Salary Increase EO811
Salary Increase EO811
Salary Increase EO811
(a) prescribe the first tranche of the modified salary schedule of civilian personnel
and base pay schedule of military and uniformed personnel in the government;
(b) direct the review and modification of the position classification system.
(b) Military and Uniformed Personnel – The modified Base Pay Schedule
provided in item (8) of said Joint Resolution, shall cover the military personnel
under the Department of National Defense (DND) and uniformed personnel
under the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG),
Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), and National Mapping and Resource
Information Authority (NAMRIA).
(a) For national government agencies (NGAs), the Salary Schedule in item (4) (b)
and the Base Pay Schedule in item (8) of said Joint Resolution, shall be
implemented in four (4) equal yearly tranches, but in no case beyond four (4)
(b) For GOCCs, GFIs, and LGUs, the implementation period shall be four (4)
years or more depending on their financial capability.
The salary rates shall be in accordance with the First Tranche Monthly Salary
Schedule for Civilian Government Personnel Effective July 1, 2009, attached as
Annex “A.”
(ii) For LGU Personnel –
The salary rates for LGU personnel shall be determined by the sanggunian,
on the basis of LGU income class and financial capability: Provided, That such
salary rates shall not exceed the applicable percentages shown in the table
below, pursuant to item 7(a) of the Joint Resolution: Provided, Further That the
resulting personal services (PS) cost shall not exceed the PS limitation in local
government budgets, as provided under Sections 325(a) and 331(b) of Republic
Act No. 7160: Provided, Finally That there shall be no diminution in the basic
salaries of incumbents for purposes of complying with said PS limitation.
The base pay rates shall be in accordance with the First Tranche Monthly Base
Pay Schedule for Military and Uniformed Personnel Effective July 1, 2009,
attached as Annex “B.”
(a) GOCCs and GFIs which do not have adequate or sufficient funds shall
implement salary schedules which shall be at uniform percentages of the
salary rates in Annex “A.”
(b) Likewise, LGUs which do not have adequate or sufficient funds to implement
the maximum salaries prescribed for the LGU income class shall implement
salary schedules which shall be at uniform percentages of the salary rates in
the First Tranche Monthly Schedule for Local Government Personnel.
The position titles and salary grade assignments of the entry levels of the
following positions are hereby modified:
The DBM, in coordination with the Civil Service Commission (CSC), shall
review the other levels of the above-listed positions and other classes of positions to
determine their appropriate levels, and to allocate them to their proper salary grades.
Accordingly, the DBM, in coordination with the CSC, shall update the Index of
Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes, and Salary Grades, in
accordance with organizational, technological, professional and other developments.
SECTION 8. Funding Sources – The funding sources for the amounts necessary
to implement the modified Compensation and Position Classification System shall be
as follows:
(a) For NGAs, the amounts shall be charged against appropriations set aside for
the purpose in the FY 2009 General appropriations Act (GAA) and from
savings generated by the different departments, bureaus, offices and
agencies of the national government. Thereafter, such amounts as are
needed shall be included in the annual GAA.
(b) For GOCCS and GFIs, the amounts shall come from their respective
corporate funds in the approved corporate operating budgets.
(c) For LGUs, the amount shall be charged against their respective local
government funds.
SECTION 11. Effectivity. – This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila this 17th day of June in the year of our Lord, Two thousand
and Nine.
By the President: