as an important component
in CMMs (,Çoordinate Measuring Machines) and some other machines with linear
motion components. The linear guide used in this research was designed in a
way simHar to one slide in a CMM. The purpose of the study is to find out the
role of the EPG hearings in the slide, especially referring to the natural
frequencies of gas bearing systems and the design principles such as loop
stiffness, symmetry, preloading, which were discussed in Chapter 4. In order
to reach this goal, the slide frame was designed with high transmissive
stiffness so that the slide can be considered as a rigid body. Therefore, the
effect of the gas hearing on the slide behaviour can be easily studied. Such a
slide can only be constructed by consirlering constructional details very
carefully, not only the slide frame but also the conneetion of the EPG pads to
the structure, the detailed design considerations were reported earlier
[Driessen, 1992]. The transmissive stiffness of 10 3 N/!lm was realized on the
frame at bearing mounting positions and on the bearing conneetion in which
elastic binges were used. The soft plate spring was selected as a pretoading
mechanism due to its compact size and other special features: to guarantee the
parallel movement of a pad and to realize the self-alignment in the same
mechanism. The binge-soft spring pair reduces the influence of non-parallelism
of the guide beam on the bearing behaviour.
Furthermore, this chapter will present detailed treatments of the models
to determine the natura! frequencies of the linear guide and their
experimental verifications. The slide was studied in three different
configurations bath theoretically and experimentally. The purposes are :
1). to verify the models;
2). to emphasize some essential concepts in the design of a gas hearing
system. These concepts include:
1). fully symmetrical arrangement will decouple vibration modes;
88 Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applications
to adjust the mass center in the vertical plane whlch goes through the line
determined by two top hearings. In configuration lil, the balancing mass was
taken away and the weight of the slide structure acts as an eccentric toading
as it is the case in many CMMs.
F frame
y: 17
(b) {J~X
Fig. 5.2 shows the configuration of the elastic hinge and two other
possible elements to mount an EPG pad on the slide. The elastic hinge is a
kind of ideal element to construct a precision mechanism, particularly for
thls kind of application. The hinge conneetion provides high transmissive
stiffness to ensure loop stiffness whlch is a weak point in traditional
designs. At the same time, it functions as a self-alignment mechanism which is
extremely important to ensure the hearings work properly with less strict
90 Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Precision Applications
c) elastic hinge
contact situation may vary with the appearance of corrosion, dust and
lubricants, etc. The self-alignment results from the balance between the
friction moment and hearing moment. If we think: one step further, we would
doubt what really happens if one wants such a pair making a very small
rotation (10- 4 rad.)! The straight bar conneetion (Fig. 5.2b) really gets rid
of the line contact but the conneetion with high transmissive stiffness and
the efficient self-alignment can not be realized through the same bar.
;c>----- 11 _ _ _ _...,
plate spring
hearing pad
5.2.2. Analysis
Before discussing the experimental verification, we first repeat the aim
of the research on the slide and explain the techniques used in the solution.
Until now, the dynamics of complex, large machines, like CMMs, are rarely
investigated, particularly the machines with EPG hearings. With further
increasing requirements on machine accuracy and reliability, the dynamic
behaviour of the maclllne becomes the most important factor for designers. The
EPG hearing is a basic element in those machines and a key factor influencing
94 Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applications
S =[Y, Z, a, (3, y, l;l, l;2, l;3, ~1, ~. t;3, ~4, t;S, f;6, l;,7, l;,8] (5.1b)
for the contiguration II, (also described in 5.2.1.).
The first five coordinates descrihe the slide motions, i.e. Y, Z, a, (3,
y, l;'s are the motions of the hearing body attached to the plate spring, and
t's are the motions of hearing zero mass elements.
The main diagonal element veetors of the mass matrices read as :
{M} =[ms, ms, jx, jy, jz, mb,mb,mb,mb, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] (5.2a)
{M} =[ms, ms, jx, jy, jz, mb,mb,mb, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] (5.2b)
where ms : the mass of the slide, mb : the mass of a pad,
jx,jy,jz : moments of inertia of the slide about X, Y, and Z.
In the damping factor model, the coordinate veetors become :
S=[Y, Z, a, (3, y, l;l,l;2,l;3,l;4] (5.3a)
for the contiguration IL Due to the constructional feature of the slide and
the selection of the coordinate system, the mass matrix is the main diagonal
matrix. The element veetors in the diagonal read respectively :
{M} =[ms, ms, jx, jy, jz, mb, mb, mb, mb] (5.4a)
{M} =[ms, ms, jx, jy, jz, mb, mb, mb] (5.4b)
It is clear that one more degree of treedom for one hearing is introduced
in the three element model. In addition, the mass matrix is singular.
Nevertheless, there exists a special technique to deal with it, as introduced
in Chapter 4. The damping matrix and stiffness matrix can he filled according
to the equations of vibration motion of the slide, which are the symmetrical
matrices. All the elements in the stiffness matrix are constants so that the
problem becomes an eigenvalue problem. In the complex stiffness model, the
total degrees of freedom are less and the mass matrix is regular. However, the
elements in the stiffness matrix are the dynamic stiffness of gas film which
is frequency-dependent. The final solution can only he determined by the loci
of a series of solutions, as explained in Chapter 4. For a given hearing,
either the constants in the three element model or the dynamic stiffness
distribution in the damping factor model can he obtained by using the hearing
design software mentioned in Chapter 3.
96 Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applications
~ 2000
::c platesp ngs
-- 1500
~ 1000 ,... ~ a 'Y y
I 500
0286 0385 0424
0126 0145
00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
'N' 350
~s 300
·r;s 250
5 200
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Three element model (Hz)
5.3.1. Experimental set-up
Experiments were performed on the guide to verify the theory derived in
this thesis. The experimental set-up for testing single pads (Fig. 2.5) was
modified to perform the experiment on the guide, schematically shown in Fig.
5.9. The overview of the whole test system is given in Fig. 5.10. In order to
eliminate the influence of the test set-up in the dynamic test of the slide,
measurements on the structure were also performed, including the structure for
supporting the shaker and the structure for supporting the guide beam. From
the model, we deal with the slide frame vibration relative to the guide
granite beam. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the vibration at reference
points on the slide. The most accurate reierenee will be the point nearest to
the test point on the frame.
The dynamic behaviour of the frame itself was also checked by a modal
analyzer. The excitation was delivered by a hammer and the acceleration was
measured. It confirms that the slide can be considered as a rigid body in the
range for testing the slide, the test results are given in Appendix 8.
98 Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applications
Gaa aupply
Fig. 5.9. Illustration of the test set-up for the dynamic test of a slide
Fig. 5.10. Overview of the test set-up jor the dynamic test of a slide
The analysis by using the three-element model indicated that the natural
frequencies of the slide which can be observed in Z-direction are 145 Hz and
the natural frequencies which can be observed in the rotation about the X-axis
and the Y-axis are 286 Hz and 126 Hz (Fig. 5.7). By placing the accelerometer
100 Design of Gas Hearing Systems tor Precision Applications
From Fig. 5.11, it can be seen that the experiments have very close
correlations to the theoretica! predictions. The two 'o's in one natural
frequency are the calculated results from two modets. Th:is is a very
encouraging result. Thereafter, more experiments were performed and compared
with both the three-element model and the damping factor model. They all show
very good agreement with the tl}eoreticat predictions.
N' 400
"'5 300
l 200
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Experiments (Hz)
Fig. 5.11. The comparison of the natura/ frequencies of the slide between
the experiments and theoretica/ predictions (configuration . /)
2500 22!r.5
~ 2000 2011
1500 r
plate spring
~ 1000
l 500
0240 0284 0336 I
0 I I I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
e; 400
.ii6 350
l 300
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Experiments (Hz)
240Hz 591Hz
·~ 0
~ -o.s
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Observable modes in a - direction
] 0.6
240Hz 336Hz
:a 0.4
~ 0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 5.14. Mode shapes in Z-direction and a-rotation (conjiguration Il)
appear in these two coordinates. This is because the driving mechanism can not
be mounted through the mass center.
5.4.1. Symmetry
A fully symmetrical arrangement of all the pads will eliminate the
cross-coupling among vibration modes, which is illustrated in Fig. 5.14, in
which the calculation was based on the assumption that all the pads have the
same characteristics. However, in practice it is almost impossible to ensure
fully symmetrical contiguration due to the difficulties in the control of the
woricing parameters. As a result, weak cross-coupling, at least, will he
observed in most machines. If we calculate the slide with real hearing
parameters, the cross coupling can he predicted. For the slide with variabie
toading like those used in the Y-slide of CMMs, the pads work under different
gap heights, which means that in general the pads operate with different
stiffness and damping.
There is another point which is interesting to he mentioned, i.e. the
driving mechanism. In most machines, the acting point of driving force is not
through the mass center, which means that the vibration mode related to the
driving system will he cross-coupled to all the coordinate directions. If
driving stiffness is very low, it will introduce a much lower natural
frequency than those determined by the hearings.
In practice, a machine slide may he heavier than the slide used in the
study and the machine size rnay also he larger than that of the slide.
Therefore, one will expect the appearance of lower natural frequencies than
those determined in the study.
be developed. These topics are beyond the current scope of research and will
not be treated in detail.
This chapter explained the theory and the solution techniques, as well as
the experimental system for designing and analyzing a gas hearing slide. The
experimental identification of the natural frequencies of the slide proves the
correctness of the developed models. Therefore, the model developed in this
work can be used in design and analysis of gas hearing slides, even for more
complicated structures.
In the design and test of the slide, constructional details were
emphasized, particularly the conneetion mechanisms were discussed in detail.
It shows the importance of taking care with these details.
The metbod and model developed in this thesis were proved by experiments
on the slide in three configurations. The model is not limited by the machine
dimension and hearing working condition. Under a given condition, the
parameters in the models remian constants. Therefore, the model can be
directly used to design new slides and to analyze existing slides. It can also
be extended to analyze complete multi-axis machines.
The research in this project shows that the developed software and the
experimental system can he effectively used in the design, study and testing
of both single EPG hearings and EPG hearing systems.
From the research on the characteristics of hearings and hearing systems,
one can draw the following conclusions:
1). The numerical and experimental research reveal that the EPG hearings
with concave gap shapes provides higher load capacity and higher stiffness.
The tri-conical gap shaped pads are superior to the parallel and bi-conical
gap shaped pads. Under the same stabie conditions, the tri-conical gap shaped
pads provide higher load capacity and higher stiffness than those provided by
the other two.
2). The hearing body tilt will greatly reduce the load capacity and
stiffness of the parallel gap shaped hearing: maximum change of the stiffness
is up to 60 % at the optima! working gap height. On the contrary, the
tri-conical gap shaped pads are much less sensitive to tilt, the stiffness
change is less than 1 % at the optima! working gap height.
3). The tri-/bi-canical gap shaped pads are also less influenced by
surface imperfection, especially when half a wavelength is greater than 1.5
times the pad reference dimeosion (e.g. diameter for circular pads). The worst
case is when half a wavelength is equal to the pad reference dimension. The
overall characteristics follow the change of the surface profile, particularly
load capacity. Under constant load, this means that the change of the working
gap height follows the surface pattem.
4). In the velocity range of less than one meter per second, which is the
current status of CMMs, the load capacity and stiffness are rarely changed.
However, relatively high velocity will greatly reduce the hearing load
capacity and stiffness.
5). The temperature of the gas supply is generally lower than the
standard room temperature, 0.5 ~ 1 °C. The gas through a restcictor can be
Design of Gas Bearing Systems for Precision AppUcations 107
As a result of this research, we may also derive some areas for future
studies. First of all, it may be concluded that the various investigations in
this thesis could be extended to study the joumal gas hearings, including
modification of gap shape, effect of rotor tilt and surface imperfections. The
metbod of determining the system's natural frequencies may also be used in the
spindie system.
Secondly, the non-linear model for gas film stiffness is important for
the large dynamic change of working gap height, as the case of Y-slide in a
Thirdly, on the question of developing the EPG hearings, it is worthwhile
spending time and effort developing cheap, reliable, integrated, pretoading
mechanisms, such as the supersonic-pressurization combination or the Bemoulli
-pressurization combination, for pad type hearings used in both linear motion
and rotation systems.
Fourthly, in relation to the development of close-loop controlled EPG
hearings, we would suggest stopping any attempt to control the supply
pressure, including the control of the restrictor.
Finally, in the design of gas hearing systems, if one would like to
design a close-loop controlled system, the ideal position to mount the
actuator is at the conneetion between the hearing pad and the structure, which
is also true for the tilting pad hearings used in spindles. For high speed
spindles, this kind of controlled system could best be left to the active
magnetic hearings.
Q gut -~X
+ ~8X(~ éJ8UX) +!!._~(8U
8y ay ax
+8V )]+ !!._ [~( 8U + 8~~- ~(~div V)
az az ax 38x
Q gv = _ !!e.. + ~(~ a v) +!!_[~(au +av )]+ !!._ [~( av + a~] _ ~(~div v)
1 ay ay ay ax 8y ax az az ay JBy
Dw _ !!e_ + ~(IJ BW) +!!._(IJ(8U +aw ))+!!._(IJ( 8V + BW\) _~(IJ div V)
Q ITT = az Bz r- 8z ax ... Bz ax By ... Bz ay' 38Z r
whe re
2 - Dw = - .::.:----
k (ÀMa ) Q - -
8n +N~ X
{2 (h0)2 8
w --:- (-
8w ) + --:-
-- 8 [-(8w (bo)2 8-Y\J
~ -- + 10 --:-1
Dt 8z 8z 8z 8y 8y 8z
D e r i va t i ves
~ ~~
8x' 8z' 8y 1
2 2
N~, kMa,ÀkMa
kMi (h/L)
Note that the working gap height (h) of EPG hearings is very small in
comparison to hearing dimensions (L), h/L a! 10- 3- 10-4, in the restrictor
region 10- 1- 10- 2 • Therefore, the terms of the derivative of velocity
helonging to the third and fourth rows can he omitted. Hence, the equation of
0 =- ~ (Al.6)
k ( ÀM a )
2 Dw
Af\ a (- Bw)
= - .::.:- +Nf! --:- f.l --
Dt az ay ay
The (thennal) energy equation for a perfect gas can be expressed in the
following form [Kakaç, et al, 1987] :
lt is also true for the heat conduction terms in the hearing film, i.e.
To integrate the equation (A3.1) and take the square root of it yields :
where (A3.4)
div{ 1 ~! [ 0
p grad po + po grad p
] - po hoV/2}+ IJ<?
div(~ p grad p~
p )- .i Ö
I= 1
(f 0 (p.)I - 1
8pBf ) (A4.1)
Note that the operations div and grad are only performed for x and z.
(div{ 1 ~~...
.f [ p 0 grad po + po grad p 0 ] pohoV/2}+ pq af )1jJk dQ
' 8p
.f(div(~ p grad p~
"' 0
p 0 )- .i Ö (f 0 (p .)- 8pBf )} 'ljJk dQ (A4.2)
~'-~ '• I ' '
.r({l~! :~ '\jJk dQ
[ pograd po +po grad p ] -po hoV/2}•grad $) dQ - .fJX?
(~ p p~
"' .f grad p 0 ) grad 'ljJk dQ +.i Ö (f 0 (p.)- a8pf )) lJ>k dQ (A4.3)
1.:0~ I • 1 I I
Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applications 115
J' div( 1 ~! 0
1jJk p grad p 0 ) dQ can be converted into linear integral over the
from whlch we deduce the following system of linear algebraic equations for
pressures in all nodal points, Pt, P2, ... , Pn :
1 if i='
1). 'Ijl; (m) = 09 = { 0 if i*~ iJ, = 1, 2, ... ,N
2). 'Ijl; is linear in each triangle
3). 'Ijl; is continuous on Q = Q n ro,
Kii = [!!..!...._ ill2 [(B.i l: P; B; + Ci l: P; C;)/3 + P~ (B.i B;+ Cï C;)]
24~ 11
- ~zl~l (U"B; + W"Ci))(l- f*l) (A4.9a)
R.iï = [!!..!...._ ill p0 (B.i l: P; B; + Ci l: P; C;))(l- ~ (A4.9b)
24~ 112 e TKI
Pe = (P 1 + P 2 + P 3)/3 (Because of the linear interpolation function)
Ig.dQ = 1111/2 • Ig,dQ = 111rl/2 Ig 1jJj dQ = 1111/6
~ =.l: p 8'1jlj
81; j•l ja;
N =3 for the triangle element, s= x,z
1jJj = (Ai + Bi x + Ci z)/11
~-Bi ~-Ci
ax - ?S: az - ?S:
Ai = x k z kd - x kd z k , Bi = zk -zk+l Ci = x k+l -x k
with k = mod[ G+1)/3], (mod is operation to find remaindering)
Note that if the resttictor area is small, the equation (A4.9a) can take
the same form as that in the non-resttictor region, i.e. the equation (A4.8a).
If a point in the element is inside of the inlet resttictor region, the
components read :
Ad : resttictor area, Ad = xd /4
rotation axis
As shown in Fig., in the ideal condition, the contact between these
two surfaces can be considered as a line contact, as illustrated in batehing
The stiffness (deformation) can be estimated by the formula used in the
analysis of rolling hearings. One of them is that given by Palrogren [Palmgren,
1964], which reads :
s. __ 2.45 Fg.
u (AS.l)
From this relation, it is easy to find out that the optimal conical angle
a is 30°. Mter introducing this optimal angle and the reduced elasticity, the
contact stiffness can be written :
Kc = Cc R0 ' 8 Fl· 1 (A5.5)
steel-steel contact
g 2000 F=800(N)
~ 1000
F =lOO(N)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ball radius (mm)
Fig. A5.2. The contact stiffness of ball-conical surface pair
For the general purpose, a plot of the ratio of friction moment over
friction coefficient with the hall radius and toading force is given in Fig.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ball radius (mm)
On the side with rigid mounting, the stiffness is equal to the gas film
stiffness and on the side with the soft conneetion the stiffness is the result
of two springs in series: gas film stiffness and soft spring stiffness.
If the stiffness of the soft conneetion (ks) is much lower than the
stiffness (kg') of gas film of the pad mounting in the same side, the result
stiffness will be approximately equal to the soft spring stiffness, kt !!! ks.
In the situation from one equilibrium condition to another, the changes of
forces in two sides must be equal. Hence, we have the following relation :
Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applleations 121
Llliw = (ks/kg) tJ (A6.2a)
where kg the stiffness of the pad mounted in the opposite side of the
soft conneetion
h : the stiffness of soft conneetion
Llliw : the change of bearing gap height in the rigid conneetion
Lll : the displacement of the soft spring
From the equation (A6.2a), it can be easily seen that if the stiffness
ratio (ks/kg) is very small the pad gap change will be very small, which can
be illustrated by Fig. A6.2.
l hw
61 6hw
h = LlF/Lll kg = ÁF/Llliw
a) soft spring b) gas film
The motion of side bearings, i = 3, 6 (5), for configuration I (11 & lil) :
The equations of vibration motion for the complex stiffness model read :
+ SDxx(3,10) f3 ] = 0
The motion of plate springs, i = 1, 4 (3) for contiguration I (ii & III) :
" - k(i+6) y + k(î+6) az(i) a + k(i+6) ax(i) y + [k(î+6) + k(i+ 10)] 1;i
mb 1;i
+ j d(i+lO) l;i =0
j j
S m (i,j) : l:.m(k), Smn(i,j) : l:.m(k) an(k),
k•t k=t
Smnl(i,j) :k~im(k) an(k),at(k)
n=x, y, z; m = k, d
k, d : stiffness and damping veetors
x, y, z, a, f3, 1 : coordinates for movable frame
1;; : coordinates for plate springs
l;; : coordinates for hearing zero mass elements
ms : mass of moving part of the slide
mb : mass of hearing attatching to the soft spring
According to these equations, one can easily build the detailed matrices
for a specific contiguration and the selected model.
Fig. A8.1 shows the test results at the reference point to determine the
vibration modes in the Z-axis and in the rotations about X- and Y-axes. The
vertical axis in the figures is the response of magnitude. The slide was
excited with the exciter and the response was measured with an accelerometer.
Two natura! frequencies with relative high value can be clearly identified,
i.e. 50 Hz and 350 Hz. The natural frequencies of slide are located between
these two frequencies. Therefore, they present no trouble on the
identification of the slide's natural frequencies.
o.o 800.00
Fig. A8.1. The test result at the rejerence point on the granite
Fig. A8.2 shows a test result for determining the vibration modes in the
126 Design of EPG Hearings for Precision Applications
Y-direction. The slide was excited with the hammer and the response was
measured with an accelerometer. From the figure, it can be seen that the
natural frequency can be readily determined. Two relative low peaks are the
viberation of basis and the third one is the rotation about X-axis.
80.000 HZ 170.00
Fig. A8.3 shows the test results on checking the rigid body assumption of
the frame. The slide was excited with the hammer and the response was measured
with an accelerometer. The top figure is the response when the slide was
excited on the right-hand side of the slide and the bottorn figure is the
result excited on the left-hand side of the slide. From Fig. A8.3, it can be
seen that two figures have the exect same number of paeks and first one with
the same magnitude. It can be concluded that the slide can be considered as a
rigid body. For the additional information, the coherence tunetion of the test
results is shown in Fig. A8.4.
140.00 HZ 320.00
140.00 HZ 320.00
140.00 HZ 320.00
Fig. A8.4. The measured coherence of the test results shown in Fig. A8.3
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Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applications 131
In the beginning of this thesis, the basic concepts of gas hearings are
presented as the general introduction. These concepts include the working
principle, short history, properties and the definition of the current
research. The main body of the thesis consists of two parts: Part one presents
the design methods of single pads, as well as the numerical and experimental
research on some special aspects, including the effects of pad body tilt,
surface imperfections, motion velocity and temperature drop. Part two
describes the principles in the design of more accurate systems with EPG pads,
as well as simulation and experiments on linear motion systems.
Part one presents the theoretica} basis and the results of numerical
simulation and experimental verification of single EPG hearings, including
descriptions of effects of hearing body tilt, surface imperfection,
temperature drop in the downstream restrictor and the refinement of the
restrictor region in hearings. Based on the theoretica! basis the design
software was developed with solving two dimensional solutions of the
time-dependent Reynolds equation. The detailed studies include optimizations
of hearing gap shape, effects of hearing body tilt, surface imperfections,
motion velocity and temperature drop. The tri-conical gap shaped pads are
superior to the parallel and bi-conical gap shaped pads in all aspects: high
load capacity, high stiffness, wide stability region, less sensitive to tilt,
surface imperfection and motion velocity, and low temperature drop.
Design of Gas Hearing Systems for Precision Applications 135
Part two discusses the conceptual arguments and the roodels to design EPG
hearing systems. At first, the design principles such as loop stiffness,
symmetry, kinematic mounting and driving and preloading are discussed in
detail. Two roodels were developed to descrihe the gas film stiffness for
modeling the dynamic hehavior of a gas hearing system. The solution methods
and techniques to use the roodels were also discussed in this chapter.
Thereafter, it presents the detailed study on a large linear guide with a
comparable size to a guide used in CMMs, particularly dealing with the
constructional details in the design of linear guides and the determinations
of the natural frequencies of the gas hearing systems. In this chapter, the
comparisons of the experiments and the model predictions were presented in
three different configurations of the same linear guide. All the experimental
results are wen correlated to the model predictions.
Uitwendig van druk voorziene gaslagers, doorgaans aangeduid als luchtlagers, worden
momenteel veelvuldig toegepast in precisiemachines. In de praktijk echter zijn vele
problemen met betrekking tot de industriële toepassing van en het wetenschappelijk
onderzoek naar luchtlagers nog niet volledig opgelost. Over enkele aspecten is er zelfs
nauwelijks kennis aanwezig. De motivatie en het doel van dit onderzoek zijn daarom
gericht op het oplossen van deze problemen door het verkrijgen van meer inzicht in en
het ontwikkelen van efficiëntere gereedschappen voor luchtlagers met name voor
precisie toepassingen. Het onderzoek heeft o.a. geleid tot de ontwikkeling van een
softtwarepakket en een experimentele opstelling waarmee op effectieve wijze zowel
individuele luchtlagers als luchtlagersystemen bestudeerd, ontworpen en getest
kunnen worden.
Name: Junming, WANG
Bom: April 21, 1960 in Acheng, Heilongjiang, China
4/1990 - 11/1992 BOTECH, Boogers Technology in Precision Instrument
and Metrology Systems, Helmond, The Netherlands
3/1988 - 3/1990 IVO, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven
The Netherlands
10/1988- 12/1988 Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven
8/1982 - 10/1986 Research Institute of Opties and Electronics
Chinese Academy of Science, Chengdu, China
3/1988 - 11/1992 Ph. D. in the Section for Precision Engineering
Department of Production Technology & Automation
Faculty of Mechanica! Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
3/1988 - 3/1990 Further Education under Subject of the Computer Aided
(Simultaneously) Design and Manufacturing for Discrete Products
IVO, Eindhoven University of Technology
6/1987 - 1/1988 ir. (M.Sc.) in the Section of Power Transmission and
Tribology, Department of Design Engineering
Faculty of Mechanica! Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
10/1978- 7/1982 B.S. in Section of Precision Production Technology
and Manufacturing Proces..<>, Mechanica! Department I
Harbin University of Science and Technology
Harbin, China
Session Chainnan in the Session of Gas and Magnetic Bearings
International Conference in High Speed Technology
Finland (1988)
Member of American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE)
Member of Society of Tribolagist and Lubrication Engineers (STLE)
Member of Klvl (Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs)
With the ever increasing demands on machine accuracy, also systems using
gas hearings have to provide better perfonnance. This can only he achieved by
paying more attention to the practical details and the development of
efficient tools to design gas hearing systems.
- this thesis
As the new millennium approaches, the crucial need of the human race is
to find a unifying vision of the nature of man and society.
< < Bahá'u'lláh> > Bahá'i International Community,
Office of Public lnfonnation, New York, 1991
What exists serves for possession. What does not exist serves for
- < <Tao De Jing> >