Pi Is 1976131717304267
Pi Is 1976131717304267
Pi Is 1976131717304267
Research Article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) on the
Received 30 July 2017 quality of life of women during postpartum period.
Received in revised form Methods: A randomized controlled trial design was used. The participants consisted of primiparous
19 March 2018
women who had experienced a vaginal birth in the obstetrics department of a hospital. Thirty women in
Accepted 20 March 2018
the intervention group and 30 women in the control group were included. Data were collected using the
Maternal Postpartum Quality of Life Questionnaire (MAPP-QoL) between June 2016 and April 2017. PMR
was applied to the intervention group. PMR was performed as contracting a muscle group and then
muscle relaxation
postpartum period
relaxing it, moving (or progressing) from one muscle group to another.
quality of life Results: The mean pretest and posttest scores of the MAPP-QoL in the intervention group were
woman 24.43 ± 4.58 and 26.07 ± 4.58, respectively (t ¼ 2.73, p < .05). The mean pretest and posttest scores of
the MAPP-QoL in the control group were 23.29 ± 4.37 and 21.99 ± 5.58, respectively (t ¼ 2.23, p < .05).
The difference between the mean scores of the women in the intervention and control groups before
PMR was not statistically significant (t ¼ 0.99, p > .05), whereas the difference between the groups after
PMR was found to be statistically significant (t ¼ 3.09, p < .05).
Conclusion: Postpartum quality of life of women was increased after PMR. It is recommended that PMR
be taught to women who are admitted to obstetrics and outpatient clinics and home visits be completed
to expand the use of PMR.
© 2018 Korean Society of Nursing Science, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
p1976-1317 e2093-7482/© 2018 Korean Society of Nursing Science, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
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I. €kşin, S. Ayaz-Alkaya / Asian Nursing Research 12 (2018) 86e90 87
groups (starting with the hands and ending with the feet) [12,13]. large effect size (0.75) and an alpha level set to .05, the initial power
PMR has both physiological and psychological benefits. PMR is analysis indicated that 30 participants per group were required to
effective in treating headaches, backaches, side effects of cancer, reach 80% statistical power. After considering the possibility that
insomnia, pain, and high blood pressure. Progressive relaxation has some participants might experience health problems, be unable to
been demonstrated to have a wide range of effects on psychological continue to participate in the research, or need to leave the inter-
well-being and behavioral change [14]. This method is also used to vention or control groups for unforeseen reasons during the
control many postpartum symptoms [11,13]. The literature de- extended period of the research, a total of 72 women were initially
scribes studies on the ways in which PMR increases the QOL of included in the study (36 in the intervention group and 36 in the
patients with endometriosis and ectopic pregnancy and also of control group). The women included in the study were matched
pregnant women [11,15]. These studies showed that the PMR group according to their age and education level to provide homogeneity
had significantly better improvement in the scores of anxiety, in groups.
depression, and QOL than the control group after PMR training 6 women from the intervention group were excluded from the
[11,15]. However, no study on the effects of PMR on women's QOL study (3 women failed to apply the PMR regularly, 1 woman left the
during the postpartum period could be found in the literature. It is research of her own will, and 1 woman and 1 of the infants expe-
believed that the application of PMR during the postpartum period rienced health problems); 6 women from the control group were
may increase a woman's ability to cope with physical and psycho- excluded (4 women left the study of their own will, and 2 of the
logical problems that she may experience in this period; further- women's infants had health problems). The study was completed
more, it may improve the QOL by accelerating the healing process. with 30 women in the intervention group and 30 in the control
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of PMR on the group (Figure 1).
QOL of women during the postpartum period. The hypothesis of the The inclusion criteria of the study comprised the following: the
study is as follows: women should (a) have completed a minimum education level of
H1: Progressive muscle relaxation has an effect on increasing a elementary school, (b) be aged 18 or above, (c) be primiparous
woman's postpartum quality of life. women, (d) have underwent episiotomy, (e) have experienced no
communication problems, and (f) have delivered a full-term,
Methods healthy baby. Exclusion criteria were as follows: (a) multiparous
women, (b) women who had caesarian section, (c) women who
The study design and samples delivered premature birth, (d) women who had unhealthy baby,
and (e) women who had neuropsychiatric or chronic diseases.
A randomized controlled trial design was used in this research.
The study population consisted of primiparous women who had Measurements and instruments
experienced a vaginal birth in the obstetrics department of a hos-
pital. The sample size was calculated a priori using G*Power 3.1. The A questionnaire based on the literature [16e18] and the
effect size was estimated from a study that examined effects of Maternal Postpartum Quality of Life Scale (MAPP-QoL) was used for
health education on postpartum complaints and QOL [6]. Based on a data collection.
1st home visit (2nd week after birth) 1st home visit (2nd week after birth)
Application of questionnaire and MAPP-QoL Application of questionnaire and MAPP-QoL
PMR training and application
2nd home visit (6th week after birth) 2nd home visit (6th week after birth)
PMR application Application of questionnaire and MAPP-QoL
Application of questionnaire and MAPP-QoL
The questionnaire contained 8 questions for determining the player and asked to listen to and perform the PMR at home by
sociodemographic characteristics of women such as age, education following the instructions in the MP3 player three times a week
level, employment status, family type, monthly income, planned for 4 weeks.
pregnancy, perception of relationship with spouse, and self- During the PMR regimen, the researcher called the participants
confidence status about the care of their baby. A follow-up form twice a week to follow up on the continuity. The postpartum QOL
(application and duration of the PMR, the reason for any failure to was reassessed during the home visit at the end of the 6th week
perform PMR, difficulties in applying the PMR, and suggestions after birth (posttest). No intervention was administered in the
regarding application of the PMR) was used in the follow-up of the control group, and the postpartum QOL was evaluated during home
PMR. visits at the end of the 2nd and 6th weeks after birth.
The MAPP-QoL, which was developed in 2007 by Hill and Aldag
[19], consists of 40 items, each of which is addressed in terms of its Ethical consideration
importance to and satisfaction for the respondent. Each item is
scored from 1 to 6 on a Likert-type scale that has the following five Approval of Aksaray University Human Research Ethics Com-
subscales: kinshipefamily friend (10 items), socioeconomic (9 mittee and the written permission of Aksaray Public Hospitals
items), spouse (5 items), health (8 items), and psychological/infant Association General Secretariat were obtained before conducting
(8 items). To calculate the scale's quality-of-life score, 3.5 is sub- the study (Approval no. 2016/33). Before beginning the research, an
tracted from each of the satisfaction items (again, ranging from 1 to explanation of informed consent was read to the women, and the
6), and the resulting score is then multiplied by the number of written consent of each woman was obtained. PMR training was
significance point of the respective item. The points are then added, also planned after completing the posttest in the control group.
and the sum is divided into the number of items (40 items); a However, none of the participants in the control group requested
constant value (15) is added to avoid a negative result. The MAPP- the training.
QoL scores ranged from 0 to 30. A high score on the scale indicates
higher QOL of the individual, whereas a lower score indicates lower Data analysis
QOL after birth. The Turkish validity and reliability study of the
scale was conducted by Altuntug and Ege [20], and its Cronbach a Data were evaluated via the use of the SPSS 23.0 (IBM Corp.,
reliability coefficient was calculated to be .95. In this study, the Armonk, NY, USA) statistical program. The mean score of the MAPP-
Cronbach a value was .85. QoL scale was the dependent variable, and the PMR was the study's
independent variable. Descriptive statistics, such as number, per-
Data collection and procedure centage, mean, and standard deviation, were used to present the
descriptive characteristics of the women in the intervention and
The study was conducted between June 2016 and April 2017. control groups. The Chi-square test was used to compare the cat-
During the application process, women were randomly assigned to egorical data. The ShapiroeWilk test was used to evaluate the
the intervention and control groups. Researchers wrote names on normal distribution of quantitative variables, and the BoxeCox
slips of paper, placed them in a container, mixed them, and then transformation was performed for variables with non-normal dis-
drew the names out one at a time. Before the women's hospital tribution. The significance test was used to examine differences in
discharge, their contact information was obtained, and appoint- quantitative variables between the groups. Continuous variables
ments were made for the first home visit 2 weeks after the births of were compared using the independent sample t test or paired t test.
their babies. Independent sample t test was used to compare the difference
Two home visits to participants in the intervention group between pretest and posttest scores of women in the intervention
were made by the researcher at the end of the 2nd and 6th weeks and control groups. Paired sample t test was used to compare the
after the births of their babies. On the first visit, the participants difference between pretest and posttest scores of women at each
completed a questionnaire and the MAPP-QoL (pretest). Then, group. For all analyses, p < .05 was accepted as the level of
education was given to women on a one-to-one basis to help significance.
them learn and perform the PMR properly. Education lasted for
approximately 1 hour for each woman. Women were first given Results
education about PMR in a quiet room in their homes and then
allowed to listen to a CD on relaxation exercises. For PMR, the There were no statistically significant differences between the
Turkish Psychologists Association's “Voice Recordings of Relaxa- intervention and control group participants in terms of age,
tion Exercises CD” was used. Later, the PMR was performed by the montly income, employment status, education level, family type,
researcher and then the women were asked to perform PMR. planned pregnancy, perception of relationship with spouse, and
Before beginning the PMR, each woman was asked to lie down on self-confidence status about the care of their baby (p > .05)
a comfortable seat or bed and take about five slow, deep breaths. (Table 1).
The first step is applying muscle tension to a specific part of the It was determined that the difference between the mean
body. PMR was performed in conjunction with the voice re- pretest and posttest MAPP-QoL scores (24.43 ± 4.58 and
cordings, with stretching every muscle group from head to feet 26.07 ± 4.58, respectively) of the women in the intervention
and to relax after counting up to 5; the participants also per- group was statistically significant (t ¼ 2.73, p < .05). The mean
formed deep breathing when stretching each muscle group and pretest and posttest MAPP-QoL scores of the women in the
exhaled slowly during relaxation. Relaxation lasted for control group were 23.29 ± 4.37 and 21.99 ± 5.58, respectively,
10e20 seconds before tension of next muscle group. These with a difference that was also statistically significant (t ¼ 2.23,
techniques allow the muscles in the hands, arms, neck, shoulders, p < .05). The difference between the mean scores of the women
chest, abdomen, hips, feet, and fingers, as well as facial and whole in the intervention and control groups before PMR was not sta-
body muscles (muscle groups starting with the hand and ending tistically significant (t ¼ 0.99, p > .05), whereas the difference
with the feet), to stretch and relax and thus provide relief to the between the groups after PMR was found to be statistically sig-
participant. After the education, each woman was given an MP3 nificant (t ¼ 3.09, p < .05) (Table 2).
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I. €kşin, S. Ayaz-Alkaya / Asian Nursing Research 12 (2018) 86e90 89
Table 1 Sociodemographic Characteristics of Women (N ¼ 60). muscle contractions, and decreasing pain sensations [22]. The
literature describes studies indicating that PMR increase the QOL
Sociodemographic Intervention group Control group c or t
in different patient groups [11,15]. However, the literature contains
characteristic (n ¼ 30) (n ¼ 30)
no study on the effects of PMR on the QOL of women during the
Age (yrs) (Mean ± SD) 21.73 ± 3.96 22.73 ± 3.77 1.18a .241
postpartum period.
Monthly income 4424.66 ± 384.69 4209.33 ± 527.52 1.80a .076
(Turkish Liras) A comparison of the pretest and posttest scores of the control
Education level n (%) n (%) group showed a decrease in the MAPP-QoL mean score despite
Elementary school 17 (56.7) 18 (60.0) 0.07 >.999 the lack of a PMR regimen in this group. This may have been the
or less result of many factors affecting daily life, such as a lack of social
High school and 13 (43.3) 1 2 (40.0)
support and difficulties associated with self-care and the care
Employment status given to the baby during the postpartum period. Studies have
Employed 3 (10.0) 3 (10.0) 0.00 >.999 found that problems such as changes in the family, care of the
Unemployed 27 (90.0) 27 (90.0) baby, added responsibilities, insomnia, and fatigue are experi-
Family type
enced during the postpartum period, which in turn negatively
Nuclear family 22 (73.3) 16 (53.3) 2.58 .180
Extended family 8 (26.7) 14 (46.7) affect the QOL [2,4].
Planned situation of pregnancy After the PMR, the women in the intervention group were
Planned 25 (83.3) 28 (93.3) 1.46 .424 found to have a higher MAPP-QoL mean score than the women in
Not planned 5 (16.7) 2 (6.7) the control group. PMR was observed to positively affect the
Perception of relationship with spouse
postpartum QOL of the women in the intervention group. There
Average 1 (3.39) 5 (16.7) 2.96 .195
Good 29 (96.7) 25 (83.3) are several reasons why PMR might produce the observed
Self-confidence about the care of her baby benefit. In the autonomic nervous system, tension and relaxation
Found self-confident 24 (80.0) 20 (66.7) 1.36 .382 involve the firing of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fi-
Not found 6 (20.0) 10 (33.3)
bers, respectively. Because muscle relaxation constitutes the
major dominant component of PMR, the parasympathetic system
Note. SD ¼ standard deviation; yr ¼ years. dominates during and after PMR, resulting in subsequent re-
Independent samples t test.
ductions in heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. It has
also been suggested that deep somatic restfulness, together with
Table 2 Mean Scores of Postpartum Quality of Life before and after Progressive Muscle
parasympathetic dominance, reduces anxiety. The relaxation
Relaxation (N¼60).
response generally may also reduce pain by decreasing tissue
Groups n Pretest Posttest Paired t p oxygen demand, lowering levels of chemicals such as lactic
(Mean ± SD) (Mean ± SD) acid and releasing endorphins. [24,25]. Therefore, a PMR-induced
reduction in anxiety, along with the decreased perception of
Intervention 30 24.43 ± 4.58 26.07 ± 4.58 2.73 .010
Control 30 23.29 ± 4.37 21.99 ± 5.58 2.23 .033
pain, may improve QOL in the postpartum period. This enhanced
t 0.99 3.09 QOL has been shown to be associated with findings indicating
p .326 .003 that PMR is effective in coping with fatigue [16], pain relief [13],
Note. SD ¼ standard deviation. decreased levels of depression and anxiety [15,26,27], and
increased sleep quality [28].
Discussion PMR is a systematic technique that can be used to achieve a deep
state of relaxation [22]. PMR applied in the postpartum period will
The postpartum period is characterized by physiological and make an important contribution to enhancing women's QOL by
psychosocial changes and the assumption of parental roles and increasing their overall ability to cope with the problems that may
responsibilities. These changes can affect the mother's QOL. be encountered during this period.
Studies conducted to determine women's postpartum QOL have This is the first study to investigate the effect of PMR on a
reported moderate-to-low QOL after labor [5,7,21]. For this reason, woman's postpartum QOL. The exclusion of women who gave birth
the implementation of initiatives to increase the QOL of women in in private hospitals and conducting the research in a single hospital
the postpartum period is important. Relaxation therapy has comprise the limitations of the study. Only women who were pri-
recently become an integral part of the care by reducing anxiety miparous and who experienced a vaginal birth were included in the
and stress, distracting attention away from the pain, relieving study.
muscle strain and contractions, facilitating sleep, and reducing
sensitivity to fatigue and pain [22]. PMR is the tension-release Conclusions
cycle combined with a focus on breathing. This variation is aimed
at getting in touch with the individual's tension and the body's As a result of the study, it was determined that the postpartum
response and then letting it go in a controlled manner [23]. In this QOL of women was increased after PMR. Based on this finding, it is
study, the effect of PMR on the postpartum QOL of women in the recommended that PMR be taught to women who are admitted to
intervention and control groups was investigated, revealing an obstetrics and outpatient clinics, home visits be completed to
increase in the mean MAPP-QoL scores after PMR which was found expand the use of PMR, and future studies include multiparous
to be statistically significant. The increase in the MAPP-QoL mean women and those who have experienced C-section delivery.
score of women in the intervention group supports the hypothesis,
“Progressive muscle relaxation has an effect on increasing the Conflicts of interest
postpartum quality of life.” Specifically, the study results indicated
that PMR training and application served as an effective method The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
for increasing the postpartum QOL of women in the intervention
group. The technique promotes systematic relaxation of the major Funding statement
muscle groups of the body with the goal of physical and mental
relaxation, reducing the response to stress, reducing skeletal The research received no specific funding from any institution.
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I. €kşin, S. Ayaz-Alkaya / Asian Nursing Research 12 (2018) 86e90