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Compass deviation is caused by:

A) The difference in the location of the Earths Magnetic and Geographic Poles.
B) The angle of magnetic dip.
C) The angle of inclination.
D) Aircraft magnetism distorting the Earths magnetic field.

Ans: D

2. The forces acting upon the compass needle in a stand-by compass in an aircraft,

A) the Earths magnetic field, the aircraft magnetic field and the effects of
attitude and movement of the aircraft.
B) the Earths magnetic field, the Coriolis effect and aircraft magnetism.
C) the total magnetic field in the compass location.
D) mechanic forces only.

Ans: A

3. Directions are stated:

A) In degrees with reference to True North when plotted with reference to the
latitude/longitude grid on a chart.
B) As a reference direction and a number of degrees.
C) All 3 answers are correct.
D) In degrees in a 360( system, starting out clockwise from the reference

Ans: C

4. In direct reading magnetic compass, the effect of dip is counteracted by:

A) Compass liquid.
B) The shape of the casing.
C) Powerful magnets.
D) Low centre of gravity.

Ans: D

5. On the earths surface points of equal dip are known as:

A) isogonals.
B) isoclinals.
C) aclinic.
D) agonic.

Ans: B

6. In the areas close to the magnetic poles compasses are not to any use in air
navigation, mainly because:

A) The field strength of the Earths magnetic field is at it is weakest in this

B) The inclination is insufficient in these areas.
C) The distance from the magnetic equator is too long.
D) The horizontal component of the Earths magnetic field is too weak.

Ans: D
7. A magnetic compass will show an apparent turn to the North in the Southern
Hemisphere when:

A) the aircraft decelerates on 270 (C).

B) the aircraft accelerates on 000 (C).
C) the aircraft accelerates on 090 (C).
D) the aircraft accelerates on 180 (C).

Ans: A

8. True North is:

A) Is in any direction out from the true north pole.

B) The direction along a meridian.
C) The direction along any meridian toward the true north pole.
D) The direction along the meridian, toward the north pole when on the northern
hemisphere and toward the south pole when on the southern hemisphere.

Ans: C

9. Referring to the Earths magnetic field:

A) the inclination is 90° at the geographical poles.

B) the inclination decreases with increased geographical latitude.
C) the dip is maximum at the magnetic equator
D) the inclination is 90° at the magnetic poles.

Ans: D

10. From position A (04° N 030° W) an aircraft flies 600 NM due south, then 600 NM
due east, the 600 NM due north, then 600 NM due west. What is the aircrafts final
position in relation to A?

A) Due south of A.
B) Due west of A.
C) Due east of A.
D) Overhead A.

Ans: C

11. The north and south magnetic poles are the only positions on the earths surface

A) the value of magnetic variation equals 90° .

B) a freely suspended compass needle will stand vertical.
C) a freely suspended compass needle will stand horizontal.
D) isogonal converge.

Ans: B

12. Grivation is:

A) Is the sum of Grid convergence, variation and deviation

B) Is the sum of Grid convergence and deviation
C) Is the sum of variation and deviation
D) Is the sum of Grid convergence and variation

Ans: D
13. What is variation at the magnetic equator?

A) 180° E/W.
B) Less than 90° .
C) Between 45° and 90° .
D) Zero.

Ans: B

14. Variation is called Westerly when:

A) the Magnetic Meridian is to the West of Compass North.

B) magnetic North is to the West of True North.
C) true North is to the West of Magnetic North.
D) the magnetic meridian is to the West of 180° parallel.

Ans: B

15. The magnetic north pole seems to rotate around the geographical north pole. A
complete rotation takes about:

A) 11 years.
B) 1 degree each 5. year.
C) 4 years.
D) 1 degree each 9. year.

Ans: B

16. The remote compass system remains synchronised in a turn because:

A) the follow up motor keeps the compass synchronised.

B) it is sensing the earths electrical field automatically.
C) the precession circuit is activated causing the gyro to follow the turn.
D) the signals from the detector unit to the signal Selsyn change at the same rate
as the rotor of the signal Selsyn turns.

Ans: D

17. Grid convergence:

A) is easterly in all positions having westerly longitude.

B) is easterly for positions east of the grid datum meridian on the northern
C) is westerly for positions east of the grid datum meridian on the
D) is easterly in all positions having easterly longitude.

Ans: C

18. Grivation is 56W when:

A) Grid convergence is 58W and deviation is 2E.

B) Grid convergence is 46W and variation is 10E.
C) GH is 103° and MH is 159° .
D) GH is 156° and MH is 103° .

Ans: C
19. Convergence is:

A) the angle of inclination of meridians towards each other.

B) the angular change of direction of a Rhumb Line course as it passes one meridian
to another.
C) the angle at which a meridian cuts the Equator.
D) the angle of inclination of one parallel of latitude with another.

Ans: A

20. Preparing a chart for use of grid means:

A) Selecting a meridian on the chart and drawing lines on the chart, parallel to
the meridian selected.
B) Pre-calculating grid directions for all positions marked on the chart.
C) Selecting suitable grid tracks, position line and bearings.
D) Mark the chart with lines and values for grid latitude and longitude.

Ans: A

21. On the earths surface, points of zero dip are known as:

A) isogonals.
B) isoclinals.
C) aclinic.
D) agonic.

Ans: c

22. Required track 300° T, drift 8° right, variation 10° W, deviation -4° . What is
the required compass heading?

A) 310°
B) 298°
C) 306°
D) 314°

Ans: C

23. The lines on the earths surface that join points of equal magnetic variation
are called:

A) isoclines.
B) isogrives.
C) isotachs.
D) isogonals.

Ans: D

24. The magnetic meridian in a position is:

A) The direction in which a freely suspended magnet will point in that position.
B) The direction of the great circle running from the magnetic south pole to the
magnetic north pole, measured in the position.
C) The horizontal direction of the Earths magnetic field in that position, toward
the magnetic north pole.
D) The direction in the Earths magnetic lines of force in the position.

Ans: C
25. The Initial Great Circle Track from A (S 27° 30 E 017° 45) to B (S 27° 30 E
029° 15) is:

A) 092.65°
B) 088.34°
C) 087.35°
D) 091.61°

Ans: A

26. A compass swing should be conducted:

A) with the engine shut down.

B) with no crew onboard
C) with the radio equipment off.
D) with the engine running.

Ans: D

27. The initial great circle track from A (S 30° 45 E 045° 15) to B(S 30° 45 E 062°
38) is:

A) 088.9°
B) 099.9°
C) 094.4°
D) 098.7°

Ans: C

28. With reference to the remote compass system. The precession rate of the gyro is
kept low in order to:

A) maintains the gyro axis in the vertical plane.

B) allow the master unit to follow the gyro unit.
C) suppress turning and acceleration errors.
D) maintain the gyro axis in the horizontal plane.

Ans: C

29. The Great Circle bearing of B (70° S 060° E), from A (70° S 030° W), is

A) 135° (T)
B) 090° (T).
C) 315° (T).
D) 150° (T).

Ans: A

30. Magnetic variation:

A) is the angle between true and magnetic north and has a maximum value of 180° .
B) is the angle between compass and magnetic north and has a maximum value of
180° .
C) is the angle between compass and magnetic north and cannot exceed 90°.
D) is the angle between true and magnetic north and is zero at the equator.

Ans: A
31. The type of compass least likely to suffer from parallax is:

A) directional indicator.
B) direct reading compass.
C) a standby compass.
D) remote reading compass.

Ans: D

32. Isogrives are lines that connect positions that have:

A) the same grivation.

B) the same horizontal magnetic field strength.
C) the same variation.
D) O° magnetic dip.

Ans: A

33. What is the convergence given that two meridians at latitude 60º are 40º apart:

A) 26.52°
B) 54.64°
C) 34.64°
D) 31.21°

Ans: C

34. On the earths surface points of equal variation are:

A) isoclinals.
B) isogonal.
C) aclinic.
D) agonic.

Ans: B

35. A Great Circle passes through point A and point B. The initial track through A
is 350º and the final track through B is 290º. The Convergence Angle is:

A) -60º
B) +60º
C) -120º
D) +120º

Ans: A

36. The purpose of establishing a grid is:

A) To make the system of latitude and longitude available on a gridded map.

B) To provide a system for directions where a great circle has a constant
direction, even if its true direction varies.
C) Make a chart covering high latitudes that has the same qualities as the
equatorial Mercator chart.
D) Minimise the errors introduced when making calculations involving variation

Ans: B

1. Directions are stated:

A) As a reference direction and a number of degrees
B) In degrees with reference to True North when plotted with reference to the
latitude/longitude grid on a chart
C) In degrees in a 360? system, starting out clockwise from the reference direction
D) All 3 answers are correct

Ans: D

2. The angular difference between Compass North and Magnetic North is:

A) Variation
B) Deviation
C) Inclination
D) Magnetic Correction

Ans: B

3. The angular difference between the geographical meridian and magnetic meridian
running through the same position is:

A) Variation
B) Deviation
C) Inclination
D) Magnetic Correction

Ans: A

4. Given Variation 6?E, Deviation 4?W, Heading 136?True. What is the compass

A) 130
B) 138
C) 134
D) 126

Ans: C

5. Variation in a position is 13?W, and True track is 136?. Consider the following

A) The compass track is 149?

B) The magnetic track is 149?
C) Looking North from this position, ther Magnetic North pole seems to be located
to the east of the true north pole
D) The position most likely is located at northern latitudes and on eastern

Ans: B

6. In the areas close to the magnetic poles, magnetic compasses are not to any use
in air navigation, mainly because:

a) The field strength of the Earth’s magnetic field is at it’s weakest in this area
b) The distance from the Magnetic Equator is too long
c) The horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field is too weak
d) The inclination is insufficient in these areas

Ans: C
7. The red end of a direct reading compass needle will point:

A) North and upwards in the northern hemisphere

B) North and upwards in the southern hemisphere
C) South and downwards in the southern hemisphere
D) South and upwards in the southern hemisphere

Ans: B

8. Dip is the angle between:

A) The H and Z components measured from the vertical

B) The Z component and the earth’s magnetic field measured upwards
C) The H and Z components measured from the horizontal
D) The H component and the earth’s magnetic field measured from the horizontal

Ans: D

9. True Heading is 355?(T), Variation is 12?W, Compass Heading is 002?(C). The

magnetic heading of the aircraft is ——- and the deviation is ———

A) 343?(M) 7?W
B) 343?(M) 19?E
C) 007?(M) 5?W
D) 007?(M

) 5?E

Ans: D

10.Compass Heading is 237?(C), magnetic heading is 241?(M) with the variation 12?W:

A) Deviation is 4?W and True North is east of Compass North

B) Deviation is 4?E and Compass North is west of True North
C) Deviation is 4?W and Magnetic North is east of Compass North
D) Deviation is 4?E and True North is west of Compass North

Ans: B

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