Gabriel Orozco A Wicked Game
Gabriel Orozco A Wicked Game
Gabriel Orozco A Wicked Game
A Wicked Game
GABRIEL OROZCO, Mexican, b. 1962 | Kiss of the E gg, 1997 | © Gabriel Orozco, Courtesy of Marian Goodman Gallery
Photo: Thomas R. DuBrock, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
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Throughout his career Orozco has Gabriel Orozco and Benjamin
constantly tested the boundaries H.D. Buchloh, “Gabriel Orozco in
of exhibition and institutional Conversation with Benjamin H. D.
platforms. In 1993, he famously Buchloh (2004)” in Gabriel Orozco:
submitted an empty shoebox to the October Files 9, ed. Yve-Alain Bois
Venice Biennale. Other challenges to (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2009),
exhibition space include his Parking 119.
Lot (1995) in which he opened up the 4
Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp, Carmen Boullosa and Gabriel Orozco,
to traffic, permitting the public to “Gabriel Orozco,” Bomb 98 (Winter
park cars there for the duration of 2007): 71.
the exhibition. Scholars and critics 5
have thoroughly examined these Orozco comments that these are
works and their attendant concerns the common parameters of all of his
in various monographs on the artist. work: “I like to include in every work
See critical essays by Ann Temkin, . . . the organic, that is, the specific
Benjamin Buchloh, and Briony Fer in body doing something, and the
Gabriel Orozco, ed. Ann Temkin (New geometric, the platonic or the abstract,
York: Museum of Modern Art, 2009). mechanical and instrumental
2 repetitive action on the same object.”
This aspect of Orozco’s work Buchloh and Orozco, 111.
was recently explored in Briony 6
Fer’s exhibition and catalogue Gabriel Orozco, “Interview with
Gabriel Orozco: Thinking in Circles Guillermo Santamarina,” in Gabriel
(Edinburgh: Fruitmarket Gallery, Orozco (Madrid: Museo Nacional
2013). Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2005).
PLATE 28 | GABRIEL OROZCO, Mexican, b. 1962 | Kiss of the E gg, 1997 | Steel, cable, and egg | 28 1/2 x 47 1/4 x 22 in. (72.4 x 120 x 55.9 cm)
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, gift of the Chaney family, 2012.569 | © Gabriel Orozco, Courtesy of Marian Goodman Gallery
Photo: Thomas R. DuBrock, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston