Intra-Body Nano-Network - Brief Summary by Mik Andersen
Intra-Body Nano-Network - Brief Summary by Mik Andersen
Intra-Body Nano-Network - Brief Summary by Mik Andersen
Brief summary
Mik Andersen
Fractal graphene
Nano-network topology
Nanonodes / Nanosensors
Analysis of the intra-body network
• Note how the nanosensors
G r a ph e n e attach and conform to the
Quantum Dot
GQD artery wall and monitor the
GQDs crossing it through the
• This model can be repeated
throughout the body,
circulatory system, and,
probably, in the nervous
Hydrogel swimmers
Analysis of the intra-body network
components • It's almost certain that the nano-network
Nanorouters operates with multiple nanorouters that
are distributed throughout the body,
fixing themselves in areas with
Nanorouter / Nanocontroller preferential electrical activity. For
example, the endothelium, heart, lungs,
• It's quite likely that each nanorouter has
its own MAC addresses, stored in
memory circuits, which would explain
their dynamic operation.
• The ideal concept is for the nanorouters
to be located close to the regions with
nanosensors and nanoantennas in order
to receive the electrical pulse signals.
Analysis of the intra-body network
components • When the nanorouter receives the signals, it
manages to encode them into TS-OOK and route
them as data packets for transmission. The
TS-OOK signals have a binary pattern that is easy
to interpret and transmit, which increases the
data transmission capacity and the bandwidth
that can be supported in the nano-network.
• The nanorouter doesn't need a processor to
operate, as the QCA (quantum dot) architecture
allows it to operate at a clock frequency, just as a
TS-OOK Codification computer processor would.
• In this way, signals are transmitted to the
nearest nanorouter to optimize the
nano-network and avoid signal saturation. For
this reason, several of these components are
envisaged, seated thanks to the hydrogel.
Analysis of the intra-body network
• The nanointerface is a more complex QCA circuit, which contains a
Nanointerface nanoantenna for transmitting and receiving TS-OOK signals. With high
probability, it has a CODEC to encrypt the data packets and retransmit them to
the outside.
Data transmission
Plasmonic nanoatennas
Analysis of the intra-body network
• The nanointerface, like the nanorouter, can be made up of several levels or layers, of which only
the outermost one is visible under the microscope. This doesn't make it easy to find out its
• The encryption of the data is understandable due to the sensitivity and privacy of the
information to add layers of security to prevent bio-hacking.
• Alongside the CODEC QCA, plasmonic nanoantennas have been found, that serve to boost and
repeat the emission of the nanointerface. This is important for transmitting encrypted data
packets outside the body. To do so, the skin barrier (dermis, epidermis...) must be overcome.
Plasmonic nanoatennas
Intra-body nano-communication
Integrated nanoatenna
D a t a p a c k et
Plasmonic nanoatennas
Data transmission
Cloud-based database
Humanity connected to IoT Network
5G Network