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Intra-Body Nano-Network - Brief Summary by Mik Andersen

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Intra-body nano-network

Brief summary
Mik Andersen

Translated by Orwell City

Diagram of the intra-body
Diagram of the intra-body nano-network
• The nano-network is a set of objects and elements with the ability to interact
with each other through signals in the form of pulses, electromagnetic waves,
and electric fields, being also able to operate in the molecular spectrum.
• These components may be already assembled or pending self-assembly when
the conditions of temperature, magnetism, and environment are suitable.
• Within the nano-network, two types or strands can be distinguished:

1. The one that is fixed in the brain

2. The one that is fixed in the rest of the body
Diagram of the intra-body nano-network
Brain nano-network
• It aims to form a neuronal interface to interact with the cognitive, physical, and electrical
processes of brain activity for neuromodulation, neurostimulation, and neurocontrol.
• This requires the introduction of carbon nanotubes that serve to link neurons, shortening the
natural distance of axons. This can also be achieved with graphene quantum dots and
graphene nanosheets, although the literature makes explicit that single-walled carbon
nanotubes SWCNT or multi-walled carbon nanotubes MWCNT are the key element.
• The carbon nanotubes together with the hydrogel in which they are coated act as electrodes,
picking up the fluctuations of the electrical activity of the neurons, with sufficient sensitivity
to determine the segregation of neurotransmitters.
Diagram of the intra-body nano-network
• Electrical activity can be transmitted through the carbon nanotubes as signals triggered by
the molecular activity of the surrounding brain tissue so that a map of the individual's brain
activity can be obtained in real-time.
• Since the carbon nanotubes are tubular graphene structures, they can propagate the
electrical signals to other components of the nano-network. These are the nearest
nanorouter or nanocontrollers.
• The nanorouters are responsible for receiving the electrical signal, decoding it, configuring
the data packets and the recipient of the information, providing MAC identification and a
destination IP address. Additionally, this information can be encrypted to increase the
security of the system and prevent bio-hacking.
• A nano-interface is required to transmit the signal outside the body, which could have several
functions, on the one hand, the encryption of the data packets and, on the other hand, to
increase the frequency, so that it can be propagated outside the body at an enough
Diagram of the intra-body nano-network
Body nano-network
• As opposed to the brain nano-network, it doesn't require carbon nanotubes to operate and
can be based entirely on the theory of electromagnetic communication. Note that the brain
nano-network additionally works on molecular communication.
• This network employs all kinds of nano-devices and nano-nodes. In particular, graphene
GQD quantum dots, but also nano-devices or nano-sensors made of hydrogel, carbon
nanotubes, and graphene sheets (not necessarily pre-formed).
• All components, whether nano-sensors, nano-devices, or GQD graphene quantum dots, can
transmit and repeat signals so that they act as nano-antennas, transmitters, and receivers, in
target organs and tissues.
Diagram of the intra-body nano-network
• The possible data that can be obtained are vital signs, cardiac activity, respiratory activity,
blood composition, degree of oxygenation, etc. The literature describes a multitude of
nano-sensors based on graphene and carbon nanotubes, among other components.
• They are obtained thanks to graphene GQD quantum dots, which circulate through the
bloodstream, arteries, capillaries... These components are electrically charged and can
transport proteins due to their adsorptive capacity. When passing near a fixed/attached
biosensor in the human body (e.g. a network of carbon nanotubes with graphene nanosheets
forming a simple circuit or transistor), it generates a potential differential and thus a signal
that can be interpreted and transmitted. Don't forget the ability of the nanomaterial to act as
• The signals are transmitted to the nearest nanocontroller or nanorouter, reproducing the
same signal propagation process, to the outside of the body through a component that acts
as a nano-interface.
This diagram shows all the components that are introduced with each
Nanorouter / Nanocontroller
inoculation. Together, they act as a network for monitoring the human


Intracorporal nano-network components

CODEC / Nanointerface

1. Carbon nanotubes and derivatives CNT, SWCNT, MWCNT

2. Graphene quantum dots GQD
3. Hydrogel swimmers
4. Fractal graphene nanoantennas
5. Nanorouter or Nanocontrollers
6. CODEC or Nanointerface

Fractal graphene
Nano-network topology

1. Nano-nodes (GQD, Hydrogel swimmers, Nanotubes, Fibers)

2. Nano-sensors (Nanotube circuits, graphene nanosheets)
Nanonodes / Nanosensors
Hydrogel swimmers
3. Nano-controllers (QCA nanorouter circuits)
4. Nano-interface (QCA nanoCODEC circuits)
5. => Communication with the outside =>
Analysis of the intra-body
network components
Analysis of the intra-body network
• Carbon nanotubes generate a mesh
Carbon nanotubes in the brain over the natural neuronal network,
which makes it possible to infer the
synapse and interfere in its
functioning using the appropriate
• New connection routes between
neurons are also generated, which
means that the natural networks
are no longer used in favor of the
new structure, allowing
neuromodulation, neurostimulation,
and monitoring of the individual's
Neurons neuronal activity.
Analysis of the intra-body network
• This diagram shows how the
nanotubes act as electrodes
with which the neurons are
• Since the graphene with which
the CNTs are formed is a
superconductor, it serves as an
artificial axon.
• It shouldn't be omitted that the
network of CNTs together with
hydrogels can form circuits
with which to obtain and
propagate the signal from the
Analysis of the intra-body network
• Nanosensors can be formed in any part of the
body, not only in the brain. Fundamentally, in
the endothelium and the walls of blood vessels.
• These nanosensors don't have a predefined
shape. Their organization is chaotic, although
they form conductive routes to transmit
electrical signals of potential differential. This
happens when a GQD (graphene quantum dot)
approaches the nanosensor.
• Since nanosensors can propagate signals, they
transmit any potential difference as a signal.

Nanonodes / Nanosensors
Analysis of the intra-body network
• Note how the nanosensors
G r a ph e n e attach and conform to the
Quantum Dot
GQD artery wall and monitor the
GQDs crossing it through the
• This model can be repeated
throughout the body,
circulatory system, and,
probably, in the nervous

Nanosensor made of carbon nanotubes

and nanosheets
Analysis of the intra-body network
Graphene Quantum Dots (GQD)

• Graphene quantum dots are micro-nanometer scale

pieces of graphene or graphene oxide with circular,
hexagonal, triangular... shapes that arise from the
decomposition or oxidation of graphene nanosheets.
• The GQDs, far from being a defect in the network, play
a fundamental role since their size allows them to
function or operate as nano-antennas. But they also
conduct through the circulatory system, arteries, veins,
capillaries, acting as electrical markers, but also
biological since they adsorb proteins and other
components present in the blood.
Analysis of the intra-body network
Signal • The electrical pulses emitted
by the GQDs produce
variations in the signal,
alterations that are picked
up by nanosensors and
retransmitted to the rest of
the nano-network for
The electrical pulses of the GQD can vary depending propagation and emission.
on the proteins that accumulate in its corona

• It must be understood that

these signals can be
discerned and interpreted
according to predefined
mathematical patterns.

GQD pulses without adsorbed material

are different
Analysis of the intra-body network
• Under certain conditions of
Nanoantenas fractales de grafeno
temperature, pressure, and blood
saturation, crystallization of
graphene nanosheets can occur,
forming fractals.
• Graphene fractals are the best
nanoantennas in terms of capacity,
bandwidth, frequency operating
capacity, etc.
• When fixed to arterial and capillary
walls, they enhance the
propagation effect of the F ractal graphene
nano-network signals. nanoantennas
Analysis of the intra-body network
Hydrogel swimmers / nano-ribbons • Hydrogel swimmers are, in fact, ribbons
of hydrogel and graphene, which can
articulate to generate movement through
the body's circulatory system.
• They can release drugs, but also
propagate the nano-network signals to
hard-to-reach areas where nanoantennas
• They could play some role as biosensors.
Some publications report this application.

Hydrogel swimmers
Analysis of the intra-body network
components • It's almost certain that the nano-network
Nanorouters operates with multiple nanorouters that
are distributed throughout the body,
fixing themselves in areas with
Nanorouter / Nanocontroller preferential electrical activity. For
example, the endothelium, heart, lungs,
• It's quite likely that each nanorouter has
its own MAC addresses, stored in
memory circuits, which would explain
their dynamic operation.
• The ideal concept is for the nanorouters
to be located close to the regions with
nanosensors and nanoantennas in order
to receive the electrical pulse signals.
Analysis of the intra-body network
components • When the nanorouter receives the signals, it
manages to encode them into TS-OOK and route
them as data packets for transmission. The
TS-OOK signals have a binary pattern that is easy
to interpret and transmit, which increases the
data transmission capacity and the bandwidth
that can be supported in the nano-network.
• The nanorouter doesn't need a processor to
operate, as the QCA (quantum dot) architecture
allows it to operate at a clock frequency, just as a
TS-OOK Codification computer processor would.
• In this way, signals are transmitted to the
nearest nanorouter to optimize the
nano-network and avoid signal saturation. For
this reason, several of these components are
envisaged, seated thanks to the hydrogel.
Analysis of the intra-body network
• The nanointerface is a more complex QCA circuit, which contains a
Nanointerface nanoantenna for transmitting and receiving TS-OOK signals. With high
probability, it has a CODEC to encrypt the data packets and retransmit them to
the outside.

Integrated nanoantenna CODEC / Nanointerface

Skin barrier

Outside the body

D a t a p a c k et

Data transmission
Plasmonic nanoatennas
Analysis of the intra-body network
• The nanointerface, like the nanorouter, can be made up of several levels or layers, of which only
the outermost one is visible under the microscope. This doesn't make it easy to find out its
• The encryption of the data is understandable due to the sensitivity and privacy of the
information to add layers of security to prevent bio-hacking.
• Alongside the CODEC QCA, plasmonic nanoantennas have been found, that serve to boost and
repeat the emission of the nanointerface. This is important for transmitting encrypted data
packets outside the body. To do so, the skin barrier (dermis, epidermis...) must be overcome.

Plasmonic nanoatennas
Intra-body nano-communication

The electrical pulses of the GQD can vary depending

on the proteins that accumulate in its corona
TS-OOK Codification

Outside the body

GQD pulses without adsorbed CODEC / Nanointerface Skin barrier

material are different

Integrated nanoatenna

D a t a p a c k et
Plasmonic nanoatennas

Data transmission

Cloud-based database
Humanity connected to IoT Network

5G Network

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