Sharpening The Edge: Overview of The LF Edge Taxonomy and Framework
Sharpening The Edge: Overview of The LF Edge Taxonomy and Framework
Sharpening The Edge: Overview of The LF Edge Taxonomy and Framework
1 Executive Summary 3
2 Introduction 3
2.1 Introducing the Edge Continuum 4
2.2 Extending Cloud Native Principles to the Edge 7
2.3 Considerations for the Service Provider Edge 8
2.3.1 Architectural Trends at the Service Provider Edge 9
2.3.2 Edge Application Deployment at the Service Provider Edge 10
2.3.3 Design Strategy for Backend Application Mobility Workloads at the Service Provider Edge 11
2.3.4 Design Strategy for User Device Mobility at the Service Provider Edge 12
2.3.5 Identifying the Optimum Edge Location to Serve a User 13
2.4 Considerations for the User Edge 14
2.4.1 Securing and Managing Distributed Devices 15
2.4.2 Accommodating both Legacy and Modern Applications 16
2.4.3 Addressing Protocol Fragmentation in IoT Use Cases 16
2.4.4 Latency-Critical Applications 16
2.4.5 Separation of Concerns in IT and OT Environments 17
2.5 Edge Deployment Patterns 17
2.6 Trends for Edge AI 18
2.7 Edge Computing Use Cases 19
2.7.1 Industrial IoT (IIoT) 19
2.7.2 Computer Vision 20
2.7.3 Augmented Reality (AR) 21
2.7.4 Retail 22
2.7.5 Gaming 23
2.7.6 Assisted Driving 24
2.7.7 Summary of the Edge Continuum 25
3 LF Edge Project Portfolio 26
3.1 LF Edge Project Summaries 26
3.1.1 Stage 3: Impact Projects 26
3.1.2 Stage 2: Growth Projects 27
3.1.3 Stage 1: At Large Projects 27
3.2 Project Focus Across the Edge Continuum 28
3.3 For more Information on LFE Projects 29
4 Summary 30
1 Executive Summary
Companies in a wide range of vertical markets are aggressively exploring new commercial
opportunities that are enabled by extending cloud computing to the edge of the network.
The concept of edge computing promises exciting new revenue opportunities resulting
from the delivery of new types of services to new types of customers, in both consumer
and enterprise segments.
Intended for readers interested in both the technical and business aspects of edge
computing, this white paper introduces a set of open-source software projects hosted
by the Linux Foundation (LF) and its subsidiary organization LF Edge (LFE). It outlines
the LF Edge taxonomy and framework and describes opportunities for companies to
participate in and benefit from these projects, accelerating the development, deployment
and monetization of edge compute applications. The paper also introduces a set of
open-source software projects hosted by the Linux Foundation (LF) and its subsidiary
organization LF Edge (LFE).
The paper includes references to online resources associated with each project, providing
developers with access to a wealth of technical information as well as the open-source
software itself.
2 Introduction
Edge computing represents a new paradigm in which compute and storage are located
at the edge of the network, as close as both necessary and feasible to the location where
data is generated and consumed, and where actions are taken in the physical world. The
optimal location of these compute resources is determined by the inherent tradeoffs
between the benefits of centralization and decentralization.
This white paper introduces the LF Edge taxonomy and the key concepts of edge
computing, highlighting emerging use cases in telecom, industrial, enterprise and
consumer markets.
The paper also provides details of eight open source edge projects hosted by The Linux
Foundation (LF) and its subsidiary LF Edge (LFE) umbrella organization. The LF is a non-
profit technology consortium founded in 2000 to standardize Linux, support its growth
and promote its commercial adoption. The LF and its projects have more than 1,500
corporate members from over 40 countries. The LF also benefits from over 30,000
individual contributors supporting more than 200 open source projects.
2.1 Introducing the Edge Continuum
As defined in the Linux Foundation’s Open Glossary of Edge Computing, edge
computing is the delivery of computing capabilities to the logical extremes of a network in
order to improve the performance, security, operating cost and reliability of applications
and services. By shortening the distance between devices and the cloud resources that
serve them, and also reducing the number of network hops, edge computing mitigates
the latency and bandwidth constraints of today’s internet, ushering in new classes of
applications. In practical terms, this means distributing new resources and software
stacks along the path between today’s centralized data centers and the increasingly large
number of deployed nodes in the field, on both the service provider and user sides of the
last mile network.
It helps to visualize edge computing through the continuum of physical infrastructure that
comprises the internet, from centralized data centers to devices. By locating services at
key points along this continuum, developers can better satisfy the latency requirements
of their applications. Historically, cloud providers and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)
have reduced overall end-to-end latency by moving some services (such as the ability to
cache data) out of centralized data centers and into distributed Points of Presence (POPs)
closer to the devices being served. This has created a “cloud edge” or “internet edge”
capable of improving the performance of traditional applications, such as streaming video
and rich web content, but has not been enough to address many emerging applications,
especially those that require a more sophisticated distribution of resources along the
edge continuum for reasons of latency, bandwidth, autonomy, security and privacy.
This paper focuses on the two main edge tiers that straddle the last mile networks, the
“Service Provider Edge” and the “User Edge”, with each being further broken down into
subcategories. Figure 1 summarizes the edge computing continuum, spanning from
discrete distributed devices to centralized data centers, along with key trends that define
the boundaries of each category. This includes the increasingly complex design tradeoffs
that architects need to make the closer compute resources get to the physical world.
Tier Summary
User Edge ServiceProvider
Service ProviderEdge
Internet Edge
Last Mile Networks
Data Centers
Constrained Smart Device Edge On-Prem Data Access Edge Regional Edge
Device Edge Includes IoT (headless) and Center Edge Server-based Compute Server-based Compute Server-based Compute in
Microcontroller-based, Highly End User Client Compute Server-based Compute in at Telco Network and at Regional Telco and Traditional Cloud Data Centers
Distributed in the Physical World in Accessible Locations Secure Locations Edge Exchange Sites Direct Peering Sites
Typically owned and operated by users / enterprises but also SPs via CPE Shared resources (XaaS), typically owned and operated by Service Providers (SPs)
Distributed in accessible to semi-secure locations Inside secure data centers / Modular Data Centers (MDCs)
The far right of the diagram shows centralized data centers representing cloud-based
compute. These facilities offer economies of scale and flexibility that are not possible or
appropriate on a device. Centralized cloud resources are practically unlimited, whereas
device resources are inherently constrained. A centralized cloud can oversee the
collective behavior of a large number of devices, for example configuring, tracking and
managing them, but it’s limited by the centralized location of the data centers and the fact
that the resources are shared.
Moving along the continuum from centralized data centers toward devices, the first main
edge tier is the Service Provider (SP) Edge, providing services delivered over the global
fixed/mobile networking infrastructure. Like the public cloud, infrastructure (compute,
storage and networking) at the Service Provider Edge is often consumed as a service.
Solutions at the Service Provider Edge can provide more security and privacy than the
public cloud because of differences between the public internet and the private networks,
including mobile cellular systems, operated by service providers. It leverages the existing
trillion-dollar investments by Communications Service Providers (CSPs), who will have
their own commodity servers in place at the network edge and will also cross-connect
with cloud providers and bare-metal operators in nearby locations. Infrastructure at the
Service Provider Edge is generally more standardized than infrastructure at the User Edge
but there are still unique requirements for regulatory compliance and ruggedization,
depending on where it is deployed.
The Service Provider Edge is distributed and brings edge computing resources much
closer to end users. For example, CSPs can leverage their fixed and mobile networks at
the edge and provide a platform for many edge applications, thus creating new business
models and use cases as part of a network’s evolution, such as when a wireless provider
upgrades their network to 5G. Also, in the case of fixed networks, CSPs terminate their
networks within enterprise buildings and homes in the form of Customer Premise Equipment
(CPE) and these resources can be leveraged further to deliver various edge services.
The second top-level edge tier is the User Edge which is delineated from the Service
Provider Edge by being on the other side of the last mile network. Sometimes it is a
necessity to use on-premise and highly distributed compute resources that are closer
to end-users and processes in the physical world in order to further reduce latency.
Another common reason for placing compute at the User Edge is to conserve broadband
network bandwidth, reducing the need to unnecessarily backhaul data across the last
mile network, whether to compute and storage at the Service Provider Edge or all the
way back to centralized data centers. Additional reasons for locating compute at the
User Edge include autonomy, increased security and privacy, and lower overall cost, if
the available resources match the need of the application workload. Compared to the
Service Provider Edge, the User Edge represents a highly diverse mix of resources. As a
general rule, the closer that edge compute resources get to the physical world, the more
constrained and specialized they become.
As indicated in Figure 1, a key difference between the edge tiers is who owns the
computing assets. Resources at the Service Provider Edge and within the public cloud
are typically not owned by the end user but are, instead, shared across many users.
In contrast, resources at the User Edge are typically dedicated and customer-owned
and -operated. Applications that only use resources on the User Edge often result
in a business model based on CAPEX rather than OPEX, with the infrastructure and
technology acquisition, operational complexity and scaling being the responsibility of the
user rather than delivered as a managed service. Increasingly, though, service providers
(and cloud providers) are building managed service offerings that support and even
include on-premise compute and networking infrastructure, making it possible to deliver
applications that combine resources at both the User Edge and Service Provider Edge.
Examples include a provider operating private cellular base stations for connectivity across
a remote mining site or an analytics company providing Artificial Intelligence (AI) analysis
and decision-support from the Service Provider Edge, supporting devices on the User Edge.
The edge computing taxonomy and associated terminology presented in this document
were developed with careful consideration, seeking to balance various market lenses
(e.g. cloud, telecom, cable, IT, OT/industrial, consumer) while also creating high-level
taxonomy categories based on key technical and logistical tradeoffs. These tradeoffs
include whether a compute resource is capable of supporting application abstraction
(e.g. through containers and/or virtual machines), whether it is in a physically-secure
data center or accessible, and whether it is on a LAN or a WAN relative to the process/
user it serves (an important consideration if a use case is latency-critical vs. -sensitive).
This document seeks to provide a holistic point of view without using edge terminology
that may mean something to one entity but can be confusing to another. For example,
the terms “near” and “far” edge are commonly used by telecom providers to distinguish
between infrastructure closer to users/subscribers (far edge) versus infrastructure further
upstream (near edge). This can be confusing because relative location is viewed through
the eyes of the service provider instead of the user. In another example, the terms “thin”
and “thick” have been used in some circles to characterize degrees of on-premise edge
compute capability, however these terms do not delineate between resources at the User
Edge that are physically secured in a data center versus distributed in accessible locations.
2.2 Extending Cloud Native Principles to the Edge
With the introduction of containerization and Kubernetes, a rapidly increasing number
cloud-native software development based on platform-independent, microservice-
based architecture and Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) practices
for software enhancements. The same benefits of cloud-native development in the data
center apply at the edge, enabling applications to be composed on the fly from best-in-
class components, scaling up and out in a distributed fashion and evolving over time as
developers continue to innovate.
In a perfect world, developers would have a universal foundation that enables them
to deploy containerized workloads anywhere along the device to cloud data center
continuum as needed, in order to balance the benefits of distributed and centralized
computing depending on the use case and context. However, this isn’t universally
possible due to inherent technical and logistical tradeoffs, including the need to
accommodate legacy investments while protecting safety-critical systems and processes.
2.3 Considerations for the Service Provider Edge
The Service Provider Edge consists of infrastructure on the other side of the last mile
network from the User Edge. It consists of two subcategories, the Regional Edge and the
Access Edge, with the former traditionally being associated with backhaul networks and
the latter with front- and mid-haul networks.
To understand how the Service Provider Edge and its subcategories relate to each other
and the rest of the internet, it helps to review how traffic routes to and from centralized
data centers. Centralized data centers, such as those in Amazon’s US West and US East
regions, exist in specific locations that are far from most major metropolitan areas. These
public cloud data centers connect to edge resources over internet backbones, which fan
out across the continents and terminate in regional Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). IXPs
exist in major cities and are the primary bridge between the access networks and the
rest of the internet. For many reasons, centralized data centers are not well-suited for
time-sensitive workloads, mainly because traffic from edge locations would need to travel
relatively long distances and traverse multiple network hops, both of which add latency
and jitter. An emerging trend, however, is for public cloud operators to create regional
caches to address this issue.
As a result, providers are increasingly locating compute resources in data centers at the
Regional Edge to reduce network hops while still retaining moderate scalability benefits
compared to resources located at the User Edge. These edge sites are sometimes owned
by telco network operators but equally common are the Multi-Tenant Colocation (MTCO)
facilities owned by companies like Equinix and Digital Realty. These MTCO companies
have built large regional data centers adjacent to the IXPs, often in the same building,
and lease space for servers and other IT equipment to multiple tenants, including the
major public clouds. A rich confluence of data passes through these locations. There is an
emerging trend for non-telco providers to build direct peering sites that bridge compute
resources in regional data centers to centralized cloud data centers through the Internet
Exchange, for example a provider like Equinix peering with a public cloud. Further, CDN
operators are evolving to enable customers to run custom applications at IXP sites. As a
general rule, Regional Edge data centers are capable of supporting edge workloads that
can tolerate latencies in the 30ms - 100ms range.
Also within the Service Provider Edge is the Access Edge which spans the “middle mile”
between regional data centers and the actual last mile network. Access Edge sites include
front- and mid-haul infrastructure spanning cell towers, cable head-ends, aggregation and
pre-aggregation hubs and central offices, and other facilities which house network access
equipment such as cellular radio base stations, as well as xDSL and xPON equipment.
Service providers and edge colocation companies are repurposing existing facilities and
deploying small-to-medium-scale micro data centers at or near these access site locations
to provide “one-hop” proximity to the last mile network. These data center facilities
support low-latency workloads, including those that require a predictable connection to
the last mile network with latencies below one millisecond.
As with the Regional Edge, there are many companies deploying IT equipment at the
Access Edge, including telcos at their network access sites, but there is also an emerging
trend for new business models operated by edge co-location companies. Compute
resources on the Access Edge and the Regional Edge can work in concert to balance
trade-offs between scalability, cost, complexity and latency.
Major content owners like Netflix, Apple and YouTube are expected to retain their cache-
based distribution models, which entail storing states in the centralized public cloud
along with Authentication and Authorization (AA) functions, while redirecting the delivery
of content from the “best” cache as determined by Quality of Experience (QoE) at the
client device, where “best” doesn’t always means the nearest cache. This approach will
be retained for other distributed workloads utilizing edge acceleration like Augmented
Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Massively Multiplayer Gaming (MMPG) etc.
Content delivery networks such as Akamai and Cloudflare will maintain their existing
distribution models but will also likely increase the number of PoPs in their network as
well as extend their networks farther out in the Service Provider Edge as they look to
enhance their content caching capabilities while expanding their other lines of business,
such as their security and distributed workload products, which benefit from being
farther out in the network and closer to the devices.
Cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
and Microsoft Azure, are also expected to increase the number of PoPs in their network
as well as extend their networks farther out to the Service Provider Edge. Each cloud
provider will likely seek to differentiate their edge offerings in unique ways: some will
focus on AI workloads, others will look to simply expand the number of regions in which
users can provision resources, and others will look to build edge capabilities into their
IoT toolchains.
According to the design principles mentioned above, the Service Provider Edge will
need to ensure a deterministic method of measuring and enforcing QoE based on key
application needs such as latency and bandwidth. As most internet traffic is encrypted,
these guarantees will likely be based on the transport layer, leading to the evolution
of congestion control algorithms which determine the rate of delivery. A similar design
principle will evolve for geographical data isolation policies for stores and workloads,
beyond just complying with global data protection regulations.
Access Edge
Appropriate Service Zone 1
Provider Edge
location discovered Edge
based on desired App
application QoE Regional Edge
IX | Direct Cloudlet
Peering Site
Access Edge
Zone 2
Data Path
User Edge Service Provider Edge Discovery Path
• Static, whereby the developer chooses the specific edge sites and the specific
services for each site.
• Dynamic, whereby the developer submits criteria to an orchestration service and
the orchestration service makes best-effort decisions about workload placement
on behalf of the developer. One implementation of this would have developers
choose a region in which they yield control to a system operator’s or cloud operator’s
orchestration system in order to determine the optimum placement of workloads
based on the number of requested compute instances, the number of users and any
specialized resource policies.
The Akraino project is working on blueprints for the lifecycle management of edge
applications based on the following workflow for deployment:
2. Create the application manifest, defining an application mobility strategy that includes
QoE, geographical store and privacy policies;
3. Create the application instance, launching the Edge Application and autoscaling.
4. For more information on this topic, please visit the developer section for the
Akraino Edge Stack project.
2.3.4 Design Strategy for User Device Mobility at the Service
Provider Edge
Since device mobility is based on route awareness, it’s important to review how data
moves across mobile networks before explaining the design principles of device mobility.
A mobile device connected to a wireless network attaches to the nearest tower, then
tunnels all application data to the nearest gateway which is further tunneled to the
regional gateway, which is then transferred over the internet exchange to a public cloud
and back. Regional gateways called packet gateways (PGWs) can be viewed as anchors,
which CSPs utilize for enforcing centralized subscriber control, like policies, billing and
management. Routing data in this way, however, is sub-optimal and cannot enforce the
latency, bandwidth and privacy guarantees which edge applications require. Application
backends at the Service Provider Edge are then challenged to follow individual consuming
devices as they move from one region to another.
Recent trends in 5G CUPS allows for local breakout and anchor redistribution, which
is being deployed today. Network appliance vendors have started to virtualize their
network functions, disaggregating their hardware from the software, and running
network functions in virtual machines or containers. These are called Virtual Network
Functions (VNFs) and Container Network Functions (CNFs). Network operators may use a
common orchestration plane, such as that provided by Kubernetes, enabling CNF lifecycle
management with a continuous delivery pipeline. The life cycle management techniques
can be extended not only to anchors but to virtualized radio heads at the access edge.
The control plane separation will also allow Software Defined Networking (SDN)-like
programming of tunnels to redirect traffic from devices to distributed endpoints.
These tunnels can carry user application traffic as Packet Data User (PDU) sessions.
Organizations like 3GPP are working on standards for redirecting edge application IP
flows within PDU sessions so that they may be routed to the nearest anchors. The PDU
sessions with embedded tunnel IDs as transport state present state synchronization
issues, thus existing 3GPP session continuity procedures are not viable because they
expect that a device will maintain PDU sessions across thousands of distributed anchors.
Fortunately, the anchored routing structure can be changed by leveraging container
Tunnels are GTP-U encapsulations over IP. For more information, see this Wikipedia entry.
Local Breakout enables the Mobile Network Operator (MNO) to break out internet sessions into the Home network, to provide
inbound roamers with an ability to order data, which is provided directly by the visited network.
mobility techniques used by web scale companies, but that requires not just virtualizing
the compute (VNF/CNF) but also virtualizing the networks such that underlying IP routing
is based on the identity of application and location of device. Identifier Locator Addressing
is a means to implement network overlays without the use of encapsulation can help
achieve anchorless device mobility.
The LF Edge Akraino Edge Stack project has defined such an Application Discovery engine.
Please visit the Find Cloudlet section for the Akraino Edge Stack project for more
information and the definition of a control API implementation.
Later in the document there is a comprehensive list of use cases and workload attributes
which individual CSPs can use today to serve enterprise- and privacy-centric edge use
cases. However, to truly unlock the next generation of applications, developers must
be able to deploy applications across multiple operator networks. One solution to this
problem involves operators linking their edge cloud resources using a smart federation
scheme at the last mile. Traditionally CSPs have federated to provide us global coverage,
where sometimes they adopted the sub optimal approach of rerouting traffic to anchors
in the home network. A more efficient strategy is for CSPs to federate directly via a peering
exchange as described above, or even across last mile Radio Access Networks (RANs).
2.4 Considerations for the User Edge
The User Edge consists of a diverse mix of compute form factors and capabilities that get
increasingly unique as deployments get closer and closer to the physical world. Technical
tradeoffs at the User Edge include varying degrees of compute capability (especially
system memory) as well as the need for specific I/O functionality to support both legacy
and modern data sources and actuators. User Edge compute resources also require
various degrees of ruggedization, including extreme temperature support with fanless
design for reliability, specialized certifications (e.g. Class 1 / Division 2 for explosion proof),
highly specific form factors, unique needs for Management and Orchestration (MANO)
and security, and so forth. Moreover, while consumer-oriented devices tend to have a
typical lifespan of 12-18 months, enterprise and industrial edge computing assets in
the field need to support a long service life of 5 to 7+ years. Given all of these inherent
tradeoffs, it is helpful to break the User Edge down further into several subcategories.
At the far-right end of the User Edge tier is the On-Premise Data Center Edge
subcategory which can be considered server-class infrastructure located within
traditional, physically-secure data centers and Modular Data Centers (MDCs), both inside
and close to buildings like offices and factories. These resources tend to be owned
and operated by a given enterprise and are moderately scalable within the confines of
available real estate, power and cooling. Tools for security and MANO here are similar to
those used in a centralized cloud data center, however there is some evolution required
to support coordination across multiple locations, such as with Kubernetes clusters.
In the middle of the User Edge is the Smart Device Edge, which consists of hardware
located outside of physically-secure data centers but still capable of supporting
virtualization and/or containerization to support cloud-native software development.
These resources span consumer-grade mobile devices and PCs to hardened, headless
gateways and servers that are deployed for IoT use cases in challenging environments
such as factory floors, building equipment rooms, farms and weatherproof enclosures
distributed within a city. While capable of general-purpose compute, these devices are
performance-constrained for various reasons including cost, battery life, form factor
and ruggedization (both thermal and physical) and therefore have a practical limit to
processing expandability when compared to resources in an upstream data center. As in
the data center, there is an increasing trend for these systems to feature coprocessing
to accelerate analytics, with the added benefit of distributing thermal dissipation which is
beneficial in extreme environments. Resources at the Smart Device Edge can be deployed
and used standalone (e.g. a smartphone, IoT gateway on a factory floor) or embedded
into distributed, self-contained systems such as connected/autonomous vehicles, kiosks,
oil wells and wind turbines.
At the farthest extreme of the User Edge tier is the Constrained Device Edge
subcategory, represented by microcontroller-based devices that are highly distributed
in the physical world. These devices range from simple, fixed-function sensors and
actuators that perform little-to-no localized compute to more capable devices such as
Programmable-Logic Controllers (PLCs), Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) and Engine Control
Units (ECUs) addressing latency-, time- and safety-critical applications. Devices at this tier
leverage embedded software and have the most unique form factors to conform to highly
specific environments and user experiences.
The Smart Device Edge includes both headless compute resources targeted at IoT use
cases (e.g. gateways, embedded PCs, routers, ruggedized servers) and client devices
that have a user interface (e.g., smartphones, tablets, PCs, gaming consoles, smart TVs).
Together, headless, constrained and smart devices represent the “things” in IoT solutions,
with smart devices providing localized general-purpose compute capability. The spectrum
of compute devices targeting IoT workloads is often referred to as the “IoT Edge”.
As a general trend in the area of networking, IoT use cases tend to be constrained by
the upload of data collected from the physical world, whereas end user client use cases
tend to be constrained by content download. This results in different considerations for
applications, storage, network topologies and so forth, depending on the use case and
available resources.
Resources at the Constrained and Smart Device Edges are typically deployed and used
in semi-secure to easily accessible locations in the field. As such, it is important to
adopt a zero-trust security model and not pre-suppose a device is behind a network
firewall. In all cases, distributed computing resources need a remote software update
capability to avoid costly truck rolls, and in the case of on-premise data centers and
smart devices, evolve their capability over time through modular, software-defined
architecture. However, MANO and security solutions optimized for the data center are
not suitable for the Constrained and Smart Device Edges due to the available compute
footprint, deployment scale factor, potentially intermittent connectivity and typical lack of
physical and network security. Solutions should also leverage techniques like Zero-Touch
Provisioning (ZTP) to avoid requiring IT skill sets for secure deployment in the field.
IoT and client-centric compute resources at the Smart Device Edge are capable
of leveraging MANO tools that support abstraction through containerization and
virtualization and have headroom for security features like data encryption. Meanwhile,
constrained devices leverage embedded software images that are typically tailored to the
host hardware and may need to rely on a more capable device immediately upstream for
added security measures. As a result, MANO tools for devices at the Constrained Devices
Edge are often specific by manufacturer and silicon used. Meanwhile smart devices can
afford the necessary abstraction to make MANO tools more standardized and platform
independent, such as through the use of Linux with containers working across both
x86 and Arm-based hardware or through a mobile operating system such as Android
supporting applications on a variety of manufacturers’ smartphones. Whenever possible,
all key security functions (e.g. authentication, boot, encryption) should be enabled by a
hardware-based root of trust, such as Trusted Platform Module (TPM) or Arm TrustZone,
but this is not always an option for highly-constrained devices.
universally operated locally because they can’t rely on control over a last-mile network,
regardless of the speed and reliability of that connection. This scenario is contrasted with
latency-sensitive applications such as video streaming that operate in “soft” real time and
are often delivered by the Service Provider Edge for scalability. With latency-sensitive
applications a networking issue can result in a poor user experience but will not cause a
critical, potentially life-threatening failure.
In summary, developers need flexible tools at the User Edge that enable them to run
legacy, safety-critical, latency-critical, time-critical and modern containerized workloads
concurrently while protecting their operations from undue risk, all while taking advantage of
the scale benefits of working together with both the Service Provider Edge and the Cloud.
User Edge Service Provider Edge Cloud
Constrained Devices Smart Devices On-Prem Servers
Note that this diagram is simplified in the sense that it does not take into account that
resources will be communicating “north, south, east and west” with multiple peers across
the continuum, depending on use case.
There is an emerging trend for running federated learning and even training models
at the edge to address privacy and data sovereignty issues, although the potential for
regional bias then needs to be considered. Another emerging trend at the Constrained
Device Edge is deploying ML inferencing models in microcontroller-based resources.
An example is a ML model that enables a smart speaker to recognize a wake word (e.g.
“Hey Google” or “Hey Alexa”) locally before subsequent voice interactions are powered by
servers further up the compute continuum. Dubbed “Tiny ML”, this requires specialized
toolsets to accommodate the available processing resources and is outside of the scope
of LF Edge at the time of this writing.
2.7 Edge Computing Use Cases
Enterprises in numerous market segments are deploying edge-hosted applications in
order to capitalize on new business opportunities that are enabled by provisioning local
compute as an extension of centralized cloud architectures. Figure 4 provides some
examples of the wide number of use cases that benefit from edge computing and related
enabling technologies.
Immersive Wearable
Virtual Augmented 360
Experiences Reality Reality Video
Internet of Smart
Industrial Retail Healthcare
Things (IoT) Home
Enabling Technologies
On-Demand Cloud-native
NFV Development 5G AI/ML Acceleration
(e.g. GPU, FPGA)
This section discusses a variety of use cases to highlight key considerations and benefits:
• Industrial IoT;
• Computer Vision;
• Augmented Reality
• Retail;
• Gaming;
• Assisted Driving.
An edge compute architecture can ensure that high-value, proprietary information never
leaves a factory. This can minimize the security threats associated with transmitting
data to the cloud over public networks that are vulnerable to hacking, as well as help
organizations meet data sovereignty requirements.
Remote operations such as mines or oil rigs typically have intermittent connectivity to
the cloud and must be able to function autonomously. In these scenarios, on-premise
compute enables real-time operational decisions based on the local analysis of sensor
data without unnecessarily backhauling data over expensive wide area connections. Data
required for long-term process optimization or multi-site aggregation is sent to the cloud
whenever connectivity is available, which in certain locations might only be over a satellite
link available at irregular intervals.
With edge compute, however, high-resolution video data is processed either within the
smart camera itself as the edge node, or on a nearby edge server. High-end IP cameras
have sufficient processing power to run algorithms such as facial recognition, leveraging
analytics based on AI and/or deep learning technologies. Only selected events and/or
video sequences that are flagged as important are transmitted to the cloud, for example
an individual of interest, a vehicle with a specific license plate or a defective component.
This significantly reduces the required network bandwidth while ensuring high quality,
high accuracy analytics.
Edge compute also reduces latency, which is important for any time-critical vision-based
detection scenarios such as factory automation or facial recognition. Continuous process
control, for example, leverages the low latency associated with edge compute to ensure
the near-real time detection of process deviations or manufacturing flaws, enabling
production lines to be stopped or control parameters to be adjusted quickly enough to
minimize wastage.
Drones used in applications such as surveying, package delivery and surveillance will
leverage low-latency computer vision systems that perform object recognition for
navigation within edge compute nodes on the ground rather than in heavy, power-hungry
systems on the drone itself. This reduces the cost of the drones while also minimizing
their power consumption, thereby maximizing both battery life and flight time.
Processing video at the User Edge also mitigates privacy concerns, especially in
surveillance applications that are subject to regulatory constraints or in commercial
applications where process information is valuable intellectual property.
AR applications typically analyze the output from a device’s camera to supplement the
user’s experience. The application is aware of the user’s position and the direction they
are looking in, with this information provided via the camera view and/or positioning
techniques. The application is then able to offer information in real-time to the user, but
as soon as the user moves that information must be refreshed. Additionally, for many use
cases it is valuable to update critical real time data from sensors in the user’s field of view,
for example the temperature and pressure of a tank while an operator is working through
a maintenance procedure.
implementations. Moving compute power into edge servers located close to the user
allows an AR application to eliminate the need for high processing bandwidth on goggles
that therefore become expensive, power-hungry and too heavy for comfortable use over
an extended period.
In another example, edge computing and AR are poised to deliver truly immersive media
experiences for sports fans while at the game. Sports such as baseball, cricket, football
and soccer have already held successful trials in “smart stadia” enabling spectators to
stream video from unique, custom camera angles, including drones and spider-cams.
“Virtual cameras” present views from within the field of play, giving spectators the
opportunity to experience the action from the perspective of the players themselves.
All these use cases require edge compute in order to guarantee the responsiveness that
spectators expect while eliminating the need to backhaul prohibitive amounts of data to
the cloud.
2.7.4 Retail
For brick-and-mortar retailers, almost 90% of global retail sales occur in physical stores so
most retailers are investing in computing infrastructure located closer to the buyer, with
edge computing as an extension of their centralized cloud environments. In-store edge
environments focus on the digital experience of the customer, through edge applications
supporting local devices such as smart signage, AR-based mirrors, kiosks and advanced
Retailers can deliver personalized coupons when shoppers walk into stores as WiFi,
beaconing and computer vision systems recognize customers who previously signed
up to connect while in-store. Smart fitting rooms equipped with AR mirrors can show
shoppers in different clothing without the requirement to physically try them on.
Meanwhile, infrared beacon and computer vision technology can generate heat maps
that provide retailers with insights on in-store traffic patterns, allowing them to better
configure their space and optimize their revenue-per-square-foot.
Infusing self-checkout systems with computer vision capability and integrating them
with RFID and Point-of-Sale (PoS) systems gives them the ability to confirm that the item
scanned by a customer matches what’s in their bag, improving loss prevention. Vision
algorithms can also be used to enable facial recognition to authenticate payments and
gesture recognition for touchless commands, as well as the delivery of personalized
offers at the point of sale.
Through the use of edge compute, retailers are able to ensure improved security for
sensitive customer information. When data is transferred from devices to the cloud,
security and compliance risks increase, but edge compute applications can filter
information locally and only transfer data to the cloud that is required for strategic
operational planning.
Edge compute provides a lean, highly reliable IT infrastructure for retailers that can run
multiple applications while supporting the control and flexibility of cloud-based services.
High-resiliency in-store micro data centers have become the solution of choice, managed
and orchestrated remotely so that IT staff aren’t required on-site. A chain of retail stores
can be treated as an entire ecosystem rather than just a collection of individual locations.
Most large retailers have tremendous investments in both cloud-native and mobile
applications, for the benefit of their customers, their associates and their employees.
The edge continuum provides them with the opportunity to use the same software
development tools for both environments, as well as the same deployment tools for
deploying applications to the data center, the cloud, or elsewhere along the continuum
to the on-premise User Edge. If retailers fail to leverage the edge continuum this way and
continue to manage their on-premise investments as traditional enterprise IT assets, they
will deprive themselves of the flexible, responsive and dynamic attributes that their cloud
and mobile teams already enjoy.
2.7.5 Gaming
Massively Multiplayer Games (MMPGs) served up by the cloud typically involve players
controlling their avatars, with any movement of an avatar needing to be communicated
as quickly as possible to all players who have that avatar in their field of view. Latency
has a major impact on the overall user experience, to the point where perceptible
delays can render a game effectively unplayable. A video game must appear to respond
instantaneously to keystrokes and controller movements, implying that any commands
issued must complete a round-trip over the network and be processed fast enough by
the data center for the player to feel like the game is responding in real time. For the best
multiplayer experience, the latency must be consistent across all players, otherwise those
with the lowest latency have the opportunity to react faster than their competitors.
2.7.6 Assisted Driving
While edge compute will be a critical enabler for the holy grail of fully-autonomous driving,
that vision is many years away from being realized, for a host of reasons beyond the
scope of this paper. Assisted driving technologies, however, are being deployed today and
edge compute is key to their viability.
The number of sensors in a vehicle grows with each model year, along with each
introduction of new capabilities in safety, performance, efficiency, comfort and
infotainment. Although most of the sensor data is processed in the vehicle itself due to
autonomy and the safety considerations of latency critical applications, some capabilities,
such as alerting in the event of deviations from the norm, require data to be moved to
the cloud for analysis and follow-up. Edge computing helps to limit the amount of data
that is sent to the cloud, reducing the data transmission cost and minimizing the amount
of sensitive data such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) leaving the vehicle.
The infotainment system in a vehicle is the most prominent user interface besides the
driving controls. To learn what functions and applications users are really using and
where the design of interactions should be optimized, ML algorithms represent an
important tool for uncovering relevant insights within the vast amount of available data.
Edge compute brings ML models, which were trained in the cloud, to the vehicle itself,
so that the available behavioral and sensor data can be used locally for predictions that
improve overall user interaction.
Efficient battery monitoring and predictive maintenance are key to the long-term
customer experience for vehicle owners and operators. Edge compute addresses these
challenges through the ability to aggregate data and perform the real-time evaluation of
relevant battery parameters and sensor values. Appropriate information can be automatically
uploaded to backend operational systems in the cloud, enabling dealers or fleet operators
to automatically schedule preventative maintenance at a time and place that balances
convenience for the user against the severity of problems that have been detected.
Edge compute technologies can enable secure, frictionless entry to a vehicle based on
multi-factor authentication, for example using a camera for face recognition, an infrared
camera for spoofing detection and a Bluetooth sensor to detect the proximity of the
driver’s smartphone.
Finally, once the proportion of smart vehicles reaches a critical threshold within a certain
geography, smart traffic management will become feasible, enabled by roadside edge
compute. In one example, if a road intersection has an edge node deployed to which the
majority of vehicles can communicate while coming towards the intersection, the edge
node can aggregate the location and speed data from nearby vehicles, optimize traffic
light timing for efficient traffic flow and notify the smart vehicles in advance about the
situation at the intersection. Widespread deployments of such edge nodes will enable
Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) applications that optimize traffic flows not only for
individual intersections, but over wider areas thanks to the cloud-based analysis of edge
data and the centralized orchestration of the individual intersections.
2.7.7 Summary of the Edge Continuum
Each edge tier represents unique tradeoffs between scalability, reliability, latency,
cost, security and autonomy. In general, compute at the User Edge reflects dedicated,
operated resources on a wired or wireless local area network (LAN) relative to the users
and processes they serve. Meanwhile, the Service Provider Edge and Public Cloud generally
represent shared resources (XaaS) on a wide area network relative to users and processes.
In many applications, User Edge workloads will run in concert with Service Provider Edge
workloads. Workloads on the User Edge will be optimized for latency criticality, bandwidth
savings, autonomy, safety, security and privacy, whereas workloads on the Service Provide
Edge will be optimized for scale. For example, an AI/ML model might be trained in a
centralized cloud data center or on the Service Provider Edge but pushed down to the
Tier Summary
User Edge Service Provider Edge Centralized Cloud
Attribute Data Centers
Constrained Device Edge Smart Device Edge On-prem Data Center Edge Access Edge Regional Edge
Global Node
Last Mile Networks
Trillions Billions Millions Hundreds of Thousands Tens of Thousands Hundreds
Diverse mix of specialized Purpose-built radio infrastructure. General purpose server and
General purpose server-class
Physical Highly-specific form form-factors with unique I/O, General purpose server and networking networking infrastructure with
infrastructure with some General purpose server
factors for every device industrial ruggedization, hardware. Power, thermal, ruggediza- power, thermal, ruggedization and
Attributes regulatory certifications, etc.
ruggedization and regulatory infrastructure
considerations (e.g. for MDCs) tion and regulatory considerations for regulatory considerations for
based on use case localized resources. localized resources
User Edge for execution. Table 1 summarizes key attributes of each edge.
The boundaries between edge tiers are not rigid. As mentioned previously, the Service
Provider Edge can blend into the User Edge when CPE resources are deployed on-
premise in order to provide a user with connectivity and compute as a managed service.
Meanwhile, the User Edge can also extend to the other side of the last mile network, as
in the case of enterprise-owned private cloud data centers. While the edge boundaries
are fluid, they are instructive: certain technical and logistical limitations will always dictate
where workloads are best run across the continuum based on any given context.
Regardless of the definitions of various edge tiers, the ultimate goal is to provide
developers with maximum flexibility, enabling them to extend cloud-native development
practices as far down the cloud-to-edge continuum as possible, while recognizing the
practical limitations. The following sections dive deeper into LF Edge and how each
project within the umbrella is working to realize this goal.
As with other LF umbrella projects, LF Edge is a technical meritocracy and has a Technical
Advisory Committee (TAC) that helps align project efforts and encourages structured
growth and advancement by following the Project Lifecycle Document (PLD) process. All
new projects enter as Stage 1 “At Large” projects which are projects that the TAC believes
are, or have the potential to be, important to the ecosystem of Top-Level Projects, or the
edge ecosystem as a whole. The second “Growth Stage” is for projects that are interested
in reaching the Impact Stage, and have identified a growth plan for doing so. Finally, the
third “Impact Stage” is for projects that have reached their growth goals and are now on a
self-sustaining cycle of development, maintenance, and long-term support.
downstream collaboration. Akraino Edge Stack is currently composed of multiple
blueprint families that include specific blueprints under development. The community
tests and validates the blueprints on real hardware labs supported by users and
community members.
• Home Edge is a robust, reliable and intelligent home edge computing open source
framework, platform and ecosystem. It provides an interoperable, flexible and
scalable edge computing services platform with APIs that can also be used with
libraries and runtimes.
• State of the Edge is a vendor-neutral platform for open research on edge computing
dedicated to accelerating innovation by publishing free, shareable research and
analysis on edge computing. The project publishes the yearly State of the Edge
reports, maintains the Open Glossary of Edge Computing and oversees the LF Edge
Interactive Landscape.
and supervising (Level 2), manufacturing operations management (Level 3) and
business planning logistics (level 4), as per ISA95.
• Open Horizon is a platform for managing the service software lifecycle of
containerized workloads and related machine learning assets. It enables
management of applications deployed to distributed webscale fleets of edge
computing nodes and devices without requiring on-premise administrators.
Last Mile Networks
MCU-based Embedded Smartphones, PCs, ruggedized Servers in secure on-prem Server-based compute at Telco Server-based compute at Servers in traditional
devices compute IoT gateways and servers in data centers, MDCs Network and Edge Exchange Sites Regional Telco and Direct cloud data centers
accessible to semi-secure areas Peering Sites
up and down the compute continuum and offering varying degrees of application- vs.
infrastructure-centric benefits.
Figure 5: LF Edge project framework.
In terms of general project focus, Akraino addresses the unique infrastructure needs
of the Service Provider Edge through holistic blueprints, with reach into the various
subcategories of the User Edge.
The mission of Project EVE is to create a universal orchestration foundation for enterprise
and IIoT edge computing use cases at the Smart Device Edge, like Android has provided
for smartphones. EVE addresses the need to accommodate both legacy and modern
applications on constrained IoT edge compute resources while meeting the unique
security and scale requirements for devices deployed outside of the data center.
Baetyl and Open Horizon are focused on enabling the delivery of containerized workloads
to resources distributed across the Smart Device Edge but also have a footprint that
extends through the Service Provider Edge to the Cloud. The Open Horizon controller can
be deployed centrally in the cloud, regionally at the Service Provider Edge or locally at the
On-Premise Data Center Edge.
EdgeX Foundry and Fledge serve as application frameworks for IoT use cases at the
Smart Device Edge to address the fragmentation in the market stemming from diverse
technology choices spanning hardware, operating system and connectivity protocols.
These frameworks provide an open foundation for deploying analytics and other value-
added services, with each taking a slightly different architectural approach that balances
tradeoffs between flexibility, portability, footprint and performance. Their efforts bridge to
the Constrained Device Edge, facilitate local data processing and in turn relay data to and
from higher edge tiers.
Home Edge is focused at the Smart Device Edge for consumer use cases in the home.
The State of the Edge project spans the entire edge computing continuum, conducting
research and producing free reports on edge computing and related topics. The project
also oversees the Open Glossary of Edge Computing, which seeks to be an industry-
wide lexicon for edge computing as well as a tool to align terminology across all LF Edge
projects. Finally, the project maintains the LF Edge Interactive Landscape, which is a
database-driven taxonomical landscape of edge-related vendors, organizations, projects,
standards and technologies.
LFE will add more projects over time with a philosophy of being inclusive but also
offering structure and promoting increasing harmonization. Per the project mission, the
community aims to develop common best practices and eventual unification of APIs as
appropriate. The result will be an open ecosystem for edge computing with infrastructure
that can be context-aware of the needs of workloads running above, regardless of who
wrote them. As an example, imagine a world where infrastructure could prioritize QoS for
a healthcare app running right next to one that delivers entertainment content.
4 Summary
The concept of edge computing promises exciting new revenue opportunities resulting
from the delivery of new types of services to new types of customers, in both consumer
and enterprise segments. Compelling use cases include applications such as industrial
IoT, computer vision, augmented reality, retail, gaming and assisted driving.
The Linux Foundation (LF) and its subsidiary organization LF Edge (LFE) have initiated a
range of open-source software projects that enable companies of all types to collaborate
around solutions for developing, deploying and monetizing edge applications and
services. Recognizing the compelling business potential that results from extending cloud
computing to the edge of the network, hundreds of developers from industry-leading
organizations worldwide are participating in these projects that result in edge-optimized
solutions for orchestration, management cloud services, frameworks and more.
This white paper has provided an overview of the architectures, use cases and LFE
projects associated with edge compute. In-depth technical information is available via the
individual projects’ websites and interested developers are encouraged to participate in
the LFE community.
The Join page on the LFE website provides information on joining LFE, explaining the processes
for both existing LF members and non-members. There’s also a link to an Inquiry page where
interested parties can ask specific questions and obtain additional information.