Verbal Ability: Critical Reasoning - 3: Pradox & Boldface
Verbal Ability: Critical Reasoning - 3: Pradox & Boldface
Verbal Ability: Critical Reasoning - 3: Pradox & Boldface
Verbal Ability 03
Critical Reasoning – 3 : Pradox & Boldface
In the argument given, the two portions in In the argument given, the two boldfaced
boldface play which of the following roles? portions play which of the following roles?
(A) The first and the second each describe (A) The first describes evidence that has been
evidence that has been used to challenge taken as supporting a conclusion; the
the position that the argument seeks to second gives a reason for questioning that
establish. support.
(B) The first is evidence that forms the basis (B) The first describes evidence that has been
for an objection to the position that the taken as supporting a conclusion; the
argument seeks to establish; the second second states a contrary conclusion that
is that position. is the main conclusion of the argument.
(C) The first is evidence that forms the basis (C) The first provides evidence in support of
for an objection to the position that the the main conclusion of the argument; the
argument seeks to establish; the second second states that conclusion.
is a consideration that is introduced to (D) The first describes the circumstance that
counter the force of that evidence. the argument as a whole seeks to explain;
(D) The first and the second each provide the second gives the explanation that the
evidence in support of the position that argument seeks to establish.
the argument seeks to establish. (E) The first describes the circumstance that
(E) The first provides evidence in support of the argument as a whole seeks to explain;
the position that the argument seeks to the second provides evidence in support
establish; the second is that position. of the explanation that the argument
(Source: OG 13, Q76, pg 523) seeks to establish.
(Source: OG 13, Q89, pg 527)
29. Since it has become known that several of
a bank's top executives have been buying 30. Museums that house Renaissance oil
shares in their own bank, the bank's paintings typically store them in environments
depositors, who had been worried by rumors that are carefully kept within narrow margins
that the bank faced impending financial of temperature and humidity to inhibit any
collapse, have been greatly relieved. They deterioration. Laboratory tests have shown
reason that, since top executives evidently that the kind of oil paint used in these paintings
have faith in the bank's financial soundness, actually adjusts to climatic changes quite well.
those worrisome rumors must be false. Such If, as some museum directors believe, paint
1 B 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 C 6 E 7 C 8 B 9 E 10 B
11 A 12 E 13 B 14 E 15 A 16 B 17 B 18 A 19 D 20 A
21 E 22 E 23 C 24 C 25 C 26 C 27 A 28 D 29 A 30 D
2. D (A) That many consumer goods produced in Country 4. D Reasoning: The situation in the stimulus is that naval
X are intended to be sold in Country Y does not ships use different calls depending on where the
help explain why many people in Country Y are attacking ships come from. The correct answer must
not able to afford such goods. explain why the calls are different.
(B) An increasing volume of trade between Country X (A) The answer does not explain why different calls
and Country Y would not help explain any are used for sea vs. submarine based attacking
discrepancies between the two countries. ships.
(C) That the economies of both countries suffered a (B) This answer addresses only the sea-based
downturn could not plausibly explain why many attacking ships.
people in Country Y have trouble paying for non- (C) This answer states that the sea-based attacking
essential goods unless we had the information that ships are different from the submarine-based
Country Y’s recovery was significantly slower than attacking ships. It doesn’t explain why different
Country X’s. calls are used for sea vs. submarine based
(D) Correct. That people in one nation pay far less for attacking ships.
medical services than people in another nation (D) This is the correct answer. Because naval ships
would potentially be helpful in explaining how the react to attacking ships in different ways, they would
people in the former nation would more easily be need to know where the attacking ship was coming
able to afford non-essential goods. from. Hence, the different calls are used to tell
which strategy to implement.
5. C Situation: In 1980, the introduction of honeybees to 7. C Reasoning: If gains in cost-efficiency of solar power
pollinate pear crops in China resulted in increased pear have not improved its economical viability relative to
fruit productivity. This productivity decreased sharply in oil-derived power, the explanation must be that oil-
1985. derived power itself has become more cost-efficient.
Reasoning: What explains the sudden decrease in Choice C points to this explanation and is thus the
1985? The pear crops had experienced sudden boost best answer.
in fruit productivity in 1980. What if, any other factor Actual oil prices control how far, given the viability
was responsible for the decrease in the honeybee threshold, solar power is from economic viability but do
population? This can be explained by a heavy use of not figure in the determination of the threshold, so
insecticides, which are fatal to the honeybee population. choices A and E are incorrect. Choice B provides
(A) Falling prices and falling demand do not explain background on data that give rise to the puzzle but
the falling productivity of the pear orchards. leaves the puzzle unresolved, so it is incorrect. Because
(B) The lack of pests and diseases among imported the viability threshold for solar power is defined in relation
trees does not explain the sharply decreased to generating electricity from oil, choice D is irrelevant
productivity in the native orchards. to determining the threshold and thus incorrect.
(C) Heavy use of insecticide may have dramatically
lowered the honeybee population. 8. B Reasoning: Choice B entails that a principal
(D) If the honeybee population pollinating the crops constituent of the sweetener can impede normal brain
remained the same, one would expect that functioning if high levels of it occur account for a decline
productivity would have remained the same. in cognitive abilites, choice B helps explain the results
(E) This information is unlikely to be relevant to the and is the best answer.
change that occurred in 1985. Choice A suggests that the effect was not due to an
impurity in the sweetener, and choice D suggests that
6. E Reasoning What would explain why Suncorp is further testing could be done using the amino acid alone,
clearing sections of the rain forest for ranching, but neither helps explain how the sweetener might
even though rubber tapping would be more produce the effect. Neither does choice C: what it helps
profitable? Because Suncorp has limited funds, if explain is how the sweetener could be thought harmless
rubber tapping has much higher start-up costs, Suncorp even if the sweetener is responsible could be thought
might not have enough money to start rubber-tapping harmless even if the sweetener is responsible for
operations. If cattle ranching has much lower start-up diminished cognitive functioning. Choice E gives a
costs than rubber tapping, Suncorp might be able to reason to trust the experimental results, but it does not
afford such an operation. explain them.
(A) This statement gives a reason why cattle ranching
in the Amazon might be more profitable than one 9. E Reasoning: The contrast to be explained is that female
might otherwise think it would be. However, we rats develop maternal behaviors toward pups that are
already know from the passage that rubber tapping not their own faster when they cannot smell the pups
would be more profitable than cattle ranching. So, than when they can. If the odor of a strange pup inhibits
this answer choice does not help explain why cattle the development of maternal interest, the contrast is
ranching might be preferable to rubber tapping. explained, so E is the best answer. The other choices
(B) The comparison between the profitableness of can only explain different contrasts. Choice A explains
cattle ranching in tropical climates and in cold contrasts between pups and adult females. Choice B
weather climates is irrelevant. The passage only explains contrasts between pups that are in different
covers cattle ranching in the tropical Amazon forest. circumstance. Choices C and D explain contrasts
This answer choice would at most explain why between two different groups of females, those that have
Suncorp is undertaking cattle ranching in the given birth and those that have not.
Amazon rather than in some cold-weather location.
(C) This statement makes what needs to be explained 10. B The paradox in the argument is that cooked pasta
harder to understand, for it indicates that cattle contains more iron per calorie than uncooked pasta does
ranching in the Amazon might be less profitable even though the two are almost identical in composition
than one would otherwise think. in terms of calories. But there is a difference: “some of
(D) Like answer choice (C), this statement indicates a the starch in cooked pasta is converted to resistant
disadvantage of cattle ranching in the Amazon.So, starch.” Since, this is the only stated difference between
it does not explain why cattle ranching would be the two that could affect the calorie count (water has
preferred to some other economic activity. no calories), the correct answer will focus on this
(E) Correct. Because it costs less to begin cattle difference to explain the paradox.
ranching than it does to begin rubber tapping,