Information: Memory Limit
Information: Memory Limit
Information: Memory Limit
Memory limit
The limit is 512 MiB for each problem.
Submissions limit
You can submit at most 50 solutions for each problem.
You can submit a solution to each task at most once per 30 seconds. This restriction does not apply in
the last 15 minutes of the contest round.
Each problem consists of several subtasks. The subtask score is awarded if all tests in the subtask are
The number of points scored for the problem is the total number of points scored on each of its subtasks.
The score for the subtask is the maximum number of points earned for this subtask among all the solutions
To get feedback for your solution, go to “Runs” tab in PCMS2 Web Client and use “View Feedback” link.
In each problem of the contest you will see the score for each subtask, or the verdict for the first failed
The contestants’ scoreboard is available during the contest. Use “Monitor” link in PCMS2 Web Client to
access the scoreboard. The standings provided in PCMS2 Web Client are not final.
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Innopolis Open 2019-2020, qualification, contest 1
Russia, Innopolis, November, 24, 2019
Tintin neither drinks tea, nor coffee. He drinks only pure water, moreover the temperature of water has to
be exactly x◦ C, otherwise Tintin can get burned, or get cold. He was very glad, when he had discovered
a water cooler with pure water. In the cooler manual it says that on pressing the red button the cooler
pours a milliliters of 100◦ C water, and on pressing the blue button — b milliliters of 0◦ C water.
Tintin knowsthat mixing n milliliters of 100◦ C water and m milliliters of 0◦ C water result into n + m
milliliters of n+m C water.
Tintin saves pure water, he wants to pour x◦ C water into his 1000-milliliter bottle, without wasting any
water. What is the maximum volume of water in milliliters Tintin can pour into his bottle, by pressing
red and blue buttons of the water cooler.
The first line contains a single integer a (1 ≤ a ≤ 1000) — the volume of 100◦ C water in milliliters poured
on pressing the red button.
The second line contains a single integer b (1 ≤ b ≤ 1000) — the volume of 0◦ C water in milliliters poured
on pressing the red button.
The third line contains a single integer x (0 ≤ x ≤ 100) — the required temperature of water.
Print single integer — the maximum volume of x◦ C water in milliliters that Tintin can pour.
Testing data for this problem consists of 20 test cases. For solving each test case you are awarded 5 points.
Total score is the total sum of points for all test cases. The testing result for each test case is shown.
standard input standard output
10 1000
100 0
15 750
In the first example Tintin can press the red button 30 times, and the blue one 35 times, then it fills his
bottle with 1000 milliliters of 30◦ C water.
In the second example there is no way to get any water using only 1000-milliliter bottle.
In the third example Tintin can press the red button 20 times, and the blue one 18 times, then there are
750 milliliters of 40◦ C water in the bottle. Tintin can’t get more 40◦ C water into his bottle.
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Innopolis Open 2019-2020, qualification, contest 1
Russia, Innopolis, November, 24, 2019
Recently Innopolis University students have learnt data structures for searching strings, one of which was
prefix tree or trie. Trie is a data structure that stores a set of strings as a rooted tree.
The tree has the following structure. Each edge of the tree is labeled with a single letter, there are no two
edges labeled with the same letter that come out of each node. Each string can be read walking along
some path from root to some vertex.
For instance, we can build a trie for strings “min”, “trie”, “task”, and “mini”, and it looks like this:
m t
i r a
n i s
i e k
After the class professor gave the following homework: given a set of strings, your task is to replace some
letters, so that the trie has the minimum number of nodes. What is the minimum number of replacements
required for that? Students easily solved the task, can you do the same?
The first line contains a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100 000) — the number of strings in the given set.
The following n lines contain strings from the set. Strings consist of lowercase English letters, the length
of each string doesn’t exceed 100 000.
The total length of all strings in the set doesn’t exceed 1 000 000.
Print a single integer — the minimum number of replacements required to make a trie of minimum possible
Subtask Score Constraints
1 12 n=2
2 14 n=3
3 15 string lengths are 2
4 24 strings consist of letters ‘a’ and ‘b’
5 35 no additional constraint
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Innopolis Open 2019-2020, qualification, contest 1
Russia, Innopolis, November, 24, 2019
standard input standard output
4 8
In the given example one of the ways to solve the task is to make three replacements in “trie” and get
“mine”, in “task” make four replacements and get “mine”, and in “mini” make one replacement and get
“mine”. The total number of replacements done is 8.
This results in set: “min”, “mine”, “mine”, and “mine”.
The trie built for this set is on the picture, it consists of 5 nodes.
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Innopolis Open 2019-2020, qualification, contest 1
Russia, Innopolis, November, 24, 2019
In Innopolis, construction and modernization continues. Recently, they started to use the new automatic
painting system for fences.
As initial data, the system was given a set of segments [li , ri ], which should be painted, these segments
could intersect. The system analyzed the data, and calculated that the total length of the fence that
should be painted is k meters (if the section of the fence belongs to several segments, it still needs to be
painted only once).
Unfortunately, due to an error in the program, during the data analysis, the file with the source data was
corrupted. Namely, the system took all the numbers li and ri , put them in the same array xi , and sorted
it in ascending order, losing the original order, as well as information about which number is the left and
which is the right border of a segment.
You need to try to restore the original segments by the number k and the set of numbers xi , or say that
the system failed and this is impossible.
The first line contains two integers n and k (1 ≤ n ≤ 7000; 0 ≤ k ≤ 30 000), the number of segments and
the total length of the painted part of the fence, respectively.
The second line contains 2 · n integers x1 , x2 , . . . , x2n (0 ≤ xi ≤ 30 000), the coordinates of the ends of the
segments in sorted order. It is guaranteed, that all coordinates are different.
If the correct plan does not exist, then in the first line output the word “No” .
Otherwise, in the first line output the word “Yes”.
In the next n lines print two numbers each, the indices in the array xi corresponding to the left and right
border of the next segment. The indices are numbered from 1.
If there are several correct answers, print any.
Subtask Points Constraints
1 7 xi = i − 1
2 11 xi − xi−1 = x2 − x1 and x1 = 0
3 22 n ≤ 100; k, xi ≤ 1000
4 26 n ≤ 1000; k, xi ≤ 5000
5 34 no additional constraint
standard input standard output
4 9 Yes
0 1 3 5 8 9 10 12 4 5
1 2
3 6
7 8
3 2 No
1 2 3 4 5 6
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Innopolis Open 2019-2020, qualification, contest 1
Russia, Innopolis, November, 24, 2019
In the first example, the plan contains the following segments: [5, 8], [0, 1], [3, 9], and [10, 12]. The total
length of the painted part of the fence is 9.
In the second example, there is no configuration of segments with given ends, at which the total length
of the painted part will be equal to 2.
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Innopolis Open 2019-2020, qualification, contest 1
Russia, Innopolis, November, 24, 2019
You are given two integers k and s. Build a set of s-bit numbers from 0 to 2s − 1, such that the number
of different values among bitwise “AND”s of all numbers in all non-empty subsets of your set is exactly k.
A bitwise “AND” is an operation applied to two or more numbers. Consider two integers a and b in
binary: a = as−1 as−2 . . . a1 a0 , b = bs−1 bs−2 . . . b1 b0 (we can assume that both a and b have exactly s
bits, maybe with leading zeros). The result of bitwise “AND” of these two integers is a s-bit integer
c = a&b = cs−1 cs−2 . . . c1 c0 , where ci is equal to 1, if ai = 1 and bi = 1, and 0, if at least one of ai or bi is
0. For example, the bitwise “AND” of 29 (111012 ) and 11 (010112 ) is equal to 9 (010012 ).
In case of more than two numbers, the result of the bitwise “AND” is calculated by subsequently applying
the bitwise “AND” to the first and the second number, then to the result of the first “AND” and the third
number, and so on. If the subset only contains one number, then the result is that number.
The only line in the input contains two integers k and s (k ≥ 1) — the required number of different “AND”
values and the number of bits you can use for your numbers.
The first line should contains the number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 125) — the size of your set. The second line should
contains the numbers in your set, separated by spaces. All numbers must be between 0 and 2s −1 inclusive.
It’s guaranteed that an answer exists for all given input data.
Subtask Score Constraints
1 7 s = 10, k ≤ 10
2 10 s = 30, k ≤ 27
3 11 s = 60, k ≤ 210
4 11 s = 60, k ≤ 215
5 12 s = 60, k ≤ 218
6 16 s = 60, k ≤ 219
7 10 s = 60, k ≤ 220
8 8 s = 50, k ≤ 220
9 15 s = 40, k ≤ 220
standard input standard output
6 10 3
9 6 10
Numbers in the example output are 9 = 10012 , 6 = 01102 , 10 = 10102 . There are six different “AND”
values for all subsets of these three numbers: 9, 6, 10, 8 = 9 & 10, 2 = 10 & 6, 0 = 9 & 6 = 9 & 6 & 10.
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Innopolis Open 2019-2020, qualification, contest 1
Russia, Innopolis, November, 24, 2019
Problem E. Stamp
Time limit: 1 second
Memory limit: 512 megabytes
Designer Arseny wants to draw a new brilliant logo. For a special conceptuality, Arseny decided that he
would use a special stamp for his drawing. A stamp is a rectangle h × w, each cell of which is either empty
or filled with a coloring element. When the stamp touches the paper, each coloring element fills the cell
over which it is located. For aesthetic reasons, you cannot rotate the stamp.
Arseny wants the logo to be a rectangle completely filled with paint, but Arseniy has not yet determined
the optimal dimensions of the rectangle. First, he wants to find the rectangle of the minimum area that
can be obtained. Help him find such a rectangle.
The first line contains the integers h and w (1 ≤ h, w ≤ 3000) — the height and width of the stamp.
The following h lines of w characters contain a description of the stamp, the character ‘.’ corresponds to
an empty cell, the character ‘X’ corresponds to a cell with a coloring element.
It is guaranteed that the corner cells of the stamp are nonempty.
Print two integers — the height and width of the rectangle of the minimum area, which can be obtained
using this stamp.
Subtask Score Constraints
1 16 h, w ≤ 10
2 17 h, w ≤ 100
3 28 h, w ≤ 500
4 19 h, w ≤ 1000
5 20 h, w ≤ 3000
standard input standard output
4 3 5 4
5 6 7 9
1 1 1 1
Illustration for the first example.
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Innopolis Open 2019-2020, qualification, contest 1
Russia, Innopolis, November, 24, 2019
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