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Horror at Dagger Rock

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paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

.C Y E
A FREE adventure for levels 1-3 WG0
E ® E R RE


Dungeons&Danger TM

Game Module


by Andrew C. Gale

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ADVENTURE, DUNGEONS & DANGER and the logo are a trademark owned by SAGAWORK STUDIOS
paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291780

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

A FREE adventure for levels 1-3

Dungeons&Danger TM

Game Module


by Andrew C. Gale

At the edge of the Daggerstone Hills is

Dagger Rock; a pinnacle of granite that
thrusts more than one thousand feet
into sky. At its base sits Relford; one of
the oldest and most popular mining
settlements in the region.
Since a recent earthquake,
Relford is slowly dying: The mine has
closed and the mighty Rel River has all
but dried up. Terrified locals flee their
homes, abandoning their meagre 562752

livelihood with no explanation. Those

that remain keep their doors locked
and are wary of strangers. There is talk
that some people have simply
It is said that between the dark
and dead trees of the hills, inhuman
tribes lurk, preying on the unwary. Who
knows what horrors have crawled from
out the shadow of Dagger Rock?

An adventure designed for 4-6

characters of levels 1-3.


ADVENTURE, DUNGEONS & DANGER and the logo are a trademark owned by SAGAWORK STUDIOS
paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291781

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010









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Dead Tree

EL: 90FT

Rocky Hill

EL: 60FT
EL: 60FT
Stream EL: 1080FT
Stone Wall ROCK

Gully EL: 120FT EL: 120FT


=30ft EL: 60FT EL: 90FT
EL: 90FT

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291782

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

Horror at Dagger Rock

by Andrew C Gale

Table of Contents

Introduction 2 Maps and Handouts

Map: GM’s Map of Relford Cover

Part 1: The Village of Relford 5 Map: Player’s Map of Relford Cover

Interlude: Keyed Areas in Relford 27 Map: Daggerstone Mine & the Temple of Dagon Cover

Part 2: The Daggerstone Mines 37 Map: Farrow Farm 22 562754

Part 3: The Temple of Dagon 44 Map: Relford Temple 27

Map: Daggerstone Manor 29
Epilogue 50 Map: Black Skull Inn 31
Map: Abandoned Mine 35
Appendix 1: The Cult of Dagon 51 Handout: Journal of the Forgotten Miner 61
Handout: Letter to Jek Bartollo 65
Appendix 2: New Monsters 55 Handout: Galwinn’s Letter 66
Handout: Undercommon Missive 67
Appendix 3: Pregenerated Characters 57 Handout: Crude Map 68

CREDITS PRODUCT IDENTITY: The following items are hereby considered Product Identity in accordance
EDITING & LAYOUT: Ash Gram, Penny Williams with section 1(e) of the Open Gaming License version 1.0: Any and all trademarks and registered
Some artwork by Paul Slinger trademarks, identifying marks and trade dress; all proper nouns (artifacts, characters, deities, places,
Fontin Font Family: A font by Jos Buivenga www.exljbris.nl etc), dialogue, plot, storylines, locations, and characters. No portion of this Product Identity may be
PLAYTESTERS: Ash Gram, Renee Gram, Grahame Paton, reproduced in any form without written permisison from Sagawork Studios. Find out more about
Penny Williams. the Open Game License at Wizards of the Coast.
SPECIAL THANKS: Joseph Crocono, David Fisher, OPEN GAMING CONTENT: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the
Atilla Oncel, Judd, Rob, Simon, Gretchen Keelty contents of this Sagawork Studios game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open
Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated
as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. The OGL may
be viewed on page 69 of this module.

ADVENTURE, DUNGEONS & DANGER and the logo are a trademark owned by SAGAWORK STUDIOS

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paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

MODULE OVERVIEW that hit the area almost a year ago. Paradoxically, this earthquake
caused relatively minor damage on the surface, but has caused
widespread changes to the area. Aside from a minor elevation in
Title: Horror at Dagger Rock the landscape, the mighty Rel River has diverted itself and no
No. Players: 4-6 longer flows steadily through the area. As such, the groundwater
Starting level: 1-2 has decreased, throwing the region into a drought. A number of
Classes: Any lives were lost in the Daggerstone Mines, caused by a minor col-
Type: Village events & dungeon delve. Horror elements lapse in one of the shafts. Worse, this collapse also uncovered an
ancient evil buried at this site, long before anyone ever stood in
WG0: Horror at Dagger Rock is the first adventure from Sagawork the shadow of Dagger Rock.
Studios. It is recommended that the GM read the entire adventure This area was once far below the sea approximately ten-thou-
thoroughly before beginning play. The GM may wish to re-read sand years ago, being part of the aquatic elf kingdom of Que’elta-
any areas he considers important for the adventure to run los. The city was destroyed by an invading force of sahuagin and
smoothly and efficiently. This module is designed as more of an a terrible kraken. Que’eltalos’ defenses were brought low from
open-ended adventure, requiring the GM to mediate the timing within; orchestrated by an insidious cult that worshipped the
and pace and perhaps expand on areas that are of interest. To demon lord Dagon as the true Master of the Deep. Led from the
make this process as easy as possible, a number of events have shadows by a coven of olhydrix hags, the cult of Dagon prospered
been written in to assist the GM and the players advance the plot and crept into all levels of Que’eltalos. By the time the cult was
of the story. It is entirely up to the GM to use, edit or discard these discovered, it was too late to do anything about them. Que’eltalos
fell that very night in a frenzy of ripping teeth and claws.
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events as suits his own campaign.

If you intend to experience Horror at Dagger Rock as a player, But even the cult of Dagon was not spared the full destruction
please stop reading immediately. Horror at Dagger Rock will be best of Que’eltalos; a mighty volcano erupted in the sea bed –the result
enjoyed if you are unaware of the surprises and revelations to of a titanic battle between the kraken and an aquatic elf sorceress.
come. As the halls of their secret temple came crashing down around
them, during this violent seismic upheaval, the last surviving ol-
hydrix hag offered a final prayer to Dagon. She was saved, but en-
ADVENTURE SUMMARY trapped in the remains of their temple, underneath a new
mountain range, far from the sea. As his last consort, Dagon also
cursed her with immortality. Now as Dagon’s divine guardian, the
On the road into Relford, a minor cave-in uncovers a buried secret Bride of Dagon was to wait nearly ten millennia until she could
disclosing strange goings-on that began after a recent mine col- restore the cult to its former glory.
lapse. Soon after arriving in Relford itself, the PCs discover a plot It was during the most recent earthquake that the Temple of
to subvert the remaining locals; changing them into vile thralls of Dagon became accessible again, deep in the Daggerstone Mines.
a demon lord. The PCs discover that the sinister cult of Dagon is Miners trapped underground in the tunnel collapse warily ven-
behind this plot and an ancient temple to the demon lord is lo- tured into the complex, seeking an alternate route to the surface.
cated in the nearby mine. Guarding this temple is a creature both They soon became victims of the Bride of Dagon’s malevolent
ancient and evil. charming gaze. Sensing the nearby settlement of Relford and the
possibility of restored power in a new cult, the Bride of Dagon had
her newly-charmed miners return to the collapsed tunnel and dig
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND for their freedom. The labor was arduous and intensive, and their
air soon ran out. Of the ten miners trapped, only Cantor Dagger-
stone survived, gasping for breath as he broke through to the main
Relford is a small but popular mining community that sits some passage some days later. Once free, the charmed miner wasted no
miles off the Trade Way, at the edge of the Daggerstone Hills. This time in leading his comrades back to the olhydrix’s chamber where
area is known for the gem deposits that litter the earth, and also they too, fell under her sway. Soon, these few began to work in
for Dagger Rock; a natural granite monolith that thrusts more than reviving Dagon’s cult, by slowly and surreptitiously taking mem-
one-thousand feet into the sky. bers of the community to the underground temple. There, they
Although the area is known for minor tectonic activity and the are subject to the Bride of Dagon’s charming gaze or given over to
occasional earth-tremor, no-one was prepared for the earthquake a horrid transformation; becoming dagonspawn zombies. The

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paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

mine remains shut; closed by a decree from Cantor Daggerstone,

before he shut himself away in his mansion. 5. An elderly archaeologist contacts the party; he is organizing a
Now, the cult of Dagon has almost full control over Relford. One dig in the nearby Daggerstone Hills; he suspects an ancient city
by one, the families in Relford disappear or become changed. If is buried on the site. He asks the party to provide escort and pro-
left unchecked, the cult of Dagon will reach beyond Relford and tection for him and his students. Their expedition will take them
into the rest of the world. through Relford.

6. The party’s cleric is contacted by her church. The cleric is asked

THE DENIZENS OF DAGON’S to investigate the multi-denominational temple at Relford; per-
haps seeking to set up a shrine dedicated to their god in the tem-
TEMPLE ple; or to investigate missing donations. Such a plot hook will
place the party in the direct attention of the cult.
Olhydrix hags are unnatural creatures that originated from the vile
union between a sect of demon-worshippers and the demons they
worshipped. An olhydrix hag is a horrid amalgam of a woman and
squid; their upper body resembles a human torso with humanoid PLAYER INTRODUCTION
arms and head, while their lower body tapers into the body of a
squid with many long and powerful tentacles. As Dagon’s divine Start the adventure by reading or paraphrasing the following:
guardian, The Bride of Dagon has a number of extra abilities that
makes her very powerful. For more information regarding the his- As you crest the rise, the settlement of Relford comes into view. Beyond,
tory of the olhydrix, see Appendix 2. In addition, a cult has arisen, the shadowy pinnacle of Dagger Rock sits starkly upon the hills behind
worshipping Dagon through ritual sacrifice to the Bride of Dagon. the village, pointing accusingly at the grey sky. Dark clouds rumble
The cult, its leader and its goals are detailed in Appendix 1. and a fork of lightning briefly catches your eye. Perhaps there is a
promise of rain. The land needs it: This is a desolate place. Drought
has stricken these once-verdant hinterlands since the Rel River stopped
GETTING THE PLAYERS flowing, diverted by the earthquake last year. You can see the forked,
jagged scar where once the river flowed, cutting through the earth. A
INVOLVED number of farms sit on the outskirts of Relford, nursing dry and yellow
crops. There is a mine in the hills, sitting in the dark shadow of Dagger

The adventure begins with the PCs discovering a journal detailing Rock. The city states along the coast prize the garnets, amethysts, and 562756

some strange goings-on in Relford. Use the following plot hooks aquamarines the mine yields yearly. However, the mine shut last year,
when a tunnel collapsed; killing nine miners. The mine never reopened,
to get the PCs started:
and folk say things have not been the same since. Some people have
packed up and left, others have simply disappeared. It is said that be-
1. The party is traveling to a major city as part of a merchant car- tween the dark and dead trees of the hills, inhuman tribes lurk, preying
avan. They have taken a detour into Relford to mend a broken on the unwary. Surely, such talk is fanciful: Perhaps that folk seek to
wagon wheel, re-shoe a horse, seek shelter for the night, escort a blame superstition for the hard times that have fallen upon Relford.
sick traveler, or are scouting an alternative route to evade a brig-
and attack. This introduction is to set the mood of the adventure. Establish
with the players the marching order of their PCs, glance at the
2. One of the PCs receives a letter from a friend, colleague, mentor wandering monster tables and roll some dice. When you are ready,
or family member that currently resides in Relford. The letter re- proceed to ‘The Forgotten Miner’.
quests them to come to Relford in all haste. Strangely, no reason
why is given. The letter could have been forged by the cult of
Dagon, seeking to lure the party as victims for the cult, or the let-
ter may be genuine, written by someone in Relford who seeks the THE FORGOTTEN MINER (EL1)
party’s help.
Read or paraphrase the following as the PCs get a little closer to
3. (A variation on the previous hook, above) Instead of using ‘The Relford:
Forgotten Miner’ (as written, below), the journal detailed therein
is mistakenly sent to one of the PCs. The journal is a handout de- Another crack of lightning dances across the sky, closer this time, and
tailed on pg.61. The journal describes a number of strange go- thunder rumbles across the plain. You can feel the vibration of it in
ings-on in the nearby settlement of Relford. the ground. Strangely, the vibration does not stop. Suddenly the
ground crumbles away beneath your feet!
4. The party is contacted by an agent of Daggerstone Mining. The
agent has sent operatives to Relford to investigate the extended Because of the voracious mining activity in this area, the earth
closure of the mines. They have not returned. The agent suspects is littered with many crawl mines and abandoned shafts. The
corruption, brigand raids, or goblin tribes. He asks the party to drought has made the earth brittle and the reverberations from
pick up the investigation where the operatives left off. the thunder has caused a series of low tunnels to collapse; opening
a wide but shallow sinkhole. Determine who in the party is closest

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paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

to the area. Those PCs will all need to make DC10 Acrobatics check
in order to land on their feet as they drop into the depression.
Those that fail their check are treated as having fallen prone, land-
ing on the soft dirt and sliding to the deepest point of the sinkhole.
Because of its relative shallowness, the PCs end up with mere
bruising to their egos rather than taking damage. Larger pack or
riding animals (excluding Familiars and Animal Companions) will
rear back from the hole, becoming shaken. Riding PCs must make
a DC5 Ride check in order to stay in the saddle. A DC15 Handle An-
imal or a Wild Empathy check is needed to calm a shaken animal.
Failure means that the animals become frightened, running 2d6x100
yards across the barren hinterlands before stopping. The sides of
the sinkhole are steep, but not impossible for an animal such as a
horse to gain purchase and bolt away.
The sinkhole is approximately 10 feet deep at its deepest point,
20 feet wide and runs 40 feet, extending perpendicular to the road
towards an abandoned mine shaft. The remainder of the tunnels
has recently collapsed in another cave-in some months ago. The
sides of the sinkhole are readily climbable (DC5). These tunnels
are also the lair of a Large Monstrous Centipede. Maddened by
the collapse and seeking to defend its territory, it emerges from
beneath the dirt to attack the PCs.

Large Monstrous Centipede (1) CR 1

hp 12 (Pathfinder Bestiary)

Development: During the encounter, more dirt and loose stone

have moved, revealing the skeletal remains of an unfortunate
miner. He is still clad in rotting clothes and a small, dry leather-
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bound journal rests inside a satchel. Further excavation reveals a

bedroll, camping equipment, a broken lantern, 3 sealed flasks of
oil and a small amount of cash, totaling 22gp. The journal reveals
the dead miner to be Garrod; a prospector who came here several
months prior to the earthquake and the Daggerstone Mine col-
lapse, last year. After the earthquake, he became aware of the ma-
lign influence that gripped Relford and saw a group of hooded
figures attack a traveling circus, killing indiscriminately and taking
a number of captives. From there, the hooded figures took their
captives into the closed mine. Following them deep underground,
he witnessed them worshipping at a vile altar, sacrificing their hap-
less captives to a creature in a dark pool. The incident shocked
Garrod to his core. His last entry speaks of the night he spent in
the abandoned crawl mine; the only place he felt safe. But as fate
would have it, Garrod’s excessive drinking had caught up with him
and he died in his sleep. A cave-in sealed the tunnel soon after,
turning his strange abode into a tomb. The centipede encountered
here burrowed in a number of months later, making its lair in the
low chamber. The cult of Dagon discovered Garrod’s absence and
assumed that he had given up and moved on. A number of cultists
were sent after him, but they uncovered no trace of the prospector.
Extracts of Garrod’s Journal may be found on pg.61. This journal is
invaluable in aiding the PCs during the course of this adventure.

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291786

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

The settlement of Relford is a typical mining community. Most of who struck it rich when the mines first opened. Further to the
the buildings are made entirely of wood, with the exception of a north are the Smithy, a Wainwright, the Teamsters Office and the
few of the larger buildings, which are made of mostly of stone. Cauchemar Tavern; where locals come to drink. The Old Oak
Prior to the drought, a number of farms supported businesses and marks the oldest part of Relford; once a thriving tree, it has died
homes with their produce. Because of the drought, these farms long ago. Secreted in the long, dry cornfields of a farm, is the piti-
are mostly fallow and businesses must now import goods from ful remains of Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar; a traveling circus that fell
elsewhere at inflated prices. prey to the cult of Dagon after it arrived in Relford. At the southern
end of Relford is the Black Skull Inn; once a popular haven for
merchants and wealthy stake holders. Across from the Black Skull
HISTORY is Lugas’ Smithy. Lugas’ Smithy is mostly an abandoned shell now,
having suffered a recent fire in the forge that spread to the Smith’s
house. Fortunate to escape the blaze is the Livery situated next
Relford was founded approximately 57 years ago when the young door, home to one of the few half-breeds that call Relford home.
aide to an archaeologist discovered evidence that precious stones On the edge of Relford is the Miner’s Rest; cheap accommodation
were buried beneath the Daggerstone Hills. This aide, one Cantor for miners who can afford it. Galwinn the owner of the Miner’s
Koraise left the employ of the archaeologist and abandoned his Rest is currently the acting mayor of Relford. A number of miners’
studies, throwing what little money he had into purchasing some cottages and other abodes that line the road are of a simple affair,
mining equipment. boasting one or two rooms at most. A narrow road leads further
Cantor first struck it rich when his exploratory tunnels yielded south, through the dead trees and into the hills. At the base of

half a dozen diamonds the size of his fist. With the proceeds, he the foothills sits Daggerstone Mine where a shaft leads into the

hired more miners and set up a larger infrastructure; this camp depths of the earth. Dagger Rock towers ominously over it all; its
soon became a permanent settlement when a wide, wagon path peak is a nesting place for harpies. At its height, the Daggerstone
was cut to ford the Rel River; thus Relford was born. Mine attracted men from all over the countryside; they pitched
Cantor never forgot his humble origins, it was said: He was al- their tents along the road leading to the hills. Now, the roadsides
ways a can-do person and not afraid to get his hands dirty. Even are bare. Map 1 details a layout of Relford and the nearby coun-
as Cantor’s wealth steadily grew, he could always be found work- tryside leading to the Daggerstone Mines and Dagger Rock.
ing the mine face with the miners, such was the love he had for All the un-numbered dwellings in Relford may be considered
the earth. The only conceit that Cantor took was to change his abandoned homes. These simple dwellings were once the homes
surname to Daggerstone, seeking to forge a dynasty that could be of local families. These houses now stand abandoned; windows
easily traced to the area. are broken or boarded and doors are unlocked. Debris is strewn
Soon after the town charter was written and signed, Cantor Dag- through the rooms. Careful inspection (Perception DC12) reveals
gerstone petitioned the churches in nearby Rel-Draxa for a temple scuff marks where a struggle may have taken place. The fates of
to be built in Relford. It was the church of Rax who stepped up to these unfortunate people were to become the first dagonspawn
this call, building a multi-denominational temple on the east side zombies in more than ten millenia.
of Relford.
Since its founding, Relford has had a steady influx of fortune-
seekers and camp followers. Up until recently, the mines have al-
ways been a prodigious source of income. NPCS IN RELFORD
As the cult of Dagon is made up of both willing servants and
RELFORD AT A GLANCE charmed locals, it is important to distinguish between the two.
NPCs fall into the following criteria:

An imposing stone Temple has been constructed at the east end A Dagon Cultist is a willing servant of Dagon’s cult; they willingly
of Relford, containing a number of shrines inside, devoted to var- commit evil acts and lie about their involvements.
ious deities. Just to the north of the stone bridge spanning the Rel
River is the Watch House. A Hall and a Trading Post occupy the A Charmed Cultist is someone that has been enthralled by the
central part of Relford; above them on a man-made hill is Dagger- Bride of Dagon to serve the cult of Dagon.
stone Manor, which belongs to Cantor and his wife; the miner

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291787

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

A Relford Local is someone who represents the Relford commu-

nity, not under the direct influence of Dagon’s cult.
NPCs may be questioned to obtain knowledge regarding a par-
ticular topic, which is either displayed in point form or as a Relford and the Daggerstone Hills are suited to a region of your
scripted sentence to be read to the players. Relford however, has campaign world that contains a range of rugged hills or low moun-
become a tense and dangerous place. As such, not all NPCs are tains, has a river and is relatively close to a main road or trade
ready and willing to share what they know. PCs are encouraged route. Horror at Dagger Rock also makes a number of references
to use tact and diplomacy (or intimidation) to discover what is to Rel-Draxa; a city some days’ travel away. Feel free to substitute
going on in Relford. In any case, the information presented can Rel-Draxa for a different name or a city of your choosing. The GM
be the truth, speculation or downright falsehoods. is also free to create and modify the keyed sections in Relford, the
Each location within Relford contains an NPC’s initial reaction Daggerstone Mine and the Temple of Dagon.
(and the according base DC) as well as a modifier DC that varies To make the experience of Horror at Dagger Rock truly unique,
from topic to topic. Progressively higher DCs represent pieces of here are a couple of twists for the GM to consider before running
information that NPCs know but are more reluctant to share, ei- the adventure:
ther out of a fear of reprisal or because of other motives. It is rec-
ommended that the GM familiarize himself with the rules All the cultists are Dagon Cultists (see NPCs in Relford). This cre-
concerning Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidation and the ates an ‘Us versus Them’ style of game. Once identities of the
effects of charm as detailed in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core cultists are uncovered, it becomes a straightforward matter to
Rulebook. Of course, this information may also be garnered via defeat them all and the horrors of the Daggerstone Mines.
overheard conversations or arguments; all things need not be dic-
tated by direct interaction and skill checks. All the cultists are Charmed Cultists (see NPCs in Relford). This
The GM must remember the underpinning fear that has gripped creates an added dimension to the twist above. In order to re-
Relford. Play on those fears by making the PCs believe that they lease the village from the evil that holds it, the PCs must dis-
have bitten off more than they can chew. A rumor table is also cover what lurks in the mine and defeat it. Goodly-aligned PCs
presented for ease of use. These rumors may be attached to any will need to consider their morals before slaying cultists.
NPC that the party encounters. These rumors may be chosen or
rolled randomly All the inhabitants of Relford are Dagon Cultists (see NPCs in
Relford; all the Charmed Cultists and Relford Locals are consid-
Below is the statistics of a typical resident or local in Relford: ered to be Dagon Cultists, i.e., free-willed and evil). This means

that Garrod’s Journal is next to useless as all of Relford has fallen 562759

victim to the depredations of the cult. Such an event is quite

Relford Local CR 1/3 dangerous for the PCs, as it likely leads to an early capture or
death if they are not careful. They will have to use their wits to
Male or Female Human Commoner 1
escape incarceration or whatever doom awaits them, enter the
Any non-evil Medium humanoid
mines and defeat the Bride of Dagon. The GM may wish to leave
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
Koch Koblin (Part 1 Location 17) and/or Galwinn (Part 1, Location
14) as their sole ally (or allies) in Relford, hiding amidst the hor-
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
ror, waiting for someone with the courage to defeat the cult’s
hp 9 (1d6+3)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will -1
Spd 30 ft
Melee Club +1 (1d6+1) or Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20) EVENTS IN RELFORD
During Combat: If a Relford Local is forced to fight, they will attack Bringing Relford to life as a settlement gripped in fear requires the
with whichever weapon they are proficient with, usually a club GM to work diligently and effectively. Relford is a village that has
or a dagger. fallen on hard times and an evil cult led by an ancient horror is
Morale: Morale varies between individuals. If a commoner is re- slowly devouring its resident’s souls. Naturally, the cult of Dagon
duced to less than 5 hit points, they will run away to get help. has a strong foothold in Relford and their insidious plots are not
STATISTICS known to all. The following events are presented to help integrate
Str 12, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 10 the PCs into the mystery and expose the information presented at
Base Atk +0 CMB +1; CMD 11 respective locations. These events may be run in any order.
Feats Athletic, Endurance, Simple Weapon Proficiency (One: Club or
Event A (EL 2)
Skills Appraise -1, Climb +3, Heal -1, Perception +3, Profession (varies)
The PCs witness Jek Bartollo’s road agents rob and murder some-
+3, Sense Motive -1, Survival -1, Swim +3
Languages Common
Vaskar, Craise and Tollard (Part 1, Location 7B) May be encountered
Gear club or dagger, peasant’s outfit, 2d6gp on the road or within the outskirts of Relford, looting a slain trav-
eler. It is clear that this is a murder. If they notice that they are

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paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

d20+d10 Rumor

2 Garrod was nothing more than a drunkard who struck it rich.

3 Garrod saw something that made him turn to alcohol.

4 No-one goes to the mine anymore.

5 The collapse in the mine has become the death knell of Relford.

6 The earthquake hit us pretty hard; the Rel River stopped flowing and the ground is drying up. Soon, farmers won’t be able to grow any-
7 The mine has been declared unsafe because of its weakened foundations.

8 Cantor Daggerstone has holed himself up in his Manor, refusing to see anyone. Galwinn has assumed the role of magistrate and mayor
since then.
9 A geologist is on his way from a nearby city; to survey and hopefully reopen the mine.

10 The real reason why the mine has been declared unsafe is because the mine is haunted by the ghosts of the miners killed in the collapse.

11 I heard that the collapse opened up a tunnel to Deepearth. All manner of creatures boiled out of that hole!

12 Something ancient and evil lives in the hills. It has not taken kindly to us digging in its home.

13 Since the earthquake; there has been a grisly murder and a fire. People have also suddenly up and left; as if they disappeared in the night.
Relford is cursed, I tell you!
14 I saw a wagon full of people leave in the middle of the night, bound for safer climes.

15 A few months ago, someone or something has come down from the hills and desecrated the temple in the dead of night: No one saw
them come, but we all saw poor Father Arden lying gutted in the street the next morning, strange symbols carved into his body. 562760

16 Father Arden’s murder was committed by devil-worshippers that lurk in the hills.

17 Father Arden’s murder was committed by one of the inhuman tribes living in the Daggerstone Hills.
18 Whoever killed Father Arden also tried to kidnap Lugas, that new blacksmith. He resisted, so they killed him and his family, setting his
smithy and their house alight.

19 The watch will not let anyone move into the Lugas house or smithy; the buildings have been condemned.

20 Kelnor the temple caretaker won’t let anyone back into the Shrine of Rax, since Father Arden’s murder. Goodness knows why.

21 I saw his ghost! It came out from between two buildings and slowly made its way up the hill to the temple, babbling as it went! Father
Arden’s spirit seeks vengeance!
22 Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar came to Relford a few months ago. He had some of the most horrific creatures I have ever seen. I heard he
caught most of them in the Daggerstone Hills.
23 The Bizarre Bazaar gave one performance, promising a second show with more bizarre creatures. When we came to see them on the fol-
lowing night, they had already left.
24 Koch Koblin, the owner of the Bizarre Bazaar was a strange fellow and quite creepy. He was a dwarf who wore a top hat, a dirty brocade
coat and was clean shaven. Unheard of!

25 I heard that Koch Koblin came from the clans that stalk the Daggerstone Hills. The Bizarre Bazaar was just a front for him to survey
Relford right under our noses!
26 Koch Koblin was nothing more than a greedy thief; he amassed a huge debt at a number of Relford businesses then skipped town.

27 There is going to be another attack on Relford! I know it!

28 The dark-skinned man who owns the Livery is a savage demon-worshipper! I have seen him drinking the blood of animals!

29 I’ve seen shadows slip past my bedroom window in the dead of night. It chills me to bone to imagine what lurks beneath the moon.

30 The Knight of the Black Skull has returned from the dead, I tell you: He met his end in Relford, now he seeks his revenge.

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discovered, Vaskar and Craise claim they chanced upon the body, may begin searching for her to silence the child once and for all.
they ask Tollard to accompany the PCs into Relford to inform Ked-
dard Dunn, the Watch Sergeant (Part 1, Location 2). Whilst Keddard
conducts a cursory investigation into the death, Vaskar, Craise and Event E (Alternate version): (EL 4)
Tollard discretely inform Jek Bartollo. Similarly, Keddard informs Meri Finn is taken by a Harpy from Dagger Rock!
Kelnor of the PC’s presence. Meri Finn, the daughter of Zachary Finn (Part 1, Location 5) is ab-
ducted by a harpy. Perhaps the harpy has been curious about the
child’s singing, or the harpy is simply looking for an easy meal, or
Event B (EL 2) perhaps Craddoc Farrow managed to get to the child first (see the
As the PCs pass between two buildings, they come face to face original Event E, above), leaving Meri in the woods to the south of
with a black leopard. Relford, for the harpies to take. In any case, a harpy is seen carry-
This is the leopard from Part 1, Location 1; it has come out into ing the child into the skies. Zachary and his distraught wife seek
Relford looking for food and it snarls menacingly when it is dis- able-bodied people to get their daughter back. The harpy takes
covered. It attacks if it thinks it can bring a PC down as an easy the child to Dagger Rock at Part 1, Location 22. The harpy has a
kill, otherwise it lopes off into the trees. The leopard has been nest somewhere up on the rock face. Anyone attempting a rescue
trained for performance and anyone using Handle Animal to con- will have to climb up to get poor Meri.
trol it will find the DC increased by 2 because of its hunger. PCs
that offer it meat gain a +5 circumstance bonus on wild empathy
Harpy (1) CR 4
or Handle Animal checks (for the first check only). A leather collar
around its neck spells the name ‘Tabaxu’ on one side and ‘KBB’ on hp 31 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
the other. The leopard is one of the few remaining animals from
Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar (Part 1, Location 17)
Event F: (EL varies)
Event C (EL varies) The PCs are approached about a business venture.
The PCs encounter Craddoc Farrow threatening Garik Karel. Ramath Lane (Part 1, Location 8) approaches the PCs, possibly after
Garik the teamster (Part 1, Location 6) has a number of oxen which the PCs have witnessed him and Gaddin Vaas (Part 1, Location 13)
occasionally slip through gaps in the stone wall common to the in heated conversation with each other. Or, the PCs may discover
teamster yard and Craddoc Farrow’s farmstead (Part 1, Location Ramath loitering near the burnt shell of Lugas’ Smithy (Part 1, Lo-
16). Craddoc is never far from either his sons or his mastiffs and cation 12). Ramath will offer them 150gp if they recover the

bolstered by greater numbers, Craddoc tries to provoke a fight. weapons Lugas was making for Ramath. In truth, Ramath has no 562761

Craddoc is fearful that someone will find the remains of Koblin’s money and will try and double-cross the PCs, betraying them to
Bizarre Bazaar (Part 1, Location 17) in his corn. Should the PCs step Gaddin Vaas at the earliest opportunity. Little does either know
into the situation, they earn Garik’s gratitude and the enmity of that Barad Wolfram from the cult of Dagon watches them also.
the Farrows as well as the cult of Dagon. Garik may ask the PCs
to help repair the stone wall.
Event G: (EL 2)
An undead horror haunts Relford!
Event D: The Forgewight from Part 1, Location 12 slowly stalks the streets
The PCs witness the Farrows taking notice of Meri Finn. one night, randomly entering houses or establishments and setting
Meri Finn, the daughter of Zachary Finn (Part 1, Location 5) sings them ablaze with its supernatural heat. Perhaps Ramath Lane or
songs about everything. Her rendition of the event that summa- Gaddin Vaas have plucked up the courage to enter Lugas’ smithy,
rizes her encounter with Koch Koblin is heard by one of the Farrow or perhaps something else has disturbed the spirit of Lugas. It dis-
men. Their ill-disguised menace is apparent as they quietly ques- appears in a whirlwind of ash and embers if it is defeated, or as
tion the little girl. Should they discover that Koch Koblin is still soon as a fire is lit or upon the arrival of dawn. These attacks con-
alive, they report their findings to Kelnor. Kelnor then makes plans tinue until the Forgewight is encountered at its resting place in
to abduct the Wainwright and his family. Craddoc and his sons the forge or in Lugas’ family home. Seeing the attention of the
scour the corn for Koch’s hiding place. PCs is diverted elsewhere, Kelnor uses this event to abduct more
people for the cult of Dagon.

Event E: (EL varies)

Meri Finn goes missing! Event H:
Meri Finn, the daughter of Zachary Finn (Part 1, Location 5) was The cult of Dagon continues its abductions.
enchanted by Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar (Part 1, Location 17). Having Kelnor organizes select people and families to be abducted, either
seen Koch, the dwarf ringmaster stealing through the night in to thwart the PCs goals or to bolster the cult’s ranks. These people
search of food, she has garnered enough courage to follow him are taken into Daggerstone Mine and are charmed by the Bride of
when next she sees him. Unfortunately, Meri is victim to a pit Dagon. This can make for interesting roleplaying with NPCs the
trap, the fall knocking her unconscious and breaking her leg. party already has a rapport with; their sudden change in demeanor
Meri’s distraught parents beseech anyone who listens to find their may indicate that there is an evil influence holding Relford in its
daughter. If this event is run after Event D, above, the Farrows grip.

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own advantage, using firebrand preaching to blame Ngoa for the

DAGGERSTONE HILLS – WANDERING ENCOUNTER TABLE ills that have befallen Relford. This drives a mob right to Ngoa’s
doorstep, thirsting for his blood.
Relford is a frontier settlement where danger still stalks the wilder-
ness. Brigands, inhuman tribes and worse can be encountered in
Typical Relford Local CR 1/3
the Daggerstone Hills. The base chance of a wandering encounter
is 11% in daylight and 22% at night. If successful, roll on the fol- Male or Female Human Commoner 1 (pg.6)
lowing table:

d% Creature Avg EL Source

Event J: (EL varies)
01-10 1-4 Goblins 1 Pathfinder Besitary
At night, the PCs witnesses a human-shaped shadow detach itself
11-26 1-4 Orcs 1 Pathfinder Bestiary
from a nearby building and steal across the road.
27-39 1-6 Kobolds 1 Pathfinder Bestiary
This humanoid shadow could be one of the following:
40-46 Rabid Mastiff 1 Pathfinder Bestiary
47 Mrs. Farrow 2 See page 23 1. Koch Koblin, (Part 1, Location 17); he is hunting rats for a meal.
48-55 3 Brigands (Vaskar, Tollard 2 See page 17 If he is discovered, he flees.
and Crais)
56-63 Dagon Cultists 2 See Appendix 1 2. Cantor and Elise Daggerstone (Part 1, Location 10); have es-
64-67 1 Black Leopard (Tabaxu) 2 See page 10 caped the manor and are searching for flesh to sate their hunger.
68-76 1 Monitor Lizard 2 Pathfinder Bestiary
77 1 Worg 2 Pathfinder Bestiary 3. Mrs. Farrow (Part 1, Location 15); has escaped from her room
78-85 1 Large Viper 2 Pathfinder Bestiary on the farm and now the dagonspawn zombies aimlessly wanders
86-90 1 Ogre 3 Pathfinder Bestiary the streets, still dressed in her filthy shift and her wiry hair ob-
91-94 1 Asssassin Vine 3 Pathfinder Bestiary scuring her twisted features. She may have killed a dog or other
95-99 1 Ankheg 3 Pathfinder Bestiary small animal and is hungrily feasting on its flesh. She embodies
00 1 Harpy 4 Pathfinder Bestiary the true horror of Dagon’s cult. If she is challenged for her actions,
she attacks. Otherwise, either Craddoc Farrow or one of his sons
will eventually find her and escort her back to their farm if she is
Black Leopard (Tabaxu): This black leopard is one of the few remain- left to her own devices.
ing animals from Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar. It acts identically to 562762

how it is presented in Location 1 of Relford. 4. Evaine Bright (Part 1, Location 7A); is attempting to contact
Brigands (Vaskar, Crais and Tollard): These three road agents live Garik Karel (Part 1, Location 6) and reward him for his part in sav-
at Part 1, Location 7B and work for Jek Bartollo in the Cauchemar ing the bordello girls.
Tavern, (Part 1, Location 7). If they are not following the PCs for
Jek, they attempt to rob them. If it is clear that they are out- 5. Vaskar, Crais and Tollard (Part 1, Location 7B); are out on busi-
matched, they try to flee, or surrender if escape is impossible. ness, seeking victims to waylay and murder for their money.
They claim to be working for themselves.
Dagon Cultists: 3 Dagon cultists prowl the area, looking for PCs.
They have orders to capture or kill them. Their classes are varied;
choose from Cleric, Fighter, Monk or Rogue as detailed in Appen-
Event K:
dix 1.
Under the cover of darkness, a silent procession heads south into
Mrs. Farrow: Mrs. Farrow’s plight is detailed in Part 1, Location 15
the tree-lined Daggerstone Hills.
Led by Barad Wolfram and Craddoc Farrow, the cultists make their
of this adventure. The dagonspawn zombie is wandering the hills
way into the Daggerstone Mine, to join Kelnor in prayer or to ‘con-
searching for food. There is a 75% chance that Craddoc Farrow
vert’ abductees to their cause. Alternatively, Barad Wolfram and
or his sons will arrive soon after Mrs. Farrow is encountered. If
other members of the cult are making their way to the Dagger-
Mrs. Farrow has already been killed, another dagonspawn zombie
stone Mine to retrieve a statue of Dagon. Kelnor has instructed
is encountered.
them to relocate one of the statues of Dagon (Part 3, Location 21)
Rabid Mastiff: Use the statistics of a riding dog. It is infected with
to the Shrine of Rax (Temple Key, Location 3F) in preparation for
Rabies. Craddoc released it into the Daggerstone Hills a little
the takeover of Relford in Event L.
while ago after it ate a raccoon.

Event L:
Horror at Dagger Rock!
Event I: (EL varies) The cult of Dagon attempts to abduct the PCs while they rest or
The PCs encounter a mob bent on destroying demon-worship- are otherwise incapacitated. Regardless of who succeeds, it be-
pers. comes apparent that the cult of Dagon is making a number of
If it becomes known that Ngoa, the dark skinned livery owner lightning raids and Relford is in chaos: Houses burn and packs of
(Part 1, Location 16) is a practicing witch-doctor and shaman, new dagonspawn zombies roam unchecked – set loose from the Dag-
fear rips through Relford. Kelnor uses this new knowledge to his gerstone Mines by Kelnor. Relford’s hapless residents are taken to

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the Temple (Part 1, Location 3) where they are unceremoniously DC increased by 2 because of its hunger. PCs that offer it meat
bound and gagged. In the defiled shrine of Rax, an altar at the foot gain a +5 circumstance bonus on wild empathy or Handle Animal
of Dagon’s hideous statue has been erected. They witness Kelnor checks (for the first check only). A leather collar around its neck
offering a prayer to the Dread Lord of the Sea, asking for immor- spells the name ‘Tabaxu’ on one side and ‘KBB’ on the other.
“Oh great Shadow of the Deep; just as thy first ancient idol gave
thy chosen bride the kiss of eternity; we ask that thou bless thy Wild dogs (2) CR 1
new children through this stone effigy!” hp 6, 5 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
A deathly hush falls over the congregation, all eyes expectantly
upon the idol. After a moment, Kelnor offers Relford a choice to
Black leopard (1) CR 2
willingly convert to Dagon or meet a fate worse than death. Re-
gardless of their answer, they are placed into smaller groups and hp 19 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
then taken into the Daggerstone Mines (Part 2, Location 12), to
await their ‘audience’ with the Bride of Dagon (Part 3, Location Ad-hoc xp: If the leopard is tamed as a future animal compan-
23). Troublemakers are given over to the undead in Daggerstone ion, award experience for defeating a CR2 creature.
Manor (Part 1, Location 10) or taken to the Deepearth ravine (Part
2, Location 9B)
This event turns Relford into a ghost town; those that were 2. WATCH HOUSE
lucky to escape eke out a survivor’s existence, living quietly in the
ruins, desperately holding onto any hope of survival. With each
On the north side of the stone bridge sits a sturdy wooden building and
passing day, the cult members give their bodies over to Dagon, be-
an adjacent stone structure. Heavy shutters close over the windows
coming loathsome dagonspawn zombies that roam Relford, search-
of the wooden building and thick, vertical iron bars are set into the
ing for more victims. The PCs task would be twofold; firstly to
small windows of the stone structure. A simple sign reads: Relford
assist the survivors in any way they can and secondly, slay the
watch house.
Bride of Dagon and destroy the cult once and for all!
Keddard Dunn, and his two constables, Govan Maise and Tarud
Greer are little more than thugs; having come to Relford during
1: ABANDONED FARM (EL1 or 2) the last mining boom as hired muscle in the employ of Jek Bartollo
(Part 1, Location 7) and staying on as a self-appointed Watch long
after the boom died away. All three are Charmed Cultists; turning 562763

To the north, a ramshackle farm greets you. You can make out that
a blind eye to Kelnor’s activities with Dagon’s cult. Of the three,
the place has been abandoned; the front door hangs partially off its
Keddard will do most of the talking. He will try and find out as
hinges, creaking in the wind. Dry hay and withering copses of corn and
much as possible about the PCs; why they are in Relford, where
wheat dot the fields to one side of the house, where a scrawny cow and
they plan to stay and so on. Keddard warns them to stay out of
an old mule idly graze. Beyond, you can see a weathered barn and a
trouble. Govan and Tarud support him.
chicken coop. In the distance, a dog barks.
The Watch’s initial reaction is indifferent (Base DC15). Aside from
the rumors on the rumor table, Keddard knows the following:
This farm has been abandoned quite recently. The farmer who
Garrod (DC+0): “He was a crazy drunk who struck it rich and
owned this property took his wife, two children and left for Rel-
turned to the bottle. He left Relford a few months ago. Prior to
Draxa a number of days ago. They have taken most of the items
that, he frequented the cells here often. In fact, we leave it un-
of value. Only two large pieces of furniture remain in the bare
locked just in case he wants to come back!” (Ironically, true)
house; a wardrobe and a bed frame were too big for the farmer
Strange goings-on/disappearances in Relford (DC+3): “The place
and his family to take on their wagon. The barn contains a number
is dying; a lotta folk have just up and moved. A ‘course, law-abid-
of farming implements and a rusty scythe. Up in the loft, buried
ing folk should let the Watch know of their movements. I figure
in the hay is a forgotten pouch of coins, totaling 12gp (DC17 Per-
the brigands have scared a lot of people away.” (False)
ception). The farmer grew corn, hay and wheat. He also owned a
The Mine closure (DC+0): “Daggerstone Mines is unsafe. Earth-
few chickens, a cow, a mule and two horses. The farmer took the
quake has made the shafts unstable. No one dares go down there
two horses when he left, leaving the gates to his property open
now. We are waiting on the geologists form Rel-Draxa to come
for the other animals to escape and fend for themselves. Two dogs
down and take a look. (Sigh) Can’t say that that will be anytime
have crept into the house looking for any tasty morsels and will
soon though.” (False)
make short work of the chickens once they find them. The dogs
The fire at Lugas’ Smithy (DC+3): “Happened at the same time
are wild and will attack if cornered. More dangerously, a black
as the raid on the temple.” (True). “They heard that Lugas was
leopard is stalking the dogs, hiding in the cornfields. The leopard
some kind of weapon smith and were gonna kidnap him. Trouble
is one of the few remaining creatures from Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar
was; he fought back.” (False; Barad the Blacksmith at Part 1, Loca-
(Part 1, Location 17), having escaped into the hills when the circus
tion 3 killed Lugas). “Before you think about going over to inves-
was attacked by cultists some months ago. It has returned, seeking
tigate; don’t. It is a civil offence to loot and the place has been
easier prey. It will hide in the corn, waiting to ambush its quarry.
condemned.” (True).
It is hungry enough to attack party members. If it is spotted, it
The Bizarre Bazaar (DC-5): “A band of wandering gypsies who
will snarl menacingly. The leopard has been trained for perform-
fleece good people out of their hard earned money. They would
ance and anyone using Handle Animal to control it will find the


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have to be in league with brigands in the area.” (Speculation) ner. The hard packed road leads to the double doors of the temple’s
Behind the Watch house is a stone building that houses the hold- vestibule.
ing cells; used often during the mining boom. The front door is
made of strong wood (Break DC20, Hardness 5, 20 hp) and is always By day, the gates and the temple’s double doors stand open.
locked (DC25 Disable Device). Iron bars divide the interior into Relford has housed a number of people from a wide variety of na-
three barred cells, with a walkway along the western wall. Each tionalities and creeds. In the spirit of harmony, it has been prudent
of the cells is 10 feet square. The iron bars are rusty but strong for the village to erect a temple that practices a multi-denomina-
and may be bent with effort (DC25). A sturdy padlock (DC20 Dis- tional worship. This temple was built soon after Relford was
able Device) secures each of the cell doors (Hardness 15, 30 hp). An founded, funded by the church of Rax, the God of Empire. Eight
iron ring containing the keys hangs on a nail inside the Watch shrines dedicated to a number of various deities line the outer
House. Other than the equipment and gear they carry, Keddard, walls of the main chamber. A further three shrines dedicated to
Govan and Tarud have little of value; a number of worthless per- Rax and his ally-gods are located in the northern chambers of the
sonal effects strewn around the premises. temple. Before he died, the senior priest, Father Arden believed
that this temple should be a sanctuary for quiet meditation rather
than sermonizing. Now, the temple is a mockery of itself; Kelnor
Keddard Dunn, Watch Sergeant CR ½ murdered Father Arden and deliberately destroyed the shrine to
Male Human Fighter 1 Rax, disguising both incidents as a brigand raid. Kelnor has used
N Medium Humanoid (Charmed Cultist) this event to propel himself into a position of authority in Relford.
hp 13 (Appendix 1, pg.53) By night, Kelnor gathers the cult of Dagon in Rax’s ruined shrine.
STATISTICS From there, they proceed into the mine to worship in the Temple
Con 17, 14gp of Dagon. Kelnor intends on bringing the cult to the surface by
turning the entire temple into a chapel to Dagon and he its divine
guardian. When the GM decides to run Event L (see Events in
Relford), a statue of Dagon is placed where Rax’s shrine once stood
Govan Maise, Watch Guard CR ½ (Temple Key, Location 3F). Once he has consolidated the power of
Male Human Rogue 1 his rule, Kelnor plans to turn the temple into a fortress and then
NE Medium Humanoid (Charmed Cultist) begin construction of another fortress closer to the sea.
hp 9 (Appendix 1, pg.53) Consult the Temple Key for a detailed description of the Temple
10gp interior.
1291793 562764

Tarud Greer, Watch Guard CR ½ 4. BLACKSMITH

Male Human Fighter 1
Smoke and soot billow from a smithy sitting alongside a small house.
CN Medium Humanoid (Charmed Cultist)
Before an anvil bolted to a large round of wood, a bare-chested giant
hp 12 (Appendix 1, pg.53)
of a man with a thick, soot-black beard hammers thunderously upon
a piece of heated iron. The air rings sharply with the sound of metal
striking metal. Within the gloom of the smithy, you can make out a
Development: If Keddard becomes aware of the PCs snooping
young man working the bellows that feeds a furnace.
around, he will attempt to intimidate the party into leaving
Relford. If this action fails, Keddard and his constables will watch
Barad Wolfram is Relford’s Blacksmith. His son and apprentice
the PCs closely, seeking any excuse to arrest them. If this happens,
Jorim assists him, eager to please the grim, short-tempered giant.
the two constables actively restrain or subdue any recalcitrant PCs
Barad had a friendly rivalry with Lugas that turned into a murder-
whilst Keddard, notifies Kelnor. Should the call to hunt down the
ous enmity. When Lugas showed Barad one of the weapons he
‘brigands who orchestrated the temple attack’ grow into a con-
was making, Barad came to the realization that he could never
suming passion for Relford locals or anyone else; Keddard grants a
achieve the same level of quality as Lugas’ work. He came back to
watch commission to anyone seeking to do so. Keddard and his
Lugas’ Smithy (Part 1, Location 12) that night and in a rage, set his
constables then lead their ‘posse’ into the hills, into a cult ambush
Lugas’ Smithy alight. This fire claimed the life of Lugas and his
in an effort to subdue them for the Bride of Dagon.
family. Kelnor discovered Barad’s murderous rampage and con-
fronted the blacksmith soon after. Promising that Barad could
achieve the level of perfection he desired, it was an easy matter
3. TEMPLE for Kelnor to subvert the blacksmith to the worship of Dagon. His
wife Kalya and their son followed soon after, falling victim to the
The road leads up a man-made hill towards a sturdy wooden gate, set Bride of Dagon’s charming gaze. Since then, Barad’s prodigious
into a stone wall about chest-high. Beyond is a large house of worship. strength has served the cult well.
Although utilitarian in design, this temple is imposing and is arguably As Relford’s only blacksmith, Barad is kept busy making various
the largest structure in Relford. A large oak that barely clutches onto farming implements and assisting Ngoa in the Livery (Part 1, Loca-
life spreads its boughs to the east over a graveyard. A small crypt, con- tion 16) shoeing horses. A substantial amount of iron ingots is
structed using the same stone as the temple sits in the northeast cor- stacked at the back of the smithy, covered in a large oilcloth. An


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array of finished axe heads, pick heads and shovel blades hang from
a number of rusty hooks. Barad has tried his hand at crafting
weapons that currently hang on hooks at the back of the forge. Jorim Wolfram CR 1/3
PCs may find any simple light melee weapon or martial light melee Male Human Warrior 1
weapon as detailed in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rule- N Medium Humanoid (Charmed Cultist)
book, for sale at 95% of total cost. Kelnor has plans to arm his hp 12 (Appendix 1, pg.54)
cultists through Barad’s endeavors.
The family has little of value; the bulk of their wealth has been
taken by Kelnor. Sewn into the straw mattress in the main bed-
room is a pouch containing 15gp and 30 sp. Barad wears a +2 belt Kalya Wolfram CR 1/3
of giant strength; an heirloom of his family. He keeps a masterwork Female Human Commoner 1
chain shirt and an adamantine battleaxe (stolen from Lugas’ Smithy) N Medium Humanoid (Charmed Cultist)
wrapped in another oilcloth, tucked in behind the forge. hp 9 (pg.6)
Their initial reaction is indifferent (Base DC15). Be selective with Skills Profession: Midwife +3
the rumor table and add it to the following:
The Mine Closure (DC+0): “That is only bad news for me. My Development: Barad scoffs at any suggestion of a ‘Cult’ in
livelihood comes from the earth. They should reopen the mines Relford. Both his wife and son believe that a band of brigands lurk
as soon as possible.” (True) Daggerstone Hills. Barad backs this up by suggesting that poorer
Lugas’ Smithy/Lugas (DC+0): “A sad loss for Relford and the loss people in the area are turning to more desperate measures. Once
of a good friend, too.” (True: Barad did lose his friendship with the PCs leave, Barad will make contact with Kelnor and warn him.
Lugas prior to the fire.) Barad is also interested in recovering the weapons made by Lugas
Strange goings on/disappearances in Relford (DC+0): “Some folk (Part 1, Location 21). Should Barad discover their whereabouts, he
don’t have the stomach for hard times. A lot of them have moved attempts to recover them for the cult.
away.” (False)

Barad Wolfram, Blacksmith CR 3 5. WAINWRIGHT AND CARPENTER

Male Human Fighter 4
Inside a converted barn, a carpenter is hard at work. All manner of
LE Medium humanoid (Dagon Cultist)
woodworking and carpentry tools rest upon a shadow-board fixed to
Init +1; Senses Perception +0
the west wall. The loft of the barn has been converted to a timber stor-
1291794 562765

age area; a sling and pulley system runs up to a fixture above the barn’s
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15
main doors. A number of wagon wheels are stacked haphazardly to
(+5 armor, +1 Dex)
one side of the main working area, all in various states of repair. A
hp 39 (4d10+8)
finely-built timber house stands next door, where a little girl sits upon
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +1
the porch, playing with a rag doll, singing softly to herself.
Spd 30 ft
Zachary Finn is Relford’s carpenter, having moved here a year be-
Melee adamantine battleaxe +11 (1d8+5/x3 one hand) (1d8+7/x3 two
fore the earthquake to try and make a go of his first business. His
craftsmanship is of a high standard and he produces finished pieces
relatively quickly. Currently, he has a standing arrangement to
During Combat: Barad will use Power Attack, holding his battleaxe
maintain the wagons owned by the Teamsters Office (Part 1, Loca-
two-handed, sacrificing 2 from his Base Atk in order to increase
tion 6). Up until recently, their regular trips ferrying ore to nearby
his damage by 6.
cities has kept him busy in repairs. Anyone making a DC15 Percep-
Morale: Barad is a desperate individual since killing Lugas. He will
tion Check will notice that two of the wagon wheels appear dif-
fight to the death.
ferent to the others; these were in fact owned by Koch Koblin; who
sent them here for repairs. The Bizarre Bazaar was attacked soon
Str 20*, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
after, and the wheels never collected.
Base Atk +4 CMB +9; CMD 20
Zachary is a courteous, friendly but guarded man. If he sees any-
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor
one going to his house or approaching his six year-old daughter
Proficiency (Heavy), Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Improved Bull Rush,
Meri, he is likely to call out for Eva, his wife. She arrives soon after
Martial Weapon Proficiency (All), Master Craftsman: Blacksmith,
and attempts to whisk the child indoors.
Power Attack
Their initial reaction is friendly (Base DC10). Aside from general
Skills Acrobatics +1, Appraise +1, Bluff +2, Climb +5, Craft: Armor +8,
rumors, he also knows the following:
Craft: Weapons +8, Diplomacy -1, Escape Artist +1, Fly +1, Handle
Barad the Blacksmith (DC+0): “The Blacksmith is a hard man,
Animal +3, Intimidate +5, Profession: Blacksmith +9, Ride +1,
but his family is nice enough. They keep to themselves, mostly.”
Stealth +1, Survival +4, Swim +5
Languages Common, Dwarf
Garrod (DC+0): “I remembered the day he came into Relford,
SQ Armor Training 1, Bravery +1
whooping and hollering; he had an uncut diamond the size of his
Gear adamantine battleaxe, belt of giant strength +2*, mwk chain
fist. Within a month, he had squandered his new fortune on drink
shirt, mwk blacksmithing tools, 12gp


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and women. After the earthquake, I would see him wandering back of the property. Inside the fence, a number of oxen graze lacon-
about Relford; taking notes and such, and always muttering. He ically on sparse, dry grass.
used to climb the Old Oak until the Watch would come and get
him. I think he was friends with Galwinn at the Miner’s Rest.” Although Garik Karel the Teamster has been a long-time resident
(True) of Relford; he has spent as much time on the roads and byways as
The Bizarre Bazaar (DC+0): “Run by a disagreeable little man much as actually living in the settlement. He and his drivers made
called Koch Koblin; him and his ilk skipped Relford before I could regular trips to and from major cities, shipping out precious stones
collect on the dues he owed me!” Zachary frowns, gesturing to- from the Daggerstone Mines and supplies in for the Trading Post
wards two of the wagon wheels in his barn (True). (Part 1, Location 8). Since the earthquake and the closure of the
Temple raid (DC-10): “An evil, evil deed. As a worshipper of Rax, mine, his business has dropped off dramatically, forcing his drivers
I offered to repair the shrine’s interior for free. I expect High Priest to find work elsewhere. Garik and his ox-teams are for hire. He
Kelnor is still in shock since Father Arden’s death. It’s been months charges 10sp a day per two oxen. A further 10sp a day is also
since anyone has set foot in the shrine.” charged to cover expenses such as grain, levies and a minor profit
mark-up. Thus, to hire Garik and two oxen are 20sp a day, four
oxen and Garik is 30sp a day, and so on. This money is payable in
Zachary Finn, Carpenter CR 2 advance. For anyone casually investigating the property, a DC10
Male Human Expert 4 Perception check reveals that the stone wall in the back part of
NG Medium Humanoid (Relford Local) the field has been hastily repaired, having suffered a collapse in a
hp 35 number of places. This stone wall divides the teamster’s yard from
STATISTICS Craddoc Farrow’s cornfields (Part 1, Location 15). Over the past few
Str 10 Dex 13, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 9 weeks, a number of Garik’s oxen have acquired a taste for corn and
Skills Profession: Wainwright +8, Profession: Carpenter +8 have been knocking down the wall to make short work of the ears
and stalks. Despite Garik’s attempts to repair the stone wall, the
oxen are still getting in. Craddoc has threatened Garik a number
Eva Finn CR 1 of times about the damage his oxen are causing. To make matters
Female Human Commoner 3 worse, the harpies from Dagger Rock have been killing a number
NG Medium Humanoid (Relford Local) of his oxen. This is causing Garik a small amount of stress and
hp 18 worry.
STATISTICS Garik’s initial reaction is unfriendly (Base DC20), although he is
Str 8, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 15 always polite. He is not a talkative fellow and will need to be per-
1291795 562766

suaded before speaking freely with PCs. If Garik is assisted in some

way, (as detailed in Development, below), or steps in defense of
Garik during one of the frequent altercations between him and
Meri Finn CR ¼ farmer Craddoc Farrow (Part 1, Location 15), he becomes more
Female Young Human Commoner 1 open. PCs assisting Garik gain a +10 circumstance bonus to any
NG Small Humanoid (Relford Local) diplomacy-related checks. He does not put a lot of stock in the
hp 7 rumors that are pervading the conversations around Relford; pre-
STATISTICS ferring to draw his own conclusions:
Str 6, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 13 Strange goings-on/disappearances in Relford (DC+1): “Wellsir,
folk seem to have just up and vanished. How do I know this? I
Development: If Meri is present, she looks at her father quizzi- helped a lot of families move to Relford during the last boom, but
cally if Zachary makes any comment about Koch Koblin or the since the earthquake, no-one has come to me to help move ‘em
Bizarre Bazaar. Meri has in fact seen the ‘Circus Man’ (Koch Koblin) out. Yet they’re gone. Explain that?” (False: Garik made one trip
through her bedroom window, stealing through the streets at back to Rel-Draxa at Evaine Bright’s urging; to ferry the women of the
night (in search of food). A forthright little girl, Meri gladly reveals Bordello to safety. See Part 1, Location 7A for more details. Garik
this in a sing-song voice to anyone who asks her directly. If not never asked why.)
present, she is often found out the front of their house, singing Garrod (DC-5): I liked the fellow. Seemed harmless enough, but
quietly to herself about the “Circus, circus dwarfie man, he catches liked his bottle a little too much. He used to ask me a lot of ques-
rats for his frying pan.” tions about folk. Heh, maybe he was onto something with all
these disappearances.”
Father Arden’s murder (DC+0): “I was halfway to Rel-Draxa at
6. TEAMSTER’S OFFICE AND BARN (EL4) the time of the attack. (Sigh) Father Arden was a good man. I am
not fond of that Kelnor; he’s just stepped up like nothing’s hap-
pened and he still will not let people into the Shrine of Rax.” (True).
The old doors of this barn have been wedged open some time ago. In-
The fire at Lugas’ Smithy (DC+3): I’m told it happened around
side the barn are all manner of drays, jinkers and similar open-top wag-
the same time as the Father Arden’s murder. Barad has not been
ons. A number of wheel-furrows score the ground in a crisscross
the same since. I didn’t know Lugas personally. He was a new-
pattern. Beyond the barn is a simple office with heavily shuttered win-
comer mind; he must have missed the city as he was always giving
dows. A sign hanging on a hook above the porch reads: Relford Team-
me letters to deliver, whenever I journeyed to Rel-Draxa.” (True:
ster. A stone fence divides the two buildings, also running towards the
The letters that Garik refers to are communiqués to the Iron League,


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although Garik does not know that) erected on the spot where the knight and his horse met their
Evaine Bright (DC+0): “A lovely woman; it brightens my day to see doom: An entrepreneur erected a tent on the site, which soon be-
her around town.” (True) came a drinking establishment. Soon after, the bluestone tavern
Garik’s home is a simple affair, located at the back of the Team- was erected; dubbed the ‘Cauchemar’; named after the fell horse
ster’s office. He tries to keep his earnings tied up in merchant in- that the knight rode. In actual fact, the name was borrowed by
vestments, and has ledger detailing these transactions and the entrepreneur; having stayed at a place in Rel-Draxa with a sim-
expected returns. This, along with a coffer containing 179gp is lo- ilar name.
cated in a strongbox beneath several loose floorboards in his bed- Now, the Cauchemar Tavern is owned and run by Jek Bartollo; a
room, requiring a DC12 Perception check to spot. An expert with burly, middle aged man with black, oiled hair, a thick, groomed
his whip, Garik keeps it close at hand at all times. moustache and who speaks in a deep baritone. Somewhere along
the way, Jek picked up an education and his accent shows it. He
is a skilled Brewer and Distiller, having worked his way up from
Garik Karel, Teamster CR 2 running illegal stills to become the proprietor of the Cauchemar.
Male Human Expert 4 Jek is also a thug and a knave; he deals in narcotics, women (Part
N Medium Humanoid (Relford Local) 1, Location 7A), and has a number of road-agents who waylay trav-
hp 29 elers to and from Relford (Part 1, Location 7B). His road-agents are
STATISTICS careful not to attack any of Garik’s trains out of mutual respect
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9 for his fellow businessman and neighbor, although Jek is now re-
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Whip considering this ever since he assisted Evaine Bright ferry the Bor-
Skills Handle Animal +8 dello girls out of Relford. For more information on Garik Karel and
Gear whip Evaine Bright, consult Part 1, Location 6 and 7A respectively.
The Tavern has seen busier times. The taproom was once filled
Development: A number of issues plague Garik. He is willing to with rowdy and sometimes bawdy conversation, now those ribald
pay someone to repair the fence properly. This involves a day’s stories have been replaced with sullen locals who seek to quietly
work and a Craft (Stonemason) check of DC15. Whilst working, it drown their sorrows. Below, in a number of cellars is Jek’s brewery
is very likely that the PCs will encounter the unpleasant Craddoc and distillery. Jek keeps an iron safe in the office adjoining his bed-
Farrow patrolling his property with his two mastiffs, or inadver- room, on the establishment’s second floor (Disable Device DC30;
tently set off one of the cowbell alarms. See Part 1, Location 15 for Hardness 10; 60 hp; Break DC28). It contains the following: 702gp,
more information about Craddoc. Whilst in Relford, there is every A yellow topaz worth 600gp and an aquamarine worth 800gp a
chance that Garik will encounter Craddoc or one of his sons. Crad- potion of levitate, and a wand of magic missile (CL 5th; 21 charges).
1291796 562767

doc Farrow is spoiling for a fight and unless someone steps in, Except for the money, these items have been stolen from people
Garik could get seriously hurt or even killed. Lastly, the harpies his road agents have waylaid. Jek is often found upstairs in his of-
that nest on Dagger Rock see Garik’s oxen as a tasty food source. fice, occasionally emerging to rest his elbows on the rail overlook-
They have acquired a taste for the meat having killed one of the ing the taproom. Jek once employed a number of local girls to
beasts recently. They are likely to come back for more. work the taproom floor, but now that times are lean, he has dis-
continued their employment. Wade Moreson is the bartender that
works behind the counter. Wade has long dark hair and has a
Harpy (1) CR 4 swarthy complexion. Wade also doubles as the Cauchemar’s
hp 33 (Pathfinder Bestiary) bouncer; judiciously deciding when people have had enough to
TACTICS drink (or when he is tired of listening to boorish customers). He
Morale: The Harpy will flee if reduced to 5 hit points. It will return carries a savage streak in him and is ready to kill at the slightest
after it has healed (and perhaps with an ally, increasing the EL to provocation. There is also a cook who prepares simple fare from
6). These attacks continue until it has satisfied its hunger or it is local produce and imported goods:
Breakfast 2sp
Miner’s Pasties
5cp for two
Dinner 3sp
This squat building is made of thick, bluestone blocks. A row of dark,
Coffee 2cp
wooden benches run alongside the front wall of this establishment and
Beer, pint 5cp
a number of mismatched tables have been placed haphazardly in front
Porter ale, pint 5cp
of the benches. A faded wooden sign depicting a rearing black stallion
Corn whiskey, gill 7cp
with fiery hooves hangs upon rusty rings above the doorway; the door
Rye whiskey, gill 15cp
wedged open revealing a smoky gloom within.
Meals represent the most value for money: Breakfast generally
When Relford was first settled, rumor has it that a hellish warrior
consists of boiled oats sweetened with sugar, salted corn fritters,
used to terrorize this area. Known as the Knight of the Black Skull,
eggs, toasted bread and coffee. Dinner is similar; cured pork or
he rode upon a black stallion with eyes and hooves of glowing
salted beef, corn fritters, carrots, spinach, potatoes and a pint of
coal, summoned from the lower planes. The tavern is supposedly
beer or porter ale. The soup is usually a watery lamb and vegetable


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mix. Miner’s Pasties are a specialty; they are crusty pastries with hand or make a sneak attack of their own.
a spicy meat and vegetable filling one end, and filling the other is Morale: Jek is no fool and knows when he is beaten. Jek will sur-
a stewed fruit. Lately, the Cauchemar has only been able to obtain render if it means saving his life. He will however remember the
chayote fruit for filling. The pasties are prized by miners as an eas- incident and seek revenge at the earliest opportunity.
ily–handled food to carry into the mine. STATISTICS
The spirits, beers and ales that Jek produces are of varying qual- Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
ity, being a result of rough produce, not poor craftsmanship. A GM Base Atk +3 CMB +6; CMD 18
can have a bit of fun with this encounter, especially if any PCs react Feats Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (Light), Deadly Aim, De-
to the Corn Whiskey (either by the name or by the taste). If anyone ceitful, Master Craftsman: Profession: Brewer, Rogue Weapon Pro-
quotes ‘moonshine’, Jek justifiably rebukes them and is likely to ficiencies, Simple Weapon Proficiency (All)
throw them out. Otherwise, Jek is happy to engage in conversation Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +6, Bluff +11, Climb +7, Diplomacy +6,
about any given topic (as per the rumor table), but gives a lot of Disable Device +10, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +8, Fly +3, Intimidate
non-committal answers. He is sly, manipulative and ruthless in +9, Knowledge: Local +9, Linguistics +5, Perception +7, Profession:
getting what he wants. He will answer more truthfully if it means Brewer +10, Ride +3, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth
that he can profit from it somehow. +11, Swim +2, Use Magic Device +10
Jek is amiable and friendly, but as years of legal and illegal busi- Languages Common, Orc, Elf
ness have taught him; this is a façade. Whilst appearing friendly; SQ Resiliency, Sneak Attack +3d6, Trap Sense +1, Trapfinding +2, Un-
Jek’s initial reaction is unfriendly (Base DC20). A successful Sense canny Dodge
Motive check versus Jek’s Bluff will reveal this. Getting real infor- Gear +1 shortsword, +2 leather armor, crossbow bolts x30 caltrops,
mation out of Jek will be difficult. Intimidation is likely to see Jek club, light crossbow, masterwork thieves’ tools, potion of cure
turn hostile towards PCs after all things are said and done. He has moderate wounds, desk key, safe key, 22gp
a soft spot for Evaine.

Jek knows the following. All this information is true:

Temple raid (DC+7): Brigands did not attack the temple or mur- Wade Moreson, Bartender CR 2
der Father Arden; the brigands operating in the area have an agree- Male Human Expert 4
ment with Jek not to do so and would not dare go against Jek for LE Medium Humanoid (Relford Local)
fear of reprisal. hp 33
The Mine Closure (DC+7): Jek is eager to see the mines reopen STATISTICS
as soon as it is declared safe. He was surprised to discover (via his Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Gear Club
1291797 562768

contacts in Rel-Draxa) that the Esteemed Geologists Society has no

knowledge of any mine investigation. He has not revealed this in-
formation to anyone, although he still has the correspondence to
prove it, see pg.65 for a handout. This letter is kept in a locked
drawer in his desk. (DC22). Jek has the key around his neck. “Cookie” CR 1
Garrod (DC+7): Despite his drunken ramblings, Garrod was gen- Male Human Expert 3
uinely afraid of something. He sent two of his road-agents (Vaskar N Medium Humanoid (Relford Local)
and Crais from Part 1, Location 7B) out to steal his journal, but hp 19
never found him. STATISTICS
Str 10, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills Profession Cook +7
Jek Bartollo, Tavern Keeper CR 4
Male Human Rogue 5
LE Medium humanoid (Relford Local) Development: Reliant on wheat, corn, hops and barley to brew
Init +3; Senses Perception +7 ale and distill spirits, Jek is trying to strike a deal with Craddoc
DEFENSE Farrow (Part 1, Location 15) for a large cut of his crop (which may
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 attract unwanted attention from the cult of Dagon). He is also in-
(+4 armor, +3 Dex) terested in having the abandoned farm on the eastern side of
hp 38 (5d8) Relford (Part 1, Location 1) investigated as a possible safe house for
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +1 his road-agents and their ill-gotten gains, as well as harvesting the
OFFENSE remains of the untended crop there. If this happens, it is a cer-
Spd 30 ft tainty that whoever is sent will be attacked and injured by Tabaxu,
Melee +1 shortsword +6 (1d6+3/19-20) the black leopard. Jek will offer a reward for its removal or erad-
club +5 (1d6+2) ication. Should the cult of Dagon move overtly against Relford,
Ranged light crossbow +6 (1d8/19-20) Jek may become an unlikely ally. His nefarious activities only work
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +3d6, Surprise Attack if a thriving community exists to support it. If Jek suspects that
TACTICS the PCs have Garrod’s journal, he will send Vaskar, Crais and Tollard
During Combat: Jek is a burly man whose stocky frame belies his (Part 1, Location 7B) to steal it. If it becomes likely that the PCs
nimbleness and agility. Jek will use his bluff skill to feint in com- can assist Jek in any way, he will instead send Vaskar, Crais and
bat if it means that one of his road agents can gain the upper Tollard out to ‘fetch’ the PCs. The three are under strict instruction


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not to rough up the PCs too much, and are to keep an eye out for his own investigations into the mine closure.
anything valuable that the PCs uncover.

7A. BORDELLO Madam Evaine Bright CR 2

Female Half Elf Aristocrat 4
This nondescript house has a large, shaded porch, where a number of
LN Medium Humanoid (Relford Local)
wicker chairs with faded and weathered cushions sit amid the gather-
hp 26
ing dust. The heavy drapes behind the window panes are drawn. The
cracked and peeling red paint upon the door identifies this house as a
Str 9, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 17
bordello. A long-neglected bronze doorknocker sits in the middle of the
Skills Bluff +7, Diplomacy +9, Linguistics +7, Profession: Courtesan
door, its rapper covered in patina.
+8, Sense Motive +8
Feats Skill Focus – Profession: Courtesan
Unofficially called ‘Bordello Bartollo’ after its owner Jek Bartollo
Gear +2 dagger, oil of taggit.
(Part 1, Location 7), Evaine Bright is now the sole resident of this
house. When the disappearances started after the temple attack,
Development: If Jek (Part 1, Location 7) becomes aware that
Evaine sent the women away, paying for their passage out of her
someone is trying to question Evaine, he will send his road-agents,
own savings. This has caused a lot of friction between her and
Vaskar, Crais and Tollard (Part 1, Location 7B) to deal with the prob-
Jek, who had –up until then– left the day-to-day running of the
lem. Regardless of who ends up with the upper hand, Evaine does
Bordello to Evaine. Now, Jek practically keeps her under house ar-
not wish to see further deaths. She appeals to victor’s better na-
rest. A demure businesswoman, with a porcelain complexion and
tures for mercy.
dark hair, Evaine is saddened by the sudden decline of Relford.
The bordello itself is plush, if run down; a lot of grand furniture
has made its way from Evaine’s previous establishment. Evaine
has given away the bulk of her savings to ensure the safety of her 7B. LABORERS’ HUTS (EL2)
previous girls. Aside from her personal effects, she owns an
amount of dress jewelry to the value of 1200gp and carries a small The utilitarian stone dwellings overlook the centre of Relford. They are
+2 dagger sheathed into her garter. Evaine also wears an elaborate unremarkable; a draped window sits either side of a simple wooden
ring with gold filigree that contains a secret compartment. Within door.
it, is a dose of Oil of Taggit (Ingested Poison; save Fortitude DC15; 562769

onset 1 minute; effect unconsciousness for 1d3 hours; cure 1 save). Vaskar, Crais and Tollard once worked for Daggerstone Mines, sub-
A further 5 doses are kept in a perfume bottle on her dresser. sidizing their meager incomes by working for Jek Bartollo. This
Evaine knows the bulk of the rumors circulating Relford, and is has included robbery, murder and extortion. Crais and Tollard live
careful which ones she perpetuates herself in company she does in the easternmost house and Vaskar the west. Vaskar has estab-
not trust. As a businesswoman, her reaction appears friendly, but lished a pecking order and the other two look up to him as their
is in actual fact, unfriendly (Base DC20) borne from a genuine fear leader. Vaskar and Crais are rough individuals covered in an assort-
for her life. This façade can be divined with a successful Sense Mo- ment of calluses, scars and tattoos. Tollard is younger and cleaner;
tive check versus Evaine’s Bluff skill. If the PCs show Evaine Gar- he is relatively handsome but has a problem with authority. Un-
rod’s journal and express a willingness to help Relford, her reaction fortunately for him, he has had dealing with the cult. They took
changes to helpful (Base DC0). his sister Jesrel who lies upon a slab in the Dreaming Chamber
Garrod (DC+7): “A poor man who I believe saw too much.” (Part 3, Location 20) slowly becoming a dagonspawn zombie. Tol-
Temple Raid (DC+7): Evaine knows that the temple was not at- lard was also charmed but he managed to break the enchantment.
tacked by brigands, because she is privy to the same information Now, Tollard is anxious; he knows of the horrors within the mine
as Jek. She suspects Kelnor has something to do with it. and the evils of the cult, but has no-one to turn to. He feels he
Craddoc Farrow/The Farrow family (DC+7): Evaine has seen cannot tell Jek or the others as he is afraid they will kill him for
Craddoc’s wife after she encountered her in the street, late one his betrayal. He has seen the desecrated shrine to Rax and the foul
evening (Part 1, Location 15). Craddoc showed up and took her rites conducted in the Temple of Dagon, by Kelnor. Getting this
home before the dagonspawn zombie could attack her. Evaine did information out of Tollard is going to be difficult, however. He has
not get a good look at her face but she knows that the woman did also seen the Bride of Dagon; and suffers frequent nightmares
not look at all well. Before the so-called ‘temple raid’, Craddoc had about it.
taken an unhealthy interest in the bordello, showing up a number Vaskar and Crais believe that another group of brigands is oper-
of times. Evaine knows that Jek is after part of Craddoc’s harvest ating in the area. This rumor has come from their old friend, Ked-
and for him, tried to be compliant but Craddoc’s obsessions scared dard Dunn, the watch sergeant. Jek has done nothing to refute
her. On his last visit, Craddoc beat a girl near to death. Evaine these claims. Both men are eager to mount an expedition into the
threw Craddoc out. Daggerstone Hills and kill them.
Garik Karel, the Teamster (DC+10): Because of what he did for
Evaine, Garik has cost Jek a lot of potential revenue. Now she is
worried for Garik’s life.
The Mine Closure (DC+7): Evaine knows that Jek has been doing


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Vaskar, Road Agent CR ½

Male Human Fighter 1 Simple weapons (90%)
NE Medium Humanoid (Relford Local) Martial weapons (70%)
hp 12 (Appendix 1, pg.53) Exotic Weapons (30%)
Gear crossbow bolts (x30), chain shirt, club, dagger, flint and steel, The trading post also sells an amount of armor and shields
hooded lantern, light crossbow, longsword, oil flask, peasant’s (Percentage in parenthesis gives the chance to find a piece of
outfit, traveler’s outfit armor of that type).

Light Armor (90%)

Medium weapons (70%)
Crais, Road Agent CR ½ Heavy Armor* (30%) (*Full plate armor is not available)
Male Human Fighter 1 Shields (85%)
LE Medium Humanoid (Relford Local)
hp 12 (Appendix 1, pg.53) All of these items are detailed in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
STATISTICS Core Rulebook and are for sale at 110% of the listed value. No mas-
Gear crossbow bolts (x30), chain shirt, club, dagger, flint and steel, terwork or magical items are for sale.
hooded lantern, light crossbow, longsword, oil flask, peasant’s Cully has done his fair share of fleecing fortune seekers that
outfit, traveler’s outfit come to Relford; selling them overpriced prospecting tools (and in
some cases, fraudulent deeds to land plots along the Rel River).
Now, the Trading Post sits quietly on the corner; the fortune-seek-
ers long gone. Cully, a long-time resident of Relford is desperate
Tollard, Road Agent CR ½ for a sale; he knows that Ramath; a relative newcomer to Relford
Male Human Rogue 1 seeks to move on.
N Medium Humanoid (Dagon Cultist) Ramath’s intentions for leaving are not fuelled by a declining
hp 9 (Appendix 1, pg.53) profit margin, rather Ramath is an agent of the Iron League; an or-
STATISTICS ganization that seeks to further humanity as the world’s dominant
Gear acid flask, crossbow bolts (x30), dagger, flint and steel, hooded race. A hierarchical society, the Iron League uses terrorism, coer-
lantern, light crossbow, oil flask, sap, shortsword, studded leather cion and above all, violence to achieve its ends. When a cache of
armor, thieves’ tools precious mithral and adamantine was discovered in the Dagger-
1291799 562770

stone Hills by agents of the Iron League, Ramath was sent to

Development: The movements of these three road agents are Relford, to meet with Lugas (a craftsman sympathetic to the Iron
dealt with in more detail at the Cauchemar Tavern (Part 1, Location League’s cause), and take delivery of the weapons the craftsman
7). Should Tollard’s secret come to light, it is met with shock. The was tasked with forging. Whilst waiting for the consignment, Ra-
PCs may be asked by Jek to investigate Tollard’s claims. Regardless math adopted the guise of a profit-seeking trader caught up in
of the outcome, Jek will conclude that Tollard is a liability to his Relford’s most recent mining boom. But before Ramath could take
operation and have the young man killed once he has an opportu- delivery of the forged weapons (Part 1, Location 21); Lugas was
nity to do so. killed in a fire which destroyed his smithy. Suspecting foul play,
the Iron League has sent the agent who discovered the abandoned
mine to Relford. He also disappeared, a fact unknown to Ramath
(the unfortunate agent’s fate can be discovered in Abandoned
8. TRADING POST Mine Key Location 21E). The Iron League’s third agent, (Gaddin
Vaas, Part 1, Location 13) has only recently arrived, and believes
A large, open-front building stands proudly on the corner of Relford’s that Ramath has sold the weapons for his own gains. Gaddin has
main intersection. A sign above the wide entrance reads: Relford threatened Ramath with a fate worse than death should he not
Trading Post. Inside, rows and rows of various goods, equipment and procure the weapons soon. Ramath knows he must find evidence
supplies line wide shelves and tables. Behind a large bench, there is a of crafted weapons soon or accept a life forever on the run, con-
display of weapons and armor. stantly looking over his shoulder.
Both Cully and Ramath are indifferent (Base DC15), but are so
Run by “Cully” Culford Tingwell and Ramath Lane, the Trading Post wrapped up in their own affairs that they have taken the events
offers a wide variety of items for sale: in Relford at face value. They have heard the bulk of the rumors
presented on the rumor table. They know nothing about the cult
Adventuring Gear of Dagon or its actions. A locked (DC25) iron-bound strongbox (2
Special Substances and Items in thick; hardness 5; 20 hp; Break DC25) rests underneath the
Tools and Skill Kits counter. It contains the proceeds of the trading post; 325gp and 5
Clothing uncut diamonds worth 20-40gp each. Ramath has considered
stealing it and fleeing.
The trading post also offers most of the Simple and Martial
weapons, as well as some exotic weaponry (Percentage in paren-
thesis gives chance to find a weapon of that type).


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‘Cully’ Tingwell, Trader CR 1 for the location of the weapons.

Male Gnome Expert 3
N Small Humanoid (Relford Local)
hp 19 9. HALL
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 15
The path to this large building is well-worn; ending at a set of large,
Skills Profession: Merchant +11
double doors. The doors are now closed and the high windows set into
Gear strongbox key
the top of the building’s wall are shuttered from the inside. A wide
chimney stands proudly at one end of the building, the hearth inside
must be large. This is obviously Relford’s Main Hall.
Ramath Lane, Trader CR 2
Male Human Rogue 3
An iron key beneath a boulder fits the lock set into the door. It
N Medium humanoid (Relford Local)
was left here by Galwinn, the acting mayor and owner of the
Init +3; Senses Perception +5
Miner’s Rest (Part 1, Location 14). He keeps another on his person.
Inside the hall are a number of dusty wooden benches stacked
AC 13 touch 13, flat-footed 12
along the wall opposite the doors. At the north end of the hall is
(+2 armor, +3 Dex),
the podium and a number of individual chairs. The south wall
hp 23 (3d8+3)
contains an empty fireplace that was cleaned after the last time it
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +0
was used.
Spd 30 ft
Melee shortsword +5 (1d6+1/19-20)
Ranged hand crossbow +6 (1d4/19-20) 10. DAGGERSTONE MANOR
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +2d6
TACTICS Off the main road is a cobbled path that leads up a low hill. Atop is
During Combat: Ramath follows Gaddin Vaas’ lead (Part 1, Location Daggerstone Manor; built by the first family to strike it rich in Relford.
13). Ramath prefers to keep to the shadows whilst his adversaries A stark contrast to the rest of Relford’s decay, the manor stands
are distracted. From there he will launch sneak attacks. proudly, overlooking Relford. However upon closer inspection, you can
Morale: Ramath is a coward. If Gaddin Vaas is killed, captured or see that even it too is showing signs of disrepair; the stone wall that
defeated, Ramath surrenders. Ramath is liable to spill whatever rings the manor is crumbling in places, an overgrown garden clings 562771

information he has in regards to the Iron League, thus sealing his desperately to life, choked with weeds and windblown seeds. The
fate with them manor’s windows are shuttered; allowing no glimpses of the interior.
STATISTICS The cobbled path leads to a weather-beaten door, beneath a grit-dusted
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 13 verandah.
Base Atk +2 CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (Light), Deceitful, Quick Cantor and Elise Daggerstone took their family name from the sur-
Draw, Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Simple Weapon Proficiency rounding hillside; thinking to forge a dynasty out of the very rock
(All), Weapon Finesse itself. Cantor was one of the first to strike it rich in Relford. Can-
Skills Acrobatics +7, Appraise +8, Bluff +9, Climb +5, Diplomacy +7, tor is also Relford’s mayor and magistrate and retains the control-
Disable Device +9, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +3, Fly +3, Heal -1, In- ling interest within the Daggerstone Mine. Cantor is approaching
timidate +1, Knowledge: Iron League +3, Perception +5, Ride +3, 77 and Elise 63. They did not have any children. Despite his ad-
Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +9, Survival -1, Swim vancing years, Cantor was a fit and able man and often worked
+1, Use Magic Device +7 the mine face with his fellows. As fate would have it, Cantor was
Languages Common, Orc, Dwarf the sole survivor of the mine collapse and the first unwitting servi-
SQ Evasion, Sneak Attack +2d6, Trap Sense +1, Trapfinding +1 tor of the Bride of Dagon. Cantor’s escape from the mine is com-
Gear crossbow bolts x30 caltrops, clothing, hand crossbow, leather mon knowledge, but what is not known is that the Bride of Dagon
armor, shopkeeper’s apron, shortsword (Ramath also has ready forced Cantor to consume the flesh of his companions to keep his
access to everything within the Trading Post). strength up. Fuelled by ghastly energy, Cantor broke through into
the main passage some days later. Once free, the charmed miner
Development: Ramath can sometimes be found talking heatedly wasted no time in leading his comrades back to the Bride of
with Gaddin Vaas at the Black Skull Inn or in the Cauchemar Tav- Dagon’s chamber where they too, fell under her sway. This horrific
ern. In addition to this, Ramath may be also found walking near event cursed Cantor’s very soul and the olhydrix’s charm upon him
the ruins of Lugas’ Smithy. If questioned, Ramath claims that he broke days later. Despite being free of the mine and the Bride of
is on his daily walk (False). If pressed, he admits that he is looking Dagon’s power, Cantor was not able to live with himself: His mind
for a consignment of weapons that Ramath paid for, but were almost gone from the ordeal, he shut himself inside his attic and
never delivered. Ramath is alluding to the weapons forged by committed suicide.
Lugas. Ramath offers to reward anyone finding the weapons, but But even that act did not bring Cantor respite. Cantor arose as
in actual fact has no money to pay them with. Ramath will betray a ghast. He cursed his wife Elise with undeath and the two stalked
them to Gaddin Vaas as soon as the weapons are recovered. For through their own manor, killing their servants and feasting on
more information see Part 1, Locations 12, 12A and 21 respectively their flesh in a single night of terror. When Kelnor assumed control


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of the cult in Relford, he discovered Cantor Daggerstone’s fate into a root cellar. Within the root cellar is a large trunk that be-
when he tried to move into the manor. Kelnor has not decided longed to Lugas. It contains the following: a set of masterwork
what to do with the two creatures. In the meantime, he offers smithing tools that add a +2 circumstance bonus to Craft and Pro-
the ghast and ghoul token morsels from time to time; to ensure fession checks that involves smithing (worth up to 55gp to the
their loyalty. Now, they lurk in the shadows, prisoners of the very right buyer), a Mithral Shirt and a Hand of the Mage. A ledger details
manor they once called home, eating rats, vermin and whatever monies paid to Lugas for his work. This ledger is invaluable in iden-
prizes Kelnor gives them. Consult the Manor Key for a detailed tifying members and agents of the Iron League. The names Ramath
description of the manor’s interior. Lane (Part 1, Location 8) and Gaddin Vaas (Part 1, Location 13) fea-
ture prominently. The GM is free to add additional names as he
sees fit. Most importantly, an inventory of equipment and material
11. THE OLD OAK at the ‘Dwarf Smithy’ is listed as well. This alludes to the secluded
smithy Lugas located in the Daggerstone Hills at Part 1, Location
An ancient oak stands here at the centre of Relford. The oak itself is
The smithy adjoining the house at Part 1, Location 12a is mostly
dead; its skeletal boughs reaching towards the sky. A billboard made
a gutted shell; the bellows hangs in tatters and the forge is a nest-
up of a number of short wooden planks has been hastily nailed into
ing place for rats.
the tree some time ago. Various messages and advertisements are still
visible upon it.
Rat swarm (1) CR 2
The Old Oak is easily climbable (DC10) but is a civil offense. If the
hp 24 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
Watch catches anyone doing so, they will be arrested. This law
originates from when the tree was alive and the home to a Dryad.
Lugas’ spirit does not rest peacefully. If anyone enters the house
The tree died some years ago and the dryad is nowhere to be
and starts rifling through any belongings, ash swirls from the forge,
found, but the law has remained. Anyone at the top of the tree
panicking the rats if they have not already been disturbed. The
may make a DC12 Perception check to discover the abandoned car-
forge ash gathers in the area of the house where the offending
avans of Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar secreted in Craddoc Farrow’s corn
party is, coalescing into a humanoid form that reeks of smoke and
field (Part 1, Location 17).
charred flesh. Intense heat radiates from its form and a pall of ash
The billboard contains a variety of advertisements and notices:
shrouds it, blurring and obscuring the creature. It advances
The Black Skull Inn (Part 1, Location 13), the Cauchemar Tavern
through house, attacking PCs and breathing gouts of ash and em-
(Part 1, Location 7), and the Trading Post (Part 1, Location 8), a half-
bers from its wide maw, setting the house alight as it does so. The
torn advertisement for Lugas’ Smithy (Part 1, Location 12). More 562772

GM is advised to review the rules for Heat Dangers (extreme heat),

recent ones include Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar (which is now some
Catching on Fire and Smoke Effects. All of these rules may be
months old) and a decree that the mine remains closed until fur-
found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and it is left
ther notice, by authority of Cantor Daggerstone (Part 1, Location
to the GM to apply them as he sees fit, depending on the en-
10). There is also a hastily scrawled list of names. These are peo-
counter’s desired difficulty. Spells such as endure elements are quite
ple who have left Relford or are otherwise missing.
useful here.

The Forgewight CR 2
12. LUGAS’ SMITHY (EL2+) Advanced Burning Skeleton Smoke Creature
(Pathfinder Bestiary, Advanced Bestiary)
A fire-blackened home sits next to the shell of a burnt-out stone smithy. NE Medium undead (fire)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60ft, cloudsight; Perception +0
Lugas was a skilled blacksmith who moved to Relford some years DEFENSE
ago. An Iron League sympathizer, Lugas was recently contacted by AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14
an agent of the Iron League, who had discovered a small cache of (+6 Dex, +4 natural)
mithral and adamantine. The League sought Lugas’ expertise to hp 11 (1d8+3)
forge weapons from the cache. Barad Wolfram, Relford’s other Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4
blacksmith and a rival of Lugas was secretly in awe of Lugas’ tal- DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune fire, cold vulnerability, undead traits
ents. The two had turned their rivalry into a friendship of sorts; OFFENSE
using a series of one-upmanship to stay in contact with one an- Spd 30 ft; fly 30ft (perfect), smoke travel
other. One evening, Lugas showed Barad an adamantine battleaxe Melee 2 claws +4 (1d4+4 plus 1d6 fire damage)
he had crafted from the cache, Barad’s jealousy took over. Barad Special Attacks Fiery Aura, Breath Weapon
came back that night and set Lugas’ Smithy alight. Lugas ran to TACTICS
the smithy in an attempt to battle the inferno but was wholly con- Before Combat: Despite not having any skill in stealth, the
sumed by the conflagration. The family’s adjoining house became Forgewight will stalk through the shadows in an attempt to sur-
filled with thick smoke, causing the suffocating deaths of Lugas’ prise its victims
wife and two children. The house suffered soot damage and the During Combat: If it gains surprise, the forgewight attempts to
interior still reeks of smoke, but has been left untouched by su- grapple an adversary as quickly as it can. Regardless if it is suc-
perstitious Relford locals. cessful, it then breathes its breath weapon, catching its intended
Within the kitchen is a trapdoor with a ladder that descends victim and as many others as possible in the 20-ft cube. It is un-


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afraid of wading into melee, concentrating on any burning targets destroyed takes 1d6 points of damage (DC14 Reflex Save for half).
first to bring them down quickly. Smoke Travel (Su) At will, as a move action, this creature can use
Morale: The Forgewight remains in the house until it is destroyed dimension door (CL 7th) to move from any area filled with smoke
STATISTICS to any other smoke-filled area within range
Str 19, Dex 22, Con -, Int -, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +0 CMB +4; CMD 20 Development: Obviously, this encounter only activates as soon
Feats Improved Initiative as the PCs spend a few minutes within the house or it may be that
Skills None Ramath Lane has worked up enough courage to search for the
SQ Air Mastery, Breath Weapon, Cloud Sight, Fiery Aura, Fiery Death, weapons forged by Lugas, awakening the spirit of Lugas instead.
Smoke Travel PCs will be in a position to save him if they think quickly. Fighting
SPECIAL ABILITIES an undead horror in a burning house is definitely going to attract
Air Mastery (Ex) Any airborne creature take a -1 penalty on attack attention. What precious little water there is in Relford is not
and damage rolls against this creature going to be wasted on putting out a condemned house. All people
Breath Weapon (Su) Every 1d4 rounds, this creature can breathe a will be able to do is stand and watch. Anyone emerging from the
cloud of superheated smoke and cinders. This cloud fills a 20-ft house will have some explaining to do.
cube adjacent to, or surrounding this creature. Any creature The fire is quick to consume the dry wood of the house. After-
caught within the cloud must make a DC15 Reflex save or catch wards, anyone that makes a DC15 Perception check whilst investi-
on fire. The cloud cools quickly but any living creature entering gating the ruins will see the name ‘wolfram’ burnt into the
or within the cloud is treated as if they are dazzled as the smoke ground. This of course refers to Barad Wolfram, the man who
and cinders stings eyes. The supernatural smoke remains in place killed Lugas and his family. If a member of Dagon’s cult finds it
for 5 rounds despite prevailing winds, thereafter the cloud be- first, he or she will scuff it out. The word returns 1d4 days later.
comes normal smoke and disperses normally. Ad-hoc xp: In addition to defeating Lugas’ spirit; if the PCs
Cloud Sight (Ex) This creature may ignore concealment in any gen- braved the house fire to do so, award them experience as if they
erated clouds, gasses, fogs or mists had defeated a CR4 creature.
Fiery Aura (Ex) Creatures adjacent to this creature takes 1d6 points
of fire damage at the start of their turn. Anyone striking this crea-
ture with an unarmed strike or a natural attack takes 1d6 points 13. BLACK SKULL INN
of fire damage.
Fiery Death (Su) A burning skeleton explodes into a burst of flame
A forbidding black skull grins at you from a painted wooden sign that
when it is destroyed. Anyone adjacent to the skeleton when it is
hangs above this inn’s door. The door has been wedged open with a 562773

small block of granite and inside you can make out low conversation
and the occasional chair scrape.
A number of the encounters within Horror at Dagger Rock contain Seeking to cash in on the infamy of the Cauchemar Tavern’s
templates found in the Advanced Bestiary, published by Green Ronin. name, the Black Skull takes its name from the knight that suppos-
The Forgewight for example, carries the Smoke Creature template edly terrorized the area. Despite its name, it was once a popular
found in that book. In designing the encounter with the stop for well-to-do travelers and visitors to Relford. Now, the Black
Forgewight, I wanted something that was all about the horror and Skull Inn is a haven for the cult of Dagon.
the destruction it could cause, but be relatively quick to deal with The Inn still does a small amount of business with the locals and
(I blame Supernatural for that method of thinking). However, I was a number of them may be found here throughout the day, up until
concerned about the resulting creature, namely some of the more evening. Most days, Gaddin Vaas may also be found here (his sta-
powerful abilities given the relatively low CR. A Burning Skeleton is tistics are presented in the Black Skull Inn Key, Location 13F), qui-
CR ½, the Advanced Creature template adds +1, (making it CR1) and etly relaxing or having a low but heated conversation with Ramath
the Smoke Creature increased it by a further +1, for a total of CR2. Lane (Part 1, Location 8).
These fears proved valid when the creature TPKed a 2nd level party The Inn is owned and operated by Davven Seward, a long time
(standing toe to toe with the Forgewight, the fighter took 1d6 points cult member who has employed a number of cultists to assist him
of fire damage, then another 2d6 points from the breath weapon… in his day-to-day business: Katriye is a young girl who is a waitress
and then failed his Fortitude save —dropping him out of the combat and the housekeeper. Cruaver Eldak is the chief cook, having left
straight away. The other party members could not land a decent Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar prior to the attack on the traveling circus.
hit on the creature given its miss chance and its high AC. In the end, Davven and Cruaver are Dagon Cultists whereas Katriye is a
the house burned down around their ears, killing the dying Fighter Charmed Cultist. Cruaver is also the Cult Assassin; a specialist in
and a 0 hp Paladin. The Bard and the Wizard fled to the Miner’s poison use. Before obtaining a job as the Black Skull’s cook, Cru-
Rest, but the creature followed them with its Smoke Travel ability, aver was a knife thrower in Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar. There are three
as the prevailing winds blew smoke over Relford….) As such, there additional cultists which pose as long time residents of the inn.
have been a number of abilities that I have dropped or modified in Since the cult’s inception, many have fallen victim to Cruaver’ de-
favor of game balance. However as GM, feel free to add them back bilitating poisons. A detailed description of the Black Skull Inn
in if you wish. You will need a copy of the Advanded Bestiary to do may be found at the Black Skull Inn Key.
so. Development: At the behest of Kelnor, Davven and Cruaver look
-Andrew C Gale for any opportunity to provide more victims for the transforma-


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tion into dagonspawn zombies, such as the PCs. To do this, Cru-

aver poisons potential victims with Oil of Taggit (Ingested Poison; Wary of strangers, Galwinn’s initial reaction is indifferent (Base
save Fortitude DC15; onset 1 minute; effect unconsciousness for 1d3 DC15).
hours; cure 1 save) by lacing their drinks with the poison. Davven
will try and allay suspicion by claiming that the drink ‘must be
bad’ and will ‘berate’ Cruaver for incompetence. By way of com- Galwinn CR 3
pensation, Davven will offer them a free room to recover. Once Male Half-Elf Ranger 4
their victims are safely ensconced in a room or if half the party CG Medium humanoid (Relford Local)
has fallen unconscious, Davven, Cruaver and the three ‘Inn Patrons’ Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +10
will try and subdue their victims for transfer to the mine. They DEFENSE
are careful not to involve Katriye in their plans lest it break the ol- AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13
hydrix’s charm. Davven, Cruaver and the three ‘Inn Patrons’ initial (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
reactions are friendly (Base DC10). Katriye’s initial reaction is in- hp 40 (4d10+8)
different (Base DC15). Be selective with the rumor table. Davven Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3
and Cruaver scoff at any suggestion of a cult. Davven and Cruaver OFFENSE
also know that Gaddin Vaas is an agent of the Iron League and of Spd 30 ft
the weapons he seeks. Gaddin is putting pressure on Ramath Lane Melee +1 spell-storing longsword +7 (1d8+3/19-20)
from the Trading Post (Part 1, Location 8) to locate and recover dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20)
the weapons. Once Gaddin has the weapons, Davven, Cruaver Ranged mwk composite longbow +7 (1d8+2/x3)
and the cult will move against him. Kelnor sees Gaddin as a wor- Special Attacks Favored Enemy (Monstrous Humanoid +2)
thy addition to the cult’s ranks. Spells Prepared (CL 4th, DC12 + spell level)
1st –entangle
14. MINER’S REST During Combat: Galwinn will attempt to assist melee by firing into
combat with his bow. He will resort to melee only when out of
arrows or forced into no other option. Galwinn casts entangle on
At the end of the road stands a long, two storey building. A large
adversaries who attempt to flee.
wooden sign rests against the wall, beside the front door. The sign de-
Morale: Galwinn is an expert at hit and run tactics, preferring to
picts a crossed pickaxe and a shovel; beneath it is the words Miner’s
whittle down opponents to more manageable numbers. He is
Rest Hostel. Cheap Rates.
not averse to retreating if it means a tactical advantage.
1291803 562774

In its time, the Miner’s Rest has been a welcome respite for those
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 11
who have stayed there. Owned and run by Galwinn, the Miner’s
Base Atk +4 CMB +6; CMD 18
rest is a simple hostel: A number of beds occupy shared rooms for
Feats, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium),
5cp a night. During the last mining boom, the Miner’s Rest was a
Deadly Aim, Endurance, Martial Weapon Proficiency (All), Point
popular alternative to the Black Skull Inn and was normally filled
Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Pro-
to capacity during this time. The Miner’s Rest is a strict establish-
ficiency (All), Skill Focus (Craft: Bows)
ment; Galwinn does not tolerate ribald behavior from his guests
Skills Acrobatics +3, Climb +8, Craft: Bows +7, Escape Artist +2, Fly
and has a strict midnight curfew. This attitude has garnered the
+2, Heal +6, Intimidate +4, Perception +10, Ride +8, Sense Motive
respect of miners and locals alike, who have come to know the
+2, Stealth +8, Survival +8, Swim +6,
Miner’s Rest as a safe place where travelers may relax.
Languages Common, Elf
Galwinn’s hair is blonde, preferring to keep a full beard to belie
SQ Archery Combat Style, Elf Immunities, Favored Enemy (Mon-
his half-elf heritage. He is a tall fellow; slim hipped and wide at
strous Humanoids +2), Favored Terrain (Mountains +2), Hunting
the shoulder, and can be normally found gathering firewood or
Hunter’s Bond (Hunting Companions), Keen Senses, Track +2 Wild
chopping logs outside. Despite his domestic approach, Galwinn is
Empathy +4
a capable survivalist, having trained as a Ranger in his earlier days.
Gear +1 spell-storing longsword, +1 leather armor, Arrows x60, cloak,
Galwinn is also the acting mayor and magistrate for Relford; trying
dagger, mwk composite longbow (Str+2), mwk light steel shield,
his best to act in the interests of the settlement. He knows that a
quiver, travelers outfit (If he needs to go trekking, Galwinn buys
malaise has gripped the community and an evil plot is brewing;
anything else he needs from the Trading Post). Relford hall key,
he suspects that there is something in the mine that someone
trunk key.
wants to keep hidden. He has his suspicions about Kelnor but Gal-
winn also (mistakenly) believes that Jek Bartollo is behind it. Gal-
Development: A long time friend of Garrod, Galwinn is sad-
winn keeps his gear in a locked trunk (DC30 Disable Device) of
dened by any news of his apparent demise and Galwinn takes a
strong wood (2 in thick; hardness5; 20 hp; Break DC25) at the foot
moment or two to be alone with his thoughts. If the PCs haven’t
of his bed along with some other useful keepsakes he has inher-
already done so, Galwinn makes a trip out to the sinkhole to give
ited. It contains the following: a human sized suit of dragonhide
Garrod a proper burial. Galwinn knows of the journal that Garrod
plate armor, +1 Leather Armor, +1 spell-storing longsword, a vial of uni-
keeps and considers giving the PCs a letter that he wrote to Garrod
versal solvent, a ring of sustenance and an arcane scroll containing
after his sudden disappearance. The letter asks Garrod to return
keen edge, vampiric touch and wind wall (CL 5th), mwk longsword,
to Relford and assist Galwinn in uncovering whatever ‘evil’ has
mwk studded leather armor,
gripped the settlement. This letter can be found on pg.66. If Gal-


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winn shows the PCs the letter, he asks them if they would inves- ingots, marked with the seal of the Rel-Draxa treasury. They were
tigate Relford as his agents in this matter; to get to the bottom of part of the valuables formerly owned by Koch Koblin; who was in-
the mystery, no matter to whom or to where it leads. Galwinn of- volved in smuggling finances out of Rel-Draxa. In total, the ingots
fers a reward out of his own possessions and keepsakes (he will are worth 125gp. If returned to a Rel-Draxa treasury agent, lucky
part with most of the items except his bow), along with free ac- PCs may be awarded up to 250gp if they give details on who stole
commodation at the Miner’s Rest if they wish. Despite his suspi- them. Craddoc has the key.
cions regarding Kelnor and Jek, he keeps them to himself for the Even prior to joining the cult, Craddoc did not take kindly to
moment, not wishing to influence the investigation. trespassers. He regularly walks the perimeter of his property with
two mastiffs, looking for signs of interlopers. An expert tracker,
he will follow any signs of trespass to their source, observing them
15. FARM (EL varies) discreetly. A number of snares and tripwires have also been set in
the areas marked X. These are hooked up to cowbells that clang
loudly if tripped, alerting the farmer and his sons.
This farm doggedly fights the encroaching drought. An old but well
maintained farmhouse sits along the road’s edge and fields ringed by
Cowbell Tripwire Trap CR ½
stone fences hold in yellowing but healthy crops of corn and hay. The
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC20
sentinel of a tall, dead tree sits alone in another field off to one side of
the house.
Trigger touch; Reset manual
Effects Tripwire rings a cowbell, which is identical to an alarm spell
Craddoc Farrow is a farmer and his two sons, Lathar and Corson,
with the audible descriptor.
live here. Desperate to hold onto his livelihood despite the en-
croaching drought, Craddoc and his two sons serve the cult of
If encountered, they are circumspect with visitors, seeking to
Dagon willingly, in return for divine spells that assist his crops.
end conversations as soon as possible. Intruders are threatened
Craddoc gave his wife over to the cult; to be transformed into a
with violence unless they leave immediately. If provoked, the
horrific dagonspawn zombie (see new monsters) in the hope that
farmer will release the mastiffs, which will attack intruders while
she will give birth to an olhydrix hag. Now, Craddoc keeps his wife
the farmer or his sons seek help from other cult members.
locked in the master bedroom. Most days, she stands before a win-
Hidden within the overgrown cornfields to the north are the re-
dow, vacantly staring out over the cornfields through tattered
maining wagons that belonged to Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar. Koblin’s
drapes. She wears a filthy shift and her once fine hair is scraggly
Bizarre Bazaar is detailed further at Part 1, Location 17. The wagons
and dry. She still recognizes her husband and their sons, attacking
were hidden here after the people of the Bizarre Bazaar were taken
anyone else that enters her room. The farmstead is a simple affair; 562775

and subjected to the horrors within the mines. Anyone making a

detailed on the map below. Two main rooms occupy the bottom
successful DC15 Survival check will reveal old wagon tracks that
floor (Area A & B) and a set of creaky stairs leads up to the north-
lead from the main road, by the farm and into the field. The corn
east into a short passage and three bedrooms. Lathar and Corson
has since grown up around the wagons.
share a room (Area C) and Craddoc occupies a spare bedroom
(Area D). Mrs. Farrow’s room is the master bedroom located in Craddoc Farrow, ‘The Harvester’ CR 1
the northeast corner of the house (Area E). Craddoc has a few
Male Human Ranger 2
scrawny livestock; having butchered most of his prized cattle at
CE Medium humanoid (Dagon Cultist)
the behest of Kelnor. The farmer has heard that the farm on the
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
other side of Relford now lies abandoned. He is considering a trip DEFENSE
over there to see if there is anything worth taking. Aside from the
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 10
standard farm tools and implements in the barn, Craddoc has a
(+4 Armor, +3 Dex)
number of things of value; secreted beneath some wool blankets
hp 21 (2d10+4)
and a handmade quilt in his wife’s locked Glory Chest (DC25) is a
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
gold ring with a single diamond set into an elaborate setting (in
fact a +1 Ring of Protection) and a pouch containing 10 small rubies
Spd 30 ft
worth 15 gp each. Lining the bottom of the Glory Chest are 12 silver
Melee dagger +5 (1d4+3/19-20)
handaxe +5 (1d6+3/x3)
FARROW sickle +5 (1d6+3)
FARM scythe +5 (2d4+4/x4)
Ranged mwk light repeating crossbow (2-handed) +6 or (1-handed)
+4 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks Favored Enemy (Humans +2)
During Combat: Craddoc will command his trained mastiffs to at-
tack foes (Handle Animal DC10) and then close to a range of 30ft
in order for his dogs to gain benefits from his Hunter’s Bond.
Craddoc will then pepper adversaries with bolts from his repeat-
ing crossbow. If he uses deadly aim, he prefers to use his cross-
1 sq= 10ft bow 2-handed to mitigate the penalty as much as possible;


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otherwise he will use the crossbow 1-handed. Once he is out of TACTICS

ammunition, he will drop it in favor of his scythe or sickle, de- During Combat: Similar to a ghoul, a dagonspawn zombie is vora-
pending on how much room there is. Craddoc will attempt to cious in its appetite for flesh and blood.
trip opponents in order to subdue them. If he is able, Craddoc Morale: A dagonspawn zombie fights until destroyed.
will bind his adversaries in chains for transportation to the Tem- STATISTICS
ple of Dagon. Craddoc uses his ring of animal friendship on any Str 21, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 14, Cha 14
animals sent against him Base Atk +1; CMB +6; CMD 18
Morale: Craddoc is no fool and knows when he is beaten. He will Feats Toughness
try to escape if he is able to, returning only to ambush the adver- Skills None
saries when they are weakened or incapacitated. If driven from SQ Abyssal Vomit, Blood Drain, Mottled Skin, Speed, Lifespan
his farm, his family or dogs killed, he flies into a rage, determined SPECIAL ABILITIES
to slowly torture and kill those who perpetrated the act. Abyssal Vomit (Su): Every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, a dagon-
STATISTICS spawn zombie may call upon the inky abyssal waters of Thos and
Str 16, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 14 vomit it from its ruined jaws. Such an attack is made at the zom-
Base Atk +2 CMB +5; CMD 18 bie’s base attack bonus, modified for dexterity and is considered
Feats, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), a splash weapon. It has a range of 10 ft. Abyssal vomit can gen-
Deadly Aim, Exotic Weapon Proficiency Light Repeating Crossbow, erate one of the following effects (d20):
Martial Weapon Proficiency (All), Precise Shot, Shield Proficiency, d20 Result
Simple Weapon Proficiency (All)
1-15 Dagon’s Bile: deals 1d6 acid damage.
Skills Acrobatics +1, Bluff -1, Climb +6, Diplomacy -1, Escape Artist
+1, Fly +1, Handle Animal +4, Heal +1, Intimidate +4, Perception +6, 16-18 Olhydrix Ink: contact; save Reflex DC = 10 + ½ the
Profession: Farmer +6, Ride +3, Sense Motive +1, Stealth +6, Sur- zombie’s Hit Dice + the zombie’s Dex modifier or be
vival +6, Swim +1, blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Languages Common
19 Thos Ague: contact; save Fort DC = 10 + ½ the zom-
SQ Archery Combat Style, Favored Enemy (Humans +2), Track +1,
bie’s Hit Dice + the zombie’s Cha modifier; onset im-
Wild Empathy +4
mediate; frequency 1/round; effect; target becomes
Gear chain 10ft, chain shirt, dagger, flint and steel, handaxe, hooded
sickened. Creatures sickened by Thos Ague also
lantern, lock (average), mwk light repeating crossbow, oil flask,
count as good for the purposes of spells with the
peasant’s outfit, ring of animal friendship, scythe, sickle, glory
evil descriptor; cure 2 consecutive saves.
chest key, bedroom key
20 Abyssal Ascariasis: contact; save Fort DC = 10 + ½ the
1291805 562776

Mastiffs (Riding Dogs) (2) CR ½ zombie’s Hit Dice + the zombie’s Cha modifier; onset
hp 15 each (Pathfinder Bestiary) 1d4 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d2 Con, this dam-
TACTICS age cannot be healed while the creature is infected ;
During Combat: These two massive black hounds have been suc- cure 2 consecutive saves. Anyone who dies while in-
cessfully trained as a guard dog and a hunting dog respectively. fected rises as a dagonspawn zombie in 2d4 hours.
Please consult the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook for
a list of their training
Blood Drain (Ex): The feeder tentacle is sinuous enough to be able
to initiate a grapple check. If it succeeds, it drains blood from its
opponent, inflicting 2 points of strength damage before the
Lathar & Corson Farrow (2) CR ½ tongue detaches.
Male Human Fighter 1 Lifespan: The full gestation cycle of an olhydrix is 2d4 weeks and
NE Medium Humanoid (Dagon Cultist) only 1% of dagonspawn zombies will produce an olhydrix hag.
hp 12, 12 (Appendix 1, pg.53) This is because the body of the host creature generally fails before
the olhydrix can fully mature, destroying the dagonspawn zombie
and killing the immature olhydrix. Dagonspawn zombies carrying
Mrs. Farrow, advanced dagonspawn zombie CR 2 a matured olhydrix find a secluded area by a tide pool or similar
NE Medium Undead water source in which to disgorge their ‘child’. Such an event
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +2 will always destroy the dagonspawn zombie. The olhydrix child
DEFENSE is identical to a mature olhydrix with the Young Creature template
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 as described in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. The
(+4 natural) young creature template is applied twice. Like its larvae form, a
hp 16 (2d8+7) young olhydrix has a voracious appetite and it soon feeds upon
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 the remains of the dagonspawn zombie that carried it.
DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits; mottled skin Mottled Skin (Ex): The skin of a dagonspawn zombie has a reflexive
OFFENSE color-morphic quality that can be adjusted to blend in with its
Spd 30 ft surroundings. A dagonspawn zombie gains a +5 racial bonus to
Melee slam +6 (1d6+6), tongue +6 (1d6+6) stealth checks.
Special Attacks Abyssal Vomit, Blood Drain Speed: Unlike normal zombies, a dagonspawn zombie can run. In


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addition, a dagonspawn zombie does not possess the staggered OFFENSE

condition. Spd 40 ft
Development: His hatred for Garik Karel the Teamster and his Melee dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20)
troublesome oxen is steadily growing. Should the Cult be in a po- greataxe +4 (1d12+3/x3)
sition to take over Relford, he will kill Garik at the first opportu- Spells Prepared (CL 4th, Spell Save DC: 12+spell level)
nity. Although he is unsure about it, Craddoc suspects that 1st – Cause Fear, Detect Evil, Protection from Evil
someone has been snooping around the caravans at Part 1, Loca- 0 – Stabilize, Detect Magic, Mending
tion 17. If the Farrows discover that Koch Koblin has escaped the TACTICS
mines, they report it to Kelnor (Part 1, Location 3) as soon as they During Combat: Ngoa will use cause fear upon entering combat.
can. Mrs. Farrow’s gestation as a dagonspawn zombie has been an Ngoa will then rage and engage his adversaries in close quarters.
abnormally long one; a sign that the olhydrix hag that grows inside Morale: Ngoa will fight to the death when defending something he
her is healthy and may yet reach maturity. This is left for the GM believes in
to decide. STATISTICS
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 11
Base Atk +2 CMB +4; CMD 15
16. LIVERY STABLE Feats Animal Affinity, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
(Medium), Brew Potion, Martial Weapon Proficiency (All) Simple
Weapon Proficiency (All)
Across from the Black Skull Inn sits a sturdy wooden barn. A chalk-
Skills Acrobatics +5, Appraise +1, Bluff +1, Climb +2, Escape Artist +1,
board identifies this as a Livery Stable. Just inside the entrance, you
Fly +1, Handle Animal +7, Heal +7, Intimidate +6, Perception +6,
can make out an unlit coal brazier and a small anvil that is browned
Ride +3, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +1, Survival +6,
with rust, fixed to a log. A smith’s hammer and tongs and a number of
Swim +2
crooked horseshoes are scattered in front of the anvil. A number of
Languages Common, Orc
rusted shoes hang haphazardly on a wooden crossbar on the back of
SQ Fast Movement, Intimidating, Orc Ferocity, Rage (6 rounds)
the barn’s door.
Weapon Familiarity
Gear chalk and chalkboard, chain shirt, dagger, greataxe, holy sym-
The Livery has made a modest living for Ngoa, a dark-skinned half-
bol, hooded lantern, oil flask, peasant’s outfit, blacksmith’s ham-
orc who has an affinity with animals; an ability that he has at-
mer, lockbox key, 12gp.
tempted to turn into a living. He charges 5sp a day to stable an
animal here, which includes feed and grooming. Ngoa is also a
Development: Should someone assist Ngoa in forging horse-
shaman of sorts; sensitive to the ebb and flow of spiritual energy. 562777

shoes or teach him the basics of the craft, he is grateful and will
As such, Ngoa is aware of the evil that grips Relford. He also
assist PCs in their own investigations. Should the cult of Dagon
knows of the ‘evil spirits’ lurking in Lugas’ Smithy (Part 1, Location
become aware of Ngoa’s abilities, Kelnor begins to fear Ngoa’s
12) and how the undead horror came to be. He has not confronted
magic and knowledge. The cult will make a kidnap attempt and
Barad Wolfram about it (Part 1, Location 4) as the blacksmith also
try to convert him to their cause otherwise his fate is sealed as a
carries out a crucial farrier service for Ngoa. Ngoa is trying to
dagonspawn zombie. Ngoa will not accompany the PCs into the
learn the craft himself and be rid of the blacksmith’s presence; so
mine or around the settlement, as it does not serve his interests
far, he has not had a lot of luck this endeavor. Ngoa is also aware
to do so. He can be however, a valuable NPC that assists with heal-
that an ancient evil lurks in the mine, but lacks the courage to in-
ing and spiritual knowledge. As a shaman, Ngoa often wanders
vestigate it himself. Ngoa has no family here; he sleeps in the hay
through the Daggerstone Hills. He knows where the abandoned
loft, keeping a dagger handy at all times. Aside from his bedroll
mine is located (Part 1, Location 21).
and a number of personal effects, he keeps a small amount of cash
and other valuables secured in a locked (DC25) iron-bound box (2
in thick; hardness 5; 20 hp; Break DC25). The box contains some
uncut diamonds worth 500gp (the converted profits of the Livery), 17. KOBLIN’S BIZARRE BAZAAR
a pouch of 56gp, 4 potions of endure elements and a +1 dagger Ngoa
uses for ceremonial purposes only. Ngoa pretends to be a mute, Within the overgrown corn stand three wooden caravans in a tight cir-
using a small chalkboard to communicate to strangers. Even if the cle. The once bright and gaudy paint that covers them is now faded
PCs manage to get Ngoa to speak, he is a man of very few words. and cracked. One of the wagons has two missing wheels; its axle held
level up by a pile of stones beneath it. The doors at the end of each
caravan are boarded up.
Ngoa CR 3
Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1 / Adept 3 There are a number of pit traps surrounding the caravans
N Medium humanoid (Relford Local) (marked on Map 1 with a diamond symbol). These have been dug
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +6 by Craddoc Farrow and his sons, firstly to stop anyone taking these
DEFENSE wagons and secondly, to catch anyone who might be snooping
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 around. The pits are covered with dried foliage and dirt. The in-
(+4 Armor, +1 Dex) sides of the pits are wider at the bottom. Anyone falling into these
hp 35 (1d12+2 plus 3d6+6) pits will have a difficult time climbing out without help (DC25).
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +5 The pits are checked regularly by Craddoc and his sons, turning


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anyone caught over to Keddard in the Watch House (Part 1, Loca- Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +7, Bluff +7, Climb +8, Diplomacy +7,
tion 2) and ultimately the cult’s tender mercies. Disable Device +8, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +9, Fly +2, Intimidate
A DC15 Perception check reveals a number of weapon cuts upon +4, Perception +7, Ride +2, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +7,
the wood, as well as a smattering of dried blood. Laying flat in Stealth +9, Swim +1, Use Magic Device +7
the undergrowth, covered with dust and dirt is wooden sandwich- Languages Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Orc, Undercommon
board advertising: Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar. SQ Defensive Training, Evasion, Fast Stealth, Greed, Hardy, Hatred,
The Bizarre Bazaar met an untimely end in Relford. Attacked by Sneak Attack +2d6, Stability, Stonecunning, Trap Sense +1, Trap
the cult of Dagon, the people of the traveling circus were taken Spotter, Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Weapon Familiarity
into the mines and transformed into dagonspawn zombies. The Gear brocade coat (as padded armor), crossbow bolts x16 caltrops,
wagons were taken and put into Craddoc Farrow’s corn field and dagger, light crossbow, ring of the ram (10 charges), top hat
their sudden disappearance was chalked up to the fey and some-
times nefarious nature of circus people Only one person managed Development: A DC1 Sense Motive check will show that Koch
to escape this terrible fate: Koch Koblin, the dwarf owner and ring- Koblin is terribly afraid. It is up to the PCs to convince Koch that
master. Having witnessed first-hand the horrors of the mine, he they mean him no harm. If the PCs promise to get him to safety
is scared out of his wits and does not know who to trust. He has he will readily assist PCs, as long as it does not put him in apparent
been living on rats and other small animals he has managed to danger (i.e. Koch will not accompany PCs into the mine, for exam-
catch. This poor diet has done nothing for his barrel girth. He is ple). Given Koch’s nefarious dealings, his ability to sense motive is
desperate to get out of Relford and put the ordeal behind him. He highly tuned and will be able to guess if his benefactors remain
is unsure if the cult knows of his escape. true to their word. As a victim of the cult, Koch Koblin can readily
It was while he was hunting for rats one dark night that he identify Kelnor and the others as cult members, although he is un-
stumbled into the remains of his own circus. Now, Koch hides aware the difference between those who are charmed and those
within the very wagons in which he traveled the countryside, ac- who are not. He can describe the dagonspawn zombie and can
cessed by a secret trapdoor underneath one of the caravans. Koch’s draw a rough map to the underground temple complex. Koch’s
appearance is unusual for a dwarf: He wears a tattered brocade ring of the ram may prove useful in the final encounter with the
coat over a smelly vest. He keeps his top hat nearby, donning it Bride of Dagon, but Koch is reluctant to part with it unless he can
whenever he goes outside. He is clean-shaven which is unusual be assured of his safety. The Miner’s Rest is a good example of a
for a dwarf, and has wide mutton-chops arcing down his broad safe location. The cult of Dagon is also looking for Koch Koblin.
and square jaw. His hair is white and closely cropped. There is every chance they have followed the PCs into the corn-
field, hoping that they will lead them right to the evasive dwarf.
Koch Koblin CR 3 Ad-hoc xp: If the PCs manage to keep Koch Koblin alive and es-
1291807 562778

Male Dwarf Rogue 4 cort him to safety, award them experience as if they defeated a
N Medium humanoid CR 3 creature.
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +7
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 18. LOCAL’S HOUSE
(+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
hp 30 (4d8+8); currently 12
These simple dwellings are the homes of local families. They are
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
simple one or two room affairs, made primarily of stone taken
from the mine. The GM is free to develop these houses and occu-
Spd 20 ft
pants as he wishes.
Melee dagger +5 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20)
Typical Relford Local CR 1/3
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +2d6
TACTICS Male or Female Commoner 1
Any non-evil Medium Humanoid (Relford Local)
Before Combat: If he is encountered in his caravan within the Far-
hp 9 (pg.6)
row Farm, and he is sure that someone is about to open the trap-
door and discover his hideout, Koch will ready an action to sneak
attack anyone that opens it.
During Combat: If forced into combat, he looks to disable oppo- 19. CULTIST’S HOUSE
nents quickly so they cannot follow him. If in desperate need,
Koch will use one of his precious charges in his ring of the ram if
it means its power will assist him getting away, i.e. blowing a hole These simple dwellings are the homes of local families that have
in a wooden wall, any door, or breaking a window. been charmed by the Bride of Dagon. They are otherwise identical
Morale: If there is no escape, Koch attempts to fight to the death to Part 1, Location 18.
rather than be taken back into the mine.
STATISTICS Typical Charmed or Dagon Cultist CR Varies
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 10 (Appendix 1.)
Base Atk +3 CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (Light), Rogue Weapon
Proficiencies, Simple Weapon Proficiency (All), Weapon Finesse


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19A. KELNOR’S MANSE weapons. Lugas hid most of the weapons here, but was killed by
Barad soon after he showed his fellow blacksmith the quality of
his work.
The door to this residence is locked (Disable Device DC22). Kelnor
Anyone making a DC 15 Survival check reveals several animal
holds the key. This house is the manse of Kelnor, the Voice of
tracks crisscross the area, with one set of cat-like tracks leading
Dagon. Formerly owned by Father Arden, it is a simple abode, con-
to and from the cave entrance. If the PCs have encountered the
sisting of a two rooms; the front room contains a living area with
black leopard (Part 1, Location 1), allude to the players that perhaps
a table and chairs, a stove and a number of comfortable couches.
this is where the hunting cat made its home. In actual fact, a fe-
The back room is a bedroom with an adjoining shelved library. Var-
rocious and intelligent feline creature (a Tangtal) has come down
ious theological books and texts may be found here. Kelnor has
from the mountains and now uses the cave as its lair. For more in-
been very careful in separating his cult activity from the façade of
formation, consult the Abandoned Mine Key.
playing Relford’s High Priest. He has been very careful not to leave
any evidence here that incriminates his cult activities. A DC5 Per-
ception check reveals that this place has barely been lived in over
the last few months. Kelnor has taken to spending his entire 22. DAGGER ROCK (EL4+)
nights in the Temple of Dagon, emerging at daybreak to tend to
the temple’s needs.
Dagger Rock is 1080 feet high. The rock itself is made of granite
and a number of stunted trees have managed to take root upon
20. DAGGERSTONE MINE the lower parts of the rock. The rock itself is readily climbable
(DC10 Climb checks up to 500 feet, DC15 Climb checks from 501
feet onwards). It is left to the GM to decide how many checks are
The trail steadily wends its way south, through the dark and dead trees
required to scale the rock itself (Anyone unfortunate enough to
towards the Daggerstone Hills. At this proximity, Dagger Rock towers
freefall from the peak takes 108d6 points of damage). A number
ominously high above you. The road ends at the base of a hill, where a
of sheared rock ledges provide enough purchase to rest and recu-
ramshackle portico marks the entrance to the mine. The mine en-
perate during long the arduous climb. These ledges also contain a
trance is boarded up in a haphazard fashion, but it appears that some
number of harpy nests. If Meri Finn has been taken by a harpy
of the boards have been broken loose and lie upon the ground nearby.
(Event E) she will be up on one of the lower ledges, scared out of
A skull and crossbones has been hastily painted upon one of the cross-
her mind. The harpy that took her will attack anyone attempting
a rescue.
1291808 562779

This building covers the entrance shaft to the Daggerstone Mine

Harpy (1) CR 4
and the adjoining Temple complex. For more information, refer to
Part 2 and 3 of this adventure. hp 31 (Pathfinder Bestiary)


Before revealing this area to your players, have them make a DC20
Perception check: The entrance is well hidden amongst the scrub
and trees.

Within the natural contours of the rock, you see a timber-flanked tun-
nel that leads into the cliff wall.

About fifty years ago, a number of dwarf craftsmen came here to

plumb the earth for precious riches, namely mithral and a small
amount of adamantine. The mine’s relatively inaccessible location
and the threat of harpy attacks meant that the operation was
largely unknown and the dwarves who worked the rock liked it
that way. The dwarf nations decided to close the mine almost a
year later; the mithral and adamantine ore had been dug out and
was secured in a small vault on the site, ready to use when they
needed it most. A number of these caches exist across the world.
Lugas (Part 1, Location 12) discovered the mine after he moved here
(acting on information ‘extracted’ from a dwarf by Iron League
agents). It did not take him long to find the secured ore and was
delighted to discover that their forge was still serviceable. He
hired some oxen from Garik Karel and set up a secret workshop to
work the mithral and adamantine, forging a number of beautiful


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291808

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

Eight shrines devoted to various gods line the walls, beneath simple
arched windows. Numerous candles have been placed at each shrine,
the air smells of tallow.

This large hall has eight shrines arranged along the walls, each de-
voted to a particular deity. A number of wooden pews are
arranged before each shrine, to seat parishioners who wish to pray
to their god. The deities include:

Tychas, God of Agriculture

Boryr, the Hammersmith

Varadyver, God of Travelers and Wayfarers

Nyx, the Harvest Queen (and Death Goddess)

1291809 562780

Cu Corian, the Nature Warden

Arnak, God of Knowledge

Dama, Goddess of Freedom

Morian, the God of Earth

1 sq= 10ft
During the day, 2d4+1 Relford Locals may be encountered here scat-
The Temple is detailed at Part 1, Location 3. Consult the map for
tered across a number of the pews, sitting in quiet prayer. Wor-
the Temple’s layout. All the doors within are considered good,
shippers generally file in, taking a candle from the wooden box in
wooden doors: 1 in; hardness 5; 15 hp; Break DC16 (Stuck); Break
the vestibule at Location 3A. They light and place the candle upon
DC18 (Locked) and are unlocked unless specified otherwise.
their deity’s shrine. Each shrine also contains an offering bowl
which is normally used for upkeep of the temple. Lately, Kelnor
has been taking all the money to fund the cult of Dagon.
An open box sits atop a simple table. To the north, a set of open double
doors reveal a large hall with rows of pews arrayed before several
shrines. By the door sits a dry font. GODS, DEMIGODS & HEROES
The shrines within the temple may be devoted to any number of
This is a simple antechamber that contains a large table against gods in your campaign world. Feel free to substitute any gods with
the southernmost wall. In a wooden box upon the table are a ones of your own choosing or taste. If the concept of a polytheistic
number of wax candles for use at the shrines in Location 3B. The temple is not suitable for your campaign, the shrines may be re-
font was used to hold holy water, but since the Rel River has dried, placed with statues depicting past heroes and saints dedicated to a
the stone bowl has remained unfilled for months. singular god’s cause.


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At the end of the hall is a wide antechamber with three doorways. To Kelnor, The Voice of Dagon CR 4
the left and right, the doorways open into a separate chapel, obviously Male Human Cleric 5 (Dagon)
devoted to respective gods with larger followings. A closed door bars CE Medium Humanoid (Dagon Cultist)
the entryway to the center chapel. In the centre of the chamber stands hp 39 (Appendix 1, pg.51)
a statue of a questing knight, his hands offered in supplication.
Development: Even if he is killed here, Kelnor is not defeated.
This area leads into three chapels, each with a respective shrine He rises as a Huecuva a day later. He likely flees to the Temple of
devoted to Rax, the God of Empire; Abbas, the God of Commerce Dagon as detailed in Part 3 of this adventure, using his vile rebirth
and Security; and Betean, the God of Justice. In the center of this as proof that Dagon has blessed him with immortality.
chamber is a statue of Rogaar, a paladin who ascended to godhood. Ad-hoc xp: Kelnor regularly casts desecrate on this shrine, which
The chapel doors leading to Abbas’ and Betean’s shrine are gener- is slowly eroding Rax’s power here. Should anyone spend time un-
ally wedged open, except at night. The door to Rax’s shrine is doing the damage by cleansing the shrine with holy water or con-
locked and has been so since Father Arden’s death. Kelnor holds ducting a similar rite in Rax’s name, (PCs need not have taken Rax
the key. as their patron deity for this to work; it is suggested a DC15 Knowl-
edge: Religion check will be sufficient to conduct a simple cleans-
ing ceremony) receives experience as if they defeated a CR3
At the end of the chapel is a shrine devoted to Abbas, the god of Com-
merce and Security. Bench seats have been arrayed in two rows before
the statue. A faded roll of carpet leads to the shrine where a number
of candles flicker and burn. The boughs of an oak tree spread over a weed-infested graveyard.

Abbas, the God of Commerce and Security and a divine ally of Rax, The graveyard is as old as the church itself and is largely nonde-
is worshipped here. Along with Betean’s chapel, this area is much script. Headstones are simple affairs and are in most cases, are
grander than the larger hall –thus are the benefits of being an ally just a neat pile of rocks from the mine. Some contained patina-
to Rax. An offering bowl at the base of the shrine contains 2d20 covered plaques with a variety of names upon them. Father Arden

cp and 1d12sp. was the last person to be buried here; since then, there have been 562781

no funeral services.


At the end of the chapel is a shrine devoted to Betean, the god of Justice.
Bench seats have been arrayed in two rows before the statue. A faded A small crypt sits on the very edge of the temple grounds, by a stone
roll of carpet leads to the shrine where a number of candles flicker and wall. A rusted gate appears to be the only way in or out.
The gate itself is locked (DC25 Disable Device) and is made of iron
Betean, the God of Justice and a divine ally of Rax, is worshipped (2in. bars; hardness 10; 30 hp; Break DC25). Kelnor has the key.
here. Along with Abbas’ chapel, this area is much grander than This crypt was built when the church of Rax funded and built
the larger hall –thus are the benefits of being an ally to Rax. An the temple. Inside the crypt is a sarcophagus that contains the re-
offering bowl at the base of the shrine contains 2d10cp and 1d6gp. mains of the first priest who administered the temple.


This chapel still bears the signs of a fatal struggle. The statue upon
the shrine to Rax has been smashed and the shrine itself is stained with
dried blood.

Kelnor brutally slew Father Arden in this very chapel and it is his
blood which still stains the shrine. Since that day, the shrine has
gone unused. Kelnor plans to move the chapel of Dagon at (Part
3, Location 19) to here, where he hopes Dagon will reward him
with immortality. Kelnor can be encountered here, along with any
members of the cult. Kelnor often prays to Dagon in here. Dagon
has heard Kelnor’s prayers many times, having decided that he
should arise as a Huecuva if he perishes. (See Appendix 1 for more

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The door leading to the kitchen (Location 10D) is
locked (DC25 Disable Device). A DC12 Perception check
reveals that the lock has been recently replaced. Kel-
nor has the key.

The stench of death is overpowering as a macabre site

greets you: The long dining table in this room is awash
with blood and gore. Numerous bodies and parts thereof
litter the table and floor, in various stages of decay and
crawl with flies.

These are the remains of the Daggerstone’s servants.

1 sq= 10ft Scattered among them are a number of victims that
the cult of Dagon has little use for; generally children
and infants. The scene is grisly and stomach-churning.
Daggerstone Manor is detailed at Part 1, Location 10. Consult the
Anyone entering this room must make a DC12 Fortitude check or
map for the manor’s layout. All the doors within are considered
be nauseated. This effect dissipates once the PC in question leaves
good, wooden doors: 1 in; hardness 5; 15 hp; Break DC16 (Stuck);
the house.
Break DC18 (Locked) and are unlocked unless specified otherwise.
Cantor and Elise return here regularly to feed, ripping into the
decaying flesh with wild abandon. The corpse of one of the chil-
dren has arisen as a Ghoul. It still clings to a semblance of its for-
10A. ENTRANCE mer life, awaking in fit of coughing, and begins to weep piteously.

The front doors are locked. Kelnor (Part 1, Location 3) has the key. Young Ghoul (1) CR ½
CE Small Undead
A pall of dust stirs the doors open, bringing with it the faint odor of hp 9 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
rot and decay. Once fine drapes are pulled shut over the windows. TACTICS 562782

What furniture that remains in this room is in poor disrepair. Molder- Prior to Combat: The child seeks to be comforted. Anyone doing so
ing wallpaper hangs loose in places, covered in a furry patina. Incon- will be considered flat-footed whilst the child makes a grapple
gruously, the door in the easterly wall has a number of planks nailed check. The victim may avoid this by readying an action against
over it; the wood is new and the nail-heads gleam in the wan light. it.
During Combat: The ghoul will attempt to inflict lethal damage on
The interior door was boarded by the cult to ensure that the un- a grappled target.
dead within remain inside their mansion. Treat the boarded door Morale: The ghoul fights until it is destroyed
Young Creature: This ghoul has +2 to all Dex based rolls, -2 to all
other rolls.
Development: It is possible that Elise and Cantor will come to
Encased in paneled oak, this chamber must have once been grandiose. investigate any sounds of battle.
Now, the floorboards are warped and splotchy, and creak underfoot. A
moldering couch and a number of tipped-over chairs are scattered hap-
hazardly before a large stone fireplace. 10D. KITCHEN
Any stealth checks made in this room have their DC increased by The door leading outside is locked (DC25 Disable Device). A DC12
2 because of the warped and loose floorboards. Anyone investi- Disable Device or a DC15 Perception check reveals that the lock has
gating the fireplace will notice a pile of cracked and splintered been recently replaced. Kelnor has the key.
bones; remains of ‘meals’ that Elise has taken in her once-fine bed-
room. The fireplace itself is large, and can be scaled up to reach This chamber is lit only by a grubby window that looks over a dead
Location 10E and the roof. Elise uses this route often; however herb garden. A table with a thick counter sits in the centre of the
she has not been successful in escaping out to the roof yet. Exces- chamber, before an often-used fireplace in the southern wall. Flies buzz
sive noise will bring Elise down from Location 10E if she hears a around hanging meats and herbs long past their prime and on the con-
potential meal. This occurrence is likely if the door between Lo- gealed blood that has gathered at the base of the table. More dried
cation 10A and 10B is forced. A set of candelabra upon the mantle blood is smeared across the stone floor, disappearing beneath the door
are made of gold and are worth 150gp each. in the north.


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Victims for Cantor and Elise were brought here and then executed. DC20: A hastily scrawled letter addressed to ‘Edward’ (Elise’s
Kelnor would lock the door to the dining hall whilst this gruesome brother): ‘We are damned; we released the evil from within the
act was carried out. Upon leaving, Kelnor would unlock the door earth. Do not come: We are all damned.’
to the dining hall and lock the door leading from the kitchen to
the exterior. This process gives the undead free run of the house
whilst keeping them fed. 10G. ATTIC (EL 3)
The door opens to reveal a shadowy chamber with a sloped roof, high
10E. MASTER BEDROOM (EL2) in the upper reaches of the manor. The dust in the air and closeness of
the roof is oppressive.
This once fine bedchamber is a mess. Ripped and filthy clothing lies
scattered in every possible location, emanating from a mass of dis- This is the attic. There are a number of trunks and chests scattered
carded garments that have spilled out of a mahogany wardrobe. A foul around the chamber, they contain letters, books, old clothes and
stench emanates from the stained and filthy linen that lies heaped crockery. There is nothing here of monetary value. Lurking in the
upon a bed that sits out from the north wall, next to a large, stone fire- back corner of the attic is Cantor Daggerstone; the elderly man
place. Beneath the bedclothes comes the sobbing of an elderly woman. who discovered Dagon’s Temple and the olhydrix hag known as
the Bride of Dagon.
Since becoming a ghoul, Elise now treats her bedroom as her lair.
She sometimes drags corpses and other body parts up here to eat, Cantor Daggerstone, Ghast CR 3
disposing of any inedible remains down the chimney. Most days hp 29 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
she lurks beneath the filthy linen, wailing and raging against her
horrific state. Beneath the remaining clothes in the mahogany Development: Some remnants of Cantor’s mind remains. Can-
wardrobe is a wooden beauty case containing a silver hand mirror tor’s initial reaction is Hostile (Base DC20), however if the PCs get
edged in ebony (worth 300gp) and some jewelry, (2 matched rings, into a position to talk to Cantor, he tells them how the “Slithering
a pair of earrings and a necklace all set with small emeralds, worth tentacles have crawled from the earth and have wormed their way
550gp). The wooden beauty case is well crafted and is worth 220gp. into the heart of Relford.” If he is specifically asked about what
he saw in the mine, Cantor becomes more lucid: “…the worms in
Elise Daggerstone, Ghoul CR 2 the dark…they grow from the queen that dreams demons…she is
hp 13 (Pathfinder Bestiary) so beautiful…” Cantor no longer remembers anyone’s name; such
TACTICS is the toll undeath has exacted on his deteriorating mind. Any con- 562783

Prior to Combat: If Elise becomes aware that someone else is in the versations will not last long however; Cantor’s ravenous hunger
room with her, she stops crying and readies an action to attack quickly reasserts its control. If the undead are destroyed, Kelnor
anyone who approaches her bed. will soon become aware when he next checks on them.
During Combat: As she fights, Elise wails like a banshee.
Morale: Elise fights until she is destroyed

Development: Cantor (Location 10G) has become inured to his

wife’s constant crying and wailing that he is unlikely to investigate
sounds of battle coming from her room.


This office has been destroyed. An empty desk lies overturned against
the northern corner of the room, its drawers overturned onto the floor,
in a pool of writing implements and congealed ink. All manner of
ledgers, logs and other pieces of paper lie ripped and scattered through-
out the room.

As Relford’s long-standing magistrate and mayor, this office con-

tains various deeds and agreements regarding the settlement and
the Daggerstone Mine, as well as a number of various logistical
undertakings regarding the day-to-day running of the mine and
the community. A Perception Check will uncover the following:

DC10: A ledger containing the Minutes of last town meeting (dated

two weeks before the earthquake a year ago), discussing the pos-
sibility that the mine is unsafe given the recent tremors.
DC15: The deed to Daggerstone Mine and the Relford Charter.


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BLACK SKULL INN KEY weekly rent; 10gp and 5gp respectively.

In busier times, Davven has also been known to rent out floor
space in the dining room. This may be done for 5cp a night; how-
ever anyone doing so must be gone by dawn and not interfere in
any way with the day’s trade. On special occasions, the fireplace
in the southwest corner is used to spit-roast meat.


The northern area of the common room has been reserved as a
dining area, and was once a popular stop for wealthy travelers and
merchants alike. Katriye seats customers and offers a chalkboard
containing the Inn’s provisions. Despite being crafty and evil, Cru-
aver is an exceptional cook and turns out quality meals. Breakfasts
consist of fried, poached or scrambled eggs, cured pork, and
steamed greens. Midday meals are ‘Skully Pies’ which are generally
meat, mushroom and onion, with a stylized skull motif cut into
the pie lids (the meat in these pies are mostly offal, but Cruaver
has a knack of preparing the poorer cuts to make them succulent
and tasty), sausages and mashed potatoes or a hearty stew served
with warm, crusty rosemary bread. Dinner is generally a repeat
of the midday meal, but the Black Skull Inn has been known to
prepare roasted mutton or beef from time to time. Among any
1 sq= 10ft number of Relford Locals, three ‘inn patrons’ quietly relax in the
common area. The ‘inn patrons’ are in fact charmed cultists who
assist Davven and Cruaver in abducting the unwary.
The Black Skull Inn is detailed at Part 1, Location 13. Consult the
map for the Inn’s layout. All the doors within are considered good,

wooden doors: 1 in; hardness 5; 15 hp; Break DC16 (Stuck); Break 562784

Breakfast 1sp
DC18 (Locked) and are unlocked unless specified otherwise.
Sausages and Mash 1sp
Stew, bowl and rosemary bread 5cp
Skully Pies 1sp for three
13A. COMMON ROOM (EL VARIES) Rosemary Bread 5cp
Roasted Mutton, vegetables and gravy 1sp
A number of tables and chairs occupy the main floor of this room. Roasted Beef, vegetables and gravy 2sp
A fireplace sits in the southwest corner and a bar occupies the east,
set between two doors. Davven Seward is generally found here,
serving ale (purchased from the Cauchemar Tavern). Beef jerky,
hard salted biscuits and crackers are often served in bowls atop Davven Seward, Innkeeper CR 2
the bar. Prices here are somewhat cheaper to the Cauchemar; Male Human Rogue 3
Davven is trying to lure in potential converts and victims for the CE Medium Humanoid (Dagon Cultist)
cult of Dagon. hp 26(Use Ramath Lane’s Statistics from Part 1, Location 8)
REFRESHMENTS - BLACK SKULL INN Prior to Combat: Davven will command the other ‘Inn Patrons’ to
Coffee 1cp engage any adversaries, whilst he applies poison to a weapon,
Beer, pint 4cp preferably his crossbow bolts.
Porter ale, pint 5cp During Combat: Davven works to get into a flanking position so he
Rye whiskey, gill 1sp may sneak attack.
Morale: Davven will attempt to flee if brought below 5 hit points.
As the innkeeper, Davven also has a number of rooms for rent: STATISTICS
Gear crossbow bolts x30, caltrops, cultist robes (if encountered in
LODGING - BLACK SKULL INN the temple of Dagon or upon cult business) hand crossbow (kept
Master Guestroom* 2gp/night under the bar), innkeepers apron (as leather armor), shortsword,
Deluxe Guestroom* 1gp/night 2 doses of Blue Whinnis (Injury Poison; save Fortitude DC14; onset
Standard Guestroom 5sp/night 1 round; effect 1 Con damage; secondary effect unconsciousness
Bed (Common Guestroom) 1sp/night for 1d3 hours.; cure 1 save), strongroom strongbox key.

*The Master and the Deluxe Guestrooms are also available for


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ranged or melee attacks, augmented by use of poison.

Katriye, Serving Girl CR 1/3 Morale: If it becomes clear that he is outmatched, Cruaver will at-
Female Commoner 1 tempt to escape.
N Medium Humanoid (Charmed Cultist) STATISTICS
hp 9 (pg.6) Str 14, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +2 CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (Light), Iron Will, Rogue
Weapon Proficiencies, Simple Weapon Proficiency (All), Weapon
‘Inn Patrons’ (Dagon Cultist) (3) CR Varies Finesse
(Appendix 1) Skills Acrobatics +17, Appraise +1, Bluff +6, Climb +15, Craft: Alchemy
+6, Diplomacy +1, Disable Device +8, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +7,
Fly +3, Heal +1, Intimidate +1, Perception +12, Ride +3, Profession:
13C. STAIRWAY Cook +6, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +14, Survival
+1, Swim +2, Use Magic Device +5
These stairs lead to the upper floor of the Black Skull Inn. Languages Abyssal, Common
SQ Alternate Form, Damage Reduction 5/silver, Evasion, Snake Em-
pathy +4, Sneak Attack +1d6, Surprise Attacks, Trapfinding +1
Gear (Kept in his room) arrows x20, caltrops, mwk dagger x6, mwk
13D. CELLAR ENTRANCE leather armor, mwk shortsword, mwk thieves’ tools, composite
shortbow (+2 Str), spyglass, travelers outfit, 2 doses of Blue Whin-
During busier times, this area serves as the thoroughfare to the nis (Injury Poison; save Fortitude DC14; onset 1 round; effect 1 Con
kitchen; all meal orders are taken into the kitchen through this Damage; secondary effect unconsciousness for 1d3 hours.; cure 1
area. A stairwell in the north leads down to the cellar. The area save), trunk key
in front of the stairs is used as overflow stowage; several sacks of
potatoes are stored here, giving the stairwell a musty, pungent
smell. Hybrid Form
Init +10
13E. KITCHEN (EL4) AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 17
(+2 Armor, +6 Dex, +5 natural)
Ref +12
1291814 562785

This kitchen is large, containing a number of counter tops where

food is prepared and a coal fire pit, where the Inn’s meals are DR 5/silver
cooked. An elaborate cast iron spit hangs over the fire pit, and off OFFENSE
to one side are various pots and cast iron skillets that can be hung Spd 30 ft
from the spit. There is also a well-used table where Davven, Cru- Melee mwk dagger +9 (1d4+1/19-20)
aver and Katriye take their meals. A door leads outside. Cruaver mwk shortsword +9 (1d6+1/19-20)
is generally found here most days, when not on a mission for the bite +8 (1d6+1)
cult. Kelnor has great respect for Cruaver as both a master cook 2 claws +8 (1d4+1)
and as the cult’s burgeoning assassin. Ranged composite shortbow +9 (1d6+1/19-20)
mwk dagger +9 (1d4/19-20)
Cruaver Eldak CR 4 Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6; Curse of Lycanthrope
Male Weresnake Rogue 2 STATISTICS
CE Medium humanoid (Shapechanger) Str 12, Dex 23, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12
Init +7; Senses Low-Light Vision; Scent; Perception +12 Base Atk +2 CMB +8; CMD 19
DEFENSE Skills Acrobatics +20, Climb +18, Disable Device +11, Escape Artist +10,
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 Fly +6, Ride +6, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +17, Swim +1
(+2 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 natural) SQ DR 5/silver, Poison
hp 27 (2d8 plus 2d8)
Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +3
OFFENSE Viper Form (Black Adder)
Spd 30 ft Init +10
Melee mwk dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20) DEFENSE
mwk shortsword +6 (1d6+2/19-20) AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 16
Ranged composite shortbow +6 (1d6+2/x3) (+6 Dex, +5 natural, +1 Size)
mwk dagger +6 (1d4/19-20) Ref +12
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6 DR 5/silver
Before Combat: Cruaver will apply a dose of Blue Whinnis to Spd 20 ft; climb 20 ft; swim 20 ft
whichever weapon he intends to use. Melee bite +8 (1d4+1 plus poison)
During Combat: Cruaver will either engage his opponents with Special Attacks Curse of Lycanthrope; Sneak Attack +1d6; Poison


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STATISTICS 1st – cause fear, mage armor, magic missile x2

Str 12, Dex 23, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12 0 – ray of frost x2, read magic, touch of fatigue
Base Atk +2 CMB +7; CMD 18 TACTICS
Skills Acrobatics +20, Climb +18, Disable Device +11, Escape Artist +10, Before Combat: Gaddin will cast protection from arrows and mage
Fly +6, Ride +6, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +17, Swim +1 armor if confronted with direct combat, alternatively, he will cast
SQ DR 5/silver, Poison invisibility upon himself, hoping to move towards enemies in
SPECIAL ABILITIES order to use touch of fatigue against melee opponents. He will
Curse of Lycanthrope (Su): Curse—injury; save Fort DC15 negates, also activate his figurine of wondrous power to either alert Ramath
Will DC 15 to avoid effects; onset the next full moon; frequency on Lane or to attack opponents.
the night of every full moon or whenever the target is injured; ef- During Combat: Gaddin will direct deep slumber against as many
fect target transforms into a snake under the GM’s control until opponents as possible, saving fireball as a backup. Those who
the next morning prove resistant to his first wave of spells are targeted for cause
Poison (Ex): Bite—injury; save Fort DC11; frequency 1/round for 6 fear and his scrolls of reduce person. Gaddin will then employ his
rounds; effect 1d2 Con; cure 1 save. wand against any other targets. Gaddin will attempt to use hit
Racial Climb Bonus (all forms) Cruaver uses his Dex bonus to mod- and run tactics instead of slogging it out toe-to-toe with oppo-
ify his climbing skill. In any form, Cruaver may choose take 10 nents.
on any climb check, even if rushed or threatened. Morale: If reduced to 7 hit points or less, Gaddin will drink his po-
Racial Swim Bonus (all forms) Cruaver adds a +8 racial bonus to tion of gaseous form and attempt to flee.
swim checks to perform some special action or to avoid a hazard. STATISTICS
Cruaver may choose to take 10 on any swim check, even if dis- Str 9, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 10
tracted or endangered. Cruaver can also use the run action whilst Base Atk +2 CMB +4; CMD 13
swimming, provided he swims in a straight line. Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms & Armor,
Craft Wand, Eschew Materials, Scribe Scroll, Wizard Weapon Pro-
13F. MASTER GUESTROOM Skills Acrobatics +5, Appraise +7, Bluff +4, Climb +1, Diplomacy +1,
Escape Artist +2, Fly +6, Knowledge: Arcana +8, Knowledge Iron
League +8, Linguistics +7. Perception +5, Ride +2, Sense Motive +5,
This chamber contains a bed, a table and some chairs, as well as a
Spellcraft +11, Stealth +2, Survival +1, Swim -1
mahogany wardrobe. A chamber pot is situated under the bed.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Undercommon
Fresh linen and towels are kept in the bottom of the wardrobe
SQ Hand of the Apprentice, Bonded Object (mwk cane)
along with a pitcher and a washbasin. Wallpaper adorns the walls
Gear bracers of armor +1, flint and steel, hooded lantern, mwk cane
1291815 562786

and in places, it is slightly peeling. The bed is comfortable. Gaddin

(as club), oil flask, potion of gaseous form, spell component pouch,
Vaas, an agent of the Iron League currently stays here, awaiting
scroll of sleep (CL5th), scroll of reduce person x2 (CL5th), sunrod x10,
the delivery of the weapons that are to be used in furthering the
wand of burning hands (CL5th, 21 charges), figurine of wondrous
Iron League’s causes. Every day, he meets with Ramath Lane (Part
power: silver raven
1, Location 8) and the two discuss the whereabouts of the weapons
Wizard’s spellbook contains: All 0 level spells, touch or fatigue, burn-
made by Lugas (Part 1, Location 12). Gaddin believes that Ramath
ing hands, cause fear, identify, mage armor, magic missile, magic
is stalling because he has sold the weapons on for profit, after dis-
weapon, obscuring mist, reduce person, command undead, invisibil-
posing of Lugas. Because of this, Gaddin is growing impatient with
ity, mirror image, protection from arrows, deep slumber, fireball.
Ramath’s inability to procure the weapons. He has threatened Ra-
math with excommunication from the Iron League if he does not
produce them soon.
Gaddin Vaas CR 4 Davven Seward and Katriye occupy this room; Davven has taken
Male Human Wizard 5 Katriye as his most recent lover. A mahogany wardrobe contains
LE Medium humanoid their clothes and a number of their personal effects as well as a
Init +2; Senses Perception +5 pitcher and washbasin. Beneath the bed is a chamber pot.
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11
(+1 Armor, +2 Dex) 13H. DELUXE GUESTROOMS
hp 33 (5d6+10)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5 This room is identical to Davven Seward’s room save that an extra
OFFENSE bed is situated in the north corner of the room. It is unoccupied.
Spd 30 ft
Melee mwk cane (as club) +2 (1d6-1)
Special Attacks Hand of the Apprentice (6/day +5 ranged) 13I. STANDARD GUESTROOM
Spells Prepared (Spell Save DC: 13+spell level)
3rd – deep slumber, fireball
Each room contains up to three single beds with straw mattresses.
2nd –invisibility, mirror Image, protection from arrows
A chamber pot is situated under each. A pitcher and a washbasin


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sit in the corner of the room. covered by a DC22 Perception check. Davven and Cruaver know
of this room, using it to hide possessions of their abductees, until
Kelnor and the cult of Dagon can decide what to do with them.
13J. CRUAVER ELDAK’S ROOM (EL2) This has not stopped Davven and Cruaver from holding back select
items for themselves.
This is Cruaver Eldak’s room. Inside is a bed, a wardrobe and a
locked (DC24), iron bound trunk (2 in. thick; hardness 5; 20 hp; 13M. STRONGROOM
Break DC25). A poison dart trap protects the lock. Cruaver has
used Sassone Leaf Residue that he found amongst Koblin’s posses-
This secret chamber is the Inn’s strong-room. Aside from a
sions but has not been successful in procuring his own. Cruaver
applied the last dose some months ago and now the poison has locked iron-bound strongbox (2 in. thick; hardness 5; 20 hp; Break
lost part of its effectiveness. However, even in its reduced state, DC25), several lengths of rope hang on wall hooks, which are used
the residue is liable to kill or incapacitate a low level PC. for securing prisoners for their final trip into the mines. The
strongbox contains 1275gp. There is also a trunk filled with old
Poison Dart Trap CR 2 clothes. Beneath the clothes are a number of hooded robes –worn
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC20 by the cultists when they make their nightly trek into Daggerstone
EFFECTS Mine. Davven holds the key.
Trigger touch; Reset none
Effects Atk +10 ranged (1d3 plus weakened Sassone Leaf Residue).

Weakened Sassone Leaf Residue

Type poison, contact; Save Fortitude DC16
Onset 1 minute; Frequency 1/min for 2 minutes
Initial Effect 1d12 hit point damage; Secondary Effect 1 Con damage;
Cure 1 save.

Treasure: The chest contains the following: a set of black, mas-

terwork leather armor, a brace of six masterwork throwing dag-
gers, a masterwork shortsword in a scabbard and two vials
containing 2 doses Oil of Taggit each (Ingested Poison; save Forti- 562787

tude DC15; onset 1 minute; effect unconsciousness for 1d3 hours;

cure 1 save) as well as 2 doses of Blue Whinnis (Injury Poison; save
Fortitude DC14; onset 1 round; effect 1 Con damage; secondary effect
unconsciousness for 1d3 hours.; cure 1 save). A pouch containing
12 small garnets (worth 10gp each) rests at the bottom of the trunk.
These items are possessions gleaned from a number of unfortunate
travelers who decided to stay at the inn; Cruaver has taken them
for himself. The poison was brewed by Cruaver.


A number of pallets with straw mattresses are arrayed in this
room, furnished with fresh, but threadbare sheets.


This cellar is dank and musty, containing several barrels of beer

and ale purchased from Jek Bartollo at the Cauchemar (Part 1, Lo-
cation 7). A number of crates holding various vegetables also oc-
cupy the north corner of the cellar, giving the place an earthy
smell. Several sides of beef and cured pork hang from hooks set
into the wooden supports and crossbars. When the inn was first
built, a dwarf artisan came here and built a secure strong room
for the inn, in return for free lodging and food for a month. A sec-
tion of the wall slides away when a wall-brick at the base of the
north corner of the cellar is pushed in. The door may be discov-
ered by a DC20 Perception check and the opening mechanism dis-

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AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
1 sq= 10ft (+4Dex, +3 natural)
hp 22 (3d10+6)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2
Defensive Abilities -
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Bite +7 (1d6+3) and 2 Claws +2 (1d4+1)
Face 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Special Attacks -
Spell Like Abilities (CL 12th)
1/day — Duplicate (see below)
Before Combat: If the Tangtal hears anyone coming, she silently
and swiftly darts towards the intersection, seeking to loop around
intruders, attacking them from behind. Before it attacks, it acti-
vates its duplicate ability and send them in first, in hopes that it
forces PCs to waste valuable abilities of their own.
Morale: The Tangtal will attempt to flee if reduced to 5hp or less.
If it manages to kill or otherwise incapaitate a PC, the Tangtal will
try and abscond with the body down one of the tunnels to the
south and west.
The abandoned mine is detailed at Part 1, Location 21. Consult the STATISTICS
map for a layout of the small complex. The dwarves here mined Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10
a sizable amount of mithral as well as a small amount of adaman- Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 20
tine. They smelted the yield and stored it in a secret vault within Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse
this complex. Skills Perception +7, Stealth +10
Languages Common, Sylvan

21A. THE DWARVEN FORGE (EL 3 or 5) Duplicate (Sp): As a standard action, a tangtal can create an effect

similar to a mirror image spell (caster level 12th). This allows the
A large stone forge sits atop a tiered dais, glowing with unearthly light tangtal to create up to eight images of itself. The images can move
and heat. Black shadows dance amid the orange glow permeating the up to 30 feet away from the tangtal, but each must be within 10
chamber. feet of another image. The tangtal may use this ability once per
day and it otherwise resembles the mirror image spell.
This is where Lugas forged the mithral and adamantine weapons.
These weapons now reside in the vault previously reserved for the
ore at Location 21C. The forge’s heat is everlasting; fuelled by a Large Fire Elemental CR 5
Large Fire Elemental that is trapped within. The forge is made of hp 60 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
stone (Hardness 8; 120 hp) and if broken, the elemental tries to es-
cape. If there are any dwarves in the room at that time, it attacks
them immediately. 21B. VAULT ANTECHAMBER EL 5
Most recently, a Tangtal has made its lair here, having been
driven from her abode high in the mountains when the earthquake Two statues flank the doorway; depicting dwarf warriors. These statues
killed most of her usual game. Tangtals (also known as Dupli-Cats) hold their poleaxes to attention. On the northern wall, the imprint of
are ferocious and intelligent panthers with the ability to produce a hand is set into the stone.
several illusory images of itself to aid in hunting prey. She nor-
mally sleeps near the forge itself, but sometimes she rests in the This chamber contains two sets of traps to deter the foolhardy or
cooler areas behind the anvil in the northwest corner, where she unwary. Firstly, the dwarf statues each contain a swinging axe
prefers to take her meals. As such, bones and detritus lie scattered trap that will be set off as soon as anyone steps upon the square
behind the anvil area. There is nothing here of worth. A secret marked ‘B’. The hand imprint is the fulcrum to the door release
door is set into the north wall, disguised as part of a simple fresco and the key to disarming the trap. However, anyone standing any-
created by a dwarf artisan. It is opened by twisting the anvil one where along the north edge of the room (right up to the stone
quarter turn clockwise. The anvil itself is heavy and can only be doors either side) activates the second trap; flagstones along the
turned by a strong person (DC25 Strength Check). north end of the room slide into a hidden groove, dumping anyone
into a long and deep pit.
Tangtal (1) CR 3 The traps can be avoided and the doors unlocked by manipulat-
N (Evil tendencies) Medium Magical Beast ing the hand imprint by casting mage hand or a similar spell (Lugas
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +7


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used his Hand of the Mage to bypass the trap when he first came As unlikely as it seems (or perhaps their dwarfish greed got the
here). It is also possible to disarm all three traps using conven- better of them), the dwarves miscalculated the yield of mithral
tional means. from this mine. Because of this, this chamber was left unused.
The doors set in each end of the room are made of stone and re-
main locked until the handprint is used (Hardness 8; 60 hp each; 21E. WORK FACE (EL5)
Break DC28)
This roughly hewn cavern was once the heart of this mine. Ancient
Swinging Axe Trap (2) CR 1 cobwebs cover the rock face, obscuring the pick and chisel marks.
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC20
Trigger touch; Reset automatic Most of the mithral and adamantine was mined from here. Now
EFFECTS this cavern is the home to a colony of six spiders. The five smaller
Effects Atk +10 melee (1d8+1/x3; multiple targets (all targets in a 10- ones are web spinners, whist the larger one is a hunter. The tang-
ft line). tal knows to leave these creatures alone.

Camouflaged Pit Trap CR 3 Small Monstrous Spiders (5) CR ½

Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC20 hp 7 each (Pathfinder Bestiary)
Trigger location; Reset automatic
EFFECTS Large Monstrous Spider (1) CR 2
Effects 30-ft-deep pit (3d6 falling damage); DC20 Reflex avoids; mul- hp 30 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
tiple targets (all targets in 30-ft line). TACTICS
During Combat: The small spiders prefer to ambush their prey from
Ad-hoc xp: Award full experience to the party if they use Lugas’ above, using their Web abilities to trap their victims. The large spi-
hand of the mage or a similar spell to defeat the room. der then engages the entrapped victims hoping for easy kills.

Treasure: A mummified body of a hapless Iron League agent can

21C. VAULT A be found in the northeastern section of this cavern. A leather
satchel over his shoulder contains a map of Relford, marking the
The door opens to reveal a simple chamber. A large object, covered in entrance to this mine, the remains of some iron rations, 20gp, a
a canvas sheet sits in the centre of the room. potion of hide from animals and an arcane spell scroll containing

see invisibility, command undead and spider climb (CL 3rd). 562789

Beneath the canvas sheet is a simple but sturdy weapons rack, con-
taining a small variety of weapons. These are the mithral weapons
that Lugas forged for the Iron League. They are worth a small for-

1 mwk adamantine longsword

1mwk mithral longsword
1 mwk mithral shortsword
1 mwk mithral mace
1 mwk mithral dagger

The GM is free to add, remove or substitute the weapons listed

above, as suits their campaign.

Development: The mithral these weapons are made of is prop-

erty of the dwarf nations. Similarly, the Iron League and the cult
of Dagon also covet these weapons for their own ends. It is likely
that Barad Wolfram, Ramath Lane or Gaddin Vaas will make an at-
tempt to take the weapons from the PCs. The GM is left to devise
such an encounter; something that is likely to happen as soon as
they emerge from the mine or as soon as they return to Relford.
Ad-hoc xp: If the weapons are returned to an envoy of the dwarf
nations, award the party experience as if they had defeated a CR4

The door opens to reveal a simple chamber. It is empty.


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Refer to Map 2 for a complete map of the Daggerstone Mines and chamber acts as a cultist guard post. At Part 2, Location 1a is a
the Temple of Dagon. The Daggerstone Mines have long been a chamber where three black mastiffs lair. These dogs are vicious,
rich source of garnets, amethysts, aquamarines and some dia- well trained and are highly intelligent. They wait here and chal-
monds. Despite its yield, Daggerstone Mine is a relatively small lenge any intruders with a series of growls and barks, charging to
operation; only increasing in scope during mining booms. It was attack if any intruders linger or makes a dash for any of the other
in these mines that Cantor Daggerstone discovered the Temple of tunnels. Their kennel-lair reeks of dog odor and a number of hu-
Dagon when an earthquake partially collapsed the mine at Part 2, manoid femur bones litter the sandy floor. There is nothing here
Location 13, trapping him and a number of other miners inside. of value.
Cantor was the sole survivor of that incident and his story is de-
tailed elsewhere in this adventure. A fissure at Part 2, Location 9B Black Mastiffs (Riding Dogs) (3) CR ½
leads into a series of natural caverns that eventually connect to hp 17, 16, 16 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
the cavernous Deepearth. Up until recently, the grimlocks that oc- TACTICS
cupied these caverns have gone unnoticed, but decided to expand During Combat: The dogs are well trained, seeking to flank their
their territory once the mine was first abandoned. After a number targets. Where possible, they will overrun, seeking to knock their
of cultists went missing, Kelnor became aware of the grimlocks, opponents from their feet, if this is not possible, they will charge
but was frustrated by their natural immunity to the visual charm and/or use trip attacks to barrel their opponents over.
of the Bride of Dagon. Inspired by his success in handling the un-
dead in Daggerstone Manor, he released a cultist infected with Development: Unless they are somehow silenced or quickly in-
ghoul fever into their midst. Now, the grimlocks hunger for any capacitated, their barks or sounds of battle will attract the cultists
dead flesh they can find. Kelnor has since removed the ladders residing at Part 2, Location 2.
1291819 562790

and feeds them regularly to ensure their obedience. Kelnor will

release them when he is able to control their leader.
The Mine itself resembles an underground quarry, divided into 2. GUARD’S CAVERN (EL2 or 4)
sections by a series of plateaus and escarpments. The height dif-
ference between each plateau is approximately 30 feet and can
Despite Jek Bartollo’s threats, brigands do operate in the Dagger-
only be safely traveled via a ladder (no check required) or careful
stone Hills. This small group of brigands lives in these chambers,
climbing (DC15 Climb). Unless otherwise stated, the rocky ceiling
led by a half-orc called Razzok Halfeye. Razzok and his band were
is anywhere from 8 to 15 feet high, sloping evenly to match the
captured when they were discovered in the mine by Kelnor. The
contour of the escarpments. On occasion, a juddering, creaking
brigands were exploring the closed mine, hoping to discover any
sound echoes through the mine which is followed by rivulets of
gems left by the miners. Instead, they were taken before the Bride
dust and rubble trickling down through cracks that reach high into
of Dagon. She charmed them and Kelnor stationed them here, to
the rocks above. A claustrophobic atmosphere pervades the mine;
guard against interlopers like themselves. Their loyalty assured,
the low ceilings and wide-open spaces within the encroaching
Kelnor let them move into the entrance caverns. If Relford dis-
darkness should make the PCs feel quite vulnerable. As the GM,
cover them before the cult has had a chance to take over the set-
you should check for wandering encounters often, keeping the
tlement, Kelnor plans to use the brigands as scapegoats for Father
players on their toes. The depths of the world are a dangerous
Arden’s death.
place and adventurers should tread lightly. It is recommended that
This cavern is their common area, and the chamber is shared by
the PCs be at or very close to 2nd level before attempting to explore
Trekus, Raul and Saskar. They take their duties lightly as no-one
the Daggerstone Mines.
other than the cultists have ventured into these mines. They gen-
erally spend their time playing cards, eating or joking around while
Razzok broods in his own chamber at Part 2, Location 2A. Scat-
1. ENTRY CHAMBER (EL2) tered around the cavern are the ill-gotten gains pilfered from sev-
eral raids. It is possible to find up to 300gp worth of weapons,
This chamber once saw a lot of mining traffic: Miners would adventuring gear, as well as tools and other skill kits. There are
gather here with their fellows before making the journey into the no masterwork items of any description.
mine itself. Miners coming off shift were divested of their tools
and searched to ensure that no-one was pilfering gems from the
yield. A head count was also made for safety reasons. Now, this


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paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

wise, they surrender if two of their number is incapacitated or


Closed by the cult of Dagon, the Daggerstone Mines are infested

with Dagonspawn zombies and other dangerous beasts. The base 2A. RAZZOK’S CHAMBER (EL1)
chance of a wandering encounter is 16% in daylight and 24% at
night. If successful, roll on the following table:
This roughly hewn room was once a storage chamber for the min-
ers who worked the Daggerstone Lode. It has since been divested
d% Creature Avg EL Source
of the picks, shovels, rope and other mining equipment, and now
01-26 2 Giant Fire Beetles 1 Pathfinder Besitary it serves as the personal chamber of Razzok Halfeye. A number
27-40 1 Dagonspawn Zombie 1 See page 54 of sleeping furs have been thrown in the north corner, and a small
41-47 Bat Swarm 2 Pathfinder Bestiary crate serves as a table. Several bottles of rotgut sit on the crate
48-76 2 Dagonspawn Zombies 3 See page 54 and a number of empty bottles are strewn around the chamber.
77-84 Allip 3 Pathfinder Bonus Bestiary The area stinks of sweat and alcohol. Razzok grew up in the Dag-
85 Cruaver Eldak 4 See page 32 gerstone Hills, the son of a human woman who was a captive of
98-94 3 Dagonspawn Zombies 4 See page 54 an orc chieftain. Razzok was hated for his human ancestry (one
95-99 3 Grimlock Ghouls 4 See page 41 eye was human blue and the other was orc black) and was soon
00 Basilisk 5 Pathfinder Bestiary exiled to the human lands. Already prone to violent bouts of anger
and rage, he soon discovered that his mighty temper commanded
respect among the dregs of human society. He took to robbing
Allip: The allip is the unfortunate soul of either a miner that was
travelers and soon was commanding others to do his bidding.
trapped within the cave in, or is the restless spirit of the original
Since he was charmed by the Bride of Dagon, Razzok has been
cult of Dagon that existed here 10,000 years ago.
spoiling for a fight.
Cruaver Eldak: The weresnake from the Black Skull Inn is following
the PCs. He attempts to flee if discovered; otherwise he waits
Razzok Halfeye CR 1
until the PCs are weakened before attacking in his hybrid form.
Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1 / Rogue 1
Dagonspawn zombies: These creatures are perhaps feeding on the
CE Medium humanoid
hapless remains of some creature, or are searching for food. If
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +5
disturbed, they attack.
GrimLock Ghouls: These ghouls have made their way out of Part
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 562791

2, Location 10. They are searching for food. If disturbed, they at-
(+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
tack. hp 21 (1d12+1 plus 1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0
Trekus, Brigand CR ½
Spd 40 ft
Male Human Fighter 1
Melee dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20)
NE Medium Humanoid (Charmed Cultist)
greataxe +4 (1d12+4/x3)
hp 12 (Appendix 1, pg.53)
Before Combat Razzok will attempt to move into a space where he
Raul, Brigand CR ½
can obtain a flanking position in order to deal a sneak attack. If
Male Human Fighter 1
cornered in his chamber, Razzok will use stealth to hide behind
NE Medium Humanoid (Charmed Cultist)
the door, hoping to ambush anyone with a sneak attack before
hp 12 (Appendix 1, pg.53)
During Combat: Razzok will enter rage immediately after engaging
Saskar, Brigand CR ½
opponents in an effort to take down opponents quickly.
Male Human Rogue 1
Morale: Razzok will attempt to use his potion to stay in the fight.
NE Medium Humanoid (Charmed Cultist)
Regardless, he fights to the death.
hp 9 (Appendix 1, pg.53)
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
Before Combat: If these three hear the mastiffs barking, they will
Base Atk +1 CMB +4; CMD 16
investigate. Should they hear sounds of fighting; Trekus and Raul
Feats Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Extra Rage,
will overturn some of their crates to act as barricades, while
Martial Weapon Proficiency (All) Shield Proficiency, Simple
Saskar will attempt to warn Razzok, before slipping into the shad-
Weapon Proficiency (All)
Skills Acrobatics +4, Appraise +1, Bluff +4, Climb +5, Diplomacy -1,
During Combat: Trekus and Raul will shoot any intruders with their
Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +6, Perception +5, Ride +2, Sense
crossbows, ducking behind once they are out of bolts. Saskar will
Motive +5, Stealth +5, Survival +4, Swim +1
attempt to sneak attack any spell casters.
Languages Common, Giant, Orc
If Razzok appears from his chamber, Trekus and Raul will fight by
SQ Fast Movement +10 ft, Intimidating, Orc Ferocity, Rage (11
his side, looking to flank opponents.
rounds), Trapfinding +1 Weapon Familiarity
Morale: If Razzok is among them, they fight to their deaths. Other-


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Gear dagger, chain shirt, greataxe, hooded lantern, oil flask, potion
of cure serious wounds, traveler’s clothes Ever since the miners broke into the Deepearth passageways a
number of years ago (Part 2, Location 9b), the mines have been in-
vaded by a number of natural and unnatural predators. Since that
3. CRAWLWAY time, it has been prudent to conduct regular head-counts and
sweeps of the mines, eradicating or driving off any creatures that
have marked the mines as their territory. Since the permanent
The body of a deceased grimlock lies here, drained of blood. This
closure of the Daggerstone Mines, a number of these creatures
grimlock was a scout who was seeking aid from another tribe in
now roam the mines unchecked. One such creature is the choker
the area to help defeat the ghoul infestation which has now taken
that lives here. It has discovered that the traffic in the mine has
over the Grimlock settlement at Part 2, Location 10. The grimlock
steadily increased and it has set up a lair here, hoping to catch an
was inexperienced in the dangers of Deepearth and it was
easy meal. The choker has obtained a large aquamarine that it
wounded by the choker who lairs at area Part 2, Location 5A but
keeps in the back of the alcove. It is worth 500gp. The drop off
managed to escape. Unfortunately, a swarm of stirges from lower
the eastern side of the plateau is 60 feet.
in the mine caught the scent of the grimlock’s blood and came
after the hapless creature. The stirges attacked the grimlock in Choker (1) CR 2
Part 2, Location 4 and the dying grimlock got as far as here before
hp 21 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
bleeding out completely. TACTICS
A satchel at the grimlock’s waist contains a clay tablet showing
Before Combat The choker waits until someone is on the ladder
a rough layout of the mine, marking Part 2, Locations 10 and 11 to
leading up to this area before it attempts a grapple.
as far as Part 2, Location 5 (though the grimlock did not have time
During Combat The choker has worked out that the people who
to mark the choker at Part 2, Location 5A). Another clay tablet
work this mine rely heavily upon the ladders to traverse the es-
contains a Braille missive written in spidery undercommon asking
carpments and so it will also attempt pull up the ladder after it
for aid against the ‘deathdead hungersick’, which of course refer
has captured someone.
to the ghouls and their undead king. Both handouts are detailed
Morale: If it is clear that it is going to be killed, the choker attempts
on pg.67 & 68. Other than a crude stone axe, the unfortunate grim-
to scale the sheer cliff face to the east of its alcove.
lock had nothing else of value.
Development: So far, the choker has managed to get a number
of meals from hapless cultists. The choker speaks halting under-
4. OLD MINE FACE (EL2) common. It knows of the ‘hungree hungree’ creatures in south

west (Part 2, Location 10) and of the demon queen’s tomb to the
This area was where Cantor Daggerstone first struck it rich, pro- southeast (Part 2, Location 13). To get this information, quick
ducing a succession of precious stones gems that were the size of thinking PCs will need to bribe it with a suitable and tasty meal.
his fist. Cantor used some of that wealth to fund a larger opera- Ad-hoc xp: If the PCs manage to bribe the creature, award the
tion here, creating Relford in the process. This cavern is now PCs as if they had defeated it.
played out, however. Flitting through the darkness are three
stirges, the remains of the swarm who attacked and killed the
grimlock at Part 2, Location 3. Still not sated, they attack anyone 6. TIRELESS MINERS (EL 3)
who enters here.
Kelnor is overly eager to see the cult’s wealth increase and has
Stirges (3) CR ½
worked a number of prisoners to death. Still not finished with
hp 6, 5, 4 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
them, he has animated their corpses as either skeletons or zombies
to continue their tireless task. Six skeletons toil at this wall,
Development: If two of the stirges are killed, the third attempts
dressed in shabby clothing, wielding heavy picks and shovels. A
to flee deeper into the mine.
candle has been placed in their skulls and they burn with an eerie
glow. This is so one of the acolytes from the Temple of Dagon can
find them in the dark of the mines. They silently go about their
5. ENTRY PLATEAU business, retrieving precious stones from the mine face, placing
them in a bucket by the wall. Inside the bucket are a number of
This plateau is where the miners would break off into their as- precious stones (garnets, aquamarines, amethysts, agates, azurites
signed teams and work in various sections of the mine. As such, and hematite) to the value of 440gp.
the ground underfoot is well trodden, with pools of coarse grit
gathered in the deeper depressions. To the northeast, a rock col- Skeletons (6) CR 1/3
umn supports the roof and another ladder runs up to a higher hp 4 each (Pathfinder Bestiary)
plateau. Anyone climbing up the northeast ladder runs the risk of TACTICS
being attacked by the choker that lurks in Part 2, Location 5A. During Combat: The skeletons fight mindlessly and mechanically
until destroyed.



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7. BAT AERIE (EL 2 and 2) at Part 2, Location 13. A suitable check involving stonemasonry
(DC15) will reveal that the work was finished within the last fort-
Prior to reaching this section of the cavern, it is important to re-
mind the players about the earthquakes which rocked this area
about a year ago. Read or paraphrase the following: 9, 9A & 9B. ABANDONED MINE FACE
Dust trickles from the rock ceiling in a number of places, forming piles This chamber is the result of the discovery of several rich deposits
of sand upon the stone floor. Above you, the rock groans and creaks of precious stones, creating the biggest boom since the mines were
under enormous pressure, spilling more sand onto the floor through a first opened. The area was excavated and the stones removed as
widening split. they were discovered. The most recent excavations have taken
place at Part 2, Location 9A. An entrance to a natural cave system
Although ominous, this tremor is harmless. The sand stops flowing has opened at Part 2, Location 9B, which has allowed a number of
after the rocks give one last juddering groan. All is quiet until: denizens access to the Daggerstone Mines.
Development: Every 48 hours, the Ogre from Part 2, Location
A series of high-pitched squeaks and chitters fill the air as a cloud of 17A, led in chains by 2 cultists brings a sack of 1d3 butchered
leathery shadows engulfs you! corpses and throws them into the darkness at Part 2, Location 9B.
A number of ghouls from Part 2, Location 10 come to collect the
The bats in the aerie have been startled by the tremor and now corpses for their consumption.
they make for the mine entrance.

Bat Swarm (1)

hp 13 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
CR 2
This area was once a grimlock settlement. The grimlocks are foul,
Special: The bats are harmless and will not attack unless they are
eyeless primitives who eat raw flesh that is preferably human in
attacked first. Despite their relatively harmless nature, the swarm
origin. Since the earthquake, the natural fissure that extends be-
of bats makes a disarm attempt on anyone carrying a light source
tween Part 2, Location 9B and 10 widened, allowing the grimlocks
as they fly past. As this provokes an attack of opportunity, anyone
easier access into the mine. However, they were eventually dis-
doing so will cause the bats to attack.
covered when a lucky escapee alerted the cult of Dagon to their
presence. Knowing that the Bride of Dagon could not control them
Ahead, the cavern roof in Part 2, Location 7 suffered a partial 562793

truly, as their eyeless minds were immune to the charm of the

cave-in a few months ago, killing a number of cultists and destroy-
Bride of Dagon, Kelnor sought another, more insidious way to en-
ing the retinue of skeletons that were working the mine face.
sure their loyalty: One of his cultists had become infected with
Their remains are still wedged into the guano-spattered rocks upon
ghoul fever for having been careless within Daggerstone Manor (see
the cavern floor. The cave-in has created a vaulted ceiling that now
Part 1, Location 10). This cultist was given the task of filling the
reaches up almost 150 feet; a free space that was claimed by the
fissure with stones. Naturally, the grimlocks took him and ate him
colony of bats. A dire bat has emerged from the Deepearth and
soon after.
now broods in the darkness above. It attacks anyone who spends
It was a matter of days before the grimlocks elders became sick
more than a minute, silently diving towards its prey.
and died, only to rise as ghastly parodies of their kin, ravenously
hungry and corrupted. A number of grimlocks escaped, having
Dire Bat (1) CR 2
taken temporary refuge in Part 2, Location 11.
hp 30 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
TACTICS The grimlock ghouls are led by their chieftain, a powerful grim-
lock ghoul lord named Thraughol.
During Combat: The diving bat is treated as if it is charging. It
fights to the death.

Development: On a subsequent return to the surface, the locals 10A. COMMUNAL AREA
will report that another tremor struck Relford and a swarm of bats
erupted from the mouth of the mine. In any case, the presence of A palisade constructed of bone, bits of armor, and rusty weapons
an unstable section in the mine serves to remind the players that bound together with dried and brittle human hair stands boldly
the mine itself is unsafe. across the entrance to this cavern. This area was once a communal
area of the grimlock tribe and even then it was a ghastly place.
Countless bones lie scattered and split right across the cavern floor,
8. BAS-RELIEF half-buried in the grey dirt. The bones come from a vast variety
of humanoids; humans, bugbears, elves, drow, dwarves, gnomes,
goblins, orcs and even the occasional hill giant may be found here.
A pair of braziers with continual flame cast upon them, have been
There is also a variety of debris, from a variety of races and cul-
set up either side of the cavern wall, throwing light onto a scene
tures. There is nothing here of value.
from hell. Here, carved into the very rock are spiraling tentacles
that surround the maw of the passageway; the symbol of the
demon-lord Dagon. The symbol is an imitation of the work found


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This area is a dangerous encounter for low-level PCs. In a straight-
up fight, Thraughol the ghoul lord is an EL4 encounter by himself,
and each individual ghoul is a EL1 encounter. You may wish to con- 10D. THE CHARNEL KING (EL4+)
sult the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook to assist in ad-
justing the encounter to a CR suitable enough for your party to Thraughol sits blindly atop a mountain of decaying corpses and
handle. As a suggestion, normal ghouls have darkvision; however half-eaten body parts. The ghouls in Part 2, Location 10B will oc-
this has been replaced with blindsight and scent. Remember that casionally sneak into this cavern on all fours in an attempt to steal
these ghouls cannot see by conventional means so it may be easier a tasty morsel for themselves. Thraughol growls low in his throat
for industrious PCs to avoid being ‘seen’. Although they are undead at the appearance of any ghouls, but he knows he must keep his
and are immune to illusions, the GM may want to consider if the minions sated enough to be easily controlled. If they are spotted,
grimlock ghouls can be confused by spells such as ghost sound, si- Thraughol may mistake the PCs for hungry ghouls (something that
lence and ventriloquism (In play testing, one of the players wanted should be exploited quickly if they are to maintain the ruse). If he
to take Ventriloquism as a skill based on her background. I ruled discovers intruders, he attacks in a blind rage.
that Perform was the closest skill for her to do so. When this area
was encountered, she used her perform skill here, managing to dis- Thraughol the Charnel King CR 4
tract a number of ghouls I had placed, lurking in Location 10A. I al- Male Ghoul Lord
lowed it because it showed ingenuity and was technically not a (Tome of Horrors 2)
magical illusion). CE Medium undead
In trying to keep the challenge at a reasonable level, Thraughol is Init +2; Senses blindsight 40 ft; scent; Perception +8
missing a +4 Charisma bonus from the undead lord template and DEFENSE
Thraughol’s summon undead ability is limited to the ghouls already AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16
within the grimlock settlement. If this encounter is is too powerful (+3 Dex, +6 natural)
for your players to handle, you may wish to rule that the grimlock hp 32 (5d8+10)
ghouls are mindless eating machines and as such, flee for a full Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +7
minute should a cleric turn them successfully. This may give the Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, turn resistance +4
PCs enough time to defeat Thraughol before they return. Although DR 5/magic
they have been left in, the GM may also wish to consider removing OFFENSE

Thraughol’s Aura of Desecration or fear ability as well. Spd 30 ft. 562794

-Andrew C Gale Melee bite +5 (1d6+3 plus disease and paralysis) and 2 claws +5
(1d6+3 plus paralysis)
Special Attacks paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 13, elves are immune to
Spell-like Abilities (CL 5th)
Within each of these caves lurks a grimlock ghoul. A number of 1/day—darkness, fear (DC16), summon undead (up to 7HD of ghouls)
half-eaten body parts lie strewn through this chamber and dried TACTICS
blood has congealed in the dirt on the floor. If the ghoul senses During Combat: Thraughol uses his summon undead ability at the
intruders, it attacks. first sign of trouble and then he fights with tooth and claw, seek-
ing to spread his unnatural filth quickly and violently. If a cleric
Charnel Grimlock (Ghoul) CR 1 or paladin attempts to turn his ‘subjects’ Thraughol will use his
hp13 (Pathfinder Bestiary) fear ability in the same fashion.
Senses: Blindsight 40ft; Scent Morale: Thraughol fights until destroyed.
Str 17, Dex 17, Con —, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 14
10C. WITCHDOCTOR’S CAVE Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats Weapon Finesse, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +8, Perception +8, Stealth +8, Swim +5
This chamber has been ransacked a number of times. Various
Languages Undercommon
charms made of human bones hang from twine made from hair,
SQ Aura of Desecration, Blindsight, Command Undead (5/day DC14)
adorning various parts of the chamber. A shredded owlbear fur
Create Spawn, Scent, Undead Telepathy
lies crumbled in one corner and rotting straw covers the floor.
Buried in the soft dirt about a foot beneath the owlbear fur is a
Aura of Desecration (Su) Thraughol constantly projects an aura in
tarnished longsword. This sword once belonged to a paladin who
a 20–foot radius that functions as a permanent desecrate spell.
ventured into the Deepearth two decades ago. The paladin was
The DC to resist negative channeled energy within the area gains
captured by the grimlocks and eaten. The sword was taken by the
a +3 profane bonus. Every undead creature entering or within
young acolyte who had felt the burning cold of her blade. That
this aura gains a +1 profane bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls,
acolyte became the witchdoctor who once lived here. The sword
and saving throws. An undead creature created within or sum-
is a +1 frost longsword.
moned into such an area gains +1 hit points per HD.


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Create Spawn (Su) A creature slain by Thraughol rises in 1d4 min- ure. He of course means the +1frost longsword buried in the cave
utes as a ghoul under his control at Part 2, Location 10C. Should the PCs be successful in destroying
Disease (Su) Ghoul Fever: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 12; onset 1 day; Thraughol the Charnel King, the Grimlock witchdoctor will con-
frequency 1 day; effect 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex damage; cure 2 con- sider any entreaties in assaulting the Temple of Dagon.
secutive saves. The save DC is Charisma-based. A humanoid that
dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. A hu-
manoid who becomes a ghoul in this way retains none of the abil- 12. PRISON GROTTO
ities it possessed in life. It is not under the control of any other
ghouls, but it hungers for the flesh of the living and behaves like
An iron cage stolen from Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar has been disman-
a normal ghoul in all respects. A humanoid of 4 Hit Dice or more
tled and one of its sides leans across the grotto entrance. The bot-
rises as a Ghast.
tom of this grotto, some 90 feet down, 13 prisoners huddle here in
Undead Telepathy (Su) Thraughol can communicate telepathically
the dark, fearing their fates. These people are a mixture of Com1
with any other undead within 100 feet, including mindless undead
and Exp1 (All CR 1/3). The cult uses the Ogre from Part 2, Location
such as zombies and skeletons.
17A to move and remove the bars when more are needed for their
diabolical purposes. The cage wall is heavy, requiring a DC25
Development: Should Thraughol and the other ghouls be de-
Strength check to move it successfully. This is also the likely area
feated, the Grimlock Refugees at Part 2, Location 11 return to this
any captured or ‘left for dead’ PCs are placed. They are stripped of
cavern and hold a grudging respect for the PCs. They may even
weapons and armor which is placed in Part 3, Location 16.
be persuaded to assist the PCs in assaulting the Temple of Dagon.
Story Award: If the prisoners are escorted to safety, award ex-
Story Award: If the PCs had decided to assist the Grimlock
perience as if the party had defeated them in combat.
refugees at Part 2, Location 11, award them experience as if they
had defeated a CR4 creature.


Read or paraphrase the following:
A natural cavern gives way to a rocky and uneven passageway.
An unearthly glow fills the cavern. Two stone braziers sit either side
Within the lightless depths beneath the world, the horrors of the
of an ornate bas-relief that has been shaped to depict a nightmare:
Deepearth. Among them is Kelthuas, the kingdom of the Drow.
Carved tentacles writhe around a creature’s black maw whose gullet
This area has been left open if the GM wishes to expand on this 562795

surely leads to hell itself.

This bas-relief appears identical to Part 2, Location 8; a pair of bra-
ziers with continual flame cast upon them, have been set up either
11. STAGNANT POOL (EL 3+) side of the cavern wall. The entrance depicts the symbol of the
Demon-Lord Dagon. This is the original work completed by the
Two grimlock warriors crouch in the darkness, by the natural pillar original cult of Dagon. The bas-relief showed masterful and de-
in this area. They watch for anyone who attempts to climb down tailed craftsmanship of elf origin.
to the bottom layer of this location, attempting to ambush them A foul creature lurks in the shadows as guardian of this hellish
as they descend towards the pool. Below, another thirteen grim- gate; a giant, spiny octopus-creature known as a decapus lives in
lock huddle in the darkness, refugees fleeing their former chieftain, a vertical shaft above the tunnel behind the bas relief. It was
Thraughol the Charnel King. The grimlocks are hostile when en- charmed by the Bride of Dagon and is now a faithful guardian of
countered; but is plain to see that they are defending their mates the temple. The cultists keep the beast partially sated by feeding
and young and they are all emaciated and weak from hunger. it, but it is still voracious. It considers anyone unfamiliar to it a
potential meal; attacking those people unless they offer it a suit-
Grimlock Guards CR 1 able substitute (the cultists know to do this before passing through
hp 11 each (currently 4) (Pathfinder Bestiary) the maw for the first time).

Grimlock Juveniles & Mates (12) CR 1 The Maw of Dagon, Giant Decapus CR 4
hp 7 each (currently 2) (Pathfinder Bestiary) CE Large Aberration
(Tome of Horrors Revised)
Grimlock Witchdoctor CR 1 Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
hp 9 (currently 6) (Pathfinder Bestiary) DEFENSE
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 17
Development: If the PCs hesitate or attempt to parley, a wizened (+7 natural)
grimlock with white hair and cavernous wrinkles hobbles to the hp 34 (4d8+16)
forefront of the group. If the PCs can understand undercommon, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4
the wizened grimlock explains through needle-sharp teeth that the OFFENSE
corrupted dead stalk their homes beyond the rock to the west and Spd 10 ft; climb 30 ft.
if they destroy them, he will reward the PCs with a magical treas- Melee 1 tentacle +5 (1d6+4) or 9 tentacles +5 (1d6+4)


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Space 5ft; Reach 5ft (10ft with tentacles)

Special Attacks Improved Grab, Constrict (1d6+4)
Spell Like Abilities
At will — Illusion (As minor image, CL5th, DC13 Will save, Cha
During Combat: When the giant decapus attacks, it uses its minor
image ability (CL 5th) to make the bas-relief come to grinding
alive; the tentacles writhe and snake into the maw, which then
appears to snap shut around its intended victim. It will seem to
anyone watching, that Dagon’s Maw has claimed the unfaithful!
Morale: The decapus fights until reduced to 10 hit points or less. It
will attempt to climb further into the shaft to escape those that
are hurting it. The decapus returns after the danger has passed.
Str 18, Dex 11, Con 19 Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Alertness, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +17, Perception +5, Stealth +5
SQ Brachiation, Constrict, Giant Specimen, Illusion, Improved Grab,
Sound Imitation
Brachiation (Ex): A decapus can move through trees at its base climb
speed (30 feet per round) by using its tentacles to swing from tree
to tree. Trees used by the decapus in this manner can be no fur-
ther than 10 feet apart.
Constrict (Ex): A decapus deals tentacle damage with a successful
grapple check.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a decapus must hit a crea-
ture of any size with its tentacles. It can then attempt to start a
1291825 562796

grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportu-

nity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and auto-
matically deals tentacle damage.
Illusion (Su): At will, a decapus can create an effect identical to the
minor image spell (caster level 5th). Creatures that make a DC 13
Will save see through the illusion. The save DC is Charisma- based.
Sound Imitation (Ex): A decapus can mimic any creature it has pre-
viously encountered with near total accuracy, though it cannot
mimic humanoid speech longer than two or three words at a
time. A DC 13 Will save detects the ruse. The save DC is Charisma-
Skills: A decapus can choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if
rushed or threatened.
Giant Specimen: The decapus is a giant specimen of its kind. It has
increased AC, damage and ability scores, as described in the
Pathfinder Bestiary.

Story Award: For finding the entrance into the Temple of Dagon,
award the PCs experience as if they defeated a CR4 creature, how-
ever this is award is dependant on the style of game the GM is


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291825

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

The Temple of Dagon was a secret shrine hidden within the Temple they can.
of Mannanu in Que’eltalos. Some of Mannanu’s clergy were se-
cretly seduced by a coven of olhydrix hags, who gave them bodily Skeleton Guards (2) CR 1/3
favors and corrupted their souls with whispered promised of hp 4 each (Pathfinder Bestiary)
power. When Que’eltalos was consumed by the underwater vol- TACTICS
cano, the cult was buried along with the temple. The youngest ol- Before Combat: One of the skeletons will try and ring the gong, in
hydrix hag, —not yet an accomplished sorceress— pleaded with an effort to alert the temple.
Dagon to be spared. Dagon cursed her with immortality, making
her the divine guardian of his temple, and trapped for all eternity.
The temple was discovered when an earthquake collapsed a sec- 15. GROTTO (EL 4)
tion of the rock face (Part 2, Location 13), revealing Dagon’s Maw
and trapping several miners within. Sensing life, the Bride of
A sturdy but unlocked portcullis bars the entrance to this room.
Dagon enthralled them and set in motions for reviving the cult.
A DC22 Strength check is needed to lift the gate far enough for
As one of the remaining few of her species, the Bride of Dagon has
someone to slip under. Inside is a short tunnel that drops into a
infected a number of cultists with her young, turning their bodies
natural grotto, some 10 feet below. Brackish water fills the floor
into soulless dagonspawn zombies, in the hopes that her young
of the chamber.
matures into a young olhydrix hag. (See Appendix 2 for more in-
This grotto has been reserved as a nursery for the dagonspawn
formation about olhydrix hags and dagonspawn zombies).
zombies to disgorge their young (See Appendix 2). Given their low
Kelnor is the cult leader and is spending increasingly more time
survival rate, this chamber is keenly watched by Kelnor and the
within the Temple of Dagon. If he has not already been defeated,
1291826 562797

Bride of Dagon. The area marked ‘A’ on the map has a mass of de-
he will be encountered somewhere within the temple itself.
caying bodies here, some 27 in total. These are dagonspawn zom-
bies whose bodies have failed before producing an olhydrix hag.
Lurking in the south of this area, 3 dagonspawn zombies are in the
14. TEMPLE DOORS (EL3+) final stages of gestation. Each of them has a 1% chance of produc-
ing a young olhydrix hag. The larvae inside them are quite aggres-
These ancient doors are made of stone (4in; Hardness 8; 60 hp). sive and they attack anyone who enters.
They are ornate and well crafted, depicting a carving of Dagon
locked in a titanic struggle with Mannanu, the god of the sea. The Dagonspawn Zombies (3) CR 4
intricate detail of the carving is a masterful work. These carvings hp 12 each (pg.54)
make the doors worth 1200gp to the Church of Mannanu in Rel-
Draxa or 2000gp to a collector. However, each door weights in ex- Development: This chamber is checked regularly by servants of
cess of 900lbs each, and requires a skilled stonemason to assist the cult. Should they find anyone inside or discover that the zom-
with removing them (DC25). Most importantly, the doors are bies within have been destroyed, the Temple goes on alert, dou-
trapped; the original cultists did not want prying eyes to discover bling the chance of wandering encounters.
their secrets, so they instilled a trap to catch the unwary. Unless a
hidden catch in the carving is pressed (DC18 Perception), the trap
activates when the doors are pushed open. 16. ANCIENT ARMORY (EL3)
A new, wooden door has been affixed to a frame here and a par-
Rusty Scythe Trap CR 3 tially used (but unlit) torch is wedged into a rack in the wall. The
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC20 door is not locked. Once, before the original temple converted to
EFFECTS evil, this chamber was used by the temple guards to stow their
Trigger location; Reset automatic reset weapons and armor. This ancient armory is now a storeroom. Sev-
Effects Atk +20 melee (1d4+6/x4) eral crates of dried rations are stacked against the north wall and
a number of barrels containing rainwater are also stored here.
Development: Should intruders be discovered in the temple. These supplies once belonged to Koblin’s Bizarre Bazaar (Part 1, Lo-
Kelnor or the Bride of Dagon places two armed skeletons here. cation 17). The east section of the room has partially collapsed.
Their goal is not to stop intruders, but to raise an alarm however An allip lurks in this room; it is the maddened spirit of an elf cultist


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truding brick, situated behind one of the crates (DC15). Within the
THE TEMPLE OF DAGON – WANDERING ENCOUNTER TABLE small chamber is a skeleton of an aquatic elf. An ivory knife rests
by its bony fingers. Hanging on the back wall however is a re-
For over 10,000 years, the temple of Dagon has been as quiet as a markable find. The weapons that once belonged to the captain of
tomb. Now that a new cult has arisen, its halls are once again filled the temple guard still rest here: A trident made of narwhal ivory
with prayers to Dagon and the cries of his victims. The base chance rests behind a shield bearing an intricate design of an urchin. The
of a wandering encounter is 14% in daylight and 28% at night. If trident is a trident of warning and the shield is a +1 spined shield.
successful, roll on the following table:

d% Creature Avg EL Source

01-40 1 Dagonspawn Zombie 1 See page 54
41-47 4 Skeleton Workers 2 Pathfinder Bestiary
This partially collapsed chamber is unlit. The single door leading
48-76 2 Dagonspawn Zombies 3 See page 54
here is sturdy and locked (2in; Hardness 5; 20 hp; Break DC25). The
77-84 Chanting Monks 3 See page 53
key to the door rests behind a brick in the north wall of the pas-
85-93 3 Dagonspawn Zombies 4 See page 54
sageway, directly opposite the door (DC20 Perception). Two spears
94-98 Ogre Butcher + Cultists 4 See page 45 rest against the northwestern corner of the passageway. A hole
99 Cult Procession varies See Appendix 1 has been bored into the door, through which is threaded a stout
00 Drow Patrol 5 See below iron chain. The chain is affixed to a thick hook in the roof, and is
easily reachable. The other end of the chain is connected to an
iron collar that is clasped to the neck of a powerful ogre that lurks
Chanting Monks: These monks are on their way to Location 18 in in the dark at 17a. Within the main part of the chamber are six
the hopes of being possessed by the quasit that lives in the idol emaciated prisoners and anyone else that has been captured and
there. sentenced to death by the cult. The prisoners huddle in the dark-
Cult Procession: 2d12 Cultists solemnly make their way down the ness, terrified of the lunatic ogre. The ogre’s mind is gone and he
hallways to the Chapel of Dagon (Location 19). They carry with gibbers and bawls incessantly when left to his own devices.
them 1d6 prisoners from Part 2, Location 12. The prisoners’s fate To the cultists, the ogre is very obedient, taking his duties very
is to be transformed into dagonspawn zombies. seriously. When the cultists need to feed the grimlock ghouls or
Dagonspawn zombies: These creatures wander the halls aimlessly. the decapus (Part 2, Locations 10 and 13), the cultists come to the
If encountered by any other cultists, the cultists bow and scrape ogre and tug on the chain three times. With glee, the ogre will lo-
until these foul dead shamble past. cate one of the prisoners and drag him back to Part 3, Location 562798

Drow Patrol: Three Drow from the city of Kelthuas have managed 17A, where he forcibly dismembers the hapless prisoner by wrench-
to enter the Temple. They are searching for any evidence that ing their limbs and head off. If he behaves, he knows that he will
this cult is a threat to the Drow. A female drow Clr 2 / Ftr 1 leads be taken for a walk in the mine, to feed the pets that live in the
two males; a Ftr 1 and Rog 1. dark.
Ogre Butcher: The demented ogre from Location 17A lumbers down Koch Koblin escaped from this very chamber, leaving the remain-
the corridor, a bloody sack hangs over its lumpy shoulder and a der of his employees behind. These six men and women here;
heavy chain around its neck. Two Dagon Cultists (Cleric, Fighter, mere circus hands (Exp2; hp 4 each), are all that remain of the trav-
Monk or Rogue, as detailed in Appendix 1) accompany him. They eling circus.
are taking food to the Decapus (Part 2, Location 13) and the grim-
lock ghouls via Part 2, Location 9b. Ogre (1) CR 3
hp 29 (Pathfinder Bestiary)
who shut himself within the secret room, in a vain hope to escape Int 1
the cataclysm that befell Que’eltalos. For him, this plan worked,
but was ultimately still trapped underground and miles from the Ad-hoc xp: If they are rescued from their plight and escorted
sea. As the seawater drained away, the cultist committed suicide, from the mines, they are eternally grateful. Award the PCs as if
rather than slowly suffocate in the air. The allip has not attacked they had defeated them in combat.
any of the new cultists yet, but its jealousy and hatred for all life
is slowly getting the better of it. It appears in the north section
of the west wall and attacks anyone who enters here.
Allip (1) CR 3
hp 26 (Pathfinder Bonus Bestiary) This chamber is lit by a brazier in each corner of the room. The
TACTICS chamber itself was once a prayer room. Ancient glyphs, symbols
During Combat: If wounded, it retreats into the secret chamber and other swirling motifs adorn the dark stones, all speaking of
where its moldering bones still lie. However, it still attacks any- Dagon’s power. In the centre of this chamber a stone plinth stands
one within range of its babble ability. upon the floor, atop it rests an idol of a small winged creature.
Two hooded cultists tap their staves rhythmically upon the stone
Treasure: The secret door may be opened by pressing in a pro- floor. They are attempting to coax a quasit that lives in the statue
to possess one of them. The quasit is perched invisibly upon the


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statue, and is considering possessing one of the hapless fools and Languages Common
killing the other three. If the cultists are disturbed, they attack. SQ AC Bonus +2, Damage Reduction 10/cold iron, Demonic Quality,
Flurry of Blows, Profane, Possessed, Spell Vulnerability
Dagon Cultists (2) CR ½ Gear dagger, flint and steel, hooded lantern, monk’s robes, oil flask,
Male Human Monk 1 quarterstaff
hp 9 each (Appendix 1, pg.53) SPECIAL ABILITIES
Demonic Quality—Fast Healing 2 (Ex): The quasit-possessed monk
Quasit (1) CR 2 gains fast healing 2 as part of gaining the demon-possessed tem-
hp 13 (Pathfinder Bestiary) plate.
TACTICS Profane (Su): Each of a quasit-possessed creature’s melee attacks
During Combat: The Quasit does not enter combat immediately; with a natural or manufactured weapons deals +1d6 points of
rather it waits for several combat rounds then decides to ran- extra damage to a creature of good alignment. All of its natural
domly possess one of the cultists or one of the PCs. weapons are treated as magic and evil-aligned for overcoming
SPECIAL ABILITIES damage reduction.
Posess Creature (Su): Once per day per 2 Hit Dice, a demon may Possessed (Su): Each demon-possessed creature is inhabited by a
attempt to possess an intelligent, corporeal creature within 10 specific demon: The demon can neither control the possessed
feet as a full-round action. The target creature must succeed a creature nor read its mind and it perceives only what the pos-
Will save (DC 10 + ½ demon’s racial HD + demons Cha modifier). sessed creature does. The possessed creature’s alignment
Success stuns the demon for 1 round; failure means that the changes to chaotic evil until the possession ends. The demon is
demon joins with the target. The monks willing fail their Will in constant telepathic communication with the possessed crea-
save. A PC that fails their saving throw gains the Chaotic Evil ture, imparting its thoughts and desires regardless of language.
alignment, a +4 dex bonus and all the Special abilites listed upon To gain the possessed creature’s cooperation, the demon usually
the following stat block. A possessed character attacks their for- offers telepathic suggestions that a chaotic evil creature might
mer allies immediately. find appealing. While possessing another creature, the demon
does not have access to any of its supernatural, spell-like or ex-
Quasit-Possessed Monk CR 1 traordinary abilities. It cannot cast spells or take purely mental
Male or Female Human ex-Monk 1 actions beyond thinking and using Intelligence based skills. It
(Advanced Bestiary) cannot be targeted by any spell or effect (except as described
CE Medium humanoid (Chaos, Evil) under spell vulnerability), but it can be detected normally by div-
Init +3; Senses Perception +6 ination spells.
DEFENSE Spell Vulnerability (Ex): Certain powerful spells have special addi-
1291828 562799

AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 12 tional effects against demon-possessed creatures. These spell ef-
(+5 Dex, +2 Wis) fects must first overcome the demon’s spell resistance (if any) to
hp 9 (1d8+1); fast healing 2 have effect. A demon-possessed creature subjected to a dispel
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +4 chaos or dispel evil spell must succeed on a Will saving throw or
DR 10/cold iron; Resist poison 2, electricity 2; Spell Vulnerability (pro- lose all the modifications bestowed by the demon-possessed crea-
tection from evil/chaos) ture template for a number of rounds equal to the opponent’s
OFFENSE caster level. The demon is immediately ejected from the pos-
Spd 30 ft sessed creature’s body and appears in the nearest open square. A
Melee dagger +5 (1d4+1/19-20) demon-possessed creature subjected to a banishment spell must
quarterstaff +1 (1d6+1) succeed on a Will saving throw or lose the template until again
quarterstaff (main -3 / off -7) (1d6+1/1d6) possessed by a demon. Failure returns the demon to its home
unarmed strike +5 (1d6+1) plane, as noted in the spell description. An antimagic field or any
Special Attacks Profane antimagic effect suppresses all the effects of the demon-possessed
Spell-like Abilities (CL 1st) creature template. It also prevents the demon from communi-
At will—detect good, detect magic cating with the possessed creature, using its perceptions, and ex-
2/day— invisibility iting its body (unless it dies) for as long as the demon-possessed
TACTICS creature remains in the antimagic area. In addition, particular
During Combat: The demon-possessed cultist babbles incoherently spells can affect the weaker demon kinds. Specifically, if the
when he or she attacks. demon-possessed monk is subjected to a protection from evil or
Morale: The quasit-possessed monk fights to the death. protection from chaos spell, the demon is expelled as described
STATISTICS for dismissal, assuming that the creature fails any associated sav-
Str 13, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 ing throws and the spell penetrates the demon’s spell resistances.
Base Atk +0 CMB +7; CMD 18 If these spells are cast by the possessed creature, they have no ef-
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed fect.
Strike, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse
(Fists) Development: The cultists and the demon possessed cultists
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff -1, Climb +5, Diplomacy -1, Escape Artist may be defeated by conventional means. The quasit materializes
+9, Fly +5, Heal +2, Intimidate +3, Perception +6, Ride +5, Sense and attacks in a blind rage if the demon-possessed creature is de-
Motive +2, Stealth +11, Survival +2, Swim +1 feated, or if the statue is smashed. If it is reduced to 3 hit points


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or less, it attempts to turn into a centipede and flee into a nearby 19A. TABERNACLE AND FRESCO
crack in the wall.
At the front of the chapel, an ancient and cracked bell has been
turned into a font of unholy water. The water within the bell is
18A. CELLS brackish and cloudy, having come from the pool in Part 3, Location
23A and is filled with the Bride of Dagon’s larval young. Anyone
These small chambers contain a simple reed mat and a cushion. drinking from, or immersing themselves in this water must make
They are cells the cultists can use for private meditation, interro- a DC15 Fortitude save or contract Abyssal Ascariasis:
gation or resting.
Abyssal Ascariasis
Type disease, contact; Save Fort DC16
19. CHAPEL OF DAGON (EL 5 or 5) Onset immediate; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d2 Con, this damage cannot be healed while the creature is
infected; Cure 2 consecutive saves. Anyone who dies while infected
This shadowy chamber is lit by continual flame burning in a set of
rises as a dagonspawn zombie in 2d4 hours.
braziers set either end of the domed section of the chapel. At mid-
night, two cultists bring in an upturned, barnacle encrusted bell
Kelnor has been known to use debilitating poisons upon the vic-
supported in a wooden frame. They place the bell in the front sec-
tim to increase the chances of the victim transforming into a
tion of the chapel at ‘A’ and then kneel before it, in supplication.
dagonspawn zombie. If remove disease is cast upon the victim at
Soon after, the cultists from Relford arrive. At midnight, Kelnor
any time prior to them rising as dagonspawn zombie halts the
conducts a ritual within this chamber, offering a sacrifice or se-
process. A fresco depicting the symbol of Dagon sits on the north-
lecting a ‘fortunate’ individual to drink from the unholy waters
within the bell. If he is encountered in the chapel, Kelnor fights
fanatically; using any and every means at his disposal.
Dagon Cultists (2) CR ½ When Qe’eltalos was destroyed, a number of neighboring island
Male or Female Monk 1 kingdoms also suffered, their temples to Mannanu fell into the sea
hp 9 each (Appendix 1, pg.53) before being consumed in a fiery inferno. Some fell so far into the
Lightless Depths that they came into Thos, the realm of Dagon.
Kelnor, The Voice of Dagon CR 4 Dagon took these bells and cursed them, before instructing his min-

Male Human Cleric 5 (Dagon) ions to return them to the mortal world. These bells became known 562800

hp 39 (Appendix 1, pg.51) as Dagon’s Bells; terrible one-use artifacts that can cause destruction
on a wide scale by merely sounding them. This bell is inert; the
If Kelnor has been slain prior to encountering him here in the Bride of Dagon sounded it when she sensed excavations of the min-
Chapel, he has arisen as a Huecuva. He will be accompanied by 5 ers were nearing her temple and tomb. The earthquake spell she re-
dagonspawn zombies: leased was the one that rocked the region and trapped the miners
in her Temple.
Huecuva CR 2 Written on the bell in abyssal is a prophecy about a cursed sea-
hp 16 (Pathfinder Bonus Bestiary) captain who sailed to the watery depths of Thos rather than be de-
feated by those who betrayed him. The prophecy goes on to explain
Dagonspawn Zombies CR 1 that this sea-captain will return to those who betrayed him seeking
hp 12 each (pg.54) revenge. When all is done, he will claim a shining jewel in Dagon’s
name. This event is recounted in WG1: Temple of the Kraken, by
Development: By defeating or destroying Kelnor, the charming Sagawork Studios.
effect held over the cultists begins to waver. Any other charmed
cultists are in the room are allowed to make an additional save to
ern face of the chamber, overlooking the bell.
break the enchantment. Those that do, look around in bewilder-
ment. Some cry out and others just blankly stare as the realization
of the horrors they perpetrated finally sink in. The PCs should use
this confusion to locate and destroy the Bride of Dagon once and 20. CHAMBER OF DREAMS
for all!
Story Award: For finally defeating the Voice of Dagon, award The east and west walls are adorned with carvings of Dagon war-
experience equal to defeating a CR 3, 4 or 5 creature; depending ring against various deities and devouring various sea creatures.
on the game’s level of progression. The Bride of Dagon is a CR 6 Fourteen stone slabs, spaced at regular intervals, are lined in two
encounter; it is advised that the PCs be at or close to 3rd level be- rows of seven in the centre of the chamber. Upon each slab lays
fore attempting it. an unconscious cultist or other victim of the cult. They have drunk
from either the water in the bell at Part 3, Location 19A or from
the spawning pool at Part 3, Location 23A and are now transform-
ing into horrid dagonspawn zombie. To assist in this transforma-
tion, these victims are given mild doses of Blue Whinnis or Oil of


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Taggit. These poisons are all Cruaver’s concoctions (Part 1, Location watch her new coven grow. When they are ready, they will flood
13). One of the dreaming chosen is Jesrel (Com2); the sister of Tol- the Daggerstone Mines and rule its Lightless Depths in Dagon’s
lard (Part 1, Location 7B). It is left to the GM to decide how close name. That day is soon.
Jesrel is to becoming a dagonspawn zombie. If the Bride of Dagon senses intruders in this chamber, she will
rise silently from the pool, a writhing monstrosity and the final
guardian of Dagon’s Temple.
21. STATUARY The Bride of Dagon CR 6
Olhydrix Hag Divine Guardian
Six statues depicting various incarnations of Dagon line the walls
(Advanced Bestiary)
here. If the GM wishes to run Event K or Event L (listed under
CE Large Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic, Chaos, Evil)
Events in Relford); Barad will have collected one of the statues
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
from here. DEFENSE
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16
(+1 Dex, +6 natural)
22. KELNOR’S SANCTUM hp 32 (4d8+9); fast healing 5
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
This is Kelnor’s private chamber. A trunk sits before a demonic Defensive Abilities SR 14
statue in the northeastern corner, and a simple altar sits against OFFENSE
the centre of the north wall. The demonic statue is in fact a Gar- Spd 60 ft, swim 100 ft.
goyle that Kelnor encountered a few months ago. Kelnor offered Melee 2 Claws +9 (1d4+5) or mwk trident +10 (1d8+5/), Tentacles +9
the creature employment as the guardian of his sanctum in the (1d6+5)
mines and as a spy. The Gargoyle agreed, and has served Kelnor Face 10 ft; Reach 10 ft
well. Now it sits here, guarding this room. If anyone makes to in- Special Attacks Horrific Appearance, Charming Gaze, Improved Grab
vestigate the altar or the trunk, the gargoyle attacks. Spell Like Abilities (CL4th)
At will — dimension door
Gargoyle (1) CR 4 3/day — alarm, knock
hp 37 (Pathfinder Bestiary) 2/day — darkness
1/day — arcane lock
Treasure: The trunk contains a simple cloth sack that appears TACTICS
Before Combat: The Bride of Dagon will attempt to use its charm-
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approximately half full of coins and gems. In actual fact, the sack
is a Type II Bag of Holding and within is the wealth of the cult; some ing gaze on as many opponents as possible. Should it be suc-
2397gp in gold and gems. cessful, it will order those charmed to attack its allies or bathe
in the pool at Part 3, Location 23A.
During Combat: The Bride of Dagon attempts a grapple check on
the nearest PC. If it is successful, it activates dimension door as
23. THE BRIDE OF DAGON (EL6) a free action and moves to the bottom of the pool at Part 3, Lo-
cation 23A, where its victim possibly contracts Abyssal Ascari-
Read or paraphrase the following: asis and runs the risk of drowning. It will then activate
darkness within the pool to confound any pursuers. If anyone
The door opens into an ancient vault with pillars supporting a ceiling attempts to destroy the statue of Dagon, the Bride of Dagon
lost in shadow. Standing before a wide set of steps that lead down emerges and attacks with its trident.
through an archway, is a 15’ tall statue depicting an immense man-eel Morale: In defending the inner shrine, the Bride of Dagon fights
monstrosity with an impossibly wide maw filled with needle-sharp to the death.
teeth. Numerous suckered tentacles cover his body, two of which end STATISTICS
in finger like digits tipped with sharp talons. The steps lead down to a Str 21, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 18
pool filled with black liquid. Wraithlike smoke rises up from the surface Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 20
of the water. Feats Alertness, Power Attack
Skills Climb +7, Craft or Knowledge: (any one) +5, Perception +11,
The statue itself radiates foul evil and is explained in detail below. Sense Motive +5, Swim +7
Within the dark pool (Part 3, Location 23A); the olhydrix hag enjoys Languages Abyssal, Common
immortality as the Bride of Dagon. It is to this chamber that the SQ Ability Healing, Amphibious, Blessed Life, Darkvision, Dimension
cultists take their new abductees. Here, they bear witness to the Door, Fast Healing 5, Immunity to Mind-Affecting Effects, Immu-
fell majesty of Dagon’s power before they are charmed by the Bride nity to Disease and Poison, Sacred Site, Spell Resistance 14
of Dagon. Those that resist are either immediately consumed in Gear mwk trident
the pool or are taken to the ogre’s larder at Part 3, Location 17. SPECIAL ABILITIES
One of the last few remaining Olhydrices, the Bride of Dagon has Ability Healing (Ex): The Bride of Dagon heals 1 point of ability dam-
allowed the priest Kelnor to rise through the ranks of the cult. age per round, in each damaged ability score
Once the Bride of Dagon is certain that the future of her race is Blessed Life (Ex): The Bride of Dagon does not age or breathe. It
secured, she will dispose of Kelnor take over the cult herself, and does not require food, drink or sleep.


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Charming Gaze (Su): Any creature within 10 feet of an olhydrix hag

that meets its gaze must succeed on a DC18 Will save or be af- DESIGNERS NOTES:
fected as though charmed by a charm monster spell (CL 4th).
Dimension Door (Su): At will, the Bride of Dagon can use dimension
door to reach any location within the Temple of Dagon, but not There are a number of ways to defeat the Bride of Dagon. The first
the mine or beyond. way is to engage her in combat. The second way is to destroy the
Horrific Appearance (Su): The sight of the Bride of Dagon is so re- link that provides her immortality. When the olhydrix hag prayed to
volting that anyone (other than another hag) who sets eyes upon Dagon for her survival, it was to the statue in this very chamber that
her must succeed a DC15 Fortitude save or instantly be weakened, she prayed to.
taking 2d6 points of strength damage. This damage cannot re- In designing this adventure,the key to the Bride of Dagon’s power
duce a victim’s Strength score below 0, but anyone reduced to is alluded to in Event L; this mnemonic works especially well if Kel-
Strength 0 is helpless. Creatures that are affected by this power nor has arisen as a Hecuva after praying to Dagon for immortality.
or that successfully save against it cannot be affected again by Even if your players do not get the connection, give your players an
the same hag’s horrific appearance for 24 hours. The save DC is Intelligence check after a few rounds of combat with the Bride of
Charisma-based. Dagon, or if things are going badly for the players.
Immunity to Mind-Affecting Effects (Su): The Bride of Dagon is im- As a divine guardian, she becomes severely weakened if she moves
mune to all mind-affecting effects. too far from the statue of Dagon or if the statue is destroyed. The
Immunity to Disease and Poison (Su): The Bride of Dagon is im- likelihood of the Bride of Dagon moving beyond the Temple of
mune to disease and poison. Dagon is remote in the extreme, but it is possible should the PCs
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Bride of Dagon must hit come up with some ingenious plan to do so. Destroying the statue
a creature of equal size or smaller with its tentacles. It can then is much easier, which can be accomplished in of a number of ways:
attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an Pushing the statue down the steps will surely make it topple over
attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes and break, or it can be sundered with weapon damage. The statue
a hold and automatically deals tentacle damage. weighs over 4000 pounds and requires a combined Strength of 29
Jet (Ex): When in the water, the Bride of Dagon can jet backwards to push it 5 feet per round (Consult the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
once per round as a full-round action, at a speed of 400 feet. It Core Rulebook for rules regarding encumbrance and pushing ob-
must move in a straight line but does not provoke attacks of op- jects). Both the adamantine battleaxe (Part 1, Location 4), the
portunity while jetting. adamantine longsword (Abandoned Mine, Location 21C) are both
Sacred Site (Ex): The Bride of Dagon is assigned to guard the Temple made by Lugas, and Koch Koblin’s ring of the ram (Part 1, Location
of Dagon. If the Bride of Dagon moves beyond the stone doors at 17) are valuable items to do either: The battleaxe, longsword and the

Part 3, Location 14, the boundary defined as Dagon’s holy site, it ring can be used to simply damage the statue; or using 3 charges 562802

immediately loses the divine guardian template and any spellcast- from the ring gives the wearer enough force to push the statue 5
ing ability Dagon granted based on its class levels. The Bride of feet. The statue needs to be pushed 10 feet before it before it topples
Dagon cannot regain the template unless it atones for its failure over and smashes into smithereens. Anyone caught beneath takes
(usually by completing a quest or via an atonement spell) and re- 6d6 points of damage. Otherwise, the Statue of Dagon may be
enters the site within 1 week. Otherwise it loses the template treated as a huge inanimate object with AC 13; hardness 8; hp 84.
permanently, taking 6d6 points of Constitution drain as the years It makes no attacks and is immune to all combat maneuvers, such
of lost food, drink and sleep return to it tenfold. as trip, and overrun. Depending on how well the party is equipped
Skills: An olhydrix hag has a +8 racial bonus on any swim check to for this encounter, the Statue may also have a sonic vulnerability.
perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It may choose to
take 10 on a swim check even when distracted or endangered. It -Andrew C Gale
can use the run option while swimming, provided it swims in a
straight line. pearl from an abyssal oyster worth 800gp, a narwhal ivory stat-
uette of Mannanu worth 330gp, a wand of scorching ray (CL 3rd, 23
charges), +2 ghost touch heavy mace, a cloak of the manta ray and a
pearl of power (2nd-level spells). The GM is free to substitute, add
23A. THE HAG’S SPAWNING POOL or remove any of these items as required.

The water here is brackish and cloudy. Anyone that drinks the
water or immerse themselves in it may contract Abyssal Ascariasis THUS ENDS THE HORROR AT DAGGER ROCK.
as explained under the olhydrix hag entry in Appendix 2. This is
the same effects as the water at Part 3, Location 19A. If the Bride
of Dagon is defeated, the larval young die off in 1d6 days.
Treasure: The bottom of the pool opens into a small, lightless
cavern, some 60 ft down. There, the bones of the original cult
members lie amid the fallen masonry and jagged bedrock. Affixed
to slimy stone plinth upon the cavern floor is a decanter of endless
water; the Bride of Dagon planned to flood the mines so her prog-
eny would once again be free. The decanter is stuck with sovereign
glue. Also scattered through the rocks and dirt is 991gp, a black


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EPILOGUE AND FURTHER to be returned (if the leopard survived or was adopted by one of
the PCs), however a throaty snarl from the hunting cat is enough
ADVENTURES: to retract that demand. If the PCs did save Koch at some point,
the dwarf ringmaster,(now bearing a small beard if his dwarf
brethren showed up), will quickly tire of Relford and remind the
Once the Bride of Dagon is defeated, the enchantment she held
PCs that they are obliged to escort him to Rel-Draxa (Koch can
over those charmed cultists is no more. Shock and revulsion grips
push a promise or an obligation to the nth degree). There, Koch
these people as they come to terms with the atrocities they com-
hopes to unwind –however a series of events are about to transpire
that will have Rel-Draxa at the mercies of the very sea itself. This
The PCs can return to Relford as heroes, having earned the heart-
adventure is told in WG1: Temple of the Kraken coming soon from
felt gratitude (and in some cases grudging respect) of the locals
Sagawork Studios.
for having defeated the cult of Dagon. If Galwinn survived, he is
elected Relford’s new mayor. Galwinn’s first task is to eradicate
any foul legacies of Dagon’s cult that remain Relford. He will task
the PCs with these actions over the coming weeks. Galwinn will
move into Daggerstone Manor once it is free from its foul taint. If
Ngoa survived, the half-orc steps up as Relford’s impromptu spiri-
tual leader. He spends a large amount of time in Relford’s temple,
conducting rites to cleanse the place. Finally, he hires Zachary
Finn to rebuild the shrine of Rax before returning to the life of a
simple liveryman.
The Daggerstone Mines remain closed: The mines and the tem-
ple are still dangerous. However, Galwinn makes contact with the
dwarf nations, who promise to enter the mine and collapse the
tunnels leading to the temple and those that lead to the cavernous
Deepearth; but not before the remaining areas are cleared of their
foul taint and any prisoners released. The dwarves set up camp
along the south road to the mine, assisting the local miners to re-
claim what is rightfully theirs. They may ask for the PCs help to
do this. The dwarves also secretly investigate their ‘abandoned’
mine in the Daggerstone Hills (Part 1, Location 21). When they can 562803

see that it has been tampered with, they ask the PCs to investigate
and mediate the theft of the ore. If the PCs have come into the
possession of these weapons, the dwarves consider their actions
and may even allow the PCs to keep them, especially if they were
used in defeating the Bride of Dagon. If Gaddin Vaas or Ramath
Lane survived, they will notify the Iron League of these events. The
Iron League will send their agent out to reclaim these weapons,
by deadly force if necessary.
If the opportunity presents itself, Jek Bartollo claims the Black
Skull Inn as his own, gleefully running the Cauchemar and the
Black Skull with his savvy business acumen. He holds off on any
road-agent activity until things return to relative normalcy.
Although the earthquake has altered the region irrevocably, the
decanter of endless water in the Hag’s spawning pool (Part 3, Loca-
tion 23A) would be very useful to the people of Relford and the
people in the surrounding area. If the device is removed and
buried in a suitable location close to where the Rel River diverted,
the groundwater could be restored and the drought broken. Such
a trek would be fraught with danger; harpies and other denizens
of the Daggerstone Hills must be braved if the expedition is to be
If Koch Koblin survived, he makes his presence known and as-
sists in identifying the other ‘true’ cultists, taking personal glee in
pointing out the Farrows in their farmstead and Cruaver Eldak
from the Black Skull Inn. Koch’s wagons are eventually removed
from the corn and are repaired by anyone who can help. If the
PCs were entrusted with it, Koch also asks for his ring of the ram
back (even if the charges have been depleted). If they do not re-
turn it, he attempts to steal it from them. He also asks for Tabaxu


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Under the control of the olhydrix hag known as the Bride of Dagon, D – domain spell (Evil, Water)
the cult of Dagon has grown steadily. Additionally, a number of TACTICS
the cult’s core members now serve the Bride of Dagon willingly, Before Combat: If Kelnor is able to do so, he will try to have Unde-
rather than through her charming gaze. Leading the cult is Kelnor; tectable Alignment cast prior to meeting PCs in non-combat situ-
a middle-aged man who was posted to this region by the Church ations. If encountered in the Temple of Dagon, he will instead
of Rax. Under the watchful eye of Father Arden; then the senior prepare bulls strength in place of Undetectable Alignment. Prior
priest of the Relford temple, Kelnor suffered the ignominious and to any combat, Kelnor casts bear’s endurance, bull’s strength (if pre-
menial tasks thrust upon him as the temple’s caretaker. Kelnor pared), protection from law and shield of faith upon himself. If he
has a calm exterior, but is a bitter man given to private fits of has had time to bolster his position before entering combat, he
anger. It was by chance that he was abducted and taken before prepares animate dead in place of dispel magic and casts it within
the Bride of Dagon. Kelnor’s mind snapped when his eyes fell upon a desecrated area. He will try to establish himself in an easily de-
the hag’s horrid form. He became the Bride of Dagon’s instrument fensible position, bolstering it with Magic Circle against Good if
of Chaos upon the surface world. Kelnor has become cruel and is necessary.
now a calculating figure who orchestrates the desires of the Bride During Combat: Kelnor is not afraid to use his Channel Energy abil-
of Dagon. He killed Father Arden and covered up the murder, ity even if it means he will capture allies within its area of effect.
spreading rumors that the temple was raided by inhuman tribes He also readily casts spontaneous inflict spells if he is sure that
or brigands. Kelnor has since assumed Father Arden’s role in he does not need the spell it is replacing. If he encounters a melee
Relford, living a double life as Relford’s spiritual advisor and the class, Kelnor will cast shatter upon their weapon.
cult’s Voice of Dagon. Morale: Kelnor maintains a calm exterior despite the turmoil raging
The cult of Dagon has a large number of rank and file fanatics within him. He is in love with the Bride of Dagon and fights to
1291833 562804

that are ready to lay down their lives for the olhydrix hag and defend her. If reduced to less than 5 hit points, he will attempt
Dagon. Their statistics are given on pages 52-54. to use his Cloak of the Bat and flee.
Kelnor may be encountered in a number of places throughout STATISTICS
Relford, within the Daggerstone Mines and within the Temple of Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 15
Dagon. For ease of presentation, his statistics are presented here: Base Atk +3 CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Acrobatic, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
Kelnor, The Voice of Dagon CR 4 (Medium), Combat Casting, Command Undead (DC 14), Deceitful,
Male Human Cleric 5 (Dagon) Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency - All
CE Medium humanoid Skills Acrobatics +2, Bluff +4, Climb -2, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist
Init +1; Senses Perception +4 -1, Heal +2, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Linguistics +4,
DEFENSE Perception +4, Ride +1, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +4,
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 Survival +2, Swim -2
(+6 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Shield) Languages Common, Abyssal
hp 39 (5d8+10) SQ Aura, Channel Negative Energy (3d6, 5/day), Spontaneous Cast-
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +6 ing,
OFFENSE Gear +1 glamered scale armor, +1 heavy mace, cleric’s vestments, cloak
Spd 30 ft of the bat, holy symbol of Dagon, holy symbol of Rax, light steel
Melee +1 heavy mace +6 (1d8+3) shield, wand of cure light wounds (17 charges), Keys: Kelnor’s
Special Attacks Channel Negative Energy (DC14, 3d6); Command Un- Manse, Relford Temple and Crypt, Rax’s Shrine, Daggerstone
dead (DC14) 5/day, Spontaneous Inflict spells Manor.
Spell-like Abilities (CL 5th)
5/day—Icicle (1d6+2), Touch of Evil (2 rounds) Development: If Kelnor is killed, he arises as a Huecuva a day
Spells Prepared (Spell Save DC: 12+spell level) later and haunts either the Shrine of Rax in the Relford Temple, or
3rd – Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Good(D) the Temple of Dagon. He attacks any non cult members, spitting
2nd – Bear’s Endurance, Desecrate(D) Shatter, Undetectable Align- blasphemous curses against the gods. If encountered in the Tem-
ment ple of Dagon, he appears as he did in life, thanks to his disguise
1st – Command, Divine Favor, Obscuring Mist(D), Protection from spell. This façade drops as soon as he faces his enemies.
Law, Shield of Faith
0 – Bleed, Stabilize, Detect Magic, Guidance


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Huecuva CR 2 melee upon them.

CE Medium undead Morale: Morale varies between individuals. Charmed cultists will
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 generally surrender when disabled. Dagon Cultists are more fa-
Aura faithless (30 ft) natic and will fight to the death.
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 Str 12, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 13
(+2 Dex, +5 natural) Base Atk +0 CMB +1; CMD 10
hp 16 (3d8+3) Feats Alertness, Armor Proficiency (Light), Simple Weapon Profi-
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 ciency - All
DR 5/magic or silver; Immune undead traits Skills Acrobatics -1, Appraise -1, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Escape Artist
OFFENSE -1, Heal +1, Intimidate +1, Perception +3, Ride -1, Sense Motive +3,
Spd 30 ft. Spellcraft +3, Stealth -1, Survival +1, Swim +1
Melee 2 claws +4 (1d6+1 plus disease) Languages Common
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd) SQ Bonus Feat, Skilled
3/day—disguise self Gear club, dagger, commoner’s clothes, cultists robe, flint and steel,
STATISTICS holy symbol of Dagon, hooded lantern, oil flask, Padded Armor
Str 13, Dex 14, Con —, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (claw) Cleric Cultist CR ½
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +7 Male or Female Human Cleric 1 (Dagon)
Disease (Ex) Claw, save Fort DC 12, frequency 1d3 days/1 day, effect Init +1; Senses Perception +2
1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage, cure 2 consecutive saves. DEFENSE
The save DC is Charisma-based. AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14
Faithless (Su) The huecuva and all undead creatures within 30 feet (+4 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Shield)
receive a +2 profane bonus on Will saves made to resist channeled hp 9 (1d8+1)
energy and any effects based off that ability. This bonus stacks Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4
with channel resistance. OFFENSE
Spd 30 ft
Melee heavy mace +1 (1d8+1)
1291834 562805

dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
Special Attacks Channel Negative Energy (DC12, 1d6); Command Un-
THE ACOLYTES OF DAGON dead (DC12) 5/day, Spontaneous Inflict spells
Spell-like Abilities (CL 1st)
5/day—Icicle (1d6), Touch of Evil (1 round)
The following statistics represent the rank and file followers within
Spells Prepared (Spell Save DC: 12+spell level)
the cult of Dagon. They can be used to pad out existing encounters
1st – Command, Detect Good, Obscuring Mist (D)
or as the basis of custom-built encounters.
0 – Bleed, Stabilize, Guidance
D – domain spell (Evil, Water)
Adept Cultist CR 1/3 TACTICS
Male or Female Human Adept 1 (Dagon)
Before Combat: These cultists will attempt to cast guidance on
CE Medium humanoid
those who need it.
Init -1; Senses Perception +3
During Combat: These cultists will use Obscuring Mist to conceal
allies and use command to put adversaries within harms way.
AC 10, touch 9, flat-footed 10
Kelnor is not afraid to use his Channel Energy ability even if it
(+1 Armor, -1 Dex)
means he will capture allies within its area of effect. He also read-
hp 6 (1d6)
ily casts spontaneous inflict spells if he is sure that he does not
Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3
need the spell it is replacing. If he encounters a melee class, Kel-
nor will cast shatter upon their weapon.
Spd 30 ft
Morale: Morale varies between individuals. Charmed cultists will
Melee club +1 (1d6+1)
generally surrender when disabled. Dagon Cultists are more fa-
dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
natic and will fight to the death.
Spells Prepared (Spell Save DC: 11+spell level)
1st – Burning Hands, Sleep
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 14
0 –Stabilize, Ghost Sound, Touch of Fatigue
Base Atk +0 CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Com-
During Combat: These cultists will use sleep or burning hands to
mand Undead (DC 12), Eschew Materials, Shield Proficiency, Sim-
take out as many adversaries as possible, including allies in the
ple Weapon Proficiency - All
spells effects only if necessary. If forced into close quarter com-
Skills Acrobatics -2, Bluff +2, Climb -2, Diplomacy +2, Escape Artist -
bat, adepts will single out melee opponents and use touch of
2, Fly -2, Heal +6, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Linguis-


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tics +4, Perception +2, Ride +1, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +4, quarterstaff +1 (1d6+1)
Stealth -2, Survival +2, Swim -2 quarterstaff (main -3 / off -7) (1d6+1/1d6)
Languages Common, Abyssal unarmed strike +3 (1d6+1)
SQ Aura, Channel Negative Energy (1d6 5/day), Domain Powers, Special Attacks Stunning Fist, Flurry of Blows
Spontaneous Casting TACTICS
Gear chain shirt, cleric’s vestments, dagger, flint and steel, holy sym- During Combat: These cultists will use all manner of combat ma-
bol of Dagon, hooded lantern, heavy mace, oil flask, light shield neuvers to defeat their opponents. Also, they will try to keep
melee opponents disarmed and flanked.
Morale: Morale varies between individuals. Charmed cultists will
Fighter Cultist CR ½ generally surrender when disabled. Dagon Cultists are more fa-
CE Medium humanoid natic and will fight to the death.
Init +1; Senses Perception +3 STATISTICS
DEFENSE Str 13, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 Base Atk +0 CMB +5; CMD 16
(+4 Armor, +1 Dex) Feats Agile Maneuvers, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed
hp 12 (1d10+2) Strike, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0 (Fists)
OFFENSE Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff -1, Climb +5, Diplomacy -1, Escape Artist
Spd 30 ft +7, Fly +3, Heal +2, Intimidate +3, Perception +6, Ride +3, Sense
Melee club +4 (1d6+3) Motive +2, Stealth +7, Survival +2, Swim +1
dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20) Languages Common
longsword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) SQ AC Bonus +2, Flurry of Blows
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20) Gear dagger, flint and steel, hooded lantern, monk’s robes, oil flask,
TACTICS quarterstaff
During Combat: These cultists will engage adversaries in hand to
hand combat, using tactics such as bull rush, charge, disarm and
aid another to assist their fellows. Rogue Cultist CR ½
Morale: Morale varies between individuals. Charmed cultists will Male or Female Human Rogue 1
generally surrender when disabled. Dagon Cultists are more fa- NE Medium humanoid
natic and will fight to the death. Init +3; Senses Perception +3
1291835 562806

Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
Base Atk +1 CMB +4; CMD 15 (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Feats Alertness, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency hp 9 (1d8+1)
(Medium), Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Combat Reflexes, Martial Fort +0, Ref +5, Will -1
Weapon Proficiency (All) Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Pro- OFFENSE
ficiency (All), Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Focus Spd 30 ft
(Longsword) Melee dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20)
Skills Appraise +1 Bluff -1, Climb +1, Diplomacy -1, Escape Artist -1, sap +3 (1d6+1)
Intimidate +3, Perception +3, Ride +1, Sense Motive +2, Stealth -1, shortsword +3 (1d6+1/19-20)
Survival +4, Swim +1 Ranged: light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Languages Common Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6
SQ Bonus Feat, Skilled TACTICS
Gear crossbow bolts (x30), chain shirt, club, dagger, cult robes, flint During Combat: These cultists attempt use stealth and subterfuge
and steel, hooded lantern, light crossbow, longsword, oil flask, to flank an opponent, where they will be able to maximize their
peasant’s or traveler’s outfit sneak attack ability. They prefer to use ranged weapons over
close combat abilities in this regard.
Morale: Morale varies between individuals. Charmed cultists will
Monk Cultist CR ½ generally surrender when disabled. Dagon Cultists are more fa-
Male or Female Human Monk 1 natic and will fight to the death.
LE Medium humanoid STATISTICS
Init +3; Senses Perception +6 Str 12, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 14
DEFENSE Base Atk +0 CMB +3; CMD 14
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 Feats Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (Light), Rogue Weapon
(+3 Dex, +2 Wis) Proficiencies, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Finesse
hp 9 (1d8+1) Skills Acrobatics +6, Appraise +1, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Escape Artist
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4 +2, Fly +2, Heal -1, Intimidate +2, Perception +3, Ride +3, Sense Mo-
OFFENSE tive +3, Slight of Hand +6 Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +6
Spd 30 ft Languages Common
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20) SQ Sneak Attack +1d6 Trapfinding +1


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291835

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

Gear acid flask, crossbow bolts (30), dagger, flint and steel, hooded Skills None
lantern, light crossbow, oil flask, sap, shortsword, studded leather SQ Abyssal Vomit, Blood Drain, Mottled Skin, Speed, Lifespan
armor, thieves’ tools. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Abyssal Vomit (Su): Every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, a dagon-
spawn zombie may call upon the inky abyssal waters of Thos and
Warrior Cultist CR 1/3 vomit it from its ruined jaws. Such an attack is made at the zom-
Male or Female Human Warrior 1 bie’s base attack bonus, modified for dexterity and is considered
CE Medium humanoid a splash weapon. It has a range of 10 ft. Abyssal vomit can gen-
Init +0; Senses Perception +2 erate one of the following effects (d20):
DEFENSE d20 Result
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 13 1-15 Dagon’s Bile: deals 1d6 acid damage.
(+2 Armor, +1 Shield)
hp 12 (1d10+2) 16-18 Olhydrix Ink: contact; save Reflex DC = 10 + ½ the
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1 zombie’s Hit Dice + the zombie’s Dex modifier or be
OFFENSE blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Spd 30 ft 19 Thos Ague: contact; save Fort DC = 10 + ½ the zom-
Melee club +2 (1d6+1) bie’s Hit Dice + the zombie’s Cha modifier; onset im-
dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20) mediate; frequency 1/round; effect; target becomes
TACTICS sickened. Creatures sickened by Thos Ague also
During Combat: These cultists attempt to engage their adversaries count as good for the purposes of spells with the
in hand to hand combat. They will try to flank their opponents evil descriptor; cure 2 consecutive saves.
to assist the more capable combatants to take down their foes.
Morale: Morale varies between individuals. Charmed cultists will 20 Abyssal Ascariasis: contact; save Fort DC = 10 + ½ the
generally surrender when disabled. Dagon Cultists are more fa- zombie’s Hit Dice + the zombie’s Cha modifier; onset
natic and will fight to the death. 1d4 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d2 Con, this dam-
STATISTICS age cannot be healed while the creature is infected ;
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10 cure 2 consecutive saves. Anyone who dies while in-
Base Atk +1 CMB +2; CMD 12 fected rises as a dagonspawn zombie in 2d4 hours.
Feats Acrobatic, Alertness, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Profi-
ciency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Martial Weapon Pro-
Blood Drain (Ex): The feeder tentacle is sinuous enough to be able
1291836 562807

ficiency (All), Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency,

Tower Shield Proficiency to initiate a grapple check. If it succeeds, it drains blood from its
Skills Acrobatics +2, Fly +1, Heal -1, Intimidate +4, Perception +2, opponent, inflicting 2 points of strength damage before the
Sense Motive +1, Stealth -1, Survival -1 tongue detaches.
Languages Common Lifespan: The full gestation cycle of an olhydrix is 2d4 weeks and
Gear buckler, club, dagger, flint and steel, hooded lantern, leather only 1% of dagonspawn zombies will produce an olhydrix hag.
armor, oil flask This is because the body of the host creature generally fails before
the olhydrix can fully mature, destroying the dagonspawn zombie
and killing the immature olhydrix. Dagonspawn zombies carrying
dagonspawn zombie CR 1 a matured olhydrix find a secluded area by a tide pool or similar
NE Medium Undead water source in which to disgorge their ‘child’. Such an event
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +0 will always destroy the dagonspawn zombie. The olhydrix child
DEFENSE is identical to a mature olhydrix with the Young Creature template
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 as described in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. The
(+2 natural) young creature template is applied twice. Like its larvae form, a
hp 12 (2d8+3) young olhydrix has a voracious appetite and it soon feeds upon
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3 the remains of the dagonspawn zombie that carried it.
DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits; mottled skin Mottled Skin (Ex): The skin of a dagonspawn zombie has a reflexive
OFFENSE color-morphic quality that can be adjusted to blend in with its
Spd 30 ft surroundings. A dagonspawn zombie gains a +5 racial bonus to
Melee slam +4 (1d6+4), tongue +4 (1d6+4) stealth checks.
Special Attacks Abyssal Vomit, Blood Drain Speed: Unlike normal zombies, a dagonspawn zombie can run. In
TACTICS addition, a dagonspawn zombie does not possess the staggered
During Combat: Similar to a ghoul, a dagonspawn zombie is vora- condition.
cious in its appetite for flesh and blood.
Morale: A dagonspawn zombie fights until destroyed.
Str 17, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Toughness


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291836

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

HAG, OLHYDRIX duce a victim’s Strength score below 0, but anyone reduced to
Strength 0 is helpless. Creatures that are affected by this power
or that successfully save against it cannot be affected again by
From within the half-submerged ruins comes a creature borne of a the same hag’s horrific appearance for 24 hours. The save DC is
demon’s nightmare: Rising over 10 feet, this creature is a horrid amal- Charisma-based.
gam of a giant squid and a humanoid. The head, arms and upper torso Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an olhydrix hag must hit a
are vaguely female; needle-like teeth line her voluptuous mouth and creature of equal size or smaller with its tentacles. It can then at-
her eyes are white and pupil-less. White hair spills from her head in tempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an at-
flowing tresses, clinging wetly to her body. The creature’s lower body tack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a
tapers into that of a giant squid; its black skin glistens as it pulls itself hold and automatically deals tentacle damage.
forward on powerful tentacles that could crush a man in an instant. Jet (Ex): When in the water, an olhydrix hag can jet backwards once
per round as a full-round action, at a speed of 200 feet. It must
Hag, Olhydrix CR 5 move in a straight line but does not provoke attacks of opportu-
CE Large Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic) nity while jetting.
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6 Skills: An olhydrix hag has a +8 racial bonus on any swim check to
DEFENSE perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It may choose to
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 take 10 on a swim check even when distracted or endangered. It
(+1 Dex, +6 natural) can use the run option while swimming, provided it swims in a
hp 27 (4d8+9) straight line.

Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 562808

Defensive Abilities SR 14
Even the earliest scripts of the merfolk detail a sect of female
Spd 30 ft, swim 50 ft.
aquatic elves who had given themselves over to the evil gods of
Melee 2 Claws +9 (1d4+5) or by weapon, Tentacles +9 (1d6+5)
the deep. Calling themselves the ‘Brides of Dagon’ these elves con-
Face 10 ft; Reach 10 ft
sorted with Shrroth demons (Tome of Horrors II). Their frequent
Special Attacks Horrific Appearance, Charming Gaze, Improved Grab
and vile unions soon corrupted the elves, warping their very bod-
Spell Like Abilities (CL 4th)
ies: Their skin grew oily black and their eyes lost their pupils.
2/day — darkness
STATISTICS Their lustrous green hair bleached white, like coral in the sun and
within their voluptuous mouths grew rows of needle-like teeth.
Str 21, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14
Worse, their lower bodies tapered and twisted beyond recognition,
Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 20
becoming squid-like. These creatures were the first olhydrix; foul
Feats Alertness,
hags of the deep.
Skills Climb +7, Craft or Knowledge: (any one) +5, Perception +6,
Swim +7
Languages Abyssal, Common ECOLOGY
SQ Amphibious, Darkvision, Spell Resistance 14 As a race borne of demons, olhydrix hags have no real place in na-
ECOLOGY ture. They use other species to protect and propagate their race
Environment any subterranean or aquatic through coercion, enchantment and dark magic. It is possible for
Organization solitary, or covey (3 hags of any kind plus 1-8 ogres an olhydrix hag to mate with all manner of humanoid races; their
and 1-4 evil giants) offspring are always an olhydrix hag. After mating, an olhydrix
Treasure standard hag will lay young larvae in a special spawning pool. When a hu-
SPECIAL ABILITIES manoid creature is immersed in an olhydrix hag’s spawning pool
Charming Gaze (Su): Any creature within 10 feet of an olhydrix hag it may contract Abyssal Ascariasis:
that meets its gaze must succeed on a DC16 Will save or be af-
fected as though charmed by a charm monster spell (CL 4th). Abyssal Ascariasis
Horrific Appearance (Su): The sight of an olhydrix hag is so revolt- Type disease contact; Save Fort DC = 10 + the olhydrix’s Hit Dice +
ing that anyone (other than another hag) who sets eyes upon one the olhydrix’s Cha modifier
must succeed a DC13 Fortitude save or instantly be weakened, Onset immediate; Frequency 1/day
taking 2d6 points of strength damage. This damage cannot re- Effect 1d2 Con, this damage cannot be healed while the creature is


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291837

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

infected; Cure 2 consecutive saves. Anyone who dies while in- Mottled Skin (Ex): The skin of a dagonspawn zombie has a reflexive
fected rises as a dagonspawn zombie in 2d4 hours. color morphic quality that can be adjusted to blend in with its
surroundings. A dagonspawn zombie gains a +5 racial bonus to
This is further explained in the dagonspawn zombie entry. stealth checks.
Special Abilities: The dagonspawn has the following special abili-
Like other hags, Olhydrices can form or be part of a hag covey. Abyssal Vomit (Su): Every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, a dagon-
These foul triunes are explained in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game spawn zombie may call upon the inky, abyssal waters of Thos and
Bestiary vomit it from its ruined jaws. Such an attack is made at the zom-
bie’s base attack bonus, modified for dexterity and is considered
a splash weapon. It has a range of 10 ft. Abyssal vomit can gen-
erate one of the following effects (d20):
1-15 Dagon’s Bile: deals 1d6 acid damage.
Brittle and wiry hair spills from her head but does little to obscure her 16-18 Olhydrix Ink: contact; save Reflex DC = 10 + ½ the
horrid visage; the skin of her face and neck is dead and mottled grey. zombie’s Hit Dice + the zombie’s Dex modifier or be
Dangling obscenely from her ruined jaw, a long tentacle-like tongue blinded for 1d4 rounds.
writhes; sniffing the air, seeking food. Blind eyes stare at you with un-
erring accuracy as a low moan bubbles though the inky-black water 19 Thos Ague: contact; save Fort DC = 10 + ½ the zom-
welling in her throat. bie’s Hit Dice + the zombie’s Cha modifier; onset im-
mediate; frequency 1/round; effect; target becomes
Similar to a void zombie (Pathfinder 14: Children of the Void, pg 81), sickened. Creatures sickened by Thos Ague also
a dagonspawn zombie is a creature that is infested with the larval count as good for the purposes of spells with the
young of an olhydrix hag. They are called dagonspawn after the evil descriptor; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Shrroth demons (Tome of Horrors II) that originally sired the first 20 Abyssal Ascariasis: contact; save Fort DC = 10 + ½ the
olhydrix millennia ago. zombie’s Hit Dice + the zombie’s Cha modifier; onset
Those who perish whilst suffering Abyssal Ascariasis become 1d4 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d2 Con, this dam-
dagonspawn zombies. Within 2d4 hours of the creature’s death, age cannot be healed while the creature is infected ;
the strongest of the olhydrix’s larvae infesting the corpse worms cure 2 consecutive saves. Anyone who dies while in-

its way into the spinal fluid and eventually into the brain cavity, fected rises as a dagonspawn zombie in 2d4 hours. 562809

where it undergoes a swift gestation. During this time, the para-

site takes total control of the corpse and mutates its genetic codes
so as to best serve as a vehicle for obtaining food. As it grows, the Lifespan: The full gestation cycle of an olhydrix is 2d4 weeks and
squid-like parasite becomes too large to fit inside the skull and re- only 1% of dagonspawn zombies will produce an olhydrix hag.
locates to the creature’s stomach cavity. The parasite’s feeding ten- This is because the body of the host creature generally fails before
tacle soon grows thick enough to dislocate the creature’s jaw, the olhydrix can fully mature, destroying the dagonspawn zombie
lolling outwards like an obscene tongue. When encountered, and killing the immature olhydrix. Dagonspawn zombies carrying
dagonspawn zombies are often mistaken for ghouls. A DC 10 a matured olhydrix find a secluded area by a tide pool or similar
Knowledge: Undead can correctly identify the difference. water source in which to disgorge their ‘child’. Such an event
A dagonspawn zombie has the same statistics as a humanoid will always destroy the dagonspawn zombie. The olhydrix child
zombie with the following abilities. A full stat block may be found is identical to a mature olhydrix hag with the Young Creature tem-
on page 54. plate as described in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. The
young creature template is applied twice. Like its larvae form, a
Challenge Rating: As a normal zombie +1 (Minimum CR of 1) young olhydrix hag has a voracious appetite and it soon feeds
Speed: Unlike normal zombies, a dagonspawn zombie can run. In upon the remains of the dagonspawn zombie that carried it.
addition, a dagonspawn zombie does not possess the staggered
Attacks: In addition to its normal slam attack, a dagonspawn zom-
bie has a secondary tongue attack (the feeding tentacle of the par-
asite that hangs from the zombie’s ruined jaws) that deals 1d6
points of bite damage
Special Attacks: A dagonspawn zombie gains the following special
Blood Drain (Ex): The feeder tentacle is sinuous enough to be able
to initiate a grapple check. If it succeeds, it drains blood from its
opponent, inflicting 2 points of strength damage before the
tongue detaches.
Defensive Abilities: The dagonspawn zombie has the following de-
fensive abilities:


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291838

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

DEITY Agnostic HP 6 Melee walking stick (as club) +1 (1d6+1)
HOMELAND Al-Qamaj AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (+0Dex, +0 dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
Armor) Ranged light crossbow +0 (1d8/19-20)
Base Atk +X; CMB X; CMD X
CHARACTER TRAITS Fort +0, Ref+0, Will +4 Special Abilities Arcane Bond, Hand of the
CLASS/LEVEL Wizard 1 Apprentice (5/day +0 ranged)
Spells Known (CL 1st)
ALIGNMENT Neutral Good
1st – mage armor, sleep
INITIATIVE +0 SKILLS 0 – detect magic, light, ray of frost
SPEED 20 ft Appraise +6, Bluff +1, Climb +1, Diplomacy Arcane School: Universalist
+1, Heal +2, Intimidate +1, Knowledge: Ar-
cana +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +2,
Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +6, Survival +2,
STRENGTH 12 Swim +1


INTELLIGENCE 15 Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll

6 trail rations, alchemist's fire (flask) x2, backpack, crossbow bolts x30 (in backpack), dagger,
light crossbow (in backpack), flint and steel, hooded lantern, oil flask, scroll case, scroll of burn-
ing hands, scroll of charm person (CL 1st), spell component pouch, traveler's outfit, walking stick
(treat as a club), 28gp
1st – endure elements, mage armor, magic weapon, protection from evil, sleep, summon monster
0 – all

Balthazeus is in many ways not an average dwarf. He keeps his black beard plaited and his moustache twirled in the Qamaji style, but
bost importantly, Balt is a magesmith: A dwarf wizard and one of the few in the world with the aptitude to practice the craft. He has
heard that there are secrets of the dwarf nations buried somewhere within the Daggerstone Hills. He means to uncover those secrets
in mastering his craft.


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291839

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

DEITY Mannanu HP 10 Melee longsword +4 (1d8+2/19-20)
HOMELAND Rel-Draxa AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +5 dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20)
Armor, +2 Shield) trident +3 (1d8+2)
Ranged trident +3 (1d8+2)
CHARACTER TRAITS Fort +2, Ref+2, Will +3 Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15
CLASS/LEVEL Paladin 1 Special Abilities Aura of Good, Detect Evil,
Smite Evil 1/day (+3 to attack, +2 damage)
SPEED 30 ft Acrobatics -4, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +6, Es-
cape Artist -4, Fly -4, Heal +4, Intimidate +2,
Knowledge: Religion +4, Perception +3,
Ride +2, Sense Motive +5, Stealth -4, Sur-
STRENGTH 15 vival +1, Swim -4
INTELLIGENCE 10 Skill Focus: Heal, Weapon Focus:
WISDOM 12 Longsword

backpack, dagger, flint and steel, heavy steel shield, holy water (flask), hooded lantern,
longsword, scale mail, silver holy symbol, trail rations x3, traveler's outfit, trident, 32 gp

NOTES 562811

Joreune is the half human child of an aquatic elf, so for her, the lure of the sea has always been strong. Her mother was Aquanara the
Fish Queen; the main attraction in a travelling circus famous for its bizarre creatures and wondrous acts. When the circus was in the
port-city of Rel-Draxa, Joureune ran away and joined the church of Mannanu, hoping to become one of the elite Knights Mariner; the
Paladins of Mannanu and Rel-Draxa’s protectors. Now that day has come, Joreune has taken leave to find her mother to thank her and
to properly say good-bye.

Joreune is a hal-elf who favors her human heroitage, as such Joreune does not have the aquatic subtype.


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291840

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

DEITY Atheist HP 10 Melee longsword +2 (1d8+1/19-20)
HOMELAND Verda AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20)
Armor) Ranged comp. longbow (+1)+4 (1d8+1/x3)
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
CHARACTER TRAITS Fort +2, Ref+5, Will +2 Special Abilities Favored Enemy, Track +1,
CLASS/LEVEL Ranger 1 Wild Empathy +2
SPEED 30 ft Acrobatics +3, Bluff +1, Climb +5, Diplo-
macy +1, Disable Device +4, Escape Artist
+3, Fly +3, Handle Animal +5, Heal +2, In-
ABILITIES timidate +5, Knowledge: Nature +4, Percep-
STRENGTH 12 tion +6, Ride +3, Sense Motive +2, Stealth
DEXTERITY 17 +7, Survival +6, Swim +1
INTELLIGENCE 10 Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
antitoxin, arrows x20, composite longbow (Str +1), dagger, hooded lantern, leather armor,
longsword, oil flask, smokestick, tanglefoot bag, tindertwig x10, trail rations x4, traveler's out-
fit, 16gp

NOTES 562812

Llander is a bounty hunter, before that, he was the second in command to one of the largest outlaw bands in Verda. Llander’s first suc-
cessful mission as a bounty hunter was leading his outlaw comrades into an ambush of Verdan Ranger Knights. He was paid handsomely
for the deed. Since that day, Llander has wandered south, competing in several Marksman’s Tourneys, using the winnings to fuel nights
of drunken debauch. Finally tired of such pursuits, Llander has made his way to Rel-Draxa, where some merchant or other seeks some-
one to investigate the Daggerstone Mining operation: Apparently, the mine’s yield has dropped dramatically and the merchant wants
to find out where his money has gone. Llander hopes that this hunt will give him the excitement he is yearning for.


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DEITY Ancestor Worship HP 8 Melee great axe +3 (1d12+4/x3)
HOMELAND Trackless Isles AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 shortsword +3 (1d6+3/19-20)
Armor) dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +0 (1d8/19-20)
CHARACTER TRAITS Fort +0, Ref+3, Will +2 dagger +0 (1d4+1/19-20)
CLASS/LEVEL Bard 1 Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Special Abilities Bardic Knowledge +1, Bardic
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good
Performance (countersong, distraction,
INITIATIVE +1 SKILLS fascinate, inspire courage +1)
SPEED 30 ft Acrobatics +3, Appraise +1, Bluff +2, Climb Spells Known (CL 1st)
+5, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +3, Fly -1, 1st (2/day) – cure light wounds, summon
Intimidate +4, Knowledge: History +6, Per- monster 1
ABILITIES ception +4, Perform: Tribal Dance +6, Ride 0 – detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand
STRENGTH 16 +1, Stealth +3, Swim +1
INTELLIGENCE 13 Arcane Strike
backpack, crossbow bolts x30, chain shirt, greataxe 12lbs hooded lantern, light crossbow, spell
component pouch, sunrod x3, tindertwig x10, throwing daggers x5, trail rations,traveler's out-
fit, 24gp


NOTES 562813

Brought up by the tribal people that live in the Trackless Isles, Rongo knows little of his true heritage. Despite looking different, the
Mjaori tribes always treated him as an equal and saw his great strength a boon of the spirits. When Rongo came of age and the tamoko
tattoos were placed upon his face, he heard the spirits calling to him for the first time. With the haka; the tribal dance of his people
Rongo can channel this spirit energy to do many wondrous things. But it is the spirit that resides within him that does not rest. Rongo
has left the Trackless Isles, coming north into the civilised lands. Rongo has come to Relford to speak with another half-breed such as
he is, to learn more of the spirits that guide him.


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paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010


(Permission is given to photocopy all of the handouts contained in this module)

(Dated 13 months ago)

Hangover today: I drank too much Cauchemar whiskey. (Dated 12 days after the earthquake)
Galwinn was kind enough to let me sleep. I missed today’s I went up to Daggerstone Manor to register a new claim
roster. Garrod: You’re a damn fool for drinking too much! I am scouting in the western section of the hills. However,
I cannot raise anyone at the door. As a matter of fact, I
have not seen Cantor and his lady wife since the quake.
(Dated later in the same in the day) Surely they have not locked themselves in their house?
Disaster! An earthquake has caused part of the mine to Their shutters are closed and their doors are locked.
collapse. Cantor Daggerstone was down there working and Strange.
he is among those trapped. Despite my frailties, I de-
scended to see what aid I could offer. We can hear them
digging on the other side. (Dated 16 days after the earthquake)
The flow of the Rel River has been reduced to a trickle.
It is late spring and there are no leaves on the trees yet. I
(Dated 3 days later) asked Galwinn about it, he says that the land has changed
It has been three days. The sound of digging is weaker since the earthquake. This is ominous news indeed. Gal-
and less distinct. They are running out of air. I have winn said that he is going to range the area to try and
barely slept. find out what has happened. I will go with him I think; I
need to get out of Relford for a bit.

(Date is crossed out)

I woke up in the Miner’s Rest this morning. Galwinn says (Dated 20 days after the earthquake)
I collapsed and was brought out. I went to the mine again, The earthquake has changed the very nature of the land;
but the foreman would not let me dig. He said that both Galwinn and I followed the path of the Rel River up 562814

there’d already been enough accidents for one day. I’m off into the hills, close to the mountains. A landslide has de-
to the Cauchemar. stroyed the waterfall here, diverting the river further
north. Its new course takes it some miles from Relford.
This is bad news indeed.
(Dated 6 days after the earthquake)
Cantor was brought out of the mine today, at dusk. Of
those poor workers, he was the only survivor. I saw him, (Dated 24 days after the earthquake)
being helped up to his manor. There was a wild and It is as if we have arrived in a town alien to us, but this
haunted look about him. Those with him looked similarly is Relford. All the miners’ tents are gone from the south-
haunted. The mine is still shut. ern road leading to the mine and the Miner’s Rest is
empty, except for me and Galwinn, that is. Galwinn has
not talked much since returning. He said he needed to do
(Dated 7 days after the earthquake) some thinking so he went outside to chop wood. I need to
I awoke at dawn, eager to see the mines for myself. My think as well, so I am off to the Cauchemar.
strength has returned and I vow that I shall put away the
bottle. Some of the miners were gathered by the old oak.
Cantor has decreed that the mines are to remain shut (Dated 25 days after the earthquake)
pending a geological survey by some official in Rel-Draxa. My money pouch is gone and I have a splitting headache,
A lot of us do not know what to do in the meantime. thanks to a lump the side of a goose egg on the back of my
skull. Galwinn says that I was brought in last night by
three of Jek’s Boys, Vaskar, Crais and Tollard I think. Jek
(Dated 8 days after the earthquake) is the owner of the Cauchemar. Apparently, the whiskey
The level in the Rel River has dropped. Trout and other I drank did not agree with me and I took a tumble off the
fish flop in the mud. bridge. I don’t remember it. I reckon I’ve been robbed.


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(Dated 1 month after the earthquake) (Several pages have been ripped out)
I went up to the Temple to pray; it has been a month
since the earthquake. I saw that farmer; Craddoc Farrow
(Dated 4 months and 20 days after the earthquake)
talking with the new priest…Kelnor is his name. He is a
Worked for the Livery today. Ngoa is a native from the
cleric in the Church of Rax I hear. Their church built the
hotter regions, but his face betrays his half-breed ancestry.
temple here back when Relford was just a few tents and
I was shoveling hay in the loft when I noticed that a num-
bark huts. Father Arden is away in Rel-Draxa and is due
ber of mummified animals hang from the rafters. What
to return in a few months. There is something about Kel-
manner of vile gods does he follow?
nor I do not like.

(Dated 6 months and 11 days after the earthquake)

(Dated 1 month and 7 days after the earthquake)
The Day of the Unhallowed. Apparently the Cauchemar
At the temple again. If Craddoc is a man of Tychas, why
is named after a demon horse ridden by hellish knight that
does Craddoc now pray in the shrine of Rax? I would have
once terrorized this area. Jek normally celebrates Unhal-
thought his wife would have had something to say about
lowed Eve by offering tours of his cellar, where the horse’s
that, the pious woman she is. I forget her name. Come to
hoof prints are supposedly burnt into the ground. I don’t
think of it, I saw Barad the Blacksmith and Davven Se-
believe it of course, but the whiskey is good.
ward in Rax’s shrine too.

(Same day)
(Dated 1 ½ months after the earthquake)
Jek is not celebrating Unhallowed Eve this year; however
Work is scarce around Relford. Galwinn allows me to
I do not believe that anyone is surprised. Galwinn came
stay on at the Miner’s Rest, but I can tell that my presence
back from the hills this evening, saying that he found the
is taking a toll. I have taken to doing odd jobs around
corpses of three travelers. They were killed by the Harpies
1291844 that nest on Dagger Rock. 562815

(Dated 2 months after the earthquake)

(A number of pages have become faded and unreadable)
Garik Karel’s oxen are a problem; they keep on knocking
over the low stone wall surrounding his yard and getting
into the small cornfields that Craddoc has sown. Garik has (Dated 7 months and 1 day after the earthquake)
paid me to repair the wall, but it is hard work and I am I am shaking. I was taking a shortcut back to the Miner’s
no stonemason. I saw Craddoc’s wife looking out from an Rest. This route takes me by the edge of Craddoc’s farm.
upstairs window in their farmhouse. I thought nothing of I was almost to the road by the Old Oak when I heard a
it until I looked over some hours later and saw her still strangled yelp. Squatting hunched in a ditch was who I
standing there, watching. Very strange: Was she watching believe to be Mrs. Farrow, Craddoc’s wife. She was dressed
me? in a filthy shift and her black, bedraggled hair obscured
her face. Thinking her to be in trouble, I was about to go
to her, but one of Craddoc’s sons emerged from their
(Dated 3 months after the earthquake) darkened farmhouse, dressed in a nightshift, carrying a
I have now realized that a number of people have just lantern. He was making soft crooning noises as he ap-
simply disappeared. A number houses stand empty, as if proached his mother, who seemed not to have noticed his
their entire families have fled in the night. approach. It was only when he reached her that she
jumped; dropping into what can only be described as a
feral posture. Putting an arm around her, Craddoc’s son
(Dated 3 and a half months after the earthquake) escorted the woman slowly back into their home. It was
Galwinn tells me that Cantor and Elise Daggerstone have
only after they had gone, that I realized that the woman
suffered a stroke. They now rest in their beds and Kelnor
was hunched over the corpse a small dog; several bites had
has food brought to them from the Black Skull Inn. There
been taken out of its flesh. I stood, bile rising in my throat
is no word on the Geologists yet.
until I heard the door to the farmhouse open again. It was
Craddoc himself this time, carrying a shovel. I watched as


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he took the remains of the dog and buried it by the old Hills. For want of a better explanation, I believe him, but
tree in the corner of his property. I also think that they have already infected the town with
their evil ways. I told Zachary about their dog and im-
plored that he and his family leave Relford as soon as pos-
(Dated 7 months and 2 days after the earthquake) sible.
I told Galwinn of my encounter. I do not think he be-
lieved me. There is something bad going on here, I can feel
it. I found some money in an old sock and I went to the (Dated the same day)
Cauchemar to buy a meal; their food always cheers me. It Garik Karel only just returned and has left town again
was on the way that I ran into the Finns. Zachary runs in a terrible hurry, after Evaine, the madam of the bor-
the Wainwright and is Relford’s carpenter. His little girl dello spoke with him. She has a haunted look upon her
was in tears; their dog had run away. Realization hit me face. I am going to implore anyone who will listen to leave
then and I lost my appetite. I did not have the heart to Relford.
tell them what I saw. My nerves are on edge and I am
afraid to go to out after dark.
(Dated the same day)
Galwinn is an obstinate fool. As his friend, I fear for him
(Dated 8 months after the earthquake) greatly, but I also fear for my own safety and anyone else
We awoke this morning to find a gaudy circus has ar- that has come to this accursed place.
rived in Relford. Called the Bizarre Bazaar, this sideshow
supposedly contains all manner of creatures to astound
and amaze. However, there is something about them; a
hard edge and a fey quality, as if they do not belong on (Undated)
this earth. The circus owner, a bizarre clean-shaven dwarf Despite the murder, the circus is still here. I will go to
with a square jaw, a ragged top hat and a faded brocade them tonight, just after nightfall and warn them to leave.
coat, paraded a cadre of his sideshow attractions around
1291845 562816

town with much pomp and fanfare.

(Undated, shaky handwriting)
I do not know what has happened to this place. I went
(Dated the same day) and sat in the dead woodlands to the south of Relford,
I am glad to see that Father Arden has returned to trying to muster the courage needed to face Koch Koblin
Relford today also. I will make it my business to see him and his Bizarre Bazaar. No one believes me. It was then
as soon as possible. Evil has gripped Relford, I am sure of I noticed robed figures stealing through the shadows ahead
it. of me, surrounding the circus. They silently stormed the
circle of caravans, pinning the circus folk to the ground
and foully slaying anyone who resisted. These robed men
(Dated the same day) and women then took their prisoners south, through the
The Bizarre Bazaar is a sorry affair, although some of trees.
the acts are quite good: ‘Iorgos the Bear’ is a man who
contains limitless strength and bestial power. Also, Aqua- I considered backtracking and grabbing Galwinn, but I
nara the Fish Queen has a beautiful voice. She appears to was afraid that I would lose them. They must have been
be an elf, but is unlike any I have previously encountered; the devil worshippers that Kelnor was talking about. This
her skin is green. procession entered the Daggerstone mines, guided by
lanterns they had obviously stowed by the entrance. It
was an easy matter to follow them through the dark, un-
(Dated 7 months and 3 days after the earthquake) derground passageways, as I remembered the mine’s lay-
A terrible thing has happened. Father Arden has been out quite well.
found murdered. His body was found in the street, naked However, I was not ready for the sight I beheld.
in a pool of his own blood, with hellish sigils carved into The procession was led to the cave-in where Cantor
his flesh. Lugas’ Smithy has also burnt in the night; Lugas Daggerstone and the other unfortunate miners had be-
and his family perishing in the blaze. Kelnor is claiming come trapped in the earthquake. There, upon the rock
devil worshippers have taken residence in the Daggerstone was carved a hellish maw that that looked as if it had al-


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291845

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010

ways been there. The procession disappeared inside and I

was loathing following them, however curiosity got the
better of me and after a swig of whiskey, I followed too.
The maw led into an ancient passageway, with carvings
etched into the walls. They depicted alien creatures that
swam in the water, much like the singing elf in the Bizarre
Bazaar. The procession continued, carrying its struggling
prisoners, deep into the far reaches of what must me some
ancient temple to a god whose vileness has been long for-
I nearly lost myself within those alien corridors, until I
at last emerged into a wide, pillared chamber. There, a
statue of a hideous demon leered at a black pool. The
robed cultists knelt in supplication before a tall man, who
clutched a sacrificial knife above the body of the hapless elf
singer, before driving it home into her breast. Two cultists
lifted the dying elf into the black water, which churned at
the action of some nameless horror that lurked beneath
the surface.
The terror within me was palpable; I barely noticed that
I was standing too close to a brazier and my coat had
caught fire. I removed it as quickly as I could and I ran
blindly into the darkness. I cannot say for certain if those
vile demon-worshippers saw my face, but they must surely
know that an intruder was in their midst.
I ran through the darkness, barely noticing that I 562817

emerged from the mine until I fell down the ravine where
the Rel River once flowed. I crawled down and slept for a
time under the stone bridge. Strangely, I feel safe down

Sun is coming up, but it fills me with little hope. I can
see the circus wagons are gone: They’ve been taken. It is
not safe here and I fear for Relford. There is a number of
mines on the outside of town, I might see if there is one I
can use as a bolt hole for the time being.

(Last Entry)
It is safer here. I did not tell Galwinn I was leaving.
Feeling very tired; my chest hurts and my left arm is
numb, but I expect that is because of these cramped con-
ditions. As abhorrent as the concept is, I’ll spend the night
in this crawl mine and then begin my journey to the city
tomorrow. There has to be someone that can help Relford.

Gods, I need a drink.


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291846

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010


Dear Mr. Bartollo,

I hope that this missive finds you well Sir,

We too, felt the earthquake here in Rel-Draxa , the docks were briefly
swamped by abnormal tidal patterns and the city walls have cracked
in no less than three places.

I am familiar with the Daggerstone Mines and I am sure that Relford’s 562818

plight is a desperate one . However, I can assure you that we retain no

record of any such investigation being conducted or scheduled for the
immediate future . If such an investigation is to take place , I suggest that
the controlling interest of the mine make a written application to our
offices. According to our records, that individual remains Cantor Dag-
gerstone; a resident of Relford .

Emet Malachus
Esteemed Geologists Guild
Rel-Draxa , Western Shore .


paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291847

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010



Since your departure, things have gone from bad to worse. Relford as a settlement almost ceases
to be and we cling desperately to a vain hope that the evils that have beset us over the last year will
be forgotten. 562819

However, they are not. We are in dire need of someone to help us and I beseech you to either return
to Relford so we may battle this malaise together, or find someone who can help us, in this dark

You are a worthy friend and ally, Garrod.



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1291850 562821


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paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010


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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arne-
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC. Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC. Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bonus Bestiary Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC. Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder 14: Children of the Void Copyright 2008, Paizo Publishing, LLC. Author: Mike McArtor
Advanced Bestiary Copyright 2004 Green Ronin Publishing LLC; Author Matthew Sernett
Decapus from the Tome of Horrors Revised, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jean Wells
Dagon from the Tome of Horrors Revised, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene
Thos from the Tome of Horrors Revised, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene
Shrroth Demon from Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene; Additional Authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson,
Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawinger, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook.
Tangtal (Dupli-cat) from Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene; Additional Authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson,
Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawinger, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook.
Undead (Ghoul) Lord from Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene; Additional Authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson,
Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawinger, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook.
Horror at Dagger Rock Copyright 2009, Sagawork Studios; Author Andrew C Gale



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7b 7b
17 9 HALL
18 OLD 11
X 18
13 INN
1291852 562823

14 18


Dead Tree

EL: 90FT

Rocky Hill

EL: 60FT
EL: 60FT
Stream EL: 1080FT
Stone Wall ROCK

Gully EL: 120FT EL: 120FT

Mound MINE

=30ft EL: 60FT EL: 90FT

EL: 90FT

paizo.com #1577950, Marco Aiello <moa081579@yahoo.com>, Dec 15, 2010 1291852
MAP 2:
2a 2 1
1a a 21

6 5a a 17 a a
a a
S a a
5 16

Mine Entrance

Ladder 8

Bench Seat 13
Rock Column

Rubble 12

Escarpment 9b

Stagnant Pool b
b a
Statue d 10
b b
= 10 feet e

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