Communicative English
Communicative English
Communicative English
Course Description: The course is designed to enable students to enhance their ability to
speak and write the language (and use English) required for effective communication in their
professional work. Students will practice their skills in verbal and written English during
clinical and classroom experience.
At the end of the course the students will be able to,
1. identify the significance of Communicative English for healthcare professionals.
2. apply the concepts and principles of English Language use in professional
development such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, paraphrasing, voice
modulation, Spelling, pause and silence.
3. demonstrate attentive listening in different hypothetical situations.
4. converse effectively, appropriately and timely within the given context and the
individual or team they are communicating with either face to face or by other means.
5. read, interpret and comprehend content in text, flow sheet, framework, figures, tables,
reports, anecdotes etc.
6. analyse the situation and apply critical thinking strategies.
7. enhance expressions through writing skills.
8. apply LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) Skill in combination to
learn, teach, educate and share information, ideas and results.
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching learning methods Assessment Teacher
(hours) Objectives Methods responsible
I 3 identify the Communication Definitions with examples, Checking for
significance of What is communication? illustrations and understanding
communicative What are communication roles of explanations through tasks
English listeners, speakers, readers and writers as Identifying competencies/
healthcare professionals? communicative strategies in
Reading excerpts on the
above and interpreting them
through tasks
II 5 describe concepts Introduction to LSRGW Exercises on listening to Through = check
and principles of L – Listening: Different types of listening news, announcements, your
Language S – Speaking: Understanding Consonants, telephone conversations and understanding
(English) use in Vowels, Word and Sentence Stress, instructions from others exercises
professional Intonation Information on fundamentals
development such R – Reading: Medical vocabulary, of Speech – Consonant,
as pronunciation, Gr – Grammar: Understanding tenses, Vowel, Stress and Intonation
vocabulary, linkers with tasks based on these
grammar, W – Writing simple sentences and short through audio/video and texts
paraphrasing, paragraphs – emphasis on correct Reading a medical dictionary/
voice modulation, glossary of medical terms with
spelling, pause grammar matching exercises
and silence Information on tenses and
basic concepts of correct
grammar through fill in the
blanks, true/false questions
III 5 demonstrate Attentive Listening Listening to announcements, Checking
attentive listening Focusing on listening in different situations news, documentaries with tasks individually
in different – announcements, descriptions, narratives, based on listening against correct
hypothetical instructions, discussions, demonstrations With multiple choice, Yes/No answers
situations Reproducing Verbatim and fill in the blank activities Listening for
Listening to academic talks/ lectures specific
Listening to presentation information
Listening for
overall meaning
and instructions
Listening to
attitudes and
Listening to
audio, video and
identify key
IV 9 Converse Speaking – Effective Conversation Different types of speaking Individual and
effectively, Conversation situations – informal, formal activities related to the group/peer
appropriately and and neutral content assessment
timely within the Factors influencing way of speaking – Guided with prompts and through live
given context and setting, topic, social relationship, attitude free discussions speaking tests
the individual or and language Presentation techniques Presentation of
team they are Greetings, introductions, requesting, Talking to peers and other situation in
communicating asking for and giving permission, speaking adults. emergency and
with either face to personally and casual conversations Talking to patients and Patient routine
face or other Asking for information, giving attenders Handoff
means instructions and directions Talking to other healthcare Reporting in
Agreeing and disagreeing, giving opinions professionals doctors/nurses‘
Describing people, places, events and Classroom conversation rounds
things, narrating, reporting & reaching Scenario based learning Case presentation
conclusions tasks Face to face oral
Evaluating and comparing communication
Complaints and suggestions Speaking
Telephone conversations individually
Delivering presentations (Nurse to
doctor) and to
others in the
V 5 Read, interpret Reading Detailed tasks and exercises Reading/
and comprehend Reading strategies, reading notes and on reading for information, summarizing/
content in text, messages inference and evaluation justifying answers
flow sheet, Reading relevant articles and news items Vocabulary games and orally
framework, Vocabulary for everyday activities, puzzles for medical lexis Patient document
figures, tables, abbreviations and medical vocabulary Grammar activities Doctor‘s
reports, anecdotes Understanding visuals, graphs, figures and prescription of
notes on instructions care
Reading reports and interpreting them Journal/news
Using idioms and phrases, spotting errors, reading and
vocabulary for presentations interpretation
Remedial Grammar Notes/Reports
VI 5 Enhance Writing Skills Writing tasks with focus on Paper based
expressions Writing patient history task fulfilment, coherence and assessment by the
through writing Note taking cohesion, appropriate teacher/ trainer
skills Summarising vocabulary and correct against set band
Anecdotal records grammar descriptors
Presentation of
Letter writing Guided and free tasks situation
Diary/Journal writing Different kinds of letter Documentation
Report writing writing tasks Report writing
Paper writing skills Paper writing
Abstract writing skills
Letter writing
VI 8 Apply LSRW LSRW Skills Valuating different Consolidated
I Skill in Critical thinking strategies for listening options/multiple answers and assessment orally
combination to and reading interpreting decisions through and through
learn, teach, Oral reports, presentations situational activities written
educate and share Writing instructions, letters and reports Demonstration – individually tasks/exercises
information, ideas Error analysis regarding LSRW and in groups
and results Group Discussion
Role Play
Writing reports
Internal assessment plan
1. Test paper
Term Exam Unit Marks Date
2. Assignments
Internal assessment plan
Assignment average :
Exam average :
Total :