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Verbal Ability: Critical Reasoning - 3: Pradox & Boldface

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Verbal Ability 03
Critical Reasoning – 3 : Pradox & Boldface

Number of Questions : 30 CEX-7810/20

Critical Reasoning – Introduction TYPES OF ARGUMENTS

• Critical reasoning questions appear in the Cause-Effect

Verbal section of the GMAT in a random order.
• In this type of argument there is a causal
• You will spot roughly 11-13 Critical reasoning
relationship between the conclusion and the
questions. premise.
• In CR questions, you are to analyze the X ® Y (so when you have x causes y scenario)
situation on which each question is based, • Assumption:
and then select the answer choice that most • X is the only cause
appropriately answers the question. • It’s not a coincidence
• Answering critical reasoning questions • Effect follows cause
requires no specialized knowledge of any • Strengthen: Support any of the assumptions
particular field. • Weaken: Challenge any of the assumption
• A good reading habit helps comprehend the
argument quickly.
• You should spend approximately 2 minutes • The author presents a problem and offers a
per critical reasoning question. plan to solve the problem.
• Assumption: Plan will work /plan will solve
Critical Reasoning – Basics the problem /plan will achieve the goal.
• Break the Argument into Problem, Goal, Plan.
Argument Structure: Premises + (assumption/s) • Strengthen: Support the plan.
= Conclusion • Weaken: Challenge the plan.
• Indicators: Plan, proposal, goal, aim,
• PREMISES are given pieces of information recommend, strategy, policy etc…
or evidence that generally provide support for
the given conclusion. They may be facts,
opinions, or claims. • When author picks a subset and generalizes
• ASSUMPTIONS are unstated parts of the the subset.
argument that are necessary to reach the • Assumption:
given conclusion. • Subset is a general representative.
• CONCLUSION is the main point of the • Data is Valid
argument, which is logically supported by the • Strengthen: Sample is representative.
premises and assumptions (if any). • Weaken: Sample is biased or data is not
Conclusions are in the form of an opinion
• Indicators: Sample, survey, volunteers,
or a claim.
group of people etc…

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 1

Analogy explain how both facts can be true at the
same time.
• When the author draws a comparison between • Words that indicate paradox questions are:
two things. explain, resolve, justify, paradox, discrepancy,
• Assumption: X and Y are similar best accounts for, and reconcile.
• Strengthen: Show that X and Y are similar. • Do not pick one sided answer choices or the
• Weaken: Show that X and Y are different. ones which make the conflict worse.
Remember we have to select the best
Data & Statistics possible explanation among the given answer
choices, so rely on elimination.
• When author uses percentages, averages, or
ratio as evidence and compare them with 1. Pencling Province has a relatively east and
numbers. cheap housing policy and is attracting a fast
• Assumption: That actual values are also growing population that has put increasing
comparable. demands on its land. The Housing
• Strengthen: Show that numbers are same. Department that is responsible for providing
• Weaken: Show that total values will be houses to the people of the region has
different. struggled to keep up with demand and still
remain profitable. Yet now it is asking the
Basic Approach Pencling government to change land
ownership rules that could reduce its revenues
and restrict its future flexibility in constructing
• Step 1: Identify the question type- Read
houses profitably.
question stem
• Step 2: Read the argument and identify the Which of the following would, if true, most
type of argument logically help explain why the Housing
• Step 3: Think of what the right answer will do. Department is asking the government to
• Step 4: Eliminate: change land ownership rules?
• Extreme choices (A) The Housing Department is planning
• Out of scope choices taking over of fallow land of that requires
the approval of the government.
QUESTION TYPES (B) The Housing Department believes
changing land ownership rules is inevitable
and that doing so now will allow better
Directions: Each of the critical reasoning questions
planning and thus future profitability.
is based on a short argument, a set of statements,
(C) Few, if any, Pencling government officials
or a plan of action. For each question, select the have some monetary interests in the
best answer of the choices given. Housing Department.
Paradox (D) The Housing Department believes that the
population is not likely to continue to grow.
• In these arguments two contradictory fact will (E) Long term projections suggest that
be given and the right answer choice will growing density will adversely affect the
demand of houses.

Page 2 Verbal Ability – 3

2. Income Experts: In 2010, the average per Which of the following would , if true, most
person amount paid for medical services in logically help explain why the shoe-supply
Country X was the equivalent of 6710 pounds, company is asking the authorities to regulate
just half of the corresponding figure of 13420 commercial leather-use?
pounds for Country Y. Still in the same year, (A) The company is planning a large shoe-
the middle class in Country X had a sizable transportation system that requires the
disposable income spent on non-essentials approval of other authorities.
like electronic appliances, while a significant (B) The company believes regulation is
portion of the middle class in Country Y did inevitable and that having it in place now
not have sufficient income to buy such goods. will allow better planning and thus future
(C) Few, if any, authority officials have
Which of the following, if true, most helps
investments in the company or serve on
explain the discrepancy in the relationships
its board of directors.
described by the income experts?
(D) The company believes that the population
(A) There are many consumer goods, like
is not likely to continue to grow.
electronic appliances, that are produced
(E) Long-term husbandry projections suggest
in Country X to be sold in the Country Y that greater cattle farming will eventually
market. increase the amount of leather available.
(B) The volume of trade between Country X
and Country Y is increasing rapidly in both 4. Naval ships use different alarm calls to warn
directions. each other of nearby attacking ships,
(C) The economy of Country Y is recovering depending on whether the danger comes from
from a downturn that affected both Country a ship on sea or from a submarine.
Y and Country X.
(D) Country X residents pay much less than Which one of the following, if true, contributes
their Country Y counterparts for medical most to an explanation of the different alarm
services. calls of naval ships described above?
(E) In Country Y as well as in Country X, there (A) By varying the pitch of its alarm call, a
are few assembly-line jobs in factories that naval ship can indicate the number of
pay a middle-class wage. attacking ships approaching.
(B) Different sea-based attacking ships are
3. Wayne Leather Co. has relatively few responsible for different numbers of ship
manufacturing units and is attracting a fast- capsizing incidents.
growing customer base that has put demands (C) No attacking ships that pose a danger to
on its shoe supply. The four units that naval ships can attack both from sea and
manufacture shoes currently have struggled under the sea.
(D) Naval ships execute different strategies
to keep up with the demand and the company
when confronted with a sea-based
still remains profitable. Yet now Wayne
attacking ship or a submarine.
Leather Co. is asking authorities to write
(E) Certain sea-based attacking ships attack
commercial leather-use regulations that could
only naval ships, whereas every ship that
reduce its revenues and restrict its future
attacks naval ships from under the sea
flexibility in supplying leather shoes profitably.
attacks other commercial ships too.

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 3

5. In Hanyuan County, China, pear crops have (B) Cattle-ranching operations that are located
been traditionally pollinated by hand, which in tropical climates are more profitable
has kept pear orchard productivity unnaturally than cattle-ranching operations that are
low. When honeybees known to be efficient located in cold-weather climates.
pollinators of pear crops were introduced into (C) In certain districts, profits made from
China in 1980, the pear fruit productivity cattle ranching are more heavily taxed
increased - by up to 130% in some orchards than profits made from any other industry.
- but then sharply decreased in 1985. (D) Some of the cattle that are raised on land
cleared in the Amazon are killed by
Which of the following statements, if true, wildcats.
would best explain the 1985 decrease in pear (E) The amount of money required to begin a
fruit productivity? rubber-tapping operation is twice as high
(A) Prices for pear fruit fell between 1980 and as the amount needed to begin a cattle
1985 following the rise in production and ranch.
a fall in demand. (Source: OG 13, Q3, pg 501)
(B) Imported trees are often more productive
than native trees because they don't carry 7. Technological improvements and reduced
equipment costs have made converting solar
the native pests and diseases.
energy directly into electricity far more cost-
(C) After 1980, farmers resorted to heavy use
efficient in the last decade. However, the
of insecticides on pear orchards to boost
threshold of economic viability for solar power
the productivity even further.
(that is, the price per barrel to which oil would
(D) The honeybee population in Asia remained
have to rise in order for new solar power plants
at approximately the same level between
to be more economical than new oil-fired
1980 and 1985.
power plants) is unchanged at thirty-five
(E) Prior to 1980 another species of insect
pollinated the pear crops, but not as
efficiently as the honeybees that were Which of the following, if true, does most to
introduced in 1980. help explain why the increased cost-efficiency
of solar power has not decreased its threshold
6. Suncorp, a new corporation with limited funds, of economic viability?
has been clearing large sections of the tropical (A) The cost of oil has fallen dramatically.
Amazon forest for cattle ranching. This (B) The reduction in the cost of solar-power
practice continues even though greater profits equipment has occurred despite
can be made from rubber tapping, which does increased raw material costs for that
not destroy the forest, than from cattle equipment.
ranching, which does destroy the forest. (C) Technological changes have increased the
efficiency of oil-fired power plants.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to (D) Most electricity is generated by coal-fired
explain why Suncorp has been pursuing the or nuclear, rather than oil-fired, power
less profitable of the two economic activities plants.
mentioned above? (E) When the price of oil increases, reserves
(A) The soil of the Amazon forest is very rich of oil not previously worth exploiting
in nutrients that are important in the become economically viable.
development of grazing lands. (Source: OG 10, Q153, pg 44)

Page 4 Verbal Ability – 3

8. Half of the subjects in an experiment-the (C) Female rats that have given birth are more
experimental group-consumed large affected by olfactory cues than are female
quantities of a popular artificial sweetener.
rats that have never given birth.
Afterward, this group showed lower cognitive
abilities than did the other half of the subjects- (D) A female rat that has given birth shows
the control group-who did not consume the maternal behaviour toward rat pups that
sweetener. The detrimental effects were she did not bear more quickly than does
attributed to an amino acid that is one of the a female rat that has never given birth.
sweetener's principal constituents. (E) The development of a female rat's maternal
Which of the following, if true, would best help interest in a rat pup that she did not bear
explain how the sweetener might produce the is inhibited by the odour of the pup.
observed effect? (Source: OG 10, Q161, pg 46)
(A) The government's analysis of the artificial
sweetener determined that it was sold in
10. Pasta is consumed by boiling unripe or dry
relatively pure form.
(B) A high level of the amino acid in the blood pasta in water. Although some of the starch
inhibits the synthesis of a substance in the pasta gets converted to resistant-
required for normal brain functioning. starch, nothing is added in the process.
(C) Because the sweetener is used primarily Moreover, the only thing added to pasta is
as a food additive, adverse reactions to it water, which contains no calories or nutrients.
are rarely noticed by consumers.
The fact that cooked pasta, if consumed,
(D) The amino acid that is a constituent of
the sweetener is also sold separately as contains more iron per calorie than uncooked
a dietary supplement. pasta does is thus puzzling.
(E) Subjects in the experiment did not know
whether they were consuming the Which one of the following, if true, most helps
sweetener or a second, harmless to explain why cooked pasta contains more
substance. iron per calorie than uncooked pasta does?
(Source: OG 10, Q160, pg 45) (A) Since cooked pasta is bigger in size than
uncooked pasta, it takes several ounces
9. Adult female rats who have never before of uncooked pasta to provide the same
encountered rat pups will start to show amount of iron as a handful of cooked
maternal behaviours after being confined with pasta does.
a pup for about seven days. This period can (B) Resistant starch cannot be digested, so
its calories do not count toward the calorie
be considerably shortened by disabling the
content of the cooked pasta.
female's sense of smell or by removing the (C) The body can absorb iron and other
scent-producing glands of the pup. nutrients more quickly from cooked pasta
than from uncooked pasta because of the
Which of the following hypotheses best relatively high water content.
explains the contrast described above? (D) Many people get a greater share of their
yearly iron intake from fruits than from
(A) The sense of smell in adult female rats is
more acute than that in rat pups.
(E) Cooked pasta is often eaten in
(B) The amount of scent produced by rat pups combination with other iron-containing
increases when they are in the presence foods, while uncooked pasta is usually
of a female rat that did not bear them. eaten directly.

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 5

11. Which of the following best completes the (D) The dramatic shifts in mood connected
passage below_____? with sleep and wakefulness have not been
traced to particular changes in brain
In a survey of job applicants, two-fifths chemistry.
admitted to being at least a little dishonest. (E) Depression returns in full force as soon
However, the survey may underestimate the as the patient sleeps for even a few
proportion of job applicants who are dishonest,
(Source: OG 10, Q118, pg 34)
(A) some dishonest people taking the survey
might have claimed on the survey to be
honest 13. Small-business groups are lobbying to defeat
(B) some generally honest people taking the proposed federal legislation that would
survey might have claimed on the survey substantially raise the federal minimum wage.
to be dishonest This opposition is surprising since the
(C) some people who claimed on the survey legislation they oppose would, for the first time,
to be at least a little dishonest may be exempt all small businesses from paying any
very dishonest minimum wage.
(D) some people who claimed on the survey
to be dishonest may have been answering Which of the following, if true, would best
honestly explain the opposition of small-business
(E) some people who are not job applicants groups to the proposed legislation?
are probably at least a little dishonest (A) Under the current federal minimum-wage
(Source: OG 10, Q1, pg 2)
law, most small businesses are required
to pay no less than the minimum wage to
12. According to a review of 61 studies of patients
their employees.
suffering from severely debilitating depression,
a large majority of the patients reported that (B) In order to attract workers, small
missing a night's sleep immediately lifted their companies must match the wages offered
depression. Yet sleep-deprivation is not used by their larger competitors, and these
to treat depression even though the competitors would not be exempt under
conventional treatments, which use drugs and the proposed laws.
electric shocks, often have serious side (C) The exact number of companies that are
effects. currently required to pay no less than the
minimum wage but that would be exempt
Which of the following, if true, best explains under the proposed laws is unknown.
the fact that sleep-deprivation is not used as (D) Some states have set their own minimum
a treatment for depression? wages--in some cases, quite a bit above
(A) For a small percentage of depressed the level of the minimum wage mandated
patients, missing a night's sleep induces
by current federal law-for certain key
a temporary sense of euphoria.
(B) Keeping depressed patients awake is
(E) Service companies make up the majority
more difficult than keeping awake people
who are not depressed. of small businesses and they generally
(C) Prolonged loss of sleep can lead to employ more employees per dollar of
temporary impairment of judgment revenues than do retail or manufacturing
comparable to that induced by consuming businesses.
several ounces of alcohol. (Source: OG 10, Q127, pg 37)

Page 6 Verbal Ability – 3

14. In 1960, 10 percent of every dollar paid in (D) The people who have continued to smoke
automobile insurance premiums went to pay consume more tobacco per person than
costs arising from injuries incurred in car they did in the past.
accidents. In 1990, 50 percent of every dollar (E) More of the cigarettes made in the United
paid in automobile insurance premiums went States this year were exported to other
toward such costs, despite the fact that cars countries than was the case last year.
were much safer in 1990 than in 1960. (Source: GMAC Verbal Review 2nd
edition, Q60, pg 141)
Which of the following, if true, best explains
the discrepancy outlined above? 16. Which of the following most logically
(A) There were fewer accidents in 1990 than
completes the argument?
in 1960.
(B) On average, people drove more slowly in
Utrania was formerly a major petroleum
1990 than in 1960.
exporter, but in recent decades economic
(C) Cars grew increasingly more expensive
stagnation and restrictive regulations inhibited
to repair over the period in question.
(D) The price of insurance increased more investment in new oil fields. In consequence,
rapidly than the rate of inflation between Utranian oil exports dropped steadily as old
1960 and 1990. fields became depleted. Utrania's currently
(E) Health-care costs rose sharply between improving economic situation, together with
1960 and 1990. less restrictive regulations, will undoubtedly
(Source: OG 10, Q133, pg 39) result in the rapid development of new fields.
However, it would be premature to conclude
15. The tobacco industry is still profitable and that the rapid development of new fields will
projections are that it will remain so. In the result in higher oil exports, because ..
United States this year, the total amount of (A) the price of oil is expected to remain
tobacco sold by tobacco farmers has relatively stable over the next several
increased, even though the number of adults years
who smoke has decreased. (B) the improvement in the economic situation
in Utrania is expected to result in a
Each of the following, if true, could explain dramatic increase in the proportion of
the simultaneous increase in tobacco sales Utranians who own automobiles
and decrease in the number of adults who (C) most of the investment in new oil fields in
smoke EXCEPT: Utrania is expected to come from foreign
(A) During this year, the number of women sources
who have begun to smoke is greater than (D) new technology is available to recover oil
the number of men who have quit smoking.
from old oil fields formerly regarded as
(B) The number of teenage children who have
begun to smoke this year is greater than
(E) many of the new oil fields in Utrania are
the number of adults who have quit
likely to be as productive as those that
smoking during the same period.
were developed during the period when
(C) During this year, the number of non-
smokers who have begun to use chewing Utrania was a major oil exporter
tobacco or snuff is greater than the (Source: GMAC Verbal Review
number of people who have quit smoking. 2nd edition, Q65, pg 142)

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 7

17. A discount retailer of basic household The government's program, if successful, will
necessities employs thousands of people and not be a net burden on the budget. Which of
pays most of them at the minimum wage rate. the following, if true, is the best basis for an
Yet following a federally mandated increase explanation of how this could be so?
of the minimum wage rate that increased the (A) Depressed cotton prices meant operating
retailer's operating costs considerably, the losses for cotton farms, and the
retailer's profits increased markedly. government lost revenue from taxes on
farm profits.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to (B) Cotton production in several countries
resolve the apparent paradox? other than Q declined slightly the year
(A) Over half of the retailer's operating costs that the support-payment program went
consist of payroll expenditures; yet only into effect in Q.
a small percentage of those expenditures (C) The first year that the support-payment
go to pay management salaries. program was in effect, cotton acreage in
(B) The retailer's customer base is made up Q was 5 percent below its level in the base
primarily of people who earn, or who year for the program.
depend on the earnings of others who (D) The specified maximum per farm meant
earn, the minimum wage. that for very large cotton farms the support
(C) The retailer's operating costs, other than payments were less per acre for those
wages, increased substantially after the acres that were withdrawn from production
increase in the minimum wage rate went than they were for smaller farms.
into effect. (E) Farmers who wished to qualify for support
(D) When the increase in the minimum wage payments could not use the cotton
rate went into effect, the retailer also acreage that was withdrawn from
raised the wage rate for employees who production to grow any other crop.
had been earning just above minimum (Source: GMAC Verbal Review
wage. 2nd edition, Q73, pg 146)
(E) The majority of the retailer's employees
work as cashiers, and most cashiers are 19. Which of the following most logically
paid the minimum wage. completes the argument given below?
(Source: GMAC Verbal Review
2nd edition, Q72, pg 145) Some batches of Diphtheria, Tetanus, and
Pertussis vaccine used around 1980 were
18. The cotton farms of Country Q became so contaminated with the Rubella virus, a virus
productive that the market could not absorb that is known to cause Rubella-related
all that they produced. Consequently, cotton diseases in primate laboratory specimens.
prices fell. The government tried to boost Some researchers now claim that this
cotton prices by offering farmers who took 25 contamination caused some cases of a
percent of their cotton acreage out of certain Rubella-based disease in children,
production direct support payments up to a Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis. This
specified maximum per farm. claim is not undermined by the fact that a

Page 8 Verbal Ability – 3

survey made in the 1980s of the children who (D) a home painting service opts to use non-
had received the contaminated vaccine found union labor to increase its profits.
no elevated incident of any Rubella disease, (E) a specialty Frozen Yogurt Company
since ________. decides to switch to using only local
(A) most cases of Progressive Rubella ingredients.
Panencephalitis are caused by exposure
to contaminated water. Boldface
(B) in some developing countries, no
• Two parts of the argument will be highlighted
contaminated vaccines were reported.
and our task is to determine the role played
(C) Rubella virus is widely used in laboratories
by these parts in the argument.
on primates to study Rubella diseases. • Learning the terminology used by GMAT in
(D) Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis these questions can really be an advantage
takes several decades to develop. and help you solve these questions with much
(E) Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis was less effort.
less common in 1980 than it is now.
21. In surveys taken when respondents have been
20. Which of the following most logically maintaining proper weight, respondents
completes the argument given below? consistently report high levels of 'happiness'.
However, generally, periods of happiness have
Companies with limited funding have been followed by emotional eating. People
traditionally been advised to practise focused respond to these emotions by binging on
product manufacturing. These companies find unhealthy food. Eventually, these people run
themselves embroiled in the trade-off between a high risk of obesity, precisely because of
relying too heavily on manufacturing a narrow their prior 'happiness'. Thus, 'sadness' is
range of products and the benefits associated clearly the smarter emotion.
with product differentiation. Heavy reliance on
an undiversified stream of income can leave The relationship between the two bolded
a company vulnerable to major variations in sentences is best described as:
(A) The former is a conclusion, while the latter
cash flow. Such situation is materialized
is an assumption that contradicts that
when, for instance.
(A) a local food delivery service known for its (B) The former is a description of a particular
speedy delivery is forced to lay off thirty example of a phenomenon, while the latter
percent of its work force after the is a conclusion that necessarily follows.
government changes the labor laws. (C) The former is the principal point supported
(B) an event management company loses one by the rest of the paragraph, while the
of its clients. latter illustrates an exception.
(C) a venture capitalist firm that invests in a (D) The former is an assessment of a
car-wash company and a national crepe relationship, while the latter is an accurate
chain is now interested in investing in a implication of that relationship.
(E) The former is a description of a correlation,
car rental agency.
while the latter is a flawed conclusion.

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 9

22. Nutritionist: Many people understand that Which of the following best describes the
carbohydrates cause weight gain and functions of the two sections in boldface in
consuming a carbohydrate-free diet will the argument above?
accelerate weight reduction. Yet clearly, (A) The former is a conclusion, while the latter
carbohydrate serves as an essential is an assumption that contradicts that
component of one's diet, aiding bodily conclusion.
functions, especially brain cells. On the other (B) The former is a description of a particular
hand, a no-carbohydrate diet causes example of a phenomenon, while the latter
depression, which in-turn leads to binging and is a conclusion that necessarily follows.
overeating. (C) The former is the principal point supported
by the rest of the paragraph, while the
latter illustrates an exception.
In the Nutritionist's argument, the portion in
(D) The former is an assessment of a
boldface plays which of the following roles?
relationship, while the latter is an accurate
(A) It is the main conclusion of the argument.
implication of that relationship.
(B) It is a finding that the argument seeks to
(E) The former is a description of a correlation,
while the latter is a flawed conclusion.
(C) It is an explanation that the conclusion of
the argument is correct.
24. Consumer advocate: it is generally true, at
(D) It provides evidence in support of the main least in this state, that lawyers who advertise
conclusion of the argument. a specific service charge less for that service
(E) It introduces a judgment that the argument than lawyers who do not advertise. It is also
opposes. true that each time restrictions on the
advertising of legal services have been
23. Professor of Politics: Parties that engage eliminated, the number of lawyers
themselves in the age-old tradition of televised advertising their services has increased
presidential debates will do little to expand and legal costs to consumers have
the substantive discussion on policies and declined in consequence. However,
ideologies. America needs to end this eliminating the state requirement that legal
misleading tradition. Some claim that advertisements must specify fees for specific
America's informed electorate is the services would almost certainly increase
direct result of the presidential debates. rather than further reduce consumer's legal
Furthermore, they point to the ability of costs. Lawyers would no longer have an
debates to bring the candidate with the higher incentive to lower their fees when they begin
conviction out to the public. Yet, these advertising and if no longer required to
debates fail to provide a means of specify fee arrangements, many lawyers
evaluating some of the skills central to who now advertise would increase their
conduct in office including an ability to fees.
ask significant questions and a talent for In the consumer advocate's argument, the two
securing sound advice. portions in boldface play which of the following

Page 10 Verbal Ability – 3

(A) The first is a generalization that the assurance that the watch commanders'
consumer advocate accepts as true; the standards will continue to be observed once
second is presented as a consequence approval is no longer required.
that follows from the truth of that
generalization. In the editorial, the two portions in boldface
(B) The first is a pattern of cause and effect play which of the following roles?
that the consumer advocate argues will (A) The first is a claim, the accuracy of which
be repeated in the case at issue; the is disputed by the editorial; the second is
second acknowledges a circumstance in a conclusion drawn in order to support
which that pattern would not hold. the main conclusion of the editorial.
(C) The first is pattern of cause and effect that (B) The first is an observation that the editorial
the consumer advocate predicts will not disputes; the second is a conclusion that
hold in the case at issue; the second was drawn from that observation.
offers a consideration in support of that (C) The first is a finding that was used in
prediction. support of a proposal that the editorial
(D) The first is evidence that the consumer opposes; the second is a judgment that
advocate offers in support of a certain was based on that finding and in turn was
prediction; the second is that prediction. used to support the proposal.
(E) The first acknowledges a consideration (D) The first is a finding introduced to support
that weighs against the main position that the main conclusion of the editorial; the
the consumer advocate defends; the second is that main conclusion.
second is that position. (E) The first is a conclusion, the evidence for
(Source: OG 10, Q205, pg 60) which the editorial evaluates; the second
is part of the evidence cited in favour of
25. Editorial: An arrest made by a Midville police that conclusion.
officer is provisional until the officer has taken (Source: GMAC Verbal Review 2nd
the suspect to the police station and the watch edition, Q48, pg 145)
commander has officially approved the arrest.
Such approval is denied if the commander 26. A product that represents a clear
judges that the evidence on which the technological advance over competing
provisional arrest is based is insufficient. A products can generally command a high
government efficiency expert has observed price. Because technological advances
that almost all provisional arrests meet tend to be quickly surpassed and
the standards for adequacy of evidence companies want to make large profits while
that the watch commanders enforce. The they still can, many companies charge the
expert has therefore recommended that, maximum possible price for such a
because the officers' time spent obtaining product. But large profits on the new product
approval is largely wasted, the watch will give competitors a strong incentive to
commander's approval no longer be required. quickly match the new product's capabilities.
This recommendation should be rejected as Consequently, the strategy to maximize
dangerous, however, since there is no overall profit from a new product is to charge

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 11

less than the greatest possible price. created this year will fall short of last
In the argument above, the two portions in year's record.
boldface play which of the following roles?
(A) The first is a consideration raised to argue In the argument given, the two portions in
that a certain strategy is counter- boldface play which of the following roles?
productive; the second presents that (A) The first is a prediction that, if accurate,
strategy. would provide support for the main
(B) The first is a consideration raised to conclusion of the argument; the second
support the strategy that the argument is that main conclusion.
recommends; the second presents that (B) The first is a prediction that, if accurate,
strategy. would provide support for the main
(C) The first is a consideration raised to help conclusion of the argument; the second
explain the popularity of a certain is a conclusion drawn in order to support
strategy; the second presents that that main conclusion.
strategy. (C) The first is an objection that the argument
(D) The first is an assumption, rejected by rejects; the second is the main conclusion
the argument, that has been used to justify of the argument.
a course of action; the second presents (D) The first is an objection that the argument
that course of action. rejects; the second presents a conclusion
(E) The first is a consideration that has been that could be drawn if that objection were
used to justify adopting a certain strategy; allowed to stand.
the second presents the intended (E) The first is a claim that has been advanced
outcome of that strategy. in support of a position that the argument
(Source: GMAC Verbal Review 2nd opposes; the second is a claim advanced
edition, Q74, pg 146) in support of the main conclusion of the
27. Last year a record number of new (Source: OG 13, Q28, pg 508)
manufacturing jobs were created. Will this
year bring another record? Well, a new 28. Although the earliest surviving Greek
manufacturing job is created either within an inscriptions written in an alphabet date from
existing company or by the start-up of a new the eighth century B.C., the fact that the
company. Within existing firms, new jobs have text of these Greek inscriptions
been created this year at well below last sometimes runs from right to left and
year's record pace. At the same time, there sometimes from left to right indicates that
is considerable evidence that the number of the Greeks adopted alphabetic writing at least
new companies starting up will be no higher two centuries before these inscriptions were
this year than it was last year, and surely the produced. After all, the Greeks learned
new companies starting up this year will alphabetic writing from the Phoenicians, and
create no more jobs per company than
presumably, along with the alphabet, they
did last year's start-ups. Clearly, it can be
also adopted the then-current Phoenician
concluded that the number of new jobs

Page 12 Verbal Ability – 3

practice with respect to the direction of text. reasoning might well be overoptimistic,
And although Phoenician writing was however, since corporate executives have
originally inconsistent in direction, by the been known to buy shares in their own
eighth century B.C. Phoenician was company in a calculated attempt to dispel
consistently written from right to left and negative rumors about the company's
had been for about two centuries. health.

In the argument given, the two portions in In the argument given, the two boldfaced
boldface play which of the following roles? portions play which of the following roles?
(A) The first and the second each describe (A) The first describes evidence that has been
evidence that has been used to challenge taken as supporting a conclusion; the
the position that the argument seeks to second gives a reason for questioning that
establish. support.
(B) The first is evidence that forms the basis (B) The first describes evidence that has been
for an objection to the position that the taken as supporting a conclusion; the
argument seeks to establish; the second second states a contrary conclusion that
is that position. is the main conclusion of the argument.
(C) The first is evidence that forms the basis (C) The first provides evidence in support of
for an objection to the position that the the main conclusion of the argument; the
argument seeks to establish; the second second states that conclusion.
is a consideration that is introduced to (D) The first describes the circumstance that
counter the force of that evidence. the argument as a whole seeks to explain;
(D) The first and the second each provide the second gives the explanation that the
evidence in support of the position that argument seeks to establish.
the argument seeks to establish. (E) The first describes the circumstance that
(E) The first provides evidence in support of the argument as a whole seeks to explain;
the position that the argument seeks to the second provides evidence in support
establish; the second is that position. of the explanation that the argument
(Source: OG 13, Q76, pg 523) seeks to establish.
(Source: OG 13, Q89, pg 527)
29. Since it has become known that several of
a bank's top executives have been buying 30. Museums that house Renaissance oil
shares in their own bank, the bank's paintings typically store them in environments
depositors, who had been worried by rumors that are carefully kept within narrow margins
that the bank faced impending financial of temperature and humidity to inhibit any
collapse, have been greatly relieved. They deterioration. Laboratory tests have shown
reason that, since top executives evidently that the kind of oil paint used in these paintings
have faith in the bank's financial soundness, actually adjusts to climatic changes quite well.
those worrisome rumors must be false. Such If, as some museum directors believe, paint

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 13

is the most sensitive substance in these (B) The first is the position taken by the
works, then by relaxing the standards for argument; the second is the position that
temperature and humidity control, museums the argument calls into question.
can reduce energy costs without risking (C) The first is a judgment that has been
damage to these paintings. Museums offered in support of the position that the
would be rash to relax those standards, argument calls into question; the second
however, since results of preliminary tests is a circumstance on which that judgment
indicate that gesso, a compound routinely is, in part, based.
used by Renaissance artists to help paint (D) The first is a judgment that has been
adhere to the canvas, is unable to withstand offered in support of the position that the
significant variations in humidity. argument calls into question; the second
In the argument above, the two portions in is that position.
boldface play which of the following roles? (E) The first is a claim that the argument calls
into question; the second is the position
(A) The first is an objection that has been taken by the argument.
raised against the position taken by the (Source: OG 13, Q123, pg 538)
argument; the second is the position taken
by the argument.

Page 14 Verbal Ability – 3

CEX–7810/20 GMAT
Verbal Ability – 3
Critical Reasoning – 3 : Paradox & Bold Face
Answers and Explanations

1 B 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 C 6 E 7 C 8 B 9 E 10 B
11 A 12 E 13 B 14 E 15 A 16 B 17 B 18 A 19 D 20 A
21 E 22 E 23 C 24 C 25 C 26 C 27 A 28 D 29 A 30 D

Paradox (E) If the claim is true of both Country X and Country

Y, it would not help explain the discrepancy
1. B (A) It is unclear how this information bears on the between the two countries.
Housing Department’s request for change in land
ownership rules. 3. D (A) It is unclear how this information bears on the
(B) Correct. The Housing Department must Wayne Leather Co’s request for change in
strategically plan to cope with increasing housing commercial leather use rules.
demand in Pencling Province. In that context it (B) Correct. Wayne Leather Co must strategically plan
seems critically important for the Housing to cope with increasing housing demand on the
Department to have certainty at the planning stage four units. In that context it seems critically
about future regulatory departments. Moreover, important for the Wayne Leather Co to have
given possible shortfalls in housing, the Housing certainty at the planning stage about future
Department would reasonably expect government regulatory departments. Moreover, given possible
regulations even if it did not request it. shortfalls in leather supply, the Wayne Leather Co
(C) This suggest that, in framing land ownership rules, would reasonably expect government regulations
Pencling government officials would not be even if it did not request it.
influenced by financial interests, so the Housing (C) This suggest that, in framing commercial leather
Department cannot expect to obtain special favours use rules, officials would not be influenced by
from the government. financial interests, so the Wayne Leather Co cannot
(D) If anything, this suggests that the Housing expect to obtain special favors from the authorities.
Department could continue to operate without any (D) If anything, this suggests that the Wayne Leather
regulatory regime that might restrict their Co could continue to operate without any regulatory
operations. regime that might restrict their operations.
(E) This would presumably result in the weakening of (E) This would presumably result in the weakening of
the case for change in land ownership rules and the case for change in commercial leather use rules
would also make it easier for the Housing and would also make it easier for the Wayne
Department to meet demand. Leather Co to meet demand.

2. D (A) That many consumer goods produced in Country 4. D Reasoning: The situation in the stimulus is that naval
X are intended to be sold in Country Y does not ships use different calls depending on where the
help explain why many people in Country Y are attacking ships come from. The correct answer must
not able to afford such goods. explain why the calls are different.
(B) An increasing volume of trade between Country X (A) The answer does not explain why different calls
and Country Y would not help explain any are used for sea vs. submarine based attacking
discrepancies between the two countries. ships.
(C) That the economies of both countries suffered a (B) This answer addresses only the sea-based
downturn could not plausibly explain why many attacking ships.
people in Country Y have trouble paying for non- (C) This answer states that the sea-based attacking
essential goods unless we had the information that ships are different from the submarine-based
Country Y’s recovery was significantly slower than attacking ships. It doesn’t explain why different
Country X’s. calls are used for sea vs. submarine based
(D) Correct. That people in one nation pay far less for attacking ships.
medical services than people in another nation (D) This is the correct answer. Because naval ships
would potentially be helpful in explaining how the react to attacking ships in different ways, they would
people in the former nation would more easily be need to know where the attacking ship was coming
able to afford non-essential goods. from. Hence, the different calls are used to tell
which strategy to implement.

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 1

(E) The answer does not explain why different calls Suncorp—which has limited funds—would have a
are used for sea vs. submarine based attacking reason to pursue cattle ranching over a potentially
ships. more profitable activity.

5. C Situation: In 1980, the introduction of honeybees to 7. C Reasoning: If gains in cost-efficiency of solar power
pollinate pear crops in China resulted in increased pear have not improved its economical viability relative to
fruit productivity. This productivity decreased sharply in oil-derived power, the explanation must be that oil-
1985. derived power itself has become more cost-efficient.
Reasoning: What explains the sudden decrease in Choice C points to this explanation and is thus the
1985? The pear crops had experienced sudden boost best answer.
in fruit productivity in 1980. What if, any other factor Actual oil prices control how far, given the viability
was responsible for the decrease in the honeybee threshold, solar power is from economic viability but do
population? This can be explained by a heavy use of not figure in the determination of the threshold, so
insecticides, which are fatal to the honeybee population. choices A and E are incorrect. Choice B provides
(A) Falling prices and falling demand do not explain background on data that give rise to the puzzle but
the falling productivity of the pear orchards. leaves the puzzle unresolved, so it is incorrect. Because
(B) The lack of pests and diseases among imported the viability threshold for solar power is defined in relation
trees does not explain the sharply decreased to generating electricity from oil, choice D is irrelevant
productivity in the native orchards. to determining the threshold and thus incorrect.
(C) Heavy use of insecticide may have dramatically
lowered the honeybee population. 8. B Reasoning: Choice B entails that a principal
(D) If the honeybee population pollinating the crops constituent of the sweetener can impede normal brain
remained the same, one would expect that functioning if high levels of it occur account for a decline
productivity would have remained the same. in cognitive abilites, choice B helps explain the results
(E) This information is unlikely to be relevant to the and is the best answer.
change that occurred in 1985. Choice A suggests that the effect was not due to an
impurity in the sweetener, and choice D suggests that
6. E Reasoning What would explain why Suncorp is further testing could be done using the amino acid alone,
clearing sections of the rain forest for ranching, but neither helps explain how the sweetener might
even though rubber tapping would be more produce the effect. Neither does choice C: what it helps
profitable? Because Suncorp has limited funds, if explain is how the sweetener could be thought harmless
rubber tapping has much higher start-up costs, Suncorp even if the sweetener is responsible could be thought
might not have enough money to start rubber-tapping harmless even if the sweetener is responsible for
operations. If cattle ranching has much lower start-up diminished cognitive functioning. Choice E gives a
costs than rubber tapping, Suncorp might be able to reason to trust the experimental results, but it does not
afford such an operation. explain them.
(A) This statement gives a reason why cattle ranching
in the Amazon might be more profitable than one 9. E Reasoning: The contrast to be explained is that female
might otherwise think it would be. However, we rats develop maternal behaviors toward pups that are
already know from the passage that rubber tapping not their own faster when they cannot smell the pups
would be more profitable than cattle ranching. So, than when they can. If the odor of a strange pup inhibits
this answer choice does not help explain why cattle the development of maternal interest, the contrast is
ranching might be preferable to rubber tapping. explained, so E is the best answer. The other choices
(B) The comparison between the profitableness of can only explain different contrasts. Choice A explains
cattle ranching in tropical climates and in cold contrasts between pups and adult females. Choice B
weather climates is irrelevant. The passage only explains contrasts between pups that are in different
covers cattle ranching in the tropical Amazon forest. circumstance. Choices C and D explain contrasts
This answer choice would at most explain why between two different groups of females, those that have
Suncorp is undertaking cattle ranching in the given birth and those that have not.
Amazon rather than in some cold-weather location.
(C) This statement makes what needs to be explained 10. B The paradox in the argument is that cooked pasta
harder to understand, for it indicates that cattle contains more iron per calorie than uncooked pasta does
ranching in the Amazon might be less profitable even though the two are almost identical in composition
than one would otherwise think. in terms of calories. But there is a difference: “some of
(D) Like answer choice (C), this statement indicates a the starch in cooked pasta is converted to resistant
disadvantage of cattle ranching in the Amazon.So, starch.” Since, this is the only stated difference between
it does not explain why cattle ranching would be the two that could affect the calorie count (water has
preferred to some other economic activity. no calories), the correct answer will focus on this
(E) Correct. Because it costs less to begin cattle difference to explain the paradox.
ranching than it does to begin rubber tapping,

Page 2 Verbal Ability – 3

(A) The issue is not the size of cooked vs. uncooked choice E suggests that most small businesses should
pasta. Hence, this information cannot help resolve value the exemption. Neither choice explains small-
the paradox. business opposition.
(B) Since resistant starch cannot be digested and its
calories cannot be counted toward the final calorie 14. E Reasoning: If cars were safer in 1990 than in 1960,
count, cooked pasta would naturally have a higher car accidents should have resulted in fewer and in less
iron per calorie content than uncooked pasta does. severe injuries.
(C) The paradox doesn’t involve the rate at which body Yet coverage of injuries took up a greater share of
absorbs iron from cooked or uncooked pasta. insurance premiums. One possible explanation is that
Hence, this information cannot help resolve the the treatment cost per injury rose sharply. Choice E
paradox. supports this explanation and is thus the best answer.
(D) The paradox doesn’t involve fruits. Hence, this Choice A and B both suggest that the number of injuries
information cannot help resolve the paradox. decreased. Since such a decrease would not explain
(E) The paradox doesn’t involve other iron-containing why injuries take up a greater share of insurance
foods. Hence, this information cannot help resolve premiums, both of these choices are incorrect. Choice
the paradox. C is incorrect because it suggests, falsely, that costs
not related to injuries rose disproportionately. Choice D
11. A Reasoning: If applicants who are in fact dishonest is incorrect because it does not deal with shifts in the
claimed to be honest, the survey results would show a cost components that insurance premiums cover.
smaller proportion of dishonest applicants than actually
exists. Therefore, this choice is the best answer. B is 15. A Reasoning: Which point does NOT help explain the
inappropriate because generally honest applicants who apparent discrepancy between the decrease in adult
claimed to be dishonest could contribute to the smokers and the increase in tobacco sales?
overestimation, but not to the underestimation, of Many possible explanations exist: an increase in
dishonest applicants. D is inappropriate because teenage smokers, tobacco’s use in products that are
applicants who admitted their dishonesty would not not smoked, increased consumption by the remaining
contribute to an underestimation of the proportion of smokers, an increase in tobacco exports, and so on.
dishonest applicants. C and E are inappropriate because To answer this question, use the process of elimination
the argument is concerned neither with degrees of to find the choice that does NOT provide an explanation.
dishonesty nor with the honesty of non-applicants. (A) Correct. This information is compatible with an
overall decrease in adult smokers but also with an
12. E Reasoning: The more severely sleep-deprived a patient overall increase in adult smokers. How many new
would be, the more likely it would be that the patient male smokers were there? How many women quit
would, whenever possible, catch at least a few minutes smoking? We are not told—so the information
of sleep, and according to choice E, depression would provided in this choice cannot explain the overall
then return in full force. This could explain why sleep- decrease in adult smokers. But since it is
deprivation is not used to treat depression, so choice E compatible with an overall decrease, it is not a
is the best answer. If sleep-deprivation could be used sufficient explanation of increased tobacco sales.
as an effective treatment for severely debilitating (B) A rise in teenager smokers would offset the decline
depression, the benefit derived would be so great that in adult smokers and so could explain the paradox.
the occasional extra benefit of euphoria (choice A), the (C) Rising tobacco sales despite a decrease in
need for expending some extra effort (choice B), the smokers could be explained by an increase in the
occasional drawback of impaired judgment (choice C), use of snuff and chewing tobacco by non-smokers.
and the lack of thorough scientific understanding (choice (D) Even though there are now fewer smokers, if these
D) would each be a comparatively insignificant remaining smokers smoked substantially more,
consideration. then the rise in tobacco sales could be explained.
(E) Rising exports could explain rising tobacco sales
13. B Reasoning: The opposition of small-business groups at a time when fewer adult Americans smoke.
despite an exemption apparently favoring them would
be less surprising if, in fact, the exemption did not favor 16. B Reasoning: Which of the options would most logically
them. Choice B is thus the best answer because it complete the argument?
explains that small businesses would have to match The passage describes the conditions that led to
the higher wages that larger businesses are required to Utrania’s no longer being a major oil exporter: a lack of
pay. Choice A confirms that the new exemption investment in new oil fields due to a stagnant economy
constitutes a significant change but does not explain and restrictive regulations. The passage then says that
small-business opposition to that changes, so choice due to changed regulatory and economic conditions,
A is incorrect. Choice C is incorrect because the exact there will now be rapid development of new oil fields.
numbers represented by the small-business groups are Nonetheless, this might not bring about an increase in
surely irrelevant. Choice D suggests that in some states Utranias oil exports. To logically complete the argument,
the proposed legislation would make no difference, and one must explain how oil exports might not increase

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 3

even when the condition that led to decreased oil exports tax those profits. In the program, the increased tax
has been removed. Suppose there were an increase in revenue compensates for the added expenditure.
domestic oil consumption. A dramatic increase in the (A) Correct. This statement properly explains how no
rate of car ownership in Utrania could reasonably be net budget loss would result from the plan.
expected to significantly increase domestic oil (B) The decline in cotton production in other countries
consumption, which could eat up the added oil does not explain why the program will not be a net
production from the new fields. burden on the budget.
(A) This choice is incorrect. There is no reason why (C) The difference in cotton acreage does not explain
stable oil prices should prevent Utrania’s oil exports how the government can recover the costs of the
from increasing. direct-payment plan.
(B) Correct. An increase in car ownership would (D) This statement spells out an implication of the plan
increase Utrania’s oil consumption—and this but does not help to explain how the plan would
supports the claim that oil exports might not not be a net burden on the budget. The passage
increase. states that payments are made up to a specified
(C) If anything, this suggests that oil exports should maximum per farm, which suggests that large
increase. So it would not be a good choice for farms will get less per acre than smaller farms.
completion of the argument. (E) This does not help to explain how the plan could
(D) The advent of new technology allowing oil to be fail to produce a net budget loss. It suggests that
extracted from fields previously thought to be farmers cannot use the idled land for other revenue-
depleted would mean that there is even more reason producing activities—so the idled land is unlikely
to think that Utrania’s oil exports will increase. to be a revenue source for the government budget.
(E) This does not help to explain why exports would
not increase. On the contrary, it suggests that the 19. D Situation: Researchers claim that contaminated
new fields will lead to increased exports. vaccine administered in 1980 caused some cases of
Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis. Their claim is not
17. B Reasoning: What information helps explain the undercut by the results of a 1980s survey showing that
paradoxical situation that the retailer’s profits rose even those who received the contaminated vaccine had no
though its costs rose? elevated incidence of disease.
Consider the nature of the cost increase: wages have Reasoning: Although the survey did not reveal a higher
gone up. If the retailer’s customer base includes many incidence of Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis,
people who earn minimum wage, their buying power researches claim that contaminated vaccine
has risen with the minimum wage and they can spend administered in 1980 caused some cases of
more. This would explain the rise in profits. Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis. This question then
(A) This statement helps explain the impact of the requires completing a sentence that establishes cause.
wage-rate increase on costs but does not explain (A) The question still remains why the survey results
how rising costs could lead to profits. pose no hindrance to the researcher’s claim.
(B) Correct. This statement properly explains the (B) The claim is only about contaminated vaccine.
surprising impact of the wage-rate increase on (C) This information has already been provided in the
profits. argument.
(C) If the retailer’s other costs also rose, then the (D) The children surveyed in 1980s showed no signs
paradox of the retailer’s profits is even more of the disease because the disease takes decades
mysterious. to develop.
(D) Increasing other wages contributes to even higher (E) The frequency of the disease still doesn’t explain
operating costs; there is no information to explain why the researcher’s claim may still be valid.
how higher costs could lead to profits.
(E) This detail about minimum-wage jobs does not 20. A Situation: The argument is concerned with the tension
explain how the retailer could be gaining profits a company faces between relying heavily on one stream
when costs are rising. of income and the benefits associated with product
diversification. The argument specifically focuses on the
18. A Reasoning: What would explain why the plan will not disadvantage in relying heavily on income from a narrow
a net burden? It will not be a net burden only if as much range of products, which leaves the company susceptible
or more will be added to the budget revenue as the to major variations in cash flow.
amount paid out in support payments. What government Reasoning: The correct answer will exemplify the
revenues would account for such an increase in disadvantage associated with heavy reliance on a narrow
receipts? If, when cotton prices were falling, the cotton range of product i.e. vulnerability to major changes in
farmers had lower profits, they were paying lower taxes cash flow. Also, the word ‘materialized’ is the pointer
to the government. When cotton prices increase here. Following these, the sentence can be completed
(because less cotton is offered in the market) and cotton with an idea that helps adjust the cash flow.
farmers make greater profits, the government is able to

Page 4 Verbal Ability – 3

(A) This option recognizes the narrow focus– speedy 23. C Reasoning: The second sentence ‘America
delivery of a food delivery service – and the changes needs….tradition’ is the argument’s main conclusion.
in cash flow when an outside factor forces the The first boldface is the opponents’ conclusion. It is
company to lay off its workforce (delivery boys and followed by their line of reasoning. The second boldface
the rest). serves as a premise to the argument’s main conclusion.
(B) This answer choice neither focuses on a narrow (A) The first boldface goes against the main position
source of income nor on any changes in cash flow. held by opponents.
(C) This answer choice focuses on product (B) The second boldface is a premise and not a claim.
diversification. (C) The first boldface is the opponents’ conclusion; the
(D) This answer choice neither focuses on a narrow second boldface is supporting the argument’s main
source of income nor on any changes in cash flow. conclusion.
(E) Though using only local ingredients can be called (D) The first is not the main point of the argument. The
a narrow-focused approach, this option doesn’t main point is ‘America needs….tradition’.
indicate any changes in cash flow. (E) The second boldface is a premise and not a claim.

Boldface 24. C Reasoning: The first boldface portion does present a

pattern of cause and effect, and the advocate’s
21. E Reasoning: The first statement notes that when people prediction is that his time the pattern will be different.
maintain a proper weight, they report high levels of In addition, the second boldface portion is one of the
‘happiness’. This is just an observation and not a considerations that the advocate uses in support of that
conclusion. The argument then notes that this prediction. While the description of the first boldface
‘happiness’ often leads to overeating. The second bolded portion given in choice A is correct, that of the second
sentence leaps from the problems with unchecked is not: the generalization in fact tends to run counter to
‘happiness’ to the incorrectly reasoned flat assertion the prediction made in the second boldface portion.
that therefore, the opposite of happiness, ‘sadness’, Therefore, this choice is incorrect. Choice B is incorrect,
must be the better strategy. since although the first boldface portion presents a
(A) The former is just an observation and not the pattern of cause and effect, the advocate’s prediction
conclusion. is that in this case that pattern will not hold. Thus the
(B) The second is not a conclusion that necessarily role of the first boldface portion is incorrectly described.
follows. Choice D is incorrect: the advocate odes not use the
(C) The former is not the principal point of the argument. first boldface portion in support of any prediction and
(D) The latter is not an accurate implication. instead concedes that it runs counter to the advocate’s
(E) This is the correct answer option. own prediction. While the role of the first boldface portion
is correctly described in choice E, that of the second is
22. E Situation: The nutritionist claims that people think that not, since the position the advocate is defending is not
carbohydrates cause weight gain and hence should be the second boldface portion, but rather the position
eliminated from one’s diet in order to reduce weight identified above.
faster. But, she argues that carbohydrates are essential,
contributing to bodily functions and no-intake of 25. C The first boldface portion asserts that provisional arrests
carbohydrates may ultimately lead to weight gain. almost always meet the standards for evidence that
Reasoning: In the bold-faced statement, the nutritionist watch commanders enforce. The second boldface
claims that people think that carbohydrates cause portion states that officers’ time obtaining such approval
weight gain and hence should be eliminated from one’s is largely wasted. This is what the efficiency expert
diet in order to reduce weight faster. The nutritionist infers from the first boldface portion; and from this the
then goes on to offer evidence which undermines the efficiency expert, in turn, concludes that the watch
people’s reasoning. commander’s approval should no longer be required.
(A) The main conclusion of the argument is that But the editorial opposes this position.
carbohydrate serves as an essential component of (A) The editorial does not dispute that almost all
one’s diet. provisional arrests meet the standard for adequacy
(B) On the contrary, the argument seeks to explain of evidence. The editorial implicitly rejects the
why carbohydrates shouldn’t be eliminated from second boldface portion, and rejects the conclusion
one’s diet. that the efficiency expert draws from it.
(C) Rather, It is an explanation that the argument (B) The editorial does not dispute that the first boldface
explains is incorrect. portion is true.
(D) It is a judgment that runs contrary to the main (C) Correct. This is the only choice that accords with
conclusion. the analysis of the reasoning given above.
(E) Indeed, the boldface is a judgment opposed by the (D) The role of the first boldface portion is not to support
argument. the editorial’s main conclusion but to provide support
for the efficiency expert’s conclusion. The role of
the second boldface portion is not as the main

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 5

conclusion of the editorial but as support for the (B) This properly identifies the role played in the
efficiency expert’s conclusion. argument by the first portion in boldface. The
(E) The first boldface portion is not inferred or concluded second is, of course, a conclusion, but it is not
from some other statement in the passage, nor is drawn in order to support the main conclusion;
it challenged by the editorial. The direction of the rather, it is the main conclusion.
efficiency expert’s inference is from the first portion, (C) This properly identifies the role played by the second
not to it. portion in boldface. The first portion in boldface,
however, states that companies starting up this
26. C Reasoning: This type of item concerns only the year will create no more jobs than last year’s start-
argument’s structure—the way it is intended to work, ups. The argument does not reject this idea; rather,
not the quality of the argument or what might strengthen it relies on it.
or weaken the argument. So even if a boldface portion (D) The first portion in boldface states that companies
could be used by the argument in a certain way, all that starting up this year will create no more jobs than
matters is its actual intended role. The fact that last year’s start-ups. The argument does not reject
technological advances tend to be quickly surpassed this idea; rather, it relies on it. The second portion
serves to partly explain why many companies charge in boldface does present a conclusion, but since
the maximum possible price for such a product. In other the first portion is not an objection, any description
words, the first boldface portion helps explain the that relies on that mischaracterization is in error.
popularity of the strategy presented in the second (E) The second portion in boldface is not merely a claim;
boldface portion. The conclusion of the argument, it is, rather, the main conclusion of the argument.
however, is that the strategy exemplified in this latter The first portion in boldface is a claim, but it is not
boldface portion is unwise, so the argument as a whole advanced in support of a position that the argument
opposes that strategy. opposes; rather, it supports the argument’s main
(A) Although the first boldface portion could be used conclusion.
as part of an argument that the strategy presented
in the second boldface portion is counterproductive, 28. D Reasoning: What roles do the two bold-faced
that is not how it is used here. Rather, it portions play in the argument? The conclusion of
immediately follows the word because and serves the argument is that the Greeks adopted alphabetic
to explain the occurrence of what is described in writing at least two centuries before the oldest surviving
the second boldface portion. Greek inscriptions were written in the eighth century
(B) This is clearly wrong because the second boldface B.C. The first and second boldfaced portions work
portion presents the strategy that the argument together to support this conclusion.
opposes. (A) The first and second portions are not used to
(C) Correct. It is the only choice that is consistent challenge the position the argument seeks to
with the analysis of the reasoning presented above. establish, but to support it.
(D) The first boldface portion is not an assumption (B) The first is evidence for the conclusion, not for an
rejected by the argument; rather, it is affirmed in objection to it; the second is as well.
the argument. (C) The first is evidence for the conclusion, not for an
(E) The argument does not expressly claim that the objection to it; the second is as well.
first boldface portion has been used to justify the (D) Correct. This option correctly identifies the roles
strategy of setting the price as high as possible, played by the boldfaced portions.
although it implies that this is part of the justification (E) The second boldfaced portion is not the conclusion,
that those adopting the strategy would give. More but evidence for that conclusion.
clearly, the second boldface portion does not
describe the intended outcome of the strategy, but 29. A Reasoning: What is the role that the two bold-faced
rather the means of bringing about that intended portions play in the argument? The first boldfaced
outcome (maximizing profits, by means of high portion states that bank executives are buying bank
prices). shares, which the passage indicates is taken by bank
depositors to be evidence of the executives’ faith in the
27. A Reasoning: The first boldfaced portion states that this bank. The passage then tells us what some have inferred
year’s new companies will create no more jobs per from this, and finally offers in the second boldfaced
company than did last year’s new companies. The statement evidence that undermines this inference.
speaker does not know this for a fact, since it has not (A) Correct. This option correctly identifies the roles
yet happened; it is thus a prediction. If it turns out to be played by the boldfaced portions.
the case, it would support the idea that job creation (B) This correctly describes the first statement’s role,
this year will fall short of last year’s—which is, in turn, but the second statement is not offered as a
the conclusion that the argument reaches. conclusion—no evidence is given for it; rather it is
(A) Correct. This statement properly identifies the roles evidence for something else.
played in the argument by the two portions in (C) Again, the second statement is not offered as a
boldface. conclusion; no evidence is given for it.

Page 6 Verbal Ability – 3

(D) The second statement is not itself offered as an (A) This option mistakenly claims that the argument
explanation of why these bank executives are adopts the second statement as its position, when
investing in the bank; if it were, that would mean in fact the argument calls this position into
that the bank executives are doing so because question.
corporate executives are known to do such things (B) Rather than adopting the first statement, the
in a calculated effort to dispel worries. Furthermore argument offers evidence that calls it into question.
the argument does not conclude that this other (C) This option contends that the first statement is a
explanation (which the boldfaced portion points to) judgment that is based on the second; in fact the
is correct, only that the one inferred by depositors opposite is true.
may not be. (D) Correct. This option properly identifies the roles
(E) Again, the argument is not so much seeking to the two portions in boldface play in the argument.
establish an explanation of its own as it is trying to (E) While the argument does call the first statement
undermine that inferred by the depositors. into question, it also calls the second statement
into question.
30. D Reasoning: What roles do the two boldfaced
statements play in the argument? The first statement
is not asserted by the author of the argument, but rather
attributed as a belief to some museum directors. What
the argument itself asserts is that IF this belief is true
THEN the second boldfaced statement is true. But the
argument then goes on to offer evidence that the first
statement is false and so concludes that museum
directors would be ill-advised to assume that the second
statement was true.

Verbal Ability – 3 Page 7

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