a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Concrete is the commonly used manufactured building material in the world, owing to its usefulness and
Received 5 July 2020 relatively low cost. One of the disadvantages of conventional concrete is its high self-weight. This heavy
Received in revised form 22 September self-weight of concrete will result in uneconomical structural material. To decrease the self-weight of
concrete, the coarse aggregate is replaced partially by lightweight aggregate. This is known as lightweight
Accepted 28 September 2020
Available online xxxx
concrete having low density, reduction of dead load and to increase thermal insulation. There are two
types of lightweight aggregate - natural lightweight aggregate and artificial lightweight aggregate. One
of the most commonly available natural lightweight aggregate called pumice aggregate is used as a
Conplast SP430
replacement for coarse aggregate. Pumice aggregate is used because of its low density than conventional
Lightweight Aggregate coarse aggregate, and it is easily available. Lightweight concrete is prepared by partially replacing the
Non-Destructive Test coarse aggregate with pumice aggregate by 50%, 80% & 100%. The conventional concrete and pumice
Pumice Lightweight Aggregate Concrete lightweight aggregate concrete is made by using mix M30 with Conplast SP430 admixture. The mechan-
(PLWAC) ical and durability properties of conventional concrete and pumice lightweight aggregate concrete are
Pumice Stone compared by conducting various destructive and non-destructive tests and favorable replacement is
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Advanced Materials Behavior and Characterization.
1. Introduction as light weight rock, because of its desired properties and it is used
as construction material in civil industry for centuries in the world
In the recent construction industry, even though we are practic- [7,10].Replacing pumice aggregate with coarse aggregate decreases
ing with different composite materials concrete plays a major role the self-weight of the concrete and results in decreasing the self-
in the construction sector [8,11]. Concrete is a building material, weight of building. One of the most advantages of pumice aggre-
consistingof cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. Among gate is it has a low density as compared to conventional coarse
the ingredients of concrete, coarse aggregate imparts greater volu- aggregate [2,5]. It has low specific gravity and has thermal insula-
metric stability and durability to concrete. It is cheaper than tion [2,3]. Its water absorption is as higher than normal coarse
cement and hence directly helps in achieving economy in concrete aggregate because it is highly porous material while comparing
[6,8,9]. Hence maximum of good aggregate should be used as much to coarse aggregate [2,8]. Hence before using pumice aggregate it
as possible. A good aggregate should produce the desired proper- is soaked in water for 24 h [6,9]. Pumice is light coloured or white
ties in both the fresh and hardened concrete. Based on literature in colour. It has the fairly even texture of interconnected cells and
review, pumice stone is selected as replacement material for coarse floats on water [2]. The density of pumice is 0.25gm/cm3 [1].
aggregate [1,4].Pumice stones are rocks of volcanic origin which
occur in many parts of the world. Pumice stone is a natural light- 2. Objective and scope
weight aggregate which is light enough and yet strong enough to
be used as light-weight concrete. Their lightness is due to the To produce lightweight concrete by using pumice aggregate.
escaping of gas from the molten lava when erupted from deep To know the characteristics of conventional concrete and
beneath the earth’s crest. Pumice stone is a very popular material pumice aggregate concrete.
To study the effect of various types of replacements (50%, 80% &
100%) of natural aggregate by pumice lightweight aggregate
⇑ Corresponding author.
and conventional concrete.
E-mail address: (R.B. Karthika).
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advanced Materials Behavior and Characterization.
Please cite this article as: R.B. Karthika, V. Vidyapriya, K.V. Nandhini Sri et al., Experimental study on lightweight concrete using pumice aggregate, Materi-
als Today: Proceedings,
R.B. Karthika, V. Vidyapriya, K.V. Nandhini Sri et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
The main scope of the project is to find the feasibility of replac- by natural lightweight aggregate by 0%,10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%
ing the conventional coarse aggregate with pumice aggregate [4]. The physical and mechanical properties of natural aggregate
by 50%, 80% & 100% in M30 concrete. are evaluated and found that 20% replacement of pumice light-
A comparative study has been done between conventional con- weight aggregate gives optimum value and beyond 20% the
crete and pumice aggregate concrete. strength of concrete decreases [4,11].
The destructive and non – destructive tests such as compressive
strength test, split tensile strength test, flexural strength test, 4. Methodology
ultrasonic pulse velocity test and rebound hammer test have
been done on conventional concrete and pumice aggregate Literature reviews were studied to collect the data regarding
concrete. pumice aggregate and based on the data collected preliminary
The results of the tests revealed the favorable replacement of works were performed.Materials likepumice aggregate, coarse
pumice aggregate and the usefulness of pumice aggregate aggregate, fine aggregate, cement were collected. Basic tests on
concrete. materials were done to make sure that they are suitable for making
concrete. The mix design for control concrete of grade M30 and
3. Literature review pumice aggregate concrete had determined as per IS 10262–
2009. Moulds were prepared to cast the specimen [2]. Moulds of
3.1. Basic properties of pumice aggregate size 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm, cylinder moulds of size
100 mm 200 mm and beam moulds of
R. S. Muralitharan and V. Ramasamy investigated the mechani- size100mm 100 mm 500 mm were used to cast the specimen-
cal properties of pumicelightweight aggregate concrete. In this with partial replacement of 50%, 80% & 100% of coarse aggregate
investigation, pumice stone are proposed to be utilized as the with pumice aggregate. Casted specimens were tested after
coarse aggregate. It is possible to develop lightweight concrete 28 days of curing. Destructive tests like Compressive strength test,
using pumice with a dry density of 1200 kg/m3 up to 1450 kg/m3 Split tensile strength test and Flexural strength test and Non-
[1].At present, the amount of works has been undertaken to inves- destructive tests like Rebound hammer test and Ultrasonic pulse
tigate the mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete. velocity test were done on the casted specimens[10,11]. Test
(i.e.) Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, acid resis- results were compared and conclusions have arrived.
tance, and thermal resistance were investigated for pumice light-
weight aggregate concrete and at various ages of curing [1]. The
objective is to develop lightweight concrete using Indian pumice 5. Materials
coarse aggregate and to study the behaviour of pumice lightweight
concrete under cyclic loading [1]. At the end of the investigation, The constituent materials used are given below:
the following conclusions were made: Structural compressive
strength of pumice almost reached normal coarse aggregate com- (1) Cement
pressive strength. Reduction in density confirms that lightweight (2) Fine aggregate
concrete can be used for lightweight structures [1]. (3) Conventional coarse aggregate
(4) Pumice lightweight aggregate
3.2. Experimental investigation on lightweight concrete using pumice (5) Water
6. Properties of materials
A. Suba Lakshmi, S. Karthick, Gasper Helden, M. Dinesh Boo-
pathi and V. Balaji Pandian carried out the study on lightweight 6.1. Cement
concrete by using pumice aggregate. Replacing pumice stone with
coarse aggregate is said to be structural lightweight concrete In general, cement is a common binding material, a substance
solves to reduce the self-weight of building [2]. The main objective which sets and hardens, and can bind with other materials
is to determine whether pumice stone lightweight concrete can be together [10]. Ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade conforming
used as structural concrete, to determine the compressive strength to IS 12269–1987 is used. The cement should be free from lumps
and split tensile strength of lightweight concrete having density and any foreign matters before it is used. The cement should be
below 1800 kg/m3 and to study the effect of various types replace- stored under the dry condition and used for this short duration
ments (20%, 50%, 80%, 100%) of natural aggregate by lightweightag- [7].The properties of the cement were tested as per IS 4031 given
gregate (pumice) and conventional concrete on 7, 28 days [2]. in Table 1.
From the study, it is found that 50% replacement of pumice light-
weight aggregate with conventional coarse aggregate is the opti- 6.2. Fine aggregate
mum replacement level and the increasing percentage of pumice
aggregate decreases the strength of concrete [2]. Fine aggregate is a small size filler material in concrete which
fills the voids in between the coarse aggregate. The particle size
3.3. The study on strength properties of lightweight concrete using fine aggregate ranges from 4.75 mm to 75 lm. M- Sand conforming
lightweight aggregate to grading zone II and the requirements of IS 383–1970 is used as
fine aggregate. It should be clean, hard, strong and free from Table 3
organic impurities and deleterious substance it should inert to Properties of Conventional Coarse Aggregate.
other materials and of suitable types concerning strength, density, S.No Properties Test Results
shrinkage, and durability of concrete made with it [7]. The proper- 1 Specific Gravity 2.70
ties of fine aggregate were tested as per IS 2386 (Part – 3)-1963 2 Sieve Analysis 4.68
and IS 383–1970 given in Table 2. 3 Water Absorption 0.67%
4 Bulk Density Loose Bulk Density 1.54 g/cm3
Rodded Bulk Density 1.53 g/cm3
5 Impact Test 25.16%
6.3. Conventional coarse aggregate 6 Crushing Strength Test 24.75%
Table 5
Mix Proportion.
Table 6 Table 12
Slump cone test on concrete. Split tensile strength test on concrete.
Type of concrete Slump value (mm) Type of concrete Average split tensile strength (N/mm2)
Normal concrete 130 Normal concrete 4.13
PLWAC (50%) 40 PLWAC (50%) 1.79
PLWAC (80%) 32 PLWAC (80%) 1.69
PLWAC (100%) 30 PLWAC (100%) 1.36
Table 7 Table 13
Compaction factor test on concrete. Flexural strength test on concrete.
Type of concrete Compaction factor value Type of concrete Average flexural strength (N/mm2)
Normal concrete 0.96 Normal concrete 4.069
PLWAC (50%) 0.95 PLWAC (50%) 3.636
PLWAC (80%) 0.93 PLWAC (80%) 3.265
PLWAC (100%) 0.92 PLWAC (100%) 2.873
Table 8 50% replacement has high water absorption value after that water
Water absorption test on concrete. absorption value decreases.
Type of concrete Water absorption value (%)
Normal concrete 1.6% 9.4. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test
PLWAC (50%) 4.1%
PLWAC (80%) 3.6%
PLWAC (100%) 2.5% Ultrasonic pulse velocity test is performed to assess the homo-
geneity, presence of cracks, change in structure and quality of con-
crete as per IS 13,311 (Part I)-1992.From the test results of
Table 9 ultrasonic pulse velocity test, the average pulse velocity of M30
Ultrasonic pulse velocity test on concrete. conventional concrete, Pumice LWAC with 50%, 80% and 100%
replacement are 5075 m/s, 5057.67 m/s, 6736 m/s and 6339 m/s
Specimen Ultrasonic pulse velocity
respectively. According to the dissipation of the integrity M30 con-
Average travelled time (ls) Average pulse velocity (m/s)
ventional concrete and Pumice LWAC with 50%, 80% and 100%
Normal 19.63 5075.33 replacement exhibits excellent integrity.
PLWAC (50%) 29.34 5057.67
PLWAC (80%) 15.56 6736 9.5. Rebound hammer test
PLWAC (100%) 19.7 6339.33
R.B. Karthika, V. Vidyapriya, K.V. Nandhini Sri et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
11. Conclusion
R.B. Karthika, V. Vidyapriya, K.V. Nandhini Sri et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
The authors wish to express their gratitude and sincere appre- References
ciation to Department of Civil Engineering, SRM Easwari Engineer-
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[2] A. Suba Lakshmi, S. Karthick, Gasper Helden, M. Dinesh Boopathi, V. Balaji
ing using CTM which was provided by Government of India under Pandian ‘‘Experimental Investigation on Lightweight Concrete using Pumice
the Scheme ‘‘Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure (FIST)” of Aggregate” International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in
the Department of Science & Technology (DST) and also for the on- Engineering, Volume 4, Issue – 3, 176 – 183,2017.
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[3] Rajeswari S, Dr Sunilaa George ‘‘Experimental Study of Lightweight Concrete [11] V.Saravana Karthika, A.Mohan, R.Dinesh Kumar and Chippymol James,
by Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate using Pumice Aggregate” Sustainable Consideration by Characterization of Concrete through Partial
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Lightweight Concrete using Lightweight Aggregate” International Journal of
Science and Research, Volume 5, Issue – 6,1735 – 1739, June 2016.
Further Reading
[5] Rakesh Kumar Saini, Anil Godara, Anurag Maheswari, Ashish Kumar Meena
‘‘Experimental Study on Lightweight Concrete with Pumice Stone as a Partial [1] N. Sivalingarao, N. Manju ‘‘A Brief Study on Mechanical Properties of Silica
Replacement of Coarse Aggregate” Universal Review, Volume 7, Issue – 5, 48 – Fume Lightweight Aggregate (Pumice) Concrete” International Conference on
55, May 2018. Recent Innovations in Civil & Mechanical Engineering, pp. 66-71, 2016.
[6] K. Devi Pratyusha S. Ram Lal ‘‘Strength and Workability Investigations on M40 [2] IS 4031-5 (1988): Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, Part 5:
Grade Concrete with Partial Replacement of Aggregate and Cement with Determination of initial and final setting times [CED 2: Cement and Concrete].
Pumice and Metakaoline” International Journal of Advanced Technology and [3] IS 4031-4 (1988): Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement, Part 4:
Innovative Research, Volume 9, Issue – 12, pp. 1974 – 1979, November 2017. Determination of consistency of standard cement paste [CED 2: Cement and
[7] Chandan M.B, Dayanand N. S, Sunil Kumar M. M, Akarsh H.R, Ravi Kumar B.S Concrete].
‘‘An Experimental Study on Lightweight Concrete by Partially Replacing of [4] IS 2386-3 (1963): Methods of test for aggregates for concrete, Part 3: Specific
Normal Coarse Aggregate by Pumice Stone” International Journal for Scientific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking [CED 2: Cement and Concrete].
Research and Development, Volume 5, Issue – 2, 1982 – 1985, 2017. [5] IS 2386-4 (1963): Methods of test for aggregates for concrete, Part 4:
[8] N. Bhavana, C.H Rambabu ‘‘Study of Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Mechanical properties [CED 2: Cement and Concrete].
Aggregate Concrete by using Pumice Stone, Ceramic Tiles and CLC Lightweight [6] IS 10262-2009, Guidelines for concrete mix design proportioning [CED 2:
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[10] Mohan A, Saravana Karthika, Ajith J, Lenin dhal, ‘‘Investigation on Ultra-High test, Part 2: Rebound hammer [CED 2: Cement and Concrete].
Strength Slurry Infiltrated Multiscale Fibre Reinforced Concrete” Materials [11] IS 8112-2013 ‘‘Specification of 43 grade ordinary Portland cement” [CED 2:
Today: Proceedings 22(2020) 904-911. Cement and Concrete].